
DIY diaper cake. DIY diaper cakes step by step instructions

Going to the bride or christening, we usually buy bundles of diapers, diapers, bottles, nipples, rattles, toys and other useful things and funny trinkets. Of course, you can not fool yourself too much, but simply show up for the holiday as Grandfather Frost with a full bag of gifts. But why not get creative and present gifts in an original way? For example, in the form of a cute diaper cake, especially since in today's master class we will tell you in detail how to make a diaper cake for a bride or christening. Don't worry, you only need clean diapers to make this masterpiece 😉 And you don't have to "bake" a cake either, but be patient and turn on your imagination.

Video tutorial on "baking" cakes

The tradition of creating cakes, pastries and other fun and extraordinary creations from diapers, which is just emerging in our area, came to us from the West. In particular, in America, the expectant mother and baby are honored with similar cakes at the Baby Shower holiday, which is held shortly before the birth of the baby. In my opinion, the gift is just wonderful, because, in addition to diapers, from which the cake is created, toys and other children's accessories are used, which are used to decorate the cake. Inside the cake, especially for parents, you can even hide a bottle of champagne 😉

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Master class: how to make a diaper cake

There are several ways to create diaper cakes. Today we will talk about one of the most popular and simple techniques. You are free to choose what is closer and dearer to you. Make your own adjustments, turn on your imagination and ... let's go create!

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"Ingredients" for the cake

  • Pampers, the number of which directly depends on the size of the future cake and the technology of its creation. For our three-layer cake, you will need 70 diapers. Since diapers will be used not only as building materials, but also for their intended purpose, before buying it would be nice to find out which brand parents prefer and name it and focus on. Do not forget to take into account another important point - the size of diapers. You can limit yourself to one size or use several at once. It is better not to take diapers for newborns and diapers of the first size, because babies grow by leaps and bounds. In addition, if the baby was born large, it is likely that the second size will be at the right time for him. And also, if you want to prolong the life of your creation so that you can admire it for as long as possible, choose a larger size! Do not forget that diapers are colored, so if you are planning to create a “pink fantasy” for your little princess, be sure to take this into account when buying so that you don’t have to rack your brains at the last minute on how to disguise the blue or something else that doesn’t fit into your idea.
  • A beautiful tray, stand or thick cardboard on which the cake will stand.
  • Diapers or thin fabric like lining for wrapping diaper layers.
  • Elastic bands for money, ordinary linen gum or ropes.
  • Clothespins.
  • Wide colored satin ribbons for decorating the cake.
  • Toys, rattles, socks and other small things for children for the original design of the cake.
  • Transparent film for wrapping gifts.
  • Safety pins and a long, thin stick will also come in handy.

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Making a diaper cake step by step

  • Upper layer

Our appetizing and in all respects cute cake will consist of three layers. And we will begin to create it from the topmost layer, for which we need 8 diapers. One by one, we take out the diapers from the pack and twist them into rolls. To make the side fold as neat as possible, we start twisting with an elastic band. So that the elastic does not stick out on the sides, we slightly tuck it inward. The roll should turn out to be tight, and so that it does not unwind ahead of time, we fix it with a rubber band or grab it from above with a regular clothespin. Similarly, we twist another 7 diapers. When all the rolls are ready, put one of them in the middle, place the remaining 7 in a circle, and put on an elastic band on top.

Now take the diaper and fold it several times. The width of the diaper should be equal to the height of the rolled diapers. With a folded diaper, we wrap the rolls assembled together. We fix the edges of the diaper with a safety pin or again use an elastic band, which can later be masked with a beautiful ribbon. The top level is ready!

  • middle layer

For the second layer, we make another blank of 8 diapers, similarly to the first layer. That is, in fact, we again make the first layer, securing everything with clothespins and rubber bands. Now we need to twist 14 more diapers into tubes, which we wrap in a circle around the blank of 8 diapers. We fix everything with an elastic band or rope. We remove the clothespins as a last resort so that the tubes do not unwind. We take the second diaper, fold it diagonally so that the edge for fixing is not so thick, wrap the second layer of the cake and fix the edge.

