
Quick apple cider at home. How to prepare a non-alcoholic analogue? Lessons on the correct consumption of wine drink

It is most often prepared by fermenting fruit juice. Traditionally, apples are used to make the drink. I bring to your attention simple and proven recipes.

Homemade cider is an alcoholic carbonated drink with a strength of 6-8 degrees. Its color can be golden, honey or greenish. In fact, we will get sparkling apple wine, which, depending on the sugar content, will be dry or sweet.

Classic recipe

  • fresh apples - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 750 grams.

Also stock up on fermentation tanks, a water seal and glass bottles. A water seal can be made with your own hands or bought in a store. Alternatively, you can use a rubber glove. Three-liter glass jars are suitable as fermentation containers for cider. They must first be washed with hot water.

In the classic recipe, cider is made at home without yeast. However, sometimes there is a situation where our must does not ferment. In this case, we should artificially activate the fermentation process. Cider yeast can be bought at the supermarket. I recommend using wine or beer.

The main thing is, of course, apples. Any variety can be used to make cider. Grive Rouge (Greve Red), Melba, Ranetki, Anis striped or gray, Antonovka are suitable. The main meaning is very simple. If you take sweet apples, you need less sugar, if you use sour varieties, you need more. Drink lovers are often interested in how to make cider from several varieties of apples. In this case, the main thing is to choose the right combination. A delicious drink is obtained by mixing two parts of sweet and one sour apples.

The correct sequence of actions during cooking.

1. Wipe the selected apples with a dry and clean cloth. They cannot be washed. Otherwise, you will remove wild yeast from their skins, which we will need for fermentation. Leave the fruits for 2-3 days in a warm room.

2. After this time, remove all ponytails and leaves. Cut the apples into quarters and grind to a puree in any way you like. You can use any kitchen equipment and appliances. For example, a blender, combine or meat grinder.

3. Fill the prepared jars with applesauce. Do not apply more than 2/3 of their volume. We need free space during fermentation.

Pour granulated sugar into containers. Correct proportion: 130-150 grams of sugar per kilogram of applesauce. We mix everything thoroughly. The neck of the jars must be tied with gauze.

4. We put our containers in the pantry for 3-4 days. The room must be dark. For 2-3 days, apple pomace will float to the surface, all the juice will remain below. As soon as a lot of foam appears and a characteristic hiss is heard, we move on to the next step.

5. We need to filter the juice. To do this, it is enough to strain it through gauze folded in 3-4 layers. Additionally, you need to squeeze the cake, after which it can be thrown away. Pour the juice into clean jars. We install a water seal on them or put on a glove with a small hole.

6. For the fermentation of cider, it should be left in the same pantry room. The main thing is to ensure that the temperature is within 18-26 degrees. The average duration of fermentation is from 40 to 70 days. As a result, the drink will brighten a little and stop gassing.

7. The next step is filtering. It is best to use a thin tube and hose. And the precipitate is additionally filtered through gauze.

8. We pour fermented apple juice into glass bottles. Seal them tightly with corks. Air must not leak inside. I recommend not using plastic containers.

9. In tightly closed bottles, cider will be saturated with gas. This process is called champagne or carbonization. It is necessary to defend the drink for 3 months at a temperature of 8-12 degrees.

After this period, the cider is ready. Homemade drink can be a bit cloudy. It does not need to be further clarified. Happy tasting!

sugar free recipe

The technology for making this cider is simple. The result will bring real pleasure to connoisseurs of natural alcoholic beverages. Before making apple cider, you need to properly prepare the raw materials. We wipe ripe apples with a dry, clean cloth and do not wash.

I do not recommend using store-bought juice to make cider. If for some reason you do not want to use natural apples, you can take apple juice concentrate and dilute it with water in the right proportion. It is possible to make cider from such raw materials, but the result will not be the same.


1. Infuse apple juice in a dark pantry. Enough 1 day.

2. Pour the drink through cheesecloth into a fermentation container and put a water seal.

3. We leave in the pantry for 20-30 days. It must be warm there. Suitable mode is from 20 to 26 degrees.

4. Pour the cider through the hose into a clean jar. Make sure that there is no sediment from the bottom.

5. Tightly close the used container with a lid. We insist for 3-4 months in a cool place at a temperature of 8 to 12 degrees Celsius.

