
How to check salmon caviar for naturalness. How to check red caviar at home: natural or not? artificial or real

“Determining the quality of caviar is simple. Pour a few eggs with boiling water, stir with a spoon and see what happens. For caviar of good quality, the eggs will remain intact. If you stir it with a spoon, the water will turn white and become cloudy (the protein will curdle). Well, if the caviar is of poor quality, the eggs will dissolve in water in a few minutes.

Entering the supermarket, walking along the rows, from afar you can notice special refrigerators with green jars - labels familiar from childhood. However, regardless of the cover design, it is worth following clear rules on how to choose red caviar. Then it will be possible to meet the year of the Red Monkey with delicious red caviar on the table, and not be disappointed in it, only by opening the lid at home. So.

Shop. A jar with caviar in hand. What should you pay attention to?


This is glass or tin, and caviar can also be sold by weight. The tin can is the most popular but doesn't let you see the product. You can "listen" to it. Squishing and gurgling (a lot of liquid) with slight shaking are signs of frozen raw materials, broken production technology or improper storage.

A glass jar provides an overview, but it also makes the product more expensive. Caviar should be without plaque, bubbles, foreign inclusions, uniform in color and size, should not be very liquid and spread along the walls. There should be no rust or chips on the packaging. But it is not recommended to take caviar by weight for the New Year. More on this later.


Salmon go to spawn in summer and early autumn, so the best caviar is harvested during this period - the period of a new fishing season (and, of course, it is better if the manufacturing plant is located near the place of production: Kamchatka, Sakhalin Region, Far East). On tin cans, expiration dates should be squeezed out. A jar with markings applied with paint or pressed inside should raise doubts. Returning to the previous point: precisely based on the time of spawning, loose caviar simply cannot be fresh by January. It was either frozen (and when defrosted, it loses a lot in quality), or a large amount of preservatives was added to it. Now about them.


The eye wanders over the label in search of the composition. Often it is written very small, but in spite of everything, it must be found and studied. Normal additives: salt, vegetable oil and permitted preservatives. The fewer of them, the better. Sorbic acid (E200) and sodium benzoate (E211) are allowed and relatively harmless. If E239 (urotropin) appears in the composition, you can’t take caviar. This dangerous preservative is harmful to the nervous system, liver, kidneys. He's banned.


Caviar can be of the first and second grade. The first is egg to egg, in a jar there is caviar of one type of fish (more on this below). The second grade allows the mixing of caviar of different types of salmon, therefore, eggs may vary in size. There is also ovary caviar, which could not be separated from the films: there may be films and veins, it tastes somewhat rougher and more salty than caviar of the first and second grade.

Types of fish

The jar must necessarily indicate which fish caviar. This will help you understand if it meets the specifications and not take imitated caviar that is not related to fish (the jar may look like a classic one, but with a small addition: “imitated caviar”). The most popular is pink salmon caviar, the size of the eggs is average, from 3 to 5 mm, its color is pleasant orange, it is slightly bitter. Larger caviar (up to 7 mm) in chum salmon, orange with a red tint, the taste is mild. And smaller (3 mm) and red - in coho salmon and sockeye salmon, it tastes more bitter.

Quality Marks

Caviar, ideally, should be produced in accordance with GOST. This abbreviation means that caviar was packed in jars no later than 30 days after salting. If there are only two letters of technical specifications on the label, most likely, frozen raw materials or additional ingredients were used.

How to test red caviar at home

Arriving home, you can arrange another exam. Place a spoonful of caviar in a glass of hot water. If the water does not become cloudy, but slightly colored and an oil layer appears on the surface, this is simulated caviar. Her eggs are too perfect, without internal inclusions, no bursting. Real caviar will make the water cloudy. Caviar interspersed inside. The shape may not be perfectly even, and in the jar there may be single bursts (burst eggs). The smell of a freshly opened jar should evoke pleasant emotions. Sour, sharp, too fishy, ​​musty smell is not allowed. These are signs of a damaged product.

How to store red caviar

It is necessary to store red caviar in the refrigerator, an open jar - no longer than 2 days. Then the caviar begins to dry out, its taste deteriorates due to chemical processes that occur due to interaction with oxygen. In the freezer, caviar deteriorates, after defrosting it turns into porridge.

