
Green tea cinnamon ginger lemon. Green tea with ginger and cinnamon

Do you love cinnamon tea and are you curious to know why such a drink is good for health? Would you like to know who is contraindicated to use it? Looking for new cooking recipes? You have come to the right place, here you will find answers to these questions. We will also look at interesting ways to make cinnamon tea.

The benefits and harms of cinnamon

The aroma of cinnamon adds zest to any dish and drink, making it especially pleasant and tasty. Tea with the addition of cinnamon is no exception. It gives the drink an amazing taste and also makes it very healthy. The combination of beneficial substances of tea and cinnamon creates an exceptional drink.

Cinnamon lowers high cholesterol and prevents the formation of blood clots. It normalizes sugar in the hematopoietic system, tones up brain activity. It creates a warming effect, helps to remove toxins from the body, and helps well in the initial stage of poisoning. Organizes the rapid breakdown of fats into amino acids, which contributes to weight loss.

To get a positive effect from cinnamon, take it for several months, adding one-fourth teaspoon to hot tea once a day.

If you inhale its aroma, you can noticeably lose weight. The content of essential oil in it blocks the feeling of hunger. Due to this, the weight is reduced.


Amazing aroma and divine taste gives cinnamon to different types of dishes. This superiority has influenced the creation of a large number of cinnamon tea recipes.

In ancient times, this spice was inaccessible to the simple working class. It was used by rich nobles and noble people. But over time, cinnamon became available. Now it can be purchased at any store. It can be sold in the form of sticks and powder. The first ones are stored for a long time. The powder is more fragrant and pleasant.

For the purpose of losing weight

Cinnamon tea, as already mentioned, can be used in different ways. A popular type of hot drink is used for weight loss. Green leaf tea is taken as the basis - one tablespoon per five hundred milliliters of water. You will also need one teaspoon of cinnamon (preferably in powder form). Natural granulated sugar is not added. You can use a substitute.

Everything is mixed. Then you have to wait until it boils. Drink this tea with cinnamon hot or cold. This is for an amateur. You can diversify it with honey, lemon or ginger. Interacting, they enhance the aroma and taste of each other.

Second way

Now let's prepare cinnamon tea in a different way. Take two teaspoons of black tea and one teaspoon of grated ginger (in extreme cases, used in powder) and the same amount of peppermint. This also includes half a cinnamon stick and one clove flower. All this is poured with half a liter of boiling water. Infused for seven minutes, filtered through a fine sieve. After that, freshly squeezed juice of one medium-sized lemon and three hundred milliliters of orange juice are added. The drink turns out to be peculiar, it is drunk cold.

with ginger

Ginger root is helpful. It contains a lot of essential oil, retinol (vitamin A) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Ginger is used not only in cooking, but is used as a general tonic for the body. Helps the immune system to fight viruses and infections.

Tea with cinnamon and ginger promotes good weight loss. It is an antioxidant and favorably affects the water-salt metabolism. Which accelerates the breakdown of fats into useful substances, ridding the body of them. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system of the gastrointestinal tract.

In tea with cinnamon and ginger, you can add different herbs that can complement each other.

cooking process

  1. Ginger root must be washed and peeled. Then grate on a fine grater or chop with an automatic vegetable cutter.
  2. Next, you need to prepare a teapot or thermos, which is pre-dipped in boiling water. Two tablespoons of black leaf tea are added to it (this is one liter). A cinnamon stick and one clove flower also fall there.
  3. Then ginger is poured into the same container and poured with boiling water. Leave for ten minutes.

Tea with mint

For cooking you will need:

  • 2 liters of boiling water;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • two sprigs of mint;
  • loose black tea (to taste).

Cinnamon Tea: Recipe

  1. Tea, mint, and cinnamon are poured into water, then put on fire.
  2. When the mixture boils, reduce the flame.
  3. Then boil on low heat for five minutes.

