
Why nuts are high in calories. The benefits and calorie content of pine nuts

IN Lately much is said and written about the fact that nuts are a valuable source of nutrients. However, they are rarely recommended for dieters, mainly due to their high energy value. But is there any real reason to be afraid to include them in the diet in the process of losing weight?

You may be surprised, but these gifts of nature have beneficial features aimed at reducing the amount of adipose tissue in the body.

Nuts are a broad food group. In our market, in particular, walnut and Brazilian varieties, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts are available (curiously, from the point of view of botany, these are legume) and other types.

In addition to the fact that they differ in name, appearance and taste, each variety has its own nutritional value. Their common feature is the relatively high content of many vitamins and minerals, as well as vegetable fats, hence the high calorie content of this food group.

Calories aren't everything

But the energy value is not the only indicator of the feasibility of using nuts for weight loss. A number of other factors also matter.

For example, nutrient density reflects how much non-energy components are consumed for each calorie supplied to the body. An equally important role is played by the health-improving potential of the product, its saturating properties. And here nuts are presented as a healthy and noteworthy food.

These gifts of nature provide us with a large dose of vitamins (mainly vitamin E and group B), minerals (magnesium and copper), fiber, as well as biologically active substances - polyphenols. Thus, nuts not only allow you to meet human needs for essential nutrients, but also prevent some diseases.

The fact that they help control appetite deserves special attention. Needless to say, during the period of weight loss, this is extremely important.

Beneficial dietary properties

Eating nuts in reasonable amounts will not only not hinder weight loss, but can also help reduce body fat. This is due to the aforementioned saturating properties.

After consuming this natural gift, we do not feel as hungry as after receiving the same dose of energy in the form of other products. Especially it concerns bread sticks, chips, etc. Nuts can become worthy alternative many other, less healthy snacks.

The digestibility of such food is not particularly high. In practice, this means that real calorie content nuts is lower than indicated on the label: the body is simply not able to assimilate part of the energy hidden in the fruits. "At least 1/5 of the fat found in nuts is not absorbed by our bodies," says Dr. Stein in a 2008 Journal of Nutrition article.

An illustrative example is almonds: its digestibility is only about 70%. There are a number of studies confirming the effectiveness of the use of these nuts for weight loss.

The best nuts for weight loss

  1. . The leader among nuts for weight loss. Contains omega-3 fatty acids, lots of fiber and protein. When eaten, it creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach, thus reducing cravings for high-calorie fatty and sweet foods.
  2. Walnuts. Like almonds, because they are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and protein. Even during a diet, you can eat them daily, but in small quantities(1-2 pieces). This will help cleanse the body of the so-called bad cholesterol and protect the heart from heart disease.
  3. Cashew nuts are also among the healthiest dietary products. They give a feeling of satiety, but, in addition to dietary fiber and healthy fats, they can boast of the content of phosphorus and zinc, trace elements that promote weight loss.
  4. Pistachios are known as one of the most low calorie nuts. For example, you can eat 50 pieces and it will be only 160 calories.
  5. Peanuts have been shown to speed up resting metabolism by up to 11%. This issue and related study results are discussed in detail in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The authors of the experiments believe that dietary properties V this case are associated with a high concentration of unsaturated fats, which, when combined with vegetable protein, can have a thermogenic effect.
  6. Pine nuts. Scientists report that cedar oil, obtained from Korean fruits, can suppress appetite. It turns out biologically active substances as part of the product, they contribute to the production of two hormones in the human body at once, which reduce the feeling of hunger. The effect lasts for 30 minutes. Whether this property extends to Siberian nuts, American researchers do not say.

How much can you eat

It is definitely difficult to answer, since a lot will depend on the nutrition program you have chosen and its total calorie content. For a man not obsessed rapid loss extra pounds ov, it is enough to eat a handful of nuts a day, preferably before the main meals. This will already amount to an additional 160-200 kcal. Handful size for different species.

All nuts are high-calorie foods . They contain a lot of vegetable protein, which has the most unique composition and is easily digestible. Therefore, nuts are loved by vegetarians and those who adhere to religious fasts.

