
What are the nutrients in cocoa. Cocoa powder - health benefits and harms

Many people from childhood love an invigorating brown drink with a delicate foam. Its aroma and sweet taste bring back pleasant memories. Not only children, but also adults drink cocoa with pleasure. This drink appeared in Europe in the 16th century and already then became popular. After all invigorating properties Europeans liked cocoa beans, and by adding sugar and cream to the drink, they also made it tasty. And only in the 19th century did the harm of this product appear and are still being studied, and many doctors argue whether it can be given to children.

For many years, in all kindergartens and schools, cocoa was the main drink. Indeed, it not only has pleasant taste but also many other advantages. Cocoa powder is now used to make the drink. Its benefits and harms for children are still being studied. But this drink is still very popular.

The benefits of cocoa

Already with the appearance of cocoa beans in Europe, people noticed their invigorating effect. This product improves body tone, efficiency and accelerates recovery after illnesses and severe physical activity. The content in cocoa of biologically active substances that stimulate the production of endorphins leads to the fact that it improves mood and is a strong antidepressant. In addition, it not only helps fight stress, but also increases concentration and activates thinking.

The composition of cocoa powder can tell a lot about the benefits of this drink. Except

the content of proteins, fats, vitamins and trace elements in it, scientists have found many other useful substances in cocoa. For example, tryptophan helps in the treatment of depression, theobromine reduces cough and relieves Caffeine improves tone, and antioxidants help rejuvenate the body. Polyphenols normalize blood pressure and reduce which helps in the treatment of hypertension.

And that's not all the benefits that cocoa powder brings. Its properties in wound healing, tissue regeneration and increasing skin elasticity contribute to the widespread use of this product in cosmetology. Especially important is the ability of this drink to protect the skin from harmful effects ultraviolet rays.

But not everyone can consume this product is seriously studied. And despite the many advantages, invigorating flavored drink can bring big problems.

Harm cocoa

Due to its caffeine content, you should not drink more than two cups of the drink a day, as this can cause overexcitation, anxiety, and even addiction. Cocoa powder contains a lot of purines, so it is undesirable to use it in case of kidney diseases. In addition, this product often causes allergic reactions. This is due to the fact that during its production, along with cocoa beans, insects are processed, which cause allergies in people.

The most harmful is instant cocoa powder, as it contains many emulsifiers, flavors and other artificial additives. Therefore, you need to buy only a natural product from well-known manufacturers.

Cocoa powder is used in the preparation of many dishes. The benefits and harms of it are still known to a few, but almost every housewife has this product in the kitchen. It is added to pastries or cereals. In addition, it is so nice to drink a cup of fragrant hot cocoa in the morning.

Hello my dear readers and friends!

If a survey were conducted and it was proposed to choose the most favorite drink, I would answer - cocoa, the benefits and harms of which are the topic of our discussion today. I gave up coffee a long time ago, but I used to be an avid coffee addict. Although I drink tea every day, both green, and black, and herbal, in the summer I brought a large bag of mountain herb tea from Arkhyz, and I enjoy it. But I do not consider myself a big fan of tea and I can do without it.

Another thing is cocoa. You know, often, when I receive some new information about a particular product, I am amazed at how smart our body is. I didn't think about it or pay attention to it before. So with cocoa, in childhood I drank it very often and loved it, then I began to do it much less often, and in Lately straight up pulled. Recently I bought a pack of cocoa and a friend asked: “What are you going to bake?”. And I very rarely bake anything, I just like to drink cocoa in the morning. And it turns out that it is very important that such a product be in the diet, it is especially useful for children and the elderly for the mind. And I also experienced the harm of cocoa, which was the reason for writing this article.

The composition of cocoa and useful properties

The birthplace of cocoa is South America and Africa, fruits chocolate tree 3000 years ago were known to the ancient Aztecs for their useful properties. Moreover, only men and shamans had the privilege of drinking cocoa drink, which brings wisdom and increases potency.

Cocoa beans among the ancient Mayan tribes were worth their weight in gold and served as money, for 100 of these beans you could buy two slaves.

But this delicious drink has come to us. Most often, for its preparation, we use powder, which is produced from cocoa beans. Although the beans are now commercially available, they can be chewed like nuts or ground in a coffee grinder and brewed just like coffee. But we are still not very used to them.

According to Wikipedia, 54% of cocoa beans are fats, thanks to this moment their calorie content is 565 kcal.