  • bottom layer

To make the bottom third layer of the cake, we prepare three more blanks from 8 diapers exactly as we did for the top and middle layers. We put three blanks side by side and tie them with a rope or intercept with an elastic band. We get a kind of triangle with three free spaces, each of which we fill with five tubes from diapers to make a circle. Insert another "roll" in the center. At the end, we wrap the layer with a folded diaper. If the soul asks for something more impressive, you can make another layer. When all the layers are ready, you can put them on top of each other.

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How to decorate a diaper cake in an original way

We baked a cake! Hooray!!! Now you can safely proceed to the most pleasant stage - decorating our masterpiece. However, before you go headlong into embellishment, you should take care of the stability, solidity and steadfastness of the structure, because we don’t want our creation to fall apart at the most inopportune moment and all our labors go down the drain? So that this unfortunate fate has passed us, we take a long thin stick and carefully, so as not to accidentally pierce the diapers, stick it in the center and pass it through all the layers - it will connect the layers and keep them from shifting. Under the cake, be sure to put a rigid base - a tray or a thick cardboard box, otherwise, when packing a gift, the lower layers may simply fall apart.

To decorate the cake, you can use multi-colored ribbons, toys, rattles, socks and other small things for children, as well as hygiene products. So, a cute soft toy will look great on the top of the cake. You can cut out long rectangles from cardboard, put children's socks on them and stick them into the cake - why not candles ?! In general, be creative and do not hold back your imagination! If the cake is intended for a boy, it can be decorated in a sports theme. If for a girl, we create a cake a la princess, generously decorated with bows, flowers, butterflies, cute dolls and booties. And, of course, do not forget to put something for the newly-made mom. She will certainly be touched by such attention.

We hope that your diaper cakes will come out well, will pleasantly surprise, delight, help make the holiday bright and unforgettable.

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Video catalog of creative ideas

Diapers are by far the most useful and practical gift for young parents on the occasion of their beloved child. But just buying a pack of diapers and presenting them is boring and not solemn. Thanks to imagination and creativity, this gift can be beautifully and originally beaten. This present will be appropriate for the discharge of a mother with a newborn from the hospital and for the first birthday. This article describes in detail how to make a diaper cake with your own hands step by step with a photo.

A little about the main

The minimum number of diapers should be 30 pieces. A bunk usually takes a large pack of 78 pieces.

Before you start working on a gift, you need to ask your parents in advance what brand of diapers they use. It is also better to purchase them one size larger, because children grow very quickly in the early stages and there is a chance not to use everything.

The average price of a pack of diapers is 800 rubles, and decorating costs should also be added to the main amount. That is, such a cake will cost about 1200 rubles. Of course, you can limit the budget and reduce the amount of materials.

Tiered cake

This master class will help you figure out how to make a diaper cake for a girl or a boy.

At the beginning of work, it is necessary to establish the basis for the cake. For this, thick cardboard is useful, it must be cut out and pasted over with paper. But you can also enclose a large-format children's book.

The next mandatory element is the rod, around which the entire structure must be located. A wooden skewer, a roll of paper towel, a bottle of bathing foam, a bottle of baby champagne can be used as a rod.

In this master class, the bathing foam will be the basis. Glue the base of the rod together with Moment glue or liquid nails.

Tie the book with ribbon and glue the bottle to it. Then open the pack of diapers, twist each one into a tube and start forming the cake. To prevent them from unfolding, fix with an elastic band for money.

Make two levels, securing each with a satin ribbon.

The next step is decorating the cake with various useful little things. These are spoons, anti-scratches, bottles, nipples, booties. It is best to put a soft toy on top. The cake is ready!

So that the gift does not accidentally get dirty or damaged, pack it in transparent polyethylene.

Single tier option

The method of making a single-tiered cake is very simple. This type of gift is great for a boy's first birthday.

For work you will need:

11 diapers;

wide tape;

decorations to taste.

First you need to take a diaper, roll it into a roller and tighten it with a tape. Put the resulting roller on the table, and place the rest of the diapers around it. Wrap the tape around the diapers and tighten them, wrapping the edges in one direction.

Tie the edges of the tape, fixing the diapers. Wrap the cake with ribbon and a bright cloth, secure with glue.

