
Salad for cleansing the intestines panicle the right recipe. Variant with apples, celery and herbs

The desire to quickly lose a couple of kilograms sometimes haunts people who believe that they are overweight. But not many people know that in order to do this, you just need to thoroughly clean the intestines. This can be done in various ways - highly effective and not very, soft and not quite. One of the most "delicious" methods is eating lettuce, popularly called "Brush", or "Panicle". And it is no coincidence! Salad "Brush" for weight loss not only helps to lose extra pounds, but is also very useful for the body, as it contains a whole range of vitamins and minerals and also tastes good.

Why are cleanings needed?

Nutritionists have noticed that our body sometimes (especially around the age of forty) ceases to cope with the tasks originally set before it by nature. Then it becomes clogged with all sorts of harmful substances, called "slags", which can no longer be removed naturally. They settle on the walls of the intestines and other organs, slagging the body. In order to get rid of them, you need to carry out fasting days and cleansing (the “Brush” salad for weight loss is needed for these purposes). Thus, we help the internal organs to restore their former strength, and the body to tune in.

Salad "Brush" for weight loss (classic recipe)

We take white cabbage, carrots and beets in a ratio of 3: 1: 1. All vegetables are used raw. Finely chop the cabbage. Three carrots and beets on a grater. Stir and knead so that the mass starts up the juice. We don't salt! Season with a small amount of lemon juice and vegetable oil (preferably olive oil, but if you don’t have it at hand, use unrefined sunflower oil). Let's let our dish brew a little in the refrigerator. Tasty and healthy food is ready! It can be used as an ordinary salad, and for medicinal purposes.

Variations on a theme

It’s good to add a couple of sour apples (Semerenko varieties, for example) to the “Brush” salad for weight loss. We also rub them on a grater and add to the total mass before dressing the salad. You can add to the standard ingredients and prunes, finely chopped and pitted. Some put dried apricots in small quantities. You can try to add both together with apples (we take a little of everything), as well as a handful of cranberries and pomegranates. Garlic is also sometimes put in this salad for piquancy and as an anthelmintic. And walnuts are for nutrition. In general, as they say, complete freedom of flight of your culinary imagination. In any case, we end up with a rather tasty, and most importantly, healthy dish.

What to manage?

Traditionally, the salad is seasoned with lemon juice (small spoon) and vegetable oil (large spoon). But there are also options. For example, instead of lemon, you can try apple cider vinegar, and do not use oil at all. But it’s better to fill it with oil, as it helps to absorb vitamin A. By the way, the combination of lemon juice and vegetable oil is also used for deep cleansing of the liver (but in much larger quantities). So in a salad, such a “mix” has an additional beneficial effect on this organ.

How to apply?

  1. You can make the Slimming Brush salad your signature family dish and eat it like an ordinary raw vegetable salad: before the first and second courses.
  2. For medicinal purposes, it should be used according to a certain scheme. The first day - salad instead of food. At night - a glass of low-fat yogurt. Second day - boiled chicken breast with rice. At night - all the same kefir. The third day - again a salad. Fourth day - chicken and rice. So go on for a week. And on the seventh day, abstain from food. Drink plenty of purified water. On such a diet, a guaranteed drop in seven days is up to five kilograms. Just remember two simple rules. Do not eat at night (or better - after 18-00). And don't overeat. At one time, you should eat what can fit in your palms clasped together (ladle), no more than that, using the “Brush” salad for weight loss. The results will not keep you waiting long: a few kilograms as never happened!
  3. Another, more rigid, application scheme: for three days (or a week) “sit” on lettuce and water. Do not eat other food. This scheme is more efficient than the previous ones. The whole secret is that the intestines, as it were, are cleansed from the inside with the help of coarse fiber of vegetables, tearing off old toxins and previously undigested food from the walls.

Salad "Brush" for weight loss: reviews

As for the reviews on the use of this popular method of losing extra pounds, they are usually positive.

