
How much to cook sausages after boiling. Features of cooking delicious sausages, sausages, other similar sausages

It would seem that what could be, how to cook sausages for breakfast or lunch? The dish is simple, but simplicity has its own nuances. Therefore, it does not hurt for novice housewives, bachelors and students to know useful tricks in cooking sausages.

Despite the fact that the sausage product is simple and unsophisticated in preparation, incidents often occur during cooking. If the product is digested, it will burst and boil out, having completely lost its taste, and the undercooked one will be raw.

It should be borne in mind that sausages in a casing made of film and natural raw materials are cooked for different times:

  • for cooking in a saucepan, sausages must be dipped in boiling water and cooked until fully cooked. For these purposes, a small saucepan, ladle or stewpan is suitable. It is even easier to pull it out with tongs or a fork without damaging the shell;
  • sausages in a cellophane film are best cleaned before cooking. When hot, it is difficult to remove the shell and not burn yourself. Dip the peeled sausages into boiling water and cook for 3-4 minutes over medium heat;
  • sausages in a natural casing cannot be cleaned. They cook for the same amount of time.

You should not overstay sausages in hot water. Any semi-finished meat product is an almost ready-made dish that needs only a few minutes to be fully cooked. Prolonged heat treatment will lead to the fact that the dish will lose its taste.

The slow cooker has become an almost universal kitchen gadget. With its help, you can cook any dish. And sausages are no exception.

For boiling you need to take:

  • sausages - 6 pieces;
  • water - 3 measuring cups.

If sausage products are in an artificial film, it must be removed before heat treatment. The protein coat does not need to be removed. Distribute prepared sausages evenly in a slow cooker, pour in water and cover with a lid. The dish must be cooked in the “steam cooking” mode, 10 minutes after the water starts to boil.

For the easiest way to cook sausages in the microwave, you will need the following:

  • sausages - 6 pieces;
  • water - 2 l;
  • lavrushka, pepper and salt - to taste;
  • special glassware for microwave cooking.

Pour water into a glass pan or bowl and put sausages in it. If they are in an artificial shell, then before cooking it must be removed - after strong heating, the cellophane will shrink and it will be inconvenient to remove it. Adjust the amount of water depending on whether it completely covers the sausages, if not enough, add more.

Add bay leaf, pepper and salt to the water, other spices to taste. Put the container in the oven, set either the “warming up” or “cooking meat” mode. If heating is selected, then cook sausages at full power for 3-4 minutes. With more product, the cooking time should be increased. In the “cooking meat” mode, cook sausages for no more than 5 minutes.

At the end of cooking, drain the water, put the sausages on a plate and season to taste with ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise or any other sauce.

Cooking with a steamer

The steamer is the ideal tool for those who prefer to cook the healthiest possible meals. So why not steam sausages

This requires the following ingredients:

  • sausages or sausages - 5-6 pieces;
  • water - 0.6-0.7 l (depending on the brand of the double boiler and its capacity).

Start the cooking process by cleaning sausages from films. If the shells are natural, then they can not be removed from the product. Place the sausages in the steamer basket, fill the water container, place the sausage basket on top and close the lid. Depending on the brand of equipment, set the appropriate mode and time. Suitable cooking mode for meat and meat products, time - 10-12 minutes. The time is counted after the water starts to boil. After cooking, carefully remove the sausages and serve with cereals, potatoes or a vegetable side dish.

How to cook frozen sausages

An indisputable advantage of semi-finished meat products is that they can be frozen without the slightest damage. There is no harm to the taste and structure of the product. It is absolutely not necessary to defrost sausages before cooking. They can be laid out in boiling water in a frozen state. The cooking time at the same time increases to 15 minutes after re-boiling.

Original cooking sausages with spaghetti

Tired of the usual spaghetti with sausages? You can cook an original and unused dish - spaghetti a la pizza.