Exists a large number of varieties of nuts. The values ​​of their energy and nutritional value are presented in the calorie table, which is posted on our website.

The calorie content of nuts is determined by their fat content, most of which is presented in the form of polyunsaturated acids. Thanks to this composition, even minimal amount walnut grains will quickly and permanently satisfy hunger.

Despite such a high caloric value and great content fats, nuts are often included in various dietary systems.

Just a few small nuts will provide the body with energy for long time . And the protein contained in this product can be an excellent meat substitute.

Also, all nuts contain substances that are natural antioxidants, various vitamins, minerals and other active trace elements that have a positive effect on the condition and work of our body.

Calorie peanut (peanut)

All varieties of nuts contain a lot of protein in their kernels, but peanut grains contain almost twice as much protein. This can be explained by the fact that peanuts are not a fruit walnut tree, but refers to leguminous plants . In terms of protein content, it is equal to beans, peas and other beans.

If we compare peanuts with other varieties of nuts, then its calorie content will be one of the lowest.

100 grams of peanuts contains 552 kcal.

In the same amount peanut, which is what peanuts are often called, contains:

  • proteins 26.4 grams;
  • fat 45.3 grams;
  • carbohydrates 9.8 grams.

To get the full benefit of nuts, you need to eat them raw. As a result of roasting, most of the beneficial properties of nut grains are lost, and their calorie content increases slightly.

There are 626 calories in 100 grams of roasted peanuts.

This increase in energy value is due to the evaporation of moisture from peanut grains.

Energy value of walnuts

Among special properties walnut can be noted ability to improve the activity of brain cells. Regular use them in food serves as a preventive measure for the development of atherosclerosis.

Walnuts are useful in blood diseases because they contain iron. They are also able to increase the amount of milk in women during lactation. In medicine and cosmetology, walnut oil is used, which has unique properties.

100 grams of kernels walnuts have such nutritional value:

Calories 100 grams hazelnut(hazelnut) is 651 kcal, after roasting this value will increase to 703 kcal.

Hazelnuts are often used in cooking. It is added to various desserts, sweets, chocolate. Extraordinarily tasty pasta and hazelnut halva. He possesses bright taste, and most of us like to eat these nuts just like that, without any additives.

In order not to harm your health and figure, you should remember that you can eat no more than 30 grams of nuts per day. This applies to the use of all nuts, and not each type individually.

cashew nuts

This variety of nuts is less popular in our country. Among positive properties we can note its ability to improve the regeneration of skin cells, maintain the elasticity of muscle tissue and have a beneficial effect on hormonal processes in the body.

The cashew nut has antibacterial properties, thereby reducing the risk of caries and various inflammatory processes in the mouth.

The nutritional value 100 grams of cashew nuts is:

  • proteins 18.5 grams;
  • fats 48.5 grams;
  • carbohydrates 22.5 grams.

The calorie content of such a nut as cashew has 600 kcal for every 100 grams of the product.

Cashews in stores are sold only in peeled form after the mandatory heat treatment. This is because the shell contains phenolic resin, which can cause severe burns if it comes into contact with the skin.

In the process of roasting the nut kernels, this toxic substance is finally neutralized.

How many calories are in almonds

If you regularly eat a nut such as almonds, then can help restore vision I. There is also a normalization of the intestinal microflora, which has a beneficial effect on the entire process of digestion.

Sweet almonds are best for cooking.

There is also bitter almond, it has a bright taste and aroma, but contains dangerous substances, which are poisonous to humans. It is fashionable to call almonds of this species rather a medicine than food. You can eat no more than two grains of this nut per day.

An edible kind of almond can serve excellent remedy to satisfy hunger. The nutritional value of 100 grams of this nut is:

  • protein 18.6 grams;
  • fats 53.7 grams;
  • carbohydrates 13 grams.

Almonds, like other types of nuts, are high in calories.

100 grams of almonds contain 609 kcal.

