
Recipes for economical meals for every day. Budget Lunch

The crisis has already touched us in full, and more and more people are looking for cheap recipes for every day from simple products on the Internet. When there is no money, and more and more money earned is spent on food, then, naturally, you want to cook inexpensive budget meals in order to save the family budget. You can often hear the expression: all the money goes "down the toilet." And yes, the products are expensive, but you still want to get dressed, put on shoes, take a break at least somehow from everyday work, teach children, etc.

Therefore, on our website you will find many simple recipes from which you can make a menu for every day and for holidays. You will learn how to save on groceries, and yet cook tasty and easy without spending a lot of money on food. This is important now. And indeed, you can buy inexpensive offal, and cook a delicious liver pate, cook stomachs in sour cream sauce, just bake potatoes with spices in a sleeve or in foil, and feed your household deliciously and satisfyingly.

You will find recipes for cheap second courses for every day on the pages of the site, see step-by-step recipes with photos. And the team of our site will try to help you prepare budget, simple and inexpensive dishes for the second or first meal. Soups and side dishes, snacks and sandwiches, cereals and cottage cheese dishes will help your budget and you can reduce food costs without harming your family.

When there is no money (and now the majority of the population does not have it), recipes for simple and tasty cheap dishes will come to your aid, and you will be able to save at least a little money for various other needs, the same communal apartment, vacation, and so on. Inexpensive budget meals such as canned soups and various cereals can be a good help in saving money.

Our cheap recipes for soups and salads, main courses, pastries and snacks will help you feed your family not expensively and economically, but at the same time tasty and satisfying. We will also show you how to cook cheap holiday meals, how to economically celebrate a birthday or New Year. You will learn how to save money on groceries and survive in a crisis.

Look, delicious and fragrant, and save money on a store-bought, moreover, harmful product.

Do you want to save the family budget so that your relatives are always full and satisfied? Then you need to resort to proper savings in the kitchen. So, cook dishes from affordable and healthy products. What foods should be included in the diet so as not to deprive the family of a balanced diet?

cheap products


Delicious and economical recipes should certainly include plant foods. Their abundance, especially in season, is simply amazing.

From each vegetable, we can cook delicious dishes, including soups, main courses, side dishes, and sometimes even desserts and pastries.

Cabbage of different varieties(white head, Beijing, color, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, Romanesco, etc.). Each of the varieties of cabbage will certainly help diversify your menu. However, it is important here to buy each variety at its own time, that is, in season. Then the meals will be really economical. But white cabbage always remains out of competition - the cheapest product. It is included in the most economical recipes - vegetable stew, lean cabbage rolls, borscht, cabbage soup, cabbage cutlets and other delicious dishes.

Potato- undoubtedly the most affordable and popular product. If you're looking for economical potato recipes, there are plenty of them. Mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, vegetable stews, casseroles, zrazy, rolls, potato patties, pies and other very tasty and cheap dishes will help diversify your diet. Stock up on potatoes and cook many different cheap dishes from them.

Pumpkin adored by many housewives for its cheapness, as well as unusual useful and taste properties. Pumpkin is included in simple economical recipes. These are pastries, desserts, cereals, salads, main dishes. With the help of this vegetable, you can really save the budget.

Beet is the most affordable product. From it you can always cook the first, second courses, as well as many salads. But quick and economical recipes most often contain already boiled or pickled beets in advance.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, zucchini bought in season, will help to prepare the most delicious, healthy and cheap meals. And to enjoy them at any time of the year, you can freeze all these products.


Legumes are very often included in the economical menu of recipes: lentils, beans, peas. They make rich and very satisfying soups, borscht, as well as side dishes and lean meatballs.


Must be included in our diet. With their help, you can significantly reduce the cost of products. Any cereal not only saves the budget, but also saturates the body with useful substances. Therefore, do not forget to cook buckwheat, rice, millet, wheat, pearl barley, oatmeal and other cereals. All of them are very satisfying and useful.

And one more advantage of cereals - in the process of cooking, they increase several times. This means they are incredibly economical. By the way, the remaining porridge in the refrigerator can always be used to cook meatballs or meatballs, for example, from the liver.


If the most economical recipes for second courses are important to you, you should definitely pay attention to various offal. As a rule, they are much cheaper than meat. But the benefits of such products are no less. You can cook delicious: chicken stomachs, pork, beef, turkey or chicken liver, as well as kidneys or lungs.