From other components:

  • proteins - 11.5%
  • cellulose - 9%
  • starch - 7.5%
  • tannins - 6%
  • water - 5%
  • mineral salts - 2.6%
  • saccharides - 1%
  • caffeine - 0.2%.

The amount of caffeine is much less than in coffee and tea, pay attention to this. And life-extending antioxidants are five times more abundant in cocoa than in tea.

Every sixth of the three hundred substances in the composition of the fruit gives such a peculiar unique aroma and the bitter taste of cocoa.

Cocoa beans are processed in a special way, oil is extracted from them, and the remaining cake is ground into powder, while the calorie content of the powder is reduced to 289 kcal compared to beans, since the bulk of the fat remains in the oil.

This product stimulates the immune system, it will raise your mood and give you vigor and warmth in the cold season, help you recover from heavy physical exertion, overcome stress, and improve brain function. And all because it contains valuable useful and biologically active substances, such as:

  • calcium
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • potassium
  • manganese
  • phosphorus
  • vitamins A, E, B, PP
  • amino acids arginine and tryptophan
  • folic acid
  • polyfinols and many others.

What are the health benefits and harms of cocoa

Due to its composition, the health benefits of cocoa and the body in general are very valuable.

Calcium will strengthen bones and teeth, and if you add milk to the drink, then the amount of this element will increase and there will be more benefits.

Magnesium will relax your muscles and help you get out of stress. Likewise, tryptophan, which is not produced in our body, is a natural antidepressant, so a cup of cocoa or a slice of dark chocolate contributes to the production of happiness hormones and improves mood.

Cocoa is useful for diabetics, as it increases insulin sensitivity.

Cocoa stimulates metabolism, slows down the aging process, if you drink it regularly, you can prolong life.

health benefits of cocoa

Scientists have conducted studies that have found a direct correlation between the number of Nobel laureates in the Scandinavian countries and the amount of cocoa they eat. And also in the course of observations of a group of people over 60 years old, it was found that after four weeks regular use cocoa improved their brain activity and mental function, these people began to perform various tasks for the mind three times faster.

This is due to the presence of flavonoids in cocoa beans, which contribute to a powerful improvement in the blood circulation of the brain.

Therefore, cocoa is good to drink for the mind, it improves brain activity, helps to concentrate better, strengthens memory.

For the heart and blood vessels

Polyfinols are responsible for the function of not only the brain, but also the heart - vascular system have an antispasmodic effect.

The champions in their content are green tea, black grapes and cocoa.

Useful substances of cocoa improve the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce bad cholesterol.

So cocoa relieves spasm of smooth muscles, reduces blood viscosity.

The potassium and magnesium contained in cocoa also contribute to the normal contraction of the heart muscles and nutrition.

For the treatment and prevention of anemia

Cocoa helps to increase the level of hemoglobin to the desired level, because it contains a lot of iron. It perfectly improves well-being with, I myself experienced this in my youth, when there were problems.

And in general, a wonderful tasty prophylactic remedy for this disease.

When coughing

Since ancient times, when coughing, I loved to make a mixture of aloe with honey and cocoa. After all, cocoa contains the substance thiabromin, which has an antispasmodic effect, relaxes bronchospasm, and facilitates breathing. Unless the cough is of allergic origin, cocoa with hot milk can help with the treatment. But, of course, the amount of thiabromin in cocoa is negligible, so they alone cannot cure a cough.

Cocoa for men

The ancient tribes knew the benefits of cocoa for men, I already wrote about this above. Zinc and magnesium contained in the drink stimulate the production of testosterone, the male hormone. And the amino acid arginine enhances sexual desire, being a natural aphrodisiac.

For women

Cocoa drink will help women alleviate premenstrual syndrome, improve mood, cope with physical and mental stress, replenish iron deficiency and prevent weight gain.

But since drinking the drink can cause allergies, pregnant women should avoid it. Especially if women have high blood pressure, kidney disease and increased uterine tone.

But at the same time, he is able to relieve nausea and causes a surge of strength, so that with toxicosis you can drink half a cup.

The drink is not shown during the period of feeding babies until they reach at least 3 months.

For children

Children love cocoa and it can be drunk from the age of 30 years, of course, accustoming the child gradually to avoid allergies to the product. natural cocoa drink healthier than chocolate, for the preparation of which oil and sweet additives are used.

