
How to remove tea from clothes. How to remove tea stains from white and colored clothes

From time to time, housewives wonder how to remove tea stains on white, using both household chemicals and folk methods. They should be applied in accordance with the type of fabric, the degree of concentration of the stain and the amount of time elapsed since contamination.

How to remove tea stains?

It is best to start removing tea stains without wasting time, until the persistent tannin present in the tea leaves has dyed the fabric. If you are unable to immediately remove the stain, then try to wash it with water or wipe it thoroughly with a damp cloth. There are various methods and means to remove tea stains on white:

  1. Use special stain-removing powders or soap, after cleaning, rinse the contaminated area with water, then wash.
  2. For white fabrics, special oxygen bleaches added to hot water are ideal. In such a solution, products can remain soaked for 6-8 hours.
  3. Sprinkle the stain with salt, after 30-40 minutes shake it off, wipe the place of contamination with a cloth dipped in a solution of ammonia.
  4. Tea stains are removed from light fabrics by soaking them with lemon juice.
  5. You can remove tea stains with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  6. If the stain has managed to eat into the fabric, try to remove it by mixing glycerin with ammonia (in a ratio of 2: 1). Put the solution in a water bath, heat up to 35-37 ° C and rub the stain well. Leave the soiled area moistened for 40 minutes, after the time has elapsed, wash with detergent.

How to remove green tea stains?

A green tea stain on white, like many others, is easiest to remove while it is fresh, often a regular wash with any detergent is enough. Let's touch on several ways that are effective for saving white clothes, tablecloths, towels spoiled by green tea spilled on them:

  1. Pull a cloth with a contaminated area over any container and pour hot water over it, the stain will gradually disappear.
  2. Sprinkle fresh stain with salt. Then add salt to a bowl of warm water and soak the soiled item for one to two hours. After the specified time, wash.
  3. To clean stains on white items made from natural fibers, prepare a solution of one liter of water, 50 ml of ammonia and chopped laundry soap.
  4. A good stain remover from green tea pollution is a mixture of vodka and glycerin.

How do you remove black tea stains?

Black varieties contain a tannin - tannin, which gives us the biggest trouble, as it quickly penetrates into the fabric, and stubborn, old stains are more difficult to remove. The task of how to remove a tea stain on white is always problematic, because even after processing the fabric, a yellowish stain can still remain on it. Such stains lend themselves well to removal with the following compounds:

  1. Salt with glycerin. Rub the stain with the prepared gruel, glycerin salts will dissolve and discolor it, then wash the soiled item in the way that suits it.
  2. If the stain is old, use the composition more aggressively. Combine citric acid with oxalic acid (2:1), add a glass of warm water (20-30 drops of ammonia will enhance the effect), apply the mixture on the stain, rub lightly, and wash in cool water.

Sweet tea stains

There are many recipes for removing tea stains from clothes, and there are situations when you need to use several of them. Avoiding dry cleaning, thinking about how to remove tea stains on white, you can use the following people-tested products:

  • glycerol;
  • lemon acid;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lactic acid.

Sweet tea stains can be removed from white clothes by all the methods mentioned above, but bleach or any other modern bleach will also be a highly effective remedy in this case. When using them, be sure to follow the instructions, but for your own peace of mind, conduct a test on how the fabric reacts on a section of clothing that is invisible to prying eyes.

How to remove tea stain from carpet?

Contamination from tea is not uncommon, upholstered furniture and are not immune from them. The methods discussed above on how to clean tea stains from light products and on colored carpets can be used effectively, but others can be added to them. Commonly used means of removing tea stains from carpets can be considered folk methods used in everyday life:

  1. Mix cold water with table vinegar, dip a cotton ball into it and wipe the stain. This method is used when the stain is treated immediately after the appearance.
  2. Clean the contamination with a cloth soaked in a solution of borax (10%). Then dilute a pinch of citric acid in a small amount of water (20:1), with the addition of table salt to fix the dye, carefully treat the stain again and rinse it well with cold water.
  3. Treat the stain with a solution of cold water and glycerin (20 ml per liter).

How to remove a tea stain from a sofa?