You need to drink such a drink in a warm form without the addition of granulated sugar.

apple tea

Apple tea with cinnamon came to Russia from Turkey. It has a sour taste, but it is quite suitable for use as a refreshing drink, because it quenches thirst.

Cooking won't take long. Required:

  • three spoons of black tea;
  • two glasses of water;
  • two apples;
  • one cinnamon stick;
  • granulated sugar.


  1. First, they are taken for apples, which are cut into small squares with the addition of cinnamon sticks.
  2. Pour the ingredients with water and put on fire for ten minutes. So the broth will be ready, which is further cooled (no more than thirty minutes).
  3. Black tea should be put into the water when it boils. Then turn off the fire and watch when the tea leaves settle to the bottom.
  4. After that, the tea is filtered into another container, granulated sugar and apple broth are added.
  5. Then again put on fire, and only bringing to a boil, immediately turn off. After pouring into cups, honey or wine is added.

with orange

Tea with orange and cinnamon is ideal to warm up on frosty winter evenings.

This will require:

  • no more than two circles of orange;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • black tea (to taste).

Preparing a drink

All ingredients are poured with boiling water and infused until a black-yellow color appears. Then sugar is added. After that, you can enjoy a pleasant taste. This tea contains vitamin C, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves immunity.

Another cooking option

  1. You need to prepare a separate container.
  2. Then it is worth cutting the orange into squares, add black leaf tea, mint.
  3. Next, you need to pour boiling water, insist, strain and add a spoonful of honey.

Now we have told how to make tea with cinnamon. But in the end, I would like to highlight some recommendations for cooking:

  1. Tea should always be filtered from brewing.
  2. Black tea is brewed with boiling water, green tea at a temperature of 60 degrees.
  3. Lemon is added to a slightly cooled drink.
  4. Ginger is allowed to boil or brew with hot water.
  5. Honey loses its benefits at temperatures above forty degrees.
  6. A large amount of cloves in tea kills the taste of cinnamon.


Now you know how to make delicious cinnamon tea. We told you the recipe, and not just one. Choose the one you like. Good luck! Happy tea!

One of the undoubted advantages of tea is the ability to supplement it with various additives that give ordinary tea new shades of taste and aroma, as well as add useful properties to it. Cinnamon tea is very fragrant and tasty. Foreign spice has long won the hearts of housewives and sweet tooth with its bright aroma.

Benefits of cinnamon tea

In addition to the fact that tea with cinnamon acquires an amazing aroma, this spice has a large set of healing properties that fully transfers to tea when added to a drink. In its composition were found:

  • calcium, magnesium, iron and other trace elements;
  • antioxidants;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins C, A, PP and group B;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils.

Also, its properties are used for:

  • normalization of the work of the digestive tract;
  • prevention of bowel cancer;
  • cleansing the choleretic system, liver;
  • prevention of heart attacks, blood clots;
  • normalization of pressure, strengthening of the heart muscle;
  • excretion of bile salts from the body;
  • treatment of kidney diseases, bladder infections;
  • removal of excess fluid.

Thanks to recent studies, it has been found that the use of cinnamon is useful for diabetes, as its polyphenol contributes to the quality absorption of insulin. Daily use of cinnamon, even in small doses, significantly reduces the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, prevents inflammation in the body.

To benefit from cinnamon tea, it is enough to add only half a teaspoon of ground spice to a daily mug of this drink. It can also be mixed with milk, kefir, compote, coffee, black or green tea. Just a few pinches of cinnamon every day improve concentration, strengthen eyesight, and prevent fatigue.

Black tea with cinnamon is very useful for women to normalize the menstrual cycle, eliminate pain, nervousness during this period. Regular intake of cinnamon normalizes hormonal balance, normalizes the cycle, increases libido, improves potency. It is not for nothing that this spice is classified as a strong aphrodisiac.

Cinnamon tea recipes for weight loss are very popular. This is due to the fact that cinnamon can reduce appetite (for this it is better to add it to tea, and not to pastries), speed up metabolism, cleanse the intestines, remove toxins and toxins.