Cocoa is simply necessary for the development of mental activity, it is useful in diseases to restore strength, with the same cough you can do delicious medicine for a child. During exams, it increases the general tone and mood.

Nesquik cocoa is very popular with children. . Is this drink good or bad?

In fact, this drink contains only 18% cocoa, the rest is sugar. But when cooking classic cocoa from the powder, we will also add a lot of sugar, so there is no need to refuse Nestlé products, which are recognized as safe for baby food and complies with all international standards.

The presence of vitamins in the drink indicates that it is useful to drink it, but this must be done in moderate amount. Harm can only be high calorie product, which is dangerous for girls who follow the figure, and children can benefit.

For the elderly

All people over 50 and especially 60 years old are advised to drink cocoa instead of coffee. It will help activate the blood supply to the brain, maintain clarity of mind, improve memory, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, remove from the state of despondency and depression.

Benefits of cocoa for skin

In addition, cocoa has a very beneficial effect on the skin of the face and is widely used in cosmetology as part of various creams, scrubs, masks. It moisturizes, tones, softens, rejuvenates our skin and is useful for all skin types.

Made with cocoa chocolate wraps in salons.

Most often, cocoa butter is used for the skin. It is used in cosmetology, and for the treatment of burns, wounds, eczema, for rubbing the chest when coughing.

For hair

Shampoos and masks with cocoa for hair make them shiny, smooth, strengthen hair follicles: nicotinic acid promotes hair growth.

It is also useful to take a drink of cocoa inside.

Cocoa for weight loss

Despite the fact that cocoa has more calories than coffee or tea, a small cup of it will not lead to weight gain, but will only cause a feeling of fullness and a person will not overeat.

You need to drink a drink for weight loss, of course, without milk and sugar, you can add a little honey. The mood will be fine, and the appetite will decrease.

Harm cocoa

Like any product, there are probably contraindications for the use of cocoa.

  1. We have already said that cocoa is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 3 years of age.
  2. Due to the high calorie content, they should not be abused by overweight people.
  3. The culprits of the accumulation of uric acid purines create a ban overuse this drink for osteoporosis, rheumatism, arthritis.
  4. Since the product has a stimulating effect, it may have Negative influence on people with heart disease, with unstable pressure and hypertension.

In any case, again, you need to comply with the norm. One cup of cocoa in the morning can be helpful, but an extra one is useless. I had such a case when, after drinking cocoa in the afternoon, and then also in the evening, cocoa became heavy on my heart, I noticed that the malaise was caused precisely by cocoa.

How to use cocoa

Which cocoa to choose

Of course, the health benefits of cocoa can be in case of consumption natural product. You should not get carried away with instant drinks, even such as Nestle, they still have more sugar than cocoa powder.

It is better to buy cocoa powder from companies such as Golden Label, Red October. I prefer cocoa "Russian" in airtight vacuum packaging with a "lock", in such packages there is no access to air and light, which means that the quality of cocoa is guaranteed better, and it is convenient to store it. It should be borne in mind that the open powder attracts moisture and loses its taste.

In addition, it seems to me that "Russian" cocoa is tastier than all the others.

The powder should be homogeneous, without lumps, dry, dark chocolate brown, without any additives, and on the package - the inscription " natural cocoa powder".

When and how much to drink cocoa

Cocoa drunk in the morning will bring the greatest benefit, it will energize you for the whole day.

The daily norm is not more than 2 cups a day in the morning. It is not advisable to drink it at night because of the stimulating effect.

How to cook

Cocoa can be boiled in water or milk, if desired, adding a little sugar.

Classic recipe

Pour a spoon into boiled water - two cocoa and sugar to taste and beat with a whisk until the powder is completely dissolved.

At the end of whipping, you can add milk or even boil cocoa in milk alone without water.

This classic recipe preparation of cocoa drink.

Coffee with cocoa

Have you tried making coffee with cocoa? When I was fond of coffee, I practiced such a drink. This is delicious!

none confectionery production cannot do without cocoa powder, every housewife who loves to cook cakes, muffins and other pastries has it. Favorite by many children, cocoa and hot chocolate- delicious and healthy drinks, for the preparation of which this brown powder is also needed.

In fact, cocoa powder is a waste after production. grated cocoa and oils used for cooking good varieties, and others confectionery. The cake remaining after pressing the oil is dried and crushed.

A few hundred years ago, all over the world, cocoa powder was highly valued and cost more than butter. But when in Europe they learned how to make real dark chocolate and appreciated its taste, the situation changed radically. Prices for this product from different manufacturers can vary greatly, this is primarily due to the quality of the raw materials.

