
Salt the waves with cold. Salting waves

Easily found in the mixed forest. These mushrooms are most often found in hilly areas. It is very difficult to collect volnushki, as they most often hide in the grass or disguise themselves among the fallen leaves. These mushrooms grow in whole families. Suitable for eating are those that are no larger than a five-kopeck coin, with a pink fringe wrapped under a hat. Of course, finding a clean wave is not easy. After all, these mushrooms relished the worms. But if you find a product suitable for food, you need to cook it correctly. There are several ways. In this article, we will look at how to properly salt the waves.

Edible or poisonous?

Many mushroom pickers are wondering if it is worth picking up the mushrooms and salting them. According to foreign scientists, it is not worth eating such products. For example, Gerard Udu writes in his book that the Volzhanka, or, in other words, the pink wave, is poisonous. Eating this mushroom leads to all sorts of disorders of the digestive system. As for our scientists, they claim the opposite. That is why in many parts of our country, salty flakes are considered quite edible.

Raw mushrooms have a bitter taste. This is due to the fact that they contain milky juice. Because of this, the product needs to be pre-treated before cooking, since there is no point in salting the flakes immediately after harvesting. They will still retain bitterness.


As already mentioned, before salting the waves, they must be processed. This process takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it. The whole procedure is as follows:

  1. First of all, separate the white waves from the pink ones. They must be cooked separately. Before cooking, mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned of traces of spoilage and earth. In this case, 2/3 of the legs should be removed. If the knife does not allow you to completely clean the wave, you can use a small brush with soft bristles.
  2. Since it is impossible to salt the waves immediately after cleaning, they should be soaked. To do this, place the mushrooms in a deep container and fill with cold water. Leave for a few days. Of course, the water needs to be changed regularly, preferably every five hours. This will keep the mushrooms from sour and draw out all the bitterness from them.
  3. After two days, the mushrooms can be thrown into a colander, cleaned and rinsed again. Let the water drain completely before cooking.

Cold method of salting the waves: preparation

Consider how to salt the waves in a cold way. In this case, they should be soaked a little differently. Place the cleaned volnushki in a barrel with a slatted double bottom and a special hole through which water is drained. Prepare a wooden circle and a clean canvas in advance. Pour the mushrooms with cold water and cover them with prepared items. This will prevent the waves from rising. As a load, you can use washed clean stones. A barrel of mushrooms should be placed in a cold place. It is recommended to change the fluid up to three times a day. Since it is a little more difficult to salt the waves in a cold way, we will pay special attention to this issue. Mushrooms should be soaked for 3 to 5 days. The procedure should be stopped at the moment when the caps will bend, but not break. This is the first sign that the flakes are ready to be salted.

Cooking process. Recipe #1

Prepared mushrooms should be put in a container with caps down. The thickness of the layer should be approximately six centimeters. Each layer must be sprinkled with salt and all the spices that are indicated in the recipe you have chosen. It is worth remembering that the bottom of the barrel and the topmost row of mushrooms must be well salted. When the container is full, it must be closed with a wooden circle and put oppression on top. A few days later, another batch of mushrooms is put into the barrel and again everything is sprinkled with salt. The procedure is repeated until the barrel is full. After that, you should prepare a 6% salt solution and fill it with waves. After that, the container is sealed.

Cold method of salting the waves: recipe number 2

In this case, the waves can be soaked for five hours, and the mushrooms only need to be cleaned. From the dishes you need to prepare a glass container or an enameled pan. Hats down, mushrooms are laid out in a container, on the bottom of which you should pour salt in advance and put spices: dill stalks, horseradish leaves, currants and cherries. Sprinkle each layer of waves with bay leaves, garlic and pepper. Do not forget about salt.

At the end of the salting, it is worth putting dill stalks, currant and cherry leaves, a clean linen, a circle of wood and stones as oppression on top of the mushrooms. Approximately 40 to 50 grams of salt is required per kilogram of waves. After a few days, the mushrooms should give juice. If it is not enough, then it is worth increasing the severity of oppression. If signs of mold appear, then it is better to replace the canvas, and wash the circle and load. Volnushki will be ready in 40 days. You need to store them in a cold place. Now you know how to salt volnushki mushrooms using the cold method.

