
Stewed peas. Green peas in tomato sauce with carrots and sausage

Vegetables are the healthiest foods that we all need to include in our diet. They are one of the main sources of vitamins, they are also rich in carbohydrates, organic matter, polysaccharides and mineral elements. Vegetables have a beneficial effect on the digestion process, they help maintain the figure and get rid of excess weight. On their basis, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes. Great option for such culinary experiments will be fresh green peas. I will share how to cook them stewed green peas with vegetables.

Green pea, stewed with carrots

To prepare such delicious dish you need to stock up on two glasses of green peas, a couple of medium carrots and one medium onion. You will also need three tablespoons of finely chopped dill, three tablespoons olive oil, three-quarters of a glass of water, one and a half teaspoons of sugar, salt and pepper (depending on your taste preferences).

Peel and wash young peas. Peel the onions and carrots and chop them into medium cubes. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and sauté the onion in it until translucent. Add carrots and simmer for two to three minutes. Send peas to vegetables and mix. Fry for a couple of minutes, add salt and pepper, and add sugar. Pour water into the saucepan to cover the vegetables. Simmer them over low heat until the peas are soft and the sauce is smooth and thick.

stewed peas with carrots can be served as a separate dish.

Potatoes stewed with green peas

To prepare such a tasty and very healthy dish, you need to prepare eight medium potatoes, two hundred grams of green peas, one medium onion and one medium tomato. You will also need four cloves of garlic, a third of a teaspoon of turmeric, a glass of water, a couple of tablespoons of chopped parsley, salt and pepper (depending on your taste preferences).

Melt in a saucepan butter, add garlic and turmeric to it and mix. After a minute, add chopped onion to them and fry until golden.

Peel tomatoes, chop in small pieces and put in the pan. Simmer for three to five minutes. Then add peeled and medium diced potatoes, washed and dried peas to the container. Salt and pepper the vegetables. Pour water into them and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low by covering the pan with a lid.

Cook the dish for twenty-five to thirty minutes. Sprinkle with chopped parsley about five minutes before it's done.

Stewed green peas with dill

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare half a kilogram of green peas, fifty grams of butter, one hundred grams of sour cream, a teaspoon wheat flour. You will also need a bunch of dill and/or parsley, some salt and sugar depending on your taste preference.

First, clean and wash the green peas. Wash greens and chop finely. Pour the peas with a small amount of boiling water in a saucepan, add butter to it and cover with a lid. Simmer the peas until cooked, remembering to stir from time to time. It is desirable that all the water boils away in it. After pouring flour into a container, pour in sour cream, sprinkle with sugar and salt to taste. Mix well. After boiling the peas, sprinkle it with herbs, cover with a lid and leave for a while.

Green peas in tomato sauce with carrots and sausage

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare one kilogram of green peas, three medium carrots, four hundred milliliters tomato paste and four small homemade sausages. Also use a teaspoon of sugar, a little olive oil, a little dry oregano, and some salt to taste.

Pour some olive oil into a saucepan and heat it up. During this time, peel and cut the carrots into thin strips. Put the carrots in a saucepan and fry it with constant stirring. Add there the peas, pasta and sugar. Pour oregano, chopped sausages and add water - so that it covers the cooking ingredients. Simmer for half an hour until done. Make sure the liquid doesn't boil away.

Green peas stewed with vegetables

To prepare such a tasty and very healthy dish, you need to stock up on two small zucchini, one medium carrot, two hundred and fifty grams of peas, one onion and bell pepper. You will also need a little vegetable oil and salt to taste.

Clean peppers and carrots. Cut the pepper and zucchini into medium-sized cubes, and grate the carrots on a grater. Finely chop the onion and fry vegetable oil. Add zucchini, carrots, peppers and green peas to the pan. Pour in some water and simmer covered until tender. Salt at the end ready meal and stir.

