
Food flavoring vanillin harm. Vanilla benefits and harms, contraindications

The smell of this plant is recognized as one of the strongest in the world. And the most effective - the flavoring is able to awaken the appetite of any lover of pastries, cookies, cakes, pastries, yogurts, sweet buns. The product is also used in the perfume industry, for the production of perfumes and skin and hair care products. What are the benefits and harms of vanillin for the body?

In pre-Columbian America, the Aztecs used the plant as an ingredient in the preparation of a drink made from cocoa beans, high-calorie and aromatic, quickly and effectively satisfying hunger. Europeans got to know this product in the sixteenth century, they figured out how to evaporate the extract from the seeds and get a powder with a crystalline structure that can be added to food.

Seeds of a beautiful and charming orchid can benefit a person not only in cooking, but also improve the body. They contain polyphenols, a complex of antioxidants useful for the body, which normalize metabolism, slow down the aging process and prolong youth. Vanillin fights cancer problems, participates in the prevention of heart and cardiovascular diseases. The flavor has an antibacterial effect, it strengthens blood vessels and relieves inflammation, and has anti-allergic properties.

Natural vanillin is able to treat neurodegenerative ailments such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Vanilla affects the formation of dopamine, a substance whose deficiency plays a major role in the development of these two diseases.

The extract from a natural plant is very expensive and rarely found on the shelves. Industrialists found a way out - they created cheap, artificial vanillin, which has the same aroma, but differs significantly in its properties. The harm of an artificial product obtained by chemical means is quite predictable, coumarin is often added to it, it is carcinogenic, toxic, and can have a destructive effect on the liver. In rare cases on artificial product allergic reactions may occur, up to the development of eczema.

It can be concluded that an artificial product in moderate doses is safe for health. But do not abuse it, especially if we are talking about cooking for children.

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Who doesn't know the sweet vanilla smell?! It is present in most confectionery as a flavor enhancer. But is vanillin familiar from childhood harmless? Let's figure it out.

natural and synthetic vanillin

Before discussing the benefits and harms of vanillin for the body, it is worth finding out what types of it are. It is worth mentioning right away that in fact there are two types of this product:

  • Natural vanillin - made from the pods of fragrant creepers belonging to the orchid family. Main supplier natural vanilla- Madagascar. And its share is less than 5% of the total amount of vanillin produced in the world.
  • Synthetic vanillin - is produced by synthesis from various raw materials - clove oil, residues of the paper industry, from rice bran and the largest volumes from petrochemical materials.

Natural vanillin practically does not harm human health and is very expensive, so let's take a closer look at the effect of a synthetic analogue on the body.

Common forms of vanillin. crystalline form

It has a smell that is almost indistinguishable from natural vanilla, is not afraid of thermal exposure, has a long shelf life and retains its properties when heated to 250 degrees. Crystalline vanillin is in demand in the confectionery industry, especially for making ice cream. The crystals are perfectly soluble in alcohol already at 20 °C, and in water at a temperature of 75 °C.

Powder form

In fact, this is a vanillin powder with various impurities based on glucose varieties (dextrose, lactose, etc.). Powder, in comparison with crystalline vanillin, has the finest structure and is widely used in the manufacture of chocolate products. Even with room temperature flavor has a bright pronounced odor, highly soluble in water.

liquid form

This form is used when using vanillin in dissolved form, for example, in drinks. The liquid is created from a crystalline base dissolved in a variety of carriers ( ethanol, triacetate, propylene glycol). The main indicators of the liquid form are temperature regime carrier and the percentage of vanillin. The water-soluble carrier propylene glycol dissolves at 180 degrees, therefore, liquid vanillin on this basis is characterized by increased thermal stability and is usually used for the production of dairy products, confectionery and a variety of drinks.

The benefits and harms of crystalline, powdered and liquid vanillin will be discussed further.

What is useful vanillin?

The popularity of the aromatic additive was given by sweetish vanilla flavor. Therefore, the beneficial effect of vanillin is more often associated with the effect of vanilla smell on the body. It has a good calming effect on the nervous system, effectively reduces irritability and anxiety.

Relieve tension, relax, achieve a good restful sleep can help the use of any cosmetic product with the addition of a small amount vanilla. When applied to skin or hair, the vanilla scent will stay with you all day long.

I would like to add about the positive impact on a person when using natural vanillin:

  • contains antioxidants that prevent aging and maintain a beautiful appearance;
  • stimulates brain activity, improves concentration and memory, has a beneficial effect on creative abilities;
  • has a powerful anticarcinogenic effect, prevents the formation of malignant tumors;
  • reinforces therapeutic effect on the body with arthrosis, arthritis;
  • strengthens the immune system, helps a person recover quickly after infectious and inflammatory diseases.

What harm can be caused by the use of vanillin?

We will talk about synthetic vanillin, since the natural product has practically no side effects on human health.

Like any artificially synthesized substance, vanillin is harmful to the human body.

In some variants of the synthesis, coumarin is used - a highly toxic carcinogen. It has been proven to negatively affect the liver.

But the flavoring vanillin, the benefits and harms of which we are studying, is used in such small doses that it is difficult to prove the actual harm from the use of vanillin. Except as an allergic reaction to a flavor or any component in its production. This can manifest as skin irritation, pigmentation disorders and skin dermatitis. This usually refers to workers who systematically come into contact with it in production, such as sorters or powder packers.

There are no reliable data on the safety of vanillin for pregnant and lactating mothers. Contraindication only with individual intolerance to vanillin.

The use of vanillin in moderate doses is practically safe for the body. But permanent use is not recommended, like any synthetic product.

Energy and biological value

100 g of vanillin contain:

The increased calorie content is offset by small doses of vanillin. And it is used in products that are difficult to attribute to dietary products nutrition. Usually vanillin is added to high carbohydrate foods with great content fat - biscuits, chocolate, cookies, ice cream.

The use of vanillin

There is a great demand for vanillin flavoring in the food industry, for the manufacture of food products. Especially popular is the use in the manufacture of ice cream and chocolate, according to statistics, these two products consume 75% of the produced vanillin. Widely used to enhance the taste of tea, cocktails and other alcoholic and soft drinks.

But few people know that vanilla aroma is harmoniously combined with meat dishes. For example, when preparing sweet and sour fruit sauce.

Vanillin is often used not only to give a pleasant aroma to the product, but also to kill the smell and taste. poor quality product. It is important to use vanillin in strict proportions, an excess of flavoring will give a specific bitterness to the product.