Salting with preliminary blanching

Since it is more difficult to salt the flakes in hot weather, it is recommended to use the pre-blanching method. This does not allow them to turn sour when soaking. Mushrooms are placed in a colander, and then dipped in boiling water for five minutes. If desired, they can be boiled several times. However, remember that after boiling water, the product must be immediately placed in cold water. After that, the mushrooms are salted as indicated in the previous method. Volnushki will be ready for use in 10 days. This is the fastest way to salt.

A little about the hot method

Since salting the waves for the winter in the cold way is long enough, many choose the hot method. Most often, they resort to it if it is not possible to soak the mushrooms, for example, the weather is too hot or the process of their preparation needs to be accelerated. Volnushki are simply boiled before salting. In principle, any mushroom can be processed this way. However, those that are conditionally edible become much tastier, because when boiled, all the bitterness is drawn out of them, and the hats become elastic. Below we will consider how to salt the waves in a hot way.

salting recipe

So, how to salt the waves in a hot way? To begin with, peeled mushrooms should be boiled in lightly salted water. If there are a lot of waves, then do not heat treat the entire mass at once. Better share. Also, do not boil all the mushrooms in one water: they will taste bitter and darken.

The waves should be boiled for about 30 minutes, after which they should be washed in cold water, throwing them into a colander. After that, the mushrooms are placed in a container, salted and seasoned with various spices to taste, for example, horseradish leaves, currants, tarragon or dill. A load must be laid on top. As for the proportions, one kilogram of mushrooms accounts for 50 grams of salt. Place the container with the waves in a cold place. You can try in a week. Now you know how to salt the waves in a hot way.


Before salting the mushrooms, they should be prepared. Their taste qualities depend on the soaking process. In addition, this type of mushroom is considered conditionally edible. So, they should be cooked, observing all the rules. Otherwise, the snack from the waves will have an unpleasant taste.

Volnushki (volzhanki, volnyanki, volvenki) are conditionally edible mushrooms, but with proper cooking they become a delicacy, eclipsing foreign pickles on the festive table. And if you are lucky enough to pick up a bucket of these pink mushrooms with shaggy hats in early autumn in a birch copse, be sure to salt them in a cold way, providing yourself with an excellent snack.

How to salt the waves in a cold way - preparation

Harvesting volnushki at home is quite simple, the main thing is to do it according to the rules.

  • Sort the mushrooms, clearing them of twigs, sand, debris.
  • Rinse each in running water and clean with a toothbrush or nylon washcloth.
  • Put clean volnyanka in a dousing pan or basin and fill it with cold water, taking 0.5 tbsp for 1 liter of water. l. salt. The solution should cover the mushrooms from the head.

Soak volzhanki for two days, changing the water every six hours. After the time has passed, rinse the mushrooms from mucus under the tap one by one.

How to salt volnushki in a cold way in a barrel

It is better to salt the mushrooms in small oak tubs or barrels, since tannin, a natural antibacterial substance contained in oak, will prevent mold from forming. Steam a barrel with juniper twigs for an hour - and you can salt. This option is suitable for a village house, when the blanks are stored in the cellar.

For 1 kg of mushrooms you will need - 2 tbsp. l. coarse salt. Spices - 10 peas of black pepper, dill, oak leaves, cherries, currants - a handful.

  • Lay the waves with their hats down in the tub in layers. Sprinkle each layer with spices and salt. Do this to the top of the container.
  • After salting, cover the mushrooms with horseradish leaves, then with a piece of linen cloth, tucking it tightly along the walls of the tub. Place the wooden circle and the weight. As oppression, take a washed-up stone-pebble or a three-liter jar of water. Cover this structure with gauze from above and place in a cool place.
  • After two days, check - the mushrooms should give juice and settle. Remove the load. To avoid mold, remove, rinse in water, re-lay a rag and put oppression.

After a month and a half, the pickle is ready. Serve it with meat dishes, boiled pasta, use it as a filling for dumplings and potato casseroles.

How to salt volnushki in a cold way in jars

If you live in the city, then pickle the soaked volzhanki in a saucepan, and then preserve them in jars and store them on the balcony or in the refrigerator.

