
Growing finger limes at home. How to store lime at home

Despite the fact that the lime is very much like a lemon, it is not some kind of lemon. Lime is a separate fruit from the citrus family, it has its own beneficial properties and a list of substances for which people appreciate it so much. Lime - tropical fruit, so cold is not his element. Limes need heat to keep and keep well. It is grown in all countries where the tropical climate coincides with a high level of humidity, but initially lime was grown only in the countries of Southeast Asia.

Found in lime great amount vitamin C, so it is considered extremely useful. Vitamin C cures many diseases and ailments. In addition to the high price, there is another drawback that prevents many of us from buying it - this product is not sold everywhere, you can not buy it in a shop around the corner. That is why it is so important to learn the rules of lime storage - in order to enjoy its taste and benefits for a long time.

About shelf life: how long to store a lime

It is important not only to learn how to store a lime - you need to choose it correctly, because the shelf life depends entirely on how fresh and a good product you buy.

Unspoiled lime has a pleasant color. It is green, with some yellowish tint. The skin is smooth and even. The matte structure of the lime hints that it is overripe - such a product is not worth buying, most likely it will not be stored for long. You can press on the peel with your finger. If the fruit is overripe, then a dent will remain under the finger that will not smooth out.

How to store lime: storage rules

At room temperature A lime can last a week or more, but only if you don't cut or touch it.

If you store it in the refrigerator, then you need to monitor the temperature: 6-8 ° C, not lower. Under such conditions, there is a chance to keep the product unspoiled for two weeks.

How to store a cut lime

If you've cut a lime but can't eat it anytime soon, put some vinegar on it, wrap it in a tissue paper, and put it on a shelf in the fridge. You will be able to consume a cut lime within a week. After that, it is still edible, but the very structure of the lime changes - it dries out, so it is not recommended to eat it.

How can you store lime juice

Lime juice is often used in sauces and salad dressings. They get sprayed meat dishes and so on. If you want to keep lime juice for 4-5 months, then squeeze the juice from the fruit and pour it into molds. After freezing, you can put the resulting ice cubes in bags and put them in the freezer for long-term storage.

How to make the most of lime

If you want all the beneficial properties of lime to be preserved, then remember the basic rule: heat treatment almost completely deprives the fruit of all useful substances, therefore, both the lime itself and its juice are best used fresh, unprocessed.

A lime wedge for a cocktail can be replaced with an ice cube made from lime juice - the effect and taste are almost the same, but the ice cube looks unusual and beautiful.

Contrary to popular belief, lime is not a type of lemon, but independent fruit from the citrus family. According to scientists, the lime appeared in the wild in Southeast Asia several thousand years ago, and the lemon came from an accidental cross-pollination of a lime and one of the representatives of the fruit variety of the tropics. The fact is that lime can only grow in a tropical climate with high humidity, so now it is cultivated in India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and in the countries of the tropical zone of Latin America.

Due to the high content of vitamin C, lime is extremely useful, because due to the large amount of vitamins it helps the cardiovascular system, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, gums, nails.

How to properly store a lime

Since the lime is very poorly stored at home, even when buying, you need to carefully examine the fruits in order to purchase an intact lime. A ripe lime should have a shiny green or slightly yellowish surface. But if the skin of the fruit is dull, then this fruit is overripe, and when pressed on it with a fingernail, the skin does not straighten. How to store lime? For proper storage at home, it is advisable to put it in the refrigerator, in a fruit box, where it can remain whole for up to two weeks. You can put an intact fruit just in the kitchen, on a separate shelf, that it can lie for 5-7 days, after which it will begin to dry out. But it is not always possible to use the whole fruit when preparing dishes or cocktails. In this case, the rest must be wrapped in a napkin and spilled on it a few drops of vinegar. In a separate plate, it can lie in the refrigerator for a week, and then quickly dries up. But more the right option will be keeping the lime at home in the form of juice. The squeezed juice is poured into molds and placed in the freezer. After the juice freezes, the frozen juice can be put into a bag along with a mold, or you can put several pieces into bags and also send it to the freezer. So it will be more convenient to dispose of them as needed. In this form, it can be stored at home for no more than 4-5 months.