Popular vanilla smell when creating cosmetics. Each cosmetic company has more than one series using vanilla flavor. It is often used to eliminate unpleasant odors and tastes in pharmaceuticals, especially children's and detergents. Successful attempts by Taiwanese scientists to use vanillin in the treatment of psoriasis are known.

Vanillin has also found its use at home for the preparation of a repellent against midges and mosquitoes based on an aqueous or oily solution, as well as when mixed with baby cream. For children infancy it is the only absolutely harmless repellent.


The health benefits and harms of vanillin, like other flavors, are not yet fully understood. But we can say with confidence that the use of this product in the correct dosage will not cause any harm to health.

Natural spice vanilla (vanilla) is obtained from the fruits (pods) of the plant of the same name. It comes from Central America, but in terms of the volume of vanilla plantations, it is not Latin American countries that occupy the first place at all, but Madagascar, Indonesia and China. Obtaining finished vanilla spice is a rather complicated and lengthy process. Yes, and growing vanilla itself is a very laborious and difficult task. Accordingly, natural vanilla costs a lot of money and is used mainly in very expensive products.

vanilla plant

Vanilla Pods

It is worth noting that the main aromatic substance of vanilla is vanillin. It happens that it is specially extracted from pods; the result is White powder with a strong characteristic odour. Natural vanillin, of course, is also an expensive product. But, in any case, its taste and aroma are much less versatile than the taste and aroma of a full-fledged vanilla spice, which is considered much more noble. However, natural vanillin itself is harmless (although it is not recommended to use it in large quantities).


In order to save money, food manufacturers often use an artificially obtained analogue of vanillin - it is called "flavor identical to natural vanillin." It is obtained in chemical laboratories by organic synthesis. It costs, of course, much cheaper than natural vanilla. Moreover, it is also much more economically consumed: to achieve the same aromatic effect as when using natural vanilla, flavoring is required 40 times less!

You understand that the savings are very noticeable - given the huge production volumes of most food factories and combines. Flavoring identical to natural vanillin is already shoved into literally all products: pastries, cookies, gingerbread, chocolate, ice cream, sweets, curd cheeses, even tea ... Meanwhile, this additive is not absolutely harmless and has at least two disadvantages.

Firstly, the composition of vanillin (both natural and artificial) is much poorer than the composition of natural vanilla. The fact is that vanilla fruits consist of more than 200 different components (including essential oils), and vanillin is only one of them, a substance with a characteristic vanilla smell. Accordingly, the flavor imitates this only substance - vanillin.

Thus, characteristic vanilla flavor and the flavoring agent can convey the smell, but it is already unable to recreate additional taste and aromatic shades and nuances. Therefore, the taste and aroma of a product using natural vanilla is very different from the taste and aroma of a product in the manufacture of which a flavor was used.

Secondly, flavor identical to natural vanillin may contain some chemical impurities, sometimes toxic - to one degree or another. At regular use they can cause problems with the liver, kidneys, and other organs. Of course, the use of "flavoring identical to natural vanillin" is allowed by both Russian and international standards, that is, it does not pose a serious threat to health, and even more so to life.

Generally speaking, it all depends on the conscientiousness of the manufacturer of this flavor. Pure and conscientiously produced vanillin, of course, does no harm. But after all, from the composition on the packaging of the product, we will not find out who and how produced the flavoring used there ...

Thus, I would not advise regularly buying products containing natural vanillin flavoring. Yes, occasionally - once a week or two - it is quite possible to use them, but it is still not worth it to enjoy cookies and chocolate containing this flavor every day. And when making homemade cakes, you should also not use artificial vanillin (or the so-called vanilla sugar, which is artificial vanillin ground with powdered sugar).

Today, the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" will talk about the benefits and harms of fragrances. In order not to mislead you from the first lines, we’ll say right away that the benefits of food additives that give the product a particular flavor, negligible(but this is only on condition that the flavoring is natural). But you can suffer from flavors, but again, this is subject to the constant use of products that include artificial flavors. However, first things first, so first a little theory.

What are flavors?

Food additives, after the introduction of which the aroma and taste of the product improves, are called flavorings. Their use very beneficial for manufacturers as it allows them to create the widest range of products that differ in aroma and taste based on products of the same type. food products such as ice cream, jelly, marmalade, caramel, soft drinks, etc.

The addition of food additives and flavorings to products is very beneficial for manufacturers, which cannot be said about consumers of these products. After all, the result of the use of products stuffed with flavorings and other additives is health problems.

Food flavors: classification

natural flavors

This group of flavors includes substances obtained during physical impact on natural raw materials.

Physical influence refers to methods such as pressing, distillation, extraction. Any natural product of plant or animal origin can act as a raw material.

So, natural strawberry flavor is obtained by pressing strawberries. Natural orange flavor is obtained during extraction from orange peel essential oil (extraction). But the aroma of onions or garlic can be obtained after all the water is removed from the squeezed juice (distillation).

However, in Russia the interpretation of the term "natural flavoring" is somewhat different from that adopted in Europe.

According to it, a substance can be called a natural flavoring agent, which, in addition to the natural flavoring agent, contains also includes a flavoring agent. And this means that natural food flavors are not as harmless as it might seem at first reading the word "natural".

Flavors identical to natural

Pear, raspberry, grape, etc. flavors have the same composition as their natural counterparts, berries and fruits. Only they are obtained not physically, but chemically (synthesized in the laboratory), but

have the same formula as natural flavors, therefore they are called identical to them. Flavors that are identical to natural can harm your health only if you use products containing these substances every day.

Artificial Flavors

These are completely chemical flavoring compounds that have no natural analogues.

Food flavors: harm

Compared to other food additives, flavorings are not so dangerous, but they still cause some harm to health.

Let's begin with preference should always be given to products with natural flavors, since neither an identical, nor even a synthetic flavor can fully convey the true aroma and taste of a particular product.

However, everything is not so simple here either.

  • First, the taste and aroma of natural products under the influence high temperatures unstable.
  • Secondly, natural flavors are expensive.
  • Thirdly, identical to natural or synthetic flavors, as opposed to natural food flavors, it is much more convenient to use due to their "unpretentiousness" and lower cost.

To make the conversation about the dangers of flavors more substantive, sympaty.net suggests referring to an example - flavoring "vanillin".

