
Benefits of green tea: how to drink a drink. Green tea: health benefits and harms, contraindications and possible adverse reactions

Stretching a thing that has shrunken after washing is a painstaking, time-consuming and often risky task. Before stretching clothes, you should consider whether the chosen method takes into account the characteristics of the fabric from which the garment is made.


There are several ways to stretch things with your own hands using physical properties water and air.

  1. Soak loose clothing in cold water for 15 minutes. Then, without wringing, lay it out on a horizontal surface, slightly stretching it with your hands. Place a microfiber towel underneath. The item must be dry. naturally.
  2. Wash clothes in the machine on a delicate cycle (no spin and at the lowest temperature). Detergent does not need to be added. After completing the procedure, hang the item on a hanger and dry in an upright position. During drying, it is important to monitor the symmetry of paired parts. Choosing this method, you should take into account the features of a particular model of the washing machine.
  3. For this method, you need an iron with a steam mode. Lay out clothes previously soaked in cold water horizontally. Iron it with an iron. You need to steam the thing without pressure. After completing the procedure, leave the clothes to dry in a straightened state.


With this method, improvised household products based on chemical compounds are used.

  1. In 10 liters of cool water, dilute 6 teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Leave the shrunken wardrobe item in the solution for an hour, and then wash it in the machine under gentle mode.
  2. In 5 liters of water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of vodka, 3 tablespoons ammonia and 1 tablespoon of turpentine. Rinse clothes in the prepared solution and dry on hangers.
  3. Prepare a solution of 1 liter of water and 10 g baking soda. Soak clothes in it for 12 hours. Wash item in water a small amount powder. Then soak the clothes for 2 hours in a mixture of 2 liters of water and 10 tablespoons of vinegar. Rinse thoroughly and dry afterwards.

Tip: Before using any of the above solutions, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. Some liquids can adversely affect the color and structure of the fabric. It is equally important to strictly adhere to the formulation of the solution.

Fabric types

Each fabric requires specific care. Violation of the rules of care leads to the loss of an attractive appearance. During washing, the shrinkage effect threatens cotton, silk, linen, wool and a number of synthetic materials. Consider how to avoid shrinkage of certain fabrics and what to do if this occurs.


You can restore the shape of a shrunken cotton shirt with an vinegar solution:

  • mix 3 tablespoons of vinegar per 10 liters of water;
  • dip the product in it for 10 minutes;
  • wash clothes on a delicate cycle and hang them on a hanger.

Wet cloth should be straightened and stretched from time to time.

When leaving, you should follow some rules:

  1. Cotton items should not be washed at temperatures above 60°C.
  2. Stains must be removed before machine washing.
  3. New 100% cotton clothes are washed in cool water and dried naturally.
  4. If the fabric is very thin, set the delicate wash cycle or the “hand wash” program.


  • rinse in warm water;
  • hang to dry without wringing;
  • iron a slightly damp product, making pulling movements with an iron.

Hard water and harsh cleaning products are detrimental to flax. The higher the quality of linen, the less chance of shrinkage. High-quality linen is distinguished by a flat surface, a dense weave of threads and a strong color.

  • Linen clothes can be machine washed only if the clothes have a special designation.
  • Exceptionally delicate mode will do.
  • The water temperature should not exceed 40 °C.


Most safe way return woolen products to their original appearance - use a special conditioner for washing wool:

  • 2-3 caps of conditioner should be diluted in warm water;
  • leave shrunken clothes in this solution for 15 minutes;
  • taking out the thing, you need to let the water drain, and remove the remaining moisture with a terry towel.

Dry the product on another towel. To stretch to the desired size, you can use pins or buttons that attach the item to the towel.

Caring for wool garments:

  1. Wash at low water temperature (over 30°C).
  2. Use non-aggressive detergents.
  3. Avoid machine wash.
  4. Owners of woolen sweaters should acquire a specialized powder and, in the absence of special program in the functionality of the machine to wash your favorite things by hand.
  5. Woolen coats can be dry-cleaned without hesitation.