You need: a saucepan of salty waves, half-liter clean, dry jars, spices, iron lids.

  • In each jar filled with volvenki, put three pieces of allspice.
  • Boil the pickle from the mushrooms, and fill them with waves, add 0.5 tsp. vinegar.
  • Cover the jars with metal lids, put in a container of water, sterilize for a quarter of an hour. Then remove, cork, turn over and leave to cool.

Such mushrooms are delicious in beef broth soup, vegetable salad, hodgepodge, or simply fried in vegetable oil.

How to salt the waves in a cold way - an alternative

Volnushki are very tasty in salted and pickled form, but after undergoing such processing, they become gray. Add carrots, bell peppers, red onions to mushrooms when canning, and these bright blotches will give delicious mushrooms an appetizing color.

For 1 kg of waves - 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. salt. Carrots, onions, peppers - one each. Seasonings - cloves, pepper, garlic - to taste. We will make a reservation right away that we are preparing soaked volzhanki.

Pour water into the pan, add salt, spices, boil for three minutes. Put chopped vegetables and flakes. Cook for 15 minutes on low heat, pour in the vinegar. Remove, spread the mushrooms along with the liquid in jars on the shoulders, close tightly. Take a sample after 30 days.

Prepare the waves for the winter - and unexpected guests are not afraid of you, you just have to open a jar of mushrooms, put them in a bright bowl, pour oil - and the appetizer is ready.

With the onset of summer, the forest beckons with an abundance of mushrooms. Therefore, mushroom pickers are faced with the task of what to do with them, how to prepare them for the winter more and tastier. Volnushki are very popular among the inhabitants of Siberia. They are valued for their taste and pleasant smell. Various dishes are prepared from them and harvested in large quantities for the winter. Salty volnushki are good, skillfully cooked, they have a crispy taste and a delicate aroma. There are several ways and many recipes on how to properly salt the flakes.

Unlike russula, volushki are not as fragile and do not get so dirty from grass and leaves. If carefully cut from the root, then it is enough to sort them out, shaking out the forest rubbish from them that fell into the basket during collection.

Among the people, the mushroom has several names - volnushka, volzhanka, rubella and others. It has many varieties and can be of different colors - white, pink, orange. It is better to cook them each variety separately, as their taste is slightly different.

Volnushki are considered conditionally inedible, so they can be poisoned when raw. And in order to cook or prepare some of them for the winter, they require special training.

Volnushki are sorted, sorted out, wormy ones are removed. If the mushrooms are too large, the lower part of the leg is removed, it is tough. Then they are soaked in water with salt and citric acid. For 1 liter of water, you need about 10 g of salt and 2 g of acid.

Volnushki are soaked for at least two days, until all the poisonous bitterness comes out of them. Every 5-6 hours, the liquid must be changed by slightly squeezing the mushrooms. If they are soaked longer, they will only benefit from it.

But you need to make sure that they do not constantly float above the water. To do this, they are applied with a load. After soaking, the volzhanka is washed with clean water and proceed to further processing.

We prepare all the necessary ingredients

Very little is needed for salting the waves. To do this, use salt and spices. They are chosen according to desire and taste:

  1. Salt must be rock. Iodized for pickles is not suitable, it softens the products.
  2. Horseradish. Leaves and roots can be used. It makes mushrooms crispy and elastic.
  3. Dill fresh. If dry, it is better to use the stems, they do not clog the salting as much as seeds and leaves, which rub heavily when dry. Gives a subtle flavor to the product.
  4. Parsley greens - for an amateur. Mushrooms are fragrant, but not everyone likes parsley.
  5. Blackcurrant leaves give the pickles a unique flavor.
  6. Oak leaves make mushrooms elastic, and cherry leaves give a delicate taste.
  7. Garlic. In a small amount, it is not superfluous in any salting recipe. You can make salty flakes with garlic, but this is also not for everyone. The garlic is peeled and whole cloves are added to the salting. When making garlic, mince the garlic.
  8. Volzhanki with onions, ginger or mustard are good. The amount of spices is prepared according to recipes.

Seasonings can be added all together or separately, whole or ground.

We make preparations for the winter

Volnushki salt in two ways: cold and hot. Salted volzhanka retain their shape well and are good as a separate snack, and as an addition to other dishes.