The harm and benefits of red caviar

The jar is open, the eggs are beautiful, the smell is pleasant. Finally, you can enjoy the taste while getting involved in proper nutrition, because caviar contains valuable proteins, polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, lecithin, vitamins A, D, E, group B, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, etc. .d. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, immune and cardiovascular systems, normalizes blood pressure, improves skin condition. It has no carbohydrates, only proteins and fats.

There are about 260 kcal in 100 g of caviar. Given that they usually eat it in small quantities, there will be no harm to the figure, and even those who are on a diet can afford a spoonful of red caviar. Especially if you do not make a sandwich with white bread and butter, but “stuff” half an egg with it.

The danger is low-quality caviar. It may contain harmful microbes, mold, E. coli, salmonella, lead, mercury, prohibited preservatives. All this can only be detected in the laboratory.

For example, Roskontrol conducts such studies and compiles blacklists or assigns a safety index. But if you buy caviar, guided by the above rules, then the chances of buying high-quality caviar increase significantly. GOST, adequate production and shelf life, packaging without damage, smell, consistency - this is something that everyone can check. In some cases, even high-quality caviar can adversely affect health.

For kidney problems, urolithiasis, hypertension, ulcers, gout, obesity, salty foods are excluded from the menu. For those who are allowed to use salt, caviar is still not worth eating every day.

  • First, salt retains water in the body, and this leads to swelling.
  • Secondly, the concentration of nutrients in caviar is so high that it is better to include it in the diet a couple of times a month.

The holidays are just around the corner, you have probably already decided what dishes to put on the New Year's table. Does your menu include red or black caviar?

Wonderful! Only not everyone knows how to choose it. Here's what you need to know about choosing the right caviar for your holiday feast.

Red caviar - caviar of salmon species of fish, such as: Pacific salmon - pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, Atlantic salmon (salmon), trout with its various forms (palya, etc.), brown trout (including Caspian salmon), taimen and others. Red caviar is a valuable food product, it has high taste qualities and relatively high cost, therefore it belongs to delicacies.

Red caviar on store shelves has a different origin:

The most popular is pink salmon caviar, which has an orange or light orange color; sockeye salmon caviar is very rare, all because of the mass extermination of this fish;

Keto caviar of amber-orange color with a fairly dense shell;

Coho salmon caviar, which has a burgundy hue and a bitter taste;

The smallest is trout caviar, its color can vary from yellow to bright orange.

Red artificial caviar, which is made from seaweed and tinted in the desired color. It contains iodine, which is found in algae, so it is considered very useful.

Here's how to choose high-quality and fresh caviar:

Pay attention to the composition: it should not contain artificial caviar, as well as urotropine, a very harmful preservative.

Pay attention to the storage conditions for caviar and whether they are observed by the supermarket.

Remember - high-quality caviar should be in a glass jar. In tin containers, metals are oxidized. In addition, through the glass you can better see the color, size and quality of the grain.

Caviar should not look like it is covered with frost. Because that means it's fake.

High-quality caviar is always crumbly, the eggs have the correct shape, beautiful color and the same size, it bursts slightly and melts in the mouth.

The highest quality caviar is obtained during spawning. This is July-August.

Pay attention to the numbers indicated in the date of manufacture. They should not be pressed inward, because this is a sure sign of a fake.

The jar lid should not be wrinkled or swollen.

High-quality caviar should completely fill the container. If you hear something gurgling in the jar, refrain from buying such caviar.

Take a closer look - perhaps the label does not contain detailed information about the product and the manufacturer. Then it's definitely fake!

Do not risk - do not buy caviar by weight. They can not only weigh you down, but also slip you a low-quality product.

Choose caviar only of the first grade, because it does not have films, foreign taste, smell and bursting eggs.

Choose caviar from a trusted manufacturer.

Here's how to test caviar at home:

Throw 2-3 eggs into hot water, artificial caviar will dissolve in boiling water;

Pour out the caviar and try to build a slide out of it; if it does not fall apart, the caviar is really fresh;

Real caviar bursts easily and does not stick to your teeth when you eat it.