This product is an excellent source of herbal, one tablespoon contains 10% of total weight proteins that the body must receive daily.

Despite the previous processing, cocoa powder is not completely devoid of oil, 100 g of the product contains an average of 15-18 g of cocoa butter. The ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in it is approximately the same. The former are a source of energy for the body, while the latter perform a number of functions that ensure normal fat (including cholesterol) metabolism. 100 g of cocoa powder contains approximately 285 kcal.

There are very few carbohydrates in it, which cannot be said about. All the fiber that is in cocoa beans, as a result of processing, almost completely remains in the powder.

Beneficial features

If you delve into chemical composition of this product, you can find out that it contains much more trace elements than cocoa butter and many other products.

A drink based on cocoa powder is a real find for those who care about the condition of their of cardio-vascular system. In a couple of tablespoons of powder there will be such an amount and that can provide a quarter daily requirement adult person.

For the musculoskeletal system, this product is no less useful, it is rich in phosphorus and - "builders" of bone and joint tissues. Perhaps that is why cocoa s is one of the drinks that has “settled” in the menu of kindergartens and schools since Soviet times.

Drinks and dishes with cocoa powder can be recommended when it is very rich in iron. Also, this product is one of the champions in the content of copper, manganese, molybdenum and some other valuable trace elements. Cocoa powder contains almost all the B vitamins that ensure the functioning of the nervous system. Due to the high content dietary fiber, cocoa powder can also be attributed to products that improve digestion.

Benefits for asthma

Due to the high content of theobromine, cocoa drink is useful for other diseases. respiratory system. This substance has a number of effects necessary to improve the condition in diseases: expands the bronchi, thins sputum, prevents the development of allergic reactions, improves the contractility of the pectoral muscles and stimulates the respiratory center in the brain.

Benefits for athletes

Drinking cocoa with milk is good for health.

Cocoa is one of the favorite drinks of athletes, not only because of its high protein content. This product helps to replenish the supply of vitamins, minerals and increase the endurance of the body. Special attention in bodybuilding, it is given to such a substance as, which is quite a lot in cocoa powder. This trace element is necessary for the production of male sex hormones, which are responsible for the set muscle mass. The powder is not only diluted in milk, but also added to protein shakes.

Cocoa is a natural energy drink

Drink hot chocolate or cocoa better in the morning or during the day, since it contains caffeine and theobromine, and in cocoa powder there are even more of them than in dark chocolate. These substances are very similar in properties and have a stimulating effect on the body.

Cocoa powder stimulates nervous system, enhances cardiac activity, has a vasodilating effect and reduces blood viscosity, enhances the excretion of fluid from the body. That is why a cup of cocoa will be useful for headaches, to relieve fatigue and drowsiness, to increase efficiency and brain activity. From this point of view, drinking any drinks with cocoa powder at night is not advisable.

Harm of cocoa powder

Allergies to cocoa products are quite common, so not everyone can enjoy hot chocolate and cocoa drinks.

Abuse of this product can lead to digestive disorders, cause a set of excess weight and other disorders of fat metabolism.

Channel One, the program “Expertise of things. OTK" on the topic "Cocoa powder":

TV channel "TV 6", program "Housekeeping", edition on the theme "Cocoa":

The benefits and harms of cocoa are of interest to most parents, because children love cocoa products - drinks, chocolate. The article - about all the useful properties, contraindications, the composition of cocoa - powder and butter.


And products from it are very popular among the population. Everyone loves chocolate, sweets and other products with powder. The claim that these products are harmful has little to do with cocoa: they make them hazardous to health. various additives. The base itself - bean powder - carries great benefit for health, as it has a very rich composition. The product contains more than 300 different elements, which are not the same in their effect on the body, but are very important for it.

