
Pork kidney pickle recipes. Pickle with kidneys and pearl barley

Rassolnik is a soup, an indispensable ingredient of which are pickles. It is cooked on meat and fish broths, as well as on vegetable broths (vegetarian). When cooking, it should be borne in mind that the beef broth is clear, and the pork broth is cloudy. Rassolnik with kidneys is cooked in pork ribs broth. Kidneys can be taken both pork and beef.

To prepare pickle, you need to take ready-made meat broth, pork or beef kidneys, onions, pickles, potatoes, flour, melted butter, herbs and parsley root, black peppercorns, salt, cucumber pickle and sour cream.

Peel the pickled cucumbers, cut lengthwise into 4 parts, remove the seeds, and finely chop the flesh across. Do not throw away the skin and seeds!

Peel the kidneys from films and excess fat, cut in half, rinse, pour cold water and soak for 2-3 hours, periodically changing the water.

Wash the kidneys, pour boiling water 2-3 times for 1 minute and wash again.

Pour the kidneys with a small amount of boiling water and boil until soft (about 1–1.5 hours).

Cut the finished kidneys into thin slices. Strain the decoction.

Bring the meat broth to a boil and put in it the skin and cores of pickles, pepper and 1 peeled parsley root. Boil the broth for 20 minutes and then strain.

Peel potatoes and cut into cubes.

Pour the potatoes with a small amount of boiling water and boil until semi-soft. In no case should you put the potatoes directly into the meat broth, as the sourness from the cucumbers can make it hard!

Pour the prepared slices of pickles with a small amount of meat broth and cook for 10 minutes.

Peel the onion, cut in half, and then chop each half into thin half rings.

Saute the onion in oil.

The remaining parsley root is peeled and grated on a coarse grater or cut into strips.

Sauté parsley in oil.

Combine browned parsley root with onion, pour in a little meat broth and simmer for 7-8 minutes.

Pour flour into a dry frying pan and dry, avoiding color change.

Dilute the flour passerovka with a decoction of cucumbers and mix so that there are no lumps.

Pour a decoction of the kidneys into the meat broth, put the potatoes together with the liquid and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Add browned onions and parsley root, poached cucumbers and diluted flour browning. Boil the pickle for 10-15 minutes, pour in the cucumber pickle, salt to taste and bring to a boil. Instead of salt, you can add dry vegetable seasoning to the soup.

When serving, put a portion of kidneys, sour cream and sprinkle with chopped parsley on each plate.

To prepare a delicious classic pickle, in addition to pickles, pearl barley and pork kidneys are often used.

Pork or beef kidneys - 0.5 kg
Onion - 1 pc.
Carrots - 1 pc.
Parsley or celery root - a small piece
Pickled cucumber - 2 pcs
Cucumber pickle - 200 ml
Barley - 100 gr
Potatoes - 4-5 pcs
Vegetable oil
Salt, pepper, bay leaf
Dill - 2-3 sprigs

Kidneys are a rather specific product, so their preparation requires a special approach. Rinse them well, remove all fat, cut in half and soak in cold water for 2-3 hours.

Drain the water in which the kidneys were soaked, pour fresh water over medium heat and bring to a boil. Then drain the water and rinse the kidneys again. Pour 1.5 liters of cold water into a saucepan, put prepared kidneys in it, add bay leaf, lightly salt, bring to a boil and leave to cook over low heat for an hour and a half. If after the second boiling a sharp specific smell persists, you need to repeat the procedure for draining the water and washing the kidneys again.

Rinse the barley and pour cold water over it. It should soak for at least an hour.
When the kidneys are cooked, they need to be removed from the broth, strain the broth and pour the soaked barley into it. Add salt to taste, and simmer for 30 minutes.
Finely chop the onion and celery root, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Saute vegetables with a small amount of vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes until softened.

Then add the kidneys, cut into small slices, into the pan. Continue simmering for another 5 minutes.

Then add pickled cucumbers cut into small cubes into the pan, simmer for another 5 minutes.

Pour the cucumber brine into the pan and bring to a boil.

When the barley is almost ready, pour the potatoes cut into small cubes into the pan. Cook for 10 minutes, then put the contents of the pan into the pan, add a little ground black pepper. Cook the soup for another 5 minutes.

Pour the finished pickle with kidneys and pearl barley into portioned plates, add a little finely chopped dill to each plate. You can also put a tablespoon of sour cream in each plate.

I like to cook dishes from offal (liver, lungs, heart and kidneys). Such dishes are not very high in calories, but at the same time are saturated with useful microelements.

I always try to buy the internal organs of young animals, but somehow I came across kidneys, in all likelihood from an old animal. As a result, the pickle was spoiled, and it had to be given to the dogs.

Conclusion: Buy offal from a trusted seller who will honestly tell you what animal they come from. If you are not sure about the quality of offal, then it is better not to buy them.

The impression of pickle with kidneys is mediocre. I liked the pickle "Leningradsky" more and from canned fish.