Silk and synthetics

Compliance with the rules will help to avoid shrinkage:

  1. Silk does not like rough mechanical action, high temperature and alkaline detergents.
  2. Wash the fabric by hand at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.
  3. Rinse silk things should be 2 times: first in plain water, after that - in water with the addition of a softener.
  4. From machine washing, even with a delicate mode, it is better to refuse.
  5. Expensive silk clothes are best sent to the dry cleaners.
  6. High-temperature washing is contraindicated not only for natural, but also for synthetic fabrics.
  7. Shrinkage threatens products made from nylon and polyester. They are not recommended to be washed at temperatures above 40°C. Lycra, acrylic and spandex do not shrink.

Jeans made of cotton fabrics, which include denim, are often deformed after washing. If the fabric contains elastane, jeans should not sit down.

  1. Stretching shrunken jeans will help ironing. A hot steam iron will soften the fabric.
  2. Pants with the addition of elastic materials can be stretched directly on the body, after wetting problem areas.
  3. An excellent assistant in the fight against shrinkage is a special belt expander. This tool allows you to stretch jeans to the desired size.

To keep jeans from shrinking in size during washing, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Give preference to hand washing.
  2. Do not wash jeans at temperatures above 30°C.
  3. Avoid machine drying.
  4. Do not dry jeans in direct sunlight.

Tip: The Shrink to fit mark means that the jeans shrink after the first wash and no longer change shape. In such a situation, you should buy a pair one size larger.

How to prevent fabric shrinkage

Preventing shrinkage is much easier than restoring clothes to their original state. The main rules to follow are:

  1. Follow the instructions on the clothing labels.
  2. Avoid washing in hot water (30 ° C is the optimum temperature).
  3. Do not dry clothes near heaters.
  4. Use tumble dry with care.

Why do clothes shrink

Shrinkage is a reduction in the size of clothes when washed. The list of the most common causes of shrinkage includes:

  1. Incorrectly selected spin mode.
  2. High water temperature.
  3. Fabric features.
  4. Drying in washing machine or on a heater.

The basis of the above errors is ignoring the recommendations for caring for clothes. The necessary information is encrypted in special symbols on the labels.

Washing recommendations contain an image of a rectangular container, on which you can often see the allowable temperature. Washing icons vary by manufacturer. Points can be used instead of digital designation of water temperature.

The ability to restore clothes after washing is useful to everyone. Although it is better not to take it to extreme measures, but to take care of things right away.

Sometimes a violation of the rules can lead to disastrous results, which also applies to washing clothes. If you neglect the instructions of the clothing manufacturer on the tag, you can pay with a thing that, if washed incorrectly, can deteriorate, and, in particular, sit down. What to do if the dress shrinks after washing? What to do in such a situation? The question of what to do if a thing has sat down after washing is asked by many housewives, since this problem is quite widespread. You can give a lot of recommendations on what to do if the dress has sat down after washing, as well as how to return the clothes to their previous appearance. Try to follow these tips to give your things a chance to recover.

Why do things shrink?

Why do clothes shrink after washing? Many people ask this question, and there are several reasons for shrinkage:

  • Incorrect selection of the speed and nature of the spin, or its use when it is prohibited.
  • Wrong installation temperature regime, a strong deviation from the recommended values.
  • The nature of the fabric - natural materials shrink more than synthetic fabrics.

The wrong choice of temperature negatively affects the structure of the fabric, and this effect is further enhanced by the mechanical action of the washing machine drum. What to do if the thing sat down during washing, for which you have chosen the wrong temperature and spin modes? Get ready to memorize the best tips.

8 ways to get your clothes back in shape

You can immediately name 8 proven ways to stretch clothes that have shrunken after washing. You can choose either one of them, or several at the same time, if in your case there are difficulties:

  • If the shirt has shrunk after washing, try soaking it in cold water for 10-15 minutes, then remove it from the container, shake it well and spread it out on a flat horizontal surface. Before you leave the thing to dry, it must be stretched with your hands and given the desired shape, after which, in the process of drying, occasionally correct the thing in order to maintain the given shape. If the jacket has shrunk after washing, do not wring it out by hand after soaking.
  • This method also involves soaking in cold water for 10-15 water, but further actions are different. You will have to get wet clothes and put them on. If your dress has shrunk after washing, wearing wet clothes until completely dry will allow them to conform to the exact shape of your body. It is not recommended to use this method if there is a risk of catching a cold, therefore it is better not to experiment in poorly heated rooms with drafts.
  • Not sure how to stretch a wool dress after washing? Wool is a very finicky fabric with which you will have to tinker. To stretch it, pour 10 liters of water into a container and dilute 5 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide in it, then bring the solution to a homogeneous state. After that, carefully place the wool product in the solution and soak for 90 minutes. Next, carefully remove moisture from the clothes (but do not wring out) and lay out on a towel to dry things.
  • How to stretch a shirt after washing if it is made of mixed fabrics or synthetics? And for this case there is effective method. Soak the product for 15 minutes in cold water and place in the washing machine. How to wash a thing so that it stretches? Set the delicate wash mode, set the number of revolutions to the minimum value, do the same with the water temperature, you also do not need to add powder.
  • What should I do if cotton clothes shrink after washing? In this case, you can be helped by a solution of vinegar, the strength of which is 3%. Soak a soft cloth in such vinegar, place the shrunken thing on a flat horizontal surface, and then treat it with a sponge soaked in vinegar. After processing, the thing must be hung on a coat hanger.
  • How to stretch clothes that have shrunken after washing folk ways? The same vinegar is perfect, but the technology for using it is somewhat different from that described above. You need to mix 3 tablespoons of vinegar and 10 liters of water, then soak clothes in the prepared mixture for 10-15 minutes. After soaking, shrunken clothing should be gently wrung out and hung on hangers to dry. While the thing is drying, regularly give it the correct shape and size.
  • Not sure how to stretch a dress after washing quickly and safely for the clothes themselves? You can go in from the other side and influence the thing with high temperature. It would seem that too high a temperature is one of the reasons why things shrink when washed, but when right approach positive results can be achieved. After all, soak in cold water for 10-15 minutes, then shake off the water and lay it on a horizontal surface (you can put a towel on it). Now you need to iron the thing with an iron through the fabric, while giving it the correct shape.
  • What to do if the blouse has sat down after washing, but you can’t iron it? Steam power can be used. To do this, first soak the item in cold water, then hang it on a coat hanger and steam it from the steam generator. At the same time, do not forget to simultaneously give things the desired shape.

Now you have an idea of ​​what to do if, after washing, your clothes have lost their shape and become smaller in size. It's good to know how to prevent shrinkage - it's easier than figuring out what to do if your T-shirt has shrunk after washing. So, how to increase the likelihood of successful washing of clothes with the help of simple recommendations care?

Prevention of clothing shrinkage

Even if you know what to do if your shirt has shrunk after washing and are ready to challenge the shrinkage, it won't hurt you to know how to easily prevent such problems. Heed these tips:

  • Before washing, always read the tag attached to the garment carefully. It always contains all the information necessary for proper washing. Unfortunately, it does not say how to stretch the dress in length after washing, so try to avoid problems.
  • Learn how to properly care for your clothes, especially those made from delicate fabrics. Try to wash your clothes at a water temperature of no more than 30 degrees Celsius.
  • When buying woolen clothes, try to choose a model with one size larger than you need. This will allow you to play it safe and not get damaged even if the clothes shrink.

If you don’t want to constantly wonder what to do if your blouse or other item of yours has sat down after washing, take the time to properly care for your wardrobe. It’s not enough to just throw things in the washing machine drum and naively expect a positive result - take a little time to learn the rules now so that you will come in handy more than once later. Knowing what to do if a thing has sat down after washing, you can handle even the most difficult situations and prolong the life of your things.

Curtains or, requires the implementation of certain cleaning rules. Many fabrics, not withstanding exposure high temperatures and intensive push-ups, give a strong shrinkage. Therefore, do not be surprised when, as a result of improper washing, your favorite jumper is reduced to an incredibly small size. If such a nuisance happened, do not despair and send the thing to the scrap. There are several ways to restore a damaged product.

