
Is it possible to eat apricot seeds: harm, benefit? Apricot kernels: description and composition. Pomegranate seed oil

From childhood, we were taught that the bones from fruits must be spit out in order to at least “not earn” appendicitis. However, doctors and scientists have long classified this statement as a myth. On the contrary, many bones contain such unique and useful substances in their composition that it is stupid not to use what nature has created.

But, before including them in the "diet" it is worth remembering the golden rule of moderation. After all, the norm is our everything.

grape seeds

Kiwi bones

The seeds of an exotic fruit contain a record amount of vitamin E, which is a "beauty vitamin" for nails and hair. In addition, if you systematically eat them, you can get rid of swelling under the eyes.

orange pips

They are eaten extremely rarely - it is difficult to swallow because of their size. However, the usefulness of these bones has long been proven: they contain a high content of salicylic acid, as well as the legendary and mysterious vitamin B 17, which, according to many experts, is a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer cells. To eat an orange seed, it should not be swallowed whole, but must be thoroughly chewed.

Olive pits

pomegranate seeds

They should be used by people when the nerves are "at the limit", as they help to overcome irritability and nervousness.

watermelon seeds

Helps normalize blood sugar

apricot kernels

Traditional medicine in the fight against oncological diseases simply loves to give recommendations on their use to people suffering from cancer and those involved in the prevention of cancer.

However, official medicine keeps a proud silence about their effectiveness in the fight against tumors, referring to the fact that there were no serious studies that would confirm their detrimental effect on cancer cells. But many doctors, nevertheless, recognize that vitamin B 17 contained in apricot seeds, which is also the substance letril, really had a positive effect in formidable diseases. In addition, he can cope with fatigue.

apple pits

Vitamin B 17 is also contained in them, preventing the spread of cancer cells. In addition, they contain a large amount of iodine. But they should not be abused. Recommended no more than 5-7 pieces per day.

Fruit waste - this is the definition most often given to apricot pits, the benefits and harms of which are not taken into account. Many do not even realize how widely apricot kernels are used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. What is special about apricot pits and what is the best way to use them?

Composition of apricot kernels

Bones contain:

  • vitamins (B17, PP);
  • minerals (iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium);
  • hydrocyanic acid;
  • 0 g protein, 27.7 g fat, 56.3 g carbohydrates (per 100 g of kernels).

Speaking about the benefits and harms of apricot kernels, one cannot fail to mention the oil made from them. Moreover, the kernels of some varieties contain up to 70% edible oil. This product, in turn, is rich in:

  • fatty acids (linoleic, palmitic, oleic);
  • phospholipids;
  • vitamins (A, C, B, F);
  • tocopherols.

Calorie content of apricot kernels - 440 kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, they are often recommended to athletes to consolidate the mass.

Apricot kernels: useful properties and contraindications

The presence of vitamin B17 turns apricot kernels into natural "killers" of cancer cells. The named vitamin contains cyanide, which contributes to the destruction of cancer cells.

The bitterer the bone, the more vitamin B17 it contains.

It is important to know both the beneficial properties and contraindications of apricot pits. In particular, apricot kernels contain hydrocyanic acid, which becomes a poison in large quantities. Strong bitterness indicates a high concentration of organic poison. The reason for the bitter taste is amygdalin - a source of hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, the uncontrolled use of apricot seeds can cause poisoning. The problem can be caused by taking 20-40 g of the product.

The harm of the kernels is minimized if they are pre-boiled or dried in the oven. Under the influence of high temperature, harmful components are destroyed.

Old apricot hearts can be dangerous. The fact is that the content of cyanide increases over time. Therefore, it is not recommended to take them.

Apricot kernels are contraindicated in:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver diseases;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • pregnancy.

Signs of poisoning usually appear within 5 hours after taking the product. A wide range of symptoms can indicate poisoning. First of all, these are: lethargy, headache, nausea and stomach cramps. In severe cases, convulsions, fainting, or acute heart failure may occur.