Red caviar is a delicacy and demanded product. Given its rather high cost, the consumer wants to buy red caviar, if not excellent, then good quality. Given the saturation of the market, this is quite difficult to do. It happens that on the shelves of fish departments, as well as in online stores, there is caviar from several manufacturers at the same time.
Red caviar is a product that does not undergo heat treatment before being sealed in iron or glass jars. Only adherence to technology ensures the quality and safety of this product.

In order not to be disappointed in a purchase either in another city, you need to be able to check its quality.
What to look for when buying caviar
Until the caviar is in the bank, it is difficult to check the quality of the caviar. Before buying, you can ask the seller for the documents that he has for this batch of red caviar. They should have:
information about the manufacturer;
Name of the organization;
its legal address;
according to what standard the product is made (GOST, TU);
best before date;
composition of the product.

Before you read the information on the label. On it, the manufacturer must indicate:
information about the nutritional value of 100 g of caviar;
storage conditions and period (from 3 to 12 months);
the name of the salmon species;
the full composition of the product, including preservatives;
grade (first and second grade).
If the jars are intact, without dents, not swollen, and the information received is satisfactory, you can make a purchase.
Further quality control of caviar can be carried out at home, after opening the jar.

How to check the quality of caviar in a jar
As soon as the jar of caviar is opened, you need to smell the contents. Good caviar has a pleasant smell of the sea and fish. The smell of fish should not be sharp and unpleasant.
The surface of the caviar must be clean, without mold, foreign inclusions. The eggs should be the same color, slightly moist. Above them should not be a layer of liquid.
After that, the jar must be tilted over the plate. Its contents should not be fluid and just drain into a plate in a couple of seconds. There is an old way of checking caviar. Separate one caviar and put it on a flat plate, blow on it. If the caviar rolled, then we managed to buy good quality red caviar.

At the next stage, you need to lay out all or part of the caviar on a plate. If the caviar began to spread on the plate, and a puddle flowed around, then this indicates a low quality of raw materials or violations of storage conditions.

Caviar should be stored at a temperature not lower than -6 degrees. At lower values, the shells of the eggs become brittle, the contents subsequently leak out. In addition, if the caviar is liquid, it is possible that a significant amount of glycerin, vegetable oil, has been added to it.
The presence of any films, blood clots and other foreign inclusions is not allowed in the first grade caviar. It may contain a very small amount of eggs - Lopantsev. In caviar of the second grade, there may be somewhat more such burrs, and the presence of thin films is also acceptable.
Normally, the surface of the eggs should be dry or slightly damp. If the shell is wrinkled and deformed - the caviar is overdried, this also indicates a low quality of the product and, possibly, a violation of the technology and shelf life. If you managed to buy red caviar, the appearance and smell of which did not arouse suspicion, you can taste the caviar. Before putting caviar in your mouth, you need to warm a few eggs between your thumb and forefinger. After 1-2 minutes, the eggs will warm up and the smell will appear stronger. If after that it remains pleasant, caviar can be tasted.

You can buy red caviar in Moscow, any city, most often from pink salmon and chum salmon. The shells of these eggs burst very easily, the taste is pleasant, without bitterness. If the taste is bitter, then it is either caviar from other types of salmon, or it is cooked in violation of technology. Caviar of other species normally has bitterness of varying severity. The spiciest taste of sockeye caviar. It is important to note that the shell strength of the eggs is different. The hardest shell of coho salmon caviar. Despite the effort, the shell of coho salmon eggs still bursts. On this basis, one can distinguish natural salmon caviar from imitation. To date, there is still no information about the technology that makes it possible to manufacture a product imitating caviar with a bursting shell. Artificial eggs cannot be crushed with the tongue, they are hard, you can only try to chew them.

What to do if you are not lucky to buy good quality red caviar? In this case, the consumer protection law will help to exchange or return the product to the seller.

