
Useful properties and calorie content of dried peas. Benefits of boiled peas

Peas belong to vegetables from the legume family, the benefits of which have been appreciated since ancient times. Archaeological discoveries have confirmed that this vegetable has been known for hundreds of years before our era. Having spread in ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, India and China, it came to Europe. At the beginning, it was used as animal feed, and then it was evaluated by man and included in the diet. Only a few centuries ago it began to be consumed in its unripe form. Since then, widely used in this form, green peas have found wide use in cooking. Due to their low calorie content, green pea dishes are often included in the diet of people on a strict diet.

Freezing and canning are the main ways to extend the shelf life of this product.

What are green peas made of?

Despite the fact that green peas in most cases do not play a major role in culinary dishes, it is worth remembering that these small green balls are a food rich in nutrients and low in calories. The benefit of peas is to supply the body with a large amount of protein.

Unripe green peas contain much more useful properties and have a lower calorie content, unlike mature varieties. Peas are a source of beta-carotene, vitamins C, D, K, as well as B vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. It also contains a large amount of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, cobalt, iodine, magnesium and folic acid. Another advantage of peas is that it has a low calorie content and is very easy to digest.

Useful properties for the body

Hated by many people as children, these little green balls have amazing health benefits. Green peas, as they belong to the legume vegetable family, are high in protein, and at the same time are a low-calorie dietary product, but their beneficial properties do not end there, because:

  • The fiber contained in green peas keeps the digestive system working properly, which improves the result of the weight loss process.
  • It is an excellent source of antioxidant vitamins A, C and E.
  • Green peas contain nicotinic acid, which is known to be beneficial in lowering cholesterol (consumption of half a glass of peas a day for 2 months can reduce bad cholesterol by 30%).
  • Green peas are an iron-rich product, regular consumption of green peas reduces tiredness and fatigue and, most importantly, eliminates the risk of anemia. Moreover, iron is a very important component that takes part in the flow of oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the whole body.
  • In the composition of green peas, you can also find a salt of folic acid (folian), which is necessary for the proper synthesis of DNA inside cells. So, if you are pregnant, eat plenty of green peas - it will bring many benefits to your health and the health of your baby!
  • The presence of vitamin B6 and folic acid have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system by reducing the accumulation of an amino acid known as homocysteine. Homocysteine ​​is considered a risk factor for the development of plaque changes and thrombotic complications.
  • Green peas improve metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins and carcinogens, improve intestinal health and intestinal motility, reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disorders and colon cancer. Peas contain a significant amount of antioxidant vitamins that help reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancer.
  • Due to the high content of vitamins K, B1, B3, B6 and folic acid, they are an excellent dietary basis for strengthening bone mass, and can prevent diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis.
  • Affects the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism - fresh peas should be consumed by diabetics, but in reasonable quantities.
  • May prevent nerve diseases due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Green peas act as an antidepressant, have a positive effect on mental health, and reduce the risk of melancholy.
  • Eating green peas will speed up immune system functions, improve eyesight, add energy, and stabilize blood sugar levels.

How many calories are in green peas?

The calorie content of green peas per 100 g of the product is only 76 calories.

Nutritional value per 100 gr:

  • Energy value - 76 kcal;
  • Fiber - 6.0 g;
  • Protein - 6.7 g;
  • Fats - 0.4 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 17 g.

Despite the fact that peas are a low-calorie food, they increase the feeling of satiety. Therefore, it should appear on the plates of everyone who cares about their figure.

Fresh peas must be in the diet of children and adolescents.

Peas harvested at the stage of milk maturity, when the seeds are already fully formed, but still soft and juicy, contain a high percentage of healthy sugars. Sweet pea varieties have great benefits for athletes and people with an active lifestyle - they supply the body with energy, support body regeneration, and help cope with physical stress.

Healing recipes with green peas

The benefits of fresh green peas are known in the treatment and prevention of many human ailments.


For heartburn attacks, a few fresh pea seeds soaked in water will help. Seeds should be thoroughly washed in clean water.

Increase sexual desire, stimulate bile secretion

Systematically consume several tablespoons of mashed peas with the addition of a large amount of onions (raw or stewed) and herbs (parsley, dill).

Prevention of coronary heart disease, hypertension and atherosclerosis

For these purposes, include in the diet a glass of fresh pods with pea seeds 4 times a week.

Dissolution of kidney stones

Pea stalks with leaves and grains are plucked during the flowering of the plant. Pour 3-5 grams of green mass with a glass of water and cook for 10 minutes. Let stand covered for half an hour, filter and drink two tablespoons 3-4 times a day for two to three weeks.