The use of apricot kernels

Apricot kernel oil is the basis of many medicines. The bones themselves are considered a natural "chemotherapy". But it is important to know how to take apricot kernels for cancer. Cyanide, which is contained in the nuclei, destroys cancer cells in small doses, but healthy cells begin to suffer from a large amount.

No more than a few kernels can be consumed per day. Their reception is best supplemented with your favorite fruits.

Apricot kernels brewed as tea are used for cardiovascular diseases. They are also useful for bronchitis and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The high calorie content of apricot kernels makes it possible to recommend them as a dietary supplement for high physical exertion.

Widely used in cosmetology. The substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on the skin, slowing down the process of its withering and improving the condition of nails and hair.

Can you eat apricot pits? The answer, of course, is yes. Moreover, apricot kernels are often used by confectioners for making glaze, caramel, sweets, yogurt, creams, ice cream, waffles and various pastries. The kernels of some varieties of apricots are used as a substitute for almonds.

The harm and benefits of apricot seeds are closely related to the health status of a particular person. Therefore, before using this product, be sure to consult your doctor.

Somehow recently, one of my relatives saw how, having eaten a couple of apricots, I didn’t throw out the seeds, but without thinking twice, I broke them with a nearby hammer from the meat, and separating the shell, I ate the kernels from these seeds. This brought her into some indescribable horror. Making scary eyes, she tried to convey to me that because of the hydrocyanic acid contained in the bone, I was about to die in the next 5 minutes. Or maybe even earlier.

I heard these horror stories before - even as a child. Then - he studied chemistry for a long time, then - he made a dissertation, worked a lot. Well, here it is. I had to conduct some educational program, a brief excerpt from which I want to publish here.

So, is it possible to eat apricot seeds and kernels, does it really contain hydrocyanic acid, and what will happen if you still eat them?

The answer to this question lies not only in the plane of chemistry, but also in medicine and pharmaceuticals. And let's start by dispelling the main myth - hydrocyanic acid in its pure form is not contained in apricot pits. Or rather, it is contained in such insignificant quantities that we can smell only the smell, and even then - if you really understand, then not quite her.

So where did this myth come from? Most likely from the fact that there were indeed isolated cases of death caused by eating large amounts of bones, mainly by children, whose symptoms are very similar to hydrocyanic acid poisoning.

But where could it come from if - as I already said - neither hydrocyanic acid, nor potassium and sodium cyanide are contained in apricot seeds, or are contained in absolutely insignificant quantities that cannot affect anything?

The answer lies in the presence in apricot kernels of an organic compound that includes a nitrile group - the so-called Amygdalin - a glycoside, sometimes also called a vitamin-like preparation B17 (since it is not a vitamin, in fact, and is not included in the complexes of vitamin preparations):

To be precise, the seeds of plums, apricots and peaches also contain a certain amount of its predecessor, prunazine, but in our case this is no longer so important.

So, the same Amygdalin, getting not only into the stomach - but already into the mouth of a person, under the influence of a special substance, the enzyme beta-glycosidase, first hydrolyzes with the formation of mandelonitrile (I do not draw the glycosidic residue, it is not important in our case):

and then - split into its constituent parts, which include, among other things, substances such as benzaldehyde (it is mainly responsible for the almond smell), and hydrocyanic acid. But they are just starting to spoil all the raspberries for us. Or rather - mostly hydrocyanic acid, benzaldehyde, a person can eat a dozen grams (not without consequences, most likely, but not fatal).