A feature of vitamin C is that when it enters a hot environment, it breaks down very quickly, so lime is almost always consumed fresh or frozen. It goes well with salads, and for cocktails, a slice of lime or a cube of frozen juice is an essential ingredient.

Lime is the fruit of a plant in the citrus family. In its appearance, it is very similar to a lemon, only the color of its peel is salad or rich green.
The trees on which lime grows reach 4–6 meters in height. Their crown is very dense, and the branches are covered with small but rather sharp spines.
Fruits with a diameter of 4–6 cm are egg-shaped. The yellow-green flesh is juicy, but much more acidic than other citruses and has a bitter taste. There are no bones in it or their number is very small.
The homeland of lime is Southeast Asia, namely the Malay Peninsula. Now it is grown in Brazil, Egypt, Mexico, Cuba, and many Southeast Asian countries. It is worth noting that each state has its own varieties of lime - Mexican, Persian, Kaffir, Rangpur, etc.

How to choose a lime

You can buy lime almost at any time of the year. smooth, shiny peel uniform color in the fruit, on which there are no cracks, spots, rot - the first sign of a good fruit.
By pressing on the skin, you can determine the degree of ripeness of the lime. If there is a deep dent from the finger, then it is already overripe, and if the fruit does not even give in to pressure, it is still unripe.
A lime with a wrinkled peel or dents is not worth taking; most likely, it has deteriorated due to temperature changes.

How to properly store a lime

You can just put a whole lime in the refrigerator. At a temperature of 4-7 degrees, it will be stored for about two weeks. If the fruit is already cut, it should be wrapped in a paper towel soaked in a few drops of vinegar and placed in this form on a saucer in the refrigerator.
And you can save the fruit in another way - squeeze the juice out of it, pour it into an ice mold and freeze in freezer, dressed in advance in bags that are closed with a zipper. You can also store grated lime zest.

The composition and calorie content of the fruit

Calorie lime - 30 kcal. The nutritional value(100 g) pulp - fats 0.2 g, proteins - 0.7 g, carbohydrates -7.74 g. Lime is rich in vitamin C, potassium and calcium. Fruit juice contains 6-8% citric acid.
In addition, lime contains vitamins A, B, KK, P, sodium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

Useful properties of lime

In terms of the amount of vitamin C in its composition, lime surpasses many citrus fruits. A ascorbic acid, as you know, normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, slows down cell aging.
If you regularly use lime, the skin will become much more elastic and retain elasticity for a long time, as it is able to produce collagen in the human body.
Lime is recognized as an excellent natural tranquilizer that calms the nervous system, improves well-being and improves mood.
A study by scientists found that citrus is able to withstand winter depression, nervousness and irritability. Therefore, people prone to such a state, in cold period year it is worth eating or drinking the juice of one lime every day.
In addition to vitamin C, the composition of the fruit in in large numbers includes potassium, which contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
Due to the rich vitamin and mineral complex, lime is a good remedy to boost immunity and can speed up the healing process.
Another useful property of the fruit is the activation of the production of gastric juice, an increase in intestinal motility, laxative effect and ultimately improve the digestion process.

What are the benefits of lime for teeth

Lime is rich in calcium and phosphorus. And they affect the growth of teeth and keep them in good condition. Thanks to these minerals, the teeth are under reliable protection against caries, plaque formation and bacterial growth.
If you use lime constantly, after a while you will notice how the tooth enamel becomes stronger and whiter.
This fruit also prevents bleeding gums, has an anti-inflammatory effect on them. And ascorbic acid prevents the development of scurvy.

lime for varicose veins

The fruit helps to get rid of tired legs and relieve swelling. To do this, it is necessary to make compresses from lime slices at night using polyethylene and an elastic bandage. Such procedures will slow down the development of varicose veins in people prone to this disease.