After learning how to get rid of tea stains from a carpet, you can apply the same methods to remove stains from your carpet. The most versatile way to remove a fresh stain from a sofa upholstery is to use ordinary laundry soap and warm water, any dishwasher, washing powder or baking soda will help. In some cases, when removing old stains, try using special, modern stain-removing compounds, carefully testing the result of their application in inconspicuous areas.

How to remove tea stains on a jumper?

Before you remove tea stains from white clothes, especially from a jumper, you need to decide whether natural or synthetic fibers are used in its manufacture. When using stain removers, carefully study the instructions, and do not conduct any experiments, especially if they contain aggressive substances. A good, high-quality stain remover is not cheap, so folk remedies can come to the rescue:

  1. With a solution of ammonia and water (1 tsp per liter), moisten the stain well on the wrong side of the jumper, then treat the contaminated area with alcohol.
  2. From white things that require delicate handling, hydrogen peroxide will perfectly remove tea stains. To do this, moisten the contaminated area well with liquid, after 15-20 minutes, wash the jumper in cool water.
  3. Heated glycerin will save the woolen product from tea stains, which should be soaked in the area of ​​contamination. Leave the thing with a wet stain for a quarter of an hour, then rinse thoroughly and, in accordance with the rules for washing woolen products, wash.

How to remove an old tea stain?

To avoid damage to clothing, before removing tea stains on light colors, select the appropriate laundry detergent for this type of fabric. For old tea stains on cotton or linen fabrics, whiteness is ideal for removing, but it is categorically not suitable for synthetics. From synthetics or knitwear, an old stain can be removed with a concentrated solution (slurry) of bleaching washing powder. Solving the problem of how to remove old tea stains on white, you will have to use the above methods, applying them one by one.

Sooner or later, every person is faced with tea spilled on a tablecloth or clothes. It can happen anywhere. It is especially disappointing when your favorite things suffer, or recently acquired.

Most often, tea drinking takes place at work, at a party, or in a cafe when meeting with friends, and, of course, we go to such places in home clothes. Therefore, the question of how to remove a tea stain from clothes becomes very relevant.

Naturally, you can take the thing to dry cleaning and forget about the problem. But, as a rule, this method is not suitable for everyone. Firstly, it takes a long time, secondly, it is costly, and thirdly, not every locality has dry cleaning. Let's look at a few methods on how to remove tea stains at home.

Before starting the task, determine the type of fabric. The chosen way of processing things will depend on this.

Remember, fresh tea stains are washed off much easier and faster. You can get rid of them with a standard wash. Things are much worse with old and dried ones; additional processing is indispensable.

For 1 liter of clean water, add 1 teaspoon of ammonia, stir. We moisten our stain from tea leaves with this solution, after putting a clean cloth napkin under it, it should go to the napkin.

If suddenly there are visible stains, remove them with a 10% solution of citric acid. Rinse thoroughly after 15 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide

If you have a delicate fabric, and you do not know how to wash the tea so as not to damage it, use hydrogen peroxide.

Simply apply it to the stain with a cotton pad. Then wash in cold water.


There are several effective ways to remove welding stains with acids.

  1. table vinegar- every housewife has it. Pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar into a glass of water and soak problem areas with this solution. Then wash the item using ordinary washing or detergents.
  2. Lemon acid She knows how to remove tea stains. Take a 10% solution of lemongrass and rub it on the right places. To enhance the effect before this procedure, treat the stains with ammonia.
  3. If you don't know how to remove tea stains from snow-white clothes, try to get oxalic acid. Mix 1 teaspoon of oxalic acid with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and pour this mixture into a glass of water. It will turn out to be a powerful tool for solving the problem: how to remove tea traces.

There are times when tea stains are not removed at once, you will have to re-apply the same method.

Another good tool in resolving the issue: how to remove welding stains.

  • If the silk or woolen surface is damaged, rub it with slightly heated glycerin. Leave for 15 minutes, then remove the remaining glycerin with a napkin and wash with warm water and soap.
  • Mix glycerin with ordinary table salt, treat the stained area with the resulting mixture. Wash the item in the usual way.
  • Mix 4 parts of glycerin with 1 part of ammonia. Apply the mixture to dirty areas and rub. Wash your clothes in the washing machine.

Glycerin can be used to process colored fabrics with a persistent pattern.


It should not be excluded from the means to remove stains of this type. Dilute bleach with water as directed. Soak clothes, then wash.

