
Chestnuts benefits and harms recipes. Flowers for painful menstruation

Many people know that chestnuts can be eaten. They are eaten fried or boiled, and are also used as an additional ingredient. In some countries, this is the most popular delicacy; in France, it is considered a national dish. But not all fruits are allowed to be eaten, the benefits and harms of chestnuts for the body depend on the chosen variety.

chestnut features

This plant belongs to the beech genus. There are two types of it. Horse chestnut is ubiquitous. These are trees with a lush crown, pyramidal inflorescences and rounded fruits in a shell protected by thorns. They cannot be eaten due to the high content of tannins. In high concentrations, they can harm the body, even cause poisoning.

Unlike the horse chestnut, the noble one produces edible fruits. It has a different leaf shape, one box can contain up to 4 nuts. These plants are found in a subtropical climate, they can mainly be found in Europe, America, Asia. But even those who live in an area where this nut does not grow can enjoy it, because it is easy to buy it in a store.

Chestnut, the benefits and harms of which depend on the composition, has a distinctive feature: the fruits contain much less fat than other nuts. But they also have a lot of proteins, which is especially important for vegetarians who do not eat animal food. They also contain fiber, tannins and sugar.

The mineral and vitamin composition of chestnut fruits is also rich.

  • Vitamin K is able to stop bleeding, is needed for the proper formation of bone and muscle tissue.
  • Vitamin A maintains visual acuity and has regenerating qualities.
  • Vitamin C strengthens the protective properties of the body, has a positive effect on blood vessels.
  • B vitamins are needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system, improve the condition of the skin and hair.
  • Magnesium: also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalizes blood pressure.
  • Potassium normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Copper is essential for maintaining hormonal balance.

The benefits of chestnut are very great. But only if there are fruits in moderation, because they are quite high in calories - about 170 kcal per 100 g. At the same time, their calorie content is lower than that of other nuts, so even those who are on a diet can include them in their diet. You also need to remember that roasted chestnuts are more nutritious than cooked in a different way.

Effects on the body and contraindications

No wonder chestnut nuts are valued, the benefits and harms of which largely depend on the method of use. Fruits give strength and provide the body with a supply of energy, they improve memory and increase efficiency. They are recommended to eat during periods of stress and chronic fatigue. Thanks to the fiber that they contain, nuts will help improve digestion and normalize bowel function. Tanning components help get rid of diarrhea. Fruits make sleep calm and strong, remove insomnia.

Chopped edible chestnut can be added to wholemeal flour for baking. Such a powder will also become an unusual seasoning for porridge.

Not only nuts are useful, but also other parts of the plant, that is, leaves, flowers and bark.

  • A decoction of fruits and leaves has anti-inflammatory properties, it is recommended to use it for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract.
  • To relieve fatigue in the legs, you can make baths with a similar decoction.
  • A decoction of the bark will help relieve swelling of the nasopharynx. It is used for washing the nose.
  • The benefit of chestnut is that an infusion of bark and fruits helps with hemorrhoids. You need to drink a tablespoon of the remedy three times a day.
  • The infusion can be used to treat weeping wounds.

Not everyone is recommended to eat edible chestnuts. Their benefits and harms are explained by their composition. There are some contraindications: they should not be introduced into the diet with kidney failure, pregnant women and nursing mothers should also refuse them. Also, individual intolerance sometimes occurs.

Cooking methods

The question may arise, how to cook chestnuts. Useful properties may depend on the selected recipe. Baked fruits are especially popular in a number of countries. Making them is very easy. It is necessary to slightly cut the top of each nut so that they do not burst. Then put on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven for a quarter of an hour. When they cool down a bit, they should be peeled. Can be seasoned with butter.

Other recipes use peeled chestnuts. Their benefits and harms do not change as a result of separation from the shell. To facilitate the process, the nuts are immersed in hot water for a couple of minutes, after cutting the skin. It is important to completely remove all films, as they are bitter. Then you can cook such dishes.

  • Boiled chestnuts.

A simple way, but there is no doubt about the health benefits of chestnuts prepared in this way. They should be cleaned, poured with cold water and put on fire. After 20-30 minutes, when they become soft enough, pour out the water, and cover the fruits themselves and hold for 10 minutes in a warm place. Served on the table, adding butter.

