
The lowest calorie nuts table. The lowest calorie nuts: list, useful properties and features

Nuts are an excellent source of vegetable protein and fat that rivals meat. They contain a lot of nutrients necessary for the functioning of our body, but the presence of fat indicates a high calorie content of the product. Consider how many calories are in nuts, their composition, effects on the body, the pros and cons of a delicious product.

What are nuts

Nuts are called hard fruits of trees and shrubs, numbering a large number of species. These fruits were part of the diet of primitive people. Researchers have found tools similar to nutcrackers dated at 780,000 years old! And the "culinary" fossils speak of the varieties of these fruits, most likely, our ancestors ate pistachios, almonds, chestnuts, awesome euryalus.


There are a huge number of walnut fruits and root crops in the world. All are useful, nutritious in their own way, rich in vitamins, minerals, fats, amino acids, but there are species that are harmful to human health. More on this later.

In botany, the division into species is quite simple. Nuts are divided into real and fake. TO hereby include dry fruits with a woody coating. They have one or two cores. TO fake include the fruits of various crops that have nothing to do with the nut family, except for their appearance. This list includes peanuts, which belong to the legume family, but are also considered nuts, as well as the cedar fruit, which is the seed of the cedar tree, coconuts, which are absolutely and completely different from the walnuts we are used to.

The energy value of nuts and their composition differ significantly, this can be seen by considering each type separately.



Nut calorie table

Each product is caloric in its own way, for example, the calorie content of a walnut is 647–705 kcal per 100 grams, the calorie content of almonds is 583–650 kcal / 100 g, and the calorie content of hazelnuts, everyone’s favorite treat, is 651–704 kcal per 100 grams. The kernels contain a large amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Let's take a closer look at the calorie content of nuts, the table will show a comparison of data between species.

No. p / p Name of the fetus Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
1 chestnut (fresh) 3.4 3 30.6 166
2 Chestnut (roasted) 3.2 2.2 33.8 182
3 Coconut 3.4 33.5 29.5 380
4 Peanut 26.3 45.2 9.9 551
5 pistachios 20 50 7 556
6 Brazilian 14 66 12 565
7 Cashew fried 17.5 42.2 30.5 572
8 Almond 18.6 53.7 13 609
9 dried peanuts 29.2 50.2 10.8 611
10 Cedar 11.6 61 19.3 629
11 Cashew fresh 25.7 54.1 13.2 643
12 Manchurian 28.6 61 7.7 643
13 walnut 15.2 65.2 11.1 648
14 Pecan 9.2 72 4.3 691
15 Hazelnut 16.1 66.9 9.9. 704
16 Macadamia 7.9 75.7 5.2 718

The table shows that most of the nuts are fats, so before you throw a handful of sweets into your morning oatmeal with dried fruits, you should familiarize yourself with these data. The calculation is taken from 100 grams of the product. The daily norm for a person is his handful. Do not exceed the dose, especially if you are on a diet. For self-control, take the required dose and remove the excess, mix with food or grind in a coffee grinder, this is not only tasty and quickly digested, but also useful components are better absorbed by the walls of the stomach.

For losing weight people and athletes, it is better to choose low-calorie nuts:

  • Peanut;
  • pistachios;
  • Cashew nuts;
  • Almond.

The kernels must be in their pure form without the addition of salt, sugar, icing or chocolate. Nuts can be eaten for breakfast with oatmeal and fruit or as a snack before lunch, when the body processes carbohydrates best and they are not deposited in our sides.

Benefits for the body

In addition, nuts have a positive effect on overall human health, namely:

Harm and allergies

Peanuts contain toxic substances that can cause allergies, accompanied by redness, itching, and a rash. Symptoms appear depending on the severity of the reaction, it can reach anaphylactic shock. Everything is treated with medication.

Alcohol can provoke and increase the development of allergies!

Use bitter almonds with caution. It contains toxic substances that are harmful to our health.

Nuts are considered to be the richest source of vegetable fats and proteins, and therefore many of them are considered excellent meat substitutes. That is why chefs use the nutritional properties of this product in the course of cooking in any form: whole, chopped, crushed. Often it is added to salads, snacks, pates, meat dishes.

Given these features of the product, it is often included in diets. Let's see why? This nutritious and valuable product is a unique source of fatty acids, proteins and carbohydrates. In them contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals, and also there is iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the metabolic process. In addition, due to the calorie content, nuts replace many prohibited foods.

What are the benefits of nuts for losing weight?