In the season for mushroom pickers, such a product generally gets for free. Therefore, do not miss the chance to prepare mushrooms for the future. However, mushrooms are also inexpensive for those who purchase them. Mushrooms and oyster mushrooms are always available. They are used to prepare pates, snacks, meatballs, stews, soups, and add to cereals.

Flour and yeast

Must be in the arsenal of every housewife. Of these, you can always bake your own homemade bread, pies, pies, pancakes, pancakes. Homemade cakes are always tasty and cheap.

Economical recipes with photos

Thanks to this selection, you get access to a variety of simple and cheap dishes. So, we cook tasty and economically according to the following recipes.

Economical first courses

- This is one of the inexpensive recipes for first courses. Vegetables in this case play a major role. At the same time, they act in an unusual combination with milk. However, the soup turns out to be very satisfying and tender, thanks to this milky note. Suitable for the whole family.

As already mentioned, beans are an important component in the budget menu. The soup from it is rich, tasty and incredibly satisfying. Beans belong to protein foods, so this soup for lunch is just a godsend, especially for the strong half.

The collection of a large number of vegetables in one first course without the addition of meat helps not only to save the budget, but also to eat healthy. You can also cook borscht on chicken necks, carcass, as well as on pork bones. Meat after cooking can be used to prepare the second.

Economical second courses

Many housewives cannot imagine very economical recipes without dumplings. This option is available to absolutely everyone. Prepare lean dumplings in large quantities and freeze them. Then you will not only save money, but also your time in the future.

If you love economical quick recipes, make this one. With an abundance of vegetables, do not miss this opportunity. And if you have frozen vegetables, you can always treat your family to this truly summer and economical dish.

And greenery. Offal is an integral part of the budget menu. With them, any dish will be hearty and tasty. Chicken hearts are no exception. They go perfectly with vegetables and decorate any side dish.

Economical salads

By including vegetables in your diet, you not only save money, but also, most importantly, about the healthy nutrition of your family. This salad will allow you to fully enjoy the extraordinary taste of each ingredient and replenish your body with vitamins.

Without beets. This original serving of vinaigrette will dispel ideas of what this salad should be like. In addition, this recipe will help make your menu varied, economical, tasty and healthy.

This rich one is easy to make. It contains a minimum of ingredients, which means it can claim the title of one of the budget dishes.

Economical baking

From rye flour. This original cookie will not leave indifferent those who love healthy pastries. In addition, homemade cookies according to this recipe are much more profitable and tastier than store baked goods.

This one on custard yeast dough belongs to the category of "quick dishes". Therefore, it saves both money and time. After all, custard yeast dough can be used immediately after kneading. The filling can be any according to your taste and means.

Let your culinary economical recipes be replenished with another option for making amazingly delicious bread. Minimum cost. The output is two loaves.

As you can see, economical recipes for every day are profitable, tasty and healthy. However, it is worth noting that in order to save money and time, it is worthwhile to think over the menu in advance and purchase products for each of the planned meals. Look at our website and other recipes for economical dishes with photos.

Surely every housewife wondered what to cook today for breakfast (lunch or dinner). When all the recipes have already been tried, and the classic dishes have become boring, this article will come to your aid. From it you will learn what you can cook with a small amount of money. Some budget dishes will become your favorites and will delight you every day. Remember: to prepare delicious food, it is not at all necessary to spend large sums of money. So, what can you cook budget meals for every day? You will find the recipes below.

What dishes are called inexpensive?

Budget meals are meals that are prepared with a small amount of ingredients. On average, the number of components of products does not exceed the figure 10. If your food is concocted from a larger number of ingredients, this indicates that you had to spend a significant amount of money.

Budget meals for every day

What can be cooked with a minimum amount of food or a small amount of money? In fact, there are a lot of options. You can make a liquid dish or side dish. Also, meat products will not be left without attention. It is worth recalling that meals for every day can be prepared in a slow cooker, pressure cooker or on a classic stove. So, let's look at a few simple recipes.

Vegetable stew

Surely everyone loves stewed vegetables, especially in the summer. During this period, you can purchase ingredients at an inexpensive price and enjoy their taste. So, to prepare such budget meals for every day, you will need:

  • 4 potato tubers;
  • one onion and carrots;
  • chicken leg;
  • 3-4 zucchini;
  • herbs, salt and spices.