  • Chestnut puree (used for sauces).

To get an unusual addition to meat, the fruits should be boiled in meat broth. After a quarter of an hour, take it out and knead well with a fork or chop with a blender. Then you need to add cream, butter, salt and nutmeg to taste. To stir thoroughly.

You can also get a sweet sauce for desserts. To do this, chestnuts are boiled in sweetened milk.

The use of chestnut for treatment and in cosmetology

Chestnut, the benefits and harms of which deserve attention, is used not only as a delicious dish. Possible treatment with it. Horse chestnut tincture has proven itself especially well. The product helps to reduce the manifestations of sciatica and varicose veins, and even eliminates cellulite.

  • To prepare a drug for thrombophlebitis, a bottle of vodka will need 50 g of raw materials. The remedy should be allowed to brew for a week in a dark place, then drink twice a day before meals.
  • The benefit of chestnuts lies in their ability to reduce varicose veins. To do this, 100 g of fruits, together with the shell, are scrolled through a meat grinder, poured with a liter of vodka and insisted for three weeks. Then filter and apply to the skin at night without rinsing.
  • The same remedy will relieve pain in the joints, for this they must be rubbed at night.

You can also use these recipes using horse chestnut.

  • For 5 liters of water, you need to take 1 kg of raw materials along with the peel. Boil for an hour. Strain, then add to bath. It is also permissible to make promises by wetting bandages and wrapping them around the legs. The tool helps to remove heaviness in the legs, improves the condition of the veins.
  • To combat cellulite, such a tool is suitable. 100 g of chopped nuts should be mixed with the same amount and 200 g of olive oil. Let it brew for several days, immediately before use, add the essential oil of orange or grapefruit. Then do massage on problem areas.
  • To relieve lower back pain, you can mix lard and ground fruits, apply on a cabbage leaf, place on the lower back and tie with something warm.

The benefits of chestnuts are noticeable in cosmetology. Healing qualities allow the use of fruits in skin and hair products. They are able to protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, so they can be found in the composition of sunscreens. Walnut oil will help to increase turgor and nourish aging skin. It is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, then washed off with warm water.

A simple infusion can have a tightening effect. To get it, you need to pour the crushed fruits with boiling water and let stand for a couple of hours. The resulting product should be wiped daily on the face.

Chestnuts can be a valuable addition to the diet, tasty and nutritious. Do not confuse edible and horse chestnuts. The former are suitable for eating, the latter are suitable for the preparation of medicinal tinctures. When using such funds, the benefits and harms to the body depend on how correctly the preparation technology and dosage are followed.

- a very beautiful plant of the beech genus. Its wild subspecies grows in our region, but, despite the very appetizing appearance of its fruits, it is better not to eat them because they can cause great harm to the body. Edible chestnut does not grow in our latitudes. But it can be easily purchased in modern supermarkets. The medicinal properties of chestnut tincture were identified long ago in the places of its growth - in Asia and North America. Let's get acquainted in more detail with chestnut, its benefits and contraindications, using the reviews of experienced nutritionists.

The mineral composition of the edible chestnut

The beneficial properties of edible chestnut can be compared with potatoes and rice, this is due to the high content of starch and carbohydrates in it. Also, chestnut fruits are rich in natural vegetable protein, so it can become one of the main sources of its supply to the body of a vegetarian.

Chestnut with edible fruit

In their shape and structure, chestnut fruits are somewhat similar to nuts, but the main difference in composition is the minimum content of fatty and oily substances (up to 6%). To a greater extent, chestnut contains:

  • fiber;
  • starch;
  • tannins;
  • carbohydrates (62%);
  • vitamins A, C and B (B1, B2, B6, B9);
  • beta carotene;

Chestnut contains a whole range of nutrients

  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • selenium.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates 12%/6%/82%. Energy value 170 kcal per 100 g of product.

Benefits for the body

A positive effect on the human body is produced due to the combination of fats, proteins and tannins contained in the chestnut. The increased content of starch and carbohydrates make the product a real energy bomb, which is activated when it enters the body and releases a huge amount of energy. Very useful for athletes before and after training.