Decorate the top of the product as desired. For decor, toys, clothes for a small one, ships, cars, balls will do.

Mk "Diaper Cake" is finished, such a gift will surely please relatives and friends.

Video on the topic of the article

In addition, such a “diaper structure” is being built quite simply, so you can do it yourself. The most important thing is to understand the main principles and come up with a beautiful presentation design for a little girl or boy.

Diaper cake: basic nuances and manufacturing rules

As the name implies, the main component of the gift are baby diapers. However, before making a presentation, you need to stock up on other devices, carefully study the size of the baby and the technique of creating a cake. Let's talk about the most important nuances and rules:

Sizes and number of diapers

Diapers are an item that requires careful selection. Before you create a great diaper cake, experts advise paying attention to the size and required amount of these baby hygiene products.

Newborn children should purchase products of the first or second size, as babies grow up very quickly. It is better not to buy size zero diapers, because when you open the package (and this is required), they may break sterility.

Create a combo gift of different sizes of diapers to please the mother of the baby. In addition, before purchasing hygiene products, it is better to check with parents which brand of products they prefer to use.

After that, you should decide what the diaper cake will be. If the product design consists of one tier, then no more than 22 diapers will be required. If the cake will consist of two tiers, you need to buy at least 50 diapers. The largest products consist of 100 hygienic devices.

In addition to the diapers themselves, to make a cake, you will need other important materials and fixtures that will help assemble and fasten the entire structure.

So, in advance, acquire attributes such as:

Before purchasing the necessary attributes, create a cake project. This will allow you to purchase really necessary things that will be at hand in the process of making a gift.

To make a diaper cake for a newborn with your own hands, you need to follow certain rules, which, first of all, relate to hygiene standards:

In order for the diaper cake to survive transportation, it must be properly packaged. The cover will not only prevent the loss of shape, but also eliminate the staining, dusting of the gift. In addition, beautiful packaging will emphasize the solemnity of the moment and create a festive mood.

The safest packaging materials are film used in flower shops or wrapping paper. The finished cake is placed in a double layer of film, tied with a ribbon, decorated with a bow. It turns out very attractive and hygienic.

Diaper cakes for girls and boys

Creating a gift largely depends on who it will be addressed to. Of course, the “girlish” cake will differ from the “male” one in terms of colors, additional accessories and the general idea. But the form itself is usually the same - one-, two- or three-tiered design, reminiscent of a birthday cake.

According to tradition, gifts for girls are distinguished by more delicate colors, feminine accessories and the presence of numerous cute details. But more about everything.

Usually, ribbons, diapers and other decorative elements of bright or, on the contrary, delicate shades are used for little princesses: beige, pink, lilac, fawn, yellow, etc.

  • touching details will be all kinds of ruffles, frills, bows. Such elements not only signal the gender of the child, but also give the diaper cake a resemblance to a real confectionery;
  • in addition, the gift can be decorated with such typically girly accessories as butterflies, flowers, ribbons, beads. Butterflies and flowers will also emphasize the season in which the newborn baby was born;
  • Another type of jewelry that is suitable for little beauties is all kinds of plush bunnies and bear cubs, baby dolls and dolls. You can also place tiny socks or booties on the cake.

In general, you can decorate a diaper cake for girls in completely different ways. Floral, doll details, various ribbons and bows are welcome.

Designs from diapers for young gentlemen differ from girlish gifts, first of all, in brevity and a certain “seriousness”. All kinds of ruffles, bows and frills are excluded. How to decorate men's cakes?

It is best to use "brutal shades": blue, blue, green. Usually, if a child is born in the autumn-winter period, then the color is selected lighter and softer.

  • traditionally boyish game devices become decorative elements: cars, locomotives, ships, balls, airplanes. Some craftsmen even make cakes in the form of cars or boats;
  • in addition, you can decorate the present with clothes (socks, hats, diapers, sliders), hygiene products (creams, shampoos, powders) and other children's accessories.

Thus, differences are observed only in the decor of the gift, but they usually take a single or multi-tiered design as the basis. However, if you really want to impress the mother of a young gentleman, then try making a train out of diapers. Of course, this will require more time and skill, but delight and gratitude are provided.