But, nevertheless, I will describe the cooking process, and it’s up to you to decide whether to start such a long-cooked dish.

The original composition of the products.

As we see our future dish, it has the following composition: pig liver, potatoes, pearl barley, cucumber, onion, carrots and seasoning.

Step-by-step description with a photo of pickle with kidneys.

1. Preparation of the kidneys from the photo.

We take fresh kidneys, cut them along to the middle. Then you need to remove the film from them and clean them of fat.

We wash the prepared kidneys in cold water, put them in a bowl and pour cold water for 3 hours.

Why do you need to soak the kidneys? This must be done in order to remove a specific smell from them. After all, everyone knows that the kidneys act as a filter in which all sorts of unnecessary substances settle.

Every hour the water should be changed to fresh.

It's been 3 hours. Drain the water and cut each kidney (across) into 4 equal parts. We put it in a saucepan, fill it with cold water, turn on strong gas and wait for the mass to boil.

As soon as the contents of the pan begin to boil, reduce the heat to medium. Remove the resulting foam and cook for 10 minutes.

10 minutes have passed, drain the broth, wash the kidneys in cold water and set to boil again. To do this, the poached kidneys need to be poured again with cold water 3 cm above the product, turn on a strong fire. As soon as the liquid boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat to medium. We need the broth to boil slightly.

Cooking time for kidneys - 1.5 - 2 hours. Even at a low boil, splatters fly out of my pan, so I inserted a toothpick, thereby making it easier for the steam to escape.

2. Preparation of barley with a photo.

I don’t pre-soak barley, but boil it right away. But first it must be washed twice in cold water, and only then pour it again with cold water and put on the stove. Turn on the fire and cook for 25 minutes from the moment of boiling.

3. Preparation of pickles with a photo.

Cucumbers also deserve considerable attention, and you will have to work with them.

First, let's decide what kind of cucumbers you have. If the seeds are young and soft, then they can not be removed. If the cucumbers are old, then the seeds need to be cleaned, because. they will not be of any use in the dish, but will only irritate with their rigid structure.

Remove the peel if the cucumber is old. If a cucumber (like mine is young), then I cut it without peeling it.

After the cucumbers are prepared, they need to be cut into layers. Then we dissolve the layers into sticks and only then the mode is cubes 0.7 cm thick.

Put the sliced ​​cucumbers in a saucepan, fill with cold water so that it slightly covers them. We turn on the gas and cook for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling.

4. Cooking frying with a photo.

We start frying after the kidneys have been cooked for 1.5 - 2 hours. Take them out of the pan and cool. Each chilled piece must be cut lengthwise into 3 layers 0.7 - 1 cm thick. Then we dissolve these layers into cubes of equal size.

Onions are peeled, washed in water and cut into 2 halves. Cut each half lengthwise into sticks, and then across into cubes.

The onion is chopped, you can start frying. To do this, pour 5 tbsp into the pan. spoons of sunflower oil, turn on the gas and wait for it to heat up. Add the onion and fry over high heat for 3 minutes, stirring constantly.

After 3 minutes, add chopped, boiled kidneys and fry for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

Lay the last grated carrots on a medium grater. Reduce the gas to medium and fry the mixture for another 10 - 15 minutes.

5. We collect pickle.

Barley is cooked, it must be washed in cold water and put in a colander - let the water drain. We wash the potatoes in water, peel and cut into 1 cm thick cubes.

In a 3-liter saucepan, lay the washed, boiled barley. Then fill it with 2 liters of 350 ml of cold water, turn on the gas and wait for it to boil.

As soon as the water boils, add salt to it with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and fall asleep potatoes. The potatoes will cook for about 10 minutes.

As soon as the potatoes are cooked, add the frying to the pan and cook everything for 5 minutes, from the moment of boiling.

After 5 minutes, add the poached pickles to the ingredients. There is a small nuance here.

Cucumbers can be added along with the brine, but on the condition that you do not oversalt your pickle. To do this, first lay the cucumbers, try the broth for salt, and only then add the brine in portions. At the same time, try the broth every time - we cannot oversalt it.

As soon as the cucumbers are in the pan, add the spices, bay leaf, reduce the heat and simmer the pickle over low heat for 10 minutes.

Here is our pickle with kidneys ready. It must be served strictly with sour cream, otherwise the taste will not be very good.

Delicious pickle with kidneys is ready!

Bon appetit!

Few people know the recipe for pickle with pearl barley and kidneys. After all, most of us are used to making such a dish using beef meat or beef bones. However, soup using offal is no less satisfying and tasty. To verify this, we suggest doing it yourself.

Even the most inexperienced housewife can make the first dish called "pickle" on her own. After all, there is nothing complicated in preparing such a dinner. To do this, you only need to stock up on the following products:

Food preparation

As you can see, the barley and kidney pickle recipe requires the use of only simple and affordable ingredients. And before you cook such a dish, you should process them all well. First you need to rinse the pearl barley and fill it with plain water. It will swell in a few hours, and you will need much less time to heat it. After a short exposure, pearl barley needs to be boiled in salt water until fully cooked and rinsed thoroughly.

