
Wine from wine berries recipe. Homemade wine: recipe

Almost all berries and fruits are suitable for making homemade fruit and berry wine. However, the quality of the fruits must meet certain standards. Without fail, they must be mature without rot and mold. Overripe berries and fruits, despite the abundance of juice in them, are not suitable for homemade wine. The fact is that when using overripe fruits, an excessive amount of methyl alcohol is formed in the wine, and it is very harmful to health. In this article, we want to acquaint you with how to cook homemade berry wine and fruits.

Winemaking at home

Wine from apples

To make homemade apple wine, you need to prepare 2.5 cups of sugar, 2 liters of water and one tablespoon of cinnamon based on two kilograms of apples.

Wash apples well and cut into slices or cubes. Then water, cinnamon are added to them and boiled in an enamel pan until the fruits become soft. Then the apples need to be rubbed through a sieve, pour sugar into them and leave in this form for fermentation. When fermentation stops completely, the wine must be filtered and bottled. Store apple wine in a cool and dark place.

Wine made from strawberries, blueberries, red currants, gooseberries or raspberries

Based on three kilograms of berries, three liters of water and two kilograms of sugar should be prepared.

The berries must be thoroughly washed and sorted out, removing all rotten fruits. Then they need to be twisted in a meat grinder and poured into a glass bottle. Pour the prepared syrup on top and mix the berry mass. Leave the bottle for a week to ferment at room temperature. At the same time, in order to avoid the appearance of mold and souring of the mass, it is necessary to mix the contents every day. An important condition for this is the presence in the bottle of free space in the amount of at least a tenth of the volume of dishes.

After one week, you need to very carefully drain the liquid from the bottle so that the sediment does not spill out of it. The liquid must be poured into another bottle and left again for further fermentation. For the normal course of the process, the neck of the bottle must be closed with a nylon cap with a hole. Run a rubber hose into this hole, lower the other end into the water. The process is considered complete after no air bubbles appear from the hose, and the contents of the bottle become transparent. After that, the wine is bottled, corked tightly and left for two months in a cool place. After this period, the product is completely ready for use.

Redcurrant wine

Homemade redcurrant wine is prepared in proportion to two glasses of juice, two glasses of sugar and four glasses of water.

Red currant berries are thoroughly washed and separated from the twigs. Then they are rubbed in a deep bowl, using a large wooden spoon for this, and the juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass. Pure currant juice is mixed with water and sugar and left in a glass jar for a month. During this period, the contents of the jar must be mixed several times. After a month, the wine is filtered through a dense cloth, poured into bottles and corked tightly.

Blackcurrant wine

To make homemade blackcurrant wine, you need to prepare three kilograms of berries, three liters of water and one kilogram of sugar.

The process of preparing berries is very tedious, because it is necessary to remove the seeds.

The berries freed from seeds and twigs must be crushed and placed in a glass bottle with a volume of at least eight liters. Then the berries are poured with pre-prepared syrup. The presence of sugar sediment in the syrup is not acceptable, and the syrup itself must be at room temperature before use. After five to six days, that is, after the wine stops fermenting, it must be filtered through a dense cloth, and then filtered through a layer of cotton wool. After that, a clean, transparent drink must be bottled and corked. Wine should be stored in a dark, cool place.

Cherry wine

Homemade wine from cherry berries is prepared using yeast. To do this, they need to take one tablespoon based on three kilograms of berries, four liters of water and one and a half kilograms of sugar.

Berries need to be sorted, torn off the legs from them and washed thoroughly. Next, the berries will need to be poured with boiling water and left under oppression for four days. Then they should be drained, and yeast, sugar and a little lemon juice should be added to the resulting liquid. Having mixed all the components well, leave the future wine for fermentation. This process takes about two to three weeks. When the fermentation is over, the wine must be thoroughly mixed and left in the bottle for a period of about five months. During this time, all suspensions will fall to the bottom, and the wine will become transparent. Only then can it be bottled and corked.

Wine from irgi

To prepare this delicious homemade wine, you need to take one liter of irgi juice, two liters of water and one kilogram of sugar.

The syrup for this wine is prepared in a special way, namely, sugar is added little by little to boiling water until it is completely dissolved, and the syrup itself is constantly stirred over low heat for ten to fifteen minutes. After that, it should cool down in natural conditions.

When the syrup has cooled, then pour the squeezed juice of the irgi into it and mix well. The composition is poured into a glass bottle with a nylon cap. A hole is made in the lid into which a rubber hose is wound. The other end of the hose must be placed in water. After the release of air bubbles from the hose stops, and the contents of the bottle become transparent, the wine must be poured into another bottle and tightly closed with a lid. After 5 months it can be bottled and corked. Store bottles of wine from the game in a lying position with a slope towards the neck of the bottle.