Causes of fabric shrinkage

Dry clothes horizontally

Almost all fabrics shrink during washing, especially if they contain a high percentage of natural fibers. This should be remembered when buying products made of, silk or wool and always strictly follow the washing and drying recommendations that the manufacturer usually places on the label.

There are several reasons for material shrinkage:

  • In the process of developing and dyeing a textile fabric, the fibers are subjected to repeated stretching. At the first wet-heat treatment, the tension of the threads decreases, and the fabric shrinks.
  • It is especially important to follow the cleaning regimen for products made from 100% wool. This is easy to explain, because the wool fiber is of animal origin, it contains a large amount of natural protein (keratin), which coagulates at a temperature of more than 60 ° C.
  • In addition, the surface of the wool fiber is covered with keratinized scales, which, when soaked in hot water, deform, fluff up and adhere to each other. As a result, the size of the product is noticeably reduced.

Shrinkage of a woolen item can occur with each subsequent wash, after which the clothes will be completely damaged.

How to restore clothes from wool

There are several ways to restore the size of a woolen item that has shrunken as a result of improper washing:

  1. The product is immersed for 10 minutes in a container with warm, not more than 30 ° C, water. After that, the thing is taken out and laid out on a wire rack, allowing the water to drain spontaneously. A terry towel is spread on a flat surface, on which a wet sweater is laid out, carefully stretching the shrunken parts. To new form preserved, the bottom of the product, shoulder seams and cuffs of the sleeves must be attached to the towel with clothespins or pins. Important! When stretching a wet product, it is necessary to ensure that the length of the symmetrical parts is the same.
  2. To increase the elasticity of wool fibers, you can use turpentine in combination with ammonia. In a container with warm water add 50 ml of ammonia and 15 ml of turpentine, mix well and immerse the item to be processed. After 40 minutes, the product is rinsed with water of the same temperature, laid out on a horizontal surface, stretched and dried.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide in an amount of 30 ml is poured into a ten-liter container with water heated to room temperature. Immerse the thing, diligently stretching the shrunken parts, and leave to soak for 2 hours. After the set time has elapsed, the product is laid out to dry.
  4. If the jacket has sat down white color, the situation can be corrected using cow's milk. The product is soaked for half an hour in milk, after which it is rinsed and laid out to dry.
  5. This method of restoring a shrunken thing involves exposure low temperatures. First, the product is soaked for half an hour in a solution of a powder intended for washing wool, then it is rinsed and the water is allowed to drain. After that, the item is placed in plastic bag and placed in freezer. After a day, the product is defrosted in a natural way and laid out to dry.
  6. The deformed thing is turned inside out, laid out on an ironing board and steamed not too hot, gently stretching the shrunken parts.
  7. The next method will appeal, perhaps, only to especially hardened people. The product is soaked in cold water for several minutes, the main part of the moisture is squeezed out and put on the body. You will have to walk in such a refreshing outfit until the thing dries and takes the right size. The task is made easier if there is a mannequin in the house. Then a wet sweater is pulled over a mannequin, and a weight is tied to the bottom of the product and the cuffs of the sleeves to stretch the fibers.

Whatever method is used, it must be observed general rules drying woollens:

  • do not lay out products near batteries;
  • do not hang on hangers;
  • when rinsing to soften the fibers, use conditioner;
  • do not change the temperature of the water during the treatment.

Ways to restore clothing from mixed fabrics

After processing, the item must be washed again

They are called fabrics, which contain both natural and artificial or synthetic fibers. Products made from such materials do not shrink as much as woolen clothes, and are easier to restore. All of the above methods are also suitable for restoring mixed fabrics with one amendment: it is better to dry products with the addition of synthetics in an upright position.

In addition, it is sometimes possible to restore the size of a shrunken sweater or dress by washing it again in the machine:

  • To do this, the thing is soaked in cool water for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed in a machine without adding powder, setting the “delicate” mode.
  • Dry the product in a vertical position, hanging it on a coat hanger, periodically stretching the shrunken parts with your hands.

How to resize cotton clothes

Cotton sweaters, T-shirts and shirts often become unusable because they shrink as a result of improper washing. Acetic acid is used to restore damaged cotton items.