Put the chicken in a separate pot and boil for 10 minutes after boiling. After that, chop the carrots and onions into small cubes. Fry vegetables in oil. To do this, use a deep pan or cauldron. At this time, peel and cut the zucchini into large cubes. If the vegetable is young, then you can cook it in the peel. Saute the ingredients for about 10 minutes more (until the zucchini give juice). Add salt and spices to your taste.

Peel potatoes and cut into strips. Put the vegetable in a cauldron and pour over the chicken broth. While the composition is boiling, separate the meat from the bone and tear into pieces. Put the potatoes on top and cover the cauldron with a lid. Cook the stew for about 20 minutes.

Sprinkle with fresh herbs before serving. The average cost of such a dish in the summer will be 120-150 rubles. This will give you about 6-8 servings.

Rustic potatoes

Dishes for every day can be prepared from ordinary potatoes. It would seem that the boiled vegetable has become boring for a long time and does not cause wild delight. In quality, you can make rustic potatoes. For this you will need the following components:

  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt and dill;
  • 1 kilogram (if desired, you can replace the usual one);
  • two cloves of garlic.

Rinse the potatoes thoroughly and dry them. To speed up the process, you can use a towel. In a bowl, combine oil, salt, crushed garlic and chopped dill.

Cut the potatoes into bars without peeling. Pour the vegetable into the bowl with the oil mixture and mix everything thoroughly. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Spread the processed potatoes in an even layer in a baking dish and place in the oven. Bake for 30-40 minutes, after which you can serve with your favorite sauce.

The average cost of such a dish is 70 rubles. The number of servings is four.

lazy khachapuri

Budget dishes in a slow cooker are prepared very quickly and do not take much attention. So, you can make delicious fresh khachapuri with a crispy crust, which will not require large expenses. For this you need the following ingredients:

  • two chicken eggs;
  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • 100 grams of your favorite cheese (it is better to give preference to hard varieties);
  • five tablespoons of flour;
  • salt and herbs.

Beat the egg mixture until foamy. Slowly add sour cream and mix everything. Add salt and finely chopped herbs. After that grate the cheese. Before this, the product should be kept in the refrigerator for some time. Add the cheese to the bowl and stir in the egg mixture.

Next, you need to sift five tablespoons of flour and knead the dough thoroughly. Pour the resulting solution into the multicooker bowl and set the baking mode. Average cooking time is 20-40 minutes. It all depends on the power of your device.

The cost of such a product is in the range from 100 to 200 rubles. From the resulting mixture you will get 4 servings.

Pasta with sausage sauce

Budget meals for every day can be prepared from regular pasta. In this case, it is worth giving preference to durum wheat. So, you will need:

  • 500 grams of pasta;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • salt and spices to your taste;
  • one bulb;
  • 50 grams of sausage of any kind (can be replaced with regular sausages).

Boil water in a large saucepan. Add salt and stir in pasta. At this time, fry finely chopped onions in a pan. Add greens and wait for the juice to appear. Chop the sausage into small cubes or straws. Put in a pan and fry over low heat.

When the pasta is ready, drain the water. Pour the contents of the pan into the pan and mix thoroughly. If desired, you can season the dish with your favorite sauce. The average cost of this product will be 100-150 rubles. It all depends on the type of sausage or sausages. From the cooked mass you will get about 5-7 servings.

Alternative option: semi-finished products

Budget meals for every day can be ready. You just need to boil the semi-finished product and enjoy its taste. You can buy dumplings, dumplings, manti, khinkali and other preparations. From one kilogram of dumplings you will get about 5-6 servings of the product. At the same time, the cost of this semi-finished product ranges from 80 to 500 rubles. You can choose what you really can afford and taste.

You can also prepare these products yourself. However, in this case, know that the dish will no longer be so budget.

Summing up or conclusion

Now you know what you can cook budget meals for every day. You can find photos of some products in this article. Try each of the suggested options and choose the one you like best. Perhaps you can come up with your own recipe. Experiment and try all new ways of cooking. Good luck in your culinary arts and bon appetit!

The fact that cooking is an art has long been known. Moreover, it consists not only in cooking deliciously, but also in reasonably distributing products and creating mouth-watering masterpieces “from an ax”. Even the most luxurious dinner and hearty lunch can be prepared without compromising the family budget. You just need to know economical recipes and not be afraid to experiment.

Soup with chicken and melted cheese

A very tasty economical recipe for those who want to cook an unusual but inexpensive soup.