Old-fashioned lemon nectar

To prepare this ancient drink, you need to take four Ranet apples, three lemons, a little cinnamon, four hundred grams of sugar and one bottle of dry wine.

Peel the lemon, cut into thin slices and put on the bottom of the jar. Apples are also peeled, finely chopped and poured over lemon slices. Then add cinnamon, sugar to the jar and pour the wine. All this must be mixed well and left for a day to settle. Finally, after a day, the wine can be filtered and bottled.

Homemade peach wine

Making homemade peach wine requires a few more ingredients than making wine from other berries. From the calculation of three kilograms of fruits, it is necessary to prepare three liters of water, a liter of medical alcohol, one and a half kilograms of sugar, ten grams of nutmeg, a little honey and five grams of vanillin.

Wash the peaches well, remove the pits from them, rub them on a grater, pour them into the bottom of a glass bottle, add a little honey on top and pour water. In this state, the bottle should be left alone for two to three weeks until the fermentation is complete. After that, the liquid from the bottle must be drained and poured into another bottle, adding alcohol and spices there. Close the bottle and leave for three weeks to infuse the wine. After that, it can be bottled and corked. In two months this delicious wine can be drunk.

Fig wine

To make homemade wine from figs, you need to take one and a half kilograms of dried fruits, one kilogram of sugar, four liters of water and ten grams of wine yeast.

The fruits should be finely chopped and poured into an eight-liter glass bottle. The syrup should be prepared separately, cool it and pour the wine yeast into it, pour it into the bottle over the figs. The dishes should be covered with parchment paper and several holes should be pierced in it to let the gas escape. The wine must ferment for at least one month at a constant ambient temperature. The readiness of the vein is determined by the complete precipitation of figs. When this happens, the wine can be filtered and bottled for long-term storage.

Homemade grape wine

To prepare such a homemade vein, you need to take five kilograms of grapes, three kilograms of sugar and twelve liters of boiled water.

It is better to take grapes of dark varieties such as Isabella. The berries must be removed from the bunches, sorted and washed thoroughly. Next, they need to be crushed with your hands or a wooden pusher. After that, pour the pulp with water, add sugar there and mix well. After a week, you need to filter the wine from the sediment and bottle it.

If you are tired of ordinary grape wine, then you should try to make an alcoholic drink from berries. It will delight you with its original taste and beautiful color, reminiscent of hot summer days. Wine made from berries is easy to make, and if there is a rich harvest, it will not require large financial investments.

How to prepare berries

In order to make berry wine, you first need to properly prepare the raw materials.

  1. If stone fruits are selected, for example, cherries, then the stone must first be removed. This should be done as carefully as possible, without damaging the delicate pulp, and without squeezing valuable juice. If you can’t separate the berries with your hands, then you can use a knife.
  2. It is advisable not to wash the harvested crop, but if it is heavily soiled, then rinsing in a colander under the tap is allowed. Be sure to wash the berries that ripened on the ground - strawberries, wild strawberries.
  3. In order to get as much liquid as possible from dense berries, such as gooseberries or black currants, they need to be cooked. To do this, the fruits are put together in a saucepan, filled with water so that it covers 20% of the volume. The resulting mass is heated over low heat to 50 degrees. Warm up for 20-25 minutes, and then cool and start getting juice.

You can prepare a drink not only from freshly picked, but also frozen berries. At the same time, its quality and saturation will not change from this.

How to make homemade wine from berries?

Two technologies can be used to create an alcoholic beverage, differing only in the initial stage.

  1. From the juice obtained in advance, that is, the harvested and prepared crop should first be passed through a juicer, meat grinder, grind on a sieve. Sugar is added to the resulting nectar in the desired proportions, and the resulting mixture is placed under a water seal. On average, 300-400 grams of sugar should be added to one liter of juice.
  2. From berry puree with fermentation - a classic option that takes a little more time, but less effort. The collected fruits are put into a container, sprinkled with sugar and carefully kneaded with a wooden pestle or by hand. The resulting puree is covered with gauze to prevent insects from entering and is transferred to a darkened place with a temperature of at least 20 degrees. There it should be three - four days, during which it should be divided into pulp and must. In order for the mass not to turn sour, it must be stirred daily with a wooden spoon. On the fourth day, the pulp is carefully removed, squeezed through cheesecloth, and water is added to the must in a ratio of 1:1. In this form, the wort is placed under a water seal.

After installing a water seal, the technology for making berry wine is identical for both options. On average, fermentation under a water seal lasts 1.5-2 months, after which the young wine is removed from the sediment and moved to a cool place for aging.

Popular Recipes

Experienced winemakers say that absolutely all the berries that grow in the region can be used to make a delicious alcoholic drink.