The benefit of a decoction of green pea shoots is its diuretic effect, it washes out sand and dissolves kidney stones. Before carrying out a course of treatment, you need to consult a doctor. The movement of dissolved kidney stones can cause attacks of renal colic.


From the consumption of green peas, people suffering from flatulence should refrain. People with diabetes should include in moderation in their diet - fresh green peas.

Peas are perhaps the most popular product from the legume family on our table. In what form it is recommended to use it by nutritionists, and how to use it in cooking in order to preserve the maximum benefit is the topic of our article.

Any food is a kind of fuel for the development and maintenance of the body. Its energy value is measured in calories per 100 grams of product.

The energy we need is converted from proteins, fats and carbohydrates, namely:

  • 1 g of fat provides 9 kcal
  • 1 g of proteins - 4 kcal
  • 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 kcal.
Allows for a balanced diet

Such knowledge allows you to make a balanced diet and at the same time not exceed the average daily energy requirement of the body.

The nutritional value of the product also depends on the method of consumption. Agree, fresh vegetables with a high content of moisture and fiber are less nutritious, but very tasty and healthy. This also explains the low calorie content of young green peas consumed raw. But dishes prepared from dry peas guarantee the entry of starch into our body, which, splitting into carbohydrates, generously feeds us.

Low calorie young green peas

Lets it use diets

Such an energy feature of peas allows it to be used in a wide variety of diets, some of which can be aimed at weight loss, while others can be aimed at providing the body with abundant nutrition.

Product classification by type

The calorie content of peas, as well as the taste, directly depend on its varietal characteristics and the method of consumption. So how many calories are in each type of pea?

Rounded, regular-shaped fruits of the peeling variety ripen in the hard shells of the pod. For storage, it is dried according to certain rules, and whole or crushed peas are soaked before cooking. Such a product is used for the preparation of soups, cereals, vegetable stews, mashed potatoes and cold side dishes. Boiled table peas in terms of nutritional value in first courses are not higher than 60 kcal and the vegetable protein contained in it is well absorbed, which allows such soups to be used in dietary nutrition.

boiled table peas

Allows soups to be used in dietary nutrition

The popularity of sugar varieties of culture is explained by juicy fruits with a delicate sweetish taste. Young peas are low in starch, making them the tastiest of all. Due to this, it is more often used fresh, it is loved by both children and adults. Almost every household or summer cottage has beds for planting sugar peas. Throughout the harvest season, it is used for everyday cooking and for home canning. Such peas enrich the diet with essential elements and vitamins. In its raw form, the nutritional value of green peas is from 80 to 85 kcal.

As young pods mature, their chemical composition changes: the amount of sugar gradually decreases, and the amount of starch increases.

As they mature, their chemical composition changes.

The fruits become fleshier and rougher, but despite this, they are not used for making cereals and mashed potatoes, since heat treatment destroys the beneficial properties of the product. But adding fresh fruits to salads, cold snacks or summer soups at the end of cooking is recommended even with dietary nutrition. Ripe brain peas of sugar varieties canned or frozen for consumption in the winter. The calorie content of such a product is about 55 kcal per 100 grams.

The chemical composition of the product and its importance for the body

We can use fresh young peas only in the summer. The rest of the time we prepare dishes from dried grains, so let's take a closer look at the composition of this product and its benefits.

Young peas in summer

In winter, we cook dishes from dried peas

With an energy value of peas of 298 kcal per 100 grams, it contains:

It is also important to say that boiled peas in everyday meals provide our body with a whole range of macro- and microelements, including:

  • 329 mg of phosphorus, which is necessary for the breakdown of food and to ensure the strength of our teeth and bones;
  • 837 mg of potassium - an indispensable "heart" element;
  • 190 mg of sulfur - for the formation of cartilage, joint elasticity and muscle tone;
  • 115 mg of calcium - necessary for the development of the skeleton, the normalization of blood clotting, maintaining water balance, etc.

Boiled peas in everyday dishes

Make the right diet

As you can see, the nutritional benefits of both young and boiled peas are obvious, you just need to correctly compose the diet, taking into account the physique, age, presence of diseases and physical activity of a person.

How to cook peas correctly?

There are many recommendations for cooking peas - it all depends on what product is used and what dish is expected at the end. Whole grains are best pre-soaked for at least 6 hours, and preferably overnight. Peas swell faster in heat, therefore, the higher the air temperature in the room, the faster the grains will soften. Crushed or split peas are usually soaked for less time or boiled all at once.