Additional Information

Stewed green peas (not canned) with vegetables - very healthy dish. If only because the green peas themselves are amazing useful product nutrition. It is a source of many vitamins, among which ascorbic acid, vitamins of group B, tocopherol, provitamin A and carotene. Also, such a vegetable contains about twenty-six minerals. Green peas can reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and cancer, it slows down the aging process, prevents hypertension and atherosclerosis, relieves fatigue and improves sleep.

Fasting protein source great side dish, satisfying and inexpensive dish. In winter, pea dishes will come in handy on your table.

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

  • dried peas - half a cup
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt, turmeric, pepper mixture to taste

Peas need to be soaked the day before for several hours. Then drain the water and rinse the peas under running water. This will speed up the cooking process and save your family from the unpleasant symptoms that unsoaked beans can cause.

Finely chop the onion, rub the carrots on a grater. Fry the vegetables in a small amount of oil, then add the peas, fry for a few more minutes. Fill the peas with water and simmer in a frying pan under the lid until cooked. Periodically, the peas will have to be stirred and a little water added. When the peas are almost ready, add spices and salt.

N.B. The longer the peas were stored, the worse they boiled. This does not mean at all that the peas are unsuitable for cooking, just that a homogeneous pea mass cannot be obtained even after a long stew.


Peas are one of the most dietary products. On the Internet you can find a lot of pea recipes. Today we want to present some of them that are different unusual taste and low calorie content.

  • four hundred grams of peas;
  • several bulbs;
  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • one hundred grams of oil;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking is not difficult.

  1. Pour the peas with water, leaving overnight. This is necessary in order for the beans to cook faster.
  2. Boil the peas for about an hour and a half, it may take more time. Salt future meatballs.
  3. Using a blender or meat grinder, turn the boiled peas into a puree.
  4. Peel the onion, fry a little in oil so that it acquires a golden hue.
  5. Mix pea puree with onion, salt and pepper. Also add flour.
  6. From the resulting mass, form cutlets. Fry in vegetable oil.
  7. To prevent the patties from being greasy, spread them on a towel that will absorb excess oil.

Stewed mushrooms with peas and potatoes

For cooking you need:

  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • two hundred grams of canned peas;
  • two hundred grams of champignons;
  • one hundred grams of ham;
  • one hundred grams of cream;
  • parsley.

The preparation is as follows:

  1. Peel and then cut the potatoes. Grease a saucepan or cauldron with oil. Place the root crop in a bowl, simmer until tender. The potatoes should be soft, but not falling apart. You can add cumin for flavor.
  2. Peel the mushrooms from the skin, fry in vegetable oil, but not much.
  3. Strain the peas. Tip: It is best to take those beans whose expiration date begins in the summer.
  4. cut into thin slices ham.
  5. Then mix mushrooms, peas and ham, mixing well. Stew these ingredients. Ten minutes before readiness, pour in the cream.
  6. So that the dish has more holiday look, before serving, garnish the dish with finely chopped parsley.

Peas stewed with carrots

The ingredients are:

  • two glasses of peas;
  • two carrots;
  • one bulb;
  • three tablespoons of chopped dill;
  • three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 150 milliliters of water;
  • one and a half tablespoons of sugar;
  • spices, including salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the peas, finely chop the onion and carrot.
  2. Fry the onion in vegetable oil a little, then add the carrots. Simmer vegetables for about five minutes, but no more.
  3. Then throw in the peas. Wait a few more minutes. Don't forget to salt and pepper.
  4. Then add the specified amount of water to completely cover the peas. Cook the vegetables until the peas are soft. This will take approximately 35 minutes.
  5. Everything, the dish is ready. For more refined taste add feta or grate a piece of cheese.

This recipe can be used as independent dish and as a side dish for meat dishes.

Diet pea soup

For pea soup required:

  • two hundred grams of peas (chopped);
  • one carrot;
  • bulb;
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Soak peas for 3 hours warm water. Next, move the beans to a cooking pot, draining the old water and pouring in new. Set the fire to medium, salt the dish. Stir beans regularly.
  2. Chop the onion as finely as possible, grate the carrots on a medium grater.
  3. It takes 40 minutes for the peas to boil. After cooking, crush the beans, turning them into a puree. The water does not need to be drained.
  4. Add carrots and onions to the pan, and put on fire again, but now weak.
  5. It will take about an hour to prepare. After this time, set the pan aside.
  6. You can decorate the dish with parsley, which should be finely chopped. That's it, the soup is ready.

