
How to prepare green coffee beans. Green coffee bean recipe

Everyone knows about the benefits of green coffee. Thanks to a huge number vitamins, antioxidants, chlorogenic acid and other essential substances, green coffee helps to increase efficiency, improve well-being, increase brain activity, in addition, the systematic use of this healthy drink leads to an improvement in the condition of the skin - it becomes velvety, matte, unpleasant shine is eliminated. You can replace regular coffee with green coffee and drink it in the morning to get an excellent boost of energy and vivacity. By the way, this wonderful drink is also used for weight loss, the result is a quick and effective reduction body weight without subsequent return.

How to make green coffee beans?

Useful properties of green coffee are available only with proper cooking drink.

First of all, green coffee beans must be ground; for this, use an ordinary coffee grinder, place in a Turk, pour hot water. For one cup of coffee, you need about two teaspoons of ground green coffee. Brew coffee on small fire without bringing to a boil.

How to make green coffee beans without a turk? grind coffee beans is also necessary, now just pour a couple of tablespoons of ground coffee into a mug, pour boiling water over it and wait a few minutes.

Do I need to press green coffee?

If you use green, you do not need to fry the grains, since the trace elements necessary for the breakdown of fats are eliminated during the frying process. But if you are a “losing weight beginner”, then at first it is still recommended to roast green coffee beans in order to get used to the specific taste of the drink.

Roasting coffee beans is a delicate matter, if you deal with green coffee and tighten it with roasting, then the resulting drink may be no different from black coffee. To begin, rinse the grains well and dry, place in a regular frying pan and start frying. There is no need to add oil. Use a low fire on a small burner. Approximate time procedures - 5-15 minutes, during this period of time should appear. However, remember, the less you roast the grains, the more useful properties they retain. Remember to constantly stir the grains. Allow beans to cool after roasting.

As for grinding green coffee, it should be noted that this process is somewhat more complicated than grinding black coffee beans. If you do not first roast green coffee beans, then after grinding the coffee may not resemble the powder we are used to, but crumbs with some large elements. If the coffee grinder does not cope with this such a difficult task, use an electric meat grinder or a blender.

How to brew green coffee, are there any tricks - read today on the weight loss portal “We lose weight without problems”.

Depending on what household appliances you have at hand, what product you bought - ground or grain, whether taste and aroma are important or the main benefit, there are different ways.

Coffee beans are more expensive. This is explained by the fact that a drink made from freshly ground green coffee will turn out to be more aromatic and retain all the beneficial substances.

The fact is that during long-term storage in a ground form, the smell disappears somewhat, and vitamins are destroyed. If you want the taste to be brighter and richer, grind the grains more diligently. For this, a mechanical coffee grinder is suitable. However, not every coffee grinder will be able to grind green coffee - it is very hard! There have been times when coffee grinders broke. So it's best to grind green coffee right in the store (if possible).

Before you brew green coffee, you need to decide whether you want to roast the beans or not (but keep in mind that roasted beans contain very little of the very chlorogenic acid that makes you lose weight). It is best to roast green coffee in beans, as it is much easier to grind it later.

How to properly roast green coffee? You can roast green coffee in a frying pan or roaster. Roasting time - from five to fifteen minutes. It is important not to burn here. The procedure is a bit like roasting seeds. Like seeds, grains can keep warm for a long time and "reach" when the fire is already turned off. Be sure to take this into account!

And then immediately grind and prepare the drink. It is best not to roast and grind coffee for the future, but to prepare and drink it fresh. But the circumstances are different.

How to brew green coffee?

It depends on the coarseness of the grind.

  • We prepare coarse grinding in a French press.
  • Small - cook in a Turk.

Green coffee in french press

Large particles are better to fall asleep in a French press. at the rate of 3 spoons with a slide for every 100 ml(oh yes, you need quite a lot of it!). Pour the mixture with almost boiling water (95 degrees) and let it brew. After 15 or 20 minutes, squeeze out the coffee grounds (pull the piston down) and pour into cups. This method of making coffee cannot be called brewing, but it is also suitable.

How to brew green coffee in Turkish

Coffee, ground to the level of pollen, is brewed in a Turk. Pre-hold it on fire - but not more than a minute. This is necessary in order to to warm the bottom for flavor.

If you do not really like the taste of brewed green coffee, then cook it with black! The benefits are the same, but it is more pleasant to drink 🙂

When you have warmed the bottom, pour in the powder. It is better to put more, again in order to get a strong aroma. Then fill with water.

Here everyone adheres to different schemes. Someone recommends pouring boiling water to shorten the cooking time. Or heat water in a Turk and then add coffee dust.

Others fill with ground coffee cold water. It is believed that this will help to put more soul into each cup of the drink, and it will turn out to be more useful.

