
The benefits and harms of soy meat. Soy meat - benefits and harms

Few people know about the benefits and harms of soy meat. This product is gaining popularity. Increasingly, they are trying to replace ordinary meat.

How meat is made from soy

Soybeans are used for making. They are ground into flour, and then the process of its degreasing takes place. At this stage, various beneficial extracts of wheat, oats and cotton seeds can be added. The dough is kneaded from the finished flour. Then it is steamed in a certain way.

The resulting substance resembles a porous, like a sponge, mass. It is cut into small pieces and dried using a special technology. Made pieces have different purposes:

  • large parts go to the preparation of goulash;
  • medium size - used for the manufacture of flakes;
  • crumb - used for the production of minced meat.

Instead of flour, soybean meal can be used. It is a residual product from the manufacture of soybean oil. To better influence the taste of soy meat, corn and various vegetables are added. These components do not harm, but add benefits.

The chemical composition and calorie content of soy meat

The calorie content of soy meat does not exceed 100 kcal per 100 grams of product. This useful property makes it possible to use it as a diet food.

The composition of the product contains a large number of useful vitamins, minerals and biologically active components:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

The meat is enriched with vitamins E, B, H.

Energy value:

  1. Proteins - 20.5 g.
  2. Fats - 0.15 g.
  3. Carbohydrates - 4.91 g.

The benefits of soy meat for men and women

The benefits and harms depend on the following features:

  • a large amount of protein in the composition;
  • high levels of estrogen (female hormone).

The useful properties of these components make it possible to:

  1. Use as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Lower blood sugar levels in diabetics.
  3. Use in food for those who want to get rid of excess weight.
  4. Strengthen bones due to the high content of calcium.
  5. Improve thought processes and increase the level of memorization, as lecithin and choline are present in the composition.
  6. Replenish the lack of female hormones.
  7. Use as a means of preventing cancer.

Important! A large number of studies have confirmed that the daily use of soy in the diet lowers cholesterol. To do this, it is enough to use 30 g of the product per day.

Can soy meat be pregnant and lactating

Eating plant-based meats by pregnant and breastfeeding women may do more harm than good. The properties of its components have a negative impact on the process of bearing and on the well-being of the child. There is a high risk of miscarriage or premature birth. In addition, there is a possibility of deviations in the development of the child.

The properties of vegetable meat can significantly slow down the growth process. Therefore, it is recommended to abandon it a few months before planning pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

The presence of estrogens that affect the hormonal background can cause irreparable harm to the health of the expectant mother.

Is it possible to give soy meat to children

Soy meat contains healthy proteins that can replace animal meat in a child's diet. It contains rare amino acids that cannot be produced in the human body on its own. A large amount of minerals also speaks of significant benefits.

Long-term use of soy products in food can provoke disturbances in the digestive system of the child. The lectins found in soy are harmful to the intestinal mucosa.

The baby food market is represented by a large number of mixtures containing soy products. For their manufacture, purified proteins without genetically modified raw materials are used. Balanced with vegetable carbohydrates, fats and useful vitamin and mineral components, the composition of such food allows it to be used for medicinal purposes.

Indications for the use of baby soy food:

  1. Galactosemia is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism.
  2. Celiac disease is a disease of the digestive system.
  3. Lactose deficiency- the inability of the body to break down milk sugar.

The use of such mixtures is possible only after consulting a doctor.

Daily intake

If a person is used to using soy meat in his diet, then there is no need to refuse it. It will not bring harm to health.

Consumption rate:

  • up to 2 meals per day for vegetarians, taking into account a balanced diet;
  • up to 4-5 times a week with a normal diet.

The use of soy meat in certain diseases

Useful properties of soybeans are used as a prevention of certain diseases. Genistein reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Attention! As a result of research, it has been proven that vegetable meat can cause certain tumors.

Phytoestrogens have a beneficial effect on the level of female hormones. Thanks to this, well-being during menopause improves significantly.

With diabetes

The beneficial properties of choline and lecithin allow you to restore the cells of the nervous system and brain. Increase the properties of memory, attention and physical activity. They have a preventive effect on the aging process, which is of great benefit to people with diabetes.

From a medical point of view, the use of soy by diabetics allows you to restore the balance of carbohydrates and proteins in the body.