Vanillin is the main aromatic substance of vanilla. The use of this spice pure form- expensive pleasure therefore, they began to extract a white powder from vanilla pods, which has strong smell characteristic of this spice. natural flavor vanillin does not bring harm (an exception is individual intolerance). On the contrary, due to the content of polyphenols in it, it fights against malignant neoplasms. It can be used in the prevention of vascular and heart diseases, it relieves inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect and anti-allergic properties.

However natural vanillin in stores and in finished products, all the more so - a rarity, because its price, although it differs downward from the price of vanilla, remains quite high. Therefore, vanillin flavoring, identical to natural, or its synthetic "brother" is widely used.

The harm of a flavor identical to natural vanillin is due to the presence of unhealthy chemical compounds in it. The most dangerous is the additive coumarin, the toxic effect of which destroys the liver. It is clear that the flavoring agent identical to it does not have the beneficial properties of natural vanillin.

Harm of artificial flavors

Flavors, mostly artificial, although harmful to health, but not as significant as others nutritional supplements. Significant harm to health, especially for children, can only be caused by heavy use of products with synthetic flavors.

Long-term consumption of foods containing high concentrations of artificial flavors can adversely affect the liver.

If we talk about safe food flavors, then it should be said that most food flavors are safe, if consumed in reasonable quantities, I mean, little by little, and not every day. Preference, of course, should be given to natural or identical flavors, and the use of products with artificial flavors sympaty.net still recommends limiting.

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Such a fragrant, alluring vanillin. Its benefits and harms have been studied almost completely. But known to a very narrow circle of people. So we fill the gap in knowledge. Moreover, many people still confuse vanillin and vanilla.


Vanilla is a long brown pod. Vanillin is a synthetic substance, flavoring. That's the whole difference. Therefore, in the store, do not rush the seller, asking for a bag of vanilla or that vanilla pod over there.

By the way, there are several types of synthetic flavoring. It all depends on the materials from which vanillin is prepared. It can be:

  • oil
  • paper production waste
  • tonka bean
  • coal tar

Yes Yes exactly. Did you think that the product is extracted directly from the pods? Dudki. And more recently, they figured out how to extract vanillin even from manure. True, the scientific world did not appreciate the discovery and awarded the scientist the Shnobelevka. To be disrespectful.

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The benefits of vanillin

For health or in the process of treatment, vanillin does not bring any benefit. At all. Unless its gentle smell can slightly calm the shattered nervous system or drive away insomnia. But don't sniff vanilla for too long.

After a short time, it becomes intrusive, and then it becomes suffocating. The body reacts with aggression and irritability instead of appeasement.

Did you know? It turns out that someone started a story that you can pacify a flash of anger with vanillin. And after all, everyone, as one, believed and repeated this heresy. They didn't even bother to think logically. Well, how can vanillin relieve anger? While a person sniffs the sweet aroma, he will have time to smash everything to hell. And then calm down. Of course, it's vanillin helped! By the way, you can pour the powder into the eyes of a person. Then he will definitely not be angry. So, here, too, vanillin is honor and praise.

What is useful vanillin

But the benefits of fragrant powder are still there. In the kitchen. There is no need to tell how vanillin is used in culinary purposes. fragrant spice added to pastries, puddings, cocoa. Some housewives even add a pinch of it to the compote. To smell like a child.

But few people know that vanilla smell goes well with meat dishes. Especially if you cook sweet and sour fruit sauce, and flavor it with a little vanilla.

Advice. Do not pour too much spice, trying to enhance the smell of the finished dish. The aroma will become cloying and suffocating, and it will be impossible to eat food due to strong bitterness.

Vanillin in cosmetics

Some sources claim that there are other benefits of vanillin in addition to the kitchen. Allegedly washing with water with dissolved powder works wonders. For those who are inclined to believe in fairy tales, we advise you to climb the article a little higher and read again - what this flavor is extracted from.

Think for yourself, which of the following will benefit the skin and miraculously change it for the better? That's right, absolutely nothing. Therefore, you should not translate the odorous powder in vain.

If you absolutely want to do something necessary for the skin and always with vanilla, then just add a few drops of essence or solution to your body milk or caring cream. No, it won't be useful. Such an amount of vanillin will not bring harm either. Why then add? For flavor. The scent stays on clean, damp skin for a very long time. At least you're enjoying yourself.

Advice. You can add a few drops to the hair balm. So the subtle sweet aroma will accompany you a little longer.

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Vanillin harm

Flavors chemical production are interesting in that they always present a lot of surprises when laboratory research. However, vanillin is not at all from this story. Its negative sides were clear from the very beginning. After all, scientists knew what the substance was made of.

The fragrant tonka bean powder is especially insidious. He is in in large numbers contains coumarin. This substance is dangerous because it is not excreted from the body, but gradually accumulates. When a certain concentration is reached, coumarin begins to poison the human body. Especially goes to the liver. After all, it is she who takes the brunt of all toxins and poisons.

But don't be afraid. And then stop using vanillin altogether. In order to get poisoned, a person of average body constitution needs to eat 80 g of fragrant powder at a time. But no one in their right mind would eat vanillin with spoons. And not so much of it is eaten by the average person. Even throughout life.

Therefore, you can safely add flavoring to your diet. Of course, in adequate doses. By the way, if you carefully read the inscriptions on the spice bags, you can completely avoid the terrible coumarin. Just be careful when buying.

What is the harm from vanillin

Absolutely all sources, like parrots, repeat the mantra one after another: with individual intolerance to the fragrant powder, dermatitis and eczema can occur. Who came up with this? With individual intolerance, only anaphylactic shock occurs! Whether up to an eczema to the person at such moment? Ah, unfortunate writers. At least look for accurate information before misleading people.

Another very "important" statement of such authors: vanillin is very high in calories, therefore it is not suitable for diet food. And another stupid myth. No doubt, the calorie content of the flavor is high. It is 288 kcal per 100 g of product. Read again. For 100 g! And how many grams of vanillin do you add to the dough? Maximum 1-1.5. Well, where is the danger for the figure or the contraindication to use in the diet? Always think before believing any nonsense.

Otherwise, vanillin will not bring any harm. Well, unless you overeat them to satiety. Although, this is hardly possible. A very bitter taste.

It turns out that he is the most ordinary, this vanillin. The benefits and harms of it are now no secret to you. Therefore, in a conversation with friends you can show off your knowledge. And, of course, use the information for personal purposes. For example, in the kitchen. Then your household will thank you. A trifle, but nice.

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Video: how to make vanilla sugar from vanillin

Vanilla is a perennial plant. According to the biological classification, it is classified as a vine. Belongs to the Orchid family (Orchidaceae).

