
Food flavoring vanillin harm. Flavor identical to natural vanillin harm and benefit

Vanilla is more than just a pleasant, appetizing flavoring in baked goods. Its benefits to improve the taste of culinary dishes do not end there. This spice has a number of important health benefits, including its ability to fight acne, improve hair growth, reduce inflammation, prevent chronic disease, and speed up recovery.

Most people appreciate vanilla pods not only for them pleasant aroma And sweet taste but also for the fact that they can help to cope with some health problems.

What does vanilla look like and where does it grow?

Vanilla pods are today one of the most valuable ingredients in the world. It is second in value to saffron. It is the most popular spice in many culinary dishes worldwide. Its fragrance is an integral part for most people.

Vanilla spice is obtained from the pods of several species of plants of the genus "Vanilla" of the orchid family. The best quality vanilla is flat-leaved vanilla (Vanilla planifolia). It is from this species that many cultivars with longer pods are derived.

There are two more types of this spice with somewhat short pods and inferior in quality to flat-leaved vanilla.

The tropical forests of South America and, above all, the territory of modern Mexico are considered the birthplace of vanilla. It also grows in Brazil and other countries of this continent. Vanilla is very rarely seen in coastal areas, as it does not tolerate salty environments.

Vanilla plant is a vine that, like most orchids, is an epiphytic plant. She climbs up the trees to get to sunlight get enough moisture and nutrients from the air.

Vanilla has a thick stem with small branches, which can reach more than 10 meters in length.

Vanilla blooms with cream, pale yellow or greenish funnel-shaped flowers, the diameter of which is 3 centimeters. This flower is open for pollination for only 1-2 days. Therefore, it is necessary not to miss the time for pollination. In nature, it occurs with the help of orchid bees. Outside their natural habitat, it must be pollinated by hand. Only pollinated flowers produce a crop.

The fruit is a cylindrical black-brown pod. Its length can be from 8 to 30 centimeters and in diameter up to 1.5 centimeters. When ripe, it becomes more black and gives off a strong aroma. The ripening time is from 8 to 9 months.

Inside the pod are tiny spherical, shiny black seeds. Vanilla is propagated by cuttings and less often by sowing seeds.

Vanilla grows best in hot and humid climates at altitudes up to 1500 meters above sea level. The ideal climate for growing is moderate rainfall in the range of 1500-2000 mm, evenly distributed for at least 10 months of the year, and optimal temperatures 15 to 30 degrees during the day and 15 to 20 degrees at night. The ideal humidity should be around 80%.

Vanilla looks like this

vanilla production

IN industrial scale this spice is now grown on the island of Madagascar, in India, Indonesia, Puerto Rico, the Caribbean and South America. They grow it in China. The main supplier of the spice is Madagascar, which accounts for more than 50 percent of all vanilla production.

There are three types of vanilla beans:

Bourbon (or Madagascar);



Bourbon vanilla is a thin pod with a rich and sweet flavor, the sweetest of the three.

The second most important is Mexican vanilla.

Tahitian vanilla is blacker in color and less aromatic.

Bourbon vanilla is grown in northern and South America, on the islands of the Indian Ocean, such as Madagascar, Comoros, Reunion.

Mexican vanilla is grown only in Mexico.

Tahitian vanilla comes from French Polynesia, where it was brought from the Philippine Islands.

Harvesting the pods is as labor intensive as pollination. It is produced by hand. But all these inconveniences are smoothed out by the great demand for spice. And not only for culinary purposes, but also for treatment.

The pod itself, until it is opened, has no smell. The aroma appears after opening the fruit. To develop more strong odor, the pods after harvesting are dried in the air and fermented for 4-6 months.

extract, powder, whole pods and vanilla sugar- the most common forms that can be found on sale.

Vanilla chemical composition

Like many spice plants, the chemical composition of vanilla is very diverse. It contains:


Fruit sugars: fructose, glucose, sucrose;

Alimentary fiber;

Traces of salts of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc;

Vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6;

In addition, it contains:

Essential oil;

Alcohols: pentanol, undecanol;

Phenolic compounds such as cresol;

Organic acids: salicylic, benzoic, anise, acetic,.