For gastritis and pancreatitis

People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract often have to follow a diet. Therefore, soy products will become an indispensable source of protein and amino acids for them. The properties of these components normalize the work of the pancreas.

On the other hand, a large amount of plant fiber can harm the body. Don't eat it too often. Various additives and fillers can trigger an attack of gastritis.

With cholecystitis

This product has a huge benefit on the body in this disease. It is advisable to use several times a week in a boiled form with the addition of vegetables.

The benefits of soy meat for weight loss

The use of soy dishes in the diet will cleanse the body of the harm of accumulated toxins and get rid of excess weight. A large amount of proteins and useful minerals will make up for their lack if you refuse meat.
To preserve the benefits, dishes must be steamed, stewed or baked. Soy broth should be lean or vegetable broth. You can use healthy natural spices.

Plant-based meats should not be mixed with animal proteins or other legumes. It won't do any good. Vegetables are most often used as a side dish. Eat such dishes several times a week 2 hours before bedtime.

Advice! On the Dukan diet, soy meat is recommended to be used starting from the "Alternation" stage of 25 g during the day.

Soy meat when drying the body

Dietary soy meat is useful for those who are engaged in drying the body. Its use promotes rapid weight loss. The properties of the components in its composition do not allow muscle mass to decrease.

Harm of soy meat and contraindications for use

To avoid harm to the body, soy products should be used with caution in people with the following conditions:

  • liver disease - hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • disorders of the genitourinary system and kidneys;
  • malignant tumors in the breast, ovarian cancer;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • individual intolerance;
  • food allergies.

The presence of female hormones in soy meat can harm the following individuals:

  1. Children - Growth may stop or there may be a failure in the process of puberty.
  2. Men - the growth of muscle tissue is disrupted, the level of testosterone decreases. There is a process of formation of adipose tissue in the waist, breast enlargement. Decreased sexual function.
  3. Pregnant and lactating women- difficulties in the process of conception, impaired fetal development during gestation.
  4. Children under one year old - violations of the process of physical development, growth retardation.

How to select and store soy meat

When choosing, special attention should be paid to the benefits of the composition. It should not contain GMOs. Meat cannot contain any fillers, flavor enhancers and flavorings. The most useful in terms of nutritional value is soy concentrate. The presence of thickeners harms the body and causes an allergic reaction.

You can store it for a year in a dry place. The finished dish retains its beneficial properties for 3 days if placed in the refrigerator.

How to cook delicious soy meat at home

Before use, the meat must be soaked in plenty of plain water. Next, the product is boiled, as a result of which the volume increases several times. Soy is odorless and tasteless. Therefore, it is boiled in vegetable or meat broth, using natural spices. You can put the meat in the marinade.

Soy meat is used for cooking goulash, pilaf, chops. You can stew, fry, bake in the oven. Soy minced meat is becoming very popular. Cutlets, meatballs, dumplings, pies, meatballs are made from it.


The benefits and harms of soy meat are a rather controversial issue. The main rule is to observe the measure in everything. A large number of beneficial properties have a positive effect on the use of soy. But do not forget about the components that can be harmful to health.

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Soy meat - benefits and harms, calories

Soy meat is a healthy and natural product, which is indispensable for dietary nutrition. Already five thousand years ago in China, people cooked all kinds of dishes from soybeans. Meat in this country was a luxury that only noble people allowed themselves.

Over the years, the art of "gastronomic deception" has been perfected, which is why today there are so many delicious and healthy soy products on the shelves. Europeans learned the taste of this dietary product only in the 20th century.

Chemical composition

Soy meat in terms of nutritional qualities is not inferior to beef, and in some respects even surpasses it. The main advantage of such a valuable product is that it consists of 50% easily digestible vegetable protein. It is also rich in vitamins, it contains vitamins E and D, group B. It is also useful for the reason that it contains useful polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3, as well as omega-6) in an ideal ratio. It also contains important trace elements: potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc.

soy meat calories

Nutritious product is often included in numerous diets. In addition, vegetarians can treat themselves to such a dish. The calorie content of soy meat is 250 kcal per 100 grams of product. A nutritious dish belongs to products with an average calorie content. Due to its moderate protein content, it is included in the menu of athletes. If you include a dish in a diet for weight loss, then you can eat about 100-120 grams of it per day.