But hydrocyanic acid is a poisonous thing. Mice are poisoned by 50% in the amount of 3.7 mg / kg of body weight, but for humans, the minimum published lethal dose (ORL-MAN LDLo) is ~ 1 mg / kg. By the way, about the same as nicotine. Apricot contains 1-2% amygdalin (in peach - more, already about 2-3%). The weight of one stone can vary greatly, depending on the size of the apricot itself - from 1 to 6 grams. But we will consider everything to the maximum - that we have a huge bone weighing 6 grams, which gives a nucleolus weighing 4 grams. This means that it contains 80 mg of amygdoline. The molecular weight of amygdoline is 457 g / mol, respectively, we have 0.175 mmol of a substance that, upon decomposition, in the ideal case, will give something about 5 mg of hydrocyanic acid. The weight of a healthy person (let there be a girl) we have is 50 kg, respectively, in order to die, you need to eat minimum 10 grains.

And this is taking into account the fact that we considered everything at the extreme limits - the minimum dose was taken a couple of times less than required, the size of the seeds - twice as much, the content of amygdalin - to the maximum (in fact, it is not so much in cultivated apricots) . And most importantly - they didn’t take into account that we eat the seeds, as a rule, immediately after the apricots themselves - which contain a wild amount of sucrose, which neutralizes hydrocyanic acid.

Well, in fact - even if you eat 10-20 grains, then nothing will happen to you. And even without the apricots themselves. With children, it’s a little more difficult - but even there, about five bones for a ten-year-old child will not harm in any way, and for those who are older - up to a dozen. If the age or weight is less, then it is better to limit yourself to a smaller amount.

An English proverb says: whoever eats an apple a day, the doctor does not visit him. The benefits of these fruits have been known since the time of Adam. The benefits and harms of apple seeds have also been studied. Their properties strengthen the immune system, protect against viral diseases, improve the condition of the skin and nails. But you need to know that excessive use can lead to disastrous results.

Composition and nutritional value of apple seeds

The benefits of apple seeds for the body depend on their composition.

Apple seeds contain:

  • groups of vitamins B, A, P, C, E;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • minerals;
  • trace elements;
  • tannins;
  • acids.

In addition, the composition of apple seeds includes amygdalin glycoside, because of which there is a constant debate about whether their properties are beneficial or harmful.

The benefits of apple seeds are influenced by their nutritional value. Fruits contain protein, sucrose, and 30% fatty oils, which are so in demand for humans.

What are the benefits of apple seeds

Vitamins in the bones of apples have strengthening, anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties. The benefits of nucleoli are as follows:

The grains contain vitamin B17, which is also called letril - a rather rare element also found in the seeds of cherries, plums, peaches and almonds. This useful substance, having anti-cancer properties, is able to slow down the developing cancer cells. Therefore, as a prophylactic, apple seeds can also be eaten for the treatment of cancer. The benefits of letril are also in its ability to relieve fatigue and cope with mental stress. To obtain a daily dose of B17, it is enough to eat 5 apple seeds per day.

Iodine in apple seeds helps to relieve headaches, improve mood, appetite and general condition. Another of its properties is the strengthening of memory. The required daily norm of iodine contains 10 nucleoli.

Important! 10 pieces is an excess of the daily norm and is fraught with harm to the body. It is recommended to eat no more than 6 pieces per day.

Potassium improves heart health, cleanses blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure. It is able to saturate the brain with oxygen, thereby improving its work. The properties of potassium are also manifested in strengthening muscles, increasing immunity, relieving fatigue, and normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Apple kernels contain 250 micrograms of this element.

Chlorogenic acid has anti-inflammatory properties. It relieves liver inflammation and prevents the accumulation of oxalic acid in the body, which can harm the development of gout.

Apple kernels have a useful property to prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles, which is why they are actively used in cosmetology.

The beneficial properties of apple seeds allow them to be treated, as well as used to prevent atherosclerosis, gout, beriberi, anemia, constipation, hypothyroidism, hepatitis, and obesity.

How many apple seeds can you eat per day

The benefits and harms of apple seeds largely depend on their amount of consumption. It is recommended to eat no more than 5 - 6 seeds from ripe whole fruits per day. Although cosmetologists recommend up to 7 pieces to improve the skin.