Look at the newborn on the nose? You can make the simplest version of a diaper cake, consisting of a minimum number of basic and additional parts. Naturally, do not forget to decorate the product to emphasize your positive attitude towards mom and baby.

To create a "masterpiece" you need to prepare the following materials:

  • diapers (size "1" or "2") - 11 pieces;
  • a diaper of a bright shade;
  • wide satin ribbon;
  • narrow ribbon (these are used in flower shops);
  • scissors;
  • tray or thick cardboard;
  • various decorative elements to your taste;
  • bright natural fabric.

Making a single-layer cake from diapers is very simple. One diaper is rolled up, tied with a ribbon and placed in the center of the cardboard. This is the basis from which the circle of other hygiene devices will go.

Around this central element, diapers are placed so that the "sun" comes out. Pampers are installed edgewise, one side of them is sent to the first roll. Outwardly, it resembles a kind of sunlight.

With very gentle movements, you need to pull off all the diapers with a narrow ribbon to make a cake, while their tips should be directed in one direction. It is important to ensure that when tightening the cake is fixed and does not fall apart.

The last stage is wrapping the structure with a diaper, fixing it with a wide tape. For decoration, you can use any beautiful natural fabric - cotton or linen. This will prevent allergic reactions in children.

This is a classic version of a three-tier diaper design, which, like the previous version, is very simple to prepare. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and properly fasten each layer.

You need to prepare the following "ingredients" in advance:

  • diapers (different or the same size) - 80 pieces;
  • tray or thick cardboard;
  • stationery gum - 80 pieces;
  • feeding bottle or shampoo;
  • powder bottle;
  • satin ribbons;
  • toys, rattles, baby clothes for decoration;
  • sticks or pins for fastening the "floors".

The first cake is prepared in a standard way: 37 diapers are laid vertically on a cardboard or tray, which are twisted into rolls and fixed with elastic bands. A bottle for milk or shampoo is inserted into the center. The whole structure is fastened with a ribbon or elastic band.

Then the second layer is prepared, which will consist of 27 diapers. Rolls of them are formed in the same way as for the previous cake. It is also necessary to insert some kind of jar into the central part - with powder or baby cream.

The next step is to make the last layer. For him, 16 diapers are taken, which are installed on the second cake and pulled together with an elastic band. You can fasten the tiers with safety pins so that the structure does not fall apart.

Then proceed to decorate the cake. Depending on the gender of the child, you can take blue or pink satin ribbons. A card is inserted under the ribbon with the wishes of health and successful development and the necessary things of a small size.

A beautiful doll or plush toy can crown the top of the structure, rattles and other plastic hygiene items are laid out on the sides. It will turn out very beautiful, elegant and useful for the whole family.

In appearance, this pyramidal structure really resembles a confectionery product with cream. This effect is created by wrapping each layer with bright and attractive diapers. It turns out very aesthetically pleasing.

For the manufacture of the structure, you need to take the following materials:

For the manufacture of the lower layer, 40 diaper rolls are laid in a circle in the form of a spiral, fastening the initial and final diapers with tailor's needles. A tightly folded blanket or towel is placed in the center. The entire structure is fastened for fidelity with an elastic band.

Then you need to decorate the resulting diaper cake with “cream”. To do this, the film is folded across the width of the diapers, wrapped around the layer and fastened with needles. This must be done carefully so that the design looks aesthetically pleasing.

The next layer is made from 30 diapers laid out in rolls around a bottle of baby powder. Pampers are fixed with tailor's needles and rubber bands. "Cream" from the diaper decorate the outer side of the cake.

The topmost layer consists of 20 diapers. It is made in the same way as the two previous cakes. The main difference is the number of hygiene devices used.

To decorate the cake, rattles are taken, small toys that are placed on the "steps". Also, parents will need such hygiene devices as nipples, cotton swabs, bottles for milk or water, jars of cream or powder. Booties can be placed on top of the structure.

In addition to diapers, small towels can also be used to make such designs. They are folded in exactly the same way - into peculiar cylinders. Naturally, before “installing” the diaper cake, you need to wash your hands and prepare all the necessary materials.