Aromatic substances: nonanal, guaiacol, dodecanal, pentanal, hexonal, heptanal;

In total, more than 169 different aromatic compounds have been found in vanilla. Therefore, it is impossible to compare it with artificial vanillin.

Many of these compounds have antioxidant properties and are integral part many drugs.

Vanilla useful properties

This spicy ingredient has been and will continue to be one of the most trusted remedies for natural healing and is also one of the most popular flavors for our palate. Thanks to his chemical composition This spice has many health benefits.

Vanilla is a natural tranquilizer. Its fragrance has calming properties.

In aromatherapy, vanilla is valued for its relaxing properties as a natural natural antidepressant, is used as an aromatic stimulant.

All these properties are provided by volatile compounds: evenol, limonene, coumarins, benzaldehyde. The sweet aroma of vanilla and its derivatives promotes relaxation.

It helps with:




The spice is used in weight loss diets.

Vanilla contains coumarin, evenol, phenolic compounds, salicylic acid. All these components have an analgesic effect. Therefore, it can be considered a natural analgesic.

These properties can be used to facilitate:

muscle pain;


Pain in the stomach;

To improve digestion.

In addition, it contains components such as catechins, which can be used in the treatment of herpes.

Vanilla is traditionally used as a remedy to help naturally reduce fever. It contains salicylates, salicylic, benzoic acid and eugenol, which have an antipyretic effect.

Adding vanilla to food or using it in aromatherapy can be effective tool for the treatment of rheumatic diseases and fibromyalgia.

Vanilla has a strengthening effect and stimulates the functions of digestion. It has laxative and choleretic properties, stimulates the production of bile.

Due to the presence of substances with antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it can be used for bad breath or halitosis. Among these substances, eugenol, tannins, vinylic acid and other organic compounds should be distinguished.

Volatile substances in this plant, in this case vanilla aromas, have antioxidant properties that are beneficial to the body and prevent premature aging. These substances include phenolic compounds, tannins, vanillic acid and others.

These compounds stimulate the natural regeneration of skin cells, inhibit free radicals, protect immune system and reduce inflammation.

Summing up, we can say that vanilla has the following medicinal properties:









vanilla benefits for the body

Most people appreciate vanilla only for its pleasant aroma and the sweet taste it imparts to baked goods and other sweet dishes. But she can bring special benefit for good health.

Its use can help:

Lower blood cholesterol levels, which is important for people at high risk of heart attacks and strokes

Relief of pain in arthritis, gout and other inflammatory processes;

Reducing the risk of atherosclerosis;

Reducing inflammation;

promotion defensive forces organism;

cancer prevention;

Decreased nervous disorders;

Improving metabolism, which helps maintain weight;

Improving the functioning of the digestive tract;

Prevention of digestive disorders: vomiting, nausea, flatulence, spasms, diarrhea;

Improving the condition of the skin and hair.

Vanilla, due to its properties, is often included in hygiene and cosmetic products for skin and hair care. Most often used for this purpose essential oil vanilla. Its use can help strengthen hair follicles, improve blood flow to the scalp, which in turn stimulates hair growth.

The antibacterial properties of the spice are effective in fighting acne as it can eliminate the infection and speed up the healing process. Its use prevents the appearance of scars and dark spots from acne.

Vanilla application

The main use of vanilla beans is cooking. It is added mainly to sweet dishes and desserts, flavored sweet pastries.

Vanilla extract can be an ingredient in cosmetics and hygiene products.

Use with therapeutic purpose little known and not as common compared to some other spices such as ginger or cinnamon.

It should not be completely ignored in this area. Hot tea with vanilla can become excellent remedy during respiratory and viral infections, soothe cramps and reduce gas formation in the abdomen.

The essential oil can be used as a throat and mouth rinse to relieve sore throats and eliminate nice smell from mouth.

how to grow vanilla

Now many are fond of breeding orchids. Vanilla belongs to the family of such flowers. It is not difficult to grow it at home, subject to all the conditions that are required for its cultivation. And this:

Provide the desired temperature;

Required humidity (so purchasing a humidifier may become a necessity)

Soil with a pH of 6.6 to 7.5% and rich in humus;

Bright, shading from the sun, light.

