
Dried figs are a precious visitor from the south and a healthy sweet treat. Dried figs - fruits of the fig tree

calories and chemical composition dried figs. What useful substances are contained in the product, are there any contraindications for its consumption. Ways to cook dishes with a fig tree. Interesting facts about the fruits of the ancient tree.

The content of the article:

dried figs- These are the fruits of the fig tree in dried form, which is also called fig, fig, fig tree, fig, wine berry. They refer this product to dried fruits and consider it one of the most popular in our region, along with dried apricots, raisins and dates. Fig trees are widely cultivated in Malaya and Central Asia, in the Caucasus, in the Carpathians and Crimea. They are widespread in the Mediterranean, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Krasnodar Territory and Abkhazia. Grow to a height of 10 meters, live up to 200 years. There are several varieties of figs. For the preparation of dried fruits, mainly light varieties are used, with a fruit weight of 50-70 g. They are used in cooking, cosmetic purposes, folk medicine.

Composition and calorie content of dried figs

A large number of useful substances made dried fruit one of the favorite products of adherents healthy lifestyle life.

Calorie content of dried figs - 257 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 3.1 g;
  • Fats - 0.8 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 57.9 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 18.2 g;
  • Water - 16 g.
Minerals per 100 g:
  • Potassium - 710 mg;
  • Calcium - 144 mg;
  • Magnesium - 59 mg;
  • Sodium - 11 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 68 mg;
  • Iron - 0.3 mg
Vitamin composition of dried figs per 100 g:
  • Vitamin A - 13 mcg;
  • Beta-carotene - 0.078 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.07 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.09 mg;
  • Vitamin E - 0.3 mg;
  • Vitamin PP, NE - 1.2 mg.
The special value and benefits of dried figs are in the significant content of macro- and microelements:
  • Supported by potassium water balance in the human body, the heart rate is normalized, useful elements are retained in the musculoskeletal structure.
  • Calcium makes bones and teeth strong, speeds up metabolic processes, and normalizes insulin production.
  • Magnesium removes heavy metals from the body, has an anticonvulsant effect due to the normalization of work nervous system, cardiovascular support and endocrine systems.
  • Sodium is one of the main components for normalization water-salt metabolism. Activates the secretion of enzymes by the salivary and pancreas. Helps produce gastric juice. Supports acid-base balance. Has a vasodilating effect.
  • Phosphorus is needed for normal growth bones and teeth. Participates in protein synthesis, helps the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates. Needed for growth and recovery of the body. Improves metabolism, helps cell division. Coordinates acid-base balance.
  • Iron is involved in the formation of hemoglobin, supports the immune system, protecting the body from bacteria. Synthesizes thyroid hormones. Helps with the absorption of B vitamins.
In the vitamin composition, the most important place is occupied by vitamin PP. A nicotinic acid - main element, without which redox processes do not proceed correctly, which jeopardizes the cardiovascular and digestive systems. In addition, this particular vitamin key component in the formation of hormones such as thyroxine, insulin, testosterone, progesterone, estrogen.

Useful properties of dried figs

Due to the low calorie content, low fat content, but at the same time, the rich composition of micro and macro elements, dried fruit is considered great product for those who care about their own health.

Regular consumption of figs in food will allow:

  1. Improve intestinal peristalsis. This excellent remedy for those who suffer from constipation. Just one fruit of dried figs on an empty stomach, and you will forever forget about unpleasant sensations, and at the same time get the prevention of hemorrhoids, cystic formations and the development of tumors - both benign and malignant.
  2. Raise hemoglobin levels. Speaking of foods that can prevent anemia, we most often refer to the liver, beef, yolk chicken eggs and buckwheat. But we offend dried figs completely undeservedly. It is able to seriously increase the level of hemoglobin, while contributing nice variety into our diet.
  3. Support cardiovascular system . This effect is achieved due to a significant reduction in cholesterol, vasodilation, and improvement in their elasticity. As a result of these processes, you get the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, the normalization of blood pressure.
  4. Discharge the nervous system. Stabilization of the functioning of the central nervous system through streamlining the work of nerve endings helps to achieve a good anticonvulsant effect, cope with stress, depression, migraines, neurological tics, minimal brain dysfunction, hyperexcitability.
  5. Get rid of toxins. Antioxidants contained in dried figs destroy harmful substances fight the negative effects of free radicals. It is important for the functioning of many organs, especially the liver.
  6. Reduce body weight. Improving intestinal motility, removing toxins and normalizing work digestive system steadily lead to weight loss. Moreover, this happens with health benefits, which makes losing weight not fast, but the effect persists for a long period.
  7. Recover. Dried fruits are a fairly common recommendation for those who restore the body after a long illness, fatigue, loss of strength. And dried figs in this context are mentioned especially often. It relieves fatigue, increases efficiency, improves brain activity. Since it has expectorant characteristics, eating it will help speed up recovery after a cold, bronchitis, tracheitis.
  8. Remove small stones from the kidneys and bladder. This useful property is attributed to all products that have a diuretic effect. And dried figs are no exception. Thanks to the natural conclusion excess water from the body, it cleans the kidneys and bladder from sand and small stones, while not washing out useful substances from bones and muscle tissues.
  9. Prevent bile stasis. The choleretic properties of dried fruits will cope with this. They will help prevent stagnation of bile, which are formed in the ducts with improper and irregular nutrition. This is the best prevention formation of stones in gallbladder.