The benefits and harms of soy meat

It is known that its benefit lies in the fact that it contains 50-70% of nutritious high-quality protein. It is he who will become a source of amino acids in the body, without which the formation of enzymes, amino acids, as well as growth and restoration of damaged body tissues is impossible.

If you periodically include soy meat in your diet, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis. Also, the finished dish helps fight obesity.

Lecithin and choline contained in the product support the nervous system of the body, stimulate brain activity. They also help to increase the reaction rate, improve memory and thought processes.

It is also important to know that soy meat contains valuable substances - phytic acids. And they can slow down the reproduction of tumor cells.

Soy meat contraindications

Despite the obvious benefits, it can also harm the body.

  • It is not recommended to use the product for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • Excessive use of the product can stop the growth of children and adolescents, disrupt the function of the pancreas.
  • In case of liver and kidney disease, it is also better to refuse the dish.
  • Since it contains a lot of oxalates, soy meat can provoke the formation of kidney stones.
  • Allergic reactions to the product are possible, they are manifested by urticaria, rash, diarrhea, pain and bloating.

(soy protein texture) is a by-product of soybean processing that converts defatted soy flour into a highly concentrated protein plant-based meat substitute ( Soy meat). Due to the specifics of the technology and the source material, the level of protein concentration in such a product reaches 50-70%, which exceeds the indicators of natural meat.

Production secrets

Soy texturate is obtained by extrusion from defatted soy flour. The level of fat in soy meat is lower than in pork, beef, veal, chicken or turkey fillet - 2 g of fat per 100 g of soy meat (for comparison: chicken breast - 2.96 g, veal - 2.13 g).

Defatted flour is mixed with water, the resulting viscous flour mixture is passed through an extruder, where under the influence of temperature and pressure, the structure changes and the material dehydrates. Due to the pre-treatment, the extruded dried soy texturate is easy to prepare. For cooking, the product is soaked in water, after which it is stewed, boiled, fried and baked, like other types of meat. Since texturate has no taste of its own, spices are used in the preparation of the soy product.

Soy texturate (soy protein texturate, Soy meat) - a product of processing soybeans - a meat substitute, usually produced from defatted soy flour. Soy texturate is an instant product rich in protein and low in fat. Widely used in vegetarian and East Asian cuisines. Terms used in English textured vegetable protein (TVP) and textured soy protein (TSP), which translate literally as "textured vegetable protein" and "textured soy protein".

Soy meat has characteristics that make it a favorite in dietary, vegetarian and vegan diets. Soy protein is absorbed by the human body by 97%. The biological value of soy protein is close to that of meat and fish proteins (BV of meat and fish - 80, casein - 75, soy texturate - 74, other vegetable proteins - 50 and below).

Benefits of using soy meat in your diet:

  • The presence in the composition of soy texturate of a complex of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body in a bioavailable form - vitamins D, E, H and group B, minerals - iron (Fe), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium ( Mg), zinc (Zn). Vitamin D is responsible for the strength and stability of the skeleton and is necessary for the absorption of Ca, vitamin E fights free radicals, improves blood circulation and prevents blood clots, vitamin H is important for carbohydrate metabolism and the functioning of the pancreas, and B vitamins are indispensable for the central nervous system. Iron maintains a sufficient level of hemoglobin and thyroid function, and potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc are involved in the body's metabolic processes.
  • High content of lecithin. Thanks to the phospholipids choline and inositol that are part of this representative, natural fat dissolution occurs. Lecithin prevents cholesterol deposits in the liver and blood vessels and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  • The increased content of polyunsaturated acids omega-3 and omega-6, which are responsible for the normalization of lipid metabolism and prevent metabolic disorders. Unsaturated fatty acids stabilize cardiovascular processes and stimulate the brain.
  • The nutritional value. Thanks to the dietary fibers included in the composition, soy meat saturates the body for a long time. For dry texturate, the average calorie content is 290-300 kcal, but in finished form this figure does not exceed 100-110 kcal per 100 g, since soy meat increases 3-5 times during cooking. These caloric values ​​justify the use of soy texturate in the diet.
  • An alternative animal source of easily digestible vegetable protein. Soy meat is used for food intolerance to protein products of animal origin and in case of deliberate refusal in the framework of a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Video: About the benefits and harms of soy products.

