
Beneficial features. Peanuts - the beneficial properties of peanuts and its effect on our longevity

Peanuts are nuts loved by many, which are quite difficult to grow in most regions of our country because of their heat-loving nature. For active fruiting, this plant requires consistently warm weather with temperatures ranging from + 20 ° to + 27 ° C, as well as a lot of sun and moderate moisture. The easiest way to get a crop of this crop is in the Stavropol Territory or in the Kuban, sowing seeds in open ground when it warms up to + 14 ° C. In other areas, it is most reliable to use the seedling method, protecting young seedlings from recurrent frosts.

Varietal diversity of cultural peanuts

Despite the fact that peanuts are often referred to as peanuts, in reality they belong to the legume family and have more than 70 species. Most of them are grown on the South American continent, and beyond its borders, only Pinto peanuts and cultural peanuts have found distribution.

All cultivars of peanuts can be divided into 4 main groups with some degree of conventionality:

  • Spanish;
  • Valencia;
  • Runner;
  • Virginia.

In addition, all peanuts differ in their purpose.

  • Some varieties are great for getting peanut butter, as nuts contain it in high concentrations.
  • There are varieties that have excellent taste and very large kernels. Therefore, they are mainly used for confectionery needs.
  • There is a universal purpose peanut. It is suitable for making oil and at the same time it is good as a salty beer snack or a candied treat.

In addition, peanut plants are distinguished by the shape and length of the stem:

  • the first category of varieties grows vertically, forming bundles;
  • the second type of peanut forms shoots growing close to the ground.

Spanish varieties, or Spanish

This variety of peanut has the longest history of cultivation. Until the second half of the twentieth century, it was most popular in America. Now Spanish varieties are grown mainly in US states such as Oklahoma and Texas, as well as in the south of the African continent. This group is characterized by small kernels with a brown-pink shell, with not too high immunity to diseases and an average yield. The nuts are quite tasty when candied and salted, but are most commonly processed to make peanut butter and peanut butter.

The most popular varieties include GFA Spanish, Improved Spanish 2B, Dixie Spanish, Argentinian, Star, Comet, White Core, Spanet, Wilko I, Natal ordinary, Tamspan 90 and several others.

Varieties Runner

This group of varieties began to gain popularity since the 40s of the last century. It produces much tastier and larger nuts than the Spanish relatives. The yield of Runner varieties is also much higher, and the fruits are perfectly fried. They are versatile in use: they are suitable both for obtaining peanut butter and as a salty snack.

Dixie Runner, Bradford Runner, Egyptian Giant, Early Runner, Georgia Green, Fragrant Runner 458, Tamran OL 01, Tamran OL 02 and many others stand out among the best representatives of the group.

Virginia group peanuts

Selective Virginia groundnut plants can grow in bunches as well as shoots. The vertical stems reach about half a meter in height and about 0.7–0.8 m in diameter, and the pods form at a distance of 5–10 cm from the ground.

Virginia peanuts are predominantly used in the confectionery industry. Its large fruits are fried both in the shell and without it. They are added to sweets, cakes or pastries. Salted peanuts are no less remarkable in their taste. The large size and excellent taste of the kernels make this group of varieties more and more popular.

Among the best examples of Virginia varieties are North Carolina, Gregory, Perry, Wilson, Hull, Virginia 93B, Shulamit and several other equally excellent representatives.

Varieties Valencia, or Redskin

This separate subgroup of Spanish varieties is distinguished by the size of the kernels with a spectacular bright pink skin and tall (more than 1 m in height) plants. They have massive shoots of a reddish hue, abundantly covered with dense foliage and reaching about 0.7 m in diameter. The main stem and lateral branches have gynophores, on which even (without interseed compression) pods rest, each containing three nuts weighing about 0.5 g.

What to plant in your garden?

The choice of varieties for cultivation depends on three main factors: the purpose, the type of soil and the climatic conditions of the region.

  • Before choosing a variety, decide what you want to grow nuts for. If you plan to get the most delicious peanut butter, you should stop your attention on the varieties of American selection that are most adapted to Russian conditions. As a rule, experienced gardeners choose representatives of popular groups such as Runner, Valencia or Virginia.