Contraindications and harm of dried fig tree

Despite positive effect in recovery from regular use of the product, there are also negative aspects that are better to be aware of. Dried figs can sometimes be harmful, so you should be careful about eating them if you:
  • prone to flatulence. The ability to cause excess gas can be uncomfortable for those suffering from diarrhea and bloating.
  • Suffering from diabetes. Since figs can significantly affect blood sugar and insulin production, those who suffer from this disease need to be on the alert.
  • Suffering from gout and pancreatitis. Metabolic disorders and inflammation of the pancreas are direct contraindications to the use of dried fruit.
  • Have hard gallstones. Due to the choleretic effect, figs will remove small stones, but large ones can get stuck in the ducts, then they will have to be removed surgically.
  • exposed food allergies . In this case, you need to start by using Not a large number dried fruits, and only if the allergy does not manifest itself, you can introduce them into a permanent diet.

How to choose dried figs

When choosing a dried fruit, you should be guided by the following rules:
  1. The product must be medium degree dryness. Too dry fruits may indicate a violation of the cooking technology or that they are very old. On the contrary, soft figs indicate an insufficient degree of drying, which can cause it to ferment and rot.
  2. Dried fruits should be about the same size. This indicates the correct selection of fruits during drying.
  3. The color of the fig should be uniform. Or yellow-golden, if light varieties were taken, or brown, if dried dark grade. Light spots on dark and, conversely, dark spots on light figs indicate that rotten fruits were processed.
  4. Regardless of the variety, dried figs - sweet product, and the presence of sourness indicates spoilage of the product.
Since dried fruit is very fond of all kinds of pests, you need to know how to store dried figs. It should be kept in a sealed container. For storage up to six months the best place- vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, a dry dark place is enough for storage for up to a week. If you want to keep it for up to a year, you can freeze it. At the same time, it will practically not change the taste after defrosting, but the useful substances in it, of course, will decrease.

How to eat dried figs

lovely gastronomic features define great respect for this type of dried fruit. Dried figs are most often eaten on their own as a dessert.

It must be washed before use, as it is often contaminated during transportation. You can do this in running water brushing or soaking in warm, and then draining it.

Since figs, as already described above, have a gaseous property, it is not recommended to consume it immediately after a meal. Do it in between, leaving it for snacks - it will perfectly fill you with energy, satisfy your gastronomic needs and charge good mood.

Also, the product is used in cooking for cooking complex desserts, side dishes, appetizers and meat. It is especially tasty with honey and cheese. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipes for some dishes with dried figs below.

How to prepare dried figs

It's no secret that the largest number useful components and the best taste in any product are available immediately after preparation. This means that the longer it is stored, the less useful and taste it has. Therefore, many people prefer to cook dried fruits on their own. It's easy to do.

There are three main recipes for drying figs:

  • Under the sun. To do this, you need to take the fruits, spread them under the sun on prepared clean surfaces, cover with thin gauze (from flies and other insects) and dry for 3-4 days, periodically turning over. At night they need to be taken indoors.
  • In the oven. Cut the figs in half and arrange on a wire rack or perforated baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 60°C and place the fruit in there for 8-10 hours. Leave the door ajar, turn them over periodically.
  • in the dryer. Modern devices for preparing dried fruits allow you to cope with this process in 5-6 hours. It is only necessary to cut the figs into halves, load them into the electric dryer and set the appropriate program. The device will do the rest by itself - there is no need to monitor the product and turn it over.