For its growth, you need a good support in the form of a lattice or just an ordinary board.

Soil can be bought at the store specifically for growing orchids.

During growth, it is necessary to maintain a certain soil moisture. It should be evenly moist, but not waterlogged.

Feed in spring and summer once every two weeks with special fertilizers for orchids.

After planting with seeds, it begins to bear fruit in the third year. After waiting for flowering, you need to not miss the time for their pollination. They are only open one day.

After successful pollination, pods will tie in place of the flowers. If all stages are successfully completed, after 9-10 months you can harvest your spice crop.

To enhance its flavor, the pods are blanched in boiling water, then fermented and sun-dried until they are thin and shriveled.

How to choose and store vanilla

Vanilla in the store can be bought in pods or mixed with sugar. When choosing pods, you should pay attention to their appearance: they should be thin-skinned and plump, dark brown in color (almost black), flexible, so that they can be wrapped around the finger without damaging their integrity.

They must be stored in a closed container. The shelf life without loss of quality is about six months.

Contraindications for use

Vanilla is not an allergenic plant and has no side effects. Therefore, there are no contraindications to the use and use.

Allergies can occur when picking the pods, which is often the case with pickers of this spice. It can present with headaches and skin rashes.

Vanilla essential oil is contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 6 years of age.

Consumption rate:

Vanilla powder - from 0.5 to 1 gram;

As a tincture - two to three drops taken 3-5 times a day.

If fresh vanilla is not available, then an extract can be used as a substitute in cooking. Of course, natural, not synthetic. It takes 3 teaspoons of extract to replace one pod.

Vanilla is a favorite spice with a sweetish aroma that creates warmth and comfort in the house. Perhaps that is why many of us choose vanilla-scented products for our homes.

Every housewife knows this crystalline White powder with a pleasant smell of childhood and holidays. Chemists created vanillin as a substitute for natural vanilla, which was very expensive. Today it is used by confectioners and food workers, perfumers and pharmacists.

Artificial vanilla has no medicinal properties, unlike natural vanilla, it is valued only because of its aroma. The powder is able to dissolve in alcohol, water or ether.

Where and how is vanillin used

Due to the popularity of its smell, vanillin is invariably used in drinks and foods. It is able to enhance other odors, flavor dishes, soften unpleasant aftertastes. For example, vanillin drowns out the taste of fat in rich pastries or the taste of boiling that occurs in milk.

On different stages readiness of dishes, the amount of vanillin should be different. It is important not to overdo it here so that the taste of the dish does not become bitter. As for calories, vanillin has 288 kcal. Do not add more than seven grams of vanillin to a kilogram of dough.

Can't imagine today bakery products, sweet pastries, curds, dairy products, syrups, chocolate or creams without vanillin. This flavoring agent is usually used in the form vanilla sugar or powder. It is mixed with granulated sugar or powder, getting vanilla sugar, in a proportion of 3.7% by weight of sugar.

The benefits of vanillin

One of the most important properties vanillin - the effect of a calming effect. Thanks to its smell, anxiety, irritability, anger disappear. For relaxation, getting rid of feelings of anxiety, good night, raising the mood is enough to inhale the aroma of vanillin. As a cosmetic, vanillin is applied to the face and hair, after which the fragrance is felt for a very long time.

Natural vanilla is used as an antidepressant, anticarcinogen and antioxidant. With its help, allergies, fever, arthritis are treated, and pressure is reduced. Whether artificial vanillin has these properties, scientists have not yet figured out for sure. But if so, then to a much lesser extent than a natural product.

In addition, vanillin is considered an aphrodisiac.

About the dangers of vanillin

Some may experience individual intolerance associated with skin irritation and even eczema, contact dermatitis, skin pigmentation.

The benefits and harms of vanillin, like most other flavors, have not yet been fully studied. But one thing is for sure: with the right dosage, vanillin has not harmed anyone yet (with the exception of quite rare cases of individual intolerance and allergic reactions to it).