They should not be eaten by young children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

How to eat apple pits

You don't have to eat the whole apple to get the benefits of the pits. They can be obtained, cleaned of hard partitions, crushed to a powder and used as a food supplement. Useful properties of apple seeds will enhance honey. You can mix them with yogurt, kefir or add to porridge. In its pure form, you should eat a portion no more than that which is placed on the tip of a teaspoon.

It is useful to add dried ground bones to food every day. You can make smoothies by grinding the fruit along with the grains in a blender (remembering to remove the hard partitions).

The use of apple seeds in folk medicine

The bones of apples, the benefits and harms of which are taken into account by healers during the preparation of recipes, are actively used in folk medicine for compresses, infusions, and healthy mixtures. To increase the amount of iodine in the body in case of thyroid dysfunction, colds and laryngitis, you can take a remedy that is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Roast the bones.
  2. Mix 1 part grains with 2 parts honey.
  3. Add to yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, casserole or porridge 2 tsp. the resulting mixture.

This tool is useful to take for the prevention of cancer and neoplasms. For the same purpose, you can pour crushed bones with hot milk and drink every evening.

In the same way, you can use apple seeds for weight loss. And to remove the complications of pneumonia will help infusion of seeds with honey.

For the prevention and treatment of hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones), it is recommended to prepare an infusion of seeds and herbs. For this you need:

  1. Ceiling and mix 5 g each: pre-dried bones, nettle, cocklebur, dandelion and eleutherococcus.
  2. Pour the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water.
  3. Keep 15 minutes at room temperature.
  4. Strain.
  5. Drink twice a day for 30 - 50 ml.

Another tincture on apple seeds for use in hypothyroidism is prepared as follows:

  1. Mix 5 g of crushed valerian seeds and roots with herbs of adonis, lemon balm, yarrow and hop cones (10 g each).
  2. Pour the mixture with boiling water (200 ml) and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Strain and drink three times a day for 30 - 50 ml.

For arthritis and gout, an infusion of apple seeds and celery roots is prepared, which has a lot of useful properties. For this:

  1. The ingredients should be chopped.
  2. Mix 2 g of apple kernels and 5 g of celery roots, pour all 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 15-20 minutes, filter.

Take an infusion 3-4 times a day, 10 ml.

With sinusitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, heated grains are used in the form of compresses.

Knowing the benefits that bones bring, oriental medicine uses their properties for su-jok therapy. "Su" is Korean for hand, and "jok" for foot. Seeds are applied to acupuncture points that are responsible for a particular organ. This method of treatment can be carried out by anyone.

Bones from apples in cosmetology

The benefits and harms of apple seeds are well studied by cosmetologists and are used to prevent aging and moisturize the skin, smooth wrinkles. They are added to tonics, masks and face creams.

To care for withered skin, prepare the following mask:

  1. Pour 5 g of ground apple seeds with 100 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 15 minutes, then strain.
  3. Add the yolk and 10 g of soft butter to the infusion.
  4. Mix well.

Apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Application: three times a week.

To care for dry skin, a mask made from infusion of nucleoli with honey is suitable. For this you need:

  1. Pour 5 g of crushed seeds with 100 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave the solution for 15 minutes.
  3. Add 10 g of honey, mix well.

Apply the mask to cleansed skin of the face and neck regularly after 2-3 days. Leave on face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

A universal mask for any skin type is prepared as follows:

  1. Crushed seeds 5 g pour 100 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 15 minutes and filter.
  3. Add 10 g of honey and puree prepared from 100 g of strawberries to the infusion.
  4. Mix the ingredients.

Apply the mask on the face and neck. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes. Apply 2-3 times a week.

A healthy composition of equal parts of crushed nucleoli and honey will help strengthen nails, reduce their fragility and delamination.

The use of apple seeds in cooking

You can not eat apple seeds in large quantities, so as not to be harmful to health. But you can slightly exceed the recommended dose after heat treatment, due to which the level of amygdalin in them will decrease. The grains can be peeled, fried and mixed with powdered sugar - you get a real delicacy, which is mixed with honey, used as a natural additive to salads, cottage cheese, yogurt, cereals. To improve the taste, they are thrown into compotes, wine, liqueurs.