But most often berry wine is made from:

  1. Strawberries are a sweet drink with a pronounced smell and a beautiful red-pink hue. For it, you will need 1.5 kg of strawberries and 150 g of refined sugar, from which mashed potatoes are made for fermentation. It is necessary to separate the pulp from the wort on the 7th day, and the drink is under the water seal for about a month. Ready-made strawberry wine is quite often used to create all kinds of cocktails and desserts.
  2. Raspberries are aromatic alcohol with excellent medicinal properties. First you need to boil the syrup from a liter of water and 300 grams of refined sugar, and then pour it into the previously prepared puree. The resulting mixture is placed under a water seal in a warm place, where it should ferment for 14 days. Further, the wort is poured into a clean container and sent to the cellar for 14 days. After that, the drink is bottled and left in the cellar for another couple of months to mature.
  3. Irgi is an unusual tart drink that can surprise guests. For him, you will need 700 g of irgi, 6 pieces of wild rose, 40 g of sugar, 0.5 ml of vodka. Irga warms up with her hands, rose hips, sugar, vodka are added to it. Everything is mixed, tightly sealed and sent to a dark place for 14 days. Every 3 days the liquid must be stirred. After the specified period, the wine is filtered, poured into a clean container and kept for another 5 days. The strength of such an alcoholic product will be approximately 30 degrees.
  4. Blackcurrant and redcurrant blends are a sophisticated option for real gourmets. 2 kg of berries are taken in a ratio of 2: 1, 4 cups of sugar, 2 liters of water, 100 g of raisins. Currants are mashed and then heated to 35 degrees. With the help of gauze, the juice is separated from the pulp, raisins, sugar and water are added to it. Everything is thoroughly mixed, poured into a suleya and placed under a water seal in a warm dark place. On average, the must ferments for 12 days, after which it must be removed from the sediment, bottled and kept in the cellar for another 30 days.

Wines made from assorted berries have an excellent taste bouquet. Most often they combine raspberries and strawberries with cherries, gooseberries and blackberries with black currants, raspberries with currants. However, if desired, everyone can make a personal berry bouquet, allowing you to make a unique and natural alcoholic drink.

Almost all owners of summer cottages or household plots make wine from grapes at home, as well as from berries and fruits. The most popular, of course, is grape, but berry and fruit is not inferior to it if it is cooked correctly. The finished wine retains a bouquet of taste and aroma of the used berries and fruits, reminiscent of a sunny, bright, warm summer and golden autumn.

Berry homemade wines are distinguished by the fact that they can be prepared not only from one type of fruit, but also from a mixture of several representatives of these crops. The finished product compares favorably with store-bought alcoholic beverages.

At home, the best berry and grape wines are obtained, which are mainly prepared from horticultural crops grown in a personal plot or summer cottage, sometimes bought on the market. In any case, the drink is prepared from natural raw materials, without chemical additives and dyes.

For the preparation of wine, ripe, not damaged by rot, fruits are chosen. Along with horticultural crops, great drinks are made from wild berries such as strawberries, blueberries, and others.

Homemade wines in small quantities are good for health. For example, raspberry wine will help with colds, blackcurrant will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, cherry contains women's health vitamin.

Harm to health can bring excessive consumption of an alcoholic beverage, and also if the technology of its preparation is violated.

How to choose raw materials

To obtain a fragrant, pleasant-tasting wine, you need to choose the right variety of fresh berries.

  1. To make the perfect dessert wine, berries of mountain ash, currant, strawberry are used for its production.
  2. Dry wine is made from sour berries, such as gooseberries.
  3. Assorted berries are selected for blended wine.

Also, the selected berries should not be green, rotten or dry.

How to make assorted berry wine at home

Winemakers most often make wine from grapes, but they also use strawberries, raspberries, currants and other garden and forest berries. From a large number of existing recipes, you can choose the one that is more suitable for cooking from a certain type of berry.

simple recipe

To make wine according to this recipe, you can use garden or wild berries.


  • 3 kilograms of grapes;
  • 300 grams of sugar.

To make wine, mash the unwashed berries with your hands, transfer to a large container, add sugar, mix. Put the future wine in a warm place, covered with a lid or gauze.

For a week, juice with pulp must be mixed daily.

After seven days, squeeze the must, pour 2 cups of sugar into the wine product for 2 liters of liquid. Pour the juice into a bottle, put on a medical glove on the neck, after piercing several fingers with a needle. The contents should not occupy the entire volume of the vessel. Three-quarters, or even half a can, is enough for the resulting carbon dioxide to escape, and the resulting foam does not come out.

With a glove, the bottle lasts three weeks. Then the wine is poured into glass containers without touching the sediment. Close the lid, put away for storage in the basement.

Yeast free

Making wine without yeast follows the same principle as in a simple recipe. If it was decided to put wine from different berries, for example, currants, blackberries, strawberries, then for better fermentation it is necessary to add a handful of unwashed raisins. Wine made from grapes does not need additional yeast.