Harm of cinnamon in tea, contraindications

Cinnamon tea can bring not only benefits, but also harm if you violate the rules for its use. Like any other medicinal product, cinnamon in small doses has a beneficial effect, but if abused, it can be harmful, so moderation is important, even if you want to get the effect faster. In case of an overdose, a breakdown, depression, severe headache may occur. The maximum allowable amount of cinnamon per day for an adult is from 0.5 to 0.75 teaspoons.

People suffering from severe kidney and liver diseases should be very careful with cinnamon, as it contains coumarin. If consumed in excess, it can cause asymptomatic damage to these organs. It is also not recommended to eat cinnamon in case of individual intolerance and during pregnancy, as it can provoke a miscarriage.

How to choose real cinnamon

It is best to use cinnamon sticks - this is the dried, rolled bark of an evergreen tropical tree. They can be added whole to tea, or they can be ground into powder using a blender or coffee grinder, although the tubes are quite hard, so this can cause some difficulties.
Most often, cinnamon is purchased in ground form, but in this case there is a risk of encountering a fake. Sometimes, instead of real, they sell powdered Chinese cinnamon, also known as cassia. It contains 100 times more coumarin, so even with very rare use it can significantly harm the body.

True cinnamon powder is light brown in color with a slight yellow tinge, while Chinese cassia is usually red or brown. You can check the already purchased powder with iodine. To do this, you need to drop iodine on the powder, if it turns a faint blue color, then the cinnamon is real, the Chinese cassia will turn into a rich dark shade of blue.

Cinnamon Tea Recipes

Cinnamon tea can be prepared according to many recipes, each of which has a unique aroma and its own set of useful properties. Cinnamon can be supplemented with various spices and spices, fruits, making up your own individual recipe for your favorite drink.

Knowing how to make cinnamon tea according to a standard recipe, you can do some experiments by adding different spices or fruits to it to get new flavor variations. You can prepare ordinary black tea with cinnamon by adding half a teaspoon of ground powder of this spice or one stick to a cup. If you make tea with cinnamon and lemon, it will get a slight citrus aroma, and the sourness of the lemon will smooth out the sweetness of the cinnamon.

Slimming Tea

There are several varieties of cinnamon tea for weight loss, which are prepared according to different recipes.

Important! You should not count on rapid weight loss only thanks to tea. This delicious drink is just one of the components of a new lifestyle that will help fight the pounds.

It is best to combine green tea with cinnamon. Together they will actively help cleanse the body, improve metabolism and get rid of extra pounds. Preparing this tea is very simple: add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to a cup of green tea and let it brew for a couple of minutes.

Tea with cinnamon and milk

Tea leaves are poured into the cup, milk is added to fill it. Then add a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon, mix well and drink like regular tea. It is best to choose black tea, as it goes well with milk. Drink this tea in the morning before meals and at night.

Tea with honey

Tea with cinnamon and honey will not only contribute to weight loss, but also strengthen the immune system.

To prepare it, you will need half a tablespoon of cinnamon, a large mug of boiling water (about 0.5 liters) and a tablespoon of honey. Cinnamon is poured with water and left to cool. After that, add honey, stir and take 150 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and at bedtime.

Cinnamon tea with ginger

Also very useful for fighting excess ginger tea with cinnamon. There are several varieties of this recipe - with the addition of lemon or based on green tea. In any case, you get a very useful drink for the body. The easiest option is tea with ginger and cinnamon.

  1. Ginger is crushed in a coffee grinder or rubbed on a fine grater.
  2. Tea is brewed.
  3. To it is added a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, the same amount of ginger and a pinch of black pepper.
  4. The drink is infused for several minutes, stirred and cooled slightly.
  5. For taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey.
You need to drink such tea on an empty stomach, it will energize you, speed up your metabolism. It can also be consumed throughout the day.