    For growing nuts for food, it is recommended to plant seeds obtained by domestic producers. Among them, it is worth highlighting the varieties Klinskoy, Acorn, Stepnyak, Bayan, Krasnodarets 14, Krasnodarets 13, Ukrainian Valencia. These varieties are well zoned and, with proper care, are able to produce bountiful harvests even under not very favorable weather conditions.

  • The most suitable soils for peanuts are sandy loam and chernozems, that is, as light and fertile as possible, with neutral acidity. The culture loves high concentrations of calcium and magnesium, but it does not tolerate saline soils at all.

    In the southern regions of our country, the peanut grows without problems on open ridges, but in the more northern regions it needs shelter: summer film greenhouses or covering with non-woven material for the period of seedling rooting.

  • The planting of heat-loving peanuts is carried out even later than the sowing of gourds. It is required to wait until the soil warms up to a temperature not lower than + 12 ° C and the danger of return frosts completely disappears. He does not like the capricious nut of excessive moisture, therefore, during prolonged rains, it is recommended to artificially reduce the amount of water by covering the ridges with polyethylene. However, during the dry season, the culture necessarily needs watering.

Gardeners with experience know that, once having chosen and loved a certain variety correctly, in the future you can get your own seeds. Culture from year to year will be better adapted to the climate and soils of your area, which guarantees stable and high yields from season to season.

The article discusses peanuts. You will learn how and where it grows, its useful properties, how to cook it and how often you can eat it. You will also find out what contraindications it has, why it should not be eaten during pregnancy, and whether peanuts can be breastfeeding.

Peanut (peanut, underground peanut) is an annual herbaceous plant of the legume family. The Latin name is Arachis hypogaea. The people consider peanuts to be one of the types of nuts, but from a scientific point of view, this is not true.

How Peanuts Grow

Peanuts are a branching plant about 50 cm high. The stems of the plant are erect with alternate leaves, each of which develops two pairs of greenish leaves. From the axils of the leaves, yellowish moth-type flowers are formed on long pedicels. After fertilization, the ovary of the flower descends and burrows into the ground, where the fruit ripens.

Peanuts are two or four seeded beans covered with a light brown shell with a cobweb pattern. The seeds have a dark red or pale pink shell that separates easily when soaked. Peanuts bear fruit in September-October.

Where does peanut grow

Peanuts are native to South America. Spanish and Portuguese colonists contributed to the spread of the peanut in Europe, Africa, India, China and the Philippines.

Today, peanuts are cultivated on an industrial scale in the southern states of the United States, in the countries of the South American continent, in Central Asia, and in the South Caucasus.

The chemical composition of peanuts

Peanut contains about 50% fatty oil, which includes the following fatty acids:

  • oleic;
  • arachidic;
  • tetracosane;
  • stearic;
  • palmitic;
  • lauric;
  • behenic;
  • myristic;
  • hypogeic;
  • cerotinic;
  • erucic.

In addition to fatty acids, peanuts also contain the following substances:

  • biotin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • tocopherols;
  • vitamin D;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • folic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • vegetable protein;
  • globulins;
  • glycoproteins;
  • glycosides;
  • triterpene saponins;
  • purines;
  • starch;
  • Sahara;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.

Alkaloids - arachine, choline and betaine - are isolated from the pomace of peanut fruits.

calorie content of peanuts

The energy value of peanuts is approximately 567 kcal per 100 g. product.

Useful properties of peanuts

Peanuts are a highly nutritious product that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all systems and organs. It has a powerful antioxidant effect, helps cleanse and renew body cells.

Regular consumption of peanuts reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasms.

Peanuts also have the following effects:

  • promotes the outflow of bile;
  • increases concentration;
  • improves memory and hearing;
  • enhances potency;
  • reduces nervous excitability;
  • helps to cope with chronic insomnia;
  • restores strength after heavy physical and mental stress;
  • heals wounds and pustular inflammation of the skin;
  • prevents premature aging.

Peanuts benefit and harm

In addition to the benefits, peanuts can harm the body. Excessive consumption of peanuts can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and cause obesity.

The daily norm of unsalted peanuts for an adult is no more than 50 g. Salted peanuts can be consumed no more than 1-2 times a week for 10 g.

Application of peanut

Peanuts are primarily grown as a food product. It is used to make peanut butter, various sweet and savory snacks, and is also added to confectionery. Peanuts are consumed raw and roasted. Peanuts are also grown as a fodder crop for livestock.