Edible chestnuts look almost the same as we are used to.

The brown skin that covers the body of the fetus is rich in fiber.

Advice! Ground sweet chestnuts can be added to baked goods. By doing this, you will achieve not only a pleasant exotic taste, but also ensure the fiber intake of you and your family.

The use of chestnut in cooking

In cooking, only the edible type of chestnuts is used. Salads are made from them, fruits are baked in the oven, added to dishes as a seasoning, etc. Here are a few recipes for preparing this exotic product:

Salad with roasted chestnuts. This salad is a dietary dish and can deservedly be placed in a book about tasty and healthy food. It includes arugula, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, chopped roasted chestnuts and durum wheat pasta cooked "al dente" (not fully cooked). This salad is dressed with olive oil sauce with lemon juice.

Chestnuts can be simply roasted or added to dishes.

Roast mushrooms with chestnut and hazelnuts. A very healthy dish for vegetarians. The high protein content in mushrooms and chestnuts will help make up for the missing amount. Oven-roasted chestnuts are peeled and ground together with hazelnuts. Mushrooms are fried and stewed in cognac until the liquid evaporates. Separately, onion and garlic are fried in olive oil with the addition of cumin and thyme. All blanks are mixed, fit into the mold. There is added 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable broth. The roast is baked in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Medicinal properties and use in traditional medicine

Chestnut is characterized by medicinal properties. The most useful is horse chestnut. Proper use of it can cope with a number of difficulties in the work of the human body.

Often used in folk medicine chestnut tincture. Depending on their preparation, the effect on the body is also different.

The fruits of horse chestnut scrolled in a meat grinder are poured with vodka or medical alcohol. The liquid is infused for 3-4 weeks indoors. Strained and applied in accordance with the dosage:

  • in the treatment of thrombophlebitis - 20 drops no more than 2 times a day before meals for 30 days, diluted in 250 ml of water;
  • with varicose veins - rub the tincture into the skin at night, rinse in the morning.

Alcohol tincture of horse chestnut

Hammered horse nut fruits are poured with 3 liters of water. The resulting mixture is boiled for 35-40 minutes, cooled and poured into medical alcohol (no more than 100 ml). This tincture is used in cosmetic procedures to rejuvenate and cleanse the skin of the face.

Important! These recipes are based solely on the experience of ordinary people. Testing by scientific institutes was not carried out. Before use, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Contraindications and reviews

Chestnuts are not for everyone. Like all plants, chestnut has its own list of contraindications for people with hypersensitivity to individual units of the vitamin and mineral composition of the product.

Be careful with the use of chestnuts, use only edible types of it. Before using ointments and tinctures based on it, consult your doctor.

How to cook chestnuts in the oven: video

Edible chestnuts: photo

Chestnuts are not as popular with us as in Western Europe, Japan or East Asia, but this omission is long overdue to be corrected. Healing and nutritious nuts grow in the subtropical zone, therefore they are not included in the menu of our traditional cuisine. But after all, both avocados and “New Year's fruit” - tangerines, and many other products that often appear on our table are also imported from southern latitudes.

We think, having learned how chestnuts are useful, our housewives will definitely start preparing them for their family. Moreover, the fruits do not require special culinary skills and are delicious simply fried or baked.

We do not grow nuts suitable for food and you can buy them only in supermarkets.

Nutritional value of chestnuts

Despite the outward resemblance to hazelnuts, the product bears little resemblance to it in composition. Chestnuts contain:

  • about 60% starch
  • 15% sugar
  • 6% proteins
  • 2% fat

The percentage may vary depending on the fruit variety. However, in their effect on the human body, chestnuts are more reminiscent of rice and potatoes than nuts, which are high in protein and fat.

A product rich in carbohydrates is recommended for athletes and people who need enhanced nutrition to restore energy. After hearty chestnuts, you don’t want to eat for a long time, so they are often included in weight loss diets, with one caveat: in small quantities.

The product is also appreciated by vegetarians as an additional source of vegetable protein.