Tea with ginger, cinnamon and lemon acquires a pleasant citrus hue of aroma, has a beneficial effect on the immune system. To prepare it you will need:

  • cinnamon stick;
  • about 600-750 ml of boiling water;
  • a tablespoon of grated ginger;
  • slice of lemon.

Cinnamon, ginger and lemon are poured with water, infused for about 10 minutes, then filtered. Such a drink for weight loss is drunk three times a day 20 minutes before the next meal, no more than one glass at a time.

Green tea with ginger and cinnamon also has a beneficial effect on the figure. The recipe is pretty simple. A teaspoon of finely grated fresh ginger, half a teaspoon of tea leaves and the same amount of cinnamon are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour to “make friends”. Then filter and add honey to the mug.

Important! Drinks based on green tea should not be infused for too long, otherwise the taste will become bitter.

orange tea

The addition of zest and juice gives orange and cinnamon tea a diuretic effect, as well as a slight citrus sourness. The essential oils and bitterness contained in the zest improve digestion and reduce the sugariness of cinnamon, adding to its beneficial properties. You can prepare tea with cinnamon and orange according to the recipe from the following ingredients:

  • cinnamon stick;
  • juice of 1 orange;
  • zest from it;
  • liter of water;
  • honey stevia for sweetening (1 tsp).

Cinnamon, stevia, zest are placed in a container with water, brought together to a boil and after 2 minutes removed from heat. Then insist about a quarter of an hour, filter and add orange juice. Drink instead of tea before meals.

Cinnamon clove tea

Clove is a very fragrant spice that harmoniously complements the medicinal properties of cinnamon. United in one drink, they will improve the metabolism in the body, help digestion, and give vigor. Also, the beneficial properties of this tea include a decrease in gas formation, the fight against helminths and pathogenic microflora, the normalization of the menstrual cycle and the ability to lower blood pressure. You can prepare tea with cloves and cinnamon according to the following recipe:

  1. Pour half a cinnamon stick and 4 cloves with boiling water (about 300 ml).
  2. Boil for approximately 5 minutes.
  3. Then insist and strain the finished tea.
Drink it after meals, no more than one cup (200 ml) per day. A contraindication to this drink is hypertension and increased acidity of the stomach.

apple tea

Apples are one of the healthiest and most common fruits. More than one treatise has been written about their beneficial properties, because they are very rich in vitamins, minerals, and especially iron. In addition, apples are actively used in diet menus, as they have the ability to burn fat, reduce sugar levels, and slow down the absorption of carbohydrates. And due to their low sodium content, they prevent the accumulation of fluid in the body, which also contributes to weight loss.

Making tea with apple and cinnamon is not at all difficult. This will require:

  • a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • orange with zest (two cups);
  • one green apple;
  • liter of boiling water.

Finely chop the apple and orange slices together with the zest, then mix everything and pour boiling water over it. The container is covered with a lid, insisted for half an hour. Just three cups of apple-cinnamon tea a day will help improve metabolism, relieve swelling, and cleanse the intestines.

Ginger tea is the perfect drink for the cold season. It not only perfectly warms, but also strengthens the immune system, protects against colds and other ailments. In addition, tea accelerates the process of losing weight without harm to health.

Today, finding ginger for sale is not difficult. It is sold in any supermarket and fruit shop. It is better to take a fresh root and rub it yourself, rather than using ready-made dry powder. To prepare tea according to the classic recipe, you will need: 10 g of ginger, 1 lemon, 50 g of natural bee honey, 0.5 l of water.

  1. The root is peeled and rubbed on a fine grater.
  2. The resulting "shavings" are poured with boiling water. Only after that you can add the juice of half a lemon to the drink.
  3. Dishes with tea are closed with a lid, wrapped in a towel and left to infuse for 25 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, slices of the remaining lemon and honey are added to the drink.

Sugar in such tea will be superfluous, honey will add sweetness.