One of the mandatory attributes of many confectionery products is the aroma and barely noticeable taste of vanilla. To achieve this effect, a special substance called vanillin is added to the products. It is a crystalline powder in its structure, which has a characteristic aroma that repeats the natural smell of vanilla. It is actively used in a variety of industries, and not only in the confectionery. However, many consumers are wondering if this product is good for our health, or vice versa, it harms it. Let's try to understand this issue in as much detail as possible.

Vanillin was invented by chemists as an alternative to natural vanilla. The need to create such a substance arose due to the excessive high cost natural product. First of all, it is worth remembering that vanillin does not have any medicinal property real vanilla, he is only able to artificially repeat its aroma. Such a powder composition is remarkably soluble in water, as well as in ether and alcohol products.

The smell of vanillin is one of the most popular flavors in the production of the most different drinks as well as food products. Its properties are also simply indispensable in order to emphasize and enhance other odors, flavor products, or slightly soften unpleasant aftertastes, for example, an admixture of fat in pastries or traces of boiling in dairy products.

What is the value of vanillin? Product benefits

The beneficial qualities of vanillin are explained primarily by its aroma. So this smell has a great calming effect on our body. In addition, it quite effectively eliminates the feeling of irritation and copes with anxiety.

It is believed that the aroma of vanillin can even tame a strong outburst of anger. So, if you want to relax, cope with anxiety, overcome insomnia or lighten your mood a little, just apply cosmetic product with vanillin on the surface of the skin of the face or hair. This fragrance will accompany you for a long time.

Among other things, experts say that vanillin with its aroma can perfectly stimulate libido. That is why it is often advised to use it as an aphrodisiac.

Some experts have noticed that inhaling vanillin aromas helps to slightly reduce arterial pressure. Also, such smells help to cope with convulsions and reduce the effects of hysterical seizures.

Constant contact with such a flavor helps to significantly increase the mental activity of the brain, and also stimulates creativity. In addition, this smell has a positive effect on the processes of digestion of food.

Who is dangerous vanillin? Product harm

The main harm of vanillin is that it is inherently a completely artificial substance. With moderate and rare consumption, it practically cannot negatively affect the activity of our body. However, in certain cases, there are various kinds of allergic reactions to the use of such a product. So it can provoke severe irritation of the skin, up to the development of eczema, as well as contact dermatitis or pigmentation of the skin.

Quite often, in the manufacture of vanillin, a substance such as coumarin is used. This component is a carcinogen with a fairly high degree of toxicity. Scientists claim that such a component is able to provide destructive impact to our liver.

Doctors do not yet have information about the safety of vanillin for expectant mothers, as well as for women exercising breast-feeding. Real harm in these cases, it was observed only with individual intolerance to such a substance.

Thus, it can be concluded that the consumption of vanillin in moderate amounts quite safe for health. However, don't overuse it. Use vanillin only occasionally, and try to choose finished product With minimum content different chemical elements. In this case, its consumption will be really safe for health. Before using vanillin as a flavor, you should make sure that there are no allergic reactions.

Vanilla is a dark brown pod soaked in essential oil. It is known for its high cost - this is one of the most expensive spices in the world, the price of which reaches 8400 rubles. per kg. This is due to the fact that vanilla is difficult to cultivate - with artificial pollination, which is necessary to increase productivity, only half of the plants bear fruit. In addition to spicy vanilla, more than a hundred ornamental plant species are grown.

They tried to reduce the cost by developing synthetic vanillin - an artificial analogue of crystalline vanillin contained in the fruits of the plant and giving vanilla its taste and aroma. Synthetic vanillin is produced from resin and only tastes with smell and conveys - no useful qualities, characteristic of real vanilla, he does not have, since to synthesize a set of oils and other oils unique for this spice biological substances impossible.

Interesting!In expensive samples of perfumery and cosmetics, vanilla is used as a natural flavoring component.

Composition and calories

The beneficial properties of vanilla, as well as its aroma, are provided by a rich content of essential and tannic oils. The main flavor is vanillin, an aldehyde obtained from the breakdown of glucovanillin glycoside. The set is supplemented with various resins, anisic acid and anisaldehyde.