Almond is indispensable ingredient for cooking various dishes. finely ground almond it is added to cakes and pastries instead of flour, it is also added to soups to make the dish thicker.

Even someone who does not know exactly how many calories are in nuts will say that there are a lot of them. You can even taste the fact that they are rich in fat. Nutritionists have calculated that if you eat only 3 "extra" walnuts a day, then in a year the weight will increase by 5 kilos. So what - to completely abandon these gifts of nature, so as not to spoil the figure? Do not rush to draw conclusions!

Nuts are a powerful source of energy and nutrients

Valuable, nutritious, and most importantly, very delicious product- nuts. Many people eat them as a snack or add them to pies and salads. Nuts, like seeds, are very "contagious": it is enough to eat one, as the hand reaches for another, and the whole pack or vase is imperceptibly emptied. These fruits contain a whole range of vitamins and beneficial trace elements. One problem - in terms of calories, they are far ahead of other plant gifts.

A person eats different types of them. To find out which ones you can (and if you can at all) eat while losing weight, just find out what the calorie content of nuts is.

About the energy value of nuts

Among those who need to lose weight, there is such a myth: if you replace meat with nuts in the menu, then you can get rid of extra pounds. Only those who have never been interested in what energy value and composition nuts have can believe in this legend. The calorie content of these products (per 100 grams and per 30 grams) will be as follows:

  • walnuts - 700 kcal; 185 kcal (7 cores);
  • Brazilian - 703 kcal; 186 kcal (6 fruits);
  • cedar - 620 kcal; 188 kcal (167 nuts);
  • almonds - 694 kcal; 163 kcal (23 nucleoli);
  • hazelnuts - 707 kcal; 178 kcal (21 pieces);
  • pistachios - 610 kcal; 158 kcal (49 pieces);
  • peanuts (ground) - 551 kcal; 166 kcal (28 pieces);
  • cashew - 633 kcal; 155 kcal (25 pieces);
  • pecan - 861 kcal; 193 (19 walnut halves);
  • coconut - 669 kcal; 200 kcal.

Why do you need to know how many calories are in a 30-gram serving of nuts? Because that's how much the weight of a package with a delicious snack is.

There is a favorite in the walnut family - this is the most expensive and rare specimen. It grows in Australia and costs about $30. per kg. This delicacy is called macadamia. The energy value of such elite nuts is 718 kcal.

To what extent is the calorie content of nuts combined with dietary characteristics? The table shows that none of these products can be called low-calorie, which means that those who do not want to lose their slim figure should be more careful with them.

How many caloriescan be found in 1 nut?

Safe Portion nuts depends on their nutritional value. Since the fruits contain an impressive supply of fat, it is important how much energy is hidden inside 1 nucleolus. The answer will also not please those who are dissatisfied with their weight. So, 1 nut has stored so many kilocalories for you:

  • whole walnut - 26 kcal;
  • cedar - 1.12 kcal;
  • almonds - 7 kcal;
  • hazelnuts - 8.4 kcal;
  • pistachios - 3.2 kcal;
  • peanuts - 5.9 kcal;
  • cashew - 6.2 kcal;
  • pecan - 21 kcal.

Some people wonder how many calories are in a young (unripe) walnut. He really lags behind in energy value from his more "adult" relative, but not by much. But taste qualities of such a product differ sharply from a ripe fruit.

Benefits or calories? The truth is somewhere in the middle

Each of the nuts is useful for the body. Yes, walnuts are high in omega-3s. fatty acids. It is a powerful antioxidant. And ellagic acid, which this product is rich in, effectively supports the immune system. If you eat 4 to 6 walnuts a day, it will be good for the body and will not affect your weight in any way. Indeed, at the same time, the daily supply of calories will increase by 156 kcal - this is the norm for snacking between main meals.

Pine nuts contain almost all unique amino acids, and their protein is completely absorbed by the body. You can eat a maximum of 100 g per day. Almonds are the champion in the amount of vitamin E. A safe serving is 30 g. Hazelnuts contain a lot of iron, strengthen blood vessels. In order not to get better, 7 pieces per day are enough.