Lime in cosmetology

First of all, it is worth noting the whitening effect of lime juice. Results can be achieved after a month of using it as a mask. In addition, the fruit simultaneously protects the skin from inflammation and infections, cleanses it and relieves existing redness. With the help of lime, you can get rid of freckles and age spots.

lime for weight loss

Lime can be consumed with other weight loss products. If you drink 2 glasses of juice daily with water (1 glass ½ part of fruit juice, the rest is water) and at the same time be moderate in eating, you can lose 3-4 kg in a couple of weeks. To normalize bowel function, it is enough to eat one slice of lime with salt daily.

Fruit contraindications

Despite the fact that lime fruit is very healthy, it also has another side. It has allergenic properties, so it is not recommended to add lime to the food of babies. A large amount of fruit is contraindicated for people with peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis, enteritis. Do not abuse them for hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and acute nephritis.
If there are seeds in the lime, they are forbidden to eat, as they contain poisonous substances.

Application of lime

Lime is very widely used as an additive to drinks. The famous Sprite lemonade is made from it, using dried fruits, as well as a refreshing alcoholic and non-alcoholic mojito.
With the help of fruit, they add to many meat and fish dishes. bright aroma added to sauces.
A variety of pastries are prepared from the pulp of the fruit - pies, cakes, they are added as a filling.
In salads, lime is combined with apples, apricots and pears. From it, lime oil and lime acid are obtained, which also have beneficial properties, like fresh fruit.
Lime zest can be ground in a blender or grated and added to muffins or tea to add flavor.
Lime slices are served with alcoholic drinks as a snack, many people think that drinking tequila without it is a crime. Cakes and cocktails are decorated with the same pieces.
In India, there is an opinion that this fruit drives away evil spirits, so lime slices are very often hung over sick people so that they recover faster.

When choosing fruits for purchase, you need to remember certain quality indicators. appearance fruits. Each fruit is different. In this article, we will look at how outward signs you can choose to buy lemons, limes, watermelon and how to store them at home.

Pay attention to the presence of green spots on the lemon. This indicates that the lemon will be too sour.

Choose a lemon that has a thinner skin. This increases the likelihood that the lemon will be more juicy.

Avoid lemons with brownish spots. Such lemons may be overripe and drier.

When choosing lemons, give preference to fruits with a smooth, bright yellow skin.

How to store lemons

If you buy lemons with a "reserve", then store them in the refrigerator. This simple storage method will keep lemons relatively fresh for several weeks.

The freezer can store the juice or zest of lemons used in drinks and desserts.

How to choose to buy a lime.

Buy fruits that have a smooth skin without grooves and grooves, with a bright color. The shine of the peel does not mean its freshness. It is possible that the fetus was previously waxed.

Try to compare the weight of fruits of the same size. Lime, heavier, has large quantity juice.

How to store lime at home.

Limes store less well than other citrus fruits. Lime will keep for about one week at room temperature. In the refrigerator, packed in plastic wrap, fruits can be successfully stored for up to two weeks.

How to buy watermelon.

Although watermelon is actually a berry, despite this, we still continue to consider it a J fruit.

Buying a watermelon for most buyers remains the biggest problem when choosing. How to choose a ripe, but not overripe watermelon, and even more so an unripe one? Pay attention to following properties watermelon:

The crust should be firm, without dents. There may be a small yellowish spot on the crust. It once again indicates that the watermelon is ripe and ripened in the garden. The spot is formed at the point of contact of the watermelon with the ground.

Tap on the watermelon. If there is a resonance, then this also indicates the maturity of the watermelon, since good watermelon has microvoids.

You should not try a watermelon in the market when the seller cuts a piece for testing - the risk of infections is too great.

How to store watermelon

Store watermelon at room temperature. If you need to save some part of the watermelon, then it is tightly wrapped and placed in the refrigerator. In this form, watermelon can be stored for only a few days.