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Heading: "Note to the buyer" - How to distinguish real red caviar from a fake? Unfortunately, cases of substitution of natural caviar for artificial ones are not uncommon. The latter is made from proteins: milk, eggs, gelatin. The color and taste of such "caviar" is created with the help of various dyes, flavors with the smell of fish, food additives. It is important to read the labels on the packaging very carefully. Also, do not delude yourself with an inexpensive price - a real red game cannot be cheap! Especially on the eve of the holidays, when prices for all food products traditionally reach a peak. Sometimes caviar producers can interfere with natural caviar with artificial caviar. In this case, it is almost impossible to distinguish it in appearance. If you have already purchased caviar and doubt its naturalness, we bring to your attention several criteria for evaluating the "real" caviar. What should we pay attention to when choosing red caviar? Real and artificial caviar are very similar in appearance. Both those and those eggs have a similar color, only through the shell of real eggs you can see "eyes" - small dots, and they burst at the slightest pressure. The shell of artificial caviar is difficult to burst and has a more rigid structure. Good red caviar is whole, crumbly, has no plaque and mucus, blood clots and film. It is characterized by a moderate fishy smell. If the caviar smells of rancid fat or vegetable oil, it is likely that it is fake. To check for sure, dip a few eggs in boiling water - the "fakes" will completely dissolve in it. Now let's talk about how to choose fresh, high-quality and delicious red caviar? Variation in prices of red caviar. Cheap or expensive? It may seem to many that it is better to choose a more expensive option, and then the purchase will surely be successful. Unfortunately, this is not always the case - a high price does not guarantee excellent quality at all. But you should not choose the cheapest caviar. And here's why. At the exit of fish into the sea, caviar is about 3% of the weight of the fish, in the lower reaches of the rivers - about 5%, and already close to spawning grounds - 10-12%. Poachers are usually looking for easier prey. Accordingly, with industrial fishing, the yield of the final product is 2-3 times less than with poaching. And, therefore, the product of the latter will be cheaper in retail. If the price is not an indicator, then the choice must be guided by several other criteria. Which caviar is better to buy: in a jar or by weight? It would seem that buying caviar by weight is easier, and often more economical. But knowledgeable people do not recommend rushing to conclusions. Often, under the guise of fresh caviar, they sell an expired product and overloaded with preservatives. If the necessary standards of sanitation are not observed, various microbes can get into the caviar. And that means there is a health risk. According to some reports, sometimes wise sellers add sparkling water to battered red caviar, and even detergents! Yes, they can’t go to any lengths to give the product an appetizing look ... It’s worth buying caviar by weight if we are firmly convinced of its origin and the honesty of the sellers and are able to very well distinguish fresh caviar by appearance. Judging by the picture that can be observed in our trade, I would never risk buying red caviar by weight now. But this is purely my opinion. Although in the bank, of course, you can buy low-quality goods. How to choose the right red caviar in a jar? According to experts, it is better to choose caviar in tin and glass jars. In a glass jar, evaluating caviar is quite simple - in appearance. With tin cans, it's a little more difficult. Try to shake it slightly - if you hear a gurgle, most likely the caviar manufacturer did not spare the brine. Accordingly, the caviar itself will be less there. Let's get to know the label. What should be written on a jar of good red caviar? So, we have several cans of caviar from different manufacturers. First of all, you need to carefully read the label. It should contain information about the producer of red caviar, as well as the presence of GOST. Let's study the composition of the product. According to GOST, the composition of red caviar should include: salt, vegetable oil, food additives E400 (glycerin, which prevents the caviar from drying out); E200 (sorbic acid) and E239 (urotropin) - these additives are antiseptics. Other additives no longer comply with GOST, which means they can talk about a low-quality product. Also, the label must indicate which fish caviar this product is made from. Pay attention to the date of manufacture and expiration date indicated on the package. Three rows of characters are affixed on the lid: the date of manufacture of caviar, the assortment mark "IKRA", and the number of the plant with the number of the shift and the index of the fishing industry "P". Important: the numbers on a can of natural caviar are always pressed through from the inside! If you see numbers on the lid that are pressed through from the outside, this is probably a fake in front of you. A jar of caviar should not be deformed or swollen. Rolling jars must be dense. According to GOST, caviar is rolled into jars within one month after salting. This helps to make sure that the red caviar is rolled up by the producer close to the place of catch. If there is an opportunity to try caviar before you buy, pay attention to its appearance. Eggs must be whole, uniform in shape and size, uniform in color, clean. By consistency - elastic, with a slightly damp surface or dry. There should be no taste of rancid fat or acid, as well as a strong smell of fish. After opening the jar, there should be no eggs on the inside of the lid. If the caviar is motionless, it is too dry. With a sharp shake, the jar should move, but not “squish.” Dense and dark, like rubber, caviar is a sign that it was taken from not very fresh fish. And, therefore, it can harm the body! A very pale color of caviar is a sign of its overripeness. Give up the idea of ​​buying caviar in the market, especially in jars of dubious appearance and with a blurred date of manufacture. It is best to buy caviar in super- and hypermarkets, as well as in specialized fish markets. Such stores will provide good conditions for storing caviar, and if you buy a low-quality product, you can exchange or hand it over. Naturally, all this is not possible in the markets. An additional way to check the quality of caviar is to weigh the jar on a scale. The nominal weight of a jar of caviar is 180 grams. Underweight of 15-25 grams may indicate the dishonesty of the manufacturer. Storage conditions for red caviar With vacuum seaming, the shelf life of caviar is 12 months, without vacuum - 6 months. If we opened a jar of red caviar, how long can we eat it? Red caviar should not be frozen. An opened can must be consumed within five days of opening. Water should not get into the caviar. And, of course, you should adhere to the terms and conditions of storage indicated on the jar of caviar.