It is difficult to find a person who does not like at least one kind of nuts. Cedar or walnut, peanuts or pistachios, some will definitely take a place in the heart. They can be added almost everywhere, and also used without any additions. They can serve as breakfast, lunch or dinner, or even just a snack. A hand reaches for them when watching TV or reading. And only sometimes during meals there is a desire to find out how many calories are in nuts. But before deciding whether to give up this product for the sake of your figure, it is necessary to analyze each type in detail, according to its pluses and minuses. And only then determine whether the calorie content of nuts is a friend or foe. But, in any case, after all, any terrible numbers can be bypassed. The main thing - there would be a desire.

How many calories are in nuts

Conventionally, most nuts can be divided into two groups: with the largest and lowest calorie. Pine nuts and cashews are somewhere in between these values, but given that the former are consumed uncontrollably, they will be even more harmful than those that fall into the category highest calorie content. This, of course, does not mean that nuts with the lowest calorie number can be consumed in unlimited quantities. But those that belong to the first, it is worth not to allow an excess on the menu.

So, the "dangerous three": pecans, hazelnuts and walnuts. The calorie content of the two main "enemies" is 691 and 680 kcal per 100 g, respectively, which is very significant. And the calorie content of a walnut is already 647 kcal. These species are best included in food as little as possible, but not completely thrown out of the diet, of course. After all, hazelnuts are very useful for problems with the heart and blood vessels, as well as anemia, it affects nervous system, blood circulation and bone tissue, is good helper in the fight against diabetes. Walnut is indispensable for the productive work of the brain, lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, increasing vascular tone, hormonal stabilization in men and women. And pecan, in addition to an active obstacle to the growth of cholesterol levels and an invaluable aid to the work of the heart, contributes to weight loss. And this is with the highest calorie content of all nuts! In addition, for vegetarians, pecans are one of the staples due to their ability to replace animal proteins and high content vegetable iron.

The next two species "weigh" less, but you can't relax with them: at least one representative is absorbed by Russians like seeds - imperceptibly and uncontrollably. These are pine nuts, the calorie content of which reaches 628 kcal, and cashews with a value of 601 kcal. As for the former, their use is clearly not weighed in grams, if there is free access. Who counts how many nuts are eaten, clicking them measuredly under the murmur of the TV? Only a mountain of shells grows side by side, and the stomach seems like a black hole that can not get enough. Unfortunately, then such a throwing into oneself of an unknown amount pine nuts, whose calorie content seems to be not as high as that of pecans and hazelnuts, can be clearly seen in the waist area and others problem areas. By the ratio of BJU in these nuts there are more fats than in all the others: as much as 67%. Only the pecan is ahead of them by 5%, but if we talk about the taste, in the latter it is not felt as much as it is felt in pine nuts. Nevertheless, they are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, and they also contain a perfectly balanced vegetable protein, which is almost completely absorbed by the body. Needless to say, with so many positive aspects, it is impossible to exclude pine nuts from the diet? Even if it is difficult to keep track of how many of them were eaten.

Cashews, although they cannot boast of such a track record, are able to show off a high level of Omega-3 and a relatively low fat content of 49%. With this nut, the calorie content of which is 601 kcal, the situation is a little more complicated than with the rest. With all its advantages, expressed in the prevention of oncology and the prevention of osteochondrosis, the normalization of cardiovascular and digestive systems, as well as strengthening immunity, cashews can cause individual intolerance, expressed in severe disorders gastrointestinal tract And skin reactions. But for those who are confident in their "friendship" with this nut, cashews can be advised as a fighter against inflammation of the throat and gums, hypertension and diabetes, and even anemia and toothache.

Now it’s worth finding out how many calories are in the nuts of the third group, conventionally called the lightest. The last three are almonds, peanuts and pistachios. The presence of peanuts here can surprise someone, but it is “in the tail” by right. In this nut, the calorie content shows the number "550", like in pistachios. True, the latter are not recommended to be abused: 10 pieces are considered the daily norm. And for almonds with a calorie content of 575 kcal - 3-5 nuts. This is due to both the load on the liver and the content of special substances in the shell, which, in case of an overdose, can no longer go for good, but to harm. If we talk about positive influence of these products on the body, then peanuts have a high proportion of monosaturated fats, in addition, it is used in the fight against malignant tumors and for the prevention of stroke. Among other things, peanuts have a beneficial effect on hormonal background, bone tissue and the cardiovascular system. Almonds are indispensable for hypertension, various kinds of tumors, ulcers and problems with the bile ducts. And pistachios are certainly important if you want to help the liver, with anemia and cardiological problems, and are especially recommended for athletes.

Eat and not gain weight

The combination of nuts and dried fruits can become great option a snack for both losing weight and adhering to proper nutrition. But now, having found out how many calories are in nuts, you can determine what is acceptable for yourself. daily allowance and try not to exceed it. For those who know that the use of pure form close to the risk of failure, there are several healthy recipes, which will not harm the figure and will allow you to satisfy your desire in a certain nut.

For example, very interesting option from pumpkin and cinnamon, which will take the hit off the calorie content of walnuts, which are also on the ingredient list. For the dish, you will need pre-steamed raisins and dried apricots and pumpkin cut into small pieces, which are sent in a deep heat-resistant dish to the oven for a quarter of an hour. In another bowl, walnuts, honey and Orange juice, serving as a kind of pumpkin sauce, which you need to fill it with after fifteen minutes. Decorate the dish with cinnamon sticks or sprinkle already ground, send back to the oven until cooked. This dessert goes well with bulgur or couscous, and one portion of it in this case will “weigh” only 304 kcal.

Sweet teeth can occasionally be allowed to bake muffins for tea from low-fat cottage cheese, eggs (it is better to take some proteins), a small addition of semolina, lemon peel, sugar, cut into small pieces of apple and chopped almonds. One or two things during the morning tea party will not add a dozen kilograms, but they will help you more easily survive an unusual diet without cakes and cakes.

Fans of light dinners should try carrot salad with garlic and raisins seasoned with honey, olive oil and walnuts. The calorie content of one serving will be 75 kcal, and this will be a great end to the day.

Or you can just mix honey, lingonberries and pine nuts. The calorie content of the latter is deactivated due to the remaining components, but the main thing is not this, but the benefits of such a combination for the stomach and immunity. A couple of spoons a day will not affect the figure, but will improve general state organism as a whole.

5 out of 5 (7 Votes)

When following a diet, it is very important to include foods containing many vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. Very for weight loss, which is why it is desirable to include them in every diet. They help to saturate the body with trace elements, proteins, vitamins and amino acids. Thanks to this, it is possible to saturate the body with all useful substances even during the most rigid diet. However, you need to know which nuts are the most useful for weight loss, and in what quantities they can be consumed.

Useful nuts for weight loss

Studies have shown that during a diet, consuming nuts, you can lose much more weight, as they help to saturate the body with all useful and nutrients much faster.

Many are interested in what nuts can be eaten while losing weight and what results can be achieved. They can be considered not as a product for quick weight loss, but as an effective tool for maintaining normal weight.

For those who regularly monitor their weight, it will be very useful to eat a handful of nuts, such as almonds, as a snack. This great product for the diet, as it is able to eliminate the feeling of hunger.

Despite the increased fat content, nuts help lower cholesterol, which is very important for people with overweight. However, it is worth remembering that in order to obtain the desired result, you need to consume only the most low calorie nuts.

Varieties and useful properties of nuts

To quickly and effectively lose weight, you need to select the lowest calorie nuts. The calorie table will help you figure out what is best to choose for weight loss.

The name of the nuts




Pine nuts help to reduce weight, as they quickly eliminate the feeling of hunger, resulting in a decrease in the number of calories consumed. These nuts also help release hormones that signal the brain when you are full. Walnuts are very useful, because they contain various nutrients, speed up metabolic processes and help burn fat.

Hazelnut renders positive impact on the cardiovascular system, as well as these nuts are very important for the normalization of metabolism, and therefore contribute much more fast weight loss. In addition, they are involved in the synthesis of hormones of joy, so the feeling of hunger is dulled.

The lowest-calorie nuts are pistachios, and they are also characterized by the fact that they have an optimal balance of proteins. In addition, they contain a lot of potassium, which helps eliminate puffiness. Each type of nuts has its own benefits for weight loss, but you need to follow the rules for their consumption.

Features of pine nuts

Regular consumption pine nuts brings great benefit to normalize a person's well-being. They contain such useful substances as:

  • linolenic acid;
  • protein;
  • cellulose;
  • unsaturated fats.

Linolenic acid helps to satisfy hunger for a long time. To eliminate the feeling of hunger, it is enough to eat about 25-30 grams of nuts. For the skeletal and muscular system of the body, protein is very important, which is contained in pine nuts very little in comparison with other types of nuts, which means that a person receives a lot of energy that is required to maintain active life. Fiber helps to normalize the process of digestion and prevents the occurrence of cancer. Unsaturated fats improve heart function and do not in any way affect the appearance of excess weight.

walnuts for weight loss

Answering the question which nuts are the lowest in calories, it is safe to say that the minimum calories are contained in walnuts. They have a number of useful qualities:

  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • contain antioxidants that slow down the aging process;
  • have vasodilating properties;
  • help to regenerate body cells.

As for weight loss, they are useful, first of all, in that they improve the functioning of the body and help it to endure even the most strict diet much easier.

Almonds for weight loss

Despite enough high calorie content, at proper consumption Almonds are considered the most useful nuts for weight loss. The main characteristics of almonds are:

  • it contains protein;
  • the composition includes a fiber that dulls the feeling of hunger;
  • contains calcium, which is very beneficial for health.

These nuts contain alimentary fiber which help to saturate the body for a long time. It is very useful to consume these nuts for breakfast, as it allows you to refrain from snacking until lunch.

The main feature of almonds is that it may well replace fatty meat in the usual diet. However, there is a certain disadvantage similar product, since almonds act as allergens. If there is swelling, shortness of breath, dizziness, then you need to stop consuming these nuts.

What is the right way to use nuts?

If a person wants to lose extra pounds and is constantly on a diet, then he has to monitor the calories consumed. During diets, it would be appropriate to introduce the lowest-calorie nuts into the diet, as they help to saturate the body with all the useful substances, the lack of which threatens with serious health problems.

It is important not only to choose the right nuts, but also to adhere to the basic rules for their use. Well proven:

  • cedar;
  • walnuts;
  • pistachios;
  • peanut.

Even if you use the lowest-calorie nuts, their maximum amount per day should not exceed 30 grams. If you need to quickly get rid of extra pounds, then you should reduce their number to 15-20 grams. This is about 6-7 medium sized nuts. You can eat just nuts in their pure form, but it is best to supplement them fruit and vegetable salads. Adding nuts to various dishes will help you avoid overeating.

To whom they are contraindicated

Some nuts have certain contraindications that must be taken into account. If there is any doubt about the occurrence of an allergy, then it is advisable to first consult a doctor and go through all the required studies in order to avoid danger.

Walnuts are contraindicated in the presence of dermatological problems, intestinal diseases, problems with the pancreas, as well as increased blood clotting. Almonds are undesirable to consume with an increased heart rate, like hazelnuts with diabetes and severe liver disorders.

Dried fruits for weight loss

When following a diet, it is quite possible to consume the lowest calorie nuts and dried fruits, which will help fill the lack of nutrients in the body. In addition, dried fruits contain glucose and fructose, as well as a minimum of sucrose. They are completely and easily absorbed by the body, retain all useful vitamins and trace elements ideal for a healthy diet.

Dried apricots are perfect, which additionally serves a good remedy to prevent osteoporosis and improve performance of cardio-vascular system. Prunes are also useful for weight loss, as it enhances intestinal motility, which leads to the rapid removal of toxins and fats.

When following a diet, you can consume dried apples and pears, which not only help in losing weight, but also do not provoke allergies.