At home, you can add various additives to mushrooms, salt them on their own or with apples or cabbage.

Hot Way: Recipes

Hot-salted Volzhanka become edible faster and the dishes are filled with them immediately. When boiling, the mushrooms are boiled down and, with further salting, they no longer sit down. In addition, such a preparation is safer, harmful substances from the fungus go into the water during cooking.

In order to apply the hot salting method, you need to put the soaked mushrooms in a bowl and put it on fire. For this method, it is not necessary to soak the mushrooms for so long - one day is enough. But in this case, it will be necessary to change the liquid more times during cooking and rinse the waves. Otherwise, the mushrooms will remain bitter and tasteless.

During cooking, foam will form, it must be removed. When the mushrooms sit on the bottom, you need to take them out, pour in a fresh portion of water and boil again.

Volnushki for such blanks are not cooked until fully cooked, but only boiled for 15 minutes several times. Then they are washed and salted as usual.

You can salt them in a barrel, enamelware or in a jar. Spice leaves are lined at the bottom, then a layer of salted mushrooms, then spices again. The top is covered with leaves and applied with oppression.

After a while, the mushrooms should release their juice. If it turns out to be not enough, you need to add a little boiled salt water so that the volzhanki are completely covered, otherwise they will become covered with mold and deteriorate.

Ingredients for the easiest pickling method:

  • volzhanki - 3 kg;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • horseradish - 5-6 medium leaves;
  • peppercorns - 10 peas;
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves.

If desired, the set of spices can be increased or decreased.

Salting volnushek for the winter with onions

From Volzhanka, you can prepare a blank for the winter with a large amount of pickled onions. To do this, the soaked mushrooms are boiled a little, for about 20 minutes, removing the foam. Then strain and wash. After that, they are sent to the marinade and boiled again.

For the marinade take:

  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • vinegar 6% - 100 ml;
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces;
  • peppercorns - 5 peas;
  • dill - 1 medium bunch.

This marinade is enough for 2 kg of mushrooms and 5-6 small onions.

Mushrooms and onion cut into rings are placed in sterilized jars, poured with boiling marinade and covered with sterile lids.

Ready jars are placed in a sterilizer and sterilized:

  • Half-liter - 30 minutes.
  • Liter - 40-50 minutes.

Banks are taken out and twisted. It turns out a ready-made snack, which in winter is enough to open and put on a plate. If desired, you can season with sunflower oil.

with ginger

Gourmets will love salting ginger flakes. It is added in grated form to boiled mushrooms.

Layers of mushrooms, spices and ginger are placed in the dishes. Each layer is salted. Filled jars are tied with gauze and cleaned in a cold dark place.

For 2 kg Volzhanka take:

  • 1 st. l. grated ginger;
  • 100 g of salt;
  • spices are chosen to taste.

In winter, such a preparation is good as a separate snack.

with mustard

You can also salt the wave with mustard. It gives mushrooms a good taste and smell, and also protects against mold.

Everything is done, as in the recipe with onions, only it is replaced with mustard seeds. They need 1 tbsp per recipe. l. without top.

with apples

For lovers of something unusual, a recipe for salty waves with apples is suitable. Varieties are better to take sweet and sour. Apples must be peeled and cut into slices. From spices, cumin works well.


  1. waves - 2 kg;
  2. medium-sized apples - 4 pieces;
  3. salt - 100 g;
  4. cumin - 1 tsp;
  5. vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
  6. spices to taste.

Everything is done in the same way as in the previous recipe. Mushrooms and apples are laid out in layers.

Cold way: recipes

With this salting method, no heat treatment is required, but more time is needed to fill the dishes. If the mushroom season drags on and you can add fresh waves after each trip to the forest, this method justifies itself.

Mushrooms are soaked as described above. Then the water is drained and placed in the dishes used in layers, shifting with spices. Large waves are laid with hats down, small ones are simply poured. Each layer is well salted. Salt can not be spared, before use, the waves are soaked again to remove excess salt.

When the mushrooms are well packed, they are applied with a load and put away in the pantry. After a day, they should be covered with their own juice and decrease in volume. After that, you can still add dishes to the top.