So, we put the Turk on medium fire. When a "crust" appears on the surface, the fire must be made weaker. When the drink begins to boil, that is, boil, remove the Turk from the heat. This is necessary in order to so as not to destroy the crust. It is important to capture the moment!

Now wait until the "crust" settles. You can repeat the heating in the same way as before. After that, hit the cezve a little on the table and pour in ½ teaspoon of ice water or drop in a small ice cube. So the settling process will go faster.

Cooking in a geyser

On the site portal you will learn how green coffee is brewed in a geyser. To do this, pour water into the lower tank and cover with a metal filter. Pour the ground coffee into the filter recess. Roll up the upper part of the apparatus and place it on a slow fire so that the drink comes up.

When boiling occurs, coffee will begin to flow into the upper compartment of the geyser. Wait until all the drink has moved into this tank, and remove from heat.

How to brew green coffee with cardamom and other spices

You can try green coffee with cardamom in Arab countries. The drink has a greenish-gray color, thick foam, tastes sweet, but not like traditional coffee. It’s worth saying right away that this is for a lover of the exotic.

Cardamom - common oriental spice. It makes the drink more tart, strong, rich, noble. It also neutralizes the effects of caffeine, has a beneficial effect on the nerves and the gastrointestinal tract. I think it's worth trying at least once!

How to cook green coffeewith spices and cardamom? There are several ways to prepare a drink. All of them will require a cezve, she is a Turk.

  1. You need to take the usual amount of green coffee and cardamom seeds from the box. It is necessary that for each serving it turns out no more than two grains of cardamom. This is really important, as the spice has strong smell. If you overdo it, there is a risk of spoiling the drink. Grind cardamom. You can just buy already ground cardamom. Pour the mixture into a Turk, cover with cold water and slowly cook until tender.
  2. Brew coffee by classical pattern, just before putting on fire, add one or two (to taste) boxes of cardamom to the liquid. Before drinking, you need to remove them. remember, that notes of taste and smell are different, if you take green or brownish spice boxes.
  3. This cooking method, in addition to cardamom, which you need to get, as in the first method, from the box, involves adding cloves. It needs to be taken the least. And grind everything together in a coffee grinder. And then cook over low heat.

Ordinary green coffee and with additives in the form of cardamom, cloves - drinks with a completely non-coffee taste, but they more benefit! Read, In any case, try this exclusive is still worth it. 'Cause now you know

How to prepare green coffee in such a way that it has an effective effect on the body and helps to get rid of a large number of kilograms? We will gladly answer your question. Unroasted beans are known to contain a large number of chlorogenic acid, which has a positive effect on metabolism, accelerating it and helping the body break down fats from food. Green coffee beans are easy to make. This drink will be a great weight loss supplement to your low calorie diet.

Unique ingredients to fight extra pounds

To give a drink best result, try making green coffee with ginger at home. To do this, take a teaspoon of ground coffee, then add the same amount of chopped ginger - grated or sliced, put the ingredients in a cezve, pour water and bring to a boil, but do not boil. As soon as small bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, remove the coffee from the stove, strain through a strainer and pour into a cup. Since this drink is used for weight loss, it is not allowed to add sugar, milk, cream, except that you can add a little cinnamon, ground cloves for taste, nutmeg or other spices.

You can also make green coffee in a French press. To do this, put in it 1 teaspoon of ground coffee and grated root, fill with water - hot (up to 90 degrees), but not boiling, wait a couple of minutes, and then lower the piston. The liquid will separate from the mixture of grains and ginger, and you can easily pour it into cups. This drink will not only help speed up the metabolism, but will give strength and vigor for the whole day. But do not get carried away - 2-3 cups a day will be enough.

We make a drink for weight loss simply and quickly

How to make green ground coffee in a couple of minutes? It doesn't get easier. You can brew ground grains in a Turk - for 1 teaspoon of the product you will need a glass of water and a little of your time. Coffee begins to boil after 2-3 minutes. How long does it take you to make healthy drink in french press. And if you don’t have any tools, then just put 1 teaspoon of ground green coffee in a cup, pour hot water up to 90 degrees, cover with a saucer and let stand for 3-4 minutes. The drink is ready.

Rules for grinding and storing coffee beans

As already mentioned, green coffee is exactly unroasted beans, of course, in order to make a healthy drink from them, they need to be ground. Since the grains have not been processed, grinding them is a rather difficult process, they are much harder than roasted ones. In this case, you need a very powerful coffee grinder: if you use a regular grinder, you risk getting a product with large particles and coarse crumbs, while for brewing you need a fine, uniform powder. Therefore, a little advice: if some of the grains are not ground, and there are lumps in the coffee, you can knead them with a rolling pin or a pusher with which you prepare mashed potatoes.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

A lot has already been said about the benefits of green coffee, including on the pages of this site. The mechanism of its useful action, various dietary supplements with its addition, indications and contraindications for admission. It's time to touch clean practical points: how to prepare a drink and how to drink it to get the maximum benefit?