These clothes require special care.

The essence of the method is as follows:

  • Pour 3% acetic acid into a small container.
  • The foam sponge is dipped into the liquid and the shrunken product is processed, trying to completely soak the fibers of the material.
  • Then the clothes are washed in the machine, setting the appropriate mode, and hung up to dry in an upright position.

A shrunken sweater can be soaked for 10 minutes in a solution acetic acid. For this, 3 tbsp. l. vinegar essence dissolve in 10 liters of water and immerse the clothes, then wash and dry on a coat hanger, stretching the deformed parts from time to time.

The unpleasant smell of vinegar can be removed by additional rinsing with conditioner.

How to prevent fabric shrinkage

It is often much easier to prevent shrinkage of the fabric than to fix the problem for a long time. Here are some tips for this:

  • Before cleaning clothes for the first time, you should carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations on the label.
  • Do not wash delicate materials at temperatures above 30°C.
  • When buying clothes made of pure wool, in terms of shrinkage, it is better to immediately choose a model one size larger.

If you properly care for your clothes, you won’t have to be upset by the deplorable appearance of a brand new jumper that has shrunken after the first wash. However, just in case, it is useful to know a few proven methods that allow you to restore the dimensions of the product.


Often woolen things become favorite, they are put on every day in order to constantly be warm and cozy. But from your cleaning and washing sweater and blouses lose their shape. Even the delicate mode of the washing machine does not guarantee excellent result.

matted sweater try to restore as follows. For ten liters of soap solution, add three tablespoons of ammonia and one tablespoon of turpentine. Soak a woolen cloth in this solution. sweater for a day. Then rinse in cool water with the addition of a special conditioner. Dry the product by wrapping it in a terry towel. Change your towel when it gets wet.

You can make another solution to return sweater have the previous look. Take ten liters of soapy warm water, add three tablespoons of ammonia and a spoonful of ordinary alcohol. Rinse the product in this mixture and leave for a day. Rinse gently and thoroughly in warm water, wring out lightly. Lay on a flat surface covered with a clean cloth. Not waiting when sweater dry, iron it with an iron, while stretching it to its original size.

If the thing is not badly damaged, you can restore its original appearance by washing in the water where it was soaked. Warm up some water and soak it in sweater, wring out lightly and again immerse in the solution. Lay a terry towel on the table, lay the product on it, giving it the correct shape.

Woolen sweater with a greasy stain, wash in mustard infusion. Pound one glass of dry product in water to a liquid slurry. Strain the solution through cheesecloth so that it does not contain large pieces. Add the mixture to warm water (40-50 degrees) and let stand for 2-3 hours. This product can be used to wash wool sweater without the addition of other substances.

Knitwear after such a wash sits less and sheds. Just before rinsing, add one teaspoon of ammonia to ten liters of water.

Once white sweater can be restored if you hold it for a day in water, where sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon slices lie.

Glossy woolen elbows sweater and iron through a cloth that you soak in a solution of vinegar, where one part is acid and two is water.


  • Restoring matted woolen items

If sweater after washing it has decreased by a size, you can try to return it to its original form. A new wash in more gentle conditions, gentle stretching and proper drying.

You will need

  • - soft detergent;
  • - conditioner for delicate fabrics;
  • - terry towels.


Examine the damaged item carefully. A sweater made of natural wool or a model containing a large amount of wool fibers does not tolerate machine washing well. Harmful to woolen clothes and hot water. If the pullover is hopelessly rolled up and the structure resembles a felt boot, most likely it can no longer be saved. But slightly smaller sweater with the addition of cotton, viscose or synthetic fibers is possible.

To restore the thing, it will have to be washed again, best by hand. Dilute in a basin a mild detergent, gel or powder, suitable for wool. The water should be slightly warm - no higher than 40 degrees. It is important not only to wash sweater how much to properly wet it and soften the fibers. Rinse the item in water at the same temperature with the addition of a fabric softener.

Remove excess water by squeezing sweater. Don't twist it. Roll the wet thing into a thick terry towel. If the pullover is very voluminous and made of thick fluffy threads, you will need two towels.