To salt the waves without heat treatment, you need to take:

  • mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • horseradish - 5-6 medium leaves;
  • dill - 100 g;
  • garlic - 1-2 heads;
  • bay leaf - 3 sheets;
  • cloves - 5 grains;
  • black pepper - 30 g.

Salted volzhanki are used as a separate snack or prepared from them in salads, soups and other dishes.

with garlic

Waves are good if you add a lot of garlic to the salting. Salted together, they acquire a sharp spicy taste and smell. At the same time, garlic is finely chopped with a blender or passed through a garlic press. For this recipe, volzhanka is well soaked for at least 3 days.


  • waves - 5 kg;
  • salt - 150 g;
  • garlic - 200 g;
  • chopped dill and parsley - 100 g;
  • peppercorns - 10 g.

Volnushki are laid in layers with hats down. Top with salt and sprinkle with chopped spices. So do several layers until the mushrooms run out. Then cover with a clean cloth, press down with a load and put away in a dark, cold place. For this, the cellar is best suited.

Serve such waves without soaking. They are taken out of the brine and seasoned with sunflower oil.

With horseradish

Pickling with grated horseradish gives a special taste to volnushki. For its preparation, a cold method is used. Mushrooms are prepared, washed and filtered. Then they are laid in layers on the bottom of the dishes, as usual, salted well, sprinkled with spices and grated horseradish.


  • waves - 2 kg;
  • rock salt - 100 g;
  • horseradish root - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • spices to taste: pepper, garlic, dill, parsley, currant leaves.

Thanks to horseradish, Volzhanki become elastic and crispy.

Waves in banks

Volzhanka in jars are well preserved and conveniently salted. In such cases, it is better to grind the spices, and take small mushrooms so that more can fit in the jar. If the mushrooms are large, it is better to cut them.

Spices are laid at the bottom, then a layer of mushrooms, then salt and spices again. And so to the top, until the bank is full. Cover with a nylon lid and leave for a couple of days. When the mushrooms sit down, add the next portion. Excess juice must be drained.

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • waves - 3 kg;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • leaves of horseradish, cherry, oak and currant -100 g;
  • parsley and dill - 50 g.

When the waves stop settling and the jar is full, cover it with a nylon lid and put it in the cellar. You can drain all the juice and pour roasted sunflower oil instead.

Classic easy recipe

In the old days, volnushki was salted in wooden barrels. Such mushrooms had their own unique taste. In the villages, such traditions have been preserved to this day.

Kegs are usually filled with ten liters. For salting, a simple classic recipe is used. For 10 kg of mushrooms take:

  • salt - 400 g;
  • horseradish leaves - 10-15 medium leaves;
  • oak leaves - 15 pieces;
  • allspice - 30 g;
  • cherry and currant leaves.

Mushrooms are placed with caps down, sprinkled with salt and shifted with leaves. The filled barrel is covered with a cloth and put oppression. When the mushrooms start juice and settle, add more until the barrel is full. You can use such mushrooms after 2 months.

pickled mushroom recipe

If there are a lot of mushrooms, they can not only be salted, but also pickled. Here is a step by step recipe on how to do it:

  1. Put prepared volzhanki in a saucepan and pour water. You can not completely - when heated, they will release their juice, and there will be enough liquid.
  2. Add some salt and vinegar.
  3. Bring to a boil and simmer until the mushrooms sit on the bottom and the water runs clear. At the same time constantly remove the foam.
  4. Remove the mushrooms, strain and rinse, pour out the water.
  5. Put the wedges back into the saucepan and fill with water so that they are completely covered. At the same time, freeze the water.
  6. Add to 1 liter of water 2 tbsp. l. salt and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  7. Bring everything to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and add 1 cup of vinegar 6% per liter of water.
  8. Remove the mushrooms from the pan along with the boiling marinade and pour into sterilized jars.
  9. Close the filled jars with sterile lids and immediately roll up.
  10. Fold under the covers with the covers down for a day.
  11. Take the seamings to the basement or pantry.

Marinating volushki is no more difficult than salting, but this way they can stand much longer.

Mushroom caviar from volushki

Salted volzhanka can be used to prepare mushroom caviar. For this, volnushkas, salted in the classical way, without various additives, are better suited. Spices can be added directly to the caviar.