Pea sausage


  • two glasses of peas;
  • three tablespoons of beetroot juice;
  • a few teaspoons of coriander;
  • a head of garlic;
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • one hundred milliliters of oil;
  • optional pepper and nutmeg.

Cooking steps:

  1. Place the peas in the oven for half an hour, or fry without using oil in a pan. Next, grind the beans in a blender or coffee grinder.
  2. Pour pea powder with four cups of boiling water. Boil the product until it becomes like a puree.
  3. Place beetroot juice, garlic, salt and spices in a blender. Mix well.
  4. Next, pour peas into the bowl of the device, add oil as well.
  5. Prepare a few plastic bottles cut the top off them. "Start" products with pea mass. Tip: take only those bottles that do not have a "waist" so that the sausage can be easily pulled out.
  6. After cooling the mass, move the bottles to the refrigerator.
  7. Immediately after the dish has solidified, the sausage is ready to eat. It pulls out of the plastic with no problems. It should be noted that the shelf life of such a snack is no more than two days.

Please note in this recipe blender is essential. If you pass the mixture through a meat grinder, then the sausage will turn out completely different.

Favorite pea porridge with cucumbers and carrots

We will need:

  • one and a half glasses of peas;
  • four pickled cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • eight olives;
  • salt.

The preparation is as follows:

  1. Rinse the peas. Pour in enough water to completely cover the beans and bring to a boil.
  2. Grate the carrot, chop the onion. Throw the vegetables into the pot with the peas. Be sure to reduce the heat, open the lid during cooking.
  3. Chop the cucumbers and also the olives. Add the first ingredient 10 minutes before cooking, and the second - five.
  4. On average, it takes one hour to prepare. You can salt the dish, but cucumbers bring their own salty note.

The perfect pea puree

The ingredients are:

  • a glass of peas;
  • clove of garlic;
  • carrot;
  • five glasses of water;
  • butter;
  • greenery;
  • salt.

Cooking instructions.

  1. As expected, the peas need to be soaked so that they swell and eventually cook faster.
  2. Drain the old water, fill the peas with three glasses of fresh water. Put it on fire with the lid slightly open.
  3. As soon as the water starts to boil, salt the dish. Now close the lid completely and cook for half an hour.
  4. Peel the carrots and garlic, and wash the parsley.
  5. Place the vegetables in a blender and add the butter as well.
  6. Then pour the cooked peas into the device. Grind the mixture until smooth. Bon appetit!


Among the huge number of dietary products, there are many controversial and dubious ones, including stewed peas. Some people who are losing weight are happy to fortify it in the process of weight loss, while others completely exclude it from their diet. stewed peas, fearing that it is too nutritious and high-calorie.

In fact, peas are great product For diet food. With its help, everyone will be able to make their diet for the period of active weight loss more varied, satisfying and tasty. Nutritionists recommend that those who are losing weight eat pea dishes at least once a day (especially in the morning and lunchtime), since almost any of them is capable of long term to satisfy hunger and at the same time in no way harm either the figure or health. Such meals are not deviations from the diet. True, it is best to consume peas after appropriate heat treatment. Quenching is perfect for this product.

There is currently great amount recipes for delicious and nutritious pea dishes. But, unfortunately, few gourmets remember them. Forgotten treats from the product under discussion are completely in vain, because they not only perfectly satisfy hunger and give a person who is losing weight a charge of vivacity for long time, but also protect the body from the occurrence of many problems with the intestines and stomach, and generally improve the functioning of the digestive organs.

Concerning palatability discussed dishes (especially stewed peas), then such a dinner may seem unusual only for the very first time, if a person has never used this healthy product before. As a result, everyone who wishes will be able to not only taste the peas, but also add them to the list of their favorites over time. dietary ingredients. After all, the permitted additives and spices make it possible to make its taste very delicate and pleasant. Of course, bread, mayonnaise, cheese sauce and other fatty high-calorie supplements do not apply to them.