Chestnuts also contain:

  • cellulose
  • tannins
  • vitamins A, C, K and group B
  • trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, silicon, selenium, copper, zinc
  • folic acid
  • pectins
  • glycosides

The fact that chestnuts are an important ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine, recognized as one of the healthiest in the world, speaks volumes. With regular use of fruits, metabolism improves, the intestines begin to function more actively, toxins are removed faster and enzymes necessary for digestion are produced.

Immunity is strengthened, malfunctions in the cardiovascular system are eliminated, blood composition is normalized and the overall tone of the body is increased. Italians, French and other southern Europeans love chestnuts for good reason, because they can protect us from stress and improve our mood during the seasonal autumn depression. Despite the high content of carbohydrates and sugars, fruits can and should be eaten by people who are struggling with being overweight, since in this case fat deposits are not formed and the load on the liver is reduced.

Historical reference

The first seedlings of the sowing chestnut (or noble) were brought from the Asian campaigns by Alexander the Great. He noticed that by eating the fruits of this tree, warriors become more alert and suffer less from stomach problems caused by unusual food.

Magic nuts of youth and beauty

Chestnuts can turn back time and bring back the charm of youth. They contribute to the production of elastin and collagen - proteins involved in the renewal of cells and tissues.

Trace elements that are part of healing nuts have a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails, improving their condition and appearance. And zinc and phosphorus, in addition, strengthen teeth and gums.

A cure for many diseases

In the pharmaceutical industry, horse chestnuts, which are familiar to us, are more often used, decorating the streets with fragrant “candles” of inflorescences in spring, and throwing fruits in a prickly shell in autumn, which are so well suited for crafts.

However, Castánea satíva nuts also have healing properties. They are shown with:

  1. dysentery;
  2. hemorrhoids;
  3. cystitis;
  4. painful menstruation and menopause;
  5. mastopathy;
  6. edema of various origins;
  7. circulatory disorders and thrombosis, as they thin the blood;
  8. vasospasm;
  9. atherosclerosis;
  10. neuralgia;
  11. respiratory diseases;
  12. rheumatism.

Externally crushed pulp of edible chestnut can be used as a hemostatic, wound healing and disinfectant. Fruits also effectively help with burns, accelerating the process of tissue regeneration.


As can be seen from this table, boiled or baked fruits will bring the greatest benefit, but fried and pickled fruits should be eaten little by little (no more than 40 g at a time).

If you follow a diet, it is better to eat chestnuts in the morning, then the energy that they charge the body with will have time to be completely used up. But for dinner, you can allow yourself only 2-3 nuts.

Who Shouldn't Eat Chestnuts

A carbohydrate-rich product, for all its usefulness, is a heavy meal. Therefore, it is undesirable to give it to children earlier than five to six years of age. The fragile organism of babies is unlikely to be able to fully digest chestnuts, which threatens indigestion, flatulence and colic.

It is better to introduce healthy nuts into the children's diet in boiled form, making soup puree. If the product caused discomfort in the child, it is advisable to postpone the “acquaintance” with it for a while and consult a doctor.

Nursing mothers will also have to give up chestnuts so as not to cause excessive gas formation or an allergic reaction in the baby.

Fruits are contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • diabetes
  • kidney and bladder stones
  • hypotension
  • liver and kidney failure
  • inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract


Healthy people need to eat chestnuts, but in moderation, so as not to gain excess weight and not provoke the pancreas.

Raw nuts are recognized as the heaviest for digestion. They are allowed to be consumed only in a ripe form, then we will improve our health and treat ourselves to a delicious product without side effects.

How to choose chestnuts

We have found that nuts that have reached full maturity bring the greatest benefit. But how to choose just such fruits in a store or on the market?

  1. You need to buy fresh chestnuts in season - September to February. Nuts spoil quickly, so it is not possible to eat them during the rest of the year. If it was not possible to buy fresh fruits, you should pay attention to frozen or pickled ones - they are, moreover, easier to prepare, since they do not need to be peeled.
  2. The shell of nuts should be hard, smooth, without spots and damage, with a uniform, dark color and glossy sheen.
  3. Ripe, high-quality chestnuts are heavy and large, about the same size.
  4. Round nuts are tastier than their more flattened "relatives".
  5. The freshness of the fruits is determined by pressing them with your finger. If the shell is soft, the shelf life has clearly been tightened.