The necessary ingredients are available and will always be found in the refrigerator:

  • spaghetti - 0.4 kg (one standard package);
  • sausages, sausages or sausages - 0.6 kg;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 140 g;
  • cheese - 200 g;
  • any greens to taste;
  • a little oil to grease the parchment.

Boil spaghetti in salted water and drain in a colander. While the pasta is draining, cut the semi-finished meat into rings or cubes, cut the cheese into thin slices or chop with a grater. Beat the eggs, add a tablespoon of mayonnaise to them.

Place a piece of parchment paper greased with oil on a baking sheet. Put the boiled spaghetti around - this will be the basis of the pizza. Pour the egg-mayonnaise mixture over the base, put sausage slices on top, pour over the remaining mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese. Place a baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake until golden brown. Sprinkle the finished dish with finely chopped herbs and serve, cut into portions.

Secrets of cooking sausages so that they do not burst

There are a few simple tricks that will help avoid violating the integrity of the product shell:

The shell of the semi-finished product will not burst if it is laid out in cold salt water. Heat to a boil, but do not boil further.

Before lowering into boiling water, prick the sausage with a fork or a sharp knife in 2-3 places.

Alternatively, whole sausages can be steamed. Fill a tall saucepan halfway with water, place a sieve over it, or place several forks or spoons crosswise. Put on a sieve or hang semi-finished meat products by threads to forks. Once the water boils, cook the sausages for five minutes.

There are a lot of recipes where you can use semi-finished meat products. And at the same time, it is important that the product retains its taste and integrity. By following some simple tips, it is easy to get a properly prepared product.

Sausages are one of the easiest foods to cook. However, the Internet is replete with questions, how to cook sausages? Let's try to figure it out.

An easy way to cook sausages

We need: a saucepan, water, stove, sausages.

  1. Pour cold water into a saucepan and place on the stove.
  2. We remove the film from the sausages (if it is non-food and easily removed) and put them on a plate.
  3. When the water boils - immerse the sausages in the pan - reduce the gas.
  4. We wait from 2 to 10 minutes. Most often, sausages are cooked for 5 minutes.

The cooking time should be indicated on the package of sausages. Or we just check their readiness ourselves - we pierce them with a fork. Properly cooked sausages will be soft.

Some advise immediately immersing the sausages in the pan, without waiting for the water to boil. But in this case, sausages can soften prematurely and lose their shape and elasticity.

Sometimes they salt the water in which sausages are boiled. It does not make sense to do this, since sausages are a semi-finished product, which already includes some flavors, including salt.

How to cook sausages in the microwave

We will need: microwave, plate, ketchup, mustard, sausages.

  1. We clean the sausages from the film.
  2. I put them on a plate.
  3. Top with ketchup and/or mustard.
  4. We put a plate with sausages in the microwave for 3-5 minutes.

By the way, you can pour sausages with ketchup after the microwave, as you like. If you want the sausages to be juicier, add a little water to the bottom of the plate.

How to cook frozen sausages

Just like regular ones. Only frozen sausages should be immersed in the pan immediately, without waiting for the water to boil. They need to be able to boil. And the film, of course, will have to be removed after cooking, after cooling the sausages.

Sausages are perfect with bread, pasta, ketchup and mustard. They are perfect for a snack or a full meal. If you want to surprise your loved ones with the original preparation of sausages, then read on.

Original sausages

We will need: a wide saucepan, water, stove, sausages, spaghetti, salt.

  1. We put a pot of water on the stove.
  2. We clean the sausages from the film.
  3. We cut each sausage in half or into three parts if the sausages are long.
  4. We pierce each piece of sausage with five to ten spaghetti so that they pass along the sausage through and through.
  5. The resulting "hedgehogs" put in boiling water.
  6. We salt the water, turn off the gas.
  7. Cook for 5-6 minutes until spaghetti is soft.
  8. We carefully take out the pieces of sausages so that the spaghetti does not get mixed up, and lay them beautifully on a wide plate.
  9. It turns out original "octopus", which can be decorated with ketchup and herbs.