A diet consisting of only pea dishes may be too complex and specific for losing weight. That is why dishes from this product it is better to add to a more varied diet, diluted with meat, vegetables, fruits and other ingredients.

You can stew peas for the most different recipes. Losing weight will only have to choose among all the proposed the most optimal and pleasant to taste.

Recipe with turmeric and carrots

For this spicy oriental dish required a large number of a variety of seasonings. These are: zira seeds, black ground pepper, nutmeg and ground turmeric.

To begin with, a capacious pan with thick walls is taken and warmed up a little over low heat. Then it goes to her a small amount of olive oil (about 30 milliliters), all spices are added (a pinch) and 1 fresh carrot rubbed on coarse grater. If desired, you can also add 1 chopped onion to the future treats. After all the vegetables with seasonings are lightly fried, 400 grams of shelled peas are poured to them. The whole mixture is poured with water (about 700 ml) and then stewed until the softness of the latter. Salt can be added to vegetables or at the very end to taste.

Recipe with almonds and bell pepper

Another diet-friendly recipe for stewed peas includes nuts and Bell pepper. For him, you need to take 200 grams of peeled peas, pour it warm water and let it sit for a couple of hours. Then 1 each red and green bell pepper cut into large cubes, 1 chopped tomato is added to these vegetables.

Next, water is drained from the peas, and it is sent to a pot or pan suitable for long-term stewing. It remains to add all the vegetables to it and a new portion of water, which will completely cover all the ingredients. The container with the listed ingredients is sent to slow fire under a closed lid. The dish is stewed until the peas are soft. Approximately 5-7 minutes before readiness, the mass will need to be salted, and 200 grams of almonds ground into powder should be added to it.

You can stew peas with a variety of additional ingredients. Everyone who is losing weight should experiment with various additives to find your perfect recipe. The main thing is not to use too high-calorie harmful foods for this.

Delicious and nutritious meals from peas are not only not prohibited, but also recommended by nutritionists for losing weight. They do not harm the human body at all, but on the contrary, they are useful for adults and children. Stewed peas will help to lose weight in the most short time without suffering from hunger.


Stewed peas with carrots- Lenten dish and a great side dish. Hearty, tasty and simple. Use frozen or fresh peas if you are planning to cook a dish in the summer. It turns out very tasty and appetizing, everyone will be satisfied!


  1. Peas fresh or frozen 800 grams
  2. Carrots 2 pieces
  3. Onion 2 pieces
  4. Tomato paste (diluted in water) 1 cup
  5. Paprika 1/2 teaspoon
  6. Sugar 1 teaspoon
  7. Salt to taste
  8. Dill to taste

Products not suitable? Choose similar recipe from others!


Frying pan, spatula, kitchen knife, cutting board, glass.


Step 1: stew carrots with onions.

Peel the carrots and onions by removing the skin from the carrots and the husks from the onions. Finely crumble and lightly fry in a pan with oil. Do not hold for a long time, simmer until soft, stirring.

Step 2: add peas.

Add peas and half a teaspoon of paprika to the vegetables. Stir without removing from heat.

Simmer everything together for a few more minutes over medium heat.

Step 3: Add Tomato Paste.

Pour the tomato paste diluted in water into the pan with vegetables and add finely chopped or dried dill.

Leave everything to boil until the vegetables reach fully prepared, boiled and become completely soft.

Add sugar and salt to taste at the end of cooking, mix.

Remove from heat and serve.

Step 4: serve stewed peas with carrots.

Stewed peas with carrots is served hot as a side dish for meat, but since it's fasting, serve it as a main dish, adding as desired. soy meat or lean dumplings (regular or potato). This is delicious.

Bon appetit!

- In summer, instead of tomato paste, you can use fresh tomatoes chopped in a blender.