Recipe for cooking with cinnamon for weight loss

If you plan to use ginger tea for weight loss, then cinnamon must be in its composition.

Enough 1 tsp. this fragrant spice. You also need to take: 3 tbsp. grated root and 800 ml of water.

  1. Crushed ginger and cinnamon are placed in a thermos.
  2. The ingredients are poured with boiling water and infused for at least 40 minutes.

The finished drink is consumed daily before meals on an empty stomach 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Black tea with currant leaves

Ginger tea with the addition of currant leaves is very tasty and fragrant. It is better to use young leaves collected in the spring. To make tea you will need: 3 tsp. any quality black tea, the same amount of fresh crushed or dried currant leaves, 30 g of ginger root.

  1. First of all, tea leaves are poured with boiling water. Its quantity can be changed to your liking, choosing either a stronger or a weaker drink.
  2. The brewed tea is filtered through a fine sieve or several layers of gauze, after which it is poured into a small thermos. Ginger root, cut into small pieces, is added to the same container.
  3. If fresh currant leaves are used, then they will need to be scalded with boiling water beforehand and only then used in the recipe.
  4. After preparation, currant leaves are sent to a thermos for black tea.
  5. The drink should be infused under a closed lid for at least 15 minutes.

Tea should be drunk hot with sugar or honey.

Green tea with ginger and milk to reduce appetite

If the main cause of excess weight is large portions of breakfast, lunch and dinner, then you can limit yourself with the help of special green tea. In addition to the brew itself (1 sachet), for one serving of the drink you need to take: 1 tsp. chopped ginger root, 350 ml of water, 130 ml of full-fat milk or cream (preferably homemade).

  1. For such a drink, ginger must be grated very finely. If the fibers do not allow it to be thoroughly chopped, then you should first slightly freeze the product (about 25 minutes). After this procedure, the root rubs easily and quickly. Fragrant gruel is transferred to a strainer.
  2. The teapot is warmed up and poured with boiling water. Water for tea is poured into it, a tea bag and a strainer with a crushed root are lowered.
  3. While the drink is brewing, milk is boiled in a separate container or cream is heated.
  4. All ingredients are combined in a ceramic container.

Tea is served to the table immediately (without prolonged infusion).

Brazilian recipe - anti-inflammatory

Ginger also has an anti-inflammatory effect, if you choose the right additional ingredients for it. It is important to drink ready-made tea for colds and to eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The recipe mixes ginger root (30 g), turmeric (1 tsp powder) and homemade butter (10 g).

  1. The root is peeled and turns into a homogeneous wet slurry.
  2. Turmeric and softened butter are added to the resulting mass. Together the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

The drink is served in an unusual way: fragrant spicy paste is added to 200 ml of hot milk. "Tea" is sweetened with bee honey. During illness, you can drink it every three hours. It is also allowed to use such a healing agent as a prevention of colds and intestinal diseases.

Spiced tea with ginger, cardamom and cinnamon

Such a hot drink will quickly warm you even on the coldest day, as well as speed up the healing process with SARS. To prepare it, you need to use the following ingredients: 70 g of ginger root, 6 cloves, 8 boxes of cardamom, a pinch of cinnamon, half a lemon, 3 tsp. large leaf green tea.

  1. Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of tea and leave for 7 minutes. This is necessary so that the leaves open well and give the drink their rich taste.
  2. A slice of ginger root is peeled and cut into thin slices. It is better to send the juice released during grinding into a drink.
  3. Slices with liquid are transferred to a saucepan and sprinkled with all the listed spices.
  4. Tea is poured into the container along with the leaves. After boiling, the mass is left on low heat for 25 minutes.
  5. Also, lemon juice and fruit skin, cut into small pieces, are sent to the drink. After 5 minutes, you can remove the dishes from the stove and add the remaining tea to it.
  6. The drink will infuse for about 25 minutes.

After that, the tea can be reheated and served at the table.

