
Ideas for the second course. Inexpensive second courses

Main dishes- this is the food for every day, which, in our understanding, at lunch follows soup, borscht or another first course, or the one that we usually eat for dinner. As a rule, this is some combination of a side dish with a meat or fish dish. However, a dish without a side dish, prepared on the basis of seafood or fish, meat or offal, mushrooms or vegetables, cereals or pasta, can also claim the title of a second course. The variety of second courses is simply limitless, moreover, even the same dish has hundreds of variations of the cooking recipe. Each hostess brings something of her own to it.

What are the second courses? It is not so easy to answer this question. It is possible to divide main dishes into types according to hundreds of classification features. But in general, it is customary to divide main dishes into meat, mushroom, fish, vegetable, cereal, pasta. In addition, they can be divided into those that are prepared in a hurry and those that require enormous time costs for cooking. And the main dishes prepared at home can be divided into those that can and cannot be cooked. A weighty classification feature for such food is belonging to one or another cuisine of the world. Each country has its own peculiarities of cooking second courses. They can relate to a set of traditionally used products, the method of heat treatment, the occasion of cooking (for every day or on the occasion of a holiday), etc. We can continue this topic endlessly, so we will no longer focus on it. All the subtleties and nuances of preparing a particular main dish can be found in the step-by-step photo recipes of this section of the site. However, we propose to study the main recommendations regarding working with meat and fish further.

Simple secrets of delicious cooking

Delicious cooking of the second dish is quite simple, even if it seems to you that it is not. You just need to know some pretty simple secrets that will help you work with a particular product. Even novice housewives can easily cook at home the most difficult, it would seem, dish. It is important to follow all the instructions in the recipe, as well as apply the tricks in working with meat and fish, which we will give below.


The preparation of second courses based on meat begins with the choice of this product. The fresher it is, the tastier and safer the dish will turn out. This is a very important point, because bad meat will not only affect the taste characteristics of the dish, but can also cause irreparable harm to health. So, the meat should not smell like - this is one of the sure signs of its freshness. In addition, chilled fresh meat is quickly restored after pressing it with your finger. The meat of different animals and birds is colored in different colors, but, nevertheless, whatever the color scheme, it should not be too dark. The darkening of the meat is a sign that it has lain down. It is unlikely that the second dish from such a product will turn out delicious.

If you have to use frozen meat to prepare the second dish, then it is important to defrost it correctly. It is best to carry out this process in advance, slowly. It is believed that the best way to defrost is to put the meat in the refrigerator and wait until it is completely thawed. In addition, a good way to defrost is to place the meat in a container of ice water. So the process will go faster, besides, the product will retain all its organoleptic properties, and besides, it will remain just as useful.

When choosing between chilled and frozen meat for preparing a second course, it is better to choose the first option. Frozen water crystals inside the meat break its fibers, which makes it loose and also loses its juiciness.

In order for the second dish, prepared on the basis of meat, to turn out juicy, meat should not be salted raw, salt should be only after it is taken with a crust. A more tender second dish will turn out if the meat is pre-marinated. Marinating should not be neglected in the case of beef. By the way, it is better to cut this meat not along the fibers, but across. And when stewing, only hot water should be added to beef, since a change in temperature due to cold water will make it rubbery. Bake the meat should be, after wrapping it with foil, so it will bake evenly. And as for chicken meat and the meat of other poultry, then during the preparation of second courses from it, to increase the juiciness of especially dry parts, it is advised to put pieces of butter between the meat and the skin. In addition, do not forget about marinades, spices and sauces. They will give a special taste and aroma.


Fish main courses taste best if you use fresh rather than frozen fish for their preparation. If you still have to use a frozen product, then you need to act in accordance with certain rules. Place the frozen fish on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and leave it there overnight. With this method, the fish will not “spread”. But defrosting fish in water is not recommended categorically.

A delicious second dish of fish will turn out only if it is properly cut. You need to gut the fish so that the gallbladder does not burst. Otherwise, you risk getting something very bitter and unpleasant in taste. You should clean the skin from the fish while it is still frozen or when you have cooked it. By the way, the latter option is preferable, since the skin will help keep the juice in the fish. It is best to remove the fins with kitchen scissors, but it is necessary to clean the scales either with a special knife or with a grater.