Peanut oil is used for cooking various dishes and canning. In terms of nutritional properties, it is several times superior to other vegetable oils. Peanut oil is used in cosmetology. Based on it, soap and cosmetics are produced.

In folk medicine, peanuts are used to treat diseases. For the preparation of medicines, the fruits and leaves of the plant are used. With its help, dizziness, prostate adenoma, arterial hypertension, circulatory disorders, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and sinuses are treated.

Peanuts for women

Regular consumption of peanuts has the following effects on the female body:

  • reduces the risk of developing breast cancer;
  • regulates the hormonal background;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • nourishes and restores the skin, hair and nails;
  • prevents early graying.

Peanuts are good as a snack or as a complete replacement for one of the meals during weight loss.

Peanuts for men

Peanuts are also beneficial for men. It is indispensable for the body with sexual dysfunction, reduced libido and low sperm activity. Peanuts also help reduce the risk of prostate adenoma, restore strength after sports, strengthen bone tissue and increase testosterone production.

Peanuts for children

Peanut helps fight hemorrhagic diathesis in children, strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the development of mental abilities and increases the endurance of a growing organism. Permissible portion of peanuts for children - no more than 10 pcs. in a day.

Peanuts during pregnancy

The main danger of peanuts during pregnancy is the risk of developing an allergic reaction in the expectant mother. Even if there was no allergy to nuts before pregnancy, they should still be discarded.

The use of peanuts and peanut-based products can provoke the development of sensitivity in a child to allergens contained in peanuts.

Is it possible to have peanuts while breastfeeding

During lactation, nuts should also be avoided. Peanuts can cause allergies, bloating and colic in a child.

How to peel peanuts

In order to quickly peel roasted peanuts from the husk, follow the instructions:

  1. Cool the peanuts after roasting.
  2. Place it in a fine-mesh vegetable net, then thoroughly mix the nuts in it.
  3. If there is no such grid, then use a clean kitchen towel.
  4. Fold the edges of the towel over to form a roll.
  5. Put it on the table and remember the bundle as when kneading dough from different sides.
  6. After such manipulations, the husk completely moves away from the nuclei.
  7. Unroll the towel and select the peanut kernels.

In order to peel raw peanuts from the husk, it is enough to soak it in boiled water at room temperature for a while, and then gently rub the kernels between the palms.

How to roast peanuts

There are two ways to fry peanuts at home - in the oven or in a pan. Before frying, be sure to wash the peanuts, clean them of rotten and darkened kernels and dry them.

Peanuts are fried in a pan for 10-15 minutes, constantly stirring with a wooden spatula. In the oven, peanuts are cooked at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 10 minutes.

You can also cook shelled peanuts in the oven. So it will retain more nutrients. It takes at least 20 minutes to prepare.

Peanut paste

You can make your own delicious and nutritious peanut butter at home. They prepare toasts and sandwiches for breakfast with it, use it for making confectionery products, add it as a filling to vegetable rolls and prepare various sauces based on it.

You will need:

  • peanuts - 450 g;
  • salt - 4-5 g;
  • vegetable oil - 17 g;
  • natural honey (optional) - 10 g.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse, peel and dry the peanuts.
  2. Place it on a baking sheet in a single layer and roast in the oven at 180 degrees for 5 minutes.
  3. Grind roasted peanuts in a blender for 1 minute.
  4. Add honey, oil and salt to it and turn on the blender again for 2 minutes.
  5. If the paste is too thick, then dilute it with warm boiled water to the desired consistency.
  6. Store the finished pasta in a tightly closed glass jar in the refrigerator.

Peanut butter is very high in calories, so you should not eat more than 1 tablespoon per day.

Allergy to peanuts

In the 90s, peanut allergy became one of the major medical problems in English-speaking countries, and scientists have not yet identified the exact cause of this allergic reaction.

Peanuts should be discarded if symptoms appear during its use:

  • redness of the skin;
  • swelling of the lips, tongue and sinuses;
  • nasal congestion;
  • tearing;
  • stomach ache;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness.

If you experience allergy symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. Ignoring symptoms can lead to angioedema or anaphylactic shock. Be careful!

Contraindications and restrictions

Peanuts have the following contraindications and restrictions in use:

  • nut allergy;
  • obesity;
  • arthritis;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 3 years.

Growing peanuts outdoors

In central Russia, peanuts are grown in seedlings. To do this, in April, pre-soaked seeds are planted in seedlings. When the soil temperature warms up to 15 degrees, peanut sprouts are planted under film shelters.