The name of the genus comes from the Spanish language, where it means "pod", however, vanilla fruits are boxes.

Vanilla pods are boxes with fragrant grains hidden in them.

Title in other languages:

  • lat. Vanilla planifolia,
  • German Mexican Vanille, Echte Vanille,
  • English Vanilla, common vanilla
  • fr. Vanille, Vanille du Mexique.

It is noteworthy that in all European languages ​​\u200b\u200b"vanilla" - "Vanilla" is written almost the same, with the exception of the endings of the word, and there are no other names for this spice.

Vanilla is a vine from the Orchid family.

Vanilla flowers are beautiful and delicate


It can climb trees up to a height of 15 m.

The trunk of vanilla is knotty, relatively thin: its diameter is up to 2 cm. The trunk practically does not branch.

The leaves are long, flat and fleshy, pointed-oval in shape. They grow on the stem between the nodes and are attached by shoots to the tree around which the vine is twisted. At the nodes, on the reverse side of the leaf, a root grows. Due to it, the vine is also tightly attached to the tree.

Clusters of flowers are on short stalks. They are formed in the axils of the leaves and contain about 15 yellow-green flowers, which have a rather sharp aroma. The perianth consists of five leaves, and in the sixth, a pistil with a stamen grows. Since it is enclosed in a tube, it is more difficult for butterflies to pollinate it.

Vanilla blooms in the third year of the life of the vine and only one day

From the flowers, green fruits are formed in boxes (many mistakenly call them pods). The ovary forms a fruit of a narrow oblong shape, which is a box with three faces in the shape of a cylinder. The length of the fruit can reach 25 cm. Their width is about 1.5 cm. They contain a pulp that resembles mousse, and many black seeds are located in it. The fruits are harvested when they turn yellow.

Vanilla grows wild in North America

First vanilla factory built in Madagascar, but it uses only manual labor


Officially, there are 103 types of vanilla. Most of of which are considered decorative.

Spice is obtained from three types:

  • flat-leaved(Vanilla planifolia) - provides the best quality spices, has pods reaching a length of up to 0.25 m. It has the widest application.
  • Tahitian(Vanilla tahitensis) - This species grows in Tahiti. She has red-brown pods that have a floral exotic aroma with hints of fruit and a slight tobacco note. They contain less vanillin and therefore are cheaper. It is used in the preparation of desserts, ice cream, creams. In addition, it is used in the field of perfumery.
  • Guadalupe(Vanilla pompona) from Central and South America - vanilla from the pods of this species no longer has such good quality and less valued. The aroma is similar to Tahitian, it is used for the production of perfumes and flavoring tobacco.

Flat-leaved - the highest quality vanilla

Guadalupe vanilla is cultivated in Central and North America

Tahitian vanilla is mainly cultivated on the island of Tahiti.

Where does it grow?

Vanilla grows in tropical and subtropical areas. Most often it is cultivated in countries located on the equator. The largest volume of vanilla production belongs to the island of Madagascar. At the same time, vanilla is exported to China and Indonesia.

Vanilla came from Mexico and Central America, after which it gained its popularity in other countries.

spice making method

The most famous spice, vanilla, is obtained from vanilla pods. The process of obtaining spices from vanilla is quite complicated. The fruits themselves do not smell.

Unripe, fermented and dried vanilla pods

For them to give their unique aroma, they are fermented:

Initially, the pods are harvested not quite ripe, while they have not yet had time to open.

  • It is necessary that the pod be dried (to prevent rotting) for 8-10 days, but at the same time moisture must be preserved in it, and in no case should the enzymes responsible for the production of vanillin suffer. It is impossible to determine this from the readings of the instruments. Vanilla growers can only rely on their own ability.
  • Then they are kept in the shade for 5 weeks. At the same time, they become brownish-black, acquire elasticity and begin to smell.
  • After that, they are tied into bundles and left for another month in metal boxes, where they get their unique bouquet.
  • Vanilla is sent to wooden boxes lined with waxed paper. In this case, each beam is checked.

White coating on the pods is natural vanillin, the content of which in vanilla is no more than a few percent. The pods lose most of their weight during drying, but they begin to exude aroma.

Producer cooperatives invite special tasters who smell the pod with a defect. This pod is removed, because it can render the whole bunch unusable.

This is how vanilla beans are dried in Mauritius

Vanilla pods ready for sale are hand-packed

How to choose?

The quality of vanilla depends on the type of vine and drying conditions. The appearance of the pods is taken into account. They should be quite elastic, slightly twisted. Their surface should be slightly oily and have a brownish color with a white coating.

White bloom indicates the high quality of the pods, these are crystals of real vanillin.

In markets and retail chains, vanilla is sold in the form of:

Vanilla pods and powder must be sealed. When purchasing a powder, pay attention to the composition on the package. The fact is that vanilla powder is expensive and unscrupulous manufacturers often replace it with a synthetic analogue. If synthetic raw materials were used in the production of the spice, the presence of lingin will be indicated on the packaging. Just 20 grams of this powder can replace one kilogram of natural vanilla powder.

Vanilla pods should be oily and the powder should be a rich dark brown color.

When buying vanilla sugar, carefully study the composition

Vanilla extract can be purchased in retail chains, or you can make it yourself

How to store?

In order to preserve all the organoleptic and beneficial properties of vanilla pods, the spice must be stored in glass containers with tight-fitting lid. It is advisable to protect from exposure to direct sun rays. Many people store vanilla pods with granulated sugar, which acquires a delicate vanilla aroma that transfers to drinks and pastries.

Extracts and essences also need to be stored in a dark place and tightly close the bottle cap.

It is very convenient to store vanilla in a glass flask with cork stopper


Vanilla is one of the more expensive spices. It is quite difficult to grow due to the difficulty of pollination. At the same time, the artificial production of vanillin does not give the same taste and aroma that are obtained with natural production. Under proper storage conditions, the smell can last up to 36 years.

At proper storage vanilla will keep its properties for many years

The following characteristics of vanilla are known:

  • it is used as an aphrodisiac;
  • it contains a large amount of minerals and antioxidants;
  • sugar, vanilla extract, essence and syrup are made from it;
  • it is actively used in cooking.

Vanilla syrup is commonly used by bartenders to make cocktails.


The smell of vanilla gives dishes, especially confectionery, a subtle unforgettable aroma. However, it is also used in perfumery. A lot of perfumes have subtle vanilla notes in their smell. Most often, vanilla, which grows in Reunion, is used for perfumery purposes.