The stewed second dish of fish will turn out more tender, and will not have a pungent odor if you use not water, but milk for stewing. As for frying, this process should not be too long. The second fish dish will turn out really tasty only if it is not overexposed. But as for baking, the fish should be removed from the oven a couple of minutes before being cooked. It should infuse and reach under the foil or under the lid. When baking such a second dish in foil, it should be borne in mind that salt should be put into it several times more than usual.

A special aroma and taste when baking fish can only be achieved by adding spices, herbs, lemon slices.

If the fish should be boiled to prepare the second course, remember that this must be done by cutting it into portions and placing it in a small container with the minimum allowable water level. This way the fish won't fall apart. But in order to cook it entirely, the bottom of the pan must first be covered with gauze, the ends of which should be hooked on the handles on both sides. The finished product should be pulled out precisely with the help of the “design” prepared in advance.

Well, and most importantly - the second fish dish should be eaten immediately after cooking. This is probably the recommendation of absolutely every culinary recipe in which fish is present. An exception to the rule is, perhaps, jellied fish.

Summing up…

Second courses form the main backbone of our daily menu. Among them there are both dishes for every day, and for special occasions. Due to the wide variety of second courses, we cannot give any general recommendations for their preparation. You can find specific tips for creating a particular dish in the corresponding recipe. By the way, all the recipes in this section can be easily implemented at home. Simple step-by-step text recommendations and step-by-step photos of recipes will help to make sure of this. Keep it up and you will surely succeed!

Our health largely depends on nutrition, on the products that we consume daily. As the Eastern sages say: we are what we eat. And that's right. After all, if we eat badly, various fast foods, low-quality products, where does health come from? Therefore, in our section, we offer you recipes for simple and tasty second courses, at least for every day, at least for any holiday table.

Second courses can be prepared quickly and easily, if you have at least a little skill, but knowledge is not enough for novice housewives. Therefore, our section will help you a lot in gaining experience in home cooking. What to cook for the second - the hostess scratches her head thoughtfully, looking into the refrigerator. It's simple: choose any recipe that includes your favorite products and cook with step-by-step recipes that will help you quickly learn the basics of cooking and feed your household with delicious simple dishes without spending a lot of time and money on expensive products.

See how to cook deliciously, a simple step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you.

Preparing a dish for the second course is not at all difficult, unless, of course, you immediately swung at difficult recipes. We offer simple and tasty options, hearty and easy to cook. Therefore, with us you will always find excellent recipes for delicious second courses for every taste and the corresponding budget. We have an abundance of recipes with photos of second courses, just flip through the pages of the rubric and choose what you want to cook to your taste, how to surprise your husband or your picky mother-in-law.

Recipes for delicious second courses can be quite simple, for example: dolma in grape leaves. Do you think it's difficult? Not at all! Open the recipe: what you need is regular minced meat, rice, herbs, spices and grape leaves. The process is as simple as possible: combine the minced meat with rice, add spices, chop the greenfinch, pour boiling water over the leaves and wrap the minced meat in them. Then you can boil them or bake them in the oven (very tasty!).

Again, an example of a delicious second dish would be delicious. It's not difficult to prepare at all, and the taste is always amazing! Pork or chicken fillet is perfect here. Just cut in layers, lightly beat off, sprinkle with salt, pepper. Next, cut the onion, lay it out in a mold, making such an onion pillow for yourself. Put prepared slices of meat on it, cut potatoes thinly in circles on top, which you also need to flavor with salt and pepper, on it, too, onion, tomato mugs, or fried mushrooms (both options can be combined), mayonnaise on top. Then cover with foil, let stew for half an hour, open, sprinkle with cheese and bake until golden brown. Everything, tasty, simple and satisfying second course is ready!

As you can see, the main dishes are not difficult to cook at all. Read our recipes carefully, see step-by-step photos, and you will definitely become an excellent cook, and you will be warmed by the praise of your husband and your guests. You will learn how to cook simple and delicious main courses quickly if you follow the exact recipes. Especially if you are a novice hostess, and it is difficult for you to navigate yourself. Our recipes include all the nuances of cooking: the amount of food, cooking time, and so on. Just carefully study the recipes and you will definitely succeed.

