
Stewed peas recipes. Features of preparation and taste

The question is how to cook peas deliciously? given by the author ride the best answer is I love instead mashed potatoes make mashed peas, it is suitable for any meat or fish dish, and even as independent dish. Preparing almost the same as potatoes. I soak the peas overnight, then cook for ten minutes, add raw eggs, butter, salt to taste, to sense to a homogeneous mass. Delicious!

Answer from Mosol[guru]
Stewed peas with carrots
For the recipe you will need:
peas - 200g
carrots (large) - 2 pcs.
flour - 1 tbsp. l.
sugar, salt - to taste
butter, herbs - to taste.
Grate carrots or finely chop and cook until half cooked. Boil the peas until cooked, but so that it does not boil (the ratio of peas and water is 1: 4.5).
Put boiled peas and carrots in a saucepan, add flour, butter, finely chopped greens (I like dill), salt and a little sugar to taste, add water and cook until tender.

Answer from I-beam[guru]
Pea soup with smoked meats, good tasty dish.

Answer from Juri mihhailov[guru]
With smoked brisket bow

Answer from Yergey Kirillov[guru]
Pea soup with mushrooms
- shelled peas - 300g
- dried mushrooms- 50g
- fat - 50g
- 1 PC.
- parsley (root) - 1 pc.
- carrots - 1 pc.
- water - 2.5 l
- salt and pepper - to taste.
Wash dried porcini mushrooms thoroughly and leave for 2 hours in water. room temperature and then chop finely. Separately fry chopped onions, carrots, parsley root. Mix root crops with mushrooms and pre-soaked peeled peas and pour boiling water, adding to it the water in which the mushrooms were soaked. Cook until done.
Pea soup with bacon
- peas (shelled) - 100g
- bacon (smoked with layers of fat) - 8 slices
- beef or chicken broth - 1.5 l
- carrots - 1 pc.
- vegetable butter - 2 tbsp. l.
- dried herbs(mixture) - 1/2 tsp.
- salt, pepper - to taste
- parsley - for decoration
- onion - 2 pcs.
Pour the peas cold water and leave to soak overnight. Drain the water. Cut carrots into cubes and onions into rings.
Roast the vegetables in vegetable oil within 5 minutes. Add diced bacon, fry for a few more minutes. Add broth and peas. Season with salt, pepper and herbs. Cook on low heat for 1 hour. Pass through a sieve, then bring the pea and bacon soup to a boil.
Pour the pea soup with bacon over portioned plates and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Answer from Vladimir Ptokhov[guru]
Canned green peas
Boil grains of brain ripeness 20´ with salt and sugar. Strain the brine through a sieve and add vinegar to it. Put the hot grains in the prepared jars, without adding 1 cm to the top, and pour them with hot brine. When the jars are cool, put them in the refrigerator. In a month it will be ready for use.
1 kg of green peas, 1 liter of water, 1 s. l. vinegar, 1 s. l. salt, 1 tsp. Sahara
Pea puree with brisket
Rinse the peas well (do not soak, otherwise there will be whole grains!), Until the foam becomes low. Pour in cold water to just cover it. Cook on the lowest heat for 2~3 hours, adding cold water. Evaporate all the water, put the peas in a bowl and crush with the onion sautéed on the chopped brisket. Salt and pepper. Add cream, stir and heat through. Serve hot with greens.
250 g peas, 100 g brisket, 1 onion, 100 g cream 35%

Vegetables are the healthiest foods that we all need to include in our diet. They are one of the main sources of vitamins, they are also rich in carbohydrates, organic matter, polysaccharides and mineral elements. Vegetables have a beneficial effect on the digestion process, they help maintain the figure and get rid of excess weight. On their basis, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes. Great option for such culinary experiments will be fresh green peas. I will share how to cook them stewed green peas with vegetables.

