
Preparation of mashed peas. How to cook delicious and tender pea puree? Difficulty, cooking time

Peas have been eaten by mankind for many centuries and have always been valued as one of the most nutritious foods. Belonging to the legume family, it is very rich in trace elements and vitamins, including beta-carotene, phosphorus, potassium, ascorbic acid and many others. Peas are also rich in protein. IN Ancient Rus' these beans were used for cooking various cereals and soups, as a filling for pies. Peas are still quite popular today due to their excellent palatability, and pea puree has been a favorite dish of many people since kindergarten. Like the expression “How many people, so many opinions!”, Each housewife has in reserve “her own” recipe for preparing this delicious pea dish. Let's see how many varieties of mashed potatoes can be made from peas.

Classic pea puree recipe

This is perhaps the most a budget option preparing a dish for which you will need:

  • 1 cup peas (split beans will cook faster)
  • 2 - 3 glasses of water;
  • a pinch of salt (to taste).


  1. Legumes must be thoroughly cleaned of debris, if any. Then rinse and soak for several hours in cold water. Ideally, overnight is best.
  2. Before you start cooking, drain the old water, rinse again and fill with boiled water. First, the fire should be made to the maximum so that the water boils quickly, then put on medium and, opening the lid, cook for 1.5 - 2 hours. Particularly sensitive natures are advised to remove the foam that forms during boiling. It seems to me that this is useless, since the peas are already almost sterile after soaking and washing.
  3. Some more advise if whole old pea does not boil soft for a long time, throw into the saucepan an hour after the start of cooking half a teaspoon baking soda. I always take a chopped product, so I have not tried soda.
  4. If the water has boiled away, but you still have doubts that the beans are completely boiled, share a little more (half a glass) boiled water and, stirring over medium heat, let it boil too. When the peas are cooked, you can take it off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer a little. Then salt and with the help of a crush mashed potatoes. For a softer consistency, you can use a blender. In a dryish puree, you can add a little boiled water. According to my mother's recipe, I always add milk to all purees, I like the sweetish and delicate taste.

This simple recipe will appeal to those who are fasting, dieting, or just very partial to peas. Pea mash can be flavored with butter, roasted meat or gravy, and also used as a filling for pies and pies, as part of a casserole.

Do not forget that peas are digested for quite a long time and therefore it is better to cook them for breakfast and lunch, for dinner it is a heavy food.

Spicy pea puree

To everyone who is not particularly fond of peas, and for a change familiar dish I advise you to try next recipe pea puree:

  • 1 glass of peas;
  • 2 - 3 glasses of water;
  • 1 medium sized carrot;
  • 3 sprigs of parsley, dill, basil (or any other herb that you like best);
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 3 tablespoons olive or sesame oil(you can use any vegetable to taste);
  • a pinch of salt.

Saturated with herbs and carrots, pea flavor will be transformed and will surely appeal to gourmets.


  1. The first three stages, as in previous recipe: soak, boil, crush. In general, cook pea puree.
  2. Peel the carrots, rinse with herbs and dry. Grind all the ingredients in a blender: carrots, herbs, garlic. The blender can be replaced with a meat grinder. Add the resulting slurry in mashed potatoes, salt and pour oil, mix everything thoroughly. To taste, you can also sprinkle the dish with black ground pepper, it will add sharpness.

Thanks to the “multi-colored” additives, the dish turns out to be very bright and appetizing. Besides, raw foods retain all their useful properties.

Most of the time is spent preparing the base of mashed peas, so you won't waste any time on all sorts of additives that can be prepared while boiling the beans.

Such savory puree will be properly served as an independent dish, as well as hearty and delicious side dish To meat delicacies and salads.

I really like the mixture of basil, marjoram and curly parsley with olive oil. Any dish with them turns out rich and fragrant. What are your favorite herbs, maybe a special combination?

Puree in a heroic way

Do you prefer something more substantial, or is a one-two-component dish not a meal for you? Try to make puree for real men, which no one can resist:

  • 3 cups of peas;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • 2 heads of onions;
  • 5 large potatoes;
  • 10 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • greenery for decoration.


  1. The first stage, as in classic recipe, soak to properly and quickly cook peas.
  2. Pour the soaked and washed pea mass with boiled water and set to boil for big fire. Once it boils, reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour.
  3. While the beans are cooking, peel the carrots and onions, rinse and dry. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots fine grater. Depending on personal preference, onions and carrots can be sautéed before tossing into the pot with peas. I try to protect my stomach with a beginning gastritis, so I do without sautéing, I stop cooking raw.
  4. Pour in the oil, add chopped vegetables to the peas.
  5. Peel the potatoes, rinse and chop finely. Approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes after the start of cooking, throw the peas into a saucepan, where vegetables and butter, pieces of the root crop are already languishing along with the beans. If there is little water left, and the cereal is still hard, add more water.
  6. When cooking peas, you should always add only boiled water!
  7. After at least 1.5 hours, the peas will boil well. And the potatoes are enough for 15 - 20 minutes for fully prepared. So, take the pot off the heat, salt its contents and immediately start mashing the puree. A blender is indispensable in the kitchen if you need to prepare food for small children.
  8. For more nutrition and taste, you can add to the dish raw eggs: break a couple of pieces and quickly mash the puree. I also advise lovers of spiciness to pepper the pea mass.
  9. Arrange the finished pea puree on plates and garnish with any greens, small twigs or finely chopped.