Choose any cooking method and enjoy your meal! Most importantly, do not eat sausages raw. Although they are considered a finished product, it is still better to cook sausages correctly.

In other words, sausages are a real lifesaver if you need to feed invited guests or hungry household members very quickly. Let's talk about how to cook sausages and how to do it.

Many are wondering whether to cook sausages or not to cook? Sausages are positioned as a ready-made product for consumption. But it is advisable not to take risks, especially if you want to feed your child and there is no certainty that your child will not be poisoned by this meat product. Especially if the sausages were not bought in sealed packaging. In addition, raw sausages are not as tasty as boiled ones.

How long to cook sausages?

Sausages need not only boiling in water, but also heat treatment. In order to improve the taste of sausages and completely protect your body from the penetration of pathogenic microbes, you need to learn how to boil sausages in water. To do this, just put the sausages in clean water, put on the stove, bring to a boil and immediately turn off.

Sausages can be boiled for several minutes if you are not exactly sure how many days they have been stored. The water for boiling sausages can be slightly heated or very hot - it makes no difference. But in the latter case, there is a high probability that the sausage will burst during cooking and will no longer be so tasty. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, you can pierce the sausages in advance in several places or boil them without peeling them.

Should I peel sausages or not?

The casing is another "pitfall" in boiling sausages. In fact, sausage casings can also be different - artificial and natural, which can be eaten with sausage. You can also cook sausages in a casing, as for the artificial casing, it is advisable to remove it before starting cooking.

If you do not remove the artificial casing, then try not to digest the sausages, otherwise the casing may stick and it will be difficult to remove.

In fact, there are no specific rules for how to cook sausages, because they will be cooked anyway if you boil them in boiling water. But still, there are some useful tips, following which you get the most juicy and delicious sausages.

The first step is to determine which type of sausages you have purchased or which ones you only want to buy in the nearest supermarket. Usually sausages are sold in polyethylene or natural packaging. The plastic packaging is very quickly removed from the sausages, it is enough to cut it a little with a knife, as for the natural casing, it will be a little more difficult to remove it. The natural casing is the most environmentally friendly, but after boiling the sausages it can be very difficult to remove it, and eating sausages with the casing is not very pleasant. Therefore, it is better to remove the skin from sausages before cooking them. If the shell comes off along with the sausage, then it is better not to do this at all and cook like that.

How to cook sausages in a pan

To boil sausages, you need to take a small pot of such a size that all your sausages can lie flat on its bottom and do not deform during cooking. To make it more convenient for you, you can cook sausages directly in the pan. Having picked up the right dishes for cooking, put all the prepared sausages into it, add water so that it completely covers the sausages. Place the container on medium heat, bring all the contents to a boil, after which the fire can be slightly reduced and simmer the sausages over low heat for a few more minutes. Carefully remove the cooked sausages from the pan using special tongs or a regular fork. Transfer the sausages to a plate with your favorite side dish.

How long to cook sausages?

Let's find out how to cook sausages and how long it takes. After the water in the container boils, it takes no more than five minutes to cook sausages so that they have an attractive appearance. It is not advisable to pierce sausages that you are cooking in the package with a knife, as there is a high probability that the sausage may burst or fall apart. But it already depends on the quality of the finished semi-finished product.

The water in which sausages are boiled does not need to be salted, since this semi-finished product is already salty. It is not advisable to add any spices, vinegar or oil to the water. If suddenly the sausages are a little salty, then you can take a small saucepan, add a lot of water to it, as a result, the excess salt from the sausages should go away.

So that after boiling the natural packaging can be quickly removed from the sausages, quickly remove them from boiling water and immediately place them in cold water. As a result of a sharp drop in water temperatures, the packaging will very quickly move away from the sausages. At the same time, you should not keep the sausages under cold water for too long, so that later you do not have to heat them up again.