Modern nutritionists advise not to exclude this product from the diet with any diet, because PUFAs help to stabilize the metabolism, burn extra pounds, make up for the lack of energy. They should be introduced into the diet correctly:

  • You need to eat 8-10 nuts daily. So you can help the body get useful elements and prevent anemia.
  • The product can be fried, eaten in dried form and add honey to it. They are complemented by salads, cereals and other dishes.

Calorie content of various nuts

Nutritionists emphasize the ability of nuts to quickly saturate the body and at the same time not gain extra pounds. The secret is to increase serotonin, which helps to reduce appetite, improve mood and stabilize cardiac work. All types have this property, but the most high-calorie nuts are:

Calorie content of nuts (table)

Despite the fact that this is one of the most original products, given its calorie content, it is allowed to eat no more than fifty grams daily. To understand the number of calories in one hundred grams of the product, you should read the table:

Product Squirrels Carbohydrates Fats Kcal
Coconut 3 28 33 379
pistachios 20 7 50 554
Brazilian nut 13 11 65 564
Sesame 19 11 48 564
Peanut 29,2 10 50 610
Pine nuts 11 19 60 628
Cashew 25 13 53 642
Almond 18 15 57 644
walnut 15 10 64 647
Hazelnut 16 8 66 703

Having considered the data, it can be noted that most of the protein is present in peanuts, and nuts enriched with vegetable protein saturate the body for a long time. Wherein most of all the body receives trace elements and amino acids. Nut protein is the most complex, and therefore it also keeps the muscles in a normal state.

For example, pistachios are low in complex carbohydrates and will take much longer to digest. That is why the body will be full for a long time. Although there is a lot of fat in nuts, they should not be afraid. Vegetable fat does not harm the body, and even helps to better absorb vitamins. Eating such a product daily, you will provide yourself with a great mood and health!

All nuts are high-calorie foods. They contain a lot of vegetable protein, which has a unique composition and is easily digested. Therefore, nuts are loved by vegetarians and those who adhere to religious fasts.

There are many varieties of nuts. The values ​​of their energy and nutritional value are presented in the calorie table, which is posted on our website.

The calorie content of nuts is determined by their fat content, most of which is presented in the form of polyunsaturated acids. Thanks to this composition, even the minimum amount of nut grains will quickly and permanently satisfy hunger.

Despite such a high caloric value and high fat content, nuts are often included in various dietary systems.

Just a few small nuts will provide the body with energy for a long time.. And the protein contained in this product can be an excellent meat substitute.

Also, all nuts contain substances that are natural antioxidants, various vitamins, minerals and other active trace elements that have a positive effect on the condition and work of our body.

Calorie peanut (peanut)

All varieties of nuts contain a lot of protein in their kernels, but peanut grains contain almost twice as much protein. This can be explained by the fact that Peanuts are not a walnut, but a legume. In terms of protein content, it is equal to beans, peas and other beans.

If we compare peanuts with other varieties of nuts, then its calorie content will be one of the lowest.

100 grams of peanuts contains 552 kcal.

The same amount of peanut, which is what peanuts are often called, contains:

  • proteins 26.4 grams;
  • fat 45.3 grams;
  • carbohydrates 9.8 grams.

To get the full benefit of nuts, you need to eat them raw. As a result of roasting, most of the beneficial properties of nut grains are lost, and their calorie content increases slightly.

There are 626 calories in 100 grams of roasted peanuts.

This increase in energy value is due to the evaporation of moisture from peanut grains.

Energy value of walnuts

Among the special properties of the walnut, one can note its ability to improve the activity of brain cells. Regular consumption of them in food serves as a preventive measure for the development of atherosclerosis.

Walnuts are useful in blood diseases because they contain iron. They are also able to increase the amount of milk in women during lactation. In medicine and cosmetology, walnut oil is used, which has unique properties.

100 grams of walnut kernels have such nutritional value:

The calorie content of 100 grams of hazelnut (hazelnut) is 651 kcal, after roasting this value will increase to 703 kcal.

Hazelnuts are often used in cooking. It is added to various desserts, sweets, chocolate. Extraordinarily tasty pasta and hazelnut halva. It has a bright taste, and most of us like to eat these nuts just like that, without any additives.

In order not to harm your health and figure, you should remember that you can eat no more than 30 grams of nuts per day. This applies to the use of all nuts, and not each type individually.

cashew nuts

This variety of nuts is less popular in our country. Among the positive properties, one can note its ability to improve the regeneration of skin cells, maintain the elasticity of muscle tissue and have a beneficial effect on hormonal processes in the body.