Bean roasting

Not everyone uses this stage of preparation. Those who decide to lose weight skip it, because substances that help reduce body fat are found just in unroasted grains. But, if you bought green coffee with the aim of making your own classic drink from start to finish, you will still need the necessary skills. Or maybe you decided to give green coffee a little characteristic "coffee" taste and prepare a mixture in which only half the beans are roasted? Then you also need relevant knowledge.

You can fry the grains in the oven, but it is better to use an ordinary frying pan with a thick bottom for this. It is put on a small fire, the grains are poured there so that their layer is no more than 1 cm, and they are fried, stirring continuously so that individual grains do not remain at the heated bottom for a long time and do not burn. If you have ever cooked seeds, you will not have problems with this stage. The two main rules are not to get impatient, turn on the fire to the maximum, and never leave the pan for a minute. Control the roasting time by the color and smell of the beans. After the process is completed, immediately pour the finished coffee into another container, otherwise it will burn at the bottom if left in a frying pan that has not had time to cool.

If you regularly roast coffee, for convenience, you can purchase a special coffee roaster, it is much easier to do it on it.

Grinding green coffee

If you roasted grains, then with further preparation there will be no questions about the drink - everything should be done “as usual”. But, if you drink green coffee, you must take into account a number of important points, in particular, concerning the grinding of grains.

Grinding raw coffee beans is much more difficult than roasted coffee beans because they are much denser. Not every coffee grinder will cope with such a task, so do not risk the "health" of this item. household appliances if it has low power. To reduce the load on the electric coffee grinder, pour coffee into it in small portions. Are you afraid to break your precious device? Then use a hand grinder.

How finely should green coffee be ground? Someone claims that the ideal size of individual particles will be 1-1.5 mm, but most prefer to make the maximum degree of grinding in order to more fully extract all soluble substances from the raw material and get more benefit and taste from the drink. It will take the grinder about 2 minutes to grind the beans to a fine powder, so you can go by the time, not just the type of product.

Grinding grains is better at one time: if the powder is stored for a long time, the drink becomes insipid and not fragrant. However, many do not notice this: we are not as accustomed to green coffee as we are to black coffee, and not everyone knows how to distinguish its flavor shades. If you do store ground green coffee, keep it in the refrigerator in an airtight container, otherwise it will absorb the smells of nearby products, and this will ruin its taste so that you notice it from the first sip.

How to cook it?

As you like: in a coffee machine or coffee maker, French press or Turk. The most recommended way is the last one, it is believed that Turkish coffee is the tastiest.

For 250 ml of water, one or two teaspoons of powder are required. It is poured to the bottom of the Turks without adding sugar, poured with cold water and placed on the smallest burner of the stove. The process must be monitored so that the coffee does not boil and does not “run away”. As in the manufacture of a classic drink, boiling should not be allowed. As soon as the liquid boils, the Turk must be removed from the heat. It is best to repeat this procedure several times: this way the taste becomes more intense and rich.

When brewing, green coffee can be added. They are mixed with powder and put on the bottom of the dish. Cinnamon and cardamom are optimally combined with this drink. These spices, by the way, also contribute to weight loss.

The result of your efforts should be a transparent or slightly cloudy (if with spices) yellowish-pinkish liquid with a refreshing taste and a slight "sourness".

Drink green coffee the right way

The average "dose" of green coffee is 2 cups per day. With this mode of reception, the drink has its beneficial effects and does not cause side effects. It is best to plan coffee drinking in the morning or afternoon, and do not drink the drink less than 6-8 hours before bedtime so that its tonic effect does not interfere with a night's rest.

If you drink coffee to lose weight, it is best not to add any sweeteners to it. When losing weight, it is also undesirable to accompany a cup of drink with any food, especially confectionery and other carbohydrates.

At first glance, it may seem that green coffee requires too much fuss - it is better to drink either a regular classic drink, or buy unroasted coffee in the form of instant granules. However, separately granulated green coffee is not yet produced, and the brands in which it is present together with black are significantly inferior to self-made drink both in taste and in value for health and figure. So, if you really decide to try green coffee, you should take the time to prepare it. You may not like the result, but you will appreciate the properties of this drink in pure form, and not as part of some crude surrogate.


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Today coffee It is rightfully considered one of the most popular drinks, and all thanks to its tonic properties, pleasant taste and aroma. And if we know everything (or almost everything) about the effect of black coffee on the body, then about the properties of exotic coffee for us green coffee we know very little. In this article, we will try to fill this gap by considering the properties of green coffee and its effect on the body. In addition, let's talk about the benefits and dangers of this drink, about the rules for its preparation and administration.

Description of green coffee

Does green coffee exist?

Due to the increased interest in recent years in green tea, which has many healing properties, many are interested in the following question: is there green coffee?