Usually this semi-finished product is cooked on the stove - this is a common thing, and they are cooked much faster. But they can be boiled in other ways, for this you can use almost any kitchen appliance: a slow cooker, a microwave oven, a double boiler, a pressure cooker, etc.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker

In many cases, sausages help us out when we need to quickly prepare a meal and there is no time to cook some kind of complex dish. After all, sausages are almost ready to eat, but it is advisable to subject the sausages to heat treatment. Sausages in a slow cooker cook very quickly.

Before cooking sausages in a slow cooker, remove the plastic wrapping from them. If sausages have a natural shell, then it can not be removed. Transfer all prepared sausages to a slow cooker. Then pour water into the multicooker and cover the top with a lid. In the menu, select the “Steam cooking” function, set the cooking time to 10 or 15 minutes, now you can press the “Start” button. After the beep of the multicooker, your sausages will be completely ready.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker for a couple

Pour enough water into the multicooker bowl. After that, it is necessary to shift the sausages into the steamer basket, carefully insert this device into the multicooker and close the lid. Now you need to turn on the “Steam cooking” mode. Cook sausages for twenty minutes. Remove cooked sausages and serve with any vegetables.

How to cook sausages in the microwave

To cook sausages in the microwave, pour water into a glass container so that the sausages can be completely immersed in it. The cellophane casing must be completely removed from the sausages, since it will be difficult to remove it when it is very hot. If sausages have a natural casing, then it must be cleaned in advance.

Place the sausages in a container filled with water. Add bay leaf, pepper, and salt to taste, if desired. Set the microwave to warm. Place the container with sausages in the microwave, then turn on for 5 minutes. Drain water from cooked sausages and serve.

How to cook spaghetti in sausages

We offer you a non-standard way to cook pasta with sausage. To do this, you need to take sausages and cut them into three or four parts. Stick the spaghetti into the cross sections of the cut sausages on both sides so that you can end up with hedgehogs. Gently lower the prepared "hedgehogs" one by one into the preheated water. Each of the sausages must be cooked for ten minutes. When the first part of your hairy sausages is cooked, you can add a few more pieces. Put cooked sausages with pasta on plates and serve.

How to cook milk sausages

To boil milk sausages, first clean them from the film. If the film is natural, then there is no need to remove it. Pour water into a deep saucepan, then put it to boil on the stove. After the water boils completely, you can add salt, but this is to taste. When the water boils again, boil the sausages for a few more minutes. Transfer cooked sausages to a plate.

How to cook frozen sausages

Frozen sausages are cooked in the same way as regular sausages. But frozen sausages must be immediately immersed in water, without waiting for it to boil. Make sure the sausages are well cooked. And the film from sausages must be removed after they are cooked and cooled.

Boiled sausages go well with pasta, bread, ketchup or mustard. Sausages are ideal for both a light snack and lunch.

How to cook sausages in cellophane

Sausages in the film are cooked in the same way as a pre-cleaned semi-finished product. To cook them, place the sausages in a pot of water so that they are completely covered with a few centimeters of liquid.

Place the pot over medium heat and bring everything to a boil. After the water boils, boil the sausages for another three minutes. Boil no more than the specified time, otherwise the finished sausages may lose their taste. After cooking, sausages must be pulled out of the water and served.

How to steam sausages

This method is the most ideal for those people who like to eat fresh sausages directly from the supermarket counter and do not want to boil them in water. Many people think that after cooking sausages lose their taste. Therefore, it is better to think about your health by steaming this semi-finished product. If suddenly you have a double boiler on the farm, then sausages can be cooked in it, it will take only a few minutes.

If suddenly you do not have such a kitchen appliance, then you can prepare a water bath. Take a metal colander or a metal sieve and a deep saucepan. The most important thing is that they do not come into contact with the bottom of the container. Pour some water into the pot itself and place a colander on top so it doesn't touch the water. Place the sausages in a colander and cover with a lid. After the water in the container boils, continue cooking the sausages for another five minutes.