- Can be added to stewed vegetables chopped chili pepper for spiciness and piquancy. It turns out just magical, especially for those who love everything spicy.

Peas are one of the most dietary foods. On the Internet you can find a lot of pea recipes. Today we want to introduce some of them, which have an unusual taste and low calorie content.

The ingredients are:

  • four hundred grams of peas;
  • several bulbs;
  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • one hundred grams of oil;
  • salt pepper.

Doesn't differ in complexity.

  1. Pour the peas with water, leaving overnight. This is necessary in order for the beans to cook faster.
  2. Boil the peas for about an hour and a half, it may take more time. Salt future meatballs.
  3. Using a blender or meat grinder, turn the boiled peas into a puree.
  4. Peel the onion, fry a little in oil so that it acquires a golden hue.
  5. Mix pea puree with onion, salt and pepper. Also add flour.
  6. From the resulting mass, form cutlets. Fry in vegetable oil.
  7. To prevent the patties from being greasy, spread them on a towel that will absorb excess oil.

Stewed mushrooms with peas and potatoes

For cooking you need:

  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • two hundred grams of canned peas;
  • two hundred grams of champignons;
  • one hundred grams of ham;
  • one hundred grams of cream;
  • parsley.


  1. Peel and then cut the potatoes. Grease a saucepan or cauldron with oil. Place the root crop in a bowl, simmer until tender. The potatoes should be soft, but not falling apart. You can add cumin for flavor.
  2. Peel the mushrooms from the skin, fry in vegetable oil, but not much.
  3. Strain the peas. Tip: It is best to take those beans whose expiration date begins in the summer.
  4. Cut the ham into thin slices.
  5. Then mix mushrooms, peas and ham, mixing well. Stew these ingredients. Ten minutes before readiness, pour in the cream.
  6. For a more festive look, garnish the dish with finely chopped parsley before serving.

Peas stewed with carrots

The ingredients are:

  • two glasses of peas;
  • two carrots;
  • one bulb;
  • three tablespoons of chopped dill;
  • three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 150 milliliters of water;
  • one and a half tablespoons of sugar;
  • spices, including salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the peas, finely chop the onion and carrot.
  2. Fry the onion in vegetable oil a little, then add the carrots. Simmer vegetables for about five minutes, but no more.
  3. Then throw in the peas. Wait a few more minutes. Don't forget to salt and pepper.
  4. Then add the specified amount of water to completely cover the peas. Cook the vegetables until the peas are soft. This will take approximately 35 minutes.
  5. Everything, the dish is ready. For a more refined taste, add feta or grate a piece of cheese.

This can be used as an independent dish, and as a side dish for meat dishes.

Diet pea soup

For pea soup you will need:

  • two hundred grams of peas (chopped);
  • one carrot;
  • bulb;
  • one and a half glasses of water;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Soak the chickpeas in warm water for 3 hours. Next, move the beans to a cooking pot, draining the old water and pouring in new. Set the fire to medium, salt the dish. Stir beans regularly.
  2. Chop the onion as finely as possible, grate the carrots on a medium grater.
  3. It takes 40 minutes for the peas to boil. After cooking, crush the beans, turning them into a puree. The water does not need to be drained.
  4. Add carrots and onions to the pan, and put on fire again, but now weak.
  5. It will take about an hour to prepare. After this time, set the pan aside.
  6. You can decorate the dish with parsley, which should be finely chopped. That's it, the soup is ready.

Pea sausage


  • two glasses of peas;
  • three tablespoons of beetroot juice;
  • a few teaspoons of coriander;
  • a head of garlic;
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • one hundred milliliters of oil;
  • optional pepper and nutmeg.

Cooking steps:

  1. Place the peas in the oven for half an hour, or fry without using oil in a pan. Next, grind the beans in a blender or coffee grinder.
  2. Pour pea powder with four cups of boiling water. Boil the product until it becomes like a puree.
  3. Place beetroot juice, garlic, salt and spices in a blender. Mix well.
  4. Next, pour peas into the bowl of the device, add oil as well.
  5. Prepare a few plastic bottles, cut off the top of them. "Start" products with pea mass. Tip: take only those bottles that do not have a "waist" so that the sausage can be easily pulled out.
  6. After cooling the mass, move the bottles to the refrigerator.
  7. Immediately after the dish has solidified, the sausage is ready to eat. It pulls out of the plastic with no problems. It should be noted that the shelf life of such a snack is no more than two days.