We answer: green coffee exists, however, not as an independent variety, but as a semi-finished product of ordinary black coffee. Moreover, it is green coffee beans that Brazilians prefer to use, who are reputed to be real connoisseurs and admirers of this aromatic drink.

Green coffee is unroasted or heat treatment grain natural coffee varieties Arabica or Robusta(These types of coffee are most often used unroasted).

Arabica contains less caffeine and fat than the Robusta variety. In addition, due to the lower acidity, Arabica differs from Robusta more pleasant taste and variety of flavors. In turn, Robusta coffee is cheaper than Arabica coffee, because its quality is much lower.

It is the absence of heat treatment that allows you to save in coffee maximum amount antioxidants, vitamins and other useful substances. In addition, by roasting coffee beans yourself, you can achieve better taste, because the duration of roasting affects both the aroma and taste of the drink.

Important! True "green" coffee must be grown on ecologically clean soil, for which synthetic fertilizers and pest control products are not used.


It is not difficult to guess that coffee got its name due to the green color of the beans that have not undergone heat treatment, which means that they have not acquired the dark brown color characteristic of black coffee.

What does green coffee look like?

Green coffee beans are dull olive in color and have a higher moisture content than black coffee beans.

High-quality green coffee is a product consisting of whole grains without traces of insect activity or mold. In addition, the grains should not have spots of a different color and foreign odors, indicating a violation of the conditions of transportation and storage of raw materials.

Green coffee flavor

In fairness, it should be noted that green coffee does not have such advantages of its roasted black counterpart as unsurpassed aroma, dark velvety beans and rich taste. But this does not make it less popular among people who value coffee not only for amazing taste but also for the benefits it brings to the body.

So, green coffee has a rich grassy-tart aroma, astringent and even sour taste, which not everyone will like (the taste of green coffee is somewhat reminiscent of the taste of an unripe persimmon). In this case, during the roasting process, green coffee acquires a brownish color (although not as rich as black coffee).

Green coffee processing methods

There are two kinds primary processing, through which coffee passes after harvesting, as well as cleaning the beans - dry and wet.

Dry processing

This method is the oldest and simplest at the same time, since it has been used from the very beginning of the cultivation and processing of coffee. A prerequisite for such processing is enough sunlight.

In the process of dry drying, coffee is spread in a thin layer in the sun and periodically mixed, while at night the coffee beans are necessarily covered, which helps protect the raw materials from moisture. After two weeks of such drying, the coffee fruits are peeled by means of special installations.

It should be noted that in regions with insufficient sunlight, mechanical dryers are used, due to which the drying time is reduced to 2-3 days.

Wet processing

This method is laborious, however, the coffee beans obtained at its output differ more high quality, therefore it is quite natural that wet drying is used mainly in the processing elite varieties coffee.

The wet processing process includes several stages:

  • 1st stage: Sorting coffee fruits that should be well ripened.
  • 2nd stage: The collected fruits are placed in a special mill, in which the peel is removed from the grains.
  • 3rd stage: Particles of pulp remaining after milling are removed from the grains. To do this, the grains are placed in water for a day, after which the pulp is easily separated under the pressure of water (this is the high cost of the process, because countries specializing in growing coffee are not far from the equator, and therefore water is in short supply there).
  • 4th stage: Drying grains.
After processing, the grains are sent to the warehouse, where they undergo the strictest quality control and are sorted.

Where does green coffee grow?

The birthplace of green coffee, which has been cultivated for about 800 years, is the province of Kaffa, located in Ethiopia. It was from here, and not from Brazil, that coffee began its triumphal march around the world.

According to Arabic legend, one day the goats, having eaten coffee beans, were awake all night, running and frolicking, which did not escape the attention of the shepherd Kaldima, who decided to experience the effect of the red fruits of the bush with beautiful shiny green leaves. But the drink prepared by the shepherd had an unpleasant taste. Disappointed, Kaldim threw branches with fruits into the fire, and after a few minutes he smelled an intoxicating aroma. The shepherd again prepared a drink, but from fried coffee beans. Kaldim, after drinking fragrant and delicious drink felt energized throughout the day and all night. The shepherd told his secret of cheerfulness to the abbot of a nearby monastery, who tried the tonic effect of the drink on himself and his monks, who later struggled with sleep during night prayers with the help of coffee.


The shelf life of green coffee is one year. Wherein good conditions for its storage, a humidity of 50 percent and an air temperature of +25 degrees are considered.

Important! Nutrients and other beneficial substances contained in green coffee are lost during long-term storage, as well as due to exposure to light or heat.

Composition and properties of green coffee

The coffee tree is considered to be a unique natural laboratory containing more than 1200 active substances, including micro and macro elements, vitamins and antioxidants.

An interesting fact is that during the processing of grains, their processing and preparation, chemical composition product is modified.