Vanilla scent:

  • invigorates
  • improves memory,
  • helps in concentration,
  • gives joy,
  • causes our brain to produce serotonin - the hormone of happiness.

Vanilla is rightfully considered a female spice, because it is women who most often suffer from mood swings and depression.

Vanilla is rightfully considered almost the main female spice.

Moreover, seratonin is able to act on smooth muscles, so the smell of vanilla helps with painful periods. The smell of vanilla is a powerful aphrodisiac that not only stimulates sexual desire, but is also able to prolong sexual intercourse.

Eau de toilette with notes of vanilla - a powerful aphrodisiac

Vanilla and chocolate - a shock dose of the hormone of happiness

Surprisingly, vanillin, which is part of vanilla, is just one of the 400 components present in natural vanilla.

The remaining components are present in the fragrance in very small doses, but are very important for the overall impression, because these 399 components add up to a full aroma. That is why we recommend using only natural vanilla to enjoy the smell of vanilla.

Nutritional value and calories

The nutritional value and calorie content of 100 grams of product

One vanilla pod weighs about 3 grams.

You can learn about the properties of vanilla from the following video from the TV show "Scheherazade's 1000 and 1 Spice".

Chemical composition

Beneficial features

Vanilla has the following beneficial properties:

  • makes the skin more elastic;
  • helps to get rid of acne and skin irritations;
  • whitens the skin;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • helps with hormonal problems;
  • improves metabolism;
  • acts as a powerful aphrodisiac;
  • tones and relaxes;
  • improves mood;
  • helps women during menstrual cycles.

Vanilla is actively used in aromatherapy, restoring appetite, improving work nervous system.

Creams with vanilla extract well moisturize, tighten and whiten the skin.


But vanilla has not only useful, but also harmful properties:

  • stupefying smell;
  • increased sensitivity to sunlight.

Vanilla essential oil tends to cause excessive sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, so after using it, you should not expose your skin to direct sunlight.


Vanilla is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • in the presence of personal intolerance;
  • if you have an allergy.


Vanilla essential oil is a product that is very often adulterated. It is obtained from the pods that have undergone fermentation, after which the extraction process with oily solvents is carried out. It is long and requires quality technological equipment. At the output, the amount of oil is very small. But it is also used in very small doses.

By appearance vanilla oil is viscous, thick and oily, with overflows in the light. Vanilla oil has a strong, spicy-sweet aroma that lasts for years. It has found application in medicine, cosmetology and aromatherapy.

Vanilla essential oil will cheer you up and relieve insomnia

Vanilla oil is widely used in aromatherapy.

It promotes:

Oil is added to many perfume compositions. It also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, making it supple, soft and tender. It allows you to treat irritations on the skin, even out its color.

The oil is not only an excellent flavoring agent, but also has a rejuvenating effect. Beneficial features of this oil allow you to use it to combat various diseases. Vanilla essential oil can be used orally, inhaled or in aroma lamps, or added to a bath or massage mixture. The oil is also used in cooking in appropriate dosages.


The juice is extracted from the leaves of the plant. One use: rub into the scalp to improve hair growth.


In cooking

The range of uses of vanilla in cooking is quite extensive:

  • it is used in the preparation of confectionery;
  • vanilla is added to drinks;
  • vanillin is often added to chocolate, including drinks made from it;
  • vanilla goes well with fruits;
  • many alcoholic drinks are based on vanilla essence;
  • Vanilla sugar is made from vanilla.

Vanilla has a bitter taste, so it is usually ground into a powder and added to powdered sugar. There is only one pod per pound of sugar. Vanilla is added to puddings, jams, fruit dishes and alats, bakery products. Vanilla syrup is impregnated with cake layers.

A real Italian panna cotta is impossible to cook without natural vanilla.

Natural vanilla is an important ingredient of the famous French dessert "Crème caramel"

Often vanilla essence added to liqueurs.

However, you should be careful about the dosage. A large amount of vanilla added will spoil the dish, giving it a bitter aftertaste.

Vanilla sugar is obtained by mixing vanilla with powdered sugar. Vanilla extract is obtained by infusing small pods in an alcohol solution, and then it is added to desserts.

Vanilla powder is obtained by grinding the dried pods. Essence is one of the varieties of vanilla extract, only in its preparation they use large quantity pods.

Coffee and vanilla combination is one of the most successful. It is on this tandem that the fragrance is based. famous liquor Sheridan's.

Sheridan's liqueur - a combination of vanilla and coffee liqueur, the amount of each can be adjusted independently

The combination of egg yolks, white wine and vanilla is a classic French dessert cream Sabayon

Vanilla is often used to make vanilla creams. When cooked in cream or milk, the incised pod begins to exude its unique aroma. Then you need to take it out, scrape off the pulp and just add it to the milk.

Real vanilla will give a unique flavor to the cream



After cooking, the pods need to be washed, they can be used to make syrup or vanilla sugar: the peeled pods are placed in a jar of sugar. The jar is tightly closed - and in 1-2 weeks you will have the most excellent vanilla sugar.

You can make your own vanilla sugar


After making vanilla sugar, the pods are placed in a bottle and filled with sugar syrup. After a short time you will get fragrant vanilla syrup, which can be used to sweeten desserts and sauces. Shelf life - 4-6 months.

vanilla extract

You can also make vanilla extract at home.

  • Take 1 vanilla pod and 30 ml of alcohol.
  • First, the pod is cut lengthwise, then cut into pieces.
  • Put the vanilla in a specially prepared jar and fill it with alcohol.
  • The composition is infused for three weeks.
  • After this period, the pods are taken out and new ones are added so that the extract is more concentrated.

Vanilla extract can be used to make desserts, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

How to separate the pulp

Separating the vanilla pulp is a rather laborious process.

In doing so, you need to remember that:

  • most of the flavoring substances are contained in the pods, and not in the pulp of the seeds and the oil itself;
  • vanilla must be High Quality;
  • real vanilla is expensive, but the pods can be used repeatedly.

To separate the pulp, you need:

  • Put the pod on the board, take it by the base and cut it lengthwise with a knife;
  • Press down the cut pods and gently run along with a knife, separating the pulp;
  • The pulp can be used to make vanilla sugar or syrup.

Separating the pulp from the pod is a laborious task

vanilla ice cream

Required: 0.5 liters. milk, 3 yolks, 100 g sugar and vanilla extract.