Negative effects of the use of soy meat

The use of soy texturate gives negative consequences due to the presence of elements in the composition of soy meat that cause dysfunctions in the body:

  • The isoflavones contained in soy inhibit the growth and development of the child, inhibit the work of the endocrine function. Adults suffer from decreased production of thyroid hormones. In girls, the content of isoflavones in food provokes an earlier onset of menstruation, in boys it slows down sexual development.
  • Soy texturate contains salts of oxalic acid - oxalates, which provoke the formation of sand deposits in the kidneys. Oxalates are excreted from the body only through urine. Hardening in the form of calcium, they lead to the formation of stones that block the normal functioning of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urinary tract. Persons who have problems with the genitourinary organs and suffer from kidney disease, soy meat is excluded from the diet.

On the basis of research, the fact of the relationship between the systematic use of genetically modified soy and disruption of the brain, including the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease, has been confirmed. Information that soy texturate is made from GMO soybeans is reflected by the manufacturer on the label. Thus, the consumer controls the presence of GMO products in the diet.

The contradictory nature of some components

At the same time, when soy texturate is used, mineral deficiency is provoked, since phytic acid molecules bind minerals entering the body, preventing absorption. Phytic acid also affects the enzymes responsible for food processing. It inhibits the work of pepsin, trypsin and amylase, which break down proteins and starch into sugars.

The second component of soy meat with a dual character is the female hormone estrogen. The use of estrogen is recommended for women who, due to age or other reasons, have problems with the natural production of this hormone. According to studies, soy phytoestrogens reduce the risk of diseases associated with insufficient production of estrogen by the female body (endometriosis, vulvar and cervical dysplasia, breast cancer, menstrual irregularities) by 36%.

However, when planning a conception, this product is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers. Estrogen also changes the male hormonal background, negatively affecting the level of potency, so men use soy texturate with caution.

Final Diagnosis

The use of soy meat causes negative consequences for the body with the systematic use of a genetically modified product, a poor diet, ignoring diseases in which soy meat in the diet is undesirable. If there are no contraindications, the moderate use of soy texturate, obtained from naturally grown soybeans, does not harm the body and becomes a source of nutritious vegetable protein, vitamins and trace elements.

The harm and benefits of soy meat are still the subject of discussion among scientists. It would seem that the product is made from natural raw materials, what could be wrong with it? In fact, there are some concerns. However, if you eat bean meat in moderation, then the body will not resist.

The product is very fond of vegetarians, because it allows you to make up for the lack of amino acids. About 60-70% of the mass falls on high-quality protein, which is not much inferior to the substance of animal origin. In addition, there is practically no fat in soy meat.

The second name for meat is soy texturate. It is a product of the processing of the beans of this plant. They make flour, which is defatted. Then the dough is kneaded and cooked in a special way.

It turns out a spongy mass of irregular shape. It is crushed and dried. The size of the pieces determines the purpose of the product, i.e. will it be goulash, or cereal, or minced meat, etc.

Often, instead of flour, the manufacturer uses soybean meal - a by-product in the production of soybean oil. Extracts of oat, wheat or cotton seeds, corn, plain flour or vegetables are also added to the substance. They give the meat a pleasant taste.

In cooking, the product is used to prepare vegetarian versions of ordinary dishes - gravy, pilaf, naval pasta, meatballs and other goodies.

Useful composition

The benefits of soy meat are due to a balanced mineral and vitamin composition. Textured contains magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium and potassium, vitamins B1, B2, E and H, fiber.

This, in general, is all, but the concentration of these substances allows a small volume of the product to cover the daily requirement. The energy value of soy meat varies from 102 to 296 kcal. The indicator depends on the manufacturer and method of preparation, but in any case, most of the calories come from proteins.

Benefits of soy texturate

It cannot completely replace regular meat. But sometimes, for some reason, people cannot consume animal protein, and then they have to cook dishes from soy texturate.

Here are some of the benefits of this product:

  • the minimum amount of fat (from 1 to 0.14 g per 100 g) allows you to include soy meat in the diet of losing weight;
  • a large amount of protein provides a lack of this component of animal origin, which is especially valuable for vegetarians;
  • the price of texturate is affordable for almost all segments of the population;
  • soy meat reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, allergies, osteoporosis;
  • the product contributes to the formation of good microflora in the intestine;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system and stimulates intellectual activity;
  • phytic acids, which are part of meat, slow down the growth of cancer cells.