  1. We need chicken fillet. Approximately 400 g should be enough. Cut it at your discretion, but cubes are better. And fry a little. Then put them in a boiling broth, send a bay leaf and a little allspice there. Reduce heat, then wait 10 minutes.
  2. Chop potatoes, it is better to do it in cubes, carrots and onions in half rings. Send them to the meat company. And cook for another 15 minutes. Put the melted cheese on top (you can pass it through a grater). Wait until it melts completely.
  3. At the end, salt, if necessary - pepper the soup. Decorate with greenery.


This variety of first courses belongs to the national food of many nomadic peoples of Near Asia. It is highly nutritious and requires very few ingredients to prepare.

  1. Take 1400-1500 g of beef or lamb shoulder. Cut and cook for 2.5 hours. The fire must be slow. Don't forget to remove the foam.
  2. Carrots (300 g will be enough) cut in half and throw it into the broth along with potatoes (700 g). Boil until soft.
  3. Throw tomato slices, onion rings and bell pepper there. Everything needs to be taken in 200 g. Cook for another 15 minutes.
  4. Salt, add spices.
  5. Sprinkle parsley on top, stir in garlic (25 g).
  6. Add melted butter (50 g), close the lid and leave for 15 minutes. Shurpa should be infused.

Main courses

Potatoes in the sleeve

This economical dish can be prepared for the family at least every day. It is very tasty and healthy, despite the fact that it requires very few ingredients to prepare it.

  1. We need potatoes. Its quantity is not limited. Take a kilo. Cut into cubes.
  2. It's the turn of carrots (1 pc.). It needs to be crushed in the form of bars.
  3. Chop the onion too, but only in half rings.
  4. Mix all these products. Add your favorite spices or spices specially designed for potatoes, one large spoonful of sunflower oil, grated tomato (1 pc.).
  5. After mixing again, fill the baking sleeve with this mass. Send it to a hot oven tray (180 degrees). And wait an hour and a half.
  6. Transfer the dish to a large container and garnish with herbs and garlic (through a press).

This is how, with the addition of just a spoonful of oil, a mountain of potatoes is obtained. In this case, you do not need to constantly check whether it is burnt.

Unusual barley porridge

For some reason, barley groats are not very popular. Meanwhile, it is very cheap, it is used as a diet food. And if you cook it not like ordinary porridge with milk and water, but with some additives, you can get a tasty and economical dish for every day.

  1. Pour barley groats (2 tablespoons) into a pot of boiling salted water. Bring to readiness.
  2. Fry any mushrooms (200 g), after adding salt and cumin. You need to do this for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Then add pepper, chopped garlic (3-5 cloves) to the mixture and pour into porridge.
  4. Also fry lard (60 g) until greaves form and onions until golden brown. Send this mixture to porridge too.
  5. Place in a mold and send to the oven, heating it to 200 degrees. As soon as the porridge becomes golden, it is ready.


sweet sausage

This sweet dessert comes from childhood. Probably, everyone in the family, although not every day, spoiled their household with it.

  1. The leftover cookies do not need to be thrown away, but it is better to use them for good. It will take 300 g of ordinary varieties, like sugar. They need to be broken down. There is one way to do it quickly. Put the sweets in the bag and roll over it with a rolling pin.
  2. In a saucepan, you need to heat milk (5 tablespoons), cocoa (3 tablespoons), sugar (1 tablespoon), condensed milk (5 tablespoons). Keep on fire, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Leave the mass to cool. And only after that grind it until smooth with butter (200 g will be enough).
  3. It remains only to stir in the cookies and chopped nuts. There are no specific requirements here. Take the ones you like best: walnuts or peanuts. Just don't forget to grind them.
  4. Put all this disgrace on the foil and give the shape of a sausage. And send it straight to the refrigerator so that it does not lose its shape.

chocolate mood

Very tender, light and beautiful (you can see it in the photo) dessert.

  1. Pour gelatin (20 g) with water, preferably warm. Leave it for a while, let it swell.
  2. We need cottage cheese (300 g). It is better to take home. But if you follow the figure, then you can replace it with a fat-free one.
  3. Grind cottage cheese, 20% sour cream and sugar (200 g) thoroughly. To make it faster, use a mixer.
  4. Heat the gelatin a little in a saucepan. You shouldn't boil it. Hold until it dissolves.
  5. Let it cool down. To do this, the container can be placed in a sink lined with a wet towel, which must be periodically watered with cold water. So the process will go faster.
  6. Pour the gelatin into the curd mixture and mix quickly.
  7. In a confectionery syringe (you can in a regular bag), transfer a quarter of the mass.
  8. Stir in cocoa (4 tablespoons) into the rest. Pour into a mold lined with cling film.
  9. Immerse the syringe into the mass and gently squeeze out small balls of the white mixture. Spread the rest on top.
  10. Leave for 4 hours in the cold.
  11. Before serving, turn the form with dessert into a dish, remove the cling film.