  • The yolks are beaten with sugar and heated in a water bath until thickened.
  • 250 ml of milk is heated in a separate container, vanilla extract is added and milk is mixed with a mixture of yolks.
  • The resulting mixture is heated for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • The mixture is removed from heat, the remaining 250 ml of milk is added and cooled.
  • After the mixture has cooled, it is placed in plastic container into the freezer.
  • During the first few hours, the mixture is stirred periodically to keep the ice cream uniform.

Vanilla ice cream can be made right in your kitchen

In medicine

Vanilla is often used in products traditional medicine. With her help:

  • relieve fevers;
  • eliminate pain and discomfort in the stomach;
  • treat disorders of the nervous system;
  • treat mental illness;
  • eliminate drowsiness;
  • treat rheumatism;
  • stimulate the work of muscles;
  • improve digestion;
  • treat intestinal diseases;
  • suppress the tendency to drink alcohol;
  • treat sleep disorders;
  • used for delays in the menstrual cycle and premenstrual syndrome;
  • used for antibacterial purposes;
  • used in the fight against cancer;
  • treat anemia.

It is known that when adding vanilla extract to food, you can save yourself from harmful bacteria.

When using vanilla during PMS and menstrual cycles, women feel much less discomfort and pain.

When losing weight

Nutritionists have discovered that the smell of vanilla can be used in the fight against excess weight. It helps suppress cravings for sweets and chocolate. Therefore, an effective method is recognized when overweight patients wear pendants containing vanilla oil.

Many modern weight loss systems include vanilla, not as a food supplement, but as a powerful antidepressant. Inhaling the sweet aroma of vanilla helps fight bad moods, relieves anxiety and calms the nerves. In addition, when inhaling this smell, a person produces hormones that block the feeling of hunger. You can also add a drop of vanilla oil to the finished dish, and then saturation occurs much faster.


Many cosmetic companies have long known about the benefits of vanilla for the skin and started producing creams based on vanilla extract.

Many leading brands launch vanilla-based skincare ranges

And, of course, this is one of the favorite fragrances of perfumers.

Vanilla essential oil mini diffuser will fill your home with intoxicating aromas

Vanilla notes are often used in perfumery


"Mora, Mora" ("Calmly and without haste") - this is how they say about capricious vanilla in Madagascar. After all, in addition to the humid tropical climate of the north of this island, it needs to be given a lot of time so that the unleavened fruits turn into fragrant vanilla.

Vanilla is propagated by cuttings. The plant is pollinated artificially, and the first fruits appear after three years of cultivation. Liana has a high growth rate. In just a month, it can grow by a meter. But for this to be true, it must create the most favorable conditions.

Liana grows very quickly in favorable conditions

Flowers can bear fruit for several decades.

Pollination in vivo produced only by a single species of bees and hummingbirds. But only a few percent of the flowers can be pollinated in this way.

The length of the vines can reach up to 50 m. Vanilla plantations are planted next to supports or pre-planted trees so that the vines have something to attach to.

Watch a video of how vanilla grows on a plantation in India.

At home

Growing a vanilla flower at home is very difficult. However, even if you managed to grow the plant, it will be even more difficult to achieve a harvest, since you will have to pollinate the vanilla yourself.

  • Vanilla needs a tropical, hot and humid climate, so you will need to build a greenhouse first.
  • Before planting, vanilla shoots should be soaked in water for 10 minutes.
  • Then pull the plant out, but not completely, leaving the tips in the water. Leave the shoot in this position for 5 days. Don't forget to add water periodically.
  • Fill the pot with special soil for orchids. Make sure the plant has a support around which it can wrap itself. The place where the pot will stand should be in the shade for half a day.
  • Plant the plant in a pot. The lower part of the plant (on which the shoots are located) should lie horizontally and be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Tie up a flower.
  • During the first month, the soil should be dry, but not overdried. Moisturize it from time to time. In the months that follow, water, mist, and fertilize the plant regularly.
  • It takes several years for vanilla to bloom.
  • When the plant blooms, it should be pollinated by hand. This must be done very carefully and at a strictly defined time. It is best to call an experienced grower for help, or turn to specialized Internet sites.
  • If everything goes well, the pods will begin to tie in a few months. When the pods begin to turn yellow at the bottom, it will be possible to harvest.

Growing vanilla in a pot is difficult, but very interesting activity

  • Vanilla was known to the Aztecs and Incas. Representatives of the nobility gave her a special flavor to drinks made from cocoa beans.
  • The Aztecs sweetened bitter chocolate with it and then used it to pay taxes.
  • Due to the complexity of growing and preparing the spice, vanilla is considered a very expensive spice.
  • Vanilla was brought to Russia at the beginning of the 17th century.
  • Among the entire Orchid family, only vanilla has edible fruits.
  • Vanilla has been considered medicinal since ancient times. This discovery was made by the Indians.
  • In France, tobacco was previously flavored with vanilla.
  • Vanilla came into wide use after the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus.
  • There is a youth fashion trend "Vanilla Style".

Synthetic vanilla flavor

Due to its high cost, vanilla is often adulterated. It is very rare to find real vanilla, artificial analogues are more often on sale, since vanilla of natural origin is quite expensive.

You will learn more about the benefits of vanilla by watching the program "Live Healthy".

Such a fragrant, alluring vanillin. Its benefits and harms have been studied almost completely. But known to a very narrow circle of people. So we fill the gap in knowledge. Moreover, many people still confuse vanillin and vanilla.


Vanilla is a long brown pod. Vanillin is a synthetic substance, flavoring. That's the whole difference. Therefore, in the store, do not rush the seller, asking for a bag of vanilla or that vanilla pod over there.

By the way, there are several types of synthetic flavoring. It all depends on the materials from which vanillin is prepared. It can be:

  • oil
  • paper production waste
  • tonka bean
  • coal tar

Yes Yes exactly. Did you think that the product is extracted directly from the pods? Dudki. And more recently, they figured out how to extract vanillin even from manure. True, the scientific world did not appreciate the discovery and awarded the scientist the Shnobelevka. To be disrespectful.

The benefits of vanillin

For health or in the process of treatment, vanillin does not bring any benefit. At all. Unless its gentle smell can slightly calm the shattered nervous system or drive away insomnia. But don't sniff vanilla for too long.

After a short time, it becomes intrusive, and then it becomes suffocating. The body reacts with aggression and irritability instead of appeasement.

Did you know? It turns out that someone started a story that you can pacify a flash of anger with vanillin. And after all, everyone, as one, believed and repeated this heresy. They didn't even bother to think logically. Well, how can vanillin relieve anger? While a person sniffs the sweet aroma, he will have time to smash everything to hell. And then calm down. Of course, it's vanillin helped! By the way, you can pour the powder into the eyes of a person. Then he will definitely not be angry. So, here, too, vanillin is honor and praise.