Strengthen the immune system with fruit tea with ginger

To strengthen the immune system, both children and adults should drink tea prepared with the addition of not only ginger, but also fruits and spices. You need to take: a handful of dried apples, juice of 1 orange, 1 tbsp. grated orange and lemon zest, as well as chopped ginger root, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 star anise.

  1. Well-washed dried apples, grated root, citrus peel and all spices are poured into boiling water. The resulting fragrant liquid is boiled over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Tea is poured into the container removed from the stove and orange juice is poured. After another 5-7 minutes, the drink can be served at the table, after filtering through a sieve.

When the tea has cooled, you can add a little more water to it and, after boiling, stew for 5 minutes on minimum heat. Then the drink is again served at the table.

Refreshing iced tea with ginger root, mint and tarragon

Ginger not only warms well, but also refreshes in hot weather. Of course, in the summer it is better to serve it cold. For such a drink you will need to use: 1.8 liters of purified water, 1 tbsp. l. large-leaf green tea and chopped ginger root, a bunch of fresh herbs (tarragon and lemon balm or mint), 3 lime circles.

  1. Sprigs of greenery are thoroughly washed. The top leaves are removed from them, which are transferred to a glass container, the volume of which is at least 2 liters.
  2. Lime slices are sent to fragrant greens. If this ingredient is not at hand, you can replace it with the usual lemon.
  3. Tarragon and mint stalks are cut into short sticks, poured with cold water and brought to a boil over medium heat.
  4. Immediately after the appearance of the first bubbles, tea leaves are added to the container. Next, the pan is removed from the stove and left to infuse for a couple of minutes.
  5. The resulting tea is poured into a glass container with green leaves and lime. In this case, you need to use a fine sieve or gauze so that the stems and other components do not get into the drink.
  6. As soon as the liquid has completely cooled down, the dishes are moved to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where the tea is infused and cooled.

The drink is served with sugar or honey. You can also add orange or grapefruit juice to it.

Ginger tea with honey and lemon

In addition to the classic familiar recipe for such a drink, there is also an unusual one found by scientists in one of the ancient manuscripts. It is believed that it fills a person with vivacity, energy and activates the protective functions of his body. For him you need to use: 3 tbsp. l. chopped fresh ginger, 1.3 liters of purified water, 100 ml of lemon juice, a pinch of ground black pepper, 80 g of honey, a few mint leaves. The following is a detailed description of how tea with ginger and lemon is prepared according to a unique recipe.

  1. After the water in the pan boils, ginger root, grated on a fine grater, is added to it.
  2. After 5-7 minutes, pepper and mint leaves are sent to the container. Grinding the latter is not required.
  3. All components are cooked over medium heat for 15-17 minutes. The liquid should not boil too actively.
  4. After the specified time, the container is removed from the stove and infused.

Slightly cooled tea is carefully filtered, mixed with lemon juice and served. It is important to drink it when coughing, runny nose and other signs of a cold.

Recipe for thrill-seekers: garlic-ginger drink

Fans of unique recipes will certainly be interested in the option of ginger tea with garlic. Such a drink is considered a universal healing agent. It helps to cope with stress, nausea (including seasickness), allergic reactions, various skin diseases, gastrointestinal ailments, coughs and colds. This is one of the best means to strengthen the immune system. To prepare it, you need to use the following ingredients: 40 g of ginger root, 2 garlic cloves, 1.8 liters of clean drinking water.

  1. Ginger root is carefully peeled from the top skin and cut into thin slices. You can use a special grater for this.
  2. Garlic is also peeled and crushed in any convenient way. For example, using a fine grater or a special press.
  3. Ginger slices and garlic are transferred to a thermos and poured with boiling water. The liquid should be infused for about 2 hours.
  4. After the specified time, the drink is filtered through gauze and served at the table.

In case of illness, tea should be drunk throughout the day in minimal portions. Lemon juice and honey can be added to the cup. Such a drink should be used with caution by people with a stomach ulcer. It is especially useful during influenza epidemics.