Next, we will consider the main and most important components of green coffee, to which this product owes its healing properties.
Green coffee contains a small amount of this substance (compared to black coffee).

The effect of caffeine on the body:

  • increases mental and physical activity, provided that it is used within reasonable limits (otherwise, there may be a violation of the normal functioning of the central nervous system);
  • relieves fatigue;
  • contributes to the acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improves memory;
  • stimulates functioning of cardio-vascular system;
  • prevents the accumulation of fat;
  • relieves spasms.
Tannin forms a biological film that prevents the negative effects on the body of various external and internal factors.


  • reduces the degree of capillary permeability;
  • promotes vasoconstriction;
  • neutralizes the action of bacteria;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  • fights the symptoms of poisoning with both heavy metals and poisons of plant origin.
Chlorogenic acid
This organic acid is a powerful antioxidant that helps cleanse the body of free radicals. But chlorogenic acid is found only in raw coffee beans: so, in the process of roasting, this acid is converted into simpler organic products, which give the coffee its characteristic (slightly astringent) taste.


  • a decrease in the rate of absorption of carbohydrates, which prevents the accumulation of so-called subcutaneous fat;
  • stimulation of the functioning of the central nervous system, circulatory and respiratory systems;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • stimulation of nitrogen metabolism;
  • strengthening the construction of protein molecules;
  • reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • a decrease in the contractile activity of smooth muscles (theophylline relaxes the muscles of both bronchi and blood vessels);
  • increased renal blood flow;
  • normalization of respiratory function;
  • blood oxygen saturation;
  • lowering the concentration of carbon dioxide;
  • stimulation of cardiac activity by increasing the strength and frequency of heart contractions;
  • decrease in the tone of blood vessels;
  • reducing the risk of thrombosis.
Amino acids
Amino acids are responsible for the full development of the body and maintaining its proper functioning.


  • improved absorption of vitamins and minerals;
  • production of antibodies that help fight viruses and infections;
  • the production of hormones that improve the course of metabolic processes;
  • production of hemoglobin, which supplies oxygen to the cells of the body;
  • promoting recruitment muscle mass and rapid muscle recovery after training;
  • destruction of subcutaneous fat;
  • dulling of appetite;
  • decreased vascular tone;
  • removal of radionuclides and salts of heavy metals.
Lipids provide the synthesis of most hormones responsible for the full functioning of the nervous system.

Thanks to these substances, coffee acquires its characteristic astringency.

Tannins, combined with organic acids, help to speed up metabolism and lower the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream.


  • normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • removal of excess, "harmful" cholesterol;
  • stimulation of natural weight loss;
  • improvement of blood flow in the vessels of the small pelvis;
  • restoration of the genitourinary system;
  • normalization of the digestive process;
  • relief of allergic reactions;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • lowering the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases;
  • prevention of the development of cancer.
Trigonelline is destroyed during the frying process, as a result of which a sufficiently large amount of nicotinic acid is formed.

The action of nicotinic acid:

  • security normal growth fabrics;
  • improvement of fat metabolism;
  • calming the nervous system;
  • promoting the production of gastric juice;
  • pressure drop ;
  • promoting the production of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, insulin, thyroxine and cortisone;
  • increased joint mobility;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • maintaining optimal blood glucose levels;
  • activation and normalization of brain activity;
  • vasodilation;
  • normalization of blood flow;
  • improvement of liver function;
  • regulation of cholesterol and lipoprotein levels.
Essential oils
  • regulate the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • eliminate foci of inflammation;
  • relieve cough;
  • increase the discharge of mucus from the bronchi;
  • neutralize the action of bacteria;
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Green coffee properties

  • Fat burning;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • tonic;
  • antifungal;
  • antiviral;
  • anticancer;
  • antispasmodic;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • decongestant.

The effect of green coffee

How does green coffee work?

Caffeine, which is found in small amounts in green coffee, not only regulates, but also enhances excitation processes directly in the cerebral cortex. This contributes, firstly, to an increase in mental and physical activity, secondly, the acceleration of all metabolic processes occurring in the body.

Green coffee (due to the presence of nicotinic acid) helps to speed up metabolism, as a result of which the rate of fat burning increases. At the same time, plant grains are a rich source of vitamins, amino acids and minerals that help maintain the normal functioning of the body.

Green coffee reduces the need for glucose by about half, thereby regulating and controlling blood sugar levels. As a result, by drinking green coffee, a person feels less need for sweets.

One of the undeniable benefits of green coffee is its ability to suppress appetite and dull the feeling of hunger (and we know that it is overeating that most often leads to uncontrolled weight gain and the formation of excess body fat). Simply put, green coffee promotes the process of losing weight and prevents weight gain. extra pounds.