Vanilla is rich :

  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • a nicotinic acid.

The benefits of spices are also due to a complete set of macronutrients and some micronutrient content (copper, manganese).

Calorie content - 287 kcal per 100 g of seasoning.

Beneficial features

Due to the high cost, vanilla is rarely used in folk recipes; however, it helps to fight a variety of diseases:

  • fever;
  • chlorosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • psycho-emotional disorders - irritability, nervous overexertion.

Vanilla is known to have a positive effect on digestive system . The essential oils included in its composition improve appetite. Other components stimulate the activity of smooth muscles, improving intestinal motility. Vanilla can treat inflammation of the digestive tract, diseases of the rectum.

The composition of the fruits of the plant includes various antioxidants that neutralize free radicals in the body, preventing the destruction of cell membranes and the development of certain forms of cancer.

Most often vanilla is used in aromatherapy and cosmetology. Its pleasant smell can quickly relax, relieve stress and irritation. The use of vanilla oil in massage helps to improve the regenerative capacity of the skin - this is due to high content fatty acids. The permeability of the skin is restored, the skin becomes softer, firmer and more elastic. The rash caused by nervous disorders disappears.

Interesting! vanilla is considered natural aphrodisiac and is used to improve sexual function both in the form of aromatherapy and as an oil in erotic massages.

The analgesic and sedative effects of vanilla are manifested when used to relieve symptoms, fight infections and inflammation of the organs of various body systems.

Possible harm

The main contraindications to the use of vanilla:

  • pregnancy;
  • allergy.

The spice can be harmful in large doses . Its components have an active effect on the skin, causing not only an improvement in their condition, but also a slight photosensitivity - an increase in susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation. To avoid, after using vanilla oil during massage, you should avoid direct sunlight for some time.

Although vanilla has a very pleasant aroma, its taste is slightly bitter, so in pure form it should not be added to food. Previously, a vanilla stick must be ground into powder and mixed with 0.5 kg of powdered sugar. The resulting mixture can be added to almost any confectionery and pastries, as well as jams, compotes and sweet salads.

It can also be used to flavor liqueurs. If you are not sure how much vanilla is required according to the recipe, it is better to put less and add to taste - if you overdo it, even sugar will not save, and the taste will turn out bitter.

You should buy only closed dark-colored pods - ground vanilla and opened sticks quickly lose their beneficial features. Store the spice in a glass container that protects it from moisture. For better preservation, each stick should be wrapped in cling film.

You can’t put vanilla in the refrigerator - under the influence of low temperature, vanillin will crystallize and come to the surface. At proper storage the flavor of the spice lasts for decades.

The perianth consists of 5 leaflets, and the sixth leaf forms a lip and is folded into a tube. The tube contains one stamen and pistil, which is why only one species of butterflies pollinates vanilla.

Vanilla fruit is a box in the form of a brown pod about 25–30 cm long and not more than 1 cm wide. The fruits contain numerous seeds, the color of which can be from dark brown to black.

There are varieties that have a coating of white crystals. Vanilla can bear fruit for 20 to 50 years.

There are almost 100 types of vanilla in the world. However, the most common are only three types:

1. Vanilla planifolia. This variety of vanilla produces only a couple of high quality vanilla cultivars that have very long pods (20–25 cm);

2. Vanilla tahitensis- It is called Thai vanilla. This plant is reddish-brown in color, with pods 12–14 cm long.

3. Vanilla pompona- the lowest quality vanilla, the pods of the plant are very short.

Liana grows very fast, she can grow a meter in just 30 days. However, she needs to create good conditions.

Vanilla is native to Mexico, Panama and the Antilles. But the cultivation of the plant is also carried out in other tropical countries: in Brazil, Oceania, Paraguay, Ecuador and others.