Please note that this blender is indispensable. If you pass the mixture through a meat grinder, then the sausage will turn out completely different.

Favorite pea porridge with cucumbers and carrots

We will need:

  • one and a half glasses of peas;
  • four pickled cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • eight olives;
  • salt.

The preparation is the following.

The question is how to cook peas deliciously? given by the author ride the best answer is I love instead mashed potatoes mashed peas, it is suitable for any meat or fish dish, and even as an independent dish. Preparing almost the same as potatoes. I soak the peas overnight, then cook for ten minutes, add raw eggs, butter, salt to taste, to the point until smooth. Delicious!

Answer from Mosol[guru]
Stewed peas with carrots
For the recipe you will need:
peas - 200g
carrots (large) - 2 pcs.
flour - 1 tbsp. l.
sugar, salt - to taste
butter, herbs - to taste.
Grate carrots or finely chop and cook until half cooked. Boil the peas until cooked, but so that it does not boil (the ratio of peas and water is 1: 4.5).
Put boiled peas and carrots in a saucepan, add flour, butter, finely chopped greens (I like dill), salt and a little sugar to taste, add water and cook until tender.

Answer from I-beam[guru]
Pea soup with smoked meats, a good tasty dish.

Answer from Juri mihhailov[guru]
With smoked brisket bow

Answer from Yergey Kirillov[guru]
Pea soup with mushrooms
- shelled peas - 300g
- dried mushrooms- 50g
- fat - 50g
- 1 PC.
- parsley (root) - 1 pc.
- carrots - 1 pc.
- water - 2.5 l
- salt and pepper - to taste.
Wash dried porcini mushrooms thoroughly and leave for 2 hours in water. room temperature and then chop finely. Separately fry chopped onions, carrots, parsley root. Mix root crops with mushrooms and pre-soaked peeled peas and pour boiling water, adding to it the water in which the mushrooms were soaked. Cook until done.
Pea soup with bacon
- peas (shelled) - 100g
- bacon (smoked with layers of fat) - 8 slices
- beef or chicken broth - 1.5 l
- carrots - 1 pc.
- vegetable butter - 2 tbsp. l.
- dried herbs(mixture) - 1/2 tsp.
- salt, pepper - to taste
- parsley - for decoration
- onion - 2 pcs.
Pour the peas cold water and leave to soak overnight. Drain the water. Cut carrots into cubes and onions into rings.
Fry vegetables in vegetable oil for 5 minutes. Add diced bacon, fry for a few more minutes. Add broth and peas. Season with salt, pepper and herbs. Cook on low heat for 1 hour. Pass through a sieve, then bring the pea and bacon soup to a boil.
Pour the pea soup with bacon over portioned plates and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Answer from Vladimir Ptokhov[guru]
Canned green peas
Boil grains of brain ripeness 20´ with salt and sugar. Strain the brine through a sieve and add vinegar to it. Put the hot grains in the prepared jars, without adding 1 cm to the top, and pour them with hot brine. When the jars are cool, put them in the refrigerator. In a month it will be ready for use.
1 kg of green peas, 1 liter of water, 1 s. l. vinegar, 1 s. l. salt, 1 tsp. Sahara
Pea mash with brisket
Rinse the peas well (do not soak, otherwise there will be whole grains!), Until the foam becomes low. Pour in cold water to just cover it. Cook on the lowest heat for 2~3 hours, adding cold water. Evaporate all the water, put the peas in a bowl and crush with the onion sautéed on the chopped brisket. Salt and pepper. Add cream, stir and heat through. Serve hot with greens.
250 g peas, 100 g brisket, 1 onion, 100 g cream 35%