How to cook soup with sausages


350 grams of sausages,

2 liters of water

1 handful of small vermicelli,

1 carrot

1 clove of garlic

25 grams of butter,


Boil water or prepare meat broth ahead of time. Finely chop the peeled onion, chop the peeled carrots into strips or just grate. Heat the pan along with the addition of oil, after which the carrots must be added to the pan, fry it for five minutes on a not very high heat.

After cooking, all fried vegetables must be transferred to hot broth and continue to cook for seven minutes. Finely chop the peeled garlic (if desired, garlic can not be added to the broth).

Cut the sausages peeled from cellophane into neat circles. In the pan where you fried the vegetables, add a small piece of butter. Then add the garlic here, then add all the chopped sausages. Continue to fry them for another five minutes until lightly browned, transfer them to the broth.

After you transfer the sausages to the pan, add a small handful of thin vermicelli here. Continue to cook the soup for a few more minutes, stirring it all the time until the vermicelli is ready. A few minutes before the end of cooking, the soup must be salted to your liking. Now you can turn off the fire and add chopped dill to the soup. Let the soup brew for a few minutes and you can serve.

Sausages are the most favorite semi-finished sausage product for housewives. They can be prepared for breakfast, lunch or dinner, especially when cooking time is at a minimum. Children really like them, and on their basis you can cook interesting dishes in the form of funny animals. Sausages are a very affordable product, you can buy them in every store, the main thing from the variety of offers is to make the right choice. Not many products are so versatile, so everyone should know how to cook sausages correctly and how much.

How to choose

It is believed that in this matter one should focus on the price category of the goods - good sausages cannot be cheap. This is partly true, a natural product that has a good composition will have a decent price. Nevertheless, the market offers an abundance of semi-finished sausage products at different prices and not always of poor quality.

Pay attention to the color of the product, too dark or bright sausages contain a lot of additives, including preservatives. The composition of all sausages includes sodium nitrite, it gives stability to their color, if the product has a rich pink tint, then the additive was overdone.

In appearance, good sausages should be smooth, uniform in color without blackouts. Wrinkledness indicates that the sausages have been lying on the window for a long time without packaging. Ideally, semi-finished products removed from the packaging should be stored for no longer than five days. Packed up to 20 days.


Before you cook sausages, you need to prepare them. Preparation differs depending on the shell:

    • the natural casing is left on the product, it is only necessary to wash the sausages and you can start cooking;
  • artificial should be removed from sausages, although not everyone adheres to this, believing that sausages in it are more juicy.

Advice! In order to cook a sausage in an artificial casing and not tear it, several small cuts should be made on its surface.

Some lovers eat raw without subjecting them to heat treatment, this is acceptable, but it is fraught with unpleasant consequences in the form of indigestion. You can cook prepared sausages in a saucepan, slow cooker, double boiler and even in the microwave.

in a saucepan

This method is the most affordable and therefore the most common. To cook sausages, you need to choose a dish of a suitable size so that they can fit on the bottom in a horizontal position, this will eliminate the deformation of the shape.

Pour water and boil it. There is no need to add salt, as the semi-finished product already contains it. Sausages are dipped in boiling water, so the question of cooking time comes down to how much to cook sausages in boiling water. After boiling, they should be cooked for 3-5 minutes, depending on the size. After that, the boiled product should be removed from the water and immediately served to the table without waiting for cooling.

in the microwave

Sausages can be cooked in the microwave in two ways:

    1. The first involves the use of water. To do this, you need a capacious dish with a lid where sausages are placed and filled with water. It is important that the sausages are completely hidden under water. After that, the dishes are placed in the microwave at full power and the product is cooked after boiling for 3-5 minutes.
  • The second method is dry. He only needs a suitable plate on which sausages are placed, and she goes to the microwave. This is a very fast way, sausages will be ready within 1-2 minutes. At the same time, they turn out to be very juicy and especially tasty.