To make this type of diaper cake, you need to take:

In the center of the structure will be a roll of paper towels. Three rows of diapers rolled into cylinders and tightened with rubber bands line up around him. This whole structure must be tightly pulled together with a wide and dense elastic band.

The next layer is prepared from the remaining diapers, which are again placed around a roll of paper towels in two rows. The resulting cake is fixed with an elastic band, making sure that the structure is not too tight.

The top cake is made from towels that are rolled up like diapers. It is best to take colored accessories so that you can alternate them. Between the layers you need to insert a few sticks to secure the structure.

All tiers are wrapped in bright satin ribbons, the ends of which are fastened with adhesive tape. A teddy bear or dolls are placed on the top of the product, and pacifiers, children's things or various toys are placed on the "steps".

The viewing of a newborn child is a serious event, so many prefer not to take risks and not rely on their own imagination, but to use the services of experienced professional needlewomen.

Today, diaper cake services offer many models of similar designs. Such non-edible products are made both according to a standard template and according to the individual design of the customer.

The ingredients for making a diaper cake can be either from the manufacturer or purchased and brought by you personally. In the latter case, the price will be lower, in addition, you will know for sure that all materials are of high quality.

How much will you have to pay for a ready-made diaper cake? Its cost will depend on the following factors:

  • price of materials;
  • product size;
  • cake design;
  • the urgency of making a gift.

In general, you can order and purchase such a design from diapers for 1800 - 4800 rubles. The most expensive options consist of five tiers, decorated not just with ribbons and bows, but with strollers, steering wheels and diaper cars. Such an original gift will be remembered for a long time by parents and the hero of the occasion.

Summing up

A diaper cake is a bright and original gift for the bride of a newborn baby or for a baby to be discharged from a maternity hospital. Many people believe that it is impossible to make such a design with their own hands, but they are mistaken.

There are numerous master classes on the Internet in which craftsmen explain in detail and simply how you can create such products at home. On forums and websites, you can also find photos with exemplary models of structures.

If you follow the detailed algorithm, then you yourself will be able to make a truly unique present that your parents and relatives will definitely like.

So that efforts and materials are not wasted, you need to remember a few important rules:

  1. Buy diapers only from reputable brands. It is better to take hygienic devices of the first and second sizes, as the child grows quickly.
  2. A solid cardboard should be placed under the cake, which will allow you to create a really solid structure that will not collapse when carried.
  3. Don't make very tall cakes yourself. Maximum - three tiers, if you make an excessively large structure, it can fall apart.
  4. Wash your hands thoroughly before making a cake. Fabric materials are ironed, and plastic toys or hygiene items are disinfected.
  5. If imagination or skill allows, try to create not just a multi-tiered cake, but a real masterpiece in the form of a stroller, boat, car, etc.
  6. The finished product must be packaged to prevent contamination and dust.
  7. Be sure to take a picture of the resulting product, you can even with the hero of the occasion (if parents allow). Children grow up very quickly, but such a memory will allow you to return to an important day again and again.

It may seem to you that it is extremely difficult to make such a “work of art”, but this is absolutely not the case. A diaper cake will allow not only to please loved ones, but also to spend your free time yourself. Be sure that by making such a gift, you will experience a lot of pleasure, and the baby's parents, to whom you hand your creation, will receive not only a set of things necessary in the first days of the baby's life, but also a whole bunch of positive emotions. So go for it!

A diaper cake is a spectacular gift that not only looks great, but can also be very useful. With such an exclusive, it is easy to surprise both the parents of the baby and the guests. You have probably seen photos of such gifts on the Web. Do you think they are only made by experienced needlewomen? But no! It is enough to have a little time, patience and desire, and you will also get a wonderful diaper cake.

Do-it-yourself diaper cake: manufacturing nuances

To make such a design, first of all, you have to turn on your imagination and tune in to creativity. By the way, in needlework, not only the result, but also the process itself brings positive emotions.

How many diapers will you need?

The most important "ingredient" of our cake is diapers. The number of diapers depends on the size of the product. Are you planning to make a small gift? Buy 15-20 pieces at the pharmacy. But it’s better to take a whole pack. If you want to make a large cake with several tiers, you may need two or three packs.