Dried Fig Tree Recipes

The use of this dried fruit in dishes is a sign of high, gourmet cuisine. The ability of housewives to subtly introduce it into hot and meat dishes, salads and snacks indicates a certain status of a culinary specialist. If you want to please yourself or treat your friends with delicate and unusual dishes be sure to take note following recipes with dried figs:
  1. Tagine with lamb. Take 1 kg lamb, wash, dry, cut large pieces. Cut 2 large onions into half rings, put in meat in large saucepan. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 teaspoon turmeric, 1 dessert spoon salt and pepper mixture to taste, mix well. Pour lamb with water so that it barely covers the meat, simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Add 300 g of dry figs and 2 tablespoons of honey, simmer until the liquid has evaporated. Roast the crushed walnuts. Add to them a couple of cloves of garlic passed through a press and 100 ml tomato juice, steam over the fire, season the meat with this sauce, mix well. Simmer for another minute, turn off, let it brew for 20 minutes. Serve with chopped parsley or cilantro.
  2. Vegetarian pilaf. Take 600 g long parboiled rice. Rinse, put in a colander. Pour 50 ml of vegetable oil into a cast-iron with a thick bottom, send 1 large onion cut into half rings and 1 large carrot cut into cubes. Fry until half cooked over high heat, stirring constantly. Pour rice into the pot, pour boiling water over it so that the water is 1 cm above the level of the cereal. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric, a pinch of salt and ground pepper, 100 g finely chopped dried figs. Simmer for 40 minutes over low heat.
  3. Salad with bacon and cheese. Put 2 large strips of bacon on a hot frying pan, melt the fat, fry until crispy, put on paper towel, let cool. Put on a plate 100 g of a mixture of lettuce leaves, cut into medium-sized pieces. Cut 1 red onion into thin half rings. Top with 50 g of finely chopped pieces of dried figs, steamed in a water bath, a handful pine nuts, strips of bacon. In a bowl, mix 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar, a pinch of salt, pepper and oregano, 1 teaspoon mustard seeds. Drizzle dressing over salad; top with shredded goat cheese.
  4. Figs with mascarpone. Take 300 g of dried fruit, rinse, cut off the stalks. Mix 1 glass of dry red wine, 100 g of sugar and 20 ml of balsamic vinegar, cook over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Send figs there, let boil for 5-7 minutes. Transfer the contents to a baking dish, sprinkle with crushed nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds), send to the oven, preheated to 180 ° C, for 30 minutes. When the figs have softened, place a ball of creamy mascarpone on each rosette and bake for another 3-5 minutes. Serve chilled.
  5. Cookies with nuts and dried fruits. Grind 200 g of almonds or cashews into flour. Add a pinch of salt, cinnamon, 2 tablespoons maple syrup or honey, knead the dough. Roll out the cake in thin sheet- 1-2 mm. Grind the figs in a blender to a paste. If it is very dry, you can add a spoonful of warm boiled water. Form cookies with cookie cutters, put a spoonful of fig paste on it, cover with another cookie on top. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 10-15 minutes.

Drinks made from dried fruits have a spicy taste and a large set of useful elements:

  • Compote with spices. Bring to a boil in large saucepan 3 liters of water. Throw in boiling water 200 g of pitted prunes, 200 g of dried apricots, 100 g of raisins and 100 g of dried figs. All dried fruits must be thoroughly washed before being sent to the pan. Add 5 pcs. dry cloves and 2 cinnamon sticks. Bring dried fruit to a boil, meanwhile dice 2 apples and 1 orange and 1 lemon each. Send to boiling water and boil for 3-5 minutes. Turn off and let sit overnight. Serve chilled.
  • Vitamin Smoothie. The recipe for this cocktail is very simple, and its benefits are enormous. Take 200 g of low-fat live yogurt, mix with 1 tablespoon of honey, 100 g of any fresh or frozen berries and 100 g of finely chopped figs. Combine all ingredients in a blender. Drink immediately after preparation.
  • Alcoholic cocktail. To create an excellent basis for alcoholic cocktails take 500 g of dried figs, rinse it well, pour 2 liters of boiling water, simmer for 30 minutes. Add the zest of 2 large oranges to the bowl, bring to a boil, turn off, let it brew for 30 minutes. Then squeeze the orange juice and send it to the drink along with the cake, leave to cool completely. Send overnight in the refrigerator. Strain, add fresh mint leaves and an alcoholic component - vodka, vermouth, red or white wine - whichever you prefer. Pairs well with champagne. If you like light cocktails, dilute an additional concentrate of carbonated mineral water, if you like it stronger - mix it with alcohol in its pure form.

Fig trees are considered one of the most ancient fruit crops. It was cultivated in Arabia, then in Syria and Egypt.

This plant is mentioned in the Bible, because Adam and Eve were covered with fig leaves to hide their nakedness. Moreover, there is an opinion that it was the fig that was the forbidden fruit, which the couple tasted, and apples in this context were mentioned only to make the story clearer and closer to a large number of people.

But then it was about raw fruits, and later dried figs were mentioned in the sources. For example, Alexander the Great respected the dried fig very much, always carrying dried fruits in large quantities to battles, as they helped restore strength, gave energy and increased immunity.

A special place in the first-aid kit was occupied by dried figs and the famous doctor Avicena. He used it as an antitussive and as a prophylactic against constipation, skin diseases and digestive problems.

Watch a video about dried figs:

As you can see, the beneficial properties of dried figs were appreciated long before we were born. Therefore, do not neglect this experience - be sure to use healing properties dried fruits and enjoy their excellent gastronomic qualities.

You can save fig fruits for the winter different ways. For example, drying them at home. All the benefits of dried figs are due to the richness of the vitamins, macro- and microelements contained in it. The fruits retain completely the entire supply necessary for a person. minerals, pectin and fiber.

The benefits of fig fruits

Dried fruits have a pleasant sweet taste. They have almost no contraindications for use in moderation.