Important! Do not add fresh grains to alcoholic beverages, tinctures and liqueurs: during long-term storage, poisons can accumulate in them.

Are apple pits poisonous?

The composition of the grains includes amygdalin glycoside. Once in the stomach, this element turns into hydrocyanic acid, which belongs to the group of dangerous cyanide poisons.

Although to a small extent, the seeds are poisonous: cyanide in apple seeds is only 0.8% toxic.

What are the health benefits of apple pips

There is no risk of harm when using an acceptable amount of seeds: the body is able to neutralize a small amount of poison on its own.

Symptoms and treatment of hydrocyanic acid poisoning

Symptoms indicating hydrocyanic acid poisoning:

  • frequent attacks of headaches;
  • drops in blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • difficulty breathing, up to suffocation;
  • increased salivation;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • malfunction of the heart.

When they appear, you should quickly rinse the stomach and urgently call a doctor. Excess hydrocyanic acid in the body can be fatal.

How to properly store apple pits

It will not be possible to store the nucleoli in the seed box: as a result of its drying, the grains will not separate from the shell. In order to preserve the beneficial properties and vitamins in apple seeds, it is necessary to clean, dry, grind them and place them in a closed container, which should be stored in a dry place for no longer than six months.


The benefits and harms of apple seeds should always be considered when using them. Their proper use will improve the general condition of the body and prevent skin aging. And the amount of vitamins and minerals that make up the grains makes it possible to use them as an excellent natural food supplement, which, however, should not be carried away.

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Everything in nature is thought out and everything has its use. Abundantly consuming summer fruits, we do not even think that their bones, which we are used to throwing away, can be useful.

However, the key word here is “can”, because the kernels of many fruits sometimes not only do not benefit the body, but also harm it. We figured out what the bones of various fruits contain and what effect they have on health.

Can you imagine the enormous potential contained in fruit pits? After all, it would seem that a whole tree can grow from such a small and fragile core of the same apple. The properties of fruit stones have long attracted the attention of scientists and are still the subject of numerous studies. Essences and oils are extracted from them, which are actively used for the production of various cosmetics. From grape seeds, substances that are part of drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases are obtained, and grapefruit seed extract has antiviral and antifungal effects.

According to experts, in the kernels of various fruits, there is an increased content of biologically active compounds that are effective in the fight against excess weight, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. Thus, specialists from the Texas Research Center found in cherry, apricot, plum and peach kernels phenolic compounds (kahetins, quercetin and anthocyanins) useful for the human body. But this does not mean that you need to eat all the fruits with seeds in unlimited quantities. Moreover, most of the seeds are so small in size that there is no tangible benefit from their use for the body. But the damage is quite likely.

It is worth noting that nature initially provided for a hard shell of the kernels of various fruits. This allows them to safely pass through the entire human gastrointestinal tract and leave the body naturally. The hard shell of fruit stones is resistant to enzymes, which protects them from digestion. To obtain a biological effect from their use, the bones must either be chewed thoroughly, which is not always possible and safe for the teeth, or use improvised means to get rid of the hard peel. Some seeds that do contain substances beneficial to the body are recommended to be dried and ground, and then added to tea, coffee, yogurt, etc.

Let us consider in more detail what is useful and what is harmful from the nuclei of vitamin fruits available to us in the summer.

Cherry pits are both useful and poisonous. Small kernels contain mono- and polyunsaturated fats, potassium, copper, fluorine, calcium and many other minerals. Also in the composition of cherry kernels, the presence of vitamins A, B, C, F and E, tocopherols, phospholipids and pantothenic acid is noted. They make oil, which has a positive effect on metabolism. But just like that, you can’t eat cherry pits. In their composition there is a glycoside amygdalin, which, in the process of splitting, releases hydrocyanic acid. By the way, it is this substance that provides the bitter taste of the kernel. But it is worth noting that when the bones are heated in water to 75 ° C, hydrocyanic acid is destroyed.