When finished, unfold sweater on a flat surface. Gently stretch the canvas with your hands, returning it to its original shape. Be especially careful with openwork models. Pull out the sleeves, making them the same length. Smooth out the bottom line.

Spread out sweater on a folded sheet or dry towel and leave it to dry completely. Straighten all the folds and trim elements - collar, cuffs, pocket flaps.

Another option for stretching involves drying sweater but directly on the body. After squeezing things with towels, put it on and wear it for at least half an hour. After that sweater can be removed and laid out for drying on a dry towel.

Do not hang the item on a coat hanger or throw it over the clothesline. From this sweater may stretch a little, but it is possible that it will deform and acquire uneven wavy edges.

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Helpful advice

Take care of the safety of other things from your wardrobe. Carefully study the label - if it has a sign that prohibits washing, do not risk it - the clothes will probably suffer.

Knitwear, beautiful and warm, helps us a lot in winter and in cold weather. These are comfortable and practical clothes, but it is better to clean them in a dry cleaner. If this is not possible, then keep in mind that sweater, knitted from pure wool yarn must be washed very carefully. This is due to the properties of wool, which tends to shrink greatly if the washing conditions are not maintained.


For washing woolen items, manufacturers have developed special washing powders, for example, Laska powder is well suited for this purpose. You can also use soap, liquid soap and even some hair shampoo if sweater Knitted from especially delicate and soft wool.

Spread out sweater on a flat, flat, horizontal surface and measure its length, width, sleeves, shoulder, and collar circumference. Don't forget to write down your measurements on paper.

Turn the product inside out, pour warm water into a basin and thoroughly dilute the powder, planed soap or liquid detergent in it. Lower sweater into water, soak it completely and rub the contaminated areas. Pay special attention to the cuffs and collar. Try not to rub the fibers and knitted fabric too much, so that pellets do not form on it.

Squeeze the sweater, but do not twist it, but simply squeeze it tightly, gathering it into a ball. Dirty water pour out, pour clean and cool new water, rinse in it sweater. Repeat rinsing if necessary. Remove the product from the water in a lump so that it does not stretch.

Put sweater on the grate, wait 15-20 minutes for the remaining water to drain. After that, spread out a large bath terry towel, spread on it sweater and straighten carefully. Roll up the towel with sweater ohm in a tight roll so that all the moisture is absorbed into the terry cloth. If necessary, you can use another towel.

Lay an oilcloth or cellophane on a horizontal flat surface and lay it on it. sweater, smoothing it out. Check it and trim them to the previously recorded values. Dry the product out of direct sunlight in a well-ventilated area.

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It happens that by chance in a washing machine with linen that should be washed at a high temperature, there was a loved one, for whom hot water is "death". spoiled thing some housewives simply throw it away, but you can restore it.


If thing was knitted, you can try to save it as follows. Soak it in warm water for 10 minutes. It should get wet so that it can then be put in a centrifuge and squeezed out. This is a prerequisite, so you can only wet thing and not wet. As soon as you take it out of the centrifuge, start stretching it to the desired size. After such a stretch, you can not put thing to dry on some flat surface, otherwise you risk getting back your shrunken thing. Further drying should take place in limbo. For this you need to place thing on hangers and leave to dry further, shaking it occasionally. When it dries, you need to stroke it and evaluate the result.

If thing woolen, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to do something, since the threads do not have to be pulled. However, if your favorite item is not made of wool, for example, you can try to return it to its previous form by stretching. Wet for this thing you have to try with your hands different sides. Drying is also desirable in a hanging position, because lying on the surface of the dryer, it can easily "sit down" back.

You can also try to restore the shrunken thing with the help of an iron. Iron with steam and at the same time stretch on the ironing board to the desired size.

Alternatively, try this method. The thing must be soaked in cold vinegar water and put on a towel. In order for it to dry properly, first you need to give it the necessary shape with your hands, and then pin it to the towel with needles along the contour.

Another option is to dissolve, wind the threads and tie a new one. thing the same model as before. But this is a radical step that can only be done if you know how to knit or you have a craftsman friend who can restore you in this way.