It is also important that green coffee significantly reduces fat reserves, so every time after eating and drinking a cup of this drink, the body has to look for the so-called additional sources energy, which becomes excess fat. Bottom line: effective fat burning by the body itself, without the use of synthetic agents, which often negatively affect the body and the functioning of one or another of its systems.

Green coffee extract helps lower blood pressure, lowers the concentration of cholesterol in the blood (recall what exactly excessive amount cholesterol is often the main cause of heart problems). Thus, regular use green coffee is an excellent prevention of various cardiovascular diseases.

The effectiveness of green coffee

The high efficiency of such a product as green coffee is primarily due to its truly unique dietary properties.

Firstly, it contains natural antioxidants that stimulate the breakdown of accumulations of fat cells. If traditional black roasted coffee helps to break down about 14 percent of body fat, then green coffee removes more than 45 percent of fat. Conclusion: green unroasted coffee is 3 times more effective at breaking down fat layer compared to regular coffee. In addition, antioxidants help scavenge free radicals.

Secondly, in the course of losing extra pounds, the skin does not lose its elasticity and firmness, but on the contrary, it becomes healthier and more beautiful.

Third, green coffee does not harm the body when consumed in moderation, since it contains a small amount of caffeine (it is this element that is part of coffee that poses the greatest health threat when consumed in excess). But in moderate amount caffeine is only useful, as it saturates the body with the energy necessary to maintain vitality and activity throughout the day.

Fourth, green coffee has a beneficial effect on brain activity, which helps to increase efficiency.

Benefit and harm

Benefits of green coffee

1. Promotes fat burning.
2. Activates metabolism.
3. Decreases the feeling of hunger.
4. Reduces appetite.
5. Normalizes the content of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
6. Removes waste and toxins.
7. Prevents skin aging.
8. Relieves inflammation.
9. Protects from ultraviolet radiation.
10. Helps improve metabolism.
11. Improves blood circulation.
12. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.
13. Normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands.
14. Improves memory.
15. Regulates the work of the digestive tract.
16. Improves mood.
17. Strengthens bones and muscles.
18. Normalizes bowel function.
19. Stimulates mental and physical activity.
20. Eliminates headache.
21. Improves the functioning of the higher nervous system.
22. Promotes hair growth and strengthening.
23. Relieves swelling by removing excess fluid from the body.
24. Promotes the breakdown of sugar and inhibits the transport of glucose into the blood, due to which it is used in the treatment of diabetes.
25. Prevents blockage of blood vessels.

Harm of green coffee

As mentioned above, it is caffeine that poses a threat to health, provided that it is excessively supplied to the body. Consider the negative effect of this substance.

1. The systematic intake of caffeine in large doses (of the order of 1000 mg per day or more) can provoke the depletion of nerve cells, and eventually lead to addiction.

Symptoms of caffeine addiction:

  • headache;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • excessive irritability;
  • mood deterioration (up to the development of depression);
  • nausea;
With addiction, the tonic properties of coffee gradually decrease, as a result of which an increase in the usual dose will be required to achieve the desired (or previous) effect.

2. Long-term stimulation of the nervous system through coffee is the reason that the body is constantly in an excited state, and therefore, nervous system experiencing systematic stress. Such stress not only depletes nerve cells, but also disrupts the normal functioning of all body systems.

3. Consumption of caffeine in large doses can provoke the development of psychoses, epilepsy, paranoia and unmotivated aggression.

4. Coffee stimulates cardiac activity, stimulating the vasomotor center and speeding up the pulse. In addition, it is caffeine that provokes a slight increase blood pressure. Therefore, in large quantities coffee (both black and green) is not recommended for people with arterial hypertension and ischemia.

In general, the harm of a drink for the heart system depends on the presence of such factors:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system and hereditary predisposition to them;
  • excess weight;
  • malnutrition;
  • low physical activity.
5. Coffee "washes out" calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamins B 1 and B 6 from the body, which can lead to the following serious problems:
  • damage to teeth;
  • fragility of bones;
  • development of osteochondrosis;
  • chronic pain in the back and cervical spine;
  • violation of the blood supply to the brain.
Conclusion: even green coffee should be consumed in moderation!

Types of green coffee

Natural green coffee beans

Today, natural green coffee beans in bulk are supplied mainly from countries such as India, Ethiopia, Brazil and Colombia. At the same time, with the increasing demand for this product, the amount of coffee supplied is also growing.

Green coffee beans can be sold as a monosort (that is, coffee beans belong to the same species and variety, and are also collected from the same plantation) or in blended form, involving mixing different varieties in order to obtain a certain taste, as well as the aroma of the drink. Most often, blended green coffee includes no more than 13 varieties, while blending takes into account the size and density of the beans. In addition, it is important that the beans undergo the same processing before the blending process, otherwise the roast will be inhomogeneous.

IN raw grains green coffee contains the maximum amount of nutrients.