Lime is not recommended to be purchased in large quantities for long-term storage. IN room conditions the skin of these fruits loses moisture and becomes wrinkled. It doesn't happen quickly, but there will always be fresh lime tastier than that that stays in the refrigerator for a long time.

The nuances of storing lime at home:

  • lime should be stored in a dark place if the fruit is ripe (it is better to place an unripe lime in the light, but not under direct sunlight);
  • the ideal place to store limes is the refrigerator (fruit compartment);
  • so that the lime does not lose its juiciness, the fruit can be wrapped in paper or put in a paper bag;
  • it is better to freeze lime in plastic bags, after separating the pulp from the zest (the zest is widely used in cooking, so it can be grated or chopped with a knife, and then frozen);
  • The fact that the lime is stored incorrectly can be signaled by depressions on the surface of the skin and the appearance of black dots or spots;
  • if the lime began to deteriorate, then it should not be frozen (otherwise the final preparation will not return its original taste properties and will be unsuitable for human consumption);
  • only lime can be stored without damage to the skin, without signs of decay or the consequences of improper transportation (mechanical damage, broken cavities, etc.);
  • cut lime should be stored only in the refrigerator (at room temperature, the pulp will quickly dry out and lose its rich taste);
  • sliced ​​lime can be stored in the refrigerator in any container with a lid (in the open state, the fruit may dry out ahead of time);
  • lime juice can be frozen in the form of ice using special molds or bags (so that the lime forms more juice, the fruit can be rolled on the table by pressing on its surface);
  • for freezing and storing lime in the refrigerator, it is recommended to use bags made of dense polyethylene, fastened with a special zipper;
  • if the skin of the lime has thickened and become dry, then this is a sign of improper or too long storage.

Hybrid lime varieties are stored according to similar rules. The only nuance that must be taken into account is that any hybrids differ in their initial short shelf life. That is why, if an ordinary lime is able to maintain juiciness for a maximum of 2 months, then the hybrid species may deteriorate earlier than this indicator.

In the refrigerator, if you store a lime in the fruit compartment, it will keep for several weeks without losing its taste characteristics. The average shelf life of this case will be 3 to 4 weeks maximum. The temperature should be approximately + 4-5 degrees.

Limes can be stored for up to two months, but this requires special conditions. Humidity should be in the range of 85-90%, and temperature regime from +8 to +10 degrees. Under these conditions, lime fruits can lie for up to three months.

Frozen limes can last up to 6 months.. For more than six months, it is better not to keep the fruits in the freezer, because. there may be a change in the structure of the pulp and some taste properties. In the freezer, not only the pulp, but also the zest of the lime is equally well preserved.

When cut, the lime can be stored in the refrigerator for 5-6 days. If possible, it is better to connect the pieces of the fruit together to prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture. For example, if a lime is cut into two parts, then they must be connected to each other and wrapped with cling film.

How to store lime

Lime looks very similar to a lemon, but it is not a type of lemon, but a completely different fruit of the citrus family, which appeared much earlier than lemon. Lime grows in the tropical zone and does not tolerate cold at all. The lime originally appeared in the wild in Southeast Asia, but thanks to its healing properties, currently it is grown in Latin America, Africa, i.e. where there are suitable conditions for growing - a tropical climate and high humidity. Lime is extremely beneficial for the body high content vitamin C, which helps to cope with many ailments. In addition to the fact that lime is not cheap, you can not buy it always and not everywhere. So it is very important to know how to store lime correctly at home for as long as possible.

How long to store a lime - choose the right citrus

Limes cannot be stored for a long time, so you need to carefully choose the fruits even when buying. In order to determine ripe fruit or not, you need to carefully examine it.

An unspoiled lime is green, slightly yellowish in color and should be shiny. If dullness appears on the skin, this means that the fruit is overripe. If you press on the fruit with your fingernail, then the skin of the mature fruit will straighten out, and the overripe one will simply have a dent.

