
How to understand a delicious watermelon or not. How to choose a watermelon in the market and in the store


diets and healthy eating 26.08.2018

The steps of autumn are faster and more confident. The variety of vegetables and fruits that she so generously gives us helps to come to terms with her arrival and end of summer. One of the main August delicacies is His Majesty watermelon. How to choose the right watermelon in order to get not only maximum pleasure from it, but also benefits, will be discussed in our article.

The chemical composition of watermelon

This miracle berry (which is actually a watermelon) is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements. Folic acid, vitamin C, PP, A, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, lycopene (a natural antioxidant) - well, where else can such a number of benefits be combined with excellent taste?

About the health benefits of watermelon

Watermelon is not only delicious summer dessert He's incredibly helpful too! What, you ask? After all, 90% of a watermelon is just water. Yes, water. But not only. First of all, this summer fruit is incredibly useful for people suffering from cardiovascular and kidney diseases and prone to edema. After all, it has a natural and at the same time quite a powerful diuretic property. Regular use watermelon, thanks to its alkalis, is an excellent prevention of kidney stones.

Watermelon juice helps to cleanse the liver, helping to remove accumulated toxins from our body. Watermelon is also useful for blood circulation - thanks to the record content, it helps to improve blood composition.

And this video shows unusual application watermelon. Just unbelieveble!

see also


    02 Sep 2018 at 18:54




    Summer is loved for vacations and vacations, warm sea and family picnics, and of course, for watermelons. Juicy, sugary, sweet giant perfectly quenches thirst and hunger, and simply cheers up. Ripe watermelon is rich in vitamins C and PP, fiber and healthy carbohydrates. But everyone has heard about unpleasant cases of poisoning with these berries, so you need to be more attentive and careful than ever when choosing this delicacy. How to choose the right watermelon? What you need to pay attention to, how not to fall for the tricks of sellers, what should be useful minke whale? You will find answers to these and more questions in this article.

    Of course, the fruits grown in our greenhouses and other countries flaunt on store shelves at any time of the year. But first of all, you need to understand that you will not find ripe watermelon in May or June. And this is perhaps the main rule: do not rush to buy summer berries, because the time for their ripening falls at least at the end of July.

    In order to quickly sell their fruits, unscrupulous agronomists enhance the growth of berries with the help of chemicals, using them a week before ripening. But the fact is that the last treatments can be carried out 20-25 days before harvesting, otherwise all the chemicals will get into your body or your children.

    Ripeness in appearance

    Breeders have bred a wide variety of varieties that differ in the color of the pulp: red, pink, yellow and white. But there is not yet a single variety that would change the color or structure of the peel depending on ripeness. But still there are little secrets when choosing good watermelon. Thanks to these secrets, you can determine the ripeness in appearance:

    • the pattern on the bark should be clear and uniform (blurry patterns may be a symptom of a viral mosaic);
    • ripe berries have a glossy, hard skin that is difficult to pierce with a fingernail;
    • juice should not stand out from the peel;
    • the berry should not have dents.

    Folk experiments have shown that good fruit has large distances between dark stripes on the skin.

    Selection of watermelon by size

    Choose ripe and sweet watermelon You can pay attention to the size and shape. But first you need to decide how to choose a watermelon without nitrates. First you need to understand what nitrates are. These are salts and esters of nitric acid, which adversely affect human body. They accumulate in plants due to frequent treatments. It is especially dangerous if vegetable growers process fruits just before they are harvested.

    How to choose a sweet watermelon and not a nitrate one? Identifying a nitrate berry is very easy. The main signals are perfect shape fetus, too saturated color, huge size.

    It is clear that it is not necessary to take an unnaturally large fruit. Most likely, such a plant succumbed to chemical treatment. It is best to choose a medium-sized fruit, about 6 kg. Do not discard the small fruit immediately. In most cases it will be a really unripe fruit, but it is possible that this is the variety.