Before removing dirt of any nature, test the effect of the selected method on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric. If you are wondering how to wash tea, always consider the type and color of the fabric.

In advertisements for laundry detergents, you can often hear that they easily cope with any pollution. Unfortunately, in practice this is not always the case. One of the most difficult stains to remove are traces of tea. Today you will learn how easy and fast they can be withdrawn.


Prepare a slightly concentrated vinegar solution. Pour it over the tea stain. Rinse after a couple of minutes. The tea stain will disappear.

baking soda

Wet the tea-stained area with warm water. Apply a little baking soda to the stain and rub it. Leave for a couple of hours. After the specified time, rinse thoroughly. There will be no trace left of the stain.

Table salt and glycerin

Not an old tea stain can be easily removed with a mixture made from table salt and glycerin. Apply it on the speck and leave until the tea stains are discolored. After a good wash the little thing, according to the instructions indicated on the label.

Glycerin and ammonia

Mix a couple of teaspoons of glycerin and half a teaspoon of 10% ammonia. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and wipe the tea stain with it. After washing the little thing in soapy water and rinse well.

How to get old tea stains out

Old tea stains will go away easily and quickly if you wash them with a solution prepared from a teaspoon of oxalic acid, a couple of teaspoons of citric acid and a glass of water.

How to remove tea stain from white fabric

Dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in a liter of water. Place a napkin or white clean cloth under the stain and wipe the stains with a cotton swab dipped in the prepared solution. It may happen that there are stains on the thing. Do not worry, they can be removed if moistened with a 10% solution of citric acid, left for a quarter of an hour, and then washed in warm soapy water.

If it was not possible to remove a tea stain from a snow-white fabric using the method described above, then you can resort to a fairly aggressive, but effective means- bleach solution. Soak the product in it for a few minutes, and then rinse thoroughly in clean water. Attention: this method can only be used to remove tea stains from cotton items, it is not recommended to use it for cleaning silk, wool and synthetic items.

How to remove a tea stain from colored fabric

Soak a cotton swab in 10% borax solution. Wipe the tea stain with it. The resulting stains can be removed if you use cotton wool soaked in a 5% solution of citric acid with the addition of ordinary table salt. After the procedure, the thing should be rinsed in cold, and then in warm water.

How to deal with tea stains on delicate items

If you need to remove an old tea stain from a product that requires delicate care, then hydrogen peroxide will come to the rescue. Moisten the contaminated area with the solution, and after 10-15 minutes, thoroughly wash the item in cold water.

Some people find coffee stains on clothes difficult to remove. But if you spill tea, the task becomes even more complicated.

Pollution often appears at the most inopportune moment, putting a person in an awkward position. Consider how to remove a tea stain at home.

If there is no stain remover in the apartment, funds from the first aid kit and food products will come to the rescue. Folk methods are no less effective than household chemicals. Main ways:

  • Salt and glycerin. Mix the ingredients until a mushy state, apply to the contamination. To eliminate it completely, you should wait a few minutes. After getting rid of the stain, wash the item as usual;
  • Glycerin and ammonia. It will take 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and ¼ tsp. alcohol. Mix, apply to dirt, rub gently. After carefully wash the thing;
  • Oxalic or citric acid. For 250 ml of water, take 2 tsp. citric acid. Dip a clean sponge into the mixture and gently rub the stain. Oxalic acid has a similar effect, but you need to take 1 tsp per glass of cold water. Then wash the clothes in the usual way;
  • Lemon juice. Divide the citrus into two parts, squeeze the juice directly onto the contamination. The dyed area is discolored, then the clothes are washed;
  • Ammonium chloride. For a white product, alcohol can be used. Place a light-colored napkin or towel under the stain, moisten the stains on top with ammonia. Wait an hour, then wash;
  • Hydrogen peroxide. The tool is used for delicate fabrics. Soak cotton wool in peroxide, clean clothes with it. Then wash at cold temperature;
  • Ammonium chloride and peroxide. Mix the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio. Wipe the dirt, wash the thing until it loses the smell of alcohol;
  • Bleach. This is an aggressive method, suitable for white cotton. Other natural materials may deteriorate. Apply the product, wait a few minutes, wash;
  • Lemon juice, salt and borax. The mixture will cope even with chronic pollution. Dilute borax in one bowl, and in another make a slurry of juice and fine salt. First, soak for several minutes on the contamination of the borax, then treat with a mixture of citrus and salt. You can perform several approaches until the stains are completely eliminated. Then you need to wash the T-shirt;