Useful properties of dried figs:

  • It is rich in potassium, which reduces the risk of heart problems.
  • Keeps blood vessels in good shape.
  • Just two dried fruits a day will improve the functioning of the stomach and relieve problems with the digestive system.
  • Fruit fig tree useful for the prevention of hypertension and promote good and proper blood formation.
  • In a limited amount, dried figs are indicated for diabetes mellitus.

And only the presence of an allergy to this fruit can be the reason for the complete exclusion of figs from the diet.

The subtleties of the selection and preparation of fig fruits

Ripe fig fruits attract with their unusual aroma. But they are very delicate, with a thin skin that is easy to damage.

Therefore, the choice must be approached carefully:

  • When the first fruits of figs begin to ripen, it is better to spread a clean cloth under the tree - this will protect the padans from excess debris.
  • For drying are selected only ripe fruit. yellow fruits more suitable for drying, and purple ones are more often used for making jam.
  • To the touch, the fruits selected for drying should be moderately dense, soft ones are not suitable for drying.
  • All the fruits that have fallen from the tree must be sorted and only undamaged ones should be set aside for harvesting. Slightly scratched fruits can also be dried. The rest, slightly crushed crop, must be eaten, because figs quickly oxidize and lose all their beneficial properties.
  • The harvested crop must first be washed and laid out on a cloth to dry from moisture. It is not recommended to wipe the figs - damage the thin skin. Damaged fruits are not suitable for drying.
  • Dry the figs whole or cut into pieces - it's up to you. It does not affect the taste and quality in any way.

Qualitatively dried fruits have a flattened shape, soft to the touch. They are usually light beige or brown in color.

Tip - you can identify overripe figs by their characteristic sour smell. Such fruits should be discarded.

Air drying

The issue of air-drying a bountiful harvest does not arise for residents of the southern regions. And their own harvest, not brought from afar, and a lot of hot sun.

The fruits are not cut and dried whole:

  1. Before laying out on nets for drying, each fruit must be dipped in boiling water. sugar syrup. This will help to avoid fermentation processes.
  2. When placing the fruits, the rule is observed - the top of the fig should be turned towards the sun. In wet weather and at night, lattices with figs are brought into the room.
  3. So that the fruits do not cake, they must be turned every two days.
  4. It is necessary to ensure that midges and wasps do not sit on the fruits. You can cover the grids with gauze or use a thin non-woven material.
  5. After about a week, when the figs have dried up, they can be removed from the grill, slightly flattened (to give the shape of a disk) and strung on a strong thread. You need to dry the figs in the air in a shaded place and a calm corner.
  6. Sometimes some housewives fumigate figs with sulfur before drying. This speeds up the drying process.
  7. Well-dried figs are elastic to the touch and when squeezed, the pulp does not squeeze out through the eye.

Tip - do not dry the figs on a tray or baking sheet. It can ferment, and the process of decay will begin.

Drying figs in the oven

A harvested fig crop or a gift brought from afar can also be dried well in the oven. Cut the figs or harvest the whole fruit - it does not matter. It's just your desire. It is important to use only the grid for these purposes. On a solid pallet you get baked figs.

The procedure for drying figs in the oven:

  1. Bring the temperature in the oven to 60 degrees.
  2. Arrange whole figs or fig halves on the grill.
  3. Place the rack in the oven and leave the door ajar. This will allow any moisture that builds up to escape, and the figs will dry out rather than bake.

Drying will take about two days. If you need to go somewhere, you can turn off the oven and then continue the drying process. The fruits will need to be periodically turned over for uniform drying.

Drying figs in an electric dryer

For drying fig fruits electric dryer you need to cut them in half. Further:

  1. Select the drying mode on the appliance with a temperature of 60 degrees.
  2. Rinse the figs, dry lightly with a napkin and separate sharp knife into two parts.
  3. Put the figs on the shelves, leaving a small distance between the pieces. This will allow air to circulate freely.
  4. The first result can be seen after about 8 hours. If the fruits are dry, then you can already remove the trays from the electric dryer and let the fruits rest.

Only completely cooled fruits are placed in storage containers.

Tip - you can check the quality of drying simply by cutting the figs. In a quality dried fruit, you will not see juice.

You can store harvested figs at home in a hermetically sealed container, in a dry place and away from sunlight.

  • Dried figs keep well in the freezer for up to two years. Before being placed in the refrigerator, the dried fruits are covered parchment paper and placed in a container.
  • At room temperature dried fruits are stored no more than 10 months.
  • Dried figs, which were dipped in sugar syrup before drying, are stored for no more than a month.

Fig tree fruits in dried form are essential in the diet of both children and adults. IN moderate amount they have practically no contraindications. A sweet delicacy of figs, in addition to the joy of taste, gives a person all the necessary vitamins, minerals and valuable substances.

They can be served with tea as a natural sweetness, you can cook and decorate desserts. Dried figs can be used to make sauces for chicken and meat dishes.