    Does the condition of the stalk affect the taste

    The condition of the stalk is another factor that does not hurt to pay attention to when choosing a striped fruit. A ripe watermelon has a dry stalk.

    But don't rely on this method alone. After all:

    • sellers know about this technique and deliberately pluck green berries, the stalk of which will dry out after some time;
    • the stem may simply be damaged;
    • in this way you can buy an overripe watermelon.

    Choosing a watermelon by weight

    In Asian countries, there is a strange method for determining the maturity of this gourd. Ripe fruits are actually lighter than water, and therefore those that float can be considered of high quality. Based on this, you might think that watermelon should be light. But if there was a rainy beginning of summer, then perhaps the selected fruit will be empty inside due to various diseases. The question is often asked: why is watermelon soft? Most likely, this fruit is overripe. Soft watermelon is usually heavy and seems to be delicious, but it will actually go to the trash can.

    At the beginning of the watermelon season, choose berries weighing 4-6 kg, and already in the midst - 7-9 kg.

    Choice of watermelon by sound

    Even in old Soviet films, this method of checking watermelon was often shown. The sound can really say a lot about the insides. sweet berry. But few people know what sound a striped fruit should make after banging or squeezing. If, after knocking on the peel, a booming sound is made, then the fruit is ripe, if it is deaf, it has no place on the table. When squeezed with palms, a good round minke whale will make a characteristic crackle, this will not happen with green.

    Secrets of a successful choice

    Choosing a watermelon is a delicate matter, for some it can even be a kind of ritual. And for people associated with vegetable growing, choosing a good watermelon is generally a matter of honor.

    How to choose a good watermelon and not lose face? The main thing to remember about the following factors:

    • ripe watermelon occurs during the period of its natural ripening - the end of July;
    • the counter must be clean;
    • there should be no cracks, dents, punctures on the peel;
    • the skin should not be matte, but glossy;
    • when ripe, watermelon has a yellow earthy spot, not white;
    • when tapped, a ringing sound should come out;
    • when compressed, a crack should be heard;
    • unripe watermelon of medium size, weighing from 4 to 9 kg;
    • a dry stem does not always signal ripening.

    Video "How to choose a ripe and tasty watermelon"

    In this video you will hear helpful tips choice of ripe watermelon.

    August is the time of the long-awaited watermelons. And the most actual question season - how to choose ripe and delicious watermelon? The seller can assure you in June that he has a super-early variety of berries. The purchase will indeed turn out to be with juicy and bright red pulp, only nitrates and other chemistry clearly helped to ripen such a watermelon. Therefore, until the end of the season, it is better not to succumb to the temptation. Natural gourd berries will be on sale only in August.

    Perhaps choose sweet fruit is a whole science. How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon and choose a berry without nitrates? Let's study it together.

    How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon

    By appearance

    That watermelon is good, in which the stripes are bright and the peel is shiny. Pay attention to external damage to the fetus. If it is cracked or rumpled, then bacteria could already penetrate into the pulp. This watermelon is dangerous to health. Clothing should be so hard that it is difficult to scratch it with a fingernail. And one more thing: prefer a round watermelon to an oblong one.

    According to the size and color of the earth spot

    Look for a watermelon that has a yellow spot on its side - this is the place where the berry came into contact with the ground. The color should be reddish, yellow or light brown. But a white earthen spot indicates that the watermelon is not ripe. Spot size should ideally be between 5 and 10 cm.

    On a dry stem

    The tail of a watermelon is like the umbilical cord of a newborn: through it the fetus received nutrients. In fact, when the watermelon is ripe, it should fall off the fruit itself and dry up. Therefore, the green stalk of a store-bought watermelon should alert you - the fruit is clearly not ripe. Tail ripe berries will be brittle, check without leaving the cash register!

    By weight

    Many people think that large watermelons are the most delicious. And they are right. A large mass of watermelon speaks of its ripeness. In some varieties, the weight of 10-17 kg is considered the norm. But there is a reasonable limit to everything: the abnormally huge watermelon is most likely grown with the help of artificial feeding. Look for the golden mean.