Whole grains are best pre-soaked

You need to salt any pea dish at the very end of cooking.

You need to salt any pea dish at the very end of cooking, as salt prevents the beans from being boiled soft.

Modern manufacturers to help housewives use the processing of cereals with steam and the packaging of their special heat-resistant bags, in which they are cooked. With this method of cooking, peas will be ready in forty minutes.

It is important to know what happens to peas during heat treatment and how this affects their calorie content.

  1. The energy value of pea soup is only 60 kcal.
  2. In crushed pea puree - 115 kcal per 100 grams.
  3. And boiled green peas already have 160 kcal.

Each gram of additional products also contributes its nutritional value, so you should remember that meat, frying, sauces, butter or milk added to a pea dish will increase its calorie content.

How can you determine by eye how high-calorie a product is? There is nothing easier! If it is white or beige, it means it is rich in fats, and if it is green, then it does not pose a threat to the waist. If you want to verify the veracity of such a statement, then look at how many calories are in boiled peas.

Which pea is the best?

Green peas are among the foods that can be consumed both raw and cooked. But children usually enjoy fresh peas, while adults prefer such tasty and nutritious dishes from this vegetable as mashed potatoes and soup.

In the past, the "duties" of peas were much wider. For the nobility, royal delicacies were prepared from it, and for commoners it replaced potatoes and even meat. Pies, sauces, cereals, noodles, stew - what cooks did not cook from this garden product! Although lean boiled peas have a minimal calorie content, they contain a large amount of vegetable protein that is easily digestible by the gastrointestinal tract, so they will energize the body for the whole day.

Peas boileddifferent varieties: calories per 100 grams

In cooking, several varieties of vegetables are used. The calorie content of boiled peas depends on the variety. In peeling dry, it is large - 298-311 kcal, but after boiling it is only 110-115 kcal. Plus, it has a lot of protein and is great for diets. These legumes are characterized by rounded peas and a dense texture of the valves. It is from them that the most delicious side dishes, first courses and mashed potatoes are prepared.

The sugar variety will certainly interest those who want to reduce weight, as it contains only 45 kcal. The nuance is that it is not eaten boiled, but consumed fresh.

And brain peas, although they are in last place in terms of calories among all members of the legume family, are most suitable for canning. You can’t cook tasty porridge from it, because during the temperature treatment, its grains become too soft and almost dissolve in water.

About the calorie content of pea delicacies

But not only by itself, but also in dishes, the vegetable retains a low calorie content. The dishes that are most often on our menu contain the following energy reserve:

  • calorie content of boiled peas on water does not exceed 60 kcal;
  • pea soup - 66 kcal; if you put roast and smoked meats in the first, then the energy value will be 73 kcal;
  • puree - 102 kcal;
  • porridge without any additives - 60 kcal, with the addition of oil - 103 kcal;
  • barley porridge with peas - 121 kcal.

Soup from pea grains turns out to be hearty and rich, quickly satisfies hunger, but does not lead to weight gain. To obtain puree, the fruits are boiled, and then carefully ground in a blender, after which they are flavored with spices and herbs. In such a culinary composition, no more than 92-102 kcal is found.

No matter how many calories are present in dried grains, in boiled peas, which are the basis of soups and mashed potatoes, their number is very small. That is why nutritionists have developed special pea diets that, with the right approach, help to effectively lose weight.

After cooking, peas almost do not lose their beneficial properties. It is the richest source of protein among horticultural crops. It contains very valuable amino acids for the body. Boiled peas normalize metabolism and blood pressure, reduce the likelihood of cancer, heart attack and resist aging.

Unfortunately, there are contraindications for use. These boiled legumes can harm those who suffer from gout, inflammation of the intestines and stomach, and nephritis.


Dietary properties of peas:

Peas, once bore another name - "meat for the poor." Moreover, he wore it quite deservedly, since the composition of peas is similar to meat, and the vegetable proteins present in it are absorbed by the human body much faster than meat proteins. Due to the properties that peas have, the calorie content of this product cannot but arouse the interest of people who monitor body weight.

The undeniable benefits of peas are due to the rich set of nutrients present in each pea. First of all, these are minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, as well as their compounds.

In addition, peas contain phosphorus and iron, iodine, proteins, carbohydrates, and a number of vitamins. In the process of ripening in peas, the sugar content decreases and the amount of starch increases.