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Woolen things are simply indispensable in cold weather. They are warm and comfortable, but very difficult to wash. One careless action, and the thing will sit or stretch. Fortunately, wool gets dirty slowly, so it should be washed rarely, and when the need arises, the main thing is to follow the rules. In this case, everything will be fine, and your thing will be as good as new.

You will need

  • 1) Washing powder suitable for wool;
  • 2) Fabric softener;
  • 3) Laundry bag.


Mode selection. So, to start, put sweater in a laundry bag into the washing machine, add washing powder and air conditioning. Then set the desired mode. Many models have a wool wash function, and if not, then select the delicate mode or the hand wash mode. These are the most gentle options, with the lowest drum speed. In this case, things are not damaged or deformed.

Temperature selection. Wool cannot be washed hot water- the thing will immediately sit down. The highest allowable temperature is 30 degrees. Be sure to check what water temperature the washing mode you have chosen implies. If too high, then select another mode or manually adjust the desired one.

Spin. Be sure to disable this feature or things will be damaged. Even a soft spin will not work, since the drum rotates at a speed of at least 500 revolutions per minute, which will most likely lead to deformation of the thing. The same applies to hand-squeezing - wet woolen threads will pull out if you try to wring out a woolen garment. So instead of spinning, it’s better to wait 10 minutes after the end of the wash cycle to excess water glass and all.

Drying. Due to the fact that you cannot use the spin cycle and manually wring out woolen items, they dry for a long time. In no case should you try to speed up this process. If you hang woolen sweater dry on a battery or put in the sun, it will be rough and caked in appearance, and the threads will become more fragile, so that the thing may break even when you try to put it on. Another difficulty is sweater and such things cannot be hung on a rope. In this case, they can stretch, and from the very

What to do if the thing sat down after washing? Naturally, this question arises if you forgot to read the care information provided on the product label. Do not rush to throw away the deformed thing or put it in the far corner - it is still worth fighting for its existence. You can save the current situation with the help of simple recipes that you will find in this article.

How to prevent shrinkage of clothes?

If the fabric is prone to shrinkage, there is almost no way you can avoid it, especially if you take care of it incorrectly. For example, fabrics such as wool and cotton tend to shrink after the first wash. So that the deformation of the wardrobe item is not so clearly expressed, it is better to play it safe right away and buy things from such material a size larger.

What to do if the woolen thing has sat down?

In the case when the problem has already arisen and you are trying to decide what to do if the item has sat down after washing, you will need simple means, which are sure to be found in your home:

  • washing powder for woolen and delicate fabrics;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vodka (cologne);
  • turpentine;
  • baking soda;
  • wine acid;
  • vinegar;
  • milk;
  • a piece of gauze;
  • iron;
  • washing machine.

Before stretching a wool sweater, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. If the composition of the woolen material contains cotton or viscose, such a thing is still subject to restoration.
  2. Since wool is afraid of high temperatures, use only cool water for processing.
  3. Do not change the temperature of the water during processing - this may cause the fibers to fall off and you will not achieve the desired result.
  4. You can only restore a deformed item by re-washing it by hand.
  5. For processing, use only gentle powders or gels designed for washing delicate items.
  6. When rinsing, add conditioner - this way you soften the fibers and make the product more elastic.
  7. Never twist the wool - aggressive spinning will deform the thread.
  8. To effectively wring out moisture, use terry towels or any moisture-absorbing fabric.
  9. Roll the product in a towel and press it so that the water passes to the dry material.
  10. When stretching the canvas, remember that the length of the parts must be the same.
  11. Pay attention to the fact that there are no folds, the collar and cuffs should be straightened.
  12. Dry the product only in a horizontal position.

Important! If the clothes are so deteriorated that the proposed instructions did not help, think of another use for them. Our reviews will help you with this:

Ways to restore the former shape of shrunken clothes

We offer several options for solving the problem: if a woolen sweater has sat down after washing, what to do so that the thing takes on its previous shape.

Method 1

  1. Immerse the product in warm water no more than 30 ° C for 5-10 minutes.
  2. Press.
  3. Prepare to dry flat surface and cover it with a towel.
  4. Lay out the woolen thing to dry, stretch the shrunken parts in the right direction, align along the bottom edge, straighten and secure with plastic clothespins.