    By sound

    Many people know the old-fashioned way - to lightly knock on a watermelon. This main feature ripe watermelon. If the sound is sonorous when tapped, and the rind of the watermelon springs a little from the impact, feel free to buy! But a dull sound, on the contrary, should alert you - the watermelon is most likely unripe.

    How to choose a good quality watermelon

    Few calories and lots of nutrients. This is about the watermelon that was grown correctly. per century modern technologies we buy gourds with fear - the reason for this is the chemicals that create artificially ripe watermelons, and also get rid of pests on melons. How to calculate excess nitrates? Look at the peel. Black and brown spots over the entire surface give out the presence of nitrogen salts. Did the fruit look cute? Check it out at home after cutting. If the color of the pulp is unevenly red and with purple spots, then there is an excess of nitrates in the watermelon. This will also be indicated by multi-colored bones (black and white in one berry) as well as yellow streaks from the peel to the pulp.

    There is another secret: the pulp on the cut of the “correct” watermelon will be with grains, as if sugar, but the watermelon with nitrate content has unnaturally glossy insides.

    To fully verify the safety of a sweet purchase, spend a simple experiment at home: drop a piece watermelon pulp into a glass of water and crush the pulp. muddy water indicates the naturalness of the berry, the water turned red - an indicator of the presence of nitrates. This is the best way to test watermelons.

    1. The most natural watermelons appear on sale only in mid-August.
    2. It is better to buy watermelons in the store. If you go to the market, then bypass the side of the seller, whose watermelons are right on the ground.
    3. Do not buy watermelons on the highway. Vehicle exhaust fumes are not the best way to affect the safety of the product.
    4. Refuse to buy a cut watermelon, even if the half is carefully tightened cling film. Under it, bacteria actively develop. And whether the one who cut him observed hygiene is generally unknown.
    5. Press the fruit from above and below: if you hear crackling, then the watermelon is delicious and ripe.

    We wish you delicious watermelons and a pleasant summer!

    Summer is remembered for us not only by the abundance of sun, travel and fresh greenery, but also delicious dessert this season - watermelons. Ripe watermelon with velvety and juicy pulp it will come in handy on a hot day, and the main thing is to choose the right delicious watermelon. For some time, watermelon was considered a useless fruit, but later it was found that this large berry is a real storehouse of fiolic acids, which have a beneficial effect on blood formation and chemical processes in organism. Despite the fact that watermelon is 90% of its mass water, it also contains useful material– vitamin C, fiber and iron, etc.

    Surely, there are many lovers of this delicious berry. However, does each of us know how to choose the right watermelon? Unfortunately, finding absolutely organic fruits, like watermelons, is now very problematic. However, choosing the most “clean” berry, without an excess of nitrates and other things harmful to the body, is not so difficult. There are several secrets on how to choose the right delicious watermelon.

    Carefully choose the place and time of buying watermelon. If you want to fully enjoy a delicious watermelon without sacrificing your own health, then keep an eye on where you are going to buy watermelon. It is highly not recommended to buy watermelons near dusty roads, on which cars drive every now and then, releasing harmful gases into the air. Although, on the other hand, this is the most common option, buying a watermelon during a trip near the highway is simple and quick. Watermelons in stores do not differ in taste either - as a rule, supermarkets buy them still immature. The ideal place to buy is a tent next to the field where these watermelons grow. early watermelons it is better not to buy, it is better to enjoy melons not earlier than August.

    Pay attention to the color of the watermelon. The "face" of the berry will always tell you how to choose a sweet watermelon. Pay attention to the color of the watermelon: it should be contrasting, but not matte. However, it is difficult to choose a watermelon on this basis: before selling, watermelons are carefully rubbed with a rag, giving it marketable condition, and therefore to determine the ripeness of a berry only by color is a risky occupation. The yellow spot is also an indispensable attribute of a delicious watermelon. It does not say anything about ripeness, however, the size of the spot can tell about the taste of the berry: if the size of the spot varies from 5 to 10 cm, then you have come across a quite sweet and juicy fruit.