Lemon juice is good for tea stains.
  • Lactic acid and borax. The method is similar to the previous one, only after treatment with borax it is necessary to wipe the contamination with lactic acid;
  • Glycerol. Apply a warm product to a spot on wool or silk. After a quarter of an hour, treat the contaminated area with warm clean water, blot with a napkin;
  • Lactic acid. Another method is to mix water with lactic acid. Moisten the contamination, wait 20 minutes, rinse the thing in cool water;
  • Contrasting rinses. Suitable for clothes worn by children and people with allergies. Dip the clothes in a basin of hot water, then rinse in cold. You can gently rub the dirt with a sponge or brush. This is how the tannin is removed from the fibers;
  • Boiling water. Put the item in the basin so that the stain is on top. Put the kettle on the stove, heat it up. Pour boiling water, then wash with soap.

Note: Fresh stains are much easier to remove than old ones. Care must be taken in handling and act quickly. You should stock up on a clean cotton rag, soft sponge, soap solution.

First remove excess liquid, then start rubbing dirt. You need to mix water with any detergent, such as liquid soap, dishwashing gel, shampoo. This algorithm of actions can be applied to dirt left on any type of fabric.

If the stain was not detected immediately, there is no need to despair. Some folk methods can return clothes to their original appearance. The most effective ways:

  1. Vinegar and washing powder. Mix 1 tbsp. l. vinegar with powder to a mushy state. Apply from the inside and face, wait a few minutes until an active effect on the stain begins. Wash clothes with powder, adding a little soda there. If there is no result, repeat washing;
  2. Salt and glycerin. The recipe is discussed above. It can be used for delicate washing, but you need to monitor the exposure time of the product on the material.

Household chemicals

Household chemicals for stains

Using household chemicals is the fastest method. Common means:

  1. Bleachers. A good choice would be Vanish and Amway. There are types for colored and white clothes. Cheap options are bleaches with chlorine in the composition. They are also effective, but they can ruin the material and exude an unpleasant odor;
  2. Soap "Antipyatin". A budget remedy for black or green tea stains. To get the result, you need to treat the pollution with soap;
  3. Cleaners. Expensive bleach can be replaced with a plumbing and bathroom cleaner. Domestos will be effective. Before starting processing, it is worth checking in an inconspicuous area whether it will ruin the fabric;
  4. Stain removers. This method is considered the most versatile. Soak the soiled clothes in the product, then put them in the automatic machine.

Washing machine

If the stain is pre-soaked, it is easier to remove.

Each type of fabric has its own characteristics that need to be considered when removing tea stains. With the help of a washing machine, you can cope with the task if there is no time for manual processing. You should understand how to properly wash clothes in order to get rid of dirt and not ruin things.

Automatic processing will help get rid of stains from any material, regardless of color. For the best effect, apply glycerin 15 minutes before washing, preheating it.

Consider separately each type of fabric and color:

  • White linen and cotton. Quick wash, rinse, 40 degrees, 1000 rpm. You can use chlorine bleach or 2 tbsp. l. oxalic acid;
  • Colored linen and cotton. Quick wash, rinse, 40 degrees, 1000 rpm. Applied 1-2 tsp. borax, 3 tbsp. l vinegar or 2 tbsp. l. citric acid;
  • Synthetics. Pre-treatment is needed, then a quick wash at 40 degrees (900 revolutions) and a rinse. The same products are used as for colored cotton clothes;
  • Wool. Quick wash, rinse, 40 degrees, 900 rpm. The same means are used as for the fabric above, but 50 g of soap chips must be added to the borax, and 2 tbsp of vinegar should be taken. l;
  • Any colored fabrics except delicate ones. Pre-treatment is needed, then a quick wash, rinse. Temperature - 40 degrees, revolutions - 1000. Tools are added, as for synthetics, colored cotton and linen;
  • Delicate materials. Quick wash, rinse. Temperature - 40 degrees, revolutions - 700. You can use 2 tsp. vinegar or 1 tsp. citric acid.