If you are interested in original interesting main dishes, you will also find them in our section, just flip through the pages and you will find the option you need. Especially many busy housewives like light meals with step-by-step recipes so that you can whip up tasty and easy homemade goodies without spending a lot of time, which is better spent relaxing or communicating with loved ones. Therefore, read, watch, cook deliciously and delight the household. Bon appetit!

Ingredients: salt, egg, flour, cheese, sour cream, dill, pepper, butter

Be sure to try these very tasty and easy-to-cook lazy khachapuri with cheese in a pan.


- salt;
- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoons flour;
- 200 grams of cheese;
- 200 grams of sour cream;
- a bunch of dill;
- pepper;
- 30 grams of vegetable oil.


French fries in the oven

Ingredients: potatoes, egg, salt, pepper, paprika

You can cook delicious french fries in the oven. This is quite easy to do and fairly quick.


- 7-8 potatoes,
- 2 eggs,
- salt,
- a pinch of ground black pepper,
- 1 tsp ground paprika.


Baked potatoes in the microwave (in a bag)

Ingredients: potatoes, salt, vegetable oil, dried paprika, ground black pepper, granulated garlic, herbs de Provence

Roasting potatoes in the microwave will save you a lot of time. But at the same time, the taste of the dish will not suffer at all. For a holiday or for a family dinner - a great side dish.

- 8-10 potato tubers;
- a little salt;
- 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
- a pinch of ground paprika;
- a pinch of black pepper;
- 1/3 tsp granulated garlic;
- a pinch of Provence herbs.


Young potatoes with dill and garlic in a frying pan

Ingredients: new potatoes, garlic, dill, salt, vegetable oil, paprika, turmeric

Young potatoes are very good fried, so in season, hurry up to use our recipe and cook them with garlic and dill in a pan. You will be very pleased with the result!

- 12-15 pieces of young potatoes;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- 0.5 bunch of dill;
- salt to taste;
- 3-4 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- 1\3 tsp paprika;
- 1\3 tsp turmeric.


Country style potatoes like McDonald's

Ingredients: potatoes, salt, spice, oil

Today I have prepared for you a recipe for delicious country-style potatoes like in McDonald's. We will cook it at home in deep fat.


- 6 potatoes,
- salt,
- spices,
- sunflower oil.


Pasta with stew in a slow cooker

Ingredients: pasta, stew, onion, tomato paste, oil, garlic, pepper, paprika, salt

For lunch, I suggest you cook a very tasty and satisfying dish - pasta with stew in a slow cooker. The recipe is very simple and fast.


- 200 grams of pasta,
- a can of stew
- 2 onions,
- 1-2 tablespoons tomato paste,
- one and a half tablespoons vegetable oil,
- 1 clove of garlic,
- half tsp cayenne pepper,
- half tsp crushed coriander,
- half tsp paprika,
- salt,
- pepper.


Fried potatoes with stew in a pan

Ingredients: potatoes, onions, garlic, stew, oil, salt, pepper, herbs

Fried potatoes are my family's favorite dish. Today I have described for you a simple recipe for delicious and hearty fried potatoes in a pan with stew.


- 3-4 potatoes;
- 1 onion;
- clove of garlic;
- 200 grams of beef stew;
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oils;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- 5 grams of greens.


French fries in the microwave in 5 minutes

Ingredients: potatoes, pepper, salt, spice

In the microwave, you can cook delicious French fries without oil in just 5 minutes. The dish is very tasty and filling.


- 500 grams of potatoes,
- pepper,
- spices,
- salt.


Fried potatoes with egg in a pan

Ingredients: potato, onion, egg, oil, salt, pepper, spice, dill

Very often I cook fried potatoes and each time I use a different recipe. Today I present to your attention a recipe for fried potatoes with an egg.


- 1 kg. potato,
- 1 onion,
- 2-3 eggs,
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oils,
- salt,
- pepper,
- spices,
- dill.


Pasta Casserole Lazy Wife

Ingredients: pasta, ham, chicken fillet, milk, water, egg, cheese, herbs, salt, spice, oil

If you don’t have time to cook, then check out my excellent recipe for a delicious, and most importantly quick, Lazy Wife Pasta Casserole recipe.