  • Many confirm that after sitting for a week only on this salad, you can lose seven kilograms (one kilogram per day). And then, so that excess weight does not return, periodically use the dish as a replacement for a high-calorie dinner.
  • It is good to use this diet in combination with exercises to tighten the abdominal muscles.
  • The positive effect sometimes does not appear immediately. If you use a salad for about a month instead of dinner, then the weight goes away very slowly. And only at the end of the term, a cleansing result appears: getting rid of a few unnecessary kilograms.

It remains to add that the use of lettuce is not recommended for people with impaired acidity and stomach ulcers, diseases of the gallbladder and liver. In these cases, additional consultation with a dietitian is necessary.

The name of this super-dish is familiar to everyone who monitors their health and nutrition. Salad "Brush" or "Panicle" for weight loss and just bowel cleansing is ideal - products for it are available at any time of the year, the recipe is simple, the taste is very personal. And the reviews are the most positive.

The composition of the salad necessarily includes cabbage, beets, carrots (KSM). By adding apple, celery, dried fruits, flaxseed, bran, nut and seed kernels to the base, you can get new tastes and increase its usefulness. The main condition is that all ingredients must be consumed raw.. In the pp-shnik menu, this dish deserves the most honorable place.

Brushes-panicles in the pp-diet

For proper nutrition, brush-panicles are a godsend and a real lifesaver.

The undoubted advantages of salads include:

  • fast cooking;
  • low calorie;
  • wonderful taste;
  • cleansing the intestines from toxins and "deposits";
  • the content of a whole set of vitamins and microelements necessary for active and full-fledged activity.

Preparing a cleansing salad "Metelka" immediately before use. So vegetables do not have time to "lose" all their usefulness. A food processor and a food processor will help speed up the cooking process.

The taste of the salad depends not only on the vegetables, but also on the dressing. You can pour vegetables only with lemon juice, or you can prepare a full-fledged dressing based on vegetable oil. Olive, linen, sunflower, corn - we choose according to taste and possibilities. Dressing with oil will slightly increase the calorie content (119 kcal per 100 grams with oil, 32 kcal without oil), but it will also improve the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, for example.

To salt or not to salt the brush salad? This is also a matter of personal beliefs and taste preferences. A pinch of salt will make the dish much tastier, but its absence in some cases is healthier. Salt can be substituted with lemon juice or soy sauce. For a spice dressing and a slightly sweet taste, you can add a little honey or stevia.

How to prepare a salad? There is no single answer to this question, since there are dozens of recipes. Our authors have prepared basic options, on the basis of which you can come up with your own. This is classic, spicy, spring. All of them will be tasty and healthy, help to cope with the autumn / winter / spring blues, improve well-being and return a feeling of lightness.

Recipe for spicy salad "Metelka" with cheese

I would like to start not with the classic version of the Brush, but with an unusual one. This recipe gives exactly the same expected effect - losing weight and cleansing the intestines. But its bright taste makes a healthy everyday salad a real holiday dish!

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 110
  2. Proteins: 3,7
  3. Fats 6,9
  4. Carbohydrates: 8,3


  • apple - 1 pc. (big and sweet)
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc. (large)
  • Feta cheese - 30-40 grams
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • olive oil - for dressing
  • sprig of basil - for decoration.

Cooking steps:

Wash, clean vegetables and an apple. Three carrots on a grater for Korean carrots

To carrots three garlic.

Add some olive oil. We mix. Let's stand for a few minutes.

On a grater for Korean carrots, three beets.

We cut the apple into several pieces.

Grind in the same way as vegetables.

Add olive oil to the salad and mix.

We cut the cheese into small cubes. We send to the salad or lay out next to it.

Serve in a salad bowl or in portions.