  • In general and intact, it can lie at home on a shelf in the kitchen for at least a week.
  • It is correct to store the lime in the refrigerator at a temperature of 6-8 ° C, in the fruit compartment, where it can lie for a maximum of two weeks.

If the lime is already cut, then the most correct way out is to wrap it in a paper towel, drip a few drops of vinegar and put it on a plate in the refrigerator. For about a week, it will be fresh, and then it will begin to stale, dry out.

In order to use lime at home for as long as possible, you need to properly dispose of it. First, juice is squeezed out, which is poured into ice molds. When the lime is frozen, the molds can be sealed in a bag and sent to the refrigerator. In this state, lime can be stored at home for 4-5 months.

You need to know that lime should be used exclusively in fresh, since when added to cooking dishes, vitamin C is very quickly destroyed by temperature. But in salads, it will be in demand. In cocktails, half a lime is traditionally hung on a glass, but you can also use a cube of frozen juice, the effect will be almost the same.

It turns out that lemons are best stored wrapped in paper!

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Lime. Composition, properties and benefits of lime. How to choose and store a lime

lime is not green lemon, but a completely independent type of citrus- they are just genetically similar, like brothers. The lime tree is evergreen, and reaches a small height - only about 4.5 m; its leaves are beautiful - oval, dense and smooth, but the thorns are very sharp. A lime can also be a shrub, and its fruits are almost the same lemons, but not so big, and not yellow, but green - pale, bright or almost dark.

Warm countries are considered the birthplace of lime, although botanists disagree, calling either Southeast Asia - Malaysia, or India - the Indian Himalayas, but today limes are grown wherever the climate is close to tropical or subtropical - in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar ( Burma), in West Africa and Italy, in America - in Venezuela, Brazil, Florida and Cuba.

Lime owes its popularity in Europe to alcoholic drink , also exotic for us - tequila, which is made not from cacti, as many people think, but from a special blue agave - today this plant is also cultivated on purpose. Tequila is usually drunk with a slice of lime - that's how they learned about it, although its scope is much wider, and useful properties not less, but even more than that of his fellow lemon. The taste of a lime is not as sour as a lemon, although it depends on the type: there are even almost sweet fruits, and there are also bitter-sour ones.

In terms of composition, lime is also close to lemon, but it has more benefits.: it contains only 30-36 kcal per 100 g, a lot of carbohydrates and dietary fiber, eat some protein and fat - including fatty acids; essential oils, organic acids and phytoncides; vitamins - beta-carotene, A, C, E, K, PP, group B; minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium.

There is more vitamin C in lime than in lemon and orange, so its use prolongs youth: in combination with potassium - there is also a lot of it in lime - ascorbic acid prevents premature aging of cells and the development of atherosclerosis, strengthens the walls blood vessels, normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, stimulates the production of collagen - while the skin remains firm and elastic longer.

The healing properties of lime

Lime can be used to treat varicose veins- it relieves swelling and facilitates the course of the disease. In the evening, apply thin circles of lime to the sore spots and fix them with a film and an elastic bandage. With the onset of varicose veins, this procedure is especially useful - it can stop the development of the disease.

To maintain normal operation nervous system lime is also very helpful.: It has calming properties and improves mood - it is even called a natural tranquilizer. Scientists have found that the use of lime relieves causeless irritability, reduces nervousness, eliminates tearfulness and depression as well as many medicines, so for depression, many experts recommend taking the juice of these fruits.

Appetite and digestion are noticeably improved if limes are consumed regularly.: the intestines begin to work better due to the action of organic acids, essential oils and pectins - constipation recedes, food is easier to digest, and toxins are more actively excreted from the body.

High content of vitamin C and other active substances, burning fat, allows you to successfully use limes for weight loss. Usually lime juice (from 2-3 fruits) is diluted with a glass of clean warm water(200 ml), and drink 2 times a day - the drink should be consumed immediately after preparation. After 1-2 weeks, the figure becomes much slimmer, but such a weight loss recipe is unacceptable when inflammatory diseases stomach or intestines.