- 250 grams of pasta;
- 150 grams of ham;
- 150 grams of chicken fillet;
- 300 grams of milk;
- 300 grams of water;
- 2 eggs;
- 150 grams of hard cheese;
- greenery;
- salt;
- spices;
- vegetable oil.


Fried potatoes with onion and garlic in a pan

Ingredients: potatoes, oil, onion, garlic, herbs, salt, pepper

Everyone will be able to fry delicious and quick-to-cook fried potatoes with onions and garlic in a pan.


- 4-5 potatoes;
- 50 ml. vegetable oils;
- 1 onion;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- greenery;
- salt;
- pepper.


Pasta baked with minced meat

Ingredients: pasta, minced meat, cheese, dill, salt, pepper, oil

Usually pasta is boiled or cooked in a pan. But today I suggest you try an unusually delicious pasta baked with minced meat.


- 150 grams of pasta,
- 250 grams of minced pork,
- 90 grams of hard cheese,
- 5 grams of dill,
- salt,
- black pepper,


Omelet with kefir

Ingredients: eggs, kefir, salt, flour, black pepper, turmeric, water, green onions, vegetable oil

Usually an omelette is prepared with milk, but today I will describe for you a recipe for a very tasty kefir omelet.


- 2 eggs;
- 5 tablespoons kefir;
- salt;
- 1 tbsp flour;
- 2-3 pinches of black pepper;
- third tsp turmeric;
- 2 tablespoons water;
- a few green onion feathers;
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil.


Omelette with zucchini and tomatoes in a pan

Ingredients: egg, sour cream, zucchini, tomato, salt, pepper, oil

Recently I tried an omelette with zucchini and I will tell you, this dish is insanely delicious. The recipe is very simple and fast.


- 2 eggs,
- 2 tablespoons sour cream
- half a zucchini
- 4-5 cherry tomatoes,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil.


Omelette without milk in a pan

Ingredients: egg, water, salt, pepper, oil, herbs

Today I will teach you how to cook a very tasty omelette without milk. We will prepare this very tasty omelette in plain water.


- 2 eggs,
- 2 tablespoons water,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- 1 tbsp butter,
- greenery.


Delicious fried smelt in a pan

Ingredients: fresh smelt, flour, salt, black pepper, vegetable oil

If you want to fry a fish deliciously, I advise you to take small smelt. It's easy to prepare. We take a small one to fry it perfectly.


- 500 grams of smelt;
- half a glass of flour;
- salt;
- 3-4 pinches of ground black pepper;
- a third of a glass of vegetable oil.

In many families, the basis of the standard diet is the second course, which is great not only for a daily meal, but also for dinner. Today there is a huge range of first and second courses that are quick and easy to prepare. Find out how to freshen up your menu for family or guests with a variety of main course recipes.

What to cook quickly and tasty for the second

Most of us love to spoil our family and friends with something tasty, but not everyone has the necessary time to prepare a meal. Next, a list of recipes will be offered that will help you make second courses for every day quickly. You can cook various culinary goodies using a slow cooker or stove, using meat, fish, and vegetables for this process.

In a slow cooker

In the modern world, household kitchen appliances have long been used to create a variety of dishes. The slow cooker does its job well and allows you to save a lot of free time on preparing lunch or dinner. Here are some well-known step-by-step recipes with which you can create a delicious dish for the second.

Merchant-style buckwheat porridge with meat is a food designed for every day, it turns out crumbly and delicious in taste. Essential ingredients for a nutritious second course:

  • veal - 350-400 g;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • buckwheat - one and a half glasses;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. We clean the onions and carrots, rinse with water, cut into half rings.
  2. We cut the meat into large squares.
  3. Pour oil into the multicooker cup, turn on the “Baking” program for 40 minutes.
  4. After a couple of minutes, when the oil warms up a little, put meat, chopped vegetables into the bowl, close the unit.
  5. After the signal, add buckwheat to the rest of the products, fill everything with two glasses of water, salt, pepper.
  6. It remains to install the program "Buckwheat" or "Porridge" for half an hour.
  7. The second is merchant-ready.