What is useful vanillin

But the benefits of fragrant powder are still there. In the kitchen. There is no need to tell how vanillin is used for culinary purposes. Fragrant spice is added to pastries, puddings, cocoa. Some housewives even add a pinch of it to the compote. To smell like a child.

But few people know that the vanilla smell goes well with meat dishes. Especially if you prepare a sweet and sour fruit sauce, and flavor it with a little vanilla.

Advice. Do not pour too much spice, trying to enhance the smell of the finished dish. The aroma will become cloying and suffocating, and it will be impossible to eat food due to strong bitterness.

Vanillin in cosmetics

Some sources claim that there are other benefits of vanillin in addition to the kitchen. Allegedly washing with water with dissolved powder works wonders. For those who are inclined to believe in fairy tales, we advise you to climb the article a little higher and read again - what this flavor is extracted from.

Think for yourself, which of the following will benefit the skin and miraculously change it for the better? That's right, absolutely nothing. Therefore, you should not translate the odorous powder in vain.

If you absolutely want to do something necessary for the skin and always with vanilla, then just add a few drops of essence or solution to your body milk or caring cream. No, it won't be useful. Such an amount of vanillin will not bring harm either. Why then add? For flavor. The scent stays on clean, damp skin for a very long time. At least you're enjoying yourself.

Advice. You can add a few drops to the hair balm. So the subtle sweet aroma will accompany you a little longer.

the benefits and harms of oat bran

Vanillin harm

Flavors of chemical production are interesting because they always present a lot of surprises in laboratory studies. However, vanillin is not at all from this story. Its negative sides were clear from the very beginning. After all, scientists knew what the substance was made of.

The fragrant tonka bean powder is especially insidious. It contains a lot of coumarin. This substance is dangerous because it is not excreted from the body, but gradually accumulates. When a certain concentration is reached, coumarin begins to poison the human body. Especially goes to the liver. After all, it is she who takes the brunt of all toxins and poisons.

But don't be afraid. And then stop using vanillin altogether. In order to get poisoned, a person of average body constitution needs to eat 80 g of fragrant powder at a time. But no one in their right mind would eat vanillin with spoons. And not so much of it is eaten by the average person. Even throughout life.

Therefore, you can safely add flavoring to your diet. Of course, in adequate doses. By the way, if you carefully read the inscriptions on the spice bags, you can completely avoid the terrible coumarin. Just be careful when buying.

What is the harm from vanillin

Absolutely all sources, like parrots, repeat the mantra one after another: with individual intolerance to the fragrant powder, dermatitis and eczema can occur. Who came up with this? With individual intolerance, only anaphylactic shock occurs! Whether up to an eczema to the person at such moment? Ah, unfortunate writers. At least look for accurate information before misleading people.

Another very "important" statement of such authors: vanillin is very high in calories, therefore it is not suitable for dietary nutrition. And another stupid myth. No doubt, the calorie content of the flavor is high. It is 288 kcal per 100 g of product. Read again. For 100 g! And how many grams of vanillin do you add to the dough? Maximum 1-1.5. Well, where is the danger for the figure or the contraindication to use in the diet? Always think before believing any nonsense.

Otherwise, vanillin will not bring any harm. Well, unless you overeat them to satiety. Although, this is hardly possible. A very bitter taste.

It turns out that he is the most ordinary, this vanillin. The benefits and harms of it are now no secret to you. Therefore, in a conversation with friends you can show off your knowledge. And, of course, use the information for personal purposes. For example, in the kitchen. Then your household will thank you. A trifle, but nice.

Video: how to make vanilla sugar from vanillin


Vanillin - benefits and harms to the body, calories and contraindications

Who doesn't know the sweet vanilla smell?! It is present in most confectionery products as a flavor enhancer. But is vanillin familiar from childhood harmless? Let's figure it out.

natural and synthetic vanillin

Before discussing the benefits and harms of vanillin for the body, it is worth finding out what types of it are. It is worth mentioning right away that in fact there are two types of this product:

  • Natural vanillin - made from the pods of fragrant creepers belonging to the orchid family. The main supplier of natural vanilla is Madagascar. And its share is less than 5% of the total amount of vanillin produced in the world.
  • Synthetic vanillin - is produced by synthesis from various raw materials - clove oil, residues of the paper industry, from rice bran and the largest volumes from petrochemical materials.

Natural vanillin practically does not harm human health and is very expensive, so let's take a closer look at the effect of a synthetic analogue on the body.

Common forms of vanillin. crystalline form

It has a smell that is almost indistinguishable from natural vanilla, is not afraid of thermal exposure, has a long shelf life and retains its properties when heated to 250 degrees. Crystalline vanillin is in demand in the confectionery industry, especially for making ice cream. The crystals are perfectly soluble in alcohol already at 20 °C, and in water at a temperature of 75 °C.

Powder form

In fact, this is a vanillin powder with various impurities based on glucose varieties (dextrose, lactose, etc.). Powder, in comparison with crystalline vanillin, has the finest structure and is widely used in the manufacture of chocolate products. Even at room temperature, the fragrance has a pronounced odor and is highly soluble in water.

liquid form

This form is used when using vanillin in dissolved form, for example, in drinks. The liquid is created from a crystalline base dissolved in a variety of carriers (ethyl alcohol, triacetate, propylene glycol). The main indicators of the liquid form are the temperature regime of the carrier and the percentage of vanillin content. The water-soluble carrier propylene glycol dissolves at 180 degrees, therefore, liquid vanillin on this basis is characterized by increased thermal stability and is usually used for the production of dairy products, confectionery and a variety of drinks.

The benefits and harms of crystalline, powdered and liquid vanillin will be discussed further.

What is useful vanillin?

The popularity of the aromatic additive was given by the sweetish vanilla aroma. Therefore, the beneficial effect of vanillin is more often associated with the effect of vanilla smell on the body. It has a good calming effect on the nervous system, effectively reduces irritability and anxiety.

Relieve tension, relax, achieve a sound restful sleep can help the use of any cosmetic product with the addition of a small amount of vanilla. When applied to skin or hair, the vanilla scent will stay with you all day long.