The classic cooking

The classic version of the salad is the easiest and fastest. It can become the basis for experiments. By adding new (but allowed!) Products, you can create your own version of the well-known salad.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 65
  2. Proteins: 1,5
  3. Fats 3,3
  4. Carbohydrates: 8,3


  • cabbage (white) - 50 g
  • carrots - 50 g
  • beets - 50 g
  • lemon - 1/2
  • unrefined vegetable oil - 1 tsp

Cooking step by step:

  1. Chop vegetables.
  2. Lightly mash the cabbage.
  3. Squeeze juice from half a lemon (any way).
  4. Mix all the ingredients, salt and season with oil.
  5. Salad ready. Eat for health!

Spring lettuce panicle: a recipe for weight loss

It is good to make such a salad as soon as the first fresh greens appear. After the winter long holidays, it will perfectly help to remove a couple of kilograms. Just replace dinner with a portion of this salad by adding a piece of baked or lean meat or a couple of boiled eggs.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 70
  2. Proteins: 1,5
  3. Fats 2,5
  4. Carbohydrates: 11

Will need:

  • white cabbage - 100 g
  • carrots - 1 small
  • beets - 1 small
  • sweet and sour apple - 1 small
  • a bunch of any fresh greens - more
  • prunes - 4 pcs.
  • lemon juice - half a teaspoon
  • salt - 2-3 pinches
  • unrefined sunflower oil - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Chop all the vegetables and the apple, crush the cabbage a little.
  2. Chop the greens, sprinkle and mash with a crush - the aroma is just crazy!
  3. Pour prunes with hot water for an hour. Wash, cut into small pieces.
  4. Mix, season with lemon juice, oil and salt.

The best combinations of ingredients

The method of preparing a super-salad in different recipes is the same: chop, season, mix. PPPers know that alternative food sets allow for variety in a PPP menu. These options are the result of experimentation and experience.

1. KSM (50 g each) + 1 green apple + celery stalk + parsley. For dressing - oil and lemon juice in equal proportions.

2. Beijing cabbage + carrot + orange and / or grapefruit pulp + apple. The dressing will be citrus juice.

3. KSM + cucumber + bell pepper. Dressing - oil and lemon juice.

All ingredients are interchangeable. Variants that differ in composition from the classic can also be called panicle brushes. They perform their main task - "sweep", clean the intestines.

Lose weight with salad

For cleansing the intestines, such salads are great. Can this recipe be used for weight loss? Diets based on the "Brush" are very popular. Diet “Chicken and Salad “Brush” (when dinner is only from breast and Brush) for 10 days or 7 days, an express diet for 3 days allows you to lose weight quickly. But nutritionists consider this method of losing weight extreme for the body.

With this salad, you can arrange excellent unloading! Only, too, with a reasonable approach. Fasting days based on the "Brush" can be carried out no more than 2 per week. For a day, 1.5 kg of salad is enough, which can be supplemented with boiled chicken meat (150-200 g). Drinking regime - from 2 liters of water per day.

Contraindications: who should not have such a dish

Even such a wonderful and healthy dish has contraindications. The high fiber content in vegetables and fruits that are included in the salad enhances intestinal motility. For those who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines, this dish is not suitable. Coarse fibers of plant foods can complicate the course of the disease and lead to a worsening of the condition.

Diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, pregnancy, breastfeeding - all these conditions require caution in the use of brushes. Although including them in the diet in reasonable amounts can not hurt. Benefits and harms must be considered. If there is any doubt, you should consult with your doctor or gastroenterologist.

On the eve of spring, and then the beach season, many ladies think that it's time to lose a few pounds. In addition, vitamin deficiency and fiber deficiency make themselves felt.

Then the famous salad "Brush" or, as it is also called, "Panicle" comes to the rescue. It helps to lose weight, cleanses the intestines and fills the body with vitamins.

It is not possible to trace the origin of this dish for certain. However, it is known that mixtures of raw vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil have been eaten for a couple of hundred years ago.

The championship in the invention of the salad "Brush" is attributed to American naturopaths, raw foodists, and gastroenterologists.

About two dozen variants of this salad are known.

They are united by one thing - all fruits and vegetables in the mixture must be without heat treatment. They are usually seasoned with lemon or lime juice and a small amount of unrefined vegetable oil, most often olive.