From frozen berries

A step-by-step recipe will help novice winemakers make a fragrant drink.

Required products:

  • 200 grams of raisins;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 3 kilograms of different frozen berries;
  • 2 liters of water.

Before using the berries, they must be thawed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. After the fruit, mash with a pestle until a slurry is formed. Pour sugar into the berry mass, heat on the stove until the crystals dissolve.

Place the cooled mixture in a glass container. For active fermentation, add raisins. After three weeks, pour the wine into a clean bottle, without affecting the pulp. Let the drink sit for a few days. If desired, to increase the strength, add 0.5 glasses of alcohol.

Fortified wine

There is no special technology for making fortified wine. The peculiarity lies in the addition of alcohol to the finished drink.

Required components:

  • 4 kilograms of berries;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of vodka for 500 milliliters of wine.

Mash the berries into a pulp, transfer to a suitable container, add sugar, pour water. In one container, the liquid should be below six centimeters from the edge. Put the workpiece in a warm place, installing a water seal on top.

After twenty days, separate the wine from the pulp, mix with 250 grams of sugar, pour into a clean bottle, install a water seal. After two weeks, carefully drain the wine without affecting the sediment, add vodka, mix. Pour the drink into glass containers, close tightly, lower into the basement for further storage.

Is it possible to make wine drinks from fermented berries?

Berries that have fermented but not moldy are suitable for making wine. The product can be fresh, in the form of jam or canned compote. The cooking technique does not differ from the one where freshly picked berries are used as raw materials.

Before you start making wine for the first time, you should listen to the advice of winemakers.

  1. One of the main nuances in the preparation of wine is the correct choice of the main ingredient. Since the degrees in the drink directly depend on the amount of sugar, which is divided into alcohol and carbon dioxide during the fermentation process, sweet varieties must be chosen.
  2. So that the drink does not deteriorate, there should not be rotten, green berries in the future must.
  3. It is necessary to process the fruits unwashed, as there are wild yeasts on their surface. In homemade wine, additional yeast is not used.
  4. At the time of fermentation, you need to monitor the temperature in the room, it should not fall below 20 and exceed 25 degrees.

To obtain high-quality wine, it is necessary to carry out the clarification procedure. The finished drink is poured into jars, closed with a lid, taken out to the basement. After a month, a sediment will appear at the bottom of the container, consisting of particles of wine material and yeast. The wine must be poured through gauze into a clean, dry bottle, trying to prevent the ingress of sediment.

Drink storage rules

Homemade wine, like any other alcoholic drink, should not be stored in plastic containers, as over time the container begins to release harmful substances that change the aroma and taste of wine. It is better to give preference to glass bottles, jars, which will be closed with nylon or glass lids with a seal.

The ideal place for storage is the basement, where the temperature is kept within six degrees, where the sun's rays do not penetrate. The shelf life of wine at home reaches three years.

Even in the northern part of Russia, a huge number of berries ripen in summer, which makes this time of year the best time for making homemade wines. The cooking process is extremely simple, and the raw materials are free. So, in this article we will tell you how to make homemade wine from berries while they are fresh, and also give recipes for making wine from frozen raw materials.

Berry wine at home - general principles and subtleties

The first step is to prepare the container. For fermentation, purchase three, five or ten-liter jars, depending on the amount of ingredients. You can put wine in several jars. Make or buy a water seal. Do not forget about beautiful bottles where you will pour the finished wine.

Berries for making homemade red wine use different ones: raspberries, strawberries, cherries, blackberries, plums, cherries. The berries are not washed, natural bacteria and organisms on the surface of the fruit, interacting with sugar, start the fermentation process. Heavily dirty berries are best cleaned or not used.

It is noteworthy that the berry can be not only fresh, but also frozen and even in the form of jam. This means that it is not necessary to wait for the berry season to make homemade red wine, it can be done at any time of the year.

Additional ingredients are granulated sugar and sometimes water. Some add alcohol-containing drinks: vodka, moonshine, alcohol. Of course, this speeds up the process of making homemade red wine, but it also gives the finished drink an excessive strength and a taste of added alcohol. With natural fermentation, homemade wine from berries is much softer, more aromatic and more palatable.

Water seal for house wine

The device used to make homemade wine is called a water seal. Making it at home is very simple: take an ordinary nylon cover, make a small hole in it, into which insert a rubber tube. So that the tube does not move away and a gap does not form, fix it with ordinary plasticine. The water seal can be replaced with the most ordinary rubber glove, only in this case a hole must be made in one of the fingers. Such a device is necessary so that the carbon dioxide released during fermentation can go outside. It also prevents oxygen from getting inside the container.

1. Red wine at home from assorted berries

Traditionally, the most wine berries are currants (black and red), raspberries, cherries and strawberries. Raspberries ferment so well that they are used as an additive to improve the fermentation of wines from other raw materials.