Even with a low calorie content, second courses in fasting can be tasty and satisfying. For example, you can make a tender and fragrant vegetable stew that you can eat at least every day. For the recipe for the second dish you will need:

  • potatoes, carrots - 2-3 pieces each;
  • cauliflower or broccoli - 6 inflorescences;
  • lettuce sweet pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • canned corn and peas - a few tablespoons each;
  • greenery.


  1. Cut vegetables into medium cubes or cubes. We disassemble the cabbage into small pieces.
  2. Pour the oil into a slow cooker, lay out the vegetables in layers.
  3. We select the "Extinguishing" mode for 40 minutes.
  4. Add chopped greens, peas, corn, salt, mix well.
  5. We close the lid of the unit, leave the second dish for every day, so that it brews a little.

In the oven

If you want to quickly cook the second dish and get the most delicious result, then you can use a conventional oven. There are many variations of second course recipes with a minimum of products. Let's start with the garlic cheese casserole. You will need simple ingredients:

  • potatoes - 6-7 tubers;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • two eggs;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • dried herbs.


  1. Grind garlic and cheese on a fine grater.
  2. Mix part of the cheese with herbs and one egg. We set aside.
  3. The rest of the cheese is combined with the second egg, garlic and mayonnaise.
  4. We rub the potatoes on a coarse grater, mix with the rest of the ingredients, salt, add pepper.
  5. Put the mass with potatoes and other products in a baking dish. Distribute evenly, top with cheese-egg mixture with herbs.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake for 30-40 minutes. Juicy, savory second course is ready to eat.

Another unusual step-by-step recipe for a very simple second course is chicken in a bacon shell. Well-fried chicken meat with a crispy crust will not leave anyone indifferent. Ingredients for the dish:

  • medium-sized chicken carcass;
  • smoked bacon - 7 layers;
  • spices.


  1. Rinse the carcass thoroughly, dry with a paper towel.
  2. Grate the meat with spices, salt and ground pepper. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Cover the chicken with bacon, place on a baking sheet lightly greased with butter, cover with foil.
  4. We heat the oven to 200 degrees, prepare a dish for every day for 1.5-2 hours. 20 minutes before the bird is ready, remove the foil to get a delicious bacon crust.
  5. Serve second with bacon.

On the stove

We turn to the usual type of cooking, for which the stove is used. Below are two great recipes for a hearty second for every day, created using hotplates. Make melt-in-your-mouth mushroom potatoes or gourmet Italian-style pasta, both daily main courses are insanely delicious. For potatoes with mushrooms, you need to stock up on the following products:

  • champignons - 450 g;
  • potatoes - 4 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream + tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.


  1. We cut the peeled potatoes into cubes, put them in a deep bowl (stewpan or cauldron). Fill with water (so that it barely covers), put on gas.
  2. While the potatoes are cooking, cut the mushrooms and onions into cubes.
  3. According to the recipe, sauté the onion in a pan, then add the mushrooms to it. Fry until the liquid disappears.
  4. After the potatoes boil, we throw lavrushka, peppercorns into the pan.
  5. When the dish is half cooked, mix it with onions and mushrooms. Cover the second with a lid, leave on low heat until cooked.

The recipe for pasta with canned tuna will be interesting. Such a second dish for any day will definitely turn out spicy and pleasant to the taste, if you strictly follow the recipe. Ingredients:

  • pasta (large spirals) - 200 g;
  • tuna - one can;
  • sweet pepper - 2 pieces;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • large bulb;
  • tomato sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.


  1. Boil pasta in slightly salted water.
  2. We cut the vegetables, lightly fry them in butter in a deep frying pan for 10 minutes.
  3. Tomato sauce and fish are added to them, from which the liquid must first be drained. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. We put pasta, seasonings, spices in the pan. We mix the products, cook for another 15 minutes. The second original dish is ready.
Watch the video and find out what else you can cook in the oven and in the pan.

Simple and delicious recipes for second courses for every day

The second of meat or fish is often found on the menu of most families. These products give an excellent chance to cook a wide range of dishes for an adult or a child. All recipes for second meat dishes cannot be listed. We offer several simple options that even a novice cook can cook. Try to make a brizol with minced meat or a hodgepodge with meat for the second, as well as a couple of delicious fish dishes.