Peanut flowers bloom for one day, so during this time they must be pollinated. After fertilization, the pedicels descend to the ground, and they must be sprinkled with earth. Peanut blossoms in June - July.

Top dressing, watering and loosening are carried out until the end of flowering. During the period of fruit ripening, the plant must be periodically hilled and watered only during severe drought.

Where can I buy

You can find raw peanut kernels at most major supermarkets or online grocery stores. The price of nuts depends on the variety and country of origin. On average, 1 kg of shelled raw peanuts costs about 200 rubles.

Peanuts are rich in nutrients. Vitamins: PP, B1, B2, D, E, biotin, and there is also a range of useful amino acids, trace elements, vegetable fats, polyunsaturated acids: folic and linoleic. The composition of the nut is 50% fat, 35% protein and, surprisingly, the complete absence of cholesterol.

How does it affect the body

The optimal ratio of nutrients in peanuts has a positive effect on the nervous system, heart, liver and other organs. The fat composition is beneficial for gastritis, ulcers, stimulates the gallbladder. Regular use increases concentration, improves hearing, memory, increases potency. Folic acid stimulates cell growth and renewal. The natural antioxidants present in peanuts act as a barrier to harmful free radicals. It has calming properties and helps with insomnia.

Nutritionists note the effect of peanuts on appetite suppression, so they advise using 1 tbsp. spoon, with this application, it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of the menu by 500 kcal.

You need to know that in a roasted nut, its beneficial properties are enhanced by 25%.

How to choose

Quality peanuts are odorless. Fruit color should be juicy and uniform. The peanut is susceptible to mold fungus, which is noticeable upon close inspection. You should refuse to buy if you notice signs of mold - this is dangerous, since aflatoxin is produced in the tissues of the nut - a poison dangerous to humans.

If you buy a nut in the shell, you need to shake it. A sonorous sound means that the nut is overdried and has lost some of its beneficial properties. The shell should not have dark spots, streaks, as well as damage, cracks and rot.

Storage methods

It is possible to preserve the product qualitatively only in the refrigerator, in a closed container or a plastic bag. In this condition, it will retain quality for up to 9 months. If you do not have the opportunity to keep the nuts in the cold, then in order to increase the shelf life, you should roast in the oven (20 minutes at t about 70-80 ° C), while all qualities are fully preserved. Such a product can be kept at room temperature for 3-4 months.

What is combined with in cooking

The range of application of peanuts is great - this is the preparation of various salads, sauces and seasonings, meat dishes and pastries. In industrial production, it is included in the composition of the fillings of various confectionery products, including cakes, halva, ice cream and chocolate. Based on ground nuts, delicious peanut butter is made. The peanut is also very popular as an independent dish, especially if it is fried or salted. It can be combined with all products, even with alcohol - it is served with champagne and beer.

Useful food combination

Peanuts are a source of healthy fats, dietary fiber and protein that are essential in any weight loss diet. 30-40 g of this product will not harm, but rather be useful. A particularly successful combination is considered with spicy greens, leafy vegetables, as peanuts help enhance the action of antioxidants, B vitamins and chlorophyll. A high rate of metabolic processes occurs when consumed with parsley, dill, spinach and broccoli. It goes well with peanuts sour cream, butter, all vegetables except tomato, vegetable oils.


Caution should be taken with peanuts for people with problems such as gout, arthritis and arthrosis. Also, these nuts adversely affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, frequent use leads to excessive irritation of the mucosa. It is not recommended for children under 3 years of age, at an older age, gradually introduce into the diet.

Raw peanuts can interfere with the digestive process. Excessive consumption threatens problems with weight and obesity! Do not forget about genetic engineering, which is actively invading the production of this product, especially in Canada and the USA, so peanuts are included in the category of potentially harmful products.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

For medicinal purposes, only raw nuts are used. It is used for heart problems, atherosclerosis, diabetes. Reduces cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels and removes toxins. Active in the fight against cancer, ideal for improving immunity, is considered a cure for aging. Peanuts are called the "nut of youth".

Medical preparations are prepared not only from the kernel of the nut, but also from the shell. Peanut husk tincture increases the body's defenses and is useful for colds and viral infections. Popular for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is peanut milk, which is made on the basis of the flour of this nut with the addition of cow's milk. Such a "medicine" heals ulcers of the duodenum and stomach, treats gastritis.