For the preparation of a drink from some varieties, it is required to additionally use water to improve the release of juice. Wine made from cherries, strawberries and raspberries is no exception. We deliberately do not include water in the list of ingredients, since everything depends on the variety and time of harvest, and the exact amount of water is determined “by eye”.

So, to make wine from berries, we need the following ingredients:

  • 5 kilograms of berries. The proportions can be almost anything, but we recommend not to reduce the proportion of raspberries below 15% to ensure good fermentation;
  • 2.5 kilograms of sugar (with an increase in the proportion of raspberries, the sugar content can be reduced);
  • 150 grams of dark raisins.


  1. First of all, you need to rid the cherries of the seeds. It is recommended to do this carefully, trying not to damage the pulp too much, otherwise some of the precious juice will go away.
  2. We grind raw materials. For this purpose, you can use a meat grinder or blender.
  3. We squeeze out the juice.
  4. Fill the pulp with water, leave for a day.
  5. Add sugar and raisins.
  6. We put it in a dark place, wait until the fermentation process begins, after which we install a water seal (or a more familiar glove).
  7. Fermentation will go on for about a month. You will know about its completion by the glove - it will be blown away. After completion of fermentation, it must be drained from the sediment.
  8. Pour into bottles, withstand the required time (as long as patience allows).

If you correctly followed the indicated sequence of actions, the output will be a drink of a rich ruby ​​​​hue, the taste may vary depending on the initially selected proportions and the ripeness of the raw material.

2. Recipe for red wine from raspberries at home

Thanks to the properties of the berry and proper preparation, homemade raspberry wine turns out to be fragrant, sweet and moderately strong, slightly reminiscent of liquor. If there is an abundance of fruits, I advise you to use this proven recipe. We will consider in detail all the nuances of technology.

Any variety of raspberry is suitable for winemaking: both red and yellow. Wine from yellow berries is light, reminiscent of white grape wines. The most fragrant drink comes from wild raspberries, but it is difficult to get these berries in the right amount, so making such a drink is considered a great success.


  • unwashed raspberries - 1 liter;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 500 grams.

Raspberries cannot be washed; wild yeast lives on the surface, thanks to which the must ferments. It is only necessary to carefully sort out the berries, remove spoiled, moldy and rotten ones that can spoil the taste.

1. Mash raspberries to a puree state in any way. Put the liquid in a clean, dry-wiped fermentation container, add 700 ml of water and 300 grams of sugar, mix. The total filling of the container is a maximum of 70% of the volume. There should be room for syrup, foam and carbon dioxide released during fermentation.

2. In a medical glove, make a hole in one of the fingers (pierce with a needle), and put the glove itself on a fermentation container with berries and sugar. You can also use a water seal. There is no fundamental difference between a glove and a water seal, both methods are acceptable.

3. Put the wort in a dark warm place (18-25°C) for fermentation for 10 days. It is advisable to open the container once a day and mix with a clean hand or a wooden stick.

4. Strain the wort, squeeze the berries through cheesecloth. Mix 100 grams of sugar and 300 ml of water. Pour the resulting syrup into fermented raspberry juice. Reinstall the glove (water seal) and leave to ferment. The squeezed pulp is no longer needed.

5. After 3 days, add 100 grams of sugar to the must, do not add water. Correctly add sugar in the following way: drain 50 ml of fermenting juice, dilute sugar in it, pour the finished syrup into a common container and close it again with a glove (shutter).

Raspberry wine ferments from 25 to 60 days. At this time, it does not need to be opened or stirred. If fermentation has not stopped 40 days after the last addition of sugar, you need to pour it into another container without sediment and leave to ferment. If this is not done, bitterness may appear in the finished drink.

6. After the end of fermentation (the glove is deflated, the water seal does not let bubbles, sediment has fallen at the bottom, the must has become lighter), pour the young raspberry wine through a tube, for example, from a dropper, into a container for maturation. To taste. Add more sugar for sweetness if desired. Separately, you can raise the fortress by adding vodka or alcohol in an amount of 2-15% of the volume, fixing promotes storage, but part of the aroma is lost. The wine is almost ready, the last stage is left - ripening, at which the taste will noticeably improve.

7. Fill the containers with wine (I recommend to the top so that there is no contact with oxygen), close hermetically and keep in a cool (6-16°C) dark place for 3-6 months. If sugar was added for sweetening, it is better to install a water seal or a glove for the first 7-10 days of aging to be safe in case of repeated fermentation.

As sediment appears in a layer of 2-4 cm, first every 15-20 days, then less often, filter the wine from raspberries by pouring into another container, without touching the turbidity at the bottom.

The finished drink (the precipitate no longer appears) can be bottled for permanent storage and hermetically sealed with stoppers.