Important: Borax should not be used for clothes of children and allergy sufferers.

Ways for every occasion

For different surfaces, you should try different recipes

In addition to clothes, black tea in the process of tea drinking can get on anything: tablecloth, furniture, wallpaper, curtains. It is possible to remove the stain from all surfaces, even from a white carpet. The main thing is to act immediately.

To effectively remove tea stains, you need to follow these rules:

  • Apply cleaning products from the edges of the contamination to the middle so that the liquid does not spread;
  • At first, it is better to apply a solution with a small concentration, increasing it if necessary.

White things

Consider how you can remove a stain from black tea on a white fabric. If the drink spilled on a light-colored linen or cotton tablecloth, tulle, towel or bed linen, you should try to clean it with a sponge previously dipped in ammonia. Before doing this, place blotting paper or a soft cloth under the stain. After cleaning the contamination, treat the area with a 10% solution of citric acid, wait a quarter of an hour, rinse with water.

To remove a tea stain on a white item, you can rub it with lemon juice. It does a good job of breaking down tannin, especially on white material. If there is no citrus nearby, you should replace it with hydrogen peroxide.

Sometimes the question arises of how to remove a tea stain on white clothes and other products if it was not possible to cope with the above methods. It is worth using oxalic acid. It is necessary to dilute ½ tsp. means in 250 ml of water and proceed to clean up the contamination. This tool does an excellent job of removing stains on white products, but they cannot be used for colored ones.

Oxalic acid can be replaced with hyposulfite. For 250 ml, 1 tsp is taken. After treatment, rinsing should be carried out in a solution of ammonia (2 tsp per liter of water).

Warm glycerin works great. You need to hold it on the stain for a quarter of an hour, then rinse the product in clean water. If you need to remove an old stubborn tea stain, add ½ tsp. ammonia (per 2 tsp glycerin). After treatment, wash with soap or powder.

If you do not need a delicate wash, any bleach with chlorine will do. It must be diluted in water and follow the instructions. Soak things in the product, then wash and rinse. The method is not suitable for delicate things and.

The result of applying various products on white fabric

Colored and knitted clothes

A 10% solution of borax is suitable for all colored fabrics, including jeans. It is necessary to apply the product on cotton wool, rub the stain from tea leaves with it until it disappears. After wetting a cloth in soapy water, wipe the area where there was contamination and rinse.

Carpet and sofa

To remove tea stains from carpets or sofas, follow these steps:

  1. Blot the cover with a cotton cloth, microfiber or paper. It is not necessary to rub the pollution, otherwise it will eat even deeper;
  2. Dilute in 0.5 liters of water 1 tbsp. l. dishwashing gel. Apply to a soft sponge, wipe the stain. The amount of moisture on the sponge should be minimal, otherwise the pollution will increase. You can use a sprayer;
  3. Carefully rinse the contamination with clean water, remove excess moisture with paper or a rag;
  4. Apply a 1 to 1 mixture of water and vinegar to the contaminated area, rinse with cold water after 10 minutes, blot and dry.

Even old stains can be washed really. The main thing is to be careful and follow the instructions. If there is a risk of spoiling the product, it is better to seek the help of specialists in dry cleaning in order to remove contamination.



If you inadvertently spilled tea on your favorite blouse, do not despair. You can remove fresh stains by washing the product with laundry soap in hot water. It is much more difficult to deal with brown marks when they have dried and the dye has been firmly absorbed into the fabric. Unfortunately, such an occurrence is not uncommon. Let's figure out how to get old tea stains out and return your clothes to their impeccable look.

Fighting methods

Tea is quite difficult to wash off because it is a powerful natural dye. It contains the substance tannin, which is tightly eaten into the fibers of the fabric and gives them a bright brown color.

The easiest way to deal with the problem is to purchase a quality stain remover from the household chemicals department and treat the stain strictly following the instructions. How to remove old tea stains? You can use:

  • Faberlic universal stain remover EXTRA OXY;
  • Amway SA8™ bleach;
  • liquid Vanish for colored or white fabrics.