Peanut oil, with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, treats vascular pathologies and helps fight diabetes. It is also used by women during menopause, and by men to increase potency. This oil is used for all types of massage.

In cosmetology, peanut oil is very popular. It is included in the composition of masks, lotions, creams, shampoos, balms, soaps, and it also serves as the basis for numerous essential oils. The result of the action is hydration, rejuvenation, elasticity and firmness of the skin. For hair - accelerates growth, improves structure, strengthens hair follicles.

Hi all!

Have you ever heard that the Chinese are very fond of peanuts and consider them one of the most important products of longevity?!

Yes it is. In China, this peanut has always been held in high esteem.

I propose to understand in more detail how useful peanuts are, what are the contraindications to its use, and how often you can eat it, and why the Chinese fell in love with it so much.

From this article you will learn:

What is useful peanuts for humans - useful properties

What is a peanut and why is it called "Peanut"?

Peanuts are familiar to many by the name "peanut": peanut fruits grow underground in a shell. And it's not at all.

The leaders in the cultivation of peanuts are the United States, India, Argentina, China and South Africa, in which country it grew, its shape, size and taste will depend.

This leguminous oil-bearing annual plant lives in a hot climate, which is perhaps why nature intended to protect it from the sun and dryness in the ground.

Harvested, as a rule, in April and May.

They dig up peanuts like potatoes: with pitchforks and potato diggers, peel and dry thoroughly.

Sometimes it is left in the shell, then dried even more thoroughly so that mold does not form.

Useful properties of peanuts for beauty and health

What is so good about this nut?

Its beneficial properties for the body are determined by the composition: the presence of vitamins and various amino acids, highly digestible protein, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron.

  • With the help of peanuts, excessive appetite can be controlled, it is indicated for heavy physical exertion and exhaustion, recovery from illness.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs, helps to reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Its use increases potency, has a positive effect on improving memory and attention, which is especially useful for men.
  • For women, it is good for the presence of a large amount necessary for reproductive activity, cell growth.
  • Roasted peanuts in this sense are even healthier than raw!
  • Peanut milk, which is so loved by adherents of a raw food diet, is effective for ulcers and intestinal diseases.

In general, nuts are a must-have for vegetarians: they are a delicious lean food that contains a large amount of vegetable protein, which makes it easier to endure the rejection of meat and to sufficiently maintain a balanced diet.

Groundnut peanuts - harm and contraindications

Any nut, including peanuts, figuratively speaking, is similar in action to poison.

That is, in small doses, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the human body, but if you overdo it, you can harm.

Everything is good in moderation: you should eat about 1 handful of nuts per day.

You need to look at what other proteins you get, whether there is a mass deficiency, what lifestyle you lead, for age (nuts are recommended for children to be introduced into the diet gradually only after two to three years).

Regardless of the amount, be wary of peanuts if you have arthritis, arthrosis and gout, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (specifically for fruits, while milk is useful, on the contrary, as I mentioned above).

In addition, allergies are a very common problem, because it contains about 30 allergen proteins, and frying only enhances their effect.

What is the calorie content of peanuts?

Keep an eye on the calorie content so as not to provoke obesity: in 100 grams of this product there are 610 kcal.

How to use peanuts correctly?

Peanuts can be eaten raw, even in the husk, but it is still optimal to roast and peel it.

  • How to Roast Peanuts

Frying in this case does not involve oil and pans: we cook in the oven at a temperature of 75 degrees for about 15 minutes. For taste, it can be salted or vice versa, sweetened.

In this form, nuts are eaten as an independent dish, they are well suited as a snack before training, as a snack for alcoholic beverages.

  • Peanuts with salad

A very tasty combination with green salads and vegetable oils, in grated form sprinkled with bread and bakery products, added to meat dishes, to various fillings for pies.

On an industrial scale, peanuts are grown mainly for oil, which is no less useful than olive oil.

  • Peanut paste

They also have delicious peanut butter!

Cooking it is simple: grind the fried peeled nuts in a blender, add a whisper of salt, powdered sugar to taste (you can make the paste sweet or salty), a little vegetable oil, you can use any, but better than unrefined.

And beat thoroughly again. Ready!