The same properties of lime make it possible to make capillaries more elastic and strong, and then our skin is better supplied with blood - the work of cells is activated, and fine wrinkles disappear, and deep ones become less noticeable.

You can whiten the skin with lime juice with honey: it is necessary to squeeze the juice of two limes (or one large) into a glass container, and mix thoroughly with 100 g of honey. In this mixture, gauze napkins are impregnated, and they are applied to skin areas with freckles and age spots. Hold for 20 minutes and wash off the remnants of the mixture warm water. With strong skin pigmentation, you can make such masks and compresses every day, for a month - then you can achieve a positive result.

For erysipelas, skin inflammations and irritations, insect bites, lime juice is also used - they lubricate the affected skin.

Lime can also improve blood composition: of the organic acids, it contains the most citric and malic acids - they play an important role in the absorption of iron by the body, thereby stimulating the process of hematopoiesis.

If you fall in love with limes, you can forget about the need for regular visits to dentists for a long time: calcium and phosphorus are contained in these fruits in an active form, and they do not allow plaque and calculus to form, prevent caries, destroy bacteria, strengthen enamel, whiten teeth and even heal existing injuries. In children, from the use of limes, the teeth grow faster, and grow more even and beautiful.

The "union" of phosphorus and calcium also works well on the condition of the gums: inflammatory processes are eliminated, and bleeding disappears. If we compare lime with lemon, which is also known for its whitening properties, then it is less aggressive, does not corrode tooth enamel and does not harm beneficial microflora. oral cavity. In England, these properties of lime were well known back in the 18th century - these fruits were often included in the mandatory diet of sailors of the British Navy, and saved them from a very dangerous disease - scurvy.

With colds, flu, pneumonia and other diseases associated with weak immunity, limes help to endure them more easily and recover faster. Immunity is thus strengthened, and the body becomes more resistant to infections and negative impacts environment.

Lime- the fruit is exotic for us, but today it is grown and sold in many countries, so you can buy it in Russia at any time of the year. When buying, you need to choose fruits that are elastic, dense and evenly colored, with a shiny, strong and smooth skin. There are many varieties of limes on the market - Mexican limes are usually depicted on packages of juices and drinks, and it is also popular, but most often you can find Persian (they are also called Tahitian - apparently they grow in Iran and Tahiti) and Florida. These varieties are large and pitted (or few pitted), and this is convenient, and especially when squeezing juice - citrus pits are known to be poisonous. The flesh of a good lime is juicy and tender, and the granules are clearly visible in it, and the taste is slightly bitter.

If you store quality limes correctly - in a dry and cool place, then they do not lose their properties for about 3 weeks, but at room temperature, the fruits can be stored for only a week. It is not necessary to buy limes for future use - from a long lying time, their skin will dry out, become rough and covered with spots - and then the fruits will simply have to be thrown away.

Can you save limes in another way?: squeeze the juice and grate the zest - pour the juice into ordinary ice molds, and then spread it into plastic bags, fastened with a zipper, and stored in the freezer for up to six months; grated zest can be immediately decomposed into the same bags and frozen.

To get more lime juice, you need to hold the fruits at room temperature for a while, and then make them softer - put them on a table or cutting board, and roll them, pressing them with your palm.

In cooking, lime juice and its fruits are used in the preparation and consumption of many drinks, and more often alcoholic ones - in some countries they are even served with beer. Flatbreads, pies, fish, meat and other dishes are prepared with limes - usually it is Latin American or asian cuisine, but today they do it in Europe.

Lime is very useful, but not everyone can use it. Children under 2 years old should not be given fruits, so as not to cause allergic reactions; in acute nephritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, colitis, enteritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, it is not recommended to use limes and their juice, but you can consult your doctor - limes do not contain as much acid as lemons.