Benefits, calorie content and the principle of the salad

Naturopaths have long known the benefits of raw vegetables. Thermally processed food contains many times more vitamins and fiber. This is especially true in late winter and spring, when the body is in dire need of beneficial nutrients.

Salad "Brush" acts on the body like a sponge on the skin - it washes and cleanses of toxins. All accumulated slags and excess water come out. Thanks to him, swelling disappears, the complexion improves, the intestines are cleansed, the stomach begins to work better.

Panicle is a low-calorie dish, and the principle of weight loss is built on this and on the cleansing effect. A large portion of this salad contains no more than 100 kcal.

Raw vegetables must be chewed thoroughly, so swallowing such a salad on the go will no longer work. Slow eating, a large but low-calorie portion and the removal of toxins - all this in a complex contributes to rapid and effective weight loss.

In addition to losing weight, due to the intensive removal of harmful substances, the skin condition improves significantly. A healthy blush returns to the cheeks, elasticity increases, acne and other unpleasant rashes disappear.

salad recipes

There are quite a few options for mixing raw vegetables and fruits. Panicle can be made sweet thanks to apples; spicy, adding spices; spicy, mild or refreshing.

In any case, this is a great appetizer for the main course or an independent meal.

Classic slimming:

  • raw red beets - 250 g;
  • raw fresh carrots - 250 g;
  • green apple - 250 g;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • a tablespoon of unrefined olive oil;
  • sea ​​salt - to taste.

Beets, carrots and an apple must be chopped. Add oil and lemon juice, salt to taste and mix well. Let the salad stand for about half an hour so that it marinates a little.

Details of the salad in the video.

Recipe from Elena Malysheva

A well-known TV presenter, a doctor and just a beautiful woman, shared the secret of her harmony. It is necessary to regularly do fasting days on raw vegetables. Salad "Brush" is perfect for this purpose.

For one unloading day you will need:

Cabbage should be finely chopped, and mash well with your hands. Peel carrots and beets, grate and add to cabbage. Mix everything and season with lemon juice.

This version of the salad is the most low-calorie, but due to the large volume, you will not experience hunger. A clean intestine will be a nice bonus.

The secret of losing weight from Margarita Koroleva

A nutritionist and well-known business woman, a slender and active woman, charges with optimism and gives effective recommendations in weight loss.

One of the most famous diets developed by Margarita Koroleva - 9 days, is very effective and helps to achieve the best result.

This diet is divided into 3 stages of meals:

  1. The first three days are supposed to eat white rice, honey and drink plenty of water.
  2. From 4 to 6 days they eat protein foods - chicken and lean fish.
  3. The last three days are reserved for fresh vegetables and salads based on them, in particular, "Brush".

Portion sizes are not limited, you need to eat at least 5 times a day. Water should be drunk as much as possible, 2 liters is the minimum volume.

The weight will drop pretty quickly, so you should visit a therapist before starting a diet to rule out possible consequences.

How and how much to use salad "Brush"

Depending on the goals of the diet, the ways of using the product will also differ. You should not immediately, abruptly and without preparation approach such a difficult issue. Decide for yourself what you want to achieve.

First of all, you should make sure that there are no contraindications; for this, visit a therapist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. Perhaps overweight is not related to nutrition, but is a consequence of hormonal disorders. In addition, you need to make sure that there is no peptic ulcer, which is a direct contraindication to the use of raw beets.

Raw vegetables should be introduced into the diet gradually.

The body has to get used to coarser food, and you yourself to a different taste of food.

Start with 100 grams of lettuce per day. The next day, replace them with a side dish. Well, after 3 days, you can safely arrange unloading with the help of the Panicle.

How much can you drop

The effect of a diet is quite difficult to predict in advance.

Consideration should be given to such parameters as:

  • initial weight;
  • metabolic rate;
  • health status;
  • age;
  • physical activity.