Raw (not roasted) green coffee

Consistent consumption of raw, unroasted coffee beans contributes to sustainable weight loss due to the content of chlorogenic acid in the beans, which is destroyed during roasting. It is this substance that breaks down fats in the intestines, thereby preventing their absorption into the blood.

Raw coffee is of the highest (Premium), first, and also second grades. According to Russian standards, only Premium grains are subject to sale. But the American (and world) standards singled out the Specialty variety, which meets the most high standards quality. It is coffee made from the Specialty variety that is served today in coffee houses and restaurants.

Regular roasted green coffee

Green coffee beans that have undergone heat treatment lose their certain medicinal properties, because during the roasting process, some substances contained in the fruits of the plant are converted into others. For example, during roasting, the breakdown of chlorogenic acid occurs, for the content of which green coffee is valued.

But roasted coffee has a lot of health benefits. The main thing is to properly roast the grains, because not only the aroma and flavor depend on the degree of their roasting. taste qualities drink, and the content of nutrients in it.

At home, the thermal contact method of processing grains is carried out (in other words, roasting in a pan or in the oven). The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult for a non-professional to determine the readiness of the product: for example, the middle of the grain should be fried, while the outer part should not burn.

Ground green coffee powder

Powdered (or ground) green coffee can be purchased at ready-made, but you can grind it yourself. The resulting powder can be used to prepare your favorite drink, or it can be included in anti-cellulite, cleansing and regenerating cosmetics.

For cooking coffee drink 2 tsp powder is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for 5 minutes (if desired, you can strain before use).

Instant granulated green coffee

Granulated coffee is obtained from a powder that has undergone a spray-drying process through aggregation, during which the powder is wetted to form granules. Next, the coffee powder under intense steam pressure is knocked into small lumps - granules.

Important! Intense pressure modifies the molecular structure of the grain, as a result of which beneficial features green coffee is significantly lost.

Freeze-dried green coffee

Freeze-dried coffee, also known as freeze-dried coffee, is made using the "freeze-dry" method. When preparing this type instant coffee coffee extract subject to rapid freezing at very low temperatures, as a result of which an ice coffee agglomerate is formed, from which, by means of vacuum, high temperature, as well as hoods, all excess liquid is extracted. Then the almost dry coffee monolith is broken into dense and homogeneous pyramidal crystals.

Such an expensive technology for the production of freeze-dried green coffee, during which a drink is obtained, the taste and aroma of which is closest to natural, has led to its high cost.

Instructions for using green coffee

How to grind green coffee?

Grinding beans is one milestones preparation of any coffee, including green. The coffee beans are ground to bring out the flavor intensively, as well as to release the aroma of the essential oils. So, the finer the grinding, the greater will be the area of ​​​​contact between water and the coffee itself, and it is this ratio that affects the extraction rate.

It should be noted that raw green coffee beans have a high degree of hardness and density, so it is extremely difficult to grind them with a conventional kitchen coffee grinder. For this reason, instead of an electric coffee grinder, it is recommended to use small grinders designed for manual grinding. Their main difference from electric models is that, due to the low speed of operation, coffee beans do not have time to heat up, and therefore lose their taste, aroma and useful properties.

Important! Green coffee should be ground coarse enough (the size of the ground beans should be about 1.5 * 1 mm). To facilitate the grinding process, you can pre-soak the grains in cold water.

In the absence of a device for manual grinding, you can use a mechanical meat grinder, the hard and rigid blades of which are capable of grinding strong green coffee beans.

Does it need to be fried?

Roasting green coffee improves the taste of the drink, reduces the level of caffeine in it, as well as more comfortable grinding of beans.

If green coffee is planned to be used as a tonic drink and a means for losing weight, then the grains are only slightly dried in a dry frying pan. At the same time, it is important to prevent a change in the color of the grains and the appearance of any foreign odors.

In addition, lightly dried green coffee is much easier to grind. At the same time, it contains a small amount of caffeine and retains the maximum number of useful substances, as well as chlorogenic acid, which speeds up metabolism and has a lot of other properties that have a beneficial effect on the body.

If the taste of coffee is a priority, the beans are roasted until they acquire a light brown color for 15 minutes, in a dry frying pan.

How to roast green coffee?

Green coffee beans are roasted according to the principle of seeds or peanuts in a pan (it is better not to roast in the oven, because in this case it is quite problematic to mix the grains, and therefore, the raw materials will be roasted unevenly).

For roasting coffee beans, it is recommended to use cast iron cookware that is preheated. In this case, it is desirable to allocate a separate pan for this, since coffee tends to easily absorb all foreign odors.

So, grains are poured into the bottom of a preheated pan in one (maximum two) layers. The process of frying on low heat begins, the intensity of which should be gradually increased (but you can’t do too much fire, because this can lead to the grains quickly burning and becoming bitter). During roasting, the duration of which is 5-15 minutes (it all depends on the purpose of using green coffee and individual taste preferences), the beans are constantly stirred with a wooden spatula. With longer roasting, the beans will acquire a rich brown hue and aroma, while their caffeine content will increase significantly.