Diaper size for cake making

When deciding on the size, be sure to consider the age of the child. You can buy larger diapers, but in no case do not take small ones, because then the parents simply cannot use them. Pay attention to the color of diapers. If a gift for a girl, choose white with pink, if for a boy - with blue. Green and yellow are universal colors.

An important criterion is the quality of diapers. Do not save, give preference to products of well-known brands. Agree, it is a pity to throw away money for something that in the end will not be used.

Necessary materials

So, we figured out the diapers. This is the basis of the design. They must be of high quality, suitable in color and size. But you can’t “cook” a cake out of diapers alone.

The following materials may also be needed in the work:

  • cardboard stand to be used as a base;
  • long and wide elastic bands;
  • clothespins for fixing diapers in the right position;
  • wrapping paper, pieces of beautiful fabric, small towels and diapers;
  • bows and ribbons;
  • wooden stick to the full height of the "dessert";
  • decorative elements to your taste;
  • gifts for a child (booties, hair ties, cosmetics, rattles, etc.).

With these elements at hand, you can easily make a diaper cake with your own hands.

Remember that everything must be sterile. Wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly with soap beforehand. Do not forget to place the finished product in a beautiful package so that the diapers do not accidentally get dirty.

"Diaper" cake for a boy: ideas

When making a cake for a boy, choose diapers and decorations made in blue, green, blue tones. The base of the composition can be made white. The following attributes will be relevant here: cars, balls, baby dolls, bow ties, ties, etc.

Idea number 1. bottle of champagne

If you have an extra bottle of champagne, why not use it. This is an excellent foundation. You will need a coaster, a bottle of champagne, actually, diapers, rubber bands, double tape, Chinese sticks, decorative items.

  1. We make blanks. We twist each diaper with a “snail”, fix it with rubber bands (ordinary, small for money).
  2. We put the bottle on a stand, we begin to install twisted diapers around it, which we fix again with an elastic band, now together. The lower tier can be laid out in two or even three rows.
  3. The second layer is smaller in diameter than the first. We carry it out in the same way, laying twisted diapers around the bottle.
  4. We do the same for the top layer. If the diapers are higher than the bottle, use a Chinese stick to secure them.
  5. The base is ready. We hide the elastic bands with wide ribbons and decorate the “dessert” at our discretion.

A cake “cooked according to this recipe” will turn out stable, durable and, of course, beautiful. But keep in mind that it is quite heavy compared to other diaper cakes.

Idea number 2. Toilet paper

Needlewomen have learned to use a variety of materials to make their masterpieces. In this case, to make a diaper cake, you will need cardboard cylinders that are left over from used paper towels or toilet paper. Let's start making a huge cake.

  1. We cut out three circles of different diameters from thick cardboard, glue cylinders on them (in the center). The largest circle is at the bottom, then the middle one and the small one.
  2. We fold the diapers with a tube and fasten each of them to the base (cardboard cylinders) using the same rubber bands.
  3. Decorate the cake as you wish.

To make a diaper cake for a boy look organic, carefully choose and deliberately place decorative elements.

Design and decoration of a diaper cake for a girl

A diaper cake for a girl is usually made in white and pink colors. Yellow, red, orange are not so popular. On a cake for a girl, large tulle bows, wide satin ribbons, headbands, hair ornaments, as well as rings, earrings, bracelets will be appropriate. On top of the cake, you can put a Barbie doll, teddy bear, bunny or other animal.

Single tier, three tier diaper cake

Idea number 3. Single tier cake

The easiest option. Fold the first diaper in a tube, put it in the center of the stand. Place the rest of the diapers evenly, then twist around the first in one direction, tighten with an elastic band so that each element is on top of the previous one, but does not fit too tightly. From above we wrap our creation with a towel, decorate it beautifully.

Idea number 4. Three-tiered cake

But this option is not for beginners, but for those needlewomen who have already managed to try themselves in this matter. You need to be patient to "bake" it. So let's start.