What is useful peanuts - useful video

How to select and store peanuts

The largest and most watery is Chinese, sweet and small from India, and Argentine is considered the most delicious.

Now you can buy nuts in any form: raw and fried, peeled and in shell.

Choose airtight packages with whole peanuts without preservatives, preferably without sugar and salt, or buy them by weight, be sure to check that there is no moisture, traces of insects, so that raw nuts do not smell moldy.

It should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator, no longer than 7-8 months.

Buy real peanut butter and peanut butter without GMOs, preservatives and artificial sweeteners here.

Well, friends, now we know how useful peanuts are for our body.

Use it correctly and be healthy!

Alena Yasneva was with you, see you soon

Peanuts, also sometimes referred to as peanuts, are a type of legume found primarily in South America, Mexico, and Central America. It is an annual plant with very thin stems that grows very close to the ground. Currently, the most favorable climate for seedlings of this nut is warm and rainy.

Peanut, like many others, constantly raises many questions among those who are losing weight and those who monitor their health. How many peanuts can you eat per day? What is its use? What are the possible side effects? What is the best way to eat nuts? Should I buy peanuts in glaze or in pure form? Why does it have so many calories and is it so tasty?

Let's try to understand and find answers to all these questions.


Botanically speaking, peanuts are not nuts. In its composition, it is more related to products of the legume family, such as peas, lentils and others.

It is quite interesting to watch how this nut grows. First, flowers bloom, which, due to their weight, lower a thin stem as low as possible to the ground. In the end, the flower burrows into the ground, where the peanut finally ripens.

The light brown pod, streaked with veins, contains two or three nut kernels. Don't try to cheat by thinking it's pods. The norm of peanuts per day for a person in all publications is determined in the kernels, that is, the nuts themselves. Each is oval in shape and consists of two yellowish cloves covered with a brownish-red skin. It has a bright, oily, "nutty" taste.

Due to their high protein content and chemical composition, peanuts are often used in a variety of foods and are processed into butter, paste, flour, and cereal.


Want to get the most out of nuts? Choose peanuts. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates are not the only thing to take into account when it comes to this nut. In addition to being surprisingly rich in protein, this product contains a number of useful substances. Further, the norm of nutrient micronutrients is indicated at the rate of 28 grams - an approximate daily norm:

  • Calories - 166.
  • Proteins - 7.8 grams.
  • Fats - 14.7 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 4.3 grams.
  • Fiber - 2.6 grams.
  • Calcium - 17.1 grams.
  • Potassium - 203 mg.
  • Magnesium - 49.3 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 111 mg.
  • Sodium - 89.6 mg.
  • Folic acid salt - 33.6 mcg.

Please note that all these data are given for the product in its pure form, without any additives. If, for example, you buy packaged salted peanuts, the nutritional value for them may differ significantly from the above values. The same goes for peanut butter, as many manufacturers use a variety of additives in their production. Please read the ingredients carefully before purchasing.

How many peanuts can you eat per day?

In principle, you can eat as much as fits into your daily intake of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and calories. However, it is very easy to overdo it and go beyond, especially if, for example, you decide to take salted peanuts at the cinema to brighten up your favorite movie, as they are high in fat.

On average, experts recommend eating no more than 20-30 grams per day, which corresponds to about 20 nuts. Peanuts can be eaten in their pure form as a snack between main meals, or used in various dishes. For example, in salads and pastries.

Many people prefer this option, like glazed peanuts. Here you should be more careful, because, firstly, in such a product, the amount of sugar and carbohydrates increases significantly. If you're on a low-carb diet, save this treat for later.

Another format that has become quite popular in our country in recent years is peanut butter (or butter). A good way to diversify your morning porridge and add the necessary protein to breakfast or figure out a small snack by spreading pasta on toast. But again, be careful and pay attention to the composition, many manufacturers add a significant amount of sweeteners.

What is useful peanuts for the body?

This nut has probably even more useful properties than ways to use it in cooking, and, believe me, there are a lot of them. All these benefits are related to its composition:

  • Heart-healthy fats. Peanuts contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that support heart health, lead to lower cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Squirrels. They are essential for the health of the cells in the body, which are constantly being replaced and repaired. In order for new cells to be healthy and damaged ones to recover properly, the body urgently needs protein. Peanuts are distinguished by a significant content of vegetable protein, so they must be present in the diet of children, vegetarians and people with protein deficiency.
  • Antioxidants. Their high content not only protects the heart, but also inhibits the growth of free radicals, preventing infections.
  • Minerals. Peanuts are a rich source of minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, calcium, sodium and others. All of them are necessary for the healthy functioning of the body.
  • Vitamins. Peanuts provide the body with the necessary vitamins, contribute to the normalization of metabolism and the conversion of fats and carbohydrates into energy. Being a good source of folic acid, it reduces the incidence of birth defects associated with anemia.