As for the remaining ingredients, they should also be processed. Pork or beef kidneys must be washed, peeled and cut into medium pieces. All vegetables, including cucumbers, also need to be chopped.

Sauteing products

To make a delicious pickle with pearl barley and kidneys, you should definitely add sautéed vegetables to it. To do this, carrots and onions are placed in a frying pan with oil and fried until golden brown and the ingredients are soft. At the end, they need to be seasoned with pepper and salt.

Soup cooking on the stove

Pickle with cucumbers and pearl barley should be cooked in stages. First you need to boil water, and then put the kidneys into it and remove the resulting foam. After the product has been boiled for half an hour, potatoes, pickled cucumbers and boiled pearl barley must be added to it. Also, the broth should be peppered to taste, salted, and then put lavrushka into it. If desired, cucumber brine can also be poured into the soup.

After all the ingredients are cooked, they need to lay out fresh herbs and previously browned vegetables. In this form, the broth is recommended to boil for another 7 minutes, and then tightly close and insist for ¼ hour.

How to serve soup at the dinner table?

Now you know the recipe for pickle with pearl barley and kidneys. After the soup is completely ready and infused under the lid, it must be laid out on plates and immediately presented to the household. In addition to such a dinner, it is recommended to serve a piece of white bread and fresh sour cream. Enjoy your meal!

Classic pickle: a step by step recipe

If you do not like soup cooked with offal, then you can make such a first course in the classic way. For this we need:

  • pickled or pickled spicy cucumbers - about 3 pcs.;
  • meat on beef bone - about 500 g;
  • medium-sized potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • small juicy carrot - 1 pc.;
  • white onion - 2 pcs.;
  • barley - about 50 g;
  • any greens - on a small branch;
  • bay leaf, black peppercorns, salt - use to taste.

Food preparation

The classic pickle is easier to prepare than the one made using various offal and offal. To cook it yourself, you should process pearl barley in the evening. It must be thoroughly washed, and then soaked in cool water and left in this state overnight. In the morning, it is recommended to boil the cereal in plenty of water, rinse well and shake vigorously.

You should also wash the beef bone separately, chop the onion, potatoes and grate the carrots. In addition, you need to cut pickled cucumbers into cubes.

Cooking a dish

After processing the cereal, as well as other ingredients, you should fill the pan with water and bring it to a boil. Next, you need to lower the beef bone into the dishes and cook it for a whole hour (with the addition of salt). During this time, the meat should be fully cooked. It must be removed, cooled and cut into medium pieces.

As for the broth, barley, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, parsley and onions are required to be dipped into it. After mixing the ingredients, they should be cooked for 25 minutes. After the named time has passed, it is necessary to pour fresh herbs into the broth, as well as pepper and boiled meat. After that, the soup must be removed from the stove and left covered for ¼ hours.

We serve the first course to the table

As you can see, the classic pickle is prepared quite easily and quickly. After the soup has been infused for some time under the lid, it must be poured into plates and served hot for dinner. If desired, such a dish can be additionally flavored with black pepper, herbs, as well as sour cream or mayonnaise. It is desirable to present it to the table along with black or gray bread. Enjoy your meal!

To prepare this soup, you need to take kidneys, pickles, potatoes, pearl barley and greens.

So that the broth does not have a specific smell and taste, the kidneys must be carefully prepared. We wash the kidneys well in cold water, after which we cut off the films and fat. After that, you should soak the kidneys in cold water for several hours - try to change the water every hour - at least three times in total.

After the kidneys get wet enough, they can be poured with boiling water and boiled over medium heat. After about half an hour, remove the finished kidneys from the pan, cool and cut into thin slices. The water in which the kidneys were boiled can be poured out.

Before preparing pickle with kidneys, pearl barley should be steamed. To do this, wash the cereal several times in warm water, then fill it with boiling water and leave to steam for 30 minutes. As soon as the water cools, it should be drained and filled with fresh boiling water.

Pour prepared kidneys with hot water - about one and a half liters and cook on medium heat for another 20 minutes. After that, add pearl barley to the pickle with kidneys and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

During this time, it is necessary to peel the potatoes and cut them into medium pieces - about 2x2 cm.

We clean the carrots, wash and rub on a coarse grater.

Cut the onion into half rings and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. After that, add carrots to the onion and fry for a few more minutes. Immediately add to the soup and continue to cook until the potatoes are tender.

We rub pickled cucumbers on a coarse grater, if the skin is very hard, it can be cut off. Dill, parsley or celery - to taste, cut finely and add to the soup along with cucumbers and brine.

Let the soup boil, put the bay leaf, close the pan and remove from heat.

Serve the finished pickle with kidneys and pearl barley to the table with finely chopped herbs and a spoonful of sour cream. Bon appetit!