Even if you skip its beneficial properties, peas, due to their taste, are widely used in the preparation of soups, salads, main courses, and various pastries.

Peas will benefit as an auxiliary natural remedy for the prevention of anemia. Its beneficial effect on the functions of such important filters as the kidneys and liver, on the health of the cardiovascular system is proven. Regularly including peas in the diet can help to reduce weight, as it "improves" the digestive processes.

Green peas, in addition to taste, successfully removes excess fluid from the body, has an anthelmintic effect. A cosmetic recipe for disinfection, for whitening and against age spots - pea gruel. Pea grains, containing a lot of fiber, can successfully help cleanse the intestinal tract from toxins and unhealthy substances. That's how useful ordinary peas can be.

By the way, the presence of nicotinic acid in it makes peas useful for reducing cholesterol.

How many calories are in peas?

And what is the calorie content of different types of peas? But this one:

Pea calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of different types of peas is this:

Table of nutritional value of peas, per 100 grams of product:

Recipe? Recipe!

What dishes can be prepared from this product at home? Yes, many! Here is one of the easiest recipes:

Pea soup:


  • Dry peas - 1 cup
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Bacon (you can take the brisket) - 300 gr.
  • Butter and salt - to taste

Peas are poured with water (about 1.5 l) and left for about 5 hours. After that, it is boiled in the same water for 1 - 1.5 hours (depending on the variety). Peas should become soft.

The onion is peeled and finely chopped. Carrots are peeled and chopped on a coarse grater. Then they are sauted together - in butter. They are combined with peas 15 minutes before readiness.

Bacon is cut into cubes and fried - also in butter.

A mixture of peas and vegetables is poured into a blender along with the liquid, with which it is mashed.

The mashed potatoes are poured back into the pan, the fried bacon is put there and everything is brought to a boil. Salt - to taste. And that's it! The soup is ready. You can serve us a table. We hope that the relatively low calorie content of peas in this soup will not spoil your figure.

What is useful peas for weight loss?

Is it justified to eat peas when losing weight? It is entirely justified that pea porridge is often used to organize fasting days, as well as in a variety of diets. In addition, pea porridge is not quickly absorbed by the human body, which means that a person, using it, is quickly saturated, while consuming a minimum of calories.

Peas go well in various dishes with other vegetables, and due to the significant presence of proteins in it, this product has considerable energy value, for this reason even people whose lives are filled with constant physical exertion can follow a diet. Porridge (pea) is a very satisfying dish, for this reason you will be full for a long time.

Pea diet is useful for a group of people who suffer from hypertension, anemia, anemia, as well as a variety of dermatological problems. However, you should not abuse the diet, because pea porridge can cause flatulence. The diet is also contraindicated in chronic acute diseases of the digestive tract, diabetes, gout, and so on. Alternate for weight loss with buckwheat porridge, cook diet soups.

The most popular pea dish is mashed potatoes. During heat treatments, and not only, the calorie content of peas is reduced by almost three times. Thus, you can safely use pea puree without fear for your figure. Various other ingredients can be added to the dish, but with caution, as they may be too nutritious.

To make pea puree you will need:

  • a glass of peas;
  • several glasses of water;
  • small carrots;
  • dill, parsley and other herbs to decorate the dish;
  • clove of garlic;
  • three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt.


Rinse the peas and then soak for half a day.

Fill the beans with running water, and put on the stove, setting the maximum fire. When the water boils, the fire should be reduced. Don't forget to open the lid.

If you are cooking old peas, add half a teaspoon of soda after an hour of cooking. So it will melt faster.

Cooking takes approximately two hours, but may take longer. If there is any doubt about the readiness of the dish, add a glass of hot water, leaving it on low heat for another twenty or thirty minutes. At the end, you can cover the dish with a lid so that the porridge “reaches” the desired softness due to its own temperature. Then it remains only to ceiling.

Using a blender or coffee grinder, grind pre-peeled vegetables (carrots, garlic and parsley). You can also use a meat grinder for these purposes.

Pea is a herbaceous annual plant, considered perhaps the most popular member of the legume family.

Being one of the oldest cultures (at least 3000 years old), peas have been known in our territories for a long time and entered the folklore with the saying "it was still under Tsar Peas."

This plant has earned high popularity for its beneficial properties - a large amount of vitamins A, B, C and PP, as well as the minerals that make up its composition (potassium, phosphorus, selenium and iron). Peas also contain a sufficient amount of an important amino acid for the body - lysine, and a high protein content allows it to be considered an adequate replacement for meat dishes.