From meat

Brizol is a dish that has migrated to us from French cuisine. Translated from French, "brizol" means "fried in an egg." This dish can be prepared from any minced meat: beef, pork, veal, chicken and even fish! In fact, this is minced meat fried in an omelette. Preparing this second dish for every day of the week is very easy. Products for the recipe:

  • minced meat (any) - 150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pepper, salt.


  1. In a deep container, beat the eggs with milk, salt and pepper.
  2. Heat a frying pan with oil a little, pour the resulting egg mass into it.
  3. We spread the minced meat in a thin layer on one part of the omelet, and close the ground meat with the second part.
  4. Fry the brizol on both sides.
  5. The second course can be served.

Fragrant Georgian hodgepodge will be a great addition to the diet for every day. It is worth preparing this hodgepodge once and loved ones will ask you to include this second one in the menu more than once. Products:

  • beef - 800 g;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - 5 teeth;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • seasonings, spices.


  1. The beef is cut into medium cubes, placed in boiling water. Cook the meat for about 60 minutes.
  2. We cut the onions into rings, fry until golden brown, mix with tomato paste.
  3. Cucumbers need to be chopped on a grater or cut into strips. Add them to the onion.
  4. Mix cooked beef with onions and cucumbers.
  5. Pour the ingredients with broth, salt, pepper, pour pressed garlic, seasonings. We mix everything.
  6. Stew meat with vegetables under a closed lid for half an hour.
  7. Sprinkle the dish with herbs before serving.

From fish

The second daily dishes made from fish always successfully diversify the diet. Consider two good, simple recipes for every day. For example, you can cook sea fish with rice. You will need the following products:

  • rice - 250 g;
  • fish fillet - half a kilo;
  • leek - 1 pc.;
  • meat broth - half a liter;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • half a lemon;
  • fresh herbs, salt, pepper.


  1. Finely chop the garlic and onion, fry in oil.
  2. We spread the rice in the pan, mix the ingredients, pour the hot broth.
  3. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.
  4. Cut the fish into medium pieces, sprinkle with lemon juice, put on rice 10 minutes before it is ready. Mix, add pepper, salt.

Another interesting, healthy second dish for any day is mackerel baked with kiwi. It is equally suitable for a family dinner or festive gatherings with friends. For cooking, the following ingredients are useful:

  • fresh-frozen mackerel - 3 pcs.;
  • kiwi - 5 pcs.;
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 1 piece;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • leek;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • pepper, salt;
  • parsley.


  1. We cut the fish carcasses, wash them well, dry them and open them with a boat.
  2. Sprinkle each mackerel with lemon juice, pepper, sprinkle with salt.
  3. We cover the baking sheet with foil, put the fish on it.
  4. We start the “boats” with the following mixture: onion + sweet pepper + melted cheese + kiwi + sour cream.
  5. According to the recipe, bake stuffed carcasses for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. The fish dish for the second is ready.

Video: simple recipes for second courses in a hurry

To greatly simplify the procedure for preparing second courses and constantly surprise loved ones, it is better to use video recipes. Thanks to the detailed, understandable algorithms provided below, you can make a variety of culinary masterpieces on any day. The videos explain in detail how to properly make a vinaigrette, pie or casserole, cook meat or vegetables.

salad vinaigrette

pasta casserole

Azu in Tatar from beef

Chicken breast in Omsk

Lazy pita pie with minced meat

Fried rice with vegetables for garnish

Welcome to the section with recipes for second courses! Here you will find simple step-by-step recipes with a huge number of photos, most of them can be whipped up in just 20-30 minutes. These are, first of all, meat dishes: pork, beef, as well as chicken, fish and other ingredients that every hostess always has at hand. In this section, we have tried to collect for you as many practical recipes for every day as possible, so that you can quickly and tasty prepare the second course. Cook with us and share your experience in the comments!