A greenish layer between the kernel and the shell of the nut is an indicator of insufficient ripeness. Such chestnuts are best boiled, stewed or fried, but not eaten raw.

Storage rules

Fresh chestnuts are a capricious and perishable product. At room temperature in a dry, preferably dark place, they can lie for no more than 5 days, after which they dry out and wrinkle.

If you put the fruits in the refrigerator, with other vegetables and fruits, they will “hold out” for 2 weeks, provided that they are wrapped in a plastic bag with holes for ventilation. Otherwise, the nuts will quickly become moldy.

If you want to eat fresh or roasted chestnuts out of season, it's best to freeze them. The product will not lose its qualities within six months.


Freezing fresh chestnuts should be placed in a vacuum container or wrapped in foil, but in no case should plastic wrap be used, otherwise they will deteriorate. This warning does not apply to fried fruits.

Another option is to store raw, unshelled nuts in sand filled in wooden boxes or barrels. The containers are installed in the cellar and kept at a temperature of 2 - 5ºС until spring.

Instead of sand, you can take dry chestnut leaves.

Chestnuts are one of those products, once you try them, you don’t want to refuse them. And why limit yourself to such a healthy delicacy?

Well, let's buy and start cooking.

Useful video

A little background information about chestnuts:

Edible chestnuts evoke a pleasant association with France. Autumn, Paris and light smoke from the braziers in which the fruits are baked. This delicacy is firmly entrenched on the tables of the homeland of the Eiffel Tower and is gradually gaining the sympathy of the whole world. With regular use, the benefits of chestnuts can be traced. What exactly, we will consider further.

Unfortunately, some populations will be harmed by the fetus. If you confuse the product with another species - horse chestnut, this will lead to poisoning. To avoid such situations, you must follow simple rules.

There are two types of chestnuts - horse and noble, or real. The first species is grown for decorative purposes. It is strictly forbidden to use its fruits, because they can harm the body. These chestnuts are poisonous. But the noble species does not pose any danger to humans, and even vice versa. Its use is to improve the functioning of body systems and treat various diseases.

The chestnut tree belongs to the beech family. From a botanical point of view, the fruit is a nut. They are grown in Asian countries, some European countries, in North America.

In France, the plant is considered a national symbol, in honor of it they even arrange a big holiday. Various sauces, salads, desserts and many other savory dishes are made from the ingredient. In Russia, edible chestnuts are not grown, but many supermarkets sell them fresh and roasted. The taste of the product is unusual, a bit like a sweet potato with a nutty note.

Composition of edible chestnuts

The fruit is a valuable source of starch (up to 60%) and sugars (15%). Almost 6% comes from proteins and only 2% from fats. The thin transparent film around the nut is an insoluble fiber, the benefits of which are obvious for the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, a small fruit contains tannins and pectin, glycosides, vitamins A, groups B, C. The following minerals are present in the chestnut: calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and potassium.

The energy value of fresh fruits is 180 kcal per 100 g. Roasted nuts are even more high in calories.

For those who follow their figure, this figure can be quite high. But you can pamper yourself with a small amount of chestnuts, because they do not overload the stomach and at the same time saturate the body with nutrients.

Positive effect on the body

The benefits of edible chestnuts are obvious for vegetarians. Fruits allow you to diversify their diet and to some extent compensate for the lack of protein. For medicinal purposes, all parts of the tree are used: bark, flowers, leaves.

They have the following effect on the body:

  • a decoction of dried leaves allows you to quickly cope with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • fresh leaves accelerate the treatment of whooping cough;
  • alcohol tincture on dry flowers is indicated for catarrh of the bladder and chronic dysentery;
  • fruits and bark are used for puffiness caused by kidney disease, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, nosebleeds;
  • a decoction of nuts quickly eliminates boils and abscesses.

The benefits of edible chestnuts don't end there. They are used in various forms for high blood pressure, vascular and heart diseases, thrombosis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids. In folk medicine, fresh nuts help eliminate malaria and chronic diarrhea, and roasted nuts help to eliminate hemorrhoidal and uterine bleeding.