Self-drying figs at home, our personal experience

In the video above, you can see in detail the entire process of harvesting dried fruits from figs.

Drying figs in an electric dryer, step by step description

1. Sorted the ripe fruits of the fig tree, washed them. We used 3 kilos of figs.

2. Each fruit was cut into circles and carefully distributed among the trays of the Isidri electric dryer. All 3 kilograms of fig fruit fit on 6 trays and nets of an electric dryer.

3. Turned on the device and installed temperature regime+ 55 degrees. We used an electric dryer, which ensures high-quality drying of the fruit. Our figs dried for nine hours. The temperature in the room where the electric dryer was operating was + 22 degrees.

4. After the figs were dried, we carefully removed all the slices from the trays of the electric dryer.

Out of three kilos fresh fruit fig trees, we got 700 grams of an excellent and appetizing dried product. That is, drying fresh figs four times.

Our dried figs turned out to be very tender, soft and elastic. And this means that the drying process was carried out correctly. After all, high-quality dried fruits from the fruits of the fig tree must remain elastic.

We placed our dried fruits in a glass jar under vacuum cover. Air was evacuated from the jar using a special pump. We strongly recommend that you store dried figs in this way.

So tender fruits will be protected from the appearance of mold and the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.
The fruit of the fig tree fresh quite gentle and "capricious". They spoil quickly. That's why great option to preserve all the useful properties of this product is the drying of the fruit. And with the help of the Izidri electric dryer, getting dried figs is quite simple and easy, as we have seen from our own experience.


fig, fig, fig, fig. All these names are exotic southern fruit one of the oldest plants - the fig tree. Archaeologists suggest that its age is approximately 5000 years. Figs are mentioned in ancient Greek myths, the Romans revered him because the fig tree saved the future founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, from certain death.

Figs were necessarily included in the nutrition of gladiators, as they bestowed courage and strength, according to legend. At the festivities in honor of Dionysus in Ancient Greece, the fruits of the fig tree were always present in baskets of wine. The winners of the Olympic Games were given figs instead of medals.

Buddhists consider it a symbol of insight, because under this tree the Great Buddha knew the essence of being. Cleopatra could not resist this sweet fruit. According to legend, figs were a favorite delicacy of the ancient Egyptian queen.

The fig tree is a resident of the southern latitudes, therefore, residents of the northern regions generally do not get to eat them fresh. But thanks to drying, such a sweet delicacy can be consumed at any time. Depending on the cultivar, ripened figs can range from yellowish to of blue color. They are covered delicate skin and inside is sweet pulp, similar to jelly with many small seeds. If the figs overripe right on the tree, they can "ferment", turning into figs.

Useful properties of figs

For transportation of figs to countries where it does not grow, the fruits are removed from the tree a little unripe, otherwise they simply cannot withstand the move and deteriorate. But unripe fruits lose some useful properties. So if you have the opportunity to independently collect fresh fruits and dry them, then you should take advantage of this. And the Ezidri fruit dryer will be an excellent assistant in this matter.

Dry figs contain fructose, provitamin A, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, pectins, useful alimentary fiber. The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 270 kcal, of which 63.5 grams of carbohydrates, 4.3 grams of proteins, and 1.3 grams of fats. Dried figs are the leader in the amount of calcium among fruits, and this useful element like iron, they have more than apples.
Even ancient doctors knew how useful dried figs were, and appreciated it for medicinal properties. Ibn Sina, known as Avicenna, treated toothache, diseases of the joints, kidneys, and throat with the help of fig fruits.

When is it necessary to use a sweet fruit as a medicine?

For problems with the heart and blood vessels

Dried figs contain a special enzyme ficin, which thins the blood, which is useful for thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, cardiovascular diseases. This product is needed for high blood pressure, venous blood stagnation, excess cholesterol, lack of calcium. Figs cleanse small vessels and capillaries, improve their elasticity, and reduce permeability.
Regular consumption of dried figs increases the level of hemoglobin, normalizes the processes of hematopoiesis, therefore it is useful for anemia and vascular diseases. The heart rate normalizes, pressure decreases, tachycardia disappears due to the content of iron, magnesium and potassium salts.

With a weakened immune system during colds and flu epidemics

If you evaporate figs in milk, then such a drink can be used to treat tracheitis and bronchitis. And rinsing with a decoction of figs is useful for sore throats. The benefits of dried figs during the flu are invaluable. It contains optimal amount vitamins that enhance defensive forces body, give it energy and strength. Figs have diaphoretic and antipyretic properties.

To strengthen the nerves

A large amount of vitamin B makes figs simply indispensable food for the nervous system. Thanks to them, mood improves, efficiency and mental activity increase.