One fruit contains many vitamins:

  • Beta-carotene and carotenoids
  • B vitamins, including folic acid

The mineral composition is also the richest. It is represented by fluorine, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, molybdenum, potassium, copper, chlorine. There is also iron in beans, so they will become excellent remedy for the treatment of anemia. The main composition of the product includes:

  • Dietary fibers and fiber
  • Starch
  • Mono-, disaccharides
  • Fatty acids and fats
  • Vegetable protein
  • organic acids
  • Cellulose
  • Amino acids (including the essential arginine)
  • Antioxidants
  • Polyphenols

Cocoa significantly healthier than coffee which is high in caffeine. In the described product, caffeine is also present, but in an amount that is harmless to the adult body. But in cocoa there are other tonic components. Theophylline is a stimulant for the central nervous system, dilates blood vessels and is very useful for the brain. Also in the composition of the beans are:

  • Tyramine - a substance that improves the activity of the thyroid gland
  • Phytosterols - help to cope with cholesterol in the intestines
  • Phenylethylamine - eliminates depression, improves mood
  • Dopamine and anandamide - normalize the mental state of a person

If we are talking about percentage substances in the composition, then it is as follows - fats - 54%, proteins - 11.5%, starch, polysaccharides and cellulose - 15%, and the rest is accounted for by other substances. Due high content fats, the calorie content of cocoa powder is high - 289 kcal.

Benefits of cocoa for the body

The powder is very rich in iron and zinc. The first element is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, the second is needed for the life of any part of the body. Without zinc, enzymes cannot be fully produced, proteins cannot be synthesized, that is, it is necessary for the work of all cells. Zinc also takes part in puberty in adolescents, helps heal wounds faster.

Melanin from cocoa powder protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation as well as infrared radiation. He doesn't show up sunburn, overheating, sunstroke. Cocoa is very useful for people who often suffer from infectious, catarrhal pathologies, since drinks with it restore immunity and saturate the body with energy.

Other important properties product:

  • Improves the work of the heart, blood vessels
  • Prevents cancer from occurring
  • Reduces the rate of aging of the body and oxidative reactions
  • Promotes longevity
  • Helps the brain to work productively
  • Optimizes cerebral circulation
  • Regulates pressure
  • Increases efficiency and alertness
  • Eliminates the effects of stress
  • Accelerates tissue regeneration
  • Restores strength after serious illnesses

Harm of cocoa for humans

There are few harmful properties of this product, but it is necessary to say about them. There is very little caffeine in cocoa (0.2%), but when used by a small child, especially an excitable one, this should be taken into account. IN large doses cocoa products increase the activity of the nervous system, which can be an undesirable effect.

The harmful properties of cocoa fruits may be due to their poor quality. Often this product is cultivated in violation of sanitary standards, cockroaches and other pests settle in it. Often cocoa is cultivated accelerated ways with the use of a huge amount of fertilizers, pesticides. If pests settle on a plant, it is often treated with a radiological method, which, no doubt, makes it a product in which danger borders on benefit.

Harm to the product can also be observed due to allergic reaction on him, which is inherent a huge number people, not without reason cocoa - one of the strongest allergens. The allergenicity of the product is aggravated by chemicals in its composition and chitin, which remains from the vital activity of cockroaches.

Contraindications for consumption

It is necessary to exclude the use of the product completely if there is its intolerance and allergy. Other types of contraindications include a reasonable restriction of cocoa in the form of chocolate, pastries, desserts and drinks. In a small amount, it can be eaten with kidney disease, with gout. The last limitation is due to the presence of purine compounds that disrupt the metabolism of uric acid in gout sufferers. But even such people sometimes need to consume cocoa.

Children under 3 years old are not given cocoa at all, or - in minimum quantities and rarely, since the product can provoke allergies and overexcite the nervous system of the child. But to abuse it is harmful to everyone, and not only to children, because its composition is saturated with active ingredients. It is undesirable to drink cocoa often for constipation, as the tannins in it will exacerbate the problem. Product should be used with caution when diabetes and only with the permission of a doctor. Often you can not use cocoa with high acidity of gastric juice, so as not to increase it.

Useful properties of cocoa in medicine

There are several traditional medicine recipes that are based on the use of cocoa powder and have beneficial properties for the human body:

Cocoa butter is also extracted from the fruit of this plant. It has a similar composition to the powder, but it includes much more fats and fatty acids. quality oil- Very valuable product for a person. It is especially popular in cosmetology - for chocolate wraps which help to improve the condition of the skin and overall health of the body. For massage, this oil is also ideal, especially since it melts already at a temperature of 35 degrees.

Oil is indispensable for dryness and cracks on the feet, therefore it is used as a cream or as a component of a foot bath. Also, the product removes bags, bruises under the eyes, if applied as a mask, rejuvenates the skin of the face. Treat with oil and all hair problems, especially loss, dryness, dullness.