    Determine the ripeness of a watermelon by the sound. Many mistakenly believe that you can choose a good watermelon by a dull sound. In fact, when tapping right watermelon should make a ringing sound, which indicates the porosity of the pulp, and, consequently, the ripeness of the berry. It is difficult to convey in words the sound made by a ripe watermelon, but after a little practice, you can easily determine the correct sound. Also, with a slight squeeze, the watermelon should crackle slightly, which will also notify you of its maturity and juiciness.

    The absence of a stalk is a bad sign! Another way to choose a ripe watermelon is to carefully examine the stalk or the so-called “tail” of the fruit. It should be moderately dry and yellow: a too dry stalk indicates that the watermelon has undergone long-term transportation and storage, which is unlikely to benefit its taste. It is better not to buy a watermelon without a “tail”: most likely, it was deliberately torn off to hide poor quality fetus.

    Ripe and juicy watermelon never sinks in water. In addition, when cut, the berry will diverge, slightly crackling under the knife blade. Ripe watermelon seeds are dark brown or even black in color. White seeds are a sign unripe fetus or high content nitrates in berries.

    Knowing the secrets of how to choose a good watermelon, you can be sure of the ripeness of the purchased fruit, cutting which you will feel the sweet aroma and immediately realize that you have made the right choice.

    Text: Anastasia Buylova

    Well, the long-awaited season has come for everyone's favorite, bright, fragrant, sweet berries - watermelons. Most of the stalls are full of heaps of striped specimens of various sizes and shapes. How to get the best, of all offered, berries? We will give advice on how to choose a ripe watermelon, tasty and, most importantly, healthy.

    When to buy watermelon

    The main season of ripe "delicious minke whales" falls on the second mid-August - September. By purchasing watermelons before their ripening date, you run the risk of buying an unripe fruit or a “nitrate cocktail”.

    How to choose a ripe watermelon - inspect

    The appearance of a watermelon is the main determinant of its ripeness and harmlessness. Do not be shy and always carefully inspect your purchase, because this is the guarantee of your safety.


    Pay attention to the covers of the watermelon. They must be without visible external flaws. Dents, cracks - these are all signs of an overripe fruit and its improper transportation.


    A sign of a ripe watermelon is a dense, shiny, maximally contrasting and hard rind. If you can easily pierce the covers of a watermelon with your fingernail, while the berry smells like freshly cut grass, and the color of its stripes is blurred, the fruit is immature.

    barrel color

    A sure sign of a ripe “minke whale” is a pigment spot of saturated yellow or orange color. This is explained simply: in a ripe fruit, the lateral tail dries up, the production of chlorophyll and the flow of moisture stop.

    Choose "watermelon"

    The ripest and sweetest fruits are female-type berries. When buying, choose watermelons paying attention to the side opposite the tail. Girls have a flat side with a wide circle.

    Berry Melody

    You can choose a ripe watermelon by the sound. Tap on the berry. If you hear a dull sound - this is what you need.

    How to choose a ripe watermelon - what should not be

    Watermelon is not a simple berry in every sense. You can buy seemingly ripe, tasty and safe product, but in fact, everything will not be so rosy. Therefore, when buying a watermelon, you need to know a few simple rules that will help keep you and your loved ones healthy:

    • A dried tail is not a sign of ripeness of the berry; it may appear if the watermelon has been plucked for a long time.
    • A large copy will not guarantee ripeness and great taste. Check with the distributors for information about the variety of berries. Do not chase the size, choose the “golden mean” from one batch of goods.
    • Too bright, glossy, rich red color of watermelon pulp is a clear signal that it will be unsafe to eat this berry.

    Do not forget that you need to buy watermelons only in those places where the quality of the goods sold is responsibly and certified. Buying melons at roadside trade points is fraught with serious poisoning.