To cleanse the body

These dried fruits improve intestinal motility, relieve constipation, cleanse toxins and toxins.


dried figs - high-calorie product, so you should not get involved in them for people on a diet. But for people who are weakened, emaciated, figs are the best fit as a highly nutritious food.
Diabetics should not consume figs due to high content sugars, gout - as it contains a lot oxalic acid. Due to the large amount of fiber, dried figs are not recommended for eating with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Choosing figs for drying

The fruits of the fig tree are "capricious" and spoil quickly. Therefore, their most rational use is drying. If the farm has an Isidri dryer, then it will help preserve delicious “figs”.
Fully ripened and even sun-dried figs are suitable for drying, without any damage. An indicator of ripeness is the slightly opened lower part of the fruit, which becomes like a blossoming flower.

It is best to start harvesting when the figs themselves begin to fall from the tree. In order for the fruits not to get dirty, a clean cloth is laid under the tree. They are collected very carefully so as not to damage the delicate thin skin.

Almost all varieties of figs are subjected to drying, but of its variegated varieties, especially delicious dried fruits are obtained from Livadia and Date varieties. Most often, white figs are dried, as they deteriorate faster, unlike their red and blue counterparts.

Fig storage

You can store dried figs in different ways. Some people string fruit on a string and hang it in cool place. Others pack them in linen bags or food hermetically sealed food containers and stored in the freezer. We recommend storing harvested dried figs for the winter in glass jars under. So tender fruits will be protected from mold and bacteria.

Application in cooking

If nature gave a harvest of fig fruits, then it will help to preserve all the vitamins in it dryer Ezidri. And from dried figs you can cook a huge amount of the most diverse, tasty and healthy treats. It can be not only sweets, for which there are a lot of recipes, but also meat dishes, salads and small sandwiches. Dried homemade figs are a real gift for culinary creativity.


For such a dessert, you will need a pound of dried figs, a glass of your favorite nuts and oatmeal, 4 tablespoons of honey, a lemon, a glass grape juice. Figs are soaked for half an hour, then passed through a blender or meat grinder.

Grind oatmeal and nuts in a coffee grinder. Squeeze juice from lemon. Mix figs, nuts, cereals, honey, grape and lemon juice, mix everything thoroughly. Put the mass in a baking dish, level it. You can sprinkle with cinnamon if you like. Bake for 20 minutes. Cut the resulting cake into cakes in the form of strips or diamonds, sprinkle a little powdered sugar and garnish with mint leaves. From such a fragrant "fig" dessert, the sweet tooth will salivate. And hardly anyone will change such homemade cakes on confectionery from the shop.

Chicken with fig sauce

Dried figs are combined with chicken, pork, beef. From it comes excellent sauce To meat dishes. If you cook it with the addition of red wine, you get beautiful colour, but port wine will give a subtle indescribable aroma.

Figs are pierced in several places and put in a pan, poured with a glass of port wine and a glass of water, add a couple of tablespoons of lemon zest.

Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for half an hour.

The chicken is cut into portions and fried in a pan, sprinkled with port wine, salt and pepper to taste. When the chicken is ready, put it on a plate. Fat is mixed with fig-wine sauce, adding your favorite spices for meat. The resulting sauce is poured over the chicken and served with a dish of broccoli.

Fig halva

Fig tree fruits (200 gr.) are boiled in water for 5 minutes, then crushed with a blender. Next, melt butter in a frying pan (3 tablespoons). Almonds (50 gr.) Grind in a coffee grinder and fry on butter 2 minutes. Add fig puree, 80 grams of powdered milk, 2 tablespoons of sugar and half a glass of water. The whole mixture is stirred until the sugar dissolves. Then they cool and form balls or figures, as you like.

This homemade fig halva goes well with coffee, tea, milk, juice. It is suitable for breakfast and afternoon tea, late tea drinking. Children and adults will be delighted with it.

The fruits of the fig tree are another wonderful gift of nature, which is not only able to satisfy the sweet tooth, but also brings great benefit body. Unfortunately, such a fresh product spoils very quickly. But thanks to what is, all the good southern fruit is preserved for a long time and everyone can enjoy the fruits that were used by the mythological heroes of Greece, the courageous gladiators of Rome, the Great Buddha and Cleopatra at any time of the year.

Dry, enjoy!

The flower or fruit of a fig is a product that has huge amount useful compounds, vitamins and minerals.

It contains potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and there is much more fiber in figs than in any other vegetable or fruit. And if you are lucky to buy or collect good harvest fresh figs, you should know how to prepare it. You can make jam, but it is easier and more practical to dry the fruits, so that later, as needed, they can be eaten or added to compotes and desserts. Dried figs retain all their benefits, which is especially pleasant for fasting people.

How to dry figs

There are several options for drying fruits: naturally and in the oven. To start, a few tips:

1. From 2 kg fresh product get 700-800 gr. dried;

2. You need to harvest only the most ripe fruits. Ripeness indicator - the fruit falls to the ground, it only needs to be washed and can be prepared for storage;

3. Before cutting for drying, the fruits are not cleaned, only the drips, bursting places are cut off, dried with a paper towel;

4. To get a sweeter taste of dried figs, you can boil the syrup from a part of sugar and 3 parts of water, boil the figs in the syrup for 10 minutes, then take out the fruits and start drying. The syrup is used for cooking compotes and jelly.