  1. 40 diapers are laid in a spiral in one direction. You should get an even circle, which we then carefully tie with a white ribbon. If you want to make the diameter even larger, place a thick cardboard cylinder in the center.
  2. We do the second and third "floors" in the same way, only we use 30 and 10 diapers, respectively.
  3. We fasten all three tiers with one strong wooden stick.
  4. Now we decorate the "cake". There are no rules here. Decorate as you like.

Don't forget the packaging. If you do not want to use traditional wrapping paper, replace it with white tulle or another light, transparent fabric.

Gift with small towels

There are many ways to make and decorate diaper cakes. If you have no experience, do not choose complex, time-consuming options, so as not to be disappointed with the result. Try to start with something simple. Here is another cake decorating idea.

Idea number 5. Bright cake with towels

In work, you will need the actual diapers, bright small towels or diapers, elastic bands, ribbons, decorative elements. The number of towels depends on the number of tiers. To begin with, we make the "floors" themselves. We twist the diapers with rollers, form circles from them. Wrap each circle with a towel or diaper. We fasten all three tiers together. The base is ready. It remains only to decorate.

There are many ideas for decorating such a gift. Decorate the "dessert" with toys, baby cosmetics, rattles and even banknotes. Once you decide to make a gift useful, follow the principle to the end!

To surprise and please your friends or relatives who have become parents, you can give them an original and useful gift - a diaper cake. It can be purchased to order from people who have been making such unusual things for a long time, or you can make it yourself. It does not require any special knowledge or skills. Any person can make a diaper cake, the main thing is to understand the basic manufacturing principle and figure out how to creatively decorate a practical gift for a little man.

Ideas for inspiration

Diaper cake: needlework features

1. For the period of making a surprise, free the room from pets.
2. Purchase a pack of at least 60 diapers.
3. During operation, do not turn them inside out.
4. Create maximum sterility in the room.
5. Wash your hands thoroughly, sterilize the instrument.
6. Iron gift clothes, neutralize glassware with an antiseptic.

Cake from diapers for a boy: decor elements

Cake from diapers for a girl: decor elements

The main elements of decorating a cake are as follows:

  • personal hygiene items (shampoo, dry and wet wipes, powder, moisturizer, children's manicure set, etc.);
  • clothes (mittens, socks, sliders, undershirts, etc.);
  • toys (rattles, soft or rubber animals, etc.);
  • small towels, diapers, a blanket (they are convenient to pack the layers of the cake. In addition, they give the finished product a spectacular look).

Important Points

  • if you are making a diaper cake for a boy, then give preference to a certain color scheme, for example, blue, light green, beige, if for a girl - pink, yellow, red, orange;
  • ask your parents what brand of diapers they use;
  • when purchasing things for a baby, give preference to natural fabrics;
  • when choosing toys, make sure that they do not have an extraneous smell, they are of high quality.

Diaper cake: master class

You can make a diaper cake in any shape and size. However, if you want to conquer everyone with its volume, then purchase diapers in a size. Before you make a diaper cake, buy 70-100 items. To achieve a visual transition between layers, use three types of diapers.

Diaper cake: step by step instructions

1. Top tier diaper cake:

  • we turn each product into a tube and fix it with a clothespin (gum);
    for this tier, we need only 7 diapers, where the first is placed in the middle, and the rest are attached in a circle;
  • to fix all the products together, you can use a diaper or a wide satin ribbon.

2. Middle tier diaper cake:

  • here we need 19 diapers rolled into a tube;
  • we fix everything with a satin ribbon or diaper.
  • 3. Bottom Tier of Diaper Cake: We need 43 rolled up diapers.

4. Forming a cake from diapers:

  • we take a hard base for a cake, or a spacing;
  • lay out each tier in turn;
  • we take a thin wooden or bamboo stick to stand in the cake;
  • carefully string each layer through the middle.
  • on the upper tier, you can plant a beautiful toy or make a funny one.
  • decorate the rest of the layers with rattles, booties, etc.

Don't forget to gift wrap your cake!

To make a diaper cake, diapers do not have to be rolled up, there is another version of such a cake.

Watch how professionals make cakes from diapers and make sure that it’s not difficult at all!

Cake from diapers for a girl

Baby boy diaper cake

Give with love!