Application in cooking

The recipes for making edible chestnuts are quite simple. The most popular delicacy is fried fruits. They must first be peeled and the membranes removed. The chestnuts themselves need to be cut crosswise or make cuts on the sides.

If this manipulation is neglected, then the nut may explode. Then put the product in the pan, cover with a wet napkin. Close the lid and let the chestnuts 20-30 minutes. Stir occasionally and dampen the wipes as they dry.

Other cooking recipes offer hostesses to boil the fruits and serve them with different sauces (chocolate, coffee), make soup-puree, pork or lamb with chestnuts. With a rich imagination, you can create real culinary masterpieces from the product.


People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, heart and liver, hidden pulmonary and gastric bleeding are not recommended to use the product without first consulting a doctor. Chestnuts can harm the body and aggravate the course of certain ailments. A categorical taboo is placed on the use of fruits by patients with diabetes and blood diseases.

Nut allergies are common, but they are mostly caused by the consumption of a different species, equine. Therefore, it is recommended to buy chestnuts only in trusted places. Edible fruits have a pointed top, so they are difficult to confuse with a horse nut.

Harm is observed when overeating chestnuts and flour from them. In the intestines, gases are formed in large quantities, constipation occurs. Some people experience diarrhea after eating uncooked nuts. With external use, you should be extremely careful, because tinctures and decoctions can lead to skin irritation. The benefits are canceled when chestnut extracts are combined with willow and oak bark.

Chestnuts, especially a large number of them, can lead to an increase in body weight. Although the benefits of nuts are very attractive, you still should not overeat. And if there is any doubt, it is better to completely abandon the product, so as not to harm yourself.

Often found in large and small cities. It pleases the eye during flowering, fills the air with a wonderful aroma. But not many people know how chestnut is useful. It turns out that it is often used both in traditional medicine and in the production of medicines and cosmetics.

Horse chestnut. Beneficial features

Chestnut seeds - brown shiny nuts, contain high concentrations such as potassium, calcium, zinc, iodine, as well as some vitamins, oils, and there are a lot of pectins, flavonoids and carotenoids in the leaves.

On the basis of this plant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic drugs are made. Useful substances of horse chestnut are able to thin the blood, prevent blood clots, improve blood flow.

In cosmetology, the components that make up this plant take care of problem skin, playing the role of an antiseptic. And the lymphatic drainage qualities of chestnut are good in the fight against cellulite.

Procurement of raw materials

Traditional medicine knows many recipes using the healing properties of the plant. How to save what chestnut is useful for? It is advisable to prepare the ingredients for these recipes in May, when there is an active movement of juice in the plant.

The flowers are separated from the inflorescence and spread evenly on the surface, leaving in the sun for one day. In the future, the complete drying of the product should take place in a well-ventilated area. Leaves without petioles are dried in the same way. If everything is done correctly, it does not lose its original color and does not break at the fold. Young branches (3-4 years old) are used for harvesting the bark. The crushed raw materials are dried under a canopy. The seeds of the plant, which fell off on their own, retain their useful qualities throughout the year.


How to make the most of that chestnut? Massage with the fruits of reflex points reduces pain in rheumatism. It is enough to periodically squeeze them in your hand. And if you press on the chestnut attached to the chest between the nipples, you can get rid of the beginning cough.

Vodka tincture from the seeds of the plant is used as a rub for sciatica. Chestnuts ground in a meat grinder with the addition of white or blue clay are applied for a couple of hours to problem areas with joint pain and gout.

Flowers can be insisted on vegetable oil and used as rubbing against sciatica and polyarthritis. And compresses from a hot decoction of buds are applied to swollen joints after a dislocation - this is what chestnut is useful for.

Baths from the decoction of the plant are beneficial for osteochondrosis, neuralgic diseases, skin itching syndrome. Poultices based on fresh or dried leaves help with skin dermatitis.


There are many benefits of chestnut, but there are still reasons why taking this remedy can be harmful. If preparations made on its basis are used orally, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure and take a blood test for the level of prothrombin. Such drugs should be abandoned during pregnancy and lactation, if the menstrual cycle is disturbed, as well as with gastritis. In addition, in diseases of the kidneys and liver, chestnut treatment is performed only under special medical supervision.