Modern household chemicals are able to clean the most stubborn stains, but have a high cost. You can return the perfect look to clothes with improvised means that can be found in the arsenal of every housewife. Before removing an old tea stain, prepare:

  • ammonia;
  • citric and oxalic acid;
  • glycerin and borax;
  • table salt and peroxide.

If you do not have the opportunity to immediately wash the item, wipe the brown marks with alcohol diluted 1: 3 with water. This will make it easier to get the stains out when they dry.

How to wash white fabric

A simple remedy for removing an old tea stain on white material is "Whiteness". It is only suitable for dense natural fabrics, such as linen or cotton.

  1. Dilute a couple of caps of the product in a liter of heated water and soak the soiled item for several hours.
  2. After that, you just have to rinse it thoroughly by adding conditioner to the water. It will get rid of the peculiar smell.
  3. When working with bleach, don't forget to wear rubber gloves to protect the delicate skin of your hands.

If there is no “Whiteness” in the house, do not worry, you can remove the old tea stain with improvised means. Use a mixture of glycerin and ammonia in a 4:1 ratio. This solution is a powerful cleaning agent and easily copes with traces of tea brewing.

  1. Moisten the contaminated area, apply the prepared solution on it and leave for half an hour.
  2. Then wash the item with regular powder, rinse and dry.

It is easy to remove welding stains from a white blouse with hydrogen peroxide. Thoroughly moisten the dirty surface of the clothing with the product, wait a quarter of an hour and launder in the usual way.

Using acid

Old tea stains are effectively destroyed by oxalic acid. It can be used for white natural material. Colored and synthetic fabrics under the influence of acid easily deteriorate.

  1. In a glass of water, dilute 1 tsp. oxalic acid, soak the stain with liquid and wait half an hour.
  2. After that, rinse the product with water in which you dissolve 1 tsp. ammonia.
  3. After trying this method, you will stop wondering how to remove an old tea stain.

To enhance the whitening effect, it is recommended to mix oxalic and citric acids in a ratio of 1:2. Measure out one and a half teaspoons of the mixture and dissolve it in 250 ml. water. Before use, it is advisable to add 3 drops of ammonia to the liquid and treat the contaminated area on the fabric with it. The spots will quickly brighten and disappear.

For natural silk, lactic acid is the salvation from stubborn stains. It needs to be mixed in equal amounts with purified water and soaked in blots. After 20 minutes, the product should be thoroughly rinsed with water and washed with powder.

Laundering colored linen

An effective remedy for removing old tea stains on bright fabrics is a 10% solution of borax. It will not negatively affect the color of the product, but only qualitatively get rid of stains.

  1. Get a bottle of borax at the pharmacy, moisten a piece of cotton wool with it and wipe the places of contamination with it.
  2. Remove the stains remaining after cleaning by sprinkling a damp cloth with citric acid and coarse salt mixed in equal amounts.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse the item first in cold and then in hot water and hang to dry.

Tea marks on wool or silk can simply be removed with glycerin. Heat it slightly in a water bath and moisten the stains. After a quarter of an hour, blot the fabric with a dry cloth and start washing with powder.

  1. You can restore the purity of colored fabrics by mixing salt and glycerin into a homogeneous gruel.
  2. Apply the mixture to the dirty material and wait for the stain to dissolve.
  3. When it discolors, you will have to do a normal wash.

On a well-colored material, faint traces of green tea can be easily rubbed off with vinegar. Pour into a glass of water 1 tbsp. l. agent and soak the stained area in the liquid. After an hour, take out the thing, unscrew it and wash it with a quality powder.

Note to the owner

  • Tea stains often appear not only on clothes, but also on upholstered furniture, carpets and other household items. Glycerin will help to cope with them. It is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp. l. glycerin in a liter of cool water and thoroughly rinse the dirt on the sofa or carpet.
  • A fresh tea stain from the upholstery of upholstered furniture is simply removed with dishwashing detergent or household shavings dissolved in hot water. soap. Wipe the stains with a moistened soft sponge, and then remove the foam with a clean cloth.
  • Remember to test the product on an inconspicuous area before removing old tea stains. This will help to avoid possible discoloration of the fabric.
  • When preparing cleaning solutions, strictly adhere to the recommended dose, as incorrect proportions can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the mixture or damage to the material.

If it was not possible to get rid of welding stains the first time, act on the pollution again, and it will completely disappear.