3. Recipe for red wine at home from cherries

Due to the widespread availability of cherries, cherries are often used in amateur winemaking, and very successfully. The recipe is very simple, and the resulting drink will delight you with excellent taste for a whole year. Rare ingredients are not required for cooking, as long as there is a sufficient amount of fruits.

Dark sour cherries are ideal, but if this variety is not available, take any ripe berries. First, they need to be carefully sorted out, removing spoiled, rotten and moldy. Even one bad berry can spoil the whole wine. The containers should be washed with boiling water and wiped with a dry, clean cloth.

The pits of cherries contain a lot of tannins, so only pulp and juice are needed for the recipe. But lovers of a light tart taste can crush a few seeds and add them to the must (cherry juice before fermentation) in the second stage.


  • ripe cherries - 3 kg;
  • water - 4 liters;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


1. Sort the berries, remove the stalks. Squeeze out the bones, trying not to splash the juice, it should remain in the same container as the pulp.

2. Heat water to 25-29°C (not higher, so as not to kill the yeast) and pour over the processed cherries. Add 500 grams of sugar. Mix. Tie the neck of the container with gauze (to protect against flies), then put the wort for 3-4 days in a dark, warm place (18-27°C).

After a day (often earlier), signs of fermentation should appear: hissing, foam, sour smell. This means that everything is going well. It is necessary to mix the wort 2-3 times a day with a clean wooden stick or hand, drowning in the juice the pulp that has floated to the surface - a “cap” of particles of skin and pulp.

3. Strain the juice through cheesecloth or a fine strainer to filter out any remaining cherries. Press the cake well, it is no longer needed.

4. Add 0.5 kg of sugar to the future cherry wine. Stir until dissolved.

5. Pour the juice into a fermentation container. Fill to a maximum of 75% of the volume to leave room for foam, carbon dioxide and fresh sugar. Install a water seal or a glove with a hole in the finger (pierce with a needle). Leave the vessel in a dark, warm (18-25°C) room.

6. After 4-5 days, add the next portion of sugar (250 grams): remove the water seal, pour 150-200 ml of juice into another container, dilute sugar in it, pour the resulting syrup back and close it again with a water seal. After another 5 days, add the remaining sugar (250 grams) according to the described technology.

Depending on temperature and yeast activity, homemade cherry wine fermentation lasts 25-60 days. If the process takes longer than 55 days, the wine must be carefully drained from the sediment through a straw into another container, then put under a water seal to ferment, otherwise a bitter aftertaste may appear.

7. After the end of fermentation (the drink has become lighter, the water seal does not let bubbles in for several days or the glove has deflated, sediment has appeared at the bottom), drain the wine from the cherries through a straw without touching the sediment.

To taste. If desired, sweeten with sugar or fix with vodka (alcohol) in an amount of 2-15% by volume. The addition of hard liquor aids storage, but changes the aroma and makes the taste harsher.

Fill the storage container with wine, preferably up to the neck, so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close hermetically.

8. Transfer the vessel to a dark room with a temperature of 6-16°C and leave for 6-12 months for maturation, which will significantly improve the taste.

As sediment accumulates (2-4 cm), first every 15-20 days, then less often filter the wine by pouring (always through a straw). The finished drink can be bottled and corked tightly.

7. Recipe for currant red wine at home

Currant is a unique berry that combines usefulness with accessibility. Summer residents love her for unpretentious care and a good harvest. There are seasons when there are so many fruits that there is nowhere to put them. If family stocks of jam and compotes have reached the maximum, I advise you to figure out how to make wine from currants at home. We will consider two recipes: for black and red berries.

Currant wine cannot be prepared without sugar and water, since initially the berries have insufficient sugar content and juiciness. But on the surface of the skin there are enough natural yeasts that are needed for normal fermentation, so the introduction of starter cultures is not required.

The only drawback of currant wines is the lack of a rich aroma. With proper preparation, drinks are tasty and without turbidity, but practically do not smell.


  • blackcurrant berries - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 5 kg;
  • water - 15 liters.


1. Sort currants, removing spoiled, underripe and moldy berries. You can not wash, on the surface of the fruit there are yeasts that water can wash off and the must does not ferment.

2. Grind the currant with your hands or a wooden rolling pin, each berry should be crushed.

3. Dissolve half the norm of sugar (2.5 kg) in water heated to 25-29 ° C (15 l).

4. Mix currant pulp (juice and pulp) with the resulting sugar syrup in a container with a wide neck (pot or bucket). The container must not be filled more than 2/3 of the volume, otherwise the wort may splash out during fermentation.

5. Tie the neck with gauze (protection from insects) and put it in a dark, warm place for 3-4 days - the optimum temperature is 18-25 ° C. To prevent the wort from turning sour, it should be stirred 1-2 times a day with a clean hand or a wooden stick.