Cashew nut has antibacterial properties, which reduces the risk of caries and various inflammatory processes in the mouth.

The nutritional value of 100 grams of cashew nuts is:

  • proteins 18.5 grams;
  • fats 48.5 grams;
  • carbohydrates 22.5 grams.

The calorie content of such a nut as cashew has 600 kcal for every 100 grams of the product.

Cashews in stores are sold only in peeled form after mandatory heat treatment. This is because the shell contains phenolic resin, which can cause severe burns if it comes into contact with the skin.

In the process of roasting the nut kernels, this toxic substance is finally neutralized.

How many calories are in almonds

If you regularly eat a nut such as almonds, then can help restore vision I. There is also a normalization of the intestinal microflora, which has a beneficial effect on the entire process of digestion.

Sweet almonds are best for cooking.

There is also bitter almond, it has a bright taste and aroma, but contains dangerous substances that are poisonous to humans. It is fashionable to call almonds of this species rather a medicine than food. You can eat no more than two grains of this nut per day.

The edible variety of almonds can serve as an excellent means to satisfy hunger. The nutritional value of 100 grams of this nut is:

  • protein 18.6 grams;
  • fats 53.7 grams;
  • carbohydrates 13 grams.

Almonds, like other types of nuts, are high in calories.

100 grams of almonds contain 609 kcal.

Almonds are an indispensable ingredient for cooking various dishes. Finely ground almonds are added to cakes and pastries instead of flour, and they are also added to soups to thicken the dish.

Even someone who does not know exactly how many calories are in nuts will say that there are a lot of them. You can even taste the fact that they are rich in fat. Nutritionists have calculated that if you eat only 3 "extra" walnuts a day, then in a year the weight will increase by 5 kilos. So what - to completely abandon these gifts of nature, so as not to spoil the figure? Do not rush to draw conclusions!

Nuts are a powerful source of energy and nutrients

A valuable, nutritious, and most importantly, very tasty product is nuts. Many people eat them as a snack or add them to pies and salads. Nuts, like seeds, are very "contagious": it is enough to eat one, as the hand reaches for another, and the whole pack or vase is imperceptibly emptied. These fruits contain a whole range of vitamins and useful microelements. One problem - in terms of calories, they are far ahead of other plant gifts.

A person eats different types of them. To find out which ones you can (and if you can at all) eat while losing weight, just find out what the calorie content of nuts is.

About the energy value of nuts

Among those who need to lose weight, there is such a myth: if you replace meat with nuts in the menu, you can get rid of extra pounds without suffering and restrictions. Only those who have never been interested in what energy value and composition nuts have can believe in this legend. The calorie content of these products (per 100 grams and per 30 grams) will be as follows:

  • walnuts - 700 kcal; 185 kcal (7 cores);
  • Brazilian - 703 kcal; 186 kcal (6 fruits);
  • cedar - 620 kcal; 188 kcal (167 nuts);
  • almonds - 694 kcal; 163 kcal (23 nucleoli);
  • hazelnuts - 707 kcal; 178 kcal (21 pieces);
  • pistachios - 610 kcal; 158 kcal (49 pieces);
  • peanuts (ground) - 551 kcal; 166 kcal (28 pieces);
  • cashew - 633 kcal; 155 kcal (25 pieces);
  • pecan - 861 kcal; 193 (19 walnut halves);
  • coconut - 669 kcal; 200 kcal.

Why do you need to know how many calories are in a 30-gram serving of nuts? Because that's how much the weight of a package with a delicious snack is.

There is a favorite in the walnut family - this is the most expensive and rare specimen. It grows in Australia and costs about $30. per kg. This delicacy is called macadamia. The energy value of such elite nuts is 718 kcal.

To what extent is the calorie content of nuts combined with dietary characteristics? The table shows that none of these products can be called low-calorie, which means that those who do not want to lose their slim figure should be more careful with them.

How many caloriescan be found in 1 nut?

The safe portion of nuts depends on their nutritional content. Since the fruits contain an impressive supply of fat, it is important how much energy is hidden inside 1 nucleolus. The answer will also not please those who are dissatisfied with their weight. So, 1 nut has stored so many kilocalories for you:

  • whole walnut - 26 kcal;
  • cedar - 1.12 kcal;
  • almonds - 7 kcal;
  • hazelnuts - 8.4 kcal;
  • pistachios - 3.2 kcal;
  • peanuts - 5.9 kcal;
  • cashew - 6.2 kcal;
  • pecan - 21 kcal.