Green pea, stewed with carrots

To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to stock up on two glasses of green peas, a couple of medium carrots and one medium onion. You will also need three tablespoons of finely chopped dill, three tablespoons olive oil, three-quarters of a glass of water, one and a half teaspoons of sugar, salt and pepper (depending on your taste preferences).

Peel and wash young peas. Peel the onions and carrots and chop them into medium cubes. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and sauté the onion in it until translucent. Add carrots and simmer for two to three minutes. Send peas to vegetables and mix. Fry for a couple of minutes, add salt and pepper, and add sugar. Pour water into the saucepan to cover the vegetables. Simmer them over low heat until the peas are soft and the sauce is smooth and thick.

stewed peas with carrots can be served as a separate dish.

Potatoes stewed with green peas

To prepare such a tasty and very healthy dish, you need to prepare eight medium potatoes, two hundred grams of green peas, one medium onion and one medium tomato. You will also need four cloves of garlic, a third of a teaspoon of turmeric, a glass of water, a couple of tablespoons of chopped parsley, salt and pepper (depending on your taste preferences).

Melt the butter in a saucepan, add garlic and turmeric to it and mix. After a minute, add chopped onion to them and fry until golden.

Peel tomatoes, chop in small pieces and put in the pan. Simmer for three to five minutes. Then add peeled and medium diced potatoes, washed and dried peas to the container. Salt and pepper the vegetables. Pour water into them and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low by covering the pan with a lid.

Cook the dish for twenty-five to thirty minutes. Sprinkle with chopped parsley about five minutes before it's done.

Stewed green peas with dill

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare half a kilogram of green peas, fifty grams of butter, one hundred grams of sour cream, a teaspoon wheat flour. You will also need a bunch of dill and/or parsley, some salt and sugar depending on your taste preference.

First, clean and wash the green peas. Wash greens and chop finely. Pour in the peas a small amount boiling water in a saucepan, add butter to it and cover with a lid. Simmer the peas until cooked, remembering to stir from time to time. It is desirable that all the water boils away in it. After pouring flour into a container, pour in sour cream, sprinkle with sugar and salt to taste. Mix well. After boiling the peas, sprinkle it with herbs, cover with a lid and leave for a while.

Green peas in tomato sauce with carrots and sausage

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare one kilogram of green peas, three medium carrots, four hundred milliliters tomato paste and four small homemade sausages. Also use a teaspoon of sugar, a little olive oil, a little dry oregano, and some salt to taste.

Pour some olive oil into a saucepan and heat it up. During this time, peel and cut the carrots into thin strips. Put the carrots in a saucepan and fry it with constant stirring. Add there the peas, pasta and sugar. Pour oregano, chopped sausages and add water - so that it covers the cooking ingredients. Simmer for half an hour until done. Make sure the liquid doesn't boil away.

Green peas stewed with vegetables

To prepare such a tasty and very healthy dish, you need to stock up on two small zucchini, one medium carrot, two hundred and fifty grams of peas, one onion and bell pepper. You will also need a little vegetable oil and salt to taste.

Clean peppers and carrots. Cut the pepper and zucchini into medium-sized cubes, and grate the carrots on a grater. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Add zucchini, carrots, peppers and green peas to the pan. Pour in some water and simmer covered until tender. Salt at the end ready meal and stir.

Additional Information

Stewed green peas (not canned) with vegetables - very healthy dish. If only because the green peas themselves are amazing useful product nutrition. It is a source of many vitamins, among which ascorbic acid, vitamins of group B, tocopherol, provitamin A and carotene. Also, such a vegetable contains about twenty-six minerals. Green peas can reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and cancer, it slows down the aging process, prevents hypertension and atherosclerosis, relieves fatigue and improves sleep.

delicious pea mash with vegetables and meat!

Very tasty, hearty oriental food. Easy to prepare.