Various combinations of these parameters will give different results. If the initial weight is quite high, then the loss of kilograms will be more noticeable.

Sports activities add a chance to lose weight faster. The young body reacts more actively to changes.

In any case, you should focus only on yourself and your well-being. Do not try to lose weight by any means. A safe medical norm is up to 2-3 kg per week.

With a sharp restriction of the calorie content of the diet, weight loss at the initial stage will be significant. However, it should be remembered that then the metabolism slows down and this effect will no longer be.

It is most reasonable to do fasting days on the “Brush” salad. It is also quite effective to alternate the Whiskey and protein days.

Attention! Contraindications

Before starting any diet, it would be wise to consult a specialist.

Despite the obvious healing effect, this salad has contraindications:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy to components.

Start a diet making sure that it is not contraindicated for you.

One of the best dishes for weight loss, many people call the salad "Brush" ("Whisk"). The dish not only helps to lose weight, but also cleanses the intestines. Depending on the ingredients, salad recipes may vary.

Salad "Brush": "sweep" the intestines and lose weight

The famous salad was invented by Paul Bragg or Herbert Shelton: today the author of this dish is not known for certain. The recipe appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and immediately gained incredible popularity among people with intestinal problems and those who wanted to lose weight. The secret of the miracle salad is simple: it is prepared only from raw fruits and vegetables. No heat treatment! As a result, fiber cleans the intestines like a brush (or sweeps like a whisk). Toxins, toxins, the remnants of undigested food fly away from our body, as if by magic.


  • Relieves face and body from edema.
  • Renews the intestinal microflora.
  • Fights constipation.
  • Helps cure some bowel diseases.
  • Makes skin tone more attractive.
  • Strengthens and revitalizes hair.
  • Uplifts mood, adds energy.

The main thing for our intestines is a healthy microflora. Eating boiled or fried food, we saturate our body with decay products, which begin to rot and decompose in the intestines. Hence - a lot of diseases. Salad "Brush" removes all this "evil" from the gastrointestinal tract and resumes the "registration" of our natural microflora in it.

For those who want to lose weight, this dish is a must. It has very few calories (in 300 grams of salad there are about 100). But it is replete with coarse fiber. You can eat it no more than 5 days in a row, then you need to take a break for three weeks. But already in these 5 days you can get rid of extra two kilograms. It is especially pleasant that these kilograms leave the abdomen - the most problematic area of ​​​​losing weight. If you combine a salad with workouts on a treadmill or exercise bike, for example, you can lose weight quickly and with health benefits.

Doctors about the benefits of lettuce

Nutritionists say that the Pancake salad, like any other vegetable diet, in the absence of contraindications, is of tremendous benefit. It is prepared from ground products, so it is absorbed by the body quickly and fully. Moreover, it cleanses the intestines, the slagging of which is often the cause of various diseases. The only thing doctors warn about is not to eat such a salad every day. This is especially true of raw cabbage, which can cause bloating. Experts also advise drinking up to 1.5 liters of water on the day you "sit on the" Brush ". This method not only allows you to lose weight, but also improve the entire body.

Before starting such a "brush" diet, doctors recommend undergoing a survey of the whole body and getting advice from a nutritionist.


  • peptic ulcer;
  • diabetes;
  • predisposition to bloating;
  • pathological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the use of antibiotics;
  • stones in any organs.

Recipes for making Panicle salad for weight loss (with photo)

Recipe #1


  • grapefruit - 2 medium;
  • prunes - 0.5 cups;
  • freshly squeezed pomegranate juice - 100 ml;
  • dried apricots - 0.5 cups.

Cooking method:

Soak dried fruits for an hour, rinse, cut into thin strips. Tear the grapefruit with your hands into small slices, add to the chopped dried fruits. Pour the prepared fruit with pomegranate juice and mix. Eat immediately after preparation. It is undesirable to store the brush, because every minute the useful elements from it “disappear”.

Recipe number 2


  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • grapefruit;
  • pear;
  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • lemon;
  • olive oil.