I would like to add about the positive impact on a person when using natural vanillin:

  • contains antioxidants that prevent aging and maintain a beautiful appearance;
  • stimulates brain activity, improves concentration and memory, has a beneficial effect on creative abilities;
  • has a powerful anticarcinogenic effect, prevents the formation of malignant tumors;
  • enhances the therapeutic effect on the body with arthrosis, arthritis;
  • strengthens the immune system, helps a person recover quickly after infectious and inflammatory diseases.

What harm can be caused by the use of vanillin?

We will talk about synthetic vanillin, since a natural product has practically no side effects on human health.

Like any artificially synthesized substance, vanillin is harmful to the human body.

In some variants of the synthesis, coumarin is used - a highly toxic carcinogen. It has been proven to negatively affect the liver.

But the flavoring vanillin, the benefits and harms of which we are studying, is used in such small doses that it is difficult to prove the actual harm from the use of vanillin. Except as an allergic reaction to a flavor or any component in its production. This can manifest as skin irritation, pigmentation disorders and skin dermatitis. This usually refers to workers who systematically come into contact with it in production, such as sorters or powder packers.

There are no reliable data on the safety of vanillin for pregnant and lactating mothers. Contraindication only with individual intolerance to vanillin.

The use of vanillin in moderate doses is practically safe for the body. But permanent use is not recommended, like any synthetic product.

Energy and biological value

100 g of vanillin contain:

The increased calorie content is offset by small doses of vanillin. And it is used in products that are difficult to attribute to dietary foods. Usually, vanillin is added to high-carbohydrate foods with a high fat content - biscuits, chocolate, cookies, ice cream.

The use of vanillin

There is a great demand for vanillin flavoring in the food industry, for the manufacture of food products. Especially popular is the use in the manufacture of ice cream and chocolate, according to statistics, these two products consume 75% of the produced vanillin. It is widely used to enhance the taste of tea, cocktails and other alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

But few people know that vanilla aroma is harmoniously combined with meat dishes. For example, when preparing sweet and sour fruit sauce.

Vanillin is often used not only to give a pleasant aroma to the product, but also to kill the smell and taste of a poor-quality product. It is important to use vanillin in strict proportions, an excess of flavoring will give a specific bitterness to the product.

Popular vanilla smell when creating cosmetics. Each cosmetic company has more than one series using vanilla flavor. It is often used to eliminate the unpleasant odor and taste of pharmaceuticals, especially children's and detergents. Successful attempts by Taiwanese scientists to use vanillin in the treatment of psoriasis are known.

Vanillin has also found its use at home for the preparation of a repellent against midges and mosquitoes based on an aqueous or oily solution, as well as when mixed with baby cream. For infants, this is the only absolutely harmless repellent.


The health benefits and harms of vanillin, like other flavors, are not yet fully understood. But we can say with confidence that the use of this product in the correct dosage will not cause any harm to health.


The benefits and harms of vanillin

The smell of this flavor can drive any gourmet crazy fragrant pastries, cakes, cookies, muffins, yoghurts and other desserts. The product is used as an ingredient in food and perfumery.

The benefits and harms of vanillin have been known since the time of the existence of pre-Columbian America, where the Aztec tribes used it as the main component for making a cocoa drink. Europeans managed to get acquainted with a fragrant plant only in the 16th century. They learned how to evaporate the extract from its seeds by exposing them to heat treatment and receive a crystalline powder, which began to be added to food.

Madagascar is considered the birthplace of a beautiful orchid, the vine of which gave us fragrant vanilla. For all of us, the benefits of vanillin are obvious, which lies in its great smell and unique palatability. However, orchid seeds can benefit not only in cooking, but also in matters of health.

Significant benefit vanillin for humans is the presence of polyphenols, this natural complex antioxidants normalizing metabolism, prolonging youth and slowing down the aging process, neutralizing free radicals.

The natural extract of the most popular fragrance in the world is very expensive and not often found in stores. And the harm of vanillin of artificial origin is quite predictable, due to the presence of chemical compounds in it that are not good for health. The most dangerous additive is coumarin, the mixture is a carcinogen, very toxic, and has a destructive effect on the liver. In addition, the imitation of natural vanilla may not contain those healing components for the body that are in the natural product.

The harm of vanillin for expectant mothers is unknown, no cases have been registered by doctors adverse reactions on a plant. Harm to vanillin is possible in case of individual intolerance to the plant, which happens extremely rarely.

After large-scale studies conducted by Americans in 2004, the benefits and harms of vanillin in the ability to treat neurodegenerative ailments associated with damage to the cells of the nervous system and brain became known. These are Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. As shown by the results of experiments, vanilla successfully affects the formation of dopamine, a substance whose deficiency plays a major role in the development of these serious diseases.

Article tags: The benefits and harms of foods and drinks


Vanilla and vanillin | World Without Harm

Almost no product of the confectionery industry can do without this crystalline powder. But, and that's not all. Vanillin, and we will talk about it, is also used in the production of liqueurs and spirits, in perfumery, and vanilla is even added to some medicines. About what we did not yet know about vanilla, and about what secrets this fragrant powder is fraught with - our publication ...

Vanilla and vanillin

Vanillin is a powder that has the characteristic taste and smell of vanilla, was created by scientists and chemists and has become a worthy and affordable alternative to natural vanilla. However, if the smell is recreated in artificial conditions chemical laboratory scientists still succeeded, but unfortunately, medicinal properties they could not fully reproduce natural vanilla.

Therefore, when talking about vanilla, which is used in medicine, we are talking about a natural product, and not its synthetic substitute. As for vanillin, this powder is perfectly soluble both in water, in ether and in alcohol, and does not leave behind any sediment, only a characteristic fragrant plume. Another unique property vanillin is its ability to interrupt the intensity of other odors, therefore, it is very often added to products in order not only to interrupt the main odor, but to soften the undesirable aftertaste.

If you feel bad smell, add a little vanillin to such milk - and there will be no trace of an unpleasant smell.

However, it is very important not to overdo it here, as the vanillin powder itself (not vanilla sugar!) has a slight bitter taste, and if you overdo it, your dish will smell good, but have a bitter aftertaste. It is generally accepted that

the optimal dosage of vanillin powder per kilogram of dough is only seven grams of vanillin.

As for vanilla sugar, since it is less concentrated and has sweet taste, its quantity can be slightly increased. You can safely add vanillin to your homemade cakes, to yogurts home cooking, in syrups, in cake creams ... In a word, add vanillin wherever you think its gentle and delicate fragrance! We have already mentioned that vanillin has become a synthesized substitute for natural vanilla. About it natural substance of natural origin, we will now talk in more detail.