Of course, this is not all that peanuts are useful for the body, but if you list each benefit, you will get a whole treatise.

Side effects

Unfortunately, there are practically no products in the world that can boast only advantages.

Excessive consumption of peanuts can lead to gas, bloating, heartburn, and even food allergies.

Peanut allergy is perhaps one of the most serious food allergies. The reaction in this case usually occurs within a few minutes after eating or even touching the peanut or the product containing it. It usually starts with a tingling sensation in the mouth, followed by severe swelling of the face, throat, and mouth. This can lead to difficulty breathing, asthma attacks, an anaphylactic show, up to and including death. A less pronounced reaction manifests itself in the form of a rash, hives and indigestion. People with these allergies usually carry a shot of adrenaline with them at all times to give the body extra time before the ambulance arrives.

If such a condition was diagnosed in infancy, then it is likely that the allergy will remain with the person for life. Rarely, when a peanut allergy goes away at a conscious age. To date, an increase in cases of this disease has been recorded, which has made this nut the subject of numerous studies, due to the severity of the allergic reaction to peanuts. Contraindications will be discussed below.

When to stop using

In addition to an allergy directly to the peanut itself, there are a number of conditions under which you should refuse to consume it.

This nut is susceptible to contamination with aflatoxin, a potential carcinogen that causes malignancy and is a risk factor for the development of liver carcinoma. If the peanut has acquired a greenish-yellow color, then it should be thrown away immediately and in no case should be eaten.

The norm indicated in the article is advisory in nature. How many peanuts can you eat per day? If you are prone to edema or are currently suffering from prolonged diarrhea, then for the first time it is still worth abandoning all types of nuts, because due to their high fat content, they can aggravate the condition.

Peanuts contain alpha-linoleic acid, which, as most studies have shown, increases the risk of developing prostate cancer at high concentrations.

How to choose and store peanuts?

Harm and benefit, calorie content and micronutrient content may not matter if you store nuts incorrectly.

Peeled peanuts are usually sold packaged in containers or by weight. Before buying, make sure that the packaging is intact, the product is fresh, and that there are no signs of dampness or insects on the packaging and the counter. If possible, sniff the peanuts to make sure they don't smell rancid or musty.

The whole nut, in the shell, is usually sold by weight or in bags. Shake the package before buying if possible. If the bag seems heavy for its size and does not rattle, then the peanuts are good. Also make sure the shell is free of cracks, dark spots, and insect marks.

Store shelled peanuts in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator, as exposure to heat, humidity, or light can cause a rancid taste. A whole nut can be stored in a cool place, and the product will lie in the refrigerator for up to 9 months.

Peanuts for weight loss

More and more often, peanuts are found in conversations and recipes for losing weight. It sounds strange, but in fact, it can really help in getting rid of extra pounds. The main thing is to remember how much peanuts you can eat per day, and not to exceed this rate.

Since the nut is rich in fiber and protein, it will keep you feeling full for a long time, preventing you from overeating. In addition, it takes about two hours for the stomach to digest peanuts, compared to thirty minutes for high-carbohydrate foods.

Walnut speeds up metabolism. Studies have shown that with daily moderate consumption of peanuts for 19 weeks, the subjects accelerated their metabolism by as much as 11%.

The fat in it promotes satiety and satisfaction of taste needs, so you suffer less from the inability to enjoy your favorite chocolates.

Peanuts stabilize blood sugar levels, which provides a long-term energy boost and reduces cravings for "bad" foods.


Peanuts are an amazing product. It has the characteristics of nuts, but at the same time belongs to legumes. A rich source of protein, a good appetite control product and a great addition to various salads and even hot dishes. In addition, it is the most common and relatively inexpensive nut (compared to the same almond) and, unfortunately, it is one of the worst allergens in the world.

But if you are lucky and do not suffer from food allergies, then immediately go for a couple of packages of peanuts, please your body and taste buds.