Stages of roasting coffee beans
1. Acquisition by grains of a light yellowish shade and grassy aroma.
2. The release of water from the grains, during which the coffee begins to "smoke".
3. The appearance of the "first crack", indicating that the roasting process has entered its active stage. During this stage, the sugars that make up the grains begin to caramelize, while the water evaporates and their structure splits. Outcome: essential oils out of the grains. After the appearance of the "first cod" you can finish roasting at any time (it all depends on your taste preferences).
4. Continued caramelization and release from oil grains. At the same time, the coffee beans begin to increase in size and darken.
5. The appearance of a "second crack", which is much inferior in intensity to the first. At this stage of roasting small pieces grains can "fly out" of the pan, so be careful and protect your eyes from microparticles.
6. Removing roasted coffee from heat. At the same time, it should be remembered that the product will “reach” for some time due to its own temperature. Therefore, lovers of low-roasted coffee are advised to turn off the stove in advance.

It is important to prevent very dark roasting, which is accompanied by the appearance of dense and caustic steam above the grains (the fact is that at this stage the sugar is completely burned and the structure of the grain is destroyed, as a result of which the drink will be non-aromatic and very bitter).

When the coffee "reaches", it should be poured into a container, covered with thick paper and left for at least six hours to cool and remove excess carbon dioxide, for which several small holes can be made in paper with a pin.

Cooled coffee is peeled and ground.

Important! When grinding freshly roasted coffee beans, it will acquire sour taste and mustard.

Coffee is stored in a sealed container in a dark and dry place.

Important! When roasting coffee beans, the use of oil is unacceptable.

How to brew?

You can brew green coffee using a coffee pot, Turks, French press, coffee maker, coffee machine.

Preparing green coffee in a coffee pot
The coffee pot is filled with water and put on fire. When the water temperature reaches 90 - 95 degrees (that is, the water is about to begin to boil), the coffee pot is removed from the heat, and coarse or medium ground coffee is added to it. The mixed drink is left to infuse for 3-5 minutes, after which it is poured into preheated cups (if desired, coffee can be filtered).

Making Turkish Green Coffee in Turkish
A Turk with cold water is put on fire and heated (but not to the state of boiling water). Then 2 - 3 tsp are added to the Turk. coffee is finely ground and brewed over low heat. In this case, coffee is removed from the fire when foam appears. After the foam settles, the Turk goes back to the stove. Such a manipulation is done 3-4 times, after which the drink is stirred and poured into cups preheated with hot water.

Making green coffee with a french press
1. The glass part of the French press is heated with hot water, after draining which coarse ground coffee is poured into the container (medium or fine ground coffee will, firstly, seep through the filter, and secondly, it will be harder to squeeze through the press).
2. Coffee is poured with hot water and mixed.
3. The French press is covered with a lid, but the filter is not squeezed for another 3-5 minutes (it all depends on how strong the drink you want to get at the exit).
4. The rod is slowly driven to lower the filter.
5. Separated from coffee grounds the liquid is poured into preheated cups.

Everything is as simple as possible when using a coffee maker or coffee machine, where all processes are automated. Everyone can choose the most optimal option for themselves in terms of price, quality, volume and methods of preparing a drink.


According to studies, the optimal dose of green coffee is one to two cups per day (or 10 g). When taking green coffee extract, the dosage is reduced to 0.8 g per day (or two sachets), since the extract does not contain ballast substances.

Admission course

The course of taking green coffee is purely individual, and depends on the characteristics of the lover's body. this drink and his state of health. If green coffee is taken to get rid of extra pounds, then the duration of its use depends on the goals - that is, on how many extra pounds you need to lose.

How to drink green coffee?

Green coffee is recommended to drink without added sugar, 15 minutes before or half an hour after a meal.

Remember that the simultaneous consumption of coffee with alcohol and tobacco increases the level of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, green coffee (albeit to a lesser extent than black) enhances the effect of tobacco, as well as alcohol.

Since caffeine helps to flush out a substance such as calcium from the body, lovers of this drink are recommended (in order to compensate for its effects) to include cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products and fish in their diet.

Finally, overuse coffee promotes the removal of fluid from the body. For this reason, those who consume large amounts of coffee are advised to drink about 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day.


It is recommended to significantly limit or completely exclude green coffee from your diet in the following cases:
  • Sensitivity to caffeine: for example, the stimulant effect of this substance increases restlessness, anxiety, as well as irritability and headaches.
  • Sleep disorders: caffeine tonic acts for 3-8 hours (when drinking green coffee, this effect is significantly reduced).
    • increased blood pressure;
    • headache;
    It is extremely important to control your coffee intake and remember that everything is good in moderation. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.