Ingredients for 1 kg of cooked mushrooms:

  • 100 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 60 ml of vinegar;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • garlic, pepper to taste.

Fry the onion in oil, add the volzhanki ground in a meat grinder, stew and season with vinegar and pepper.

After how many days can you eat salty flakes

When you can eat salted mushrooms depends on how they were prepared. With cold waves, you can eat no earlier than two months later. When hot - depending on how long they were cooked. But usually, after three weeks they are ready.

If you are faced with the question of how to salt the waves for the winter, then you should know that this can be done in at least two ways: cold and hot. In this part of the article, we will talk specifically about the first method of harvesting, since it is much simpler than the hot method, and the waves are much tastier.

Volnushki are very cute and resilient mushrooms that can be found in the forests from about mid-July to November. By the way, they should not be used by people with certain diseases of the digestive system, so if in doubt, it is better to consult with your doctor.

It is important to know that the volnushki must be soaked before any preparation, especially before cold salting, since the mushroom belongs to the so-called conditionally edible, contains caustic juice. There are many varieties of this mushroom.

For salting in a cold way at home, you can use any convenient container (jars, pots, tubs). The container for harvesting must be sterilized in advance so that harmful microorganisms do not multiply in it.

Cold pickling utensils for the winter are not suitable for dishes made of clay, aluminum, galvanized and the use of polyethylene. Oxidation reactions, mold development are possible. It is optimal to use wooden (oak) tubs, enameled or glass containers.

The number of these ingredients must be increased proportionally depending on the number of waves.


For soaking:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 20 g salt
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid

For boiling:

  • 2 tbsp salt for boiling
  • a pinch of allspice
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • 2 cloves

For cold pickling:

  • 1 kg of waves
  • 40-50 g coarse salt (not iodized)
  • 5-7 currant sheets
  • 2-3 sheets of horseradish
  • 1 dill umbrella
  • 10-14 garlic cloves

If there is no fresh herbs in late autumn, you can add horseradish root, dried herbs. Small and dense waves are ideal for cold pickling, while large ones can be cut in half or into 4 parts.

Step-by-step instructions on how to pickle the waves in a cold way

Before you start salting, the waves must be soaked.

Thoroughly clean them from spruce needles, sand and other debris, while the legs can be cut a little and put in a large basin. Pour cold water over and leave for 2-3 days, changing the water to fresh water approximately every 3-5 hours. Then lay back and dry. The longer the waves are soaked in cold water, the more bitterness comes out of them. Well-soaked mushrooms will not taste bitter! It is believed that the waves are ready for further processing when their caps are easily bent without breaking.

Some mushroom pickers believe that the cold pickling method does not involve pre-boiling, and they skip the first step described below. But be careful! Additional heat treatment of mushrooms reduces the chances of getting an eating disorder, even if you are sure of the place of collection and the cleanliness of the environment!

  1. Put the soaked mushrooms in a convenient cooking pot, pour clean cold water, add salt, allspice, bay leaf and cloves (optional, as the spice is very spicy), and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes, discard in a colander, remove the bay leaf. After that, it is advisable to spread the mushrooms on a clean cloth so that excess liquid is absorbed as much as possible.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut each clove in half lengthwise.
  3. At the bottom of the barrel (or pots, jars) put a few washed dry leaves and an umbrella of dill. Then lay out the waves in layers, sprinkling them with salt and shifting with garlic.
  4. Cover with horseradish (or cabbage) and press with a wooden circle (you can use a hot stand, a small clean board, etc.). Can be covered with a flat plate of small diameter.
  5. Cover with gauze, tying it around the neck of the dish, and put oppression on top of the gauze (a clean stone, a jar of water) and put it in the basement for about 1.5-2 months for salting. You can take the first sample no earlier than after 45-50 days.

Before use, the mushrooms are washed from salt and slightly dried. Then you can add a little vegetable oil,

By its appearance, the wave resembles two mushrooms at once. In shape, it is similar to a young mushroom, and in color - with a saffron milk cap. Having a delicate pleasant aroma, it is underestimated by mushroom pickers and culinary specialists due to its inherent bitterness. Yes, the collection and processing is troublesome, but the salting of volushki is still popular - it is enough to know their original and unique taste to become their loyal fan.