Liver and Rice Salad

Your family will surely love this hearty and tasty salad.

Boil a glass of rice in water. Don't forget to salt.
Since our goal is to save money, take chicken liver, not beef. The taste won't be affected at all. Take 450 g and lightly fry. Don't forget to add salt and some pepper. Then grind on a grater or cut into thin strips.
Pass one carrot through the grater too. Fry it until it becomes soft. Do the same with the onion, only chop it finely first.
Boil eggs (4 pcs.). Separately grind the yolks and whites on a grater.

Chop the green onion very finely.
Layer everything:

  • carrot,
  • proteins,
  • liver,
  • yolks,
  • green onion.

Do not forget to grease the layers with mayonnaise.


Replacing meat with sausage does not impair the quality of food, but allows significant savings.

  1. Half-smoked sausage (50 g) cut into strips.
  2. Cheese (50 g) chop on a fine grater.
  3. Chop tomatoes (2 pcs.) into cubes.
  4. Parsley (50 g) chop.
  5. Combine all products and season with mayonnaise.

This is how you can cook delicious and economical meals for every day from a minimum of products, which every family member will definitely like. One view of these dishes in the photo is appetizing.

Ingredients: eggplant, zucchini, tomato, onion, bell pepper, garlic, basil, oil, salt, pepper

Ratatouille is the national dish of France. Today I prepared a recipe for this amazing dish in a slow cooker.


- 1 eggplant;
- 1 zucchini;
- 3-4 tomatoes;
- 1 onion;
- 1 sweet bell pepper;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 2-3 sprigs of basil;
- 70 ml. vegetable, olive oil;
- half tsp salt;
- a pinch of ground black pepper.


Duck with quince in the oven

Ingredients: duck, quince, salt, pepper

Put this tasty and juicy dish on the festive table. Absolutely everyone will like the oven-baked duck with quince. The taste of the dish is unusual.


- 1 duck carcass,
- 2-3 quinces,
- 1 tbsp Himalayan salt,
- half tsp ground black pepper.


Minced meat nests with cheese in the oven

Ingredients: minced meat, egg, onion, white loaf, salt, ground black pepper, spices, hard cheese, sour cream

On the festive table, you can cook this very tasty dish - minced meat nests with cheese in the oven. Cooking a delicious meat dish is not difficult.


- 400 grams of minced meat;
- 2 eggs;
- 1 onion;
- 2 slices of white loaf;
- salt;
- half tsp ground black pepper or other spices;
- 80-100 grams of hard cheese;
- 1 tbsp sour cream.


Chanterelles fried with sour cream and onions

Ingredients: chanterelle, onion, sour cream, oil, salt, dill, parsley


- 350 grams of chanterelles;
- 100 grams of onion;
- 110 grams of sour cream;
- 30 grams of butter;
- salt;
- parsley;
- dill.


Lazy khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan

Ingredients: salt, egg, flour, cheese, sour cream, dill, pepper, oil

Be sure to try these very tasty and easy-to-cook lazy khachapuri with cheese in a pan.


- salt;
- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoons flour;
- 200 grams of cheese;
- 200 grams of sour cream;
- a bunch of dill;
- pepper;
- 30 grams of vegetable oil.


Lamb loin on the bone

Ingredients: loin, garlic, basil, oil, salt

We bring to your attention a simple recipe for a low-calorie meat dish - lamb loin on the bone.


- 1 lamb loin,
- 5 cloves of garlic,
- 3 sprigs of basil,
- 3 sprigs of rosemary,
- 3 tablespoons sunflower oil,
- a quarter tsp salt.


Eggplant stewed with carrots, onions, tomatoes

Ingredients: eggplant, pepper, onion, tomato, carrot, tomato paste, garlic, sugar, salt, pepper, oil

Today we will prepare a simply amazing delicious dish - stewed eggplant with carrots, onions, tomatoes. The recipe is very simple and fast.


- 4 eggplants,
- 3 bell peppers,
- 2 onions,
- 3 tomatoes,
- 1 carrot,
- 2 tsp tomato paste,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 8-10 rings of red hot pepper,
- 1 tsp Sahara,
- salt,
- ground black pepper,
- sunflower oil.