6. We filter through folded gauze. We bottle the cider. We let it brew for 3-4 days in the refrigerator and we can taste it.

cherry cider recipe

We will need the following ingredients:

  • ripe cherries - 4 kg;
  • clean water - 3 liters;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Cherries can be of any variety. Water is better to take spring or well. As a last resort, you can use boiled water.

The correct algorithm of actions or how to make cider from cherries.

1. Place the cherries in a glass dish, mash with a pestle. And fill with water.

2. Place our container in a warm and dark place for two days. After this time, squeeze the cherry juice and add sugar to it. Stir until it is completely dissolved. Then pour the drink into a fermentation container. Glass jars or bottles will do.

3. We leave our capacity for 4-6 days. There will be active fermentation.

4. Then we filter the cider through folded gauze, pour it into a clean container and put a water seal on it.

5. When the fermentation is over, we bottle the drink and close it for a fee. We leave it for 2-3 months. There will be champagne. Move on to tasting when the cider is clear.

There is also an opinion that at the fourth stage, a little alcohol should be added to the drink several times. I leave this decision up to you.

Non-alcoholic recipe

Non-alcoholic cider at home can be prepared for any children's party. Believe me, when the little guests taste it, they will no longer ask for cola or forfeits.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • apples - 1.2 kg;
  • one orange;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  • cloves - 5 pieces.

Your actions.

1. Squeeze juice from washed apples in any way.

2. Pour it into a saucepan. Add honey and spices to it. We bring our liquid to a boil. Then reduce the heat and keep the pan on the stove for 10 minutes.

3. We filter the drink through folded gauze.

Cider should be served warm. Decorate the glass with an orange slice.

Apples are the most popular and loved by all fruit, which is grown in almost every garden. After harvesting, very often there are a lot of apples left on the ground that are not suitable for storing and preparing home-made preparations, and many owners have to simply throw them away. So that fragrant fruits do not go to waste, you can make homemade apple cider.

Traditional fresh apple cider recipe

This method is quite laborious, but the result will certainly not disappoint you and you will not be sorry for the time and effort spent.

Before making cider from apples, you should sort out the fruits very carefully. The most suitable for this drink are apples of winter varieties. All fruits should be well ripe, with no obvious signs of rot.

Prepared fruits must be crushed to prepare the wort. To do this, you can use an ordinary manual grater, meat grinder, blender or juicer. When using a juicer, do not throw away the pulp - making cider from apples will be much faster with it.

Mix juice and pulp, add a little sugar, mix and put in any container for fermentation. The wort can be prepared in any enamel saucepan, milk can or glass jars. Using this homemade apple cider recipe, you can do without sugar, but then the fermentation process will be much longer, and the strength of the resulting drink will be significantly lower.

Be sure, before making apple cider, think about how and where you will store it. If you are going to prepare a large amount of drink, then prepare a special room in which you will prepare the brew and age the finished cider. The must must be put for 3-4 days in a warm place - the temperature should not be lower than room temperature.

The must for apple cider at home should be stirred daily and carefully monitored for the moment when fermentation begins. As soon as the first signs of fermentation appear on the surface, the pulp will need to be squeezed out through a fine sieve or several layers of gauze. Pour the resulting juice into three to five liter jars, install a water seal on them or put on ordinary rubber gloves. Using gloves, make a small puncture on one of the fingers - so that excess carbon dioxide comes out through it.

It is possible to make cider from apples as a weak alcoholic drink without adding sugar, but in this case the must will ferment for several days longer.

Place jars of cider in a cool dark place where they will stand for 1-2 months. When fermentation stops completely, the drink will need to be drained from the sediment. You can strain the resulting cider with several layers of gauze.

Pour homemade apple cider into small containers - it is best to use half a liter bottles, close and refrigerate. Pour the drink to the very neck and close tightly, otherwise due to the ingress of oxygen, the cider may turn into fruit vinegar.

Apple cider prepared according to this recipe can be stored for three years. The longer the drink stands, the tastier and more aromatic it will be.

The easiest apple cider recipe

If you do not have a lot of apples, but want to try making a delicious flavored drink, then you can use an easier way to make it. The easiest recipe for apple cider is to put the apple juice in a warm place and let it ferment.

Unfortunately, fermentation of juice in a natural way is possible only if there is a special variety of apples and strict adherence to technology. Using ordinary apples, the cooking process can take several months, so it is advisable to add sugar and yeast.