In addition, semi-finished sausage can be cooked in a slow cooker, several modes are suitable for this: steaming, baking or stewing. The rest of the process is completely similar to cooking in a saucepan.

Good for steam cooking. It is believed that semi-finished sausage cooked in it will retain the greatest amount of taste and benefit. For a couple, the product will be cooked in 10 minutes.

In addition to the usual sausages, you can find sausages filled with cheese and other ingredients on store shelves. As a rule, they have already undergone complete heat treatment and are ready for use. But still they should be warmed up to improve the taste.

The main problem that insidiously awaits you next to the saucepan for cooking sausages is the bursting of the shell and the lifeless dry filling of sausages. Of course, there are even worse stories, when you get distracted, the water boils away and you are not only left without food, but also without cooking utensils. Therefore, we will move step by step and, step by step, we will still cook sausages correctly.

How much to cook sausages in pieces

First, we determine the number of sausages. We recommend cooking at least 4 pieces. This amount fits perfectly in a medium-sized saucepan and 4 sausages is enough for a sandwich or salad for 2 servings. Even if you cook sausages for yourself, boil 4 pieces - what will not be eaten immediately can be used for scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs later.

To defrost or not to defrost sausages before cooking

If the sausages were frozen, transfer them directly from the freezer to the pan.

To remove or not to remove the shell and film before cooking

The natural casing does not need to be removed. To prevent it from bursting, pierce it several times with a fork. Remove the artificial casing (film), if desired, by rinsing the sausage under running water. Or cook in a film, then pour over with cold water and remove it.

In what water should sausages be dipped for cooking

Put the sausages in a saucepan and cover them with cold water. It should completely "cover" the products and be 2 cm above their level. Never put sausages into boiling liquid, the shell will burst!

How to cook sausages

Place the pot of sausages on the stove and bring to a boil over medium to low heat. Boil after boiling for 5-7 minutes if the sausages were previously frozen. If fresh, after the start of boiling - literally after 10-20 seconds, remove from heat.

Do not keep sausages in water after cooking. Either remove them with a fork, or better, drain the water.

Boiled, tender and most importantly - whole - sausages are ready. What's next?

How to improve boiled sausages

It happens that, regardless of your skills and efforts, boiled sausages after a rather short time shrink and wrinkle. It does not look very appetizing and raises a lot of questions from consumers. Therefore, we suggest you cook them in two stages. This method should not let you down.

Two stage sausage cooking

We have already taken the first step - boiled sausages, as described above. They are tender, whole, but nondescript - unless, of course, they are tinted by the manufacturer. Natural boiled sausages are usually a nondescript grayish color. Let's make them more colorful and crisp to taste.

To do this, blot excess moisture with a paper towel. And best of all, cut the sausages in half along the entire length. Grease a frying pan with a little vegetable oil and heat it up. Transfer the sausages to the pan and literally 20-30 seconds on each side, let them heat - fry. Since they are already cooked, the sausages only need to be given color and a roasted taste. Don't dry them out!

And when they are ruddy, fried and tender inside, they are ready, then it is possible! You will regret that there were only 4 of them!

An alternative way to boil sausages

The taste of the product can be changed and enhanced not only by making the cooking technology more complicated, but also by changing the cooking liquid. Put dry mushrooms or fried onions into the water - sausages will be filled with their taste and aroma.

Or boil sausages in beer! Dip them in a hoppy drink and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce the heat and simmer the sausages for 15-20 minutes. By the way, not all sausages can, of course, be boiled in beer. German ones are suitable for this, for example, for hot dogs.

Cook sandwiches, toast and sandwiches with boiled or boiled-fried sausages, serve with vegetables, rice, pasta or mashed potatoes. And may you enjoy it!

Sausages with potatoes