Such a pea dish will be a great help for vegetarians or fasting people. If, for example, a child refuses to eat purely pea dishes, prepare mashed potatoes for him in a heroic way, decorate them beautifully on a plate, I assure you, the child will not notice the “forgery”.

Here are just three recipes for making pea puree. As you can see, in order to learn how to properly cook this cereal, you just need to be patient and do not forget about pre-soaking. Write what ingredients you add to diversify this healthy and nutritious dish.

They cook porridge, make stuffing for pies and much more. Pea puree deserves special love among fans of legumes. If prepared correctly, the puree will have homogeneous consistency and pleasant taste.

Cooking time

cook it Lenten dish everyone can. The main thing is to make sure that the peas are well boiled, otherwise the puree will turn out with lumps, and not everyone likes this. The product will cook quickly enough if it is pre-soaked in cold water. It will take 6-12 hours to soak. The best solution is to pour water over the peas in the evening and leave it in this form until the morning.

Softened seeds are placed in a pot of water and boiled for 2-3 hours over low heat. After this time, the peas can be tasted. If it is completely ready, you need to remove the dishes, let the dish steam without removing the lid, for another 30-40 minutes.

The process of preparing pea puree is long, but simple. If everything is done correctly, the dish will please with its taste and aroma.

How to cook pea puree in a pot

So, you want to make delicious pea puree. To make the dish really perfect, it is extremely important to choose the right peas themselves. Yellow wax peas are best for puree. It is grown on loamy dry soils, and it is also useful due to a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. From this type of peas, mashed potatoes are tender, homogeneous and tasty. If desired, you can use wrinkled or smooth brain peas for this dish.

  1. Pre-soak the purchased peas in cool water. Place the product in a deep bowl or saucepan and pour drinking water in a ratio of 1:2. The soaking process takes at least 6 hours. You can leave the peas in the water for 12 hours.
  2. Drain water from softened peas.
  3. Place the seeds in a saucepan and pour water into it. If you took 1 cup of peas, you will need 3 times as much water.
  4. Boil beans for 2-3 hours over low heat.
  5. Add salt to the dish just before cooking. This will make the puree soft and fluffy.
  6. When the peas are ready, turn off the heat and leave the dish covered for 40 minutes.
  7. The final process of making puree involves the use of a conventional pusher, meat grinder or fine sieve. It is important to ensure that there are no lumps in it. At this stage, the use of a blender is also allowed.
  • If peas are selected for the dish hard grade, it does not hurt to add not a large number of butter or milk. This will give the puree a mild flavor.
  • When boiling peas in boiling water, foam is released, it must be carefully removed with a spoon. When the foam stops appearing, the seeds must be stirred.
  • During the cooking of the product, it is recommended to add about 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil to the water.
  • improve taste ready-made puree will help crushed onion, which must first be fried in oil.

Pea puree recipes

Puree made from peas can be used as full meal or serve it with meat.

Pea puree with seafood

For this recipe, you will need to make mashed potatoes, as well as stock up onions, olive oil, sea cocktail (250 g), herbs and tomato paste.

Cooking process:

  1. When the pea puree is ready, peel the onion, finely chop it and sauté it in olive oil.
  2. Dilute tomato paste (2 tablespoons) with water and add to the pan.
  3. Pour half of the not very crushed boiled seafood there.
  4. deep but small glassware lay out the pea puree, the other part sea ​​cocktail, another layer of puree and tomato paste on top.
  5. Sprinkle greens on top. The dish is ready!

Pea puree with "meat" roast

For the dish you will need the puree itself, as well as Wheat flour(250 g), water (175 ml), salt, carrots, onions, black pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. First prepare the seitan. To do this, knead the dough using flour, salt and water. It is he who will give the dish a meaty taste.
  2. Let the dough stand for 30 minutes.
  3. The dough must be well kneaded and patted so that the starch leaves with the water. The remaining mass should resemble a washcloth. It is most convenient to “wash” the dough in a colander.
  4. From seitan, make blanks in the form of small balls 1-2 cm in diameter.
  5. Heat the oil, put the pieces of seitan into it. The balls will bubble and expand.
  6. Bring the pieces to a golden color.
  7. Fry carrots and onions separately.
  8. Add cooked seitan to roasted vegetables. Salt, pepper and stir.
  9. Lay out portions of pea puree and fry.

From the finished puree, you can come up with many more interesting dishes. Experiment - and the result will please you!

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Let's pour peas big amount water, leave to soak overnight or for 6-8 hours. Peas will swell, increase in volume, which means they are ready for cooking. After soaking, we wash the peas and fill them with two glasses of water. Please note that the proportion of peas and water is 1:2. We begin to cook on low heat.

Cook the peas for 1-1.5 hours, until all the water has evaporated, the peas become soft and completely boiled. At the end of cooking, salt, mix to bring to the desired taste.

We interrupt the finished peas with a blender until a puree is formed. If there is no blender, then use a simple and ordinary potato masher.

Finely chop the onion, we take it not too little, so that the puree with onion becomes even tastier. Pea puree can be served not only with fried onions, someone else is roasting carrots, and you look at your preferences. But pea puree with fried onions is classic version filing.

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Fry on vegetable oil onions, pour 2-3 tables. l., no more. Fry until golden brown so that the onion becomes very fragrant and odorous.

We spread the hot pea puree on a plate, and add the fried onions on top. It turns out very tasty and beautiful. For those who wish, the puree can be further peppered.

For budget lunch pea puree will the best option, although for those who love such a dish, it's not about money at all. It's just very tasty and always useful. Bon Appetite!

We all know the benefits of soups from childhood. You have to eat them every day. But sometimes the soup gets boring. I want to try something new and tasty, unusual. Something that you can please yourself and loved ones and how you can diversify daily menu. In this case, prepare pea puree. This dish is very nutritious and healthy. The protein content in peas is almost the same as in meat, namely beef. You can serve pea puree in beautiful plate, complement the dish with croutons and herbs. Then such a simple dish will give you new shades of taste. Cooking pea puree will not take you much time or effort. How to cook pea puree you can find in almost any cookbook. It doesn't require a lot of ingredients. Peas - independent dish, as it contains a large amount of protein in its composition. Do not just forget that pea food is quite heavy for the stomach, so pea puree is best served for lunch. Moreover, it will satisfy the hunger for for a long time.

Pea puree is also prepared for children, but from one and a half years. Previously, it should not be given to children, since peas cause fermentation in intestinal tract. The benefits of such a dish are simply irreplaceable.

In order to choose the right recipe for pea puree, you need to understand the varieties divided into table, universal and canning. A versatile variety of peas suitable for both soups and canning. The table variety of peas is used for making soups and cereals. canned grade respectively used for canning.

How to answer the question "How to cook pea puree?". The most important secret of making delicious pea puree is that the peas must first be soaked, preferably overnight. Then the peas do not have to cook for a long time. For cooking, both yellow and green peas. yellow peas more rigid. Puree from turns out soft and gentle on taste.

So, the recipe for pea puree.

For cooking we need:

  • dried peas- 600 grams
  • onion - 2 medium sized heads
  • carrots - 1 pc. medium size
  • sunflower oil (can be replaced with olive oil)
  • salt to your taste

First, rinse the peas several times with water and soak it overnight. After that, water must be poured, peas must be poured fresh cold water, and put on a small fire.

It takes 1-1.5 hours to cook peas. cold water it is necessary to add to the peas every 20 minutes. After the peas are completely boiled, it must be salted.

At this time, fry the onions and carrots with a small amount oils. Add them to the peas. Blend the peas in a blender.

Pea puree recipe. What are the secrets.

Correctly salting a pea dish is very important. It must be salted at the end of cooking. So the puree does not boil soft, it cooks tastier and it turns out tastier.

It is necessary to knead the pea puree immediately, so it will turn out without lumps.

You can add pepper to the roast. For baby food vegetables need to be fried quite a bit, just grab a little. Roasted vegetables can be mixed with mashed potatoes or served separately.

The recipe for pea puree with cracklings is delicious. To prepare such a puree, you need to fry thinly sliced ​​​​bacon, fry the onion in the same oil. Sprinkle mashed potatoes with fried onions and bacon.

You can make puree from canned and frozen peas.

As we can see, there are a lot of recipes for making pea puree. Add your imagination, and then such a simple dish will surprise your whole family.

This cereal is life, because it is filled with many vitamins, which our body lacks in spring. The pea dish recipe is what you need!

Pea puree - a dish, rich in vitamins and micronutrients. It is useful for those who active image life and health care. Learn how to quickly cook pea puree without soaking.

Dry peas, from which pea porridge is prepared, usually require pre-soak so that the dish turns out homogeneous and soft. But there are a couple of secrets on how to make mashed potatoes quickly and without soaking peas.

Follow step by step instructions how to make mashed peas quickly:

  1. Sort and rinse the peas thoroughly with cold water.
  2. Transfer to a heavy-bottomed saucepan and add ¼ tsp of baking soda. for 2 cups of peas.
  3. Pour boiling water over the peas so that the water is higher than the peas by a finger.
  4. Let the water boil and lower the heat to low.
  5. How long to cook peas? A little less than an hour. During the cooking process, stir the peas and periodically (as needed) add hot water.
  6. At the end of cooking, salt and pepper, add oil to taste.
  7. Blend everything in a blender until puree.

Tips on how to cook pea puree quickly:

  • use not whole, but split peas for cooking;
  • do not salt the dish in advance, but only at the end of cooking;
  • do not cover the pan with a lid;
  • remove noise during the cooking process;
  • If you use a pressure cooker, the cooking time will be halved.

Follow the culinary tips on how to cook pea porridge, and then you will not spend a lot of time preparing it.

To make the dish homogeneous, grind it in a blender after cooking. Salt at the end. What puree recipe do you use?