But many people like regular taste dried figs, not too sweet, slightly nutty and very pleasant. And now, how to dry figs naturally:

1. Cut the washed and dried fruits into halves with a sharp knife;

2. Put the fruit on a metal grill or drying tray. If the cells are too large, then pre-lay the dishes with gauze, fixing it on the sides so that it does not squeeze through;

3. The figs are laid out with the cut side up;

4. Cover the berries with gauze and secure the fabric so that it does not loosen and stick to the juicy berries;

5. Leave in the open sun for a day, bring into the room at night.

How to make dried figs in the oven

1. Prepare the product as indicated in the previous version;

2. Turn on the oven at 60 C and wait for it to warm up completely. If there is no such low temperature limiter, you need to set it to the heating that is considered minimal and slightly open the cabinet door without closing it during the entire drying process;

3. Put the prepared halves of the fruit on a wire rack or a baking sheet with a cellular bottom - this is a must, since the berries must be ventilated from all sides, otherwise they will be baked;

4. Put the berries in the oven, dry, turning over from time to time, about 8-24 hours.

Readiness is determined by an incision in the skin - the juice does not flow, which means that the berries are dry. You can also dry whole fruits, but then the process will take twice as long.

dried figs calories

If you are afraid to get better, you should know how many calories are in dried figs - there are only 248 kcal per 100 g. product. This is a tasty, sweet and very pleasant snack for those who follow the figure. But how do they eat dried figs? It should be remembered that when choosing dried figs, you need to pay attention to:

1. Color - light brown with a matte finish.

2. Shape - slightly flattened;

3. Size - the same, not very large.

The taste of dried figs is only fresh and sweet, any aromas of mold, sourness are a sign poor quality product. It is better to throw away such figs so as not to get poisoned. If saccharins appeared on the dried fruits of the fig tree, then the figs were dried with the addition of syrup. Discard such a product, it may not be very pleasant to taste. And, of course, no dark spots it should not be on the product, this is a signal about the drying of an already rotting crop, which means that there will be no benefit from food.

We chose dried figs, how to eat:

1. Use as an independent product, cut into pieces or you can bite off the fruit;

2. Add to meat sauces, desserts or compotes;

3. Eat with honey, cream, cheese.

But still, it is worth remembering how many calories are in dried figs so that the delicacy does not become excessively “fat” and does not harm the waist. A well-dried fig fruit has up to 250 kcal / 100g, adding a spoonful of honey, you will not increase the calorie content too much, but you will get it perfectly healthy breakfast. And by the way, do not damage the thorough washing of the fruit, preferably with a brush and in warm water, you also need to dose dried fruit. There is a lot of fiber in the fig tree, so when eating figs for the first time, you should be very careful.

How to store dried figs

It is not enough to dry the fig tree; at the slightest violation of the storage technology, all the work will be wasted. Special difficulties not in storage, it is enough to place the fruits in a glass jar with a perfectly fitted lid and put the product in the refrigerator. Shelf life up to 8 months. But how to store dried figs if there are a lot of them? To freeze! Impact negative temperatures extends the shelf life up to a year, while the fig tree does not lose its properties and qualities after defrosting.

Dried fig compote

Recipes with dried figs are varied. You can add fruit to morning muesli, porridge or desserts. It is very good to make compote from dried figs, which also includes dried apricots, prunes. Figs are taken in an arbitrary amount, like the rest of the ingredients, sugar is added to taste. Pre-washed dried apricots and prunes pour boiling water, boil until fully prepared and add pieces of washed dried figs. Cook over low heat for about 10 minutes, add sugar and you can treat yourself to a vitamin and pleasant drink.

As you know, the fruits of the fig tree are beneficial, as they have big amount useful substances and vitamins, among them: beta-carotene, vitamin C, A, E, B vitamins (B, B1, B2, B6, B12), carbohydrates, sugar, starch, fatty acids, fiber. Dry fruit is the champion among all oriental fruits in terms of the composition of minerals: potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron. Minerals carry out metabolic processes. Beta-carotene, which is rich in figs, has a positive effect on the human body, providing an immunostimulating and wound healing effect.

B vitamins are involved in the functioning of the brain, bones, skin, circulatory system, and are necessary for the daily functioning of the human body.

Figs are widely used in cosmetology. Produced on the basis of fruits useful masks for the face, improving the structure and appearance of the skin.

The benefits of dried figs

Nourishing masks based on figs are prepared mainly for weakened and split ends of the hair. Fruit-based ointments for skin and nails are very effective and have undoubted benefits. In cooking, this berry is used to make sweet desserts. The fruit has a lot of sugar in its composition, so it is very high in calories, more than 200 calories per 100 grams. Dried fruit should be taken with caution by people with diabetes suffering from diseases of the pancreas, with gastritis and with weight loss.