6. After 3-4 days, when signs of fermentation appear (hissing, sour smell), drain the juice from the sediment into a glass bottle.

7. Squeeze the pulp (pulp) through cheesecloth, then add 500 grams of sugar to the resulting liquid, mix, and pour currant syrup into a bottle with fermented juice. At least 25% of the volume should be left free, as there is room for foam and carbon dioxide.

8. Install a water seal or a medical glove with a hole in the finger on the neck of the container.

9. Transfer the container to a room with a temperature of 18-28°C and leave for 30-50 days.

10. After 5 days from the date of installation of the water lock, drain 0.5 liters of must into a separate container, add 1 kg of sugar, mix, pour the resulting sugar syrup back into the fermentation container and close with a water seal. After another 5 days, repeat the procedure, adding the remaining sugar (1 kg). If more than 50 days have passed since the start of fermentation, and the wine continues to ferment, you need to pour it through a tube into another container, leaving sediment at the bottom. Then put to ferment under the same conditions. Long stay on the lees can cause bitterness.

11. After the end of active fermentation (the glove is deflated, the water seal does not blow bubbles, the must has brightened, sediment has appeared at the bottom), drain the young blackcurrant wine from the sediment through a thin tube (from a dropper). Taste, optionally add sugar for sweetness or fix with vodka or alcohol (2-15% of the volume). Fortified wine keeps better, but is tougher in taste.

12. It is advisable to fill the container with wine to the top to minimize contact with oxygen, put it under a water seal and transfer it to a cool place (cellar) with a temperature of 5-16°C. Aged for at least 60 days (the longer the better).

13. First, once every 20-25 days, then less often, as a sediment 2-5 cm thick appears, filter the wine by pouring it through a straw.

14. When the sediment no longer appears, the finished drink can be poured into glass bottles and tightly closed with corks.

Red wine at home - tricks and tips

Do not use metal objects to crush berries, it is best to do this with a wooden crush or with your hands.

Choose only ripe berries, unripe ones slow down the fermentation process.

During the initial stage of fermentation, do not forget to shake the wine jars, otherwise the pulp may become moldy.

The more sugar you put in, the stronger the wine you will get.

In the room where the fermentation process will take place, the temperature should be from 22 to 28 degrees.

Store the finished wine in tightly corked bottles in a cool place, placing them in a horizontal position so that the cork does not dry out and lose its tightness.

Original post by povarru

Culinary community Li.Ru - Wine

Do-it-yourself homemade wine

Homemade raisin wine

Amateur winemakers know that not only fresh berries can be the basis for a drink. And here I offer you a note on how to make homemade wine from raisins.

Birch sap wine at home

If you are ready to plunge into the process of winemaking, then be sure to pay attention to this simple, but very interesting option on how to make wine from birch sap at home.

Blackberry wine at home

Good wine is always good. Especially when it's handmade. You will know for sure that everything is natural and without any factory dyes.

Red rowan wine

I offer an option on how to make red rowan wine. Great drink for the holidays. Remember that delicious wine requires careful selection of ingredients: the berries must be ripe!

Blackcurrant wine without yeast

I offer a very simple recipe on how to make blackcurrant wine without yeast. It turns out very tasty. Great to serve it on holidays at any time of the year!

White wine semi-sweet

White semi-sweet wine is made from green grapes. To make the wine sweet or semi-sweet, sugar is added. The more sugar, the sweeter the wine. Try it too!

blueberry wine

Very fragrant, moderately sweet, rich and incredibly tasty blueberry wine at home is a great idea for lovers of natural alcoholic beverages.

Wine made from honey

I suggest you see how to make wine from honey at home. A delicious alcoholic drink that will appeal to many, and its preparation does not require much effort!

Mulberry wine

Blackthorn wine without yeast

As you know, the turn has an attractive aroma and bright taste, which is why wine is made from it. There is no yeast in this recipe, because of this, the wine ferments longer, while it turns out light.

Homemade currant wine without yeast

Delicious, light, rich - this is the kind of wine obtained from currants. If you want to please yourself with such a drink, write down a recipe for homemade currant wine without yeast.

Wine from Isabella

Who does not know - Isabella is a grape variety from which very tasty wine is obtained. And how to make wine from Isabella at home, I'll tell you now! Delicious and vibrant wine!

Black rowan wine

I like to make homemade wine from oranges or currants. But recently I came across a recipe for black ashberry wine. Cooked - delicious! Here, try it too.

Sea buckthorn homemade wine

Sea buckthorn is a healthy and tasty berry, from which you can make not only jam, but also wine! I recommend to your attention a simple recipe for homemade sea buckthorn wine. Watch and write!