Despite the fact that yeast is not used in the industrial production of cider, it will be quite acceptable for making a homemade drink.

A cheaper and more affordable option for owners of small gardens and household plots is to preserve natural juice for the winter, and make cider from the remnants of the pulp.

Fill clean three-liter jars with juice pomace - about a third. Add a little white raisins or yeast to each jar, a glass of sugar and top up with cold clean water.

Before preparing cider from apples, prepare a water seal or rubber gloves - this is done so that the containers with the drink are protected from oxygen.

Cover jars and put in a warm place for 5-6 days - until fermentation stops.

With the help of gauze, you need to carefully strain and pour the resulting drink into glass jars or bottles. The cider must be poured very slowly so that the sediment that has fallen to the bottom does not rise.

Fill containers up to the neck and seal tightly with lids.

Apple cider prepared according to this recipe can be drunk immediately. Keep the drink in the refrigerator only in closed bottles, so it is advisable to use containers no larger than one liter.

Each winemaker has their own special recipe for homemade apple cider. Homemade cider can be dry and sweet, with little or no alcohol content. You can use fresh apples or homemade apple juice, you can make a drink with the addition of yeast, raisins or other fruits. If desired, you can mix different varieties of apples in different proportions and each time you get new tastes and aromas for every taste.

There is no special technology for making this drink, so you can become the author of a unique exclusive drink that can compete even with the most famous cider varieties made in the elite wineries of the world.

Fast homemade apple cider - unusually fragrant and tasty beautiful amber color

Make apple cider at home and invite your friends for a tasting! Everyone likes the refined and delicate taste of homemade apple wine, in which honey notes are felt, and playing bubbles in a glass with ice cubes create a good mood and a cozy atmosphere.

On the festive table, this fragrant sparkling low-alcohol drink can compete with champagne. I want to tell you about one of the recipes for making homemade cider.
It only takes 3 ingredients and 10 days of patience.
And then - only true apple delight!

Drink apple wine should be cool, enjoying every sip. However, filling the glass with a drink should be correct - gourmets advise pouring cider so that its jet breaks against the walls of the glass. While the jet flies in the air, the wine is saturated with oxygen, and the drink begins to foam, which contributes to the maximum disclosure of the flavor bouquet. Since the foam does not last long, drink the cider as soon as possible to experience its unique taste with fresh apple notes and the aroma of summer ...

Apples - 4 kg.
Sugar - 800 g.
Boiled water - 5 liters.

4 liters of finished drink

It is believed that apples with a maximum tannin content, that is, with a sour, astringent taste, are suitable for cider. In industrial production, special varieties are used that are not simply eaten (just like grapes for winemaking). But our cider is homemade, so you should not look for any special varieties for it. In principle, the worse (in the commercial sense) the quality of the apples, the better for the cider.

We wash the apples, but not too thoroughly. Wild yeasts live on their skins to promote fermentation. We cut each apple into 4 parts, remove the core.

Pour boiled water into a large saucepan, cool to room temperature, add sugar.

We put apples.

We cover the pan with gauze folded several times. Leave in a relatively warm place for 10 days. During this period, your intervention is not required. You can only periodically look under the gauze and be glad that the process is going on!

After 10 days, discard the apples and strain the cider through cheesecloth. Once is enough, but if you want the drink to be more transparent, strain several times.

Before serving, the finished cider should be cooled. And you can store in hermetically sealed bottles in the refrigerator.

Shot from the movie "Good Year"

There is a legend that King Charlemagne invented cider when he once sat on a bag of overripe apples. We hasten to disappoint you: now it is no longer customary to make apple alcohol in this way.

In the more than a thousand years that have passed since the momentous discovery, the making of cider, we decided to find the simplest recipe suitable for home conditions.

And even if you don’t have “your own, native” apples that you “didn’t water with any muck”, it doesn’t matter - we’ll take purchased ones.


    10 kg apples

    1.5 kg sugar


    three-liter jars

    medical gloves


    medical tubes for a dropper (sold in a pharmacy)

Step 1: Preparing the Apples

Wipe the apples with a dry cloth. They cannot be washed, because wild yeast lives on the surface of the fruit, which is needed for fermentation. Remove leaves and stems.

Step 2: Send the Apples to the Juicer

Before this, you do not need to peel the apples - process them along with the peel and seeds.