Peas also contain pyridoxine, which promotes the breakdown and synthesis of amino acids, which in turn is the prevention of the development of dermatitis and seizures.

There are three groups of plant varieties. The calorie content of peas, its beneficial properties and the method of preparation depend on which group it belongs to:

  • Shelling peas with round peas and hard shells are usually used for drying and further use in the preparation of various dishes - soups, mashed potatoes, side dishes. The calorie content of dried peas is 298-311 kcal per 100 g;
  • In sugar peas, sweet fleshy beans with slightly underdeveloped grains are especially valued. This variety is characterized by the fact that the seeds wrinkle during drying, which is due to the high moisture content in the raw seed;
  • Fresh peas of brain varieties are also round in shape, but as they mature, they gradually shrivel, resembling a brain. Due to the large amount of sucrose, they have a rather sweet taste. These varieties are most often eaten fresh or used for canning. They are considered unsuitable for heat treatment, since they do not soften during cooking. The calorie content of brain pea varieties is comparable with the fresh calorie content of other plant varieties.

Calorie content of peas in fresh and canned form

This plant was called in Rus' "Tsar Pea" not by chance, since peas are widely used in the diet. It is eaten both raw and used as an ingredient in the preparation of many different dishes - from cereals, soups, noodles and jelly to pea cheese.

In terms of nutritional value, energy charge and rather low calorie content, peas occupy a leading position among most vegetables. According to many nutritionists, at least 4 kg of a green pot should be eaten per year.

The calorie content of green peas varies from 81 to 84 kcal. Since fresh green peas contain proteins, vitamins, antioxidants and many useful minerals, it is recommended to eat them in the background:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Chronic gastritis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity;
  • Peptic ulcer.

These beneficial properties of peas have been known for a long time, and Hippocrates advised him to eat as an aid in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, anemia and goiter.

The low calorie content of green peas and its antioxidant properties, which reduce the likelihood of developing many heart diseases, as well as slowing down the aging process of the body, allow it to be included in the diet of both children and adults.

The calorie content of canned peas is only 55 kcal per 100 g, while it retains all the beneficial properties of fresh beans. In canned form, doctors and nutritionists recommend adding peas to the diet of people with diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Also, the low calorie content of canned peas makes it a useful ingredient in many vegetable salads. Traditionally, it is added to Olivier and vinaigrette. This allows you to improve the vitamin and mineral composition of these dishes, which is especially useful in the autumn-winter periods.

Calorie content of peas in dishes

Pea soup refers to dishes whose main ingredient is dried peas. Due to its taste and low calorie content, pea soup in various variations can be found in traditional cuisines of many peoples of the world. Depending on the variety of peas, its color can vary (from gray-yellow to yellow), as well as calorie content. On average, the calorie content of pea soup (per 100 g) is 66 kcal.

Pea puree also refers to dishes made from dried peas, however, the calorie content of pea puree is slightly higher than soup, and is 90-102 kcal per 100 g. Like other pea dishes, puree is saturated with proteins, which allows it to be included in the diet athletes. Also, the low calorie content of pea puree allows it to be included in various diets and fasting days, and if necessary, some meat dishes can be replaced with such porridge.

Pea diet: pros and cons

There is an opinion that, despite the low calorie content, peas are not a dietary product due to unpleasant digestive symptoms, namely, the flatulence it causes. However, according to many nutritionists, peas can be used as part of a diet menu due to its beneficial properties.

The main advantages of the pea diet include:

  • Its good tolerance;
  • Preservation of muscle mass;
  • Ability to cook a variety of dishes;
  • Balance of the main food components;
  • Availability of products included in this diet;
  • The ease of cooking principles, which allows even inexperienced cooks to follow it;
  • Lack of feeling of hunger;
  • The anti-aging effect of following a pea diet, as well as improving the skin.

Pea dishes, especially in the form of porridge, are recommended not only as part of a diet for weight loss, but also against the background of high blood pressure, anemia, anemia and kidney disease.

The main disadvantages of the pea diet include flatulence, which can occur when it is followed.

The pea diet is not one of the strict diets that require eating only the foods indicated in it. Its main rule is to include at least one pea dish in the daily menu. The only condition is that the dish should not be high in calories.

For a week (usual dieting time), due to the low calorie content of peas, you can reduce weight by 2-4 kg.

Despite the low calorie content of peas and its beneficial properties, there are a number of contraindications for following this diet. So, against the background of gout, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, as well as in acute nephritis, it is better to limit the use of peas.