Wine with cinnamon

If you love natural, homemade alcoholic drinks, then you are happy to agree to experiment and try something new. I offer you an option on how to make wine with cinnamon.

orange wine

The tart and exotic taste of this wine will turn your head. It is not difficult to prepare orange wine, but the drink turns out to be much tastier and much cheaper than store-bought. Try it!

Homemade berry wine

Wine can be not only grape, apple or currant. Delicious homemade wine is obtained from ripe and juicy chokeberry.

Homemade jam wine

Wine from jam turns out to be more fortified than dessert wine, especially if the jam is old. The taste of the wine is similar to the fruits from which the jam is made.

Wine from berries

Berry wine is very often prepared at home. One of the most popular is strawberry wine. The drink is very tasty, with a heady berry aroma. Be sure to try!

Rowan wine

For lovers of home winemaking, I offer a very detailed and very simple recipe for wine from chokeberry. Fragrant, rich and incredibly tasty, it will appeal to everyone without exception!

Homemade plum wine

Plum wine has a wonderful aroma and a very bright, memorable taste. The wine is not designed for long-term storage, while it is prepared very quickly and, most likely, is drunk in the company!

Sourdough for wine

I want to tell you how to make sourdough for homemade wine. I make it with raisins: it makes the wine softer on the palate, but still heady and fragrant. Try it, the wine is very interesting!

Homemade redcurrant wine

I share a classic recipe for homemade redcurrant wine. As you know, this is a sour berry, and it ferments for a long time. But on the other hand, if you wait until the deadline, you will get a crystal-clear and tasty drink!

Homemade raspberry wine

I want to tell you how to make homemade raspberry wine. Delicate, very sweet and insanely fragrant! This wine, of course, is a dessert wine, and is drunk young. You won't get drunk, but it will be delicious!

Blackthorn wine

Home winemaking is a simple and very exciting process. The basis for it can be a variety of berries and fruits. Here is one interesting option for you on how to make wine from blackthorn.

Plum wine

If your area has a bountiful harvest of plums this year, I think you'll love this plum wine recipe! After all, in fact, wine is prepared no more difficult than compote, except perhaps longer!

Blackberry wine

Natural homemade berry wine is a special drink. Want to try? Then this simple blackberry wine recipe is a great option. Very fragrant, rich and tasty.

Gooseberry wine

Perhaps you did not know, but gooseberries make aromatic and fragrant wine. The saturation of wine directly depends on how long it will ripen. This drink will brighten up any occasion!

Wine from apples without yeast

Delicious homemade wine at any time of the year is a divine drink! We look at the recipe for apple wine without yeast and prepare this drink together.

Apple wine without yeast

For lovers of home winemaking, as a change, I suggest taking note of the recipe for apple wine without yeast. Very fragrant and tasty, try it!

Wine without yeast

Wine from currant jam

You can make homemade wine from any, even fermented jam. Such a home-made drink turns out not only tasty, but also strong.

strawberry wine

Wine can be made not only from grapes. Berry wines also take their rightful place among intoxicating drinks. How to cook strawberry - now I'll tell you.

Raspberry jam wine

If you have a jar of homemade preserves on hand, you can take note of this fairly simple recipe for raspberry jam wine. Sweet, fragrant, very tasty, you will definitely like it.

blueberry wine

Making wine at home is not an easy process, but how pleasant it is to enjoy a wonderful berry drink after all the procedures! Blueberry wine is perfect for any holiday table.

Wine from old jam

Preservation not eaten on time does not have to go into the trash. I offer you a simple recipe for wine from old jam. It is quite simple, and the taste of homemade wine is difficult to describe in words.

Wine from jam without yeast

If you have old berry or fruit jam, you can make wonderful homemade wine. The wine is prepared without yeast. It turns out very tasty, try it!

Hot wine (mulled wine)

In cold weather, a mug of hot wine will always warm you!

Melon wine

I tried melon wine once in the south, when I came to visit people who keep melons. The taste of melon wine is original, but it is very difficult to make it. And besides, you should have a lot of ripe melons!

Homemade apple wine

A recipe for making homemade wine from apples for amateur winemakers and not only. If you appreciate wine but want to try something different, this apple wine recipe is for you!

Homemade cherry wine

We made jam, closed the compotes, but there are still a lot of cherries? Don't know what to do with her? Of course, wine! How to make homemade wine from cherries - you will learn from this recipe.

Blackcurrant wine

Blackcurrant wine is one of the most fragrant and rich fruit wines. How to make blackcurrant wine at home - you will learn from this recipe with a photo.

Currant wine

Have you ever wished you had a magic elixir that would bring summer back even in severe frosts? If yes, then the recipe for making currant wine is what you need!

Apricot wine

Fresh apricots make delicious fragrant homemade wine. For its preparation, only apricots, water and sugar are needed. Knead, let wander, insist and enjoy! ...We don't lose our heads!

The best gratitude is to quote the entry;)