Many buyers are wondering: how to check red caviar at home - natural or not? Red caviar is one of the available, but expensive delicacies. It is one of the best decorations for the festive table. Red caviar is not only good on sandwiches, but also rich in nutrients. This is not surprising, because caviar is a cluster of fish eggs in which fry embryos should develop.

In most living organisms, the organs where the offspring develops, which will have rapid growth, are saturated with fats, proteins and vitamins. Therefore, both plant seeds and bird eggs, as well as the fish caviar we mentioned, are very nutritious and carry vitamins. In the food industry, unfertilized eggs are usually used. And red caviar is a collective name for caviar of different types of salmon fish. They are similar in color and composition.

The benefits of red caviar

Red caviar contains vitamins of groups A, B, D and E, as well as folic acid, which is indispensable for pregnant women - in its absence, the development of the neural tube of the fetus is disturbed. Of the trace elements, it contains, like in many seafood, iodine, in addition - calcium, phosphorus and iron. Caviar is also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Together with fish meat, fish fat and vegetable oils, it is considered a valuable source of Omega-3 and Omega-6. They support cardiovascular health, prevent cancer, asthma, depression and obesity, despite their high calorie content. Calcium is good for bones, and iron increases hemoglobin.

Such a valuable product will certainly want to fake! You may encounter low-quality goods or artificial caviar. But few people will agree to go to the laboratory with a jar of caviar to evaluate the quality of the product. It would be convenient to test red caviar at home. How to do it? Let's look at some points. In the article, you will learn more about how to check whether red caviar is real or not, at home and in the store. First, let's try to evaluate the quality of caviar.

We study the jar

At home, check red caviar, as you might guess, you can taste it. But it is much better to find out in advance, even before the purchase. The jar that sells caviar can tell you a lot. First, shake her. Natural caviar is usually packed tightly and you will not hear any gurgling. If it is, feel free to leave the product on the store shelf. Second, consider the labeling. It must be pressed in from the inside. If they are pressed in from the outside, which is much easier to do, you are dealing with a fake. The release date is also informative. The collection of caviar usually takes place in the summer, and it quickly goes to processing. Other dates should alert you.

Look at the composition. Avoid caviar, which contains E239 - hexamine. This substance is toxic. Sodium benzoate (E211) is also not helpful. Both of these substances, under certain conditions, are converted into carcinogens. There will most likely be preservatives in caviar, but sorbic acid (E200), which is the most harmless, should be preferred.

We buy by weight

By weight, it is much easier to distinguish a fake from the original - after all, all the goods are in your mind. You can even taste it! But here, too, it is important to be careful. To begin with, take a look at the caviar and evaluate its appearance. If the kernels are too large and have a dull color, polyphosphates may have been added to it. They are put to increase weight, as they retain moisture. This caused a strange swelling of the eggs in size. Not only is it simply unprofitable to buy water instead of caviar, but polyphosphates are also very harmful. The ability to retain water is also reflected in the human body - edema and cardiovascular diseases occur.

How to check red caviar at home? You can carry out the same examination at home, and also taste it. There is one minus in this - the product has already been bought and the money has been spent. High-quality red caviar smells good. Take the caviar in your hand. It should not have a raid, and when compressed, the egg bursts. Taste it - you should feel the familiar taste of red caviar, any difference from which is a reason to refuse to buy.