Step 3: Pour Sugar into Jars

Don't forget to sterilize the container first. Pour four tablespoons of sugar into each jar.

Step 4: pour juice

Fill jars no more than 2/3 of the volume, free space is needed for foam and carbon dioxide. Don't forget to mix.

Step 5: Place the Shutter on the Can

We put on a glove and a small hole on the neck so that it does not explode.

Step 6: Wait a few days

Let our future cider ferment in a dark and warm place for about a week. You will understand that he stopped doing this because the glove will change position from vertical to horizontal.

Step 7: Strain the sediment

To do this, pour the juice from the jar into the pan through cheesecloth. And then into a clean jar.

Step 8: Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6

This time we wait half as much - four days is enough.

Step 9: Strain the sediment again

But now we do it with the help of tubes. We place one end in the middle of the jar, the other - above the pan. To start the process, suck in air from the free end of the tube, as if you were about to drink your cider. Why can't gauze be used again? Because now we need to act more delicately, without disturbing the harmful sediment at the bottom. The process is slow, but necessary.

Step 10: Final push

Close the jar with a lid, send it to stand for another ten days. Then repeat point 9, and the finish line!

Step 11: Bottle the Cider

Close the bottles with caps. That's all.

How to make cider carbonated

According to the recipe above, we got a “still” apple wine, but if you want gaziki, you can add them if you follow two more simple steps.

    At the bottom of each bottle, add sugar (10 grams per 1 liter) and leave 5-6 cm of free space from the neck. Shake it up.

    Then transfer the containers for 10-14 days to a dark room at room temperature. Once a day, check the gas pressure so that your bottle does not explode, otherwise it will be a pity for the apples and your efforts.

Cider is a tasty, fragrant drink, with a strength of no more than 8 degrees. Sometimes it is also called apple wine, as it is most often made from apples. In addition to them, you can use pears, garden berries for cider. But cider became famous precisely because of the original apple note. This is a fragrant drink, invigorating, with a honey taste.

Apple cider is produced by a natural fermentation process, no yeast is added to the drink. Ciders are categorized into sweet, semi-sweet, bittersweet and bitter. According to the classification, they are dry, sweet and traditional. We recommend that you try making cider at home. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

The history of the drink

Presumably this drink originated in France, although some cider lovers find references to it already in ancient Egyptian history. In any case, the history of cider has more than one hundred years. The time of appearance of the drink is considered to be the XI century. According to some legends that have come down to us, this drink was invented by Charlemagne himself.

Until the last century, apple cider was considered more of a drink for the poor and peasants than for the nobility. But over time, its taste was appreciated by the upper strata of society, and since then, entire apple orchards have appeared in many famous vineyards. Today, not only producers, but also ordinary people are increasingly thinking about how to make homemade cider for holidays and family events.

Some useful nuances of use

Cider is drunk exclusively cold. It is advisable to pour it into glasses or cups at a considerable distance. This is necessary in order to free the drink from carbon dioxide. Traditionally, cider is not finished to the last drop from the glass. At the bottom, a natural drink forms a sediment, this explains this tradition.

Choosing apples

In order to make apple cider at home, it is important to choose the right varieties of apples. If we talk about the industrial production of the drink, then about 48 varieties of apples are officially allowed, including Black Kingston, Bitter Tremlett, Dubinett, Yarlington Mill. These varieties have too much tannin. For home production, you can use those varieties that are available to you. The main thing - apples should not be too sweet or sour.

Green, unripe apples are not used to make cider. It is also not recommended to use overripe apples, as they become less juicy due to an excess of pectin. For home production, it is better to use late and winter varieties, they contain more sugars, tannins, extractives. In other words, from such varieties of cider will turn out to be more saturated in taste and fragrant.

Preparing apples

Selected apples must be inspected. If there is a hint of rot, it is better not to use such an apple. Suitable fruits should be soft, juicy, without marks of bumps. Do not use apples of different varieties for cider. Only one variety will give the taste and aroma characteristic of this type of apple.

The stalks and cores are removed from apples. Apples are wiped with a dry cloth, but not washed. Natural yeast accumulates on the skin, thanks to which fermentation will then occur. It is even advisable to put the pureed apples in a dry and dark place for a couple of days. Now the apples are ready for further processing into a delicious drink.

homemade apple cider recipe

Cider prepared according to this recipe is tasty and fragrant, honey-colored and low in strength.