The oil is widely used to treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels, but it must be used sparingly so that the effect is optimal. If you regularly and gradually eat it, then a person’s blood pressure will completely return to normal, so the risk of heart attack and stroke will decrease. Cocoa butter, unlike powder, rarely provokes allergies, and therefore can be used internally and externally even in childhood. IN folk medicine the product is popular both for recuperation and for the treatment of infections, colds, massage is done with it for bronchitis. It is necessary to use the oil inside with caution in diabetes mellitus, obesity, and gastrointestinal diseases.

The birthplace of cocoa is modern Mexico. There, cocoa beans were grown by the Aztecs. From it they cooked excellent drink, which not only gave strength and energy, it made a person more cheerful and happier. This, as the ancient inhabitants of these lands believed, was the main benefit of cocoa. When America was discovered by Europeans, cocoa beans were brought to Europe. This product has gained incredible popularity in our country. And whether cocoa is good for health, you will learn from our article.

Useful properties of cocoa

When thinking about the benefits of cocoa, the first thing that comes to mind for most people is its strong anti-depressant properties. A cup of hot cocoa is really able to overcome despondency and sadness. The fact is that cocoa powder contains a special substance called phenylefils, which improves mood and fights depression.


Cocoa invigorates the body due to the theobromine contained in it. The drink activates the respiratory system, has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system and does not affect the nervous system. Therefore, drinking cocoa is shown to people who are forbidden from coffee or strong tea.

Useful substances of cocoa:

  • Vitamin PP;
  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin);
  • Macronutrients (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur);
  • Trace elements (iron, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt).

Cocoa powder is also useful in order to prevent hypertension. A large number of protein in it and fatty acid help regulate blood cholesterol levels.

The body, along with cocoa, is saturated with useful substances: zinc, iron, fiber and various vitamins.

Due to the high content of natural melanin, cocoa has become an excellent sunscreen. The drink neutralizes the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the body, provides cancer prevention.

The high amount of flavonoids in cocoa makes it a powerful antioxidant. These substances fight free radicals.

By speeding up the body's metabolism, cocoa helps fight overweight. The benefits of such a drink are much higher than its calorie content.

Cocoa is contraindicated:

  1. Children under 2 years old;
  2. People with congenital intolerance to the drink;
  3. People with increased secretion of gastric juice;
  4. With increased excitability of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  5. With sleep disorders and insomnia;
  6. People prone to migraines.

How much cocoa can you drink per day

cocoa is energy drink. It is best to consume it for breakfast. During the day, it will also give vigor. Is cocoa good for the night? Not recommended, because a cup of cocoa contains at least 5 mg of caffeine, which will prevent you from getting enough sleep. Thus, you should not drink more than two cups of a nutritious drink per day.

How to choose cocoa

When choosing cocoa powder, pay attention to the structure and flavor of the powder. If lumps have formed, this indicates a violation of the rules for storing the product or the expiration date.

The color of cocoa should be only brown.

The smell of the powder should resemble chocolate.

The mass fraction of fat in cocoa must exceed 15%.

If a drink that is not pleasant to taste is obtained from the purchased powder, do not use it in baking.

Recipes for healthy dishes with cocoa

Classic cocoa

Pour about 1 teaspoon of cocoa into a cup.

Add 2 teaspoons of sugar to it.

Mix everything with the addition of a small amount of water.

Mix the resulting mass with milk and bring to a boil.

cocoa flip

One egg yolk beat with 2 tablespoons of sugar until the mass is light.

Heat half a liter of milk.

Mix cocoa with 1 tablespoon of sugar, add a little milk. Pour well-mixed mixture into hot milk.

Bring the drink to a boil and remove from heat.

Yolk mass, previously mixed with a small amount milk, pour into hot drink and beat with a whisk until frothy.

Sprinkle the drink poured into mugs with grated chocolate.

mocha ice cream

In a saucepan, combine 2 tablespoons of cocoa, the same amount instant coffee, 5 tablespoons of sugar, brandy to taste and 4 egg yolks.

Heat everything over low heat, stirring for about three minutes. Do not bring the mixture to a boil.

Beat 4 egg whites with a pinch of salt and sugar. It is important to add sugar gradually so that the foam does not fall.

The amount of sugar is determined according to the preferences in the sweetness of the dish.

Combine whipped proteins and coffee-chocolate mixture.

Whip 500 grams of cream, add protein mass, beat again and freeze.

You can decorate with grated chocolate.

Bon appetit!