Fig tree (another name for figs) is useful for the work of all organs and systems of the human body:

  • improves bowel function, thanks to fatty acids;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the digestive organs;
  • positively affects the composition of the blood and the process of hematopoiesis;
  • improves liver function and lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • lowers body temperature in acute respiratory infections and influenza;
  • is an antioxidant powerful action, the benefit is that it prevents oxidative processes in the human body.

Figs, the beneficial properties of which are proven, serve as the basis of production medicines for the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the circulatory system.

Useful properties of figs

In addition, dried figs have laxative properties. You can cook it yourself at home. How to dry figs?

How to prepare dried figs

  1. Figs dried in an electric dryer. If fresh fruit fell into the hands, it can be dried for a very a short time while retaining useful properties and excellent taste. An electric dryer will help with this. To begin with, it is necessary to select the most elastic and slightly unripe fruits that do not have mechanical damage. Fruits are washed, twigs are removed, cut convenient way and laid out on an electric dryer. Dry from 5 to 8 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. To prepare dried figs in syrup, pure fruits are covered with sugar, in a proportion of 1 kg. sugar for 400-500 gr. When the fruits give up juices (after about 6-7 hours), they are laid out on an electric dryer. The syrup is rolled into jars and used to make desserts and other dishes. Figs, under the influence of drying, become hard, therefore it is well suited for preparing powders for dishes, shavings, compotes and drinks, but can also be eaten and simply dried. You need to store dry figs in solid containers: jars, eggplants, boxes, under a tightly closed lid.
  2. Figs dried in the oven. To get dried fruit at home, you can use the oven. It's over available method than an electric dryer. How to dry figs in the oven? Washed clean fruits are separated from the stem and peeled, cut into 2 parts and laid out on a dry baking sheet covered with parchment. The sheet is placed in an oven preheated to 40-50 degrees, lasting 4-5 hours. Once the figs are golden brown, they can be removed from the oven. Figs are ready to eat. From dried figs in the oven, excellent compotes come out with a hint of smoked berries. The drink turns out to be incredibly tasty and healthy, you don’t need to put sugar there, it’s better to add lemon. Taste qualities dried figs are very high, therefore, it is served in expensive restaurants as an additive to desserts, and as a separate dish. How to store oven-dried figs? The fruits must be placed in well-ventilated vessels: in boxes, jars, boxes, wrapped in paper, put in bags, bags or packages, except for cellophane ones. It is better to use containers made of natural materials.
  3. To obtain dried figs, it must be steamed, that is, made dried fruit from the fruit. Peel clean fruits from legs and peel, cut in the middle so that air and temperature fully affect the fruit. You need to dry it for a couple for at least 2-3 hours, then remove it and string it on special sticks to let it dry. The properties of figs are such that in the process of drying, it increases in its volume several times. Dried fruit is very sweet and slightly sugary taste, because in the process of cooking at a low temperature, it retains its properties as much as possible, which is very useful for both adults and children. What to do to get rid of the cloying taste? Professional chefs recommend eating fig tree fruit with cheese durum varieties or with tomatoes. You can add herbs: thyme, mint or lemon balm, which bind and eliminate the sugary taste of the fruit. To for a long time to store the dried fruit, you need to string the finished fruits on a stick or bunch. This ensures the circulation of air around the fruit and prevents them from spoiling.
  4. Simple dried figs. Washed and peeled fruits are strung on a stick or bundle, wrapped with gauze or a thin clean cloth and dried in the sun, in a dry place away from moisture. This long way cooking dried fruit. Dried in this way, figs are extremely useful for humans. As it is written in ancient Egyptian manuscripts, in this way, at home, figs were dried in antiquity.
  5. Dried figs on a string. To dry fruit natural way and to keep a high amount of useful properties and substances, you first need to prepare the figs themselves: you need to choose a little unripe fruits, as they will ripen in a few days on their own. Wash the fruits thoroughly and let the water drain, dry slightly on a towel. Then, you need to pick up the threads on which the fruit will be strung. To do this, it is best to use threads made from natural materials: cotton, wool or silk. Silk threads are well suited and very convenient to use for drying. The fruits must be squeezed so that they take on a flat shape, and strung on a thread with a needle, piercing the fruit in the middle. The thread does not need to be loaded. On 1 meter of silk thread, no more than 20-45 fruits are placed, since the fruit is quite heavy in weight. ready fruit, strung on a thread, hang out in the place of drying: on the balcony, on the street, under a canopy, in well-ventilated places. Be sure to cover with a thin layer of cloth or gauze, without creating a vacuum and without disturbing the air circulation process. Dried figs retain their beneficial properties. The dried fruit of the fig tree retains its beneficial properties and is equivalent fresh fruit composition of nutrients. Dried fruits are used to make compotes, desserts, preserves and jams.

Dried fruits are widely used in the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract and liver, as well as in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands, it is recommended to replace sugar with dried or dried figs.