Important! Do not use iron needles (pins) to avoid rust marks. Hang the almost dry thing on a coat hanger.

Method 2

To save a shrunken sweater, make the following solution:

  1. Pour 5 liters of water at room temperature into a basin.
  2. Add 3 tbsp. ammonia, 1 tbsp. vodka (any cologne), 1 tbsp. turpentine.
  3. Put the deformed thing in the solution for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Rinse well in water of the same temperature.

After such a procedure, the wool fibers become soft and elastic, so the product can be given its original shape by fixing it in the manner described above.

Important! Depending on what kind of thing has shrunk and what it is sewn from, in case of unsuccessful attempts to restore its original shape and size, use our following ideas:

Method 3

Ordinary hydrogen peroxide will help correct the situation:

  1. Dilute in 10l cold water 20-30 ml of the drug.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the shrunken thing in the solution, while actively stretching the problem areas
  3. Leave the sweater in the solution for 1.5-2 hours.
  4. Lay out to dry, periodically stretching shrunken areas.

Important! The longer you process the product, the higher the probability of restoring the previous dimensions. Use this method carefully on dark and multi-colored items to prevent discoloration.

Method 4

  1. cook soap solution from wool washing powder.
  2. Soak the product for 20-30 minutes
  3. Rinse in clean water.
  4. Press.
  5. Place in a plastic bag and put in the freezer overnight.
  6. Place on an absorbent cloth to drain water when fully thawed.
  7. Dry at room temperature.

Method 5

If the condition of the shrunken thing is not entirely deplorable, use ammonia:

  1. Mix in equal number water and ammonia.
  2. Let the product soak for 2 hours.
  3. Rinse in in large numbers water.

Method 6

To stretch a shrunken white thing, use milk:

  1. Soak the product in milk for half an hour.
  2. Rinse.

Method 7

If the question of what to do, if a knitted sweater, woolen sweater or dress has sat down, is still relevant, proceed as follows:

  1. Pour 2 liters of cold water into a basin and add 20 grams of soda.
  2. Soak the item in the solution for 10-12 hours.
  3. Wash with laundry detergent.
  4. Prepare the following solution: add 10 tablespoons to 2 liters of water. tartaric acid.
  5. Flip the sweater periodically so that it is evenly immersed in the liquid.
  6. Rinse and dry after 2 hours.

Method 8

  1. Turn the deformed item inside out.
  2. Lay on an ironing board and cover with damp cheesecloth.
  3. Set your iron to steam mode.
  4. Iron not too hot problem areas, specifically stretching them.

Method 9

An unusual way, but quite effective, if you have an acute question of what to do if a wool sweater has sat down:

  1. Soak the item in cool water.
  2. Squeeze out the main moisture.
  3. Put it on and wear it until it's practically dry.
  4. The story is dried in an upright position.

Important! Alternatively, you can use a sales dummy, but in this case, evenly distribute the product and tie weights to the sleeves and bottom of the product. Unscrewing a deformed product is strictly prohibited.

How to stretch knitwear?

The same problem affects things made of cotton material: knitted T-shirts, jumpers, jeans. In solving questions: how to stretch a cotton thing, after washing a t-shirt sat down what to do, you will need 3% vinegar, a sponge and hair conditioner:

  1. Soak the product in warm water for a few minutes.
  2. Press.
  3. Place the garment in an empty basin and moisten liberally with hair conditioner.
  4. Start stretching. If the stretch is poor, leave the product in the conditioner for a few more minutes.
  5. Rinse in clean water.
  6. Slightly wring out the item, but do not twist.
  7. Pour the vinegar into a small container.
  8. Lay out the stretchable item in a wide basin or in the bathroom.
  9. Soak in a sponge in the product and wipe the fabric with stretching movements.
  10. Wash in the washing machine, but only in a suitable mode.
  11. Rinse with fabric softener to remove the vinegar smell.

Important! We have many more in our arsenal. interesting ideas, which you can use for knitwear:
