
Pomelo: calories, benefits and harms of large citrus. Various facts about the beneficial and harmful properties of pomelo

The largest and one of the healthiest citrus fruits is the pomelo. Perhaps not everyone had the opportunity to try it, and not everyone is aware of the unique properties of this product. It is imported into our country from Taiwan, Thailand, China, Indonesia and Israel. The fruits are harvested from large trees that remain green throughout the year. After flowering, citrus fruits ripen, this is a spectacle of amazing beauty, as a result of which very valuable fruits appear on our tables. To get the maximum benefit, they can not be stored in the refrigerator for more than three days, and at room conditions it can last for a whole month. Why is it worth paying attention to it, and how is pomelo fruit useful for women and men?

Pomelo fruit: useful properties and contraindications

Valuable vitamin composition of pomelo

Pomelo is the richest source, B1, B6, PP. It contains beta-carotene and, as well as a number of macro- and microelements necessary for the body: magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, fluorine, zinc, iron, manganese and copper. As for the energy composition, 100 grams of this citrus contains only 0.4 grams of fat, 0.75 grams of protein, as well as 1 gram of fiber and 8 grams of carbohydrates.

This composition allows the use of pomelo for general and restoration of the body's defenses weakened by diseases. It is very useful during a period when there is a particular lack of vitamins. A number of colds, viral infections and flu are very sensitive to foods containing such an amount of vitamins, so pomelo should be included in the diet in the spring and autumn.

Thanks to the essential oils contained in this fruit, the body is energized and the immune system is restored. The use of citrus contributes to the normalization of the heart, normalizes blood pressure, and also prevents the formation of bad cancer cells in the body.

General beneficial properties of pomelo for the body

People who are prone to overweight prefer to use pomelo for the purpose of losing weight. And this is absolutely the right decision! The substances contained in these fruits have a unique ability to break down fat and proteins, which leads to weight loss. eating this fruit saturates and gives a feeling of absolute satiety, and this allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed during the day. In addition, the use of such a fruit will not lead to a deficiency of vitamins and substances necessary for the body, as is the case with any diet. In a word, you can lose weight with benefit and pleasure, enjoying the juicy fragrant pulp.

The use of pomelo is recommended for hypertension and has an excellent preventive effect on blood vessels,. If you are tired, frustrated, or prone to mood swings and depression, check out this product for sure! He will come to the rescue, help restore vitality and defenses, cheer up and strengthen the nervous system.

The pulp contains a large amount of calcium, due to which bones are restored and strengthened faster, fractures heal faster. And the presence of phosphorus in this fruit helps to activate brain activity. Special substances that are practically absent in other citrus fruits and fruits are limonoids. Once in our body, they have a powerful effect on it within 24 hours. This contributes to increased productivity, better focus and attention.

By adding this fruit from the royal table to your diet, you can improve kidney function, and. Due to the high content of iron, it activates the production of hemoglobin. This will prevent the development of anemia. Iron is well absorbed, as it enters the body along with vitamin C.

From the seeds of citrus, a very effective extract is obtained, used in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, fungal skin lesions and warts.

What is useful pomelo fruit for men?

Men benefit from the use of pomelo. Firstly, this fruit relieves the symptoms of alcohol poisoning well, which alleviates the condition with a hangover. Secondly, this fruit is considered a powerful natural aphrodisiac, which will improve sexual function and increase sexual activity.

According to healers, this delicious "guest" from China improves the process of spermatogenesis. Not without reason, there is an opinion among the Chinese that a pomelo as a gift to a loved one or any person symbolizes the wish for male strength and longevity.

For men whose daily activities involve working with mechanisms and require increased attention, healers recommend eating this miraculous fruit every morning. Then mindfulness and concentration are guaranteed for the whole day.

Useful properties of pomelo for women

First of all, it is worth noting that this is a citrus, which is highly recommended for pregnant women (but in the absence of any allergic reactions). It is able to normalize the metabolic process, and this is necessary for the prevention of toxicosis. The latter, as you know, occurs due to excessive levels of toxic components in the blood. In addition, it is useful for expectant mothers to eat this product both to prevent the appearance of excess weight, and in order to protect themselves from depression and worries before the upcoming birth.

It is better for nursing mothers to refuse citrus, since the reaction may occur in a newborn baby.

With prolonged use of this fruit, effective prevention of breast cancer and other oncological diseases can be carried out. According to those who prefer to use folk remedies, pomelo can even stop the growth of dangerous cells that have already formed. This greatly increases the chances of recovery and getting rid of a dangerous disease.

Fiber, which is contained in citrus, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and stimulates its peristalsis. If you eat this overseas fruit for ten days, your libido will increase significantly. The peel, added to tea or water, lowers the level of estrogen in case of its increased amount in the body.

It is impossible not to say that this product can not only be eaten, but also used as a cosmetic product. It is added to masks, used to rinse hair, used to strengthen nails and cleanse the skin. We will talk about some folk recipes in more detail.

How to choose a pomelo and use it?

The effectiveness of its external use and eating depends on whether the fruit is chosen correctly. Pay attention to the skin: it should be smooth, the aroma should be quite pronounced and pleasant. Yellowness over the entire surface of the fruit should be uniform. The pomelo should not have dents, any stains or darkening. If the fruit is very large in size and light in weight, then it has more peel than pulp. It is better to choose a small but heavy fruit.

So, a beautiful and incredibly useful citrus is already in your home. We must eat a piece, and use the rest to nourish the skin of the face. Grind the pulp with a knife into small pieces, add a little honey, a few drops of lemon juice. The resulting mass is applied to the skin of the face. It will be most convenient to carry out this procedure while lying in a warm relaxing bath, then the liquid consistency of the mask will remain on the face. After 15 minutes, wash off the composition with warm water, apply a nourishing cream to the skin. You can repeat this mask 1-2 times a week.

To nourish and saturate the skin with vitamins, you can wipe your face with a fresh slice or a napkin moistened with juice. This will reduce the oiliness of the skin. If fresh juice is diluted in equal proportions with water, you get an excellent remedy for nourishing dry skin.

For oily skin, you can also use the following mask: crush one fruit slice with a fork, mix with a teaspoon of low-fat yogurt. The resulting mass will give juice, they need to soak a cotton pad and wipe the face. As soon as the juice dries, apply the remaining mass to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse your face with cool water. You will see how it will freshen up and acquire a healthy shade.

Pomelo in the diet of diabetics

It is possible to alleviate the course of this disease and minimize its manifestation with the help of this exotic. Fresh juice is useful for, but it is better to cook it by hand, without using juicers. In this way, absolutely all substances will be preserved. Immediately after eating, you need to drink one hundred grams of the resulting juice.

You can also use the pulp, although with diabetes it is still less useful. You should not eat more than 100 grams of fruit per day.

Does pomelo have contraindications for use?

Despite the huge list of advantages and useful properties, this product also has contraindications. Refuse to use exotic citrus for those who have increased acidity of the stomach, and have recently undergone surgery due to peptic ulcer or esophagus.

As for the tendency to allergies, you can consult a doctor about this. You should not abuse this fruit, but perhaps an experienced doctor will determine the safe rate that will only benefit the body and will not provoke an allergic reaction.

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Pomelo is the fruit of an evergreen citrus tree. The peel of the pomelo is quite dense, the slices are large, separated by harsh white partitions with a bitter aftertaste. Ripe citrus has a color from light green to yellow-pink. The pink shade of the fruit is due to the sun, usually it is only one side turned to the sun.

Fruit - breaks all records among citrus fruits. In diameter, a pomelo can reach 30 cm and in weight 10 kg.

Used to be pomelo considered one of the varieties of grapefruit, but its pulp is not so juicy and there is no bitter aftertaste, and when cleaning, the internal partitions are easier to separate from the pulp.

The birthplace of the pomelo is China (southeast Asia, Malaysia, the islands of Tonga and Fiji). Even today pomelo in Asia is one of the symbols of a prosperous life and prosperity. It is a traditional gift for the New Year.


The fruit is incredibly enriched with vitamins, macro- and microelements. Its components also include organic acids and essential oils. According to the content of vitamins A and C, it far ahead of grapefruit. 100 grams of product contains:

Vitamin A 15.2 IU 0%
Vitamin B1 0.1 mg 4%
Vitamin B2 0.1 mg 3%
Vitamin B3 0.400 mg 2.5%
Vitamin B6 0.1 3%
Vitamin C 116 mg 193%
Vitamin E 0.11 mg 1%
Vitamin K 4.7 mcg 4%

Beneficial features

    In cases of iron deficiency anemia, when hemoglobin synthesis is impaired due to iron deficiency, it is recommended to take any iron supplements or eat foods rich in iron. The effect of these drugs can be enhanced when combined with foods rich in vitamin C. Scientific findings have shown that vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron in the body. Pomelo can be considered as a prevention of such anemia.

  1. Heart Health

    Pomelo contains a large amount of potassium 12% of the daily requirement in one hundred grams of the product. This mineral is essential for the normal functioning of the heart. Potassium regulates blood pressure and lowers bad cholesterol levels in the body. Pomelo helps to cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol layers, thereby reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack. Potassium helps in regulating blood pressure levels, which improves blood circulation, oxygenation of organs and systems, reduces the load on the heart and reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart attacks and strokes.

  2. Consuming one pomelo fruit daily can prevent the harmful effects of free radicals attacking the body. It stimulates antibodies and immune system cells to protect the body from bacteria that cause colds, flu, asthma and allergies.

  3. Cancer Prevention

    The pomelo peel contains a large amount of bioflavonoids, an antioxidant that reduces the risk of bowel, pancreatic and breast cancer. These antioxidants remove excess estrogen from the body, preventing the spread of cancer. Pomelo also contains a high amount of fiber, which protects the body from colon cancer.

  4. healthy skin

    Vitamin A present in pomelo thickens the dermis and improves blood flow to the surface of the skin. Regular consumption of pomelo increases collagen synthesis and slows down the breakdown of collagen and elastin, helping skin look younger and healthier. Collagen also promotes faster wound healing, self-healing and reduces signs of skin aging. Also pomelo helps to reduce the production of sebum, which reduces acne.

  5. Pomelo contains vitamins A, C, B1, which are useful for maintaining healthy hair. It also contains minerals such as sulfur, calcium, iron, zinc and calcium which are essential for hair growth. Vitamins A, C, B1 and zinc contained in pomelo are good for hair health. Minerals such as sulfur, calcium, potassium and zinc contribute to their growth. Vitamin C soothes the scalp and prevents dandruff. Pomelo juice improves blood circulation and strengthens hair capillaries, which makes your hair stronger and thicker.

  6. Health of teeth and gums

    Bleeding gums and loose teeth can be a sign of a vitamin deficiency. Collagen is necessary not only for the skin, but also for the formation of healthy teeth and gums.

  7. healthy bones

    Osteoporosis is characterized by a decrease in bone density caused by the depletion of calcium minerals in bone tissue. Thanks to potassium, pomelo helps the body to better absorb other minerals necessary for strengthening bone tissue, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

  8. healthy digestion

    One pomelo contains about 25% of your daily fiber requirement. It promotes healthy digestion and eliminates problems such as constipation and diarrhea. The high fiber content stimulates the secretion of digestive and gastric juices, which in turn aid in the breakdown of complex proteins and fats.

  9. Promotes weight loss

The valuable qualities of the fruit are also used in cosmetic procedures. Face masks containing pomelo have nourishing and moisturizing properties. In order to prepare a mask, take a slice of pomelo, chop it, add honey, lemon juice, the resulting mixture is applied for a quarter of an hour on the face. After a while, wash off the mask with green tea. Then use a moisturizer. It is better to apply a pomelo mask in the evening before going to bed to allow the skin to recover.

To give your face freshness, you can wipe the skin with freshly squeezed pomelo juice in the morning. The procedure gives the skin tone and eliminates oily sheen. Experts from the field of cosmetology say that if such procedures are carried out in winter, then by spring the skin will become noticeably younger and fresher. Oily skin should be wiped with concentrated juice, and dry skin with juice diluted with boiled water in a ratio of one to one.


Traditionally, in cooking, the fruit is consumed raw or used as an ingredient in the preparation of dishes of national Asian cuisine. The pulp of the fruit can be part of salads, marmalade, fillings for pies, garnish for meat and fish dishes. From the peel of the pomelo, you can make jam, candied fruit or flavoring for tea.

Below are a few possible recipes that include pomelo.

Pomelo Shrimp Fantasy


  • Pomelo (1 pc)
  • shrimp (10 pcs)
  • celery greens (50 g)
  • sour cream
  • sugar.


The pomelo is neatly divided into 2 parts. Carefully remove the pulp from the peel and chop. Shrimps should be boiled and cut. Finely chop the celery. Mix all the ingredients, add sour cream, put in two halves of the remaining peel, so serve. You can also decorate with herbs or olives.

Salad "Oh, pomelo!"


  • Small pomelo (1 pc)
  • green salad (1 bunch)
  • olive oil
  • pepper.


Pomelo cut into pieces. Tear lettuce with your hands or cut with scissors and knead so that it does not taste bitter. Mix the ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste. Fill with olive oil.

Dessert "Miracle - pomelo"


  • Pomelo (half)
  • orange (1 pc)
  • banana (1 pc)
  • kiwi (2 pcs)
  • apple (2 pcs)
  • pear (2 pcs)
  • ice cream ice cream (200 g)
  • coconut flakes
  • chocolate.


Cut fruit into pieces, mix, add ice cream. Divide into creamers. Sprinkle with coconut flakes or grated chocolate.


  • Pomelo, like all citrus fruits, is a strong allergen, if you are prone to various allergies, then you should use it with caution - a couple of slices will be enough for one time.
  • In case of stomach problems, it is better not to overeat pomelo, the fruit can adversely affect the disease.
  • All the benefits of the fruit will be in it if you choose a fully ripened fruit. The fruit should be slightly soft to the touch, fragrant and shiny. You should not take too large fruits, it is better to pay attention to the fact that they are heavy, which means that they have more pulp and juice.

At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, tree seedlings were brought from Malaysia to the West Indies by the captain of the English ship Sheddock, after which the fruit was brought to Europe. In some European countries, citrus is still called in honor of the brave captain - sheddock.

Some believe that pomelo is one of the varieties of grapefruit. But, according to experts, this grapefruit is a degenerate descendant of the fruit. In general, pomelo bypasses grapefruit in almost all respects - it does not taste bitter, it is easier to peel, it is difficult for them to get dirty, pomelo peel can be used both in cooking and in decoration. In China, pomelo is used for ceremonies at religious celebrations.

What else is useful?

Pomelo is the largest citrus representative.

The pulp of the pomelo is drier than other types of citrus fruits, the taste is slightly bitter, the fibers are large and elastic, the color is green-yellow, the smell is vaguely reminiscent of a banana.

But the taste of the pomelo is unusual - the combination of sour and sweet will be remembered by everyone.

The birthplace of the pomelo is China.

Before our era, this fruit was intended exclusively for the royal nobility.

And at the beginning of the XIV century it was brought to Europe, where it did not immediately take root. Currently pomelo is grown in countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, Japan, India and Indonesia.

Pomelo is an integral part of many dishes of Chinese, Thai and Indian cuisines. Interestingly, the weight of some pomelo can reach 20 kilograms!

There are 3 types of pomelo:

Red- an oval-shaped fruit with a bitter red flesh

Pink- juicy fruit with pink flesh and anthelmintic effect

White- the shape of the fruit resembles a pear, the flesh is white and sweet

Many people confuse pomelo with its closest relative - grapefruit, mistakenly believing that their tastes are the same. However, their properties and characteristics are largely different. The pomelo is not a giant grapefruit, but rather its parent. What won the hearts of an unusual fruit?

Pomelo: what are the benefits for the body?

Pomelo is a storehouse of minerals, vitamins, trace elements and coarse fibers.

The unique taste of pomelo is justified by its unique composition:


Vitamins of groups B and A

beta carotene

Vitamin C

Essential oils

Pomelo strengthens the immune system! The experts conducted an interesting experiment: lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, orange and pomelo were examined for the presence of vitamin C. Surprisingly, the pomelo became the winner! It contained the largest amount of ascorbic acid. Being a source of vitamin C, pomelo serves as a prevention of colds, infectious and viral diseases. If they already exist, the pomelo will help to deal with them easier and faster. Essential oils in pomelo perfectly strengthen the immune system.

Coarse pomelo fibers create a kind of food lump moving through the intestines. Coarse fibers collect toxins and undigested food residues, absorb and remove them from the body.

Pomelo helps to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and stabilizes blood pressure. Moreover, doctors have proven that pomelo can protect against the formation of a blood clot in the vessels!

Pomelo improves mood, increases vitality and helps the body to tone up. Lemonides in pomelo are responsible for our efficiency, attentiveness and productivity. The phosphorus contained in pomelo contributes to active mental activity.

Scientists have proven that pomelo helps in the fight against cancer. An exotic fruit is able to resist the reproduction of malignant cells.

Citrus lovers will definitely appreciate the special, fresh, pleasant taste of the fruit. If you compare the pomelo with its relative grapefruit, then you can notice the difference - the grapefruit is bitter, but the pomelo is sweet in taste. In summer, the pulp of a pomelo can perfectly quench your thirst.

Pomelo is useful for lung diseases and poisoning. In China, many medicines are made on the basis of pomelo.

The calcium in pomelo strengthens bones, hair and nails. Antioxidants in pomelo will help to maintain youth and good physical health for a long time.

Pomelo is an assistant for gastritis and other gastric diseases. By making decoctions and tinctures from pomelo peel, you can quickly cope with poisoning, indigestion and intestinal disorders.

Pomelo is not only tasty and healthy, it is also healing. Inhaling the smell of pomelo peel, you can easily eliminate nasal congestion and even lower your body temperature a little!

It is often difficult to force yourself to go to the gym or go on a diet from the next Monday. This is where pomelo comes to the rescue! The fruit helps the body break down proteins and fats quickly, speeds up metabolism and helps burn excess calories.

Pomelo has usefulness for cosmetic purposes. Great product for moisturizing and nourishing oily skin. Rubbing the skin with pomelo juice, the effect is immediately noticeable: the skin is shiny, rejuvenated, fresher and cleaner without oily sheen. The pulp of the fruit is incredibly juicy and nutritious, so a pomelo will become a companion of a fasting day.

Pomelo is a symbol of well-being, prosperity, health and prosperity. In China, it is customary to give this fruit on New Year's Eve to your loved ones. Try to give a piece of happiness to your family by presenting them with a basket of tropical fruit.

Often in European countries you can find decorations for their pomelo peel. At home, it is interesting to make a salad dish from the peel of the fruit by cutting the fruit horizontally in the shape of a circle.

Pomelo is an ingredient in many culinary dishes! Feel free to add it to salads, complement meat and fish, start pies with it. Use the rind to make jam or an aromatic addition to tea. And, of course, do not forget that there is nothing better than starting your day with freshly squeezed juice.

The benefits of pomelo for the nervous system are invaluable. Pomelo is boldly called an antidepressant fruit. Eat this wonderful fruit and improve your mood! But the source of joy and happiness is not only the inside in the form of pomelo pulp, but also its peel. Psychologists advise not to throw away the peel, fill it with a deep vase and put it next to the bed. Such a natural aromatic lamp will surely give positive emotions, energy and strength.

pomelo calories

Despite the huge number of useful properties, pomelo is low in calories - 100 g of the product contains 25-40 kcal. Such boundaries are due to a simple rule: the sweeter the pomelo, the more calories it contains. The low calorie content of the pomelo is due to its high water content - almost 90 g of liquid per 100 g of fruit!

Pomelo: what is the harm to health?

The benefits of pomelo have been proven, and no one will argue with that. But, like any product, pomelo has its drawbacks and contraindications.

You should not use pomelo if you have:

Allergic reactions to citrus fruits

Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Increased stomach acid


Be sure to consult your doctor before eating fruit in the presence of the above diseases. Eating pomelo can exacerbate chronic diseases of the digestive tract. Strongly increasing the acidity of the alkaline environment, it causes heartburn.

An allergy to citrus fruits can lead to a swollen throat and even choking attacks. In order to check if you are allergic to pomelo - just eat 1-2 slices of it or remember what the body's reaction to other citruses is.

It is not recommended to eat pomelo during breastfeeding, so as not to harm the health of your unborn baby. Excessive consumption of pomelo can produce a laxative effect. Overeating the fruit causes itching and hives.

Pomelo for children: useful or harmful

Due to the fact that the pomelo belongs to the genus of citrus fruits, the fruit is a strong allergen. Children under one year old are not recommended to give pomelo. After a year, you can add to the diet, but with caution and in small portions.

Be sure to consult with a pediatrician whether the inclusion of a rather exotic overseas fruit in the diet will harm the baby. If the child took the fruit well, and the body did not give any reactions, feel free to feed the baby. But, remember, it is better to eat seasonal fruits, such as pears and apples. They absolutely certainly will not bring undesirable health consequences to the child.

There is less juice in pomelo than in orange and grapefruit, and children often have a neutral attitude towards this fruit. Therefore, parents can decorate desserts and fruit salads by adding a few slices of such a healthy and tasty pomelo.

Children's salad with pomelo

It needs a few simple ingredients:

Bunch of lettuce

boiled breast

hard cheese

Sour cream

The pomelo is cut, cleaned of layers, finely chopped together with a bunch of lettuce. Mixed with small pieces of soft boiled chicken breast. Grate hard cheese on top. Stir, pouring plenty of sour cream. If desired, you can add grated nuts.

How to choose a pomelo?

Only the ripe fruit will benefit. How to find one and not make a mistake?

It should be soft to the touch, heavy in weight, fragrant in smell, and light yellow in color. It is best to buy a pomelo from January to March, because it is during these months that the peak of its ripening falls. Be sure to follow the peel - it should not be damaged! The peel of the fruit should be hard and shiny, the smell should come from it intense.

A whole pomelo is stored in a dry, dark place at room temperature. Cut fruit should be stored for a maximum of 2-3 days in the refrigerator.

Pomelo is an alternative to many harmful desserts. For more than 15 years, the fruit has been presented on store shelves - affordable, healthy, exotic. By many criteria, pomelo is superior to grapefruit: it is easier to clean, the taste is sweeter, it is almost impossible to get dirty.

Once you try a pomelo, you will definitely fall in love with it!

Pomelo (see photo)- an exotic fruit of the citrus family of a rather large size (up to 10 kg and 30 cm in diameter), which has recently been gaining popularity in the markets of our country. It has many names and titles: also Pomellius, pompelmus or sheddock, given in honor of the English navigator who brought him to Europe ..

Most people consider pomelo to be something of an appendage among citrus fruits. Some are sure that the pomelo is a variety, but this is absolutely not the case. But, what can I say, if even reference books begin to assert that grapefruit is a degenerate pomelo.

There is also an opinion that a pomelo is a hybrid of some kind of fruit ... For example, oranges and grapefruits. But botanists insist that pomelo is still a completely independent citrus, but it came from it and white grapefruit retinue.

Pomelo is actively grown in the countries of Southeast Asia, the Chinese consider it a symbol of well-being and are widely given for the New Year.

Pomelo - calories and composition

The calorie content of the pomelo pleases ladies who are losing weight, regularly counting calories - 32 kcal per 100 g of product. In addition, the composition of the fruit enhances the ability to break down fats.

The vitamin composition of the pomelo is also pleasant - almost the entire group B is represented, naturally, as in other citrus fruits, there is a lot of ascorbic acid - vitamin C, there is vitamin A, which favorably affects vision and PP (nicotinic acid), which is involved in most redox reactions of the body , the formation of enzymes and the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates in living cells.

Pomelo contains many trace elements useful for our body - phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, essential proteins and well-digestible fats, a sufficient amount of fiber.

And now it would be nice to discuss the beneficial properties of the pomelo, as well as the harm that the fruit can cause to the body with excessive use.

Useful properties of pomelo

  • Antioxidant;
  • stimulating immunity;
  • restorative;
  • cleansing the intestines;
  • prevention of anemia and diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • prevention of oncological pathologies;
  • improving intestinal motility;
  • tonic and uplifting;
  • improving the state of the nervous system;
  • increasing the body's resistance;
  • antiviral activity;
  • has a diuretic effect, reduces tissue swelling;
  • improves tissue trophism, has regenerative properties;
  • gives satiety with a small calorie content;
  • indicated for skin problems - acne, pigmentation, effective for reducing wrinkles.

Pomelo - health benefits and harms

Let's start, perhaps, with the benefits of a pomelo. It is easy to guess that the pomelo is rich in vitamin C. But what gives the pomelo a clear head start compared to other citrus fruits is the fact that the pomelo contains a small amount of citric acid, which is contraindicated for those who have problems with the health of the digestive tract and stomach.

Pomelo is also a great meat substitute.

Do not forget that pomelo improves immunity and can be used in the prevention of influenza and other, as well as viral infections.

It is also worth noting that thanks to the pomelo, anemia can be prevented. In case of violation of hemoglobin synthesis, in case it is necessary to eat foods or preparations enriched with iron. All of them can be replaced with just one fruit - pomelo.

Then we should not forget that pomelo is the first assistant in healing the heart. The average pomelo fruit contains one-eighth of the daily requirement of potassium, which is so necessary for the heart.

The pomelo fruit is also an assistant in cleansing the walls of blood vessels from excess, which reduces the likelihood of heart attack and stroke, and also interferes with the development of hypertension.

Useful even pomelo peel. It contains bioflavonoids that reduce the risk of oncological diseases of the intestine, breast and. They will remove excess estrogen from the body, preventing cancer cells from spreading.

The benefits of pomelo in cosmetology

Pomelo is also successfully used in cosmetology. With regular rubbing of the skin with the juice of this fruit in winter, by the beginning of spring you are guaranteed a noticeable improvement in its trophism, a decrease in mimic wrinkles.

Thanks to the Chinese relative of all citrus fruits, the breakdown of collagen and elastin slows down, the skin becomes healthier and younger.

Also, the fruit is successfully used for acne.

If your skin can be called oily, then it is recommended to wipe it using pure pomelo juice, if dry, then the juice is diluted 2 times with clean boiled water.

The quality of hair under the influence of pomelo will also improve, they become thicker and healthier, and a decrease in quantity is also promised.

With vitamin deficiency, when the gums bleed and the teeth loosen, help is also needed in the synthesis of collagen.

What else is pomelo useful for?

Pomelo will also help with healthy digestion and regular bowel movements. About 25% of the daily value is contained in only one pomelo.

Pomelo contains a lot of vitamin C, the main antioxidant. Free radicals that cause degradation, the appearance of new wrinkles, flabbiness and dullness of the skin, thanks to the aforementioned vitamin C, will not be able to spoil your health and beauty so much.

A very remarkable feature of the pomelo, as well as, in burning fat. Eating pomelo for food contributes to weight loss, and all due to the fact that the pomelo contains the amino acid carnitine.

How to choose a pomelo in the store correctly and store

A larger and heavier fruit with a bright shiny skin without signs of damage and wrinkling is preferred. Smell the fruit, the more aroma, the tastier and riper the pomelo will be.

A ripe pomelo is distinguished by a soft, but still elastic area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stalk, friability will indicate the overripeness of the fruit and the loss of suitability for useful use. There should be no dents on the peel from the fingers, this will also indicate overripeness and a “cotton taste” of the product.

The color can be either completely green or yellow, there are different varieties of fruit.

Also, there should be no growths on the fetus, reddish-brown spots, stickiness, excessive gloss of the wax coating.

Store in the refrigerator for up to a month, cut - no more than three days.

How to eat pomelo

The peel is removed, the slices are cleaned of the white inner film, eaten fresh. Sometimes they make juice, add it to smoothies, cocktails, desserts.

There is an option - as an ingredient in fruit salad.

Dried pomelo - calories and useful properties

The dried fruit significantly increases the calorie content (up to 300 kcal), but the concentration of useful properties characteristic of this citrus also increases, the shelf life increases - up to a year at room temperature.

It is used as an alternative sweetness in compliance with the rules of a healthy diet, even allowed with a diet of 2-3 pieces per day for tone and energy.

A decoction of pomelo harvested in season is used for colds, as an antipyretic and immune stimulant.

Steamed pieces of this fruit are recommended for nasal congestion, irritated and inflamed airways. Means, improves the condition with sinusitis, helps to increase mental activity. A decoction of dried fruit is used as a diuretic to eliminate swelling.

In cosmetology, dried or dried pomelo is first soaked for an hour, then crushed in a blender for use in tonic masks. Can be combined with kefir, sour cream, honey, lemon juice.

The decoction is also frozen for toning cosmetic procedures on aging skin.

Possible harm to pomelo, contraindications

Now let's talk about the harm that this exotic fruit can cause.

Let's start with the following ... If you have problems with high acidity of gastric contents, you should not overeat pomelo, be greedy, because the fruit also raises acidity, which can lead to an ulcer.

You should be extremely careful when taking pomelo if you are allergic. A couple of slices for the first time will be more than enough.

I hope you all learned about the beneficial properties of dried and ripe pomelo, its health benefits and harms, the calorie content of the product, and now you can choose the right fruit in the store so that it will please you with its pleasant taste and numerous useful properties.

Do you know how to eat pomelo? If not, then you will find this information in the materials of this article. Also from it you will learn about what this product is, how it needs to be cleaned, what properties it has and what it is used for.

general information

Before telling you about how to eat pomelo, you should tell what it is.

Pomelo is a citrus fruit. It has many different names. Someone calls this fruit pomelo, someone - pamela, and someone uses such names as pompelmus and citrus maxima. By the way, there is another name for this fruit - sheddok. He received this name after the English navigator, who in the seventeenth century transported the seeds of the citrus we are considering from his homeland - from Southeast Asia - to western India.

Appearance of a pomelo

What is the fruit and what does it look like? The pomelo is a large citrus. Its mass reaches ten kilograms, and its diameter is about thirty centimeters. Although there are no such fruits on the shelves of our stores. In supermarkets, you can buy fruit that weighs no more than one and a half to two kilograms.

What does a pomelo look like? What kind of fruit that even those who are contraindicated in citrus fruits cannot refuse? Most often, the fruit has a rounded shape. Less commonly, it is pear-shaped or flattened. The skin color of pomelo varies from yellow to green. The whole fruit is evenly covered with a thick layer of skin. Under it lies a sweet and fragrant pulp, which is divided into large slices (like an orange or a tangerine).

How do you eat pomelo?

Few people know, but the fruits we are considering are consumed not only raw. For example, in some eastern countries, this fruit is fried, stewed and even boiled. In some dishes and salads, it is an integral component. Thanks to the pomelo, the lunch meal becomes brighter, richer and more healthy.

Attitude to the fetus in other states

On New Year's Eve in China, such fruits are always given to each other. This is due to the fact that this fruit is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. It is impossible not to say that the Chinese living in Thailand often use the pomelo for various religious festivals. It is quite often offered as a gift to spirits.

Among other things, in the north of Vietnam, this fruit is annually put on a festive altar (on New Year's Eve).

Beneficial features

It is not enough to know how to eat pomelo. In order for this fruit to benefit your body, you need to have information about what properties it has.

Few people realize that pomelo is an extremely healthy fruit. The richest mineral and vitamin composition allows the use of fruits for the prevention and treatment of many viral infections, as well as diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems.

It is impossible not to say that pomelo is not only consumed, but also used to prepare various cosmetics. For example, masks based on this fruit perfectly vitaminize, nourish and moisturize tired skin. They literally fill it with strength and energy. In addition, nutritionists recommend using pomelo for those patients who suffer from overweight.

Composition of the product

Now you know what useful properties a pomelo has. Vitamins in this fruit are contained in large quantities. These are B 1, B 6, B 2, PP, C, and also β-carotene. In addition, pomelo includes a whole list of useful elements: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese and copper. Also, this fruit contains essential oils, a large amount of limonoids, water, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber and ash.

Pomelo: a hybrid or not?

Pomelo is a hybrid of what? Many people who first tried this fruit believe that it was grown by crossing any citrus fruits. But it's not. After all, pomelo is an independent plant, which was mentioned in the Bible. According to historians, this fruit originally appeared in Malaysia, Southeast Asia, and also grew on the islands of Fiji and Tonga. In China, it was known as early as 100 BC. As for Europe, it was brought here by navigators in the fourteenth century.

Thus, the statement that a pomelo is a hybrid is erroneous. Whatever people come up with! Know that this fruit is the fruit of an independent tree.

Right choice

How should you choose a pomelo? The peel of this fruit will easily tell you whether to buy it or not. Of course, when buying a pomelo for the first time, you can trust the seller. However, we recommend that you pay attention to the signs of a ripe fruit yourself.

Firstly, high-quality and fully ripened fruits have a very bright aroma. It should be rich and felt from a distance.

Secondly, the color of the peel of this fruit should be uniform, yellow or slightly greenish. Moreover, there should be no spots, dents, blotches or stripes on the surface. If the pomelo still has such damage, then it is better to refuse it, as this is the first sign of the product being stale.

To the touch, a quality fruit should be quite dense and firm. Slight softness is not a problem. On the contrary, such a fruit will be more juicy and tasty.

In the event that at the top of the pomelo the peel is surprisingly easily pressed inward, we can say that the fruit begins to rot.

It should also be noted that the peel of a good fruit always has the same thickness. Some of its seals indicate that the pomelo ripened in inappropriate conditions, and was also stored incorrectly.

Product calorie content

What is the fruit we are considering has a calorie content? Pomelo contains quite a lot of carbohydrates. But, despite this, it is a dietary product. After all, 90% of its edible part consists of water.

Thus, the calorie content of a pomelo (per 100 g) is about 30 kcal. However, it should be noted that this figure may vary slightly in one direction or another. It depends on the degree of maturity of the fruit and its variety.

Due to the fact that this product has a rather low energy value, as well as many useful properties, it is recommended for those who have a tendency to be overweight, as well as those who are on a strict diet.

This fruit should be consumed before each meal in the amount of two or three slices, as well as instead of the usual fast food during snacks.

cleaning process

How should pomelo be used? How to clean this fruit? These questions are especially often asked by those who first encountered this citrus. It should be noted that there are a great many ways to clean it. Let's consider some of them.

Method one

After purchase, the pomelo is thoroughly washed in hot water (sometimes using a brush). If they notice that the fruit has been treated with wax, then it is doused with boiling water. This will get rid of the harmful layer and protect your body from various infections.

After the described actions, the pomelo skin is cut with a sharp knife from the cutting in a circle. In this case, the pulp does not touch. Then gently press with your fingers at the incision site and carefully remove the peel.

Inside the fruit, slices are found, like a tangerine or orange. They are carefully separated, and then the dense partitions are opened and the fleshy part is taken out. In parallel, the bones are removed from the pomelo, which, by the way, can be quite a lot.

The peeled pulp is put in a bowl and served at the table. It is consumed simply or added to fruit or berry salads and other dishes.

Method two

Now you know how pomelo is used. How to clean this fruit in a different way? To do this, the purchased product is thoroughly washed in hot water. Then, with the help of a sharp and not very long knife, the top is removed from it. After that, the skin of the pomelo is cut deep to the fleshy part of the fruit in a spiral from top to bottom. Prying it off with a finger, the product is quickly cleaned. In conclusion, it is carefully divided into slices, from which hard and bitter-tasting films are removed. Use such a product just like that or in combination with other fruits. It is considered bad manners to eat a pomelo along with granulated sugar. After all, citrus is already very sweet.

Summing up

Now you know what a pomelo is and how to clean it. Using these techniques, you can easily remove the peel from the fruit and quickly get to the sweet, juicy and surprisingly tasty pulp. Enjoy your meal!