Because of the low legs, it seems that young waves just lie on the ground. The leg of the correct cylindrical shape, hollow, brittle and smooth, almost merges in color with the cap. The hat is convex at first, becomes funnel-shaped with time, has even, strongly lowered edges, wrapped inward. Concentric zones-waves are clearly visible on it. The dense and brittle pulp of white or yellowish color is noticeable for its white and acrid milky juice with a resinous odor.

Fruiting from the end of summer to October, the wave necessarily requires soaking and boiling. It is wonderful in salty form, with spices, in spicy salads or mushroom sauces. It is salted and fried. Frozen storage is allowed.

Processing and preparation

Over the years of eating volnushki for food, people have developed rules for their processing and preparation. Compliance with them does not require special energy costs, but it will protect you from possible health problems.

It is necessary to clean the waves with a sharp stainless steel knife. Soaking them should be long to get rid of the pungent taste. This process usually takes about 4-5 days. After that, they should be washed with cold water and folded on a sieve to drain water. Peeled, washed and soaked mushrooms should not be stored for a long time, it is necessary to proceed to their preparation as soon as possible.

Since these mushrooms contain a burning milky juice, improper pre-treatment can cause poisoning even when pickled or salted mushrooms are consumed.

Eating raw waves is strictly prohibited. Drying is also not for them. Whatever the method of preparation, storing ready-made mushrooms requires a place protected from direct sunlight, heat and freezing.


The preparation of conditionally edible mushrooms, which include volushki, involves pre-boiling them in a large amount of water. Volnushki are usually salted (cold, less often hot) or marinated.

In order to extend the shelf life of salty flakes, they are preserved. The recipe is simple. Salted mushrooms are carefully laid out in a colander, removing crumpled or damaged individuals. The brine is allowed to drain, the mushrooms are washed with cold clean water (boiled or spring) and the excess liquid is allowed to drain again. Putting in half-liter glass jars, add a few peas of pepper (allspice and black) and one bay leaf each. The brine used to ripen the mushrooms is boiled, filtered and poured into jars with the addition of 2 tbsp. l. vinegar (5%) so that the brine does not reach 1.5 cm to the top of the neck. If there is not enough brine, it is supplemented with hot boiled water with the addition of salt (20 g per liter).

Having covered the jars with lids, they are placed in a container with hot (40 degrees) water and sterilized at a low boil for 40 minutes. After that, the jars are hermetically sealed, checking the quality of the blockage, and set to cool.


Salting the mushrooms is a great way to ensure not only their long-term storage, but also allowing you to enjoy the unique taste of mushrooms even in winter. This is traditionally a favorite dish of Russians. Knowing a good recipe, you can please your family and friends with delicious and healthy salted mushrooms.

Volnushki seem to be made for salting, and there are two ways to salt them: hot and cold. The first includes pre-boiling. In the second, they are soaked in cold water for a certain amount of time. Hot salting allows you to taste them after a few days and has the advantage of speed of preparation. And since the boiled mushrooms decrease immediately, they fill the container tightly, without shrinkage. The disadvantage is that hot-salted waves become very soft and brittle.

Only the freshest and strongest mushrooms are suitable for salting. They should not be overripe or have wormholes.

Mushrooms are sorted by size, variety and type, with obligatory trimming of the legs. Sorted, cleaned and washed, they are dipped in boiling, slightly salted water and boiled for 15 minutes. You can add allspice, currant leaves and cloves.

After boiling, the waves should be removed and discarded in a colander, then rinsed well under running water. After that, the mushrooms are transferred to another bowl, bay leaves, black peppercorns and garlic, cut into circles, are added, and poured with the brine used for cooking. Salt is added from a proportion of 1.5 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. A napkin and a press are placed on top of the dishes so that the brine closes the waves “with the head”. The mushrooms that have cooled in this way are placed in the refrigerator and, after complete cooling, they are laid out in jars and rolled up. Such preparation will allow you to use mushrooms after a day.

Cold-salted volnushki will be ready only in a couple of months. An important plus of this method is that such salting of mushrooms makes them hard, crispy and excellent for long-term storage.