Some people wonder how many calories are in a young (unripe) walnut. He really lags behind in energy value from his more "adult" relative, but not by much. But the taste of such a product differs sharply from a ripe fruit.

Benefits or calories? The truth is somewhere in the middle

Each of the nuts is useful for the body. So, walnuts contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids. It is a powerful antioxidant. And ellagic acid, which this product is rich in, effectively supports the immune system. If you eat 4 to 6 walnuts a day, it will be good for the body and will not affect your weight in any way. Indeed, at the same time, the daily supply of calories will increase by 156 kcal - this is the norm for snacking between main meals.

Pine nuts contain almost all unique amino acids, and their protein is completely absorbed by the body. You can eat a maximum of 100 g per day. Almonds are the champion in the amount of vitamin E. A safe serving is 30 g. Hazelnuts contain a lot of iron, strengthens blood vessels. In order not to get better, 7 pieces per day are enough.

Nuts are amazing gifts of nature that can increase the intellectual abilities of a person and increase his mind. In total there are dozens of types of nuts.

Useful substances, trace elements, vitamins, dietary fiber contained in nuts have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Nut calorie table

Nuts are a very high-calorie food product. But, despite this, nutritionists claim that they are useful in the fight against excess weight. Useful substances contained in the product improve metabolism. In order not to harm the figure, the daily dose should be reduced to 15-20 g.

Table - how many calories are in nuts:

Product Calories (kcal/100g) Fat (g) Protein (g) Carbohydrates (g)
Peanut 548 45,2 26,3 9,7
Brazilian nut 656 66,4 14,3 4,8
Walnut 648 61,3 13,8 10,2
Hazelnut 704 66,9 16,1 9,9
Almond 645 57,7 18,6 13,6
pine nut 673 61 11,6 19,3
Coconut 354 33,5 3,4 6,2
Cashew 643 54,1 25,7 13,2
Hazelnut 628 67 10 18
pistachios 556 50 20 7

Useful properties of nuts:

  • Nuts are an undeniable source of vitamins and minerals (B vitamins, vitamin E, selenium, calcium, zinc, iron and iodine).
  • Are one of the most useful and necessary products for the mind. Thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids, they are indispensable for mental stress.
  • The increased calorie content of the product, a combination of light fats and vegetable proteins, serve as a real source of energy. Therefore, they are essential for physical activity. To some extent, they can replace meat and eggs.
  • Contains omega-3 fatty acids. Due to this, the product is extremely useful for ailments of the cardiovascular system.

The most useful nuts for the human body

Without exception, all types are beneficial to human health, but each of them has its own characteristics. Modern scientists identify the "five" most useful in the world - hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts and peanuts.


Another name for hazelnuts is Lombard nuts. "Die Hard" has been known since ancient times. Our ancestors used it to make protective amulets against evil spirits and cataclysms. Nowadays, it is extremely useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, anemia, arterial hypertension. Hazelnuts are recommended to be taken in order to prevent oncological diseases, since they contain an anti-cancer substance - paclitaxel.


Even in ancient times, Hippocrates and Avicenna described the healing effects of the walnut (walnut) and its leaves. And modern scientists call it the "tree of life" due to its rich composition. Indeed, this fruit contains many useful substances: vitamins, alkaloids, tannins and many trace elements. Walnuts are recommended for people with thyroid problems due to their high iodine content.

Walnuts will help with physical exhaustion, diseases of the heart and nervous system.

Fruit kernels are used for diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys, as well as an effective wound healing agent.


Almonds are also called royal or elite nuts. Although in reality it is not a nut - it is a stone fruit. A feature of this species is the high content of calcium in its composition. What makes it useful and indispensable for the health of the skeletal system. Thanks to phosphorus, iron and potassium, almonds are highly recommended for diseases of the heart and circulatory system, doctors advise eating about 60 g of almonds per week.

Regular use of these nuts improves sleep and helps with insomnia. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, almonds are used for urolithiasis, gastritis, ulcers, hypertension, anemia, migraine, and eye diseases.

This species must be introduced into your diet very carefully, since it is difficult for the body to digest. Almonds can be eaten raw or roasted. Often it is added to sweets and pastries, and in eastern countries - to meat and rice dishes.

Brazilian nut

Brazil nuts are considered the most delicious, according to gourmets, and the most useful, according to scientists. It is considered one of the most useful and necessary for the female body and is also called the nut of youth.. All this is due to the presence in it of a huge amount of selenium, which prevents premature aging.

Just two Brazil nuts a day will have a beneficial effect on the skin. Due to their high calorie content, these nuts serve as a source of energy and vigor. In addition, they prevent the development of cancer and heart problems.