Chakapuli in Georgian

Ingredients: meat, onion, garlic, herbs, wine, chili, seasoning, salt, oil

Chakapuli is a very tasty Georgian dish. How to cook it, I described in detail in this detailed recipe with step by step photos.


- 650 grams of meat without bones;
- 120 grams of onion;
- a head of garlic;
- 50 grams of cilantro;
- 50 grams of tarragon;
- 50 grams of parsley;
- 250 ml. dry white wine;
- 5 grams of dried green chili;
- 7 grams of ucho-suneli;
- salt;
- vegetable oil.


Cod marinated with carrots and onions

Ingredients: cod, oil, onion, carrot, seasoning, vinegar, parsley, laurel, salt, sugar

FROM cod I suggest you cook a very tasty and satisfying dish - cod marinated with carrots and onions. The recipe is very simple and fast.


- 600 grams of cod fillet;
- 40 grams of butter;
- 15 ml. vegetable oils;
- 120 grams of onion;
- 150 grams of carrots;
- 5 grams of ground paprika;
- 5 grams of seasoning for fish;
- 20 ml. apple cider vinegar;
- parsley;
- Bay leaf;
- salt;
- sugar.


Spaghetti with mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Ingredients: onion, mushroom, chicken fillet, butter, spaghetti, cream, salt, spice, herbs

For lunch or dinner, I suggest you cook a very tasty dish - spaghetti with mushrooms in a creamy sauce. This dish can also be prepared on the festive table.


- 1 onion;
- 200 grams of mushrooms;
- 500 grams of chicken fillet;
- vegetable oil;
- 250 grams of spaghetti;
- 200 grams of cream;
- salt;
- spices and seasonings;
- a bunch of greens.


Chicken goulash with gravy

Ingredients: chicken fillet, sweet red pepper, carrots, onions, refined vegetable oil, salt, finely ground black pepper, sweet ground paprika, tomato sauce, wheat flour, water,

One of the best dishes for a family lunch or dinner is goulash. Once it was cooked on a fire, and it was right to use beef for goulash. Cooked for a long time, why the meat became soft and juicy. Today, goulash can be easily cooked on the stove, and chicken can be used instead of beef.

Products for the recipe:
- 400 gr of chicken meat;
- a pod of sweet red pepper;
- 1 carrot;
- two heads of onions;
- 4 tbsp. vegetable oil boats;
- salt - to taste;
- finely ground black pepper - to taste;
- 1.5 teaspoons of ground paprika;
- 4-5 tbsp. spoons of tomato sauce;
- 25 g flour;
- 1.5 cups of water or broth.


French fries in the oven

Ingredients: potatoes, egg, salt, pepper, paprika

You can cook delicious french fries in the oven. This is quite easy to do and fairly quick.


- 7-8 potatoes,
- 2 eggs,
- salt,
- a pinch of ground black pepper,
- 1 tsp ground paprika.


Young potatoes with dill and garlic in a frying pan

Ingredients: new potatoes, garlic, dill, salt, vegetable oil, paprika, turmeric

Young potatoes are very good fried, so in season, hurry up to use our recipe and cook them with garlic and dill in a pan. You will be very pleased with the result!

- 12-15 pieces of young potatoes;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- 0.5 bunch of dill;
- salt to taste;
- 3-4 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- 1\3 tsp paprika;
- 1\3 tsp turmeric.


Pasta casserole recipe with minced meat

Ingredients: pasta, minced meat, onion, cheese, salt, spice, egg, cream


- 200 grams of pasta;
- 500 grams of minced meat;
- 1 onion;
- 200 grams of cheese;
- salt;
- spices;
- 1 egg;
- half a glass of cream or water.


Vareniki with cottage cheese and green onions

Ingredients: flour, water, salt, egg, sugar, cottage cheese, onion

Be sure to cook delicious dumplings with cottage cheese for lunch or dinner. How to do this, I described in detail for you.


- 3 cups flour
- half a glass of water,
- 1/5 tsp salt,
- 1 egg,
- sugar,
- 250 grams of cottage cheese,
- a bunch of green onions.


Country style potatoes like McDonald's

Ingredients: potatoes, salt, spice, oil

Today I have prepared for you a recipe for delicious country-style potatoes like in McDonald's. We will cook it at home in deep fat.


- 6 potatoes,
- salt,
- spices,
- sunflower oil.