Composition of products: for 5-6 servings

Split green peas (for mashed potatoes and soups) - 1 cup;
Onion - 1 head;
Bulgarian sweet pepper (paprika) - 4 pcs.;
Ripe tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
Garlic - 2-3 cloves; (optional);
Lemon - 1 thick circle;
Chicken - 5-6 thighs or 2-3 small legs;
Spices, a pinch each: basil, turmeric (optional);
Fresh herbs: parsley, dill, basil (what to eat);

Vegetable oil for frying

A very tasty dish with peas, peppers, tomatoes and chicken!

What to do

prepare pea puree:

  1. pour peas with 2 cups of cool water (proportions of peas and water for pea porridge = mashed potatoes 1: 2) and cook for 30-40 minutes under a half-open lid, stirring, until soft and easy, but obvious, boiling peas.
  2. Salt the finished pea puree.

fry the thighs (legs):

  1. pour a small layer of oil into the bottom of the pan and put the washed, salted, sprinkled with basil and turmeric (or curry) pieces of chicken into it.
  2. Fry, covered, turning occasionally, about 40 minutes.

cut vegetables:

  1. tomatoes - cubes;
  2. pepper - long strips (or the same cubes;
  3. onions - thin half rings or quarters of rings (if the onion is very large);
  4. garlic - in small pieces;
  5. greens (leaves) - coarsely chopped.

assembling the dish into a single whole in a large frying pan, stewpan or cauldron:

  1. pour the bottom of a thick-walled dish with oil (1 cm layer), put the chicken and onion in it, fry for 3 minutes;
  2. add tomatoes and peppers and fry for another 5 minutes (until the pepper softens). Salt;
  3. combine vegetables, chicken meat, garlic and peas, pour over lemon juice, sprinkle with herbs and simmer for about 10 minutes over low heat, stirring often. Taste and add salt to taste;
  4. serve hot or cold.

Our delicious food is stewed on the stove)))

Features of preparation and taste

Stewed peas with chicken and vegetables turns out to be luxurious, slightly sweet, restrained, restrained by salt and quirky notes of tomatoes and lemon.
Boiled peas, combined in a pan with thick oil that has absorbed chicken and vegetable juices, smeared with it chic sauce. And then every pea speck, into which it breaks up during cooking, is captured by delicious oil.

And when our pea dish cools down, it thickens and seizes, acquiring some even richer, alluring taste. This is also because the chicken secretes jelly juices, and the peas swell even more, and the oil thickens when cooled. And all this is so appropriate in this pea meal with tomatoes, paprika and pieces of meat!

I don't even know which is better hot hen With stewed peas and vegetables or cold.

It is not necessary to add garlic. But it gives zest and sharpness. Tasty.

You can exclude the lemon in case you have very juicy, ripe tomatoes and you want a smoother, less pronounced flavor (midtones, not contrasts).

You can safely put a whole bunch of greens, and it will be tastier with parsley and basil.

It is better to take multi-colored paprika, the type of stewed peas will become more attractive. And then one taster told me that the food is very tasty, but at first the view seemed doubtful. 🙂 So, sorry if something is wrong. But I answer for the taste - do not come off!

The plate is very tasty food with peas and meat!

About peas. I buy Mistral: green, chopped, which is suitable for making purees, soups and cereals. When cooked, it acquires a creamy texture, does not require soaking and is ready in 30-40 minutes. Only salting peas (and other legumes: lentils, beans, etc.) must be done after fully prepared, otherwise it will not soften for a long time.

Of course, you can cook pea porridge from ordinary yellow peas, but it will have to be soaked for a long time (for example, overnight) and boiled for a long, long time. And it’s not a fact that it will boil in mashed potatoes. However, you can not bring it to a puree state, the main thing is that it softens. So boiled peas can be combined with chicken and stewed - fried vegetables and follow the recipe.

Pea soup can also be cooked from this set of products. And if you have fresh meat or smoked meats, then it will turn out even tastier! Here is a recipe for a simple pea soup, and here you can see