For me, the time when you can buy fresh bell pepper means the arrival of summer. And as soon as the first peppers appear, the first thing I cook is stuffed peppers. There are many variations of stuffing, but I do it the way my mother taught me. Everything is simple and without frills. For those who care about the figure, onion-carrot-tomato fried […]

Damalama is a dish of Central Asian cuisine, or rather Uzbek. This is a kind of vegetable stew in an oriental style. Traditionally, damalama is cooked over an open fire when the coals have burnt out, allowing the dish to simmer slowly. At home, damlama can be cooked both on the stove and in a slow cooker. The taste of the dish will depend on your taste preferences. […]

I really love cabbage rolls… eat! But I like to cook them less. When you really want cabbage rolls, but there is no time, the recipe for lazy cabbage rolls comes to the rescue. Today I will cook cabbage rolls according to all the rules, my mother taught me how to cook cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice. I cook them exactly the same way and in a different way, to be honest, […]

I really appreciate recipes from the category: less cost - more taste. This stew recipe is just for her. All that is required of you is to cut the meat and be patient for 2 hours. Another good thing about this recipe is that it can be cooked in a slow cooker on the “stewing” mode. The meat comes out […]

When you want variety on your table - try to cook an unusual dish from ordinary products. Today I propose to cook sweet pilaf or rice with dried fruits. dried fruits can be any to your taste. I usually add a set of dried fruits, which also goes into the preparation of traditional pilaf. These are dried apricots, raisins, barberries. In the fresh season […]

This dish is good because it can be served both hot and cold, i.e. you can also use it as a snack. If you have any problems with the oven, then you can skip this step and put out the pollock along with the filling in the pan. To reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can not add [...]

A very simple recipe for delicious and juicy pollock cutlets. You can cook these cutlets both in the oven and in a frying pan. Moreover, in a pan you can fry them or stew them with a little water. Be sure to add green cilantro, even if you don't like it in your daily life. The taste of pollock and cilantro is amazing […]

Strictly speaking, the correct schnitzel must be prepared from meat tenderloin, generously breaded and fried in a large amount of oil. But, we will go the other way. Usually cabbage schnitzel is made from whole leaves, which are also breaded and fried in oil. Sometimes a piece of cheese is wrapped in the center of the cabbage leaf. […]

A very simple recipe for a delicious side dish of potatoes. In addition to the fact that potatoes cooked according to this recipe are very tasty, they are also healthy, as they are cooked with a minimum amount of oil. It tastes like baked potatoes in the oven. if you don't really like crispy crust, then at the end […]

I really loved omelets in kindergarten and now, if I get to the hospital, I love omelettes. As it turned out, you can cook such an omelette “like in kindergarten” at home. The main thing is to observe the proportions - for 1 egg 50 ml of milk. And another important condition: you don’t need to beat eggs with milk with a […]

If you have no time to cook a complex dish, then the most ordinary stewed potatoes with meat will come to the rescue. Preparing this dish is very simple, even a novice hostess can do it. The set of products for this dish is also quite affordable. I also like this potato with meat because it combines [...]

And I again with a dish from the oven, I love this cooking option. This time chicken with rice, but not simple, but in Bulgarian. Why in Bulgarian, but because in Bulgaria rice is not boiled, but baked in this way and even without chicken. Cooking such a dish is convenient because you […]

And again a dish from the oven. I love this cooking option, because it allows you to free up time for more pleasant or necessary things. Today we are preparing a potato casserole with minced meat in the oven - very satisfying and tasty. You can fantasize about the filling, you can completely replace it with mushrooms, or just add them to the filling, you can […]

Despite the word “lazy” in the title of this recipe, you still have to work a little) This dish is good because, firstly, it does not have the hassle of separating cabbage leaves, and secondly, cabbage is not visible in it, and therefore such cabbage rolls will appeal to even picky eaters. Ingredients minced meat 500 gr white cabbage […]

Juicy and tasty chicken cutlets can be cooked in the oven. It is enough to add a lot of onions to minced chicken and diversify the taste with either a crumb of white bread soaked in milk or cream, or boiled cabbage, or grated raw potatoes. And when baking cutlets in the oven, you can not add an egg to the minced […]

Tender and fragrant meat, which is cooked almost without your participation. The only thing that is required of you is to chop the meat and onions and be patient for 2 hours while the meat is stewed in the oven (or in a slow cooker on the "Stew" mode). Such meat can be cooked in pots in portions, or in a cast-iron cauldron. […]