From fresh cherry pits, just separated from the pulp, you can prepare compotes, sauces, liqueurs, fruit drinks, etc. It is interesting that our ancestors made the so-called heating pads from washed and dried cherry pits. To do this, dry kernels were placed in linen bags and received practical and pleasantly smelling products with warming properties.

Peach and apricot kernels

Peach pits are reliably protected by nature, because not only is it sometimes difficult to separate them from the pulp, but the outer shell of the kernels can only be broken with a hammer. But, even when you get to the core of the peach seed, do not rush to eat it. Firstly, it tastes bitter, and secondly, it also contains a lot of amygdalin, which releases the same hydrocyanic acid. The use of peach pits is advisable only for obtaining oil from them, which contains useful polyunsaturated fatty acids. Amygdalin in oil is not destroyed and does not form hydrocyanic acid. Moreover, it can be both food and cosmetic oil.

Apricot kernels are also a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, useful minerals and vitamins. They are more palatable, but due to the risk of hydrocyanic acid poisoning, even an adult should not eat more than 10 pieces a day. Apricot kernels have found their application in cooking. They are added to sauces and jams for flavoring, and are also used in the preparation of the famous Italian amaretti biscuits. You can even extract the kernels from the seeds, roast them in the oven, grind them and eat them with dried apricots and honey.

The benefits of apple pits are highly controversial. Small kernels contain iodine, useful acids, potassium and even protein. Again, amygdalin, which is found in the fruits of many plants of the plum subfamily, makes apple seeds harmful. And yet, nothing bad will happen from 5-6 apple seeds a day. The main thing is to chew them thoroughly.

Grapeseeds: Is it easier to spit out or healthier to swallow?

Some eat grapes directly with seeds, others carefully choose and spit them out, and still others prefer grape varieties without seeds. Numerous studies have shown that grape seeds contain many useful substances. These are vitamins, minerals, and phenolic compounds. But it is difficult to chew small and hard seeds well, and it is useless to swallow them whole. To get the full benefit of this product, it is much easier to grind it up and add a little to milkshakes, smoothies, yogurts, coffee or tea. Also, oil or tinctures are prepared from grape seeds, which retain all the beneficial properties of grape kernels.

Unchewed grape seeds act like fiber in the body, improving intestinal motility. But for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better not to do this in order to avoid exacerbations.

It is worth noting that pomegranate seeds have the same properties, which, in addition to everything, contain many unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.

From the seeds of a popular summer berry, oil is extracted, which in its properties is not inferior to almond oil, and in taste is no worse than olive oil. In China, roasted watermelon seeds are in special demand, and in West Africa they are even added to soups.

But, despite all the useful properties, you should not try to crack each of the many watermelon seeds. Take pity on your tooth enamel! If desired, the seeds can be dried and crushed, and then consumed along with the same yogurts and smoothies.

What is hidden inside an avocado?

Avocado is, of course, not a summer fruit and, moreover, not typical of our latitudes, but still its bone is worth describing. To date, avocados have become so often used in cooking by Russians that they have ceased to be exotic for us. According to scientists and nutritionists, the avocado seed contains a large amount of antioxidants and fiber. According to researchers, antioxidants are good for health and help maintain youth. Fiber prolongs the feeling of satiety and contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Due to the presence of tannins in the composition of avocado kernels, they taste quite bitter. Therefore, if you want to get the benefits of the fruit seed, you can grind it to a powder and add it to yogurts, smoothies, salads and other dishes.

Often we were scared in childhood, they say, if you swallow a stone from a cherry or eat a piece of watermelon along with seeds, you can “rattle” in the hospital with appendicitis. Yes, hypothetically, such a possibility exists, but only if the swallowed bone clogs the exit from the appendix. And the probability of this is negligible.