Vanilla can only be propagated by cuttings. Already in the first year of life, the plant begins to bear fruit. The fruiting period lasts up to 20 years, and there have been cases when vanilla yielded a crop at the age of about 50 years.

vanilla fruit

Vanilla fruits are greenish pods. You need to collect vanilla fruits in an unripe form (during this period, the fruits contain 80% water), when they just begin to turn yellow. Further, after harvesting, it is necessary to carry out a special processing of fruits, which is carried out in 3 stages. Let's consider these stages in more detail.

Stage 1 - ripening. Vanilla fruits should be put in boiling water, after pulling them out of boiling water, wrap the fruits in a woolen towel. So the fruits are left for a day in a warm place where the temperature is 60 degrees Celsius.

Stage 2 - fermentation. First you need to bear fruit on Fresh air to a sunny place. An hour later, you need to bring them back into the room. Every day, you should increase the time that the fruits will be in the sun. Let them dry for two weeks.

Stage 3 - drying. This step must be done in a dark place on outdoors throughout the month. At this stage, a white coating of crystals will appear on the fruits. You can also smell the sweet, subtle and refreshing aroma of vanilla.

After passing through all three stages, the volume of vanilla will be 2/3 less than the original. However, after processing, the raw material will acquire all the necessary properties.

Vanilla sticks are twisted and oily in appearance, their color is brownish-brown. If you feel the sticks, they are soft. If stored properly, vanilla will last for many years.

The chemical composition of vanilla

Vanilla fruit contains: useful material: vanillin (due to which vanilla has a specific smell), essential oil, gluco-vanillin, tannin and cinnamon ether.

Useful properties of vanilla

Vanilla is a plant, preparations from which are used as an essential oil aromatic agent. Vanillin contains vanillin, aroma components, fat, resins and enzymes - all of which are the main active ingredients. Vanilla is added in the production of galenical preparations, in the production of medicines as a flavoring agent.

Since ancient times, vanilla has been considered a powerful aphrodisiac, which is why it was used by men who wanted to increase potency.

Vanilla has an effect on the systems and internal organs a person, namely, it relieves insomnia, improves digestion, normalizes blood sugar levels, stabilizes acidity, relieves the pain of premenstrual syndrome, improves mood and human performance.

vanilla essential oil

Vanilla essential oil smells wonderfully mild. This oil is a natural and strong aphrodisiac, which helps to awaken sensuality and instincts in a person. In addition, the essential oil of this fragrant plant has a sedative effect. Experts advise using it after a hard day's work: it will relax and soothe.

Vanilla oil aromatizes the premises. To flavor the room with vanilla, you need to drop a few drops into the aroma lamp - and a pleasant smell will soar in the air (3-5 drops of oil per 15 square meters).

Essential oil is used for massages and baths. You need to add 2-5 drops of vanilla oil to the bath - and you can take an aroma bath. Massage is done as follows: mix 3-5 drops of oil with 15 grams of regular massage oil and perform massage exercises.

Vanilla application

Vanilla is used for nervous disorders, neurosis, insomnia, delayed menstruation, diabetes, colic and flatulence. Vanilla is especially valuable as a remedy for anemia and a drug that not only excites, but also stimulates the muscles.

IN traditional medicine vanilla is used for rubbing, as a means for compresses, skin care, for aroma massage and aroma baths.

Vanilla as an additive: the plant is added to food to completely saturate the body (1-2 drops per product, for example, in a cake).

Vanilla anti-cellulite scrub. To prepare it, you need to take 150 grams of sugar, half a glass of ground coffee beans, 10 drops of vanilla oil, 10 ml of almond oil. First, mix coffee with sugar, then add almond oil to them and mix. Next, add vanilla oil. If you get a thick mixture, add a little almond oil. Such a scrub should be used in the process of washing, after which the skin will become softer and more elastic. This scrub can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 14 days. Scrub should not be used if there are damage to the skin or the skin is too delicate.

Vanilla for face massage. We take 30 ml of transport oil, add 3 drops of vanilla to it, 1 drop of rose and sandalwood oil, 2 drops of limette oil and the same amount of parsley. We mix everything and do a massage with this oil.

Contraindications to the use of vanilla

Contraindications to the use of vanilla have not been identified, the only thing that can be is an allergy in case of individual intolerance to vanilla.