If the product is properly prepared, then it can be not only useful, but also tasty.

Dangers of use

For some people, soy products cause thyroid problems. Cancer recurrence is also possible, since legumes contain phytoestrogens. The possibility of allergic reactions to soy protein is not ruled out.

When texturate is abused, kidney dysfunction sometimes occurs, and the risk of stones increases. This is explained by the presence of oxalic acid salts in the composition, which affect the acid-base balance of urine.

Soy meat can cause indigestion, which is manifested by diarrhea, rumbling and abdominal pain. Another negative point is that phytic acid binds calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron. They are not absorbed by the body and do not benefit. On the other hand, acid blocks the entry of heavy metals into the body, such as lead, cadmium and mercury.

Separately, the effect on pregnant women should be noted. Since the product affects the hormonal background, it is better not to use it during an interesting position. Animal studies have shown that the intake of soy and soy meat affects the intrauterine development of the fetus and its further life.

In females, then early maturation, irregular menstruation, and problems with the reproductive system are observed. Males have congenital urological defects. However, there is no evidence that the same thing happens to humans.

For athletes, soy meat will not be an effective source of protein. It blocks beneficial substances, and also contains components similar to female sex hormones. Since sports people need to consume a lot of protein foods, soy can cause negative effects. At a minimum - increased gas formation, as a maximum - cancer.

Should men cook soy meat?

For men, soy texturate can actually have a negative effect. In the representatives of the stronger sex, who take this product more often than expected, there is a decrease in testosterone up to 76% and an increase in female sex hormones - estrogen.

This leads to the following consequences:

  • decrease in sperm concentration;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • the appearance of excess mass according to the female type;
  • mood swings;
  • gynecomastia - an increase in the mammary glands;
  • decrease in sexual desire.

For men, any of these diagnoses or conditions will be a terrible punishment. But do not immediately abandon the product. You can eat it, the main thing is not to abuse it. And this applies not only to the representatives of the stronger sex.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Soy meat is a processed product prepared for further preparation. Often soy meat is called soy texturate, this term is accepted in official documents. Soy meat is an almost equivalent substitute for natural meat for everyone who, for various reasons, does not eat animal food.

Soy meat can be in the form of flakes, individual pieces of various shapes (goulash, beef stroganoff, chops). In appearance, it resembles a spongy-fibrous mass, light brown or brown-gray in color, tasteless and odorless.

Soy meat is produced in several stages, first a dough is prepared from high quality, which is then boiled until a spongy mass is obtained. Large volumes of soy meat are cut, dried and packaged. Instead of soy flour, soybean meal, which is a by-product of production, can be used.

soy meat calories

The calorie content of soy meat depends on the ingredients and production of a particular manufacturer, but on average it is 296 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition of soy meat should contain textured defatted soy flour, without GMOs and chemical additives. Soy meat is a source of super protein necessary for the construction of all body cells (calorizator). Independent studies in many countries have shown that soy protein is the best substitute for animal proteins found in meat products. Eating soy meat does not cause cancer, especially of the colon. Soy meat helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels, is a prophylactic against the occurrence of atherosclerosis. The product contains dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility and helps to remove toxins from the body.

Harm of soy meat

Soy is a product that causes allergic reactions and, in rare cases, individual intolerance. Soy products made from genetically modified raw materials can also cause harm.

Selection and storage of soy meat

Soy meat should be dry, not stuck together, the spongy structure is clearly visible. Soy meat should be stored in a dry place for no longer than 12 months, after opening the package, transfer the remaining product into a glass container with a ground lid.

Soy meat in cooking

Before cooking, soy meat should be boiled or poured with water to swell, as a rule, advice is given on the product packaging. Then soy meat can be fried, baked or stewed. Soy meat absorbs the aromas and flavors of companion foods and spices because it has a neutral taste and odor. Vegetarian pilafs, naval pasta, goulash, beef stroganoff, soups and gravies are prepared from soy meat.

For more on soy meat, see the video "Can Soy Bean Replace Meat?" TV show "Life is great."

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