Vegetables and fruits are taken in approximately the same proportions. You need a little olive oil, just to drizzle the salad.

Cooking method:

Grate beets, pumpkin, carrots and cabbage on a coarse grater. Finely chop the pear, tear the grapefruit with your hands into small slices. This fruit is not cut with a knife, but is torn with hands because when it comes into contact with metal, it loses its beneficial properties. Next, everything that we grated and cut is sprinkled with freshly squeezed lemon juice and olive oil. It remains only to mix and eat.

Recipe #3


  • apples - 0.6 kg;
  • celery root - 200 g;
  • beets - 0.5 kg;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 l. Art.

Cooking method:

Grate celery, apples and beets on a coarse grater. Drizzle with olive oil, lemon juice, mix. Salad ready!

There are about ten recipes for this amazing dish. But the most important and invariable rule of its preparation is the use of exclusively raw vegetables and fruits. At your discretion and desire, you can add any greens, fruits, vegetables or berries to the salad. For example, if you add amaranth leaves, they will remove radionuclides from the body, and parsley leaves will make your skin velvety and clean. An excellent ingredient for a salad are oranges, tangerines or kiwi.

However, despite all the advantages of our miracle salad, do not forget about the pitfalls.

Side effects

If you go on a diet based solely on this salad, you risk slowing down your body's metabolism. The fact is that the human body does not like a monotonous, monotonous menu. In addition, the coarse fiber, which is abundant in the Panicle, acts quite aggressively on the intestinal walls. Such a restricted diet is also harmful to the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract if it lasts more than 5 days and if these organs have already had problems before. Also, nutritionists recommend supplementing the fruit and vegetable diet with cereals, chicken broths, boiled chicken, drinking a lot of various juices, compotes and just pure water.

"Brush" or lettuce-brush or lettuce panicle. In general, whatever you call it, everything will be right.

On the Internet, there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200binformation about the miraculous properties of this and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpreparation options.

A few words about why salad-brush is so useful and why you need to eat it.

Salad Brush - properties and recipe

Few people know that back in Soviet times, the correct recipe for this salad was published in the Health magazine, or rather, even there was not a recipe, but tips on preparing a brush dish for obese people and poor bowel function.

What is the benefit of brush salad?

Slimming salad brush consists of ingredients containing a lot of rough.

To put it simply, the rough one is the universal wiper of the body. It is like a brush, it will get into the most inaccessible corners of your body and clean them.

Coarse fiber is able to bind to fats, cholesterol, accumulated harmful substances, break them down into simpler products and remove them from the body.

This is why it is useful, therefore, the brush is called "Brush"

There is no exact recipe for a brush, but there are a number of rules and ingredients that must be followed. I

Salad Composition Brush

It should contain vegetables or fruits that contain a large amount of coarse fiber:

  • carrot
  • beet
  • cabbage
  • pumpkin
  • pear and grapefruit

Dressed with lemon juice and lightly drizzled with olive oil, ideally cooked without spices.

My salad recipe slimming brush

I crumble a small piece of cabbage, one, half of raw beets.

I sprinkle all this with olive oil and pour generously with lemon juice, sprinkle with sesame seeds or on top.

In summer, leaves can be added to such a salad, which are able to remove radionuclides from our body.

My review of the salad etka

I use a salad brush for dinner for 3-5 days, when it is necessary to lose a couple of extra pounds, especially in the abdomen.

You, too, can arrange such an easy unloading for yourself and your body or spend a fasting day once a month on a brush salad.

Indeed, the tummy will go away (not the stomach !!!), the condition of the skin and hair will improve, lightness and more energy will appear in the body.

BUT, this salad has contraindications: stomach diseases in the acute phase and diabetes.

Well, so briefly, I tried to talk about what I know about the brush for weight loss salad. And how do you prepare a salad panicle, you?

I also look forward to your feedback on the salad-brush for weight loss.

Stay healthy and take care of yourself and eat right!