There are more than 70 types of peanuts in the world. These beans are a good preventative for heart disease, cancer and gastritis. Peanuts have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, soothes when overexcited and helps with insomnia. It is an excellent antioxidant. Improves hearing, vision and memory.

Just a few peanuts can satisfy your hunger. Therefore, nutritionists consider it one of the most useful nuts for weight loss, and are allowed to use it during a diet. Peanuts are easily digested by the human body due to their high protein and protein content. But it is not recommended to abuse these nuts so as not to provoke an allergy and not to disrupt digestive functions.

In addition to this "five" of the most useful nuts, pine and hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, and coconut are also very popular. All of them have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, enhance immunity, improve brain function and cardiac activity.

The most useful nuts for women

Regular consumption of nuts by women helps to improve reproductive function, strengthen memory, slow down the aging process of the body, improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Each of the types of nuts has its own special benefits for the female body.

  • Almond. It has a large amount of fiber and vitamin E, which makes the skin healthy, clear and beautiful. This product is used in the fight against excess weight. It is recommended to consume 15-20 g of almonds daily. And to avoid the difficulties of its digestion, it is worth soaking it in water overnight.
  • Brazilian nut. Serves as a healthy snack to boost energy and focus. The trace element selenium, which is part of it, increases the fertility of a woman, prevents oncological diseases of the breast and bones. Selenium, along with other vitamins and antioxidants, rejuvenates skin cells. Brazil nut oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, strengthens nails, and gives hair a healthy shine.
  • Cashew nuts. The product contains the least amount of fat, which allows it to be included in the diet menu. This is a real source of folic acid, therefore, cashews are useful for pregnant women and those who are planning to start a family. The composition contains analgesic and anti-inflammatory components that help relieve pain, including toothache.
  • Hazelnut. It is advised to use it for varicose veins from the outside and from the inside. It also improves immunity and improves memory, gives health to hair and nails.
  • Walnuts. A real assistant to women in the fight against cardiological and oncological diseases. They contain a lot of biotin, which prevents hair loss and strengthens them. The use of this nut during pregnancy prevents the child from developing food allergies.
  • Pine nuts. They cleanse the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, which has a beneficial effect on the appearance of a woman. It is useful for nursing mothers to eat 2 tbsp. spoons of pine nuts to improve lactation and get more nutritious breast milk. Traditional medicine uses shells and kernels in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

    For men

    Nowadays, men often face problems with potency and the ability to have children. Scientists argue that the nutrition of men plays a decisive role in this matter. Nuts must be present in their diet.

    • Walnuts. Their benefits for men have been proven by many studies. In men who consumed walnuts regularly, scientists found a significant improvement in sperm quality, thanks to the organic acids found in the fruit. In addition, biologically active substances, in particular arginine, have a positive effect on male potency.
    • Brazil nuts. The powerful antioxidant selenium contained in the Brazilian fruit increases testosterone levels, thus improving the quantity and quality of sperm. It also serves as a prophylactic against prostate cancer. Arginine improves potency, it is also called natural "Viagra". To increase male strength, 2-3 nuts are enough; in large doses, selenium is toxic and can lead to the opposite effect.
    • Almond. A real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, a source of energy. Due to the high amount of calcium, almonds are good for bone health, which is very important for athletes and older men. Almonds help increase libido and maintain a healthy sex life.
    • Pistachios. A handful of pistachios helps to increase sexual desire in men and the pleasure of sexual intercourse. Dietary fiber and fatty acids will help lower blood cholesterol levels, and arginine will improve blood flow to the genitals.
    • Hazelnut. It has a healing effect on the reproductive system of men, improves blood flow and cleanses the blood of cholesterol.

    For children

    Children under three years of age are not recommended to use nuts, as they contain a lot of protein, which is quite difficult to digest.

    The child's body has not yet developed enough enzymes that are responsible for the digestion and assimilation of proteins. In this case, the child's body will only receive a load on the pancreas, liver and kidneys.

    Nuts, in addition, are a strong allergen and should be introduced into the diet of a child older than three years very carefully.

    The most useful for children is a walnut. This is an excellent source of iodine, therefore, this product is especially useful for children in areas with high radiation. Useful substances will help increase the mental abilities of children, cope with hypovitaminosis and anemia. For children, it is enough to eat 2 nuts a day.


    Nuts will bring maximum benefit to the body if you consume them 30 g per day. They are indispensable for the human body, have an amazing taste. You can use them in different forms, adding to almost any dish.