Dangers of loose caviar

It is convenient to buy by weight - all the caviar is in front of you. But it must be taken into account that it is not stored in packaged form for more than 4 months. As already known, salmon spawning takes place in the summer, so after November you should not buy caviar by weight. Most likely, it has already been frozen and has lost its unique flavor and texture.

The danger of loose caviar is that the seller can remove dried or cloudy eggs (a sign of loss of container tightness) and add glycerin and fragrances. And the best option is to choose caviar in a glass container. It is both hermetic and protected from manipulation by unscrupulous sellers, and at the same time it is visible to the light.

What is artificial caviar?

When artificial red and black caviar was invented, it was made from eggs. However, the product was very different in taste and texture from natural and was not in great demand. Years passed, technology developed. Modern artificial caviar is based on gelling agents - agar and sodium alginate. The first is obtained from red algae, the second - from brown.

Artificial caviar is made from eggs, milk and protein. Salmon fish meat, fish oil can be used in the production. This gives the caviar a fishy taste. But the taste is still inferior to the real one. It is devoid of most of the nutrients found in real caviar. Health hazards can be dyes and flavors that are intended to at least slightly bring its taste closer to natural.

In principle, a caviar surrogate is a good choice for those who save. It can be used to decorate dishes for a large number of guests. But if you go to the store to buy a natural delicacy, you will beware of fakes. Some buyers try to test red caviar at home. As it often happens, not everyone is able to distinguish between natural caviar and a surrogate, so it is important to read the tips for choosing this product.

There is one more fact not in favor of artificial caviar. The agar-agar-based product keeps open for only a few hours. This gelling agent from red algae is not accidentally used in a petri dish to grow laboratory bacteria. This is a great breeding ground for them. Therefore, leaving such caviar in the refrigerator, you run the risk of getting along with it a lot of unknown microorganisms.

Along with this, the question arose: how to check red caviar at home - natural or artificial?

What does the packaging hide?

Try to check red caviar both at home and right on the spot. Manufacturers of artificial caviar do not always have the goal of hiding this fact, so be sure to read what is written on the packaging. It may indicate that the product is an imitation of salmon caviar. But even if this fact is hidden, the composition can betray the truth indirectly. If caviar contains vegetable oil and dye, this is no accident! The oil is used to keep the gelatinous eggs from sticking together, and the dye gives them a red tint. An unnaturally bright color may be a sign of dye use.

You should be alerted by the too low price of the product. Storage conditions can also give out all the secrets. Natural caviar is stored at negative temperatures, so if you see a storage temperature above zero, for example, from + 4 to + 8, you have a fake. Artificial caviar sticks together when frozen, and when defrosted it turns into porridge. To prevent this from happening, the packaging does not indicate temperatures below zero.

Look at the manufacturer's address. In the Far East, it hardly makes sense to produce artificial caviar, but if the production site is located in the continental part, then the likelihood of a fake is high. Checking red caviar, real or not, at home, as it turned out, is quite real!

Appearance and properties

How to check red caviar, real or not, by sight? Carefully inspect the eggs. The most important criterion is that fake eggs will not have a nucleus, because they are devoid of a germ! Artificial eggs can vary in size and shade, while natural eggs are usually the same size and color.

What other ways are there to check red caviar at home - is it natural? How can this be done? Throw a couple of eggs into hot water. If the caviar is real, nothing will happen. And the artificial one will quickly give itself away. The gelatin shell will dissolve in water. The caviar surrogate quickly turns the water orange.

Structure, taste and smell

It is worth putting an egg on the tongue and trying to crush it. It bursts - it means it's real. Artificial caviar can only be cracked with teeth. While the real egg is a capsule with liquid contents in which the fry must develop, the technologies for the production of the surrogate have not reached such an accurate imitation. Its eggs are uniform in structure. Good caviar should not be overly salty. Pay attention to how caviar smells. A pronounced herring smell indicates that the caviar is made from meat and fish fat, that is, artificial, or flavorings are added to it, which is also not in its favor.

Summing up

So, how to check red caviar at home? Natural red caviar is distinguished by many visual and taste properties. And information about it can be obtained by carefully examining the packaging. So, if you are observant enough, you can check at home whether real red caviar is or not. Buy quality products and enjoy the taste!
