
Fresh figs: beneficial properties, calorie content. Figs - beneficial properties and contraindications

Fig or fig, or fig tree, or fig, or common fig tree, or wineberry (Latin Ficus carica) is a type species of the genus Ficus (Latin Ficus) of the Mulberry family (Moraceae). Common industrial crops include the common fig, fig tree or fig tree (Ficuscarica L.).

Figs are indispensable in cooking.

It makes delicious sauces, meat dishes, and salads.

This is a great addition to baked goods, cakes, pies and other desserts.

But many are not even aware of the colossal benefits of the product.

In addition to the fruits, tree bark and foliage are used in medicine to treat various diseases.

What is a fig - botanical description?

As you already understand, this is a sweet and pleasant-tasting fruit. The fruit rarely exceeds a large plum in size.

It is covered with a peel at the top and contains many small seeds.

Fruits grow on trees that can reach twenty meters and live for about five hundred years.

This is an oriental tree, which is also found in the Mediterranean, Asia, and the Caucasus. The plant is very heat-loving, loves moderate humidity and sun.

There are more than four hundred species of this plant, which differ in size, shape and color, taste, tree height, and ripening process.

Certain varieties produce crops several times a year.

The most favorable time for fruit ripening is at the end of summer - mid-autumn.

What are the benefits of figs - chemical composition

Figs are filled with an abundance of sugars and fruit acids. Most of these components are found in dried and dried figs.

The fruits are filled with iron, pectin components, esters, and macroelements.

The fruits of the fig tree contain sugars (glucose and fructose up to 75%), pectins (up to 6%), (oxalic, citric, malonic, amber, fumaric, malic, shikimic, cinchonic - up to 1%), saponins, vitamins B1, B2 , A, E, C, PP, tannins, minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium).

Figs are considered the leader among fruits in terms of mineral content (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.). In terms of potassium percentage, figs are second only to nuts.

Fresh fruits contain up to 1.3% amino acids, sugar - up to 11%, dried figs provide much more protein (up to 6%), sugar - 4-6 times more than fresh fruits. Dried fruits retain all the beneficial properties of fresh figs.

What are the benefits of figs for humans?

Ficin in the chemical composition of figs has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, reduces blood clotting, promotes the resorption of blood clots, and makes it possible to treat thrombo-embolic and cardiovascular diseases.

Fig fruit fiber contains substances that lower cholesterol levels in the blood. The high percentage of potassium in figs contributes to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and successfully cures tachycardia and arrhythmia.

Japanese researchers have obtained an antitumor drug from fig tree fruits due to the presence of a special substance in its composition - benzoaldehyde.

Essential oils thin the blood well, as a result, brain cells are better supplied with oxygen.

These exotic fruits are incredibly healthy for the body:

Regular consumption of dried or fresh figs significantly improves the structure of the blood and relieves blood vessels of cholesterol deposits.

What are the benefits of figs for women?

We should also talk about the benefits of this plant for women’s health.

With systematic use, the risks of varicose veins are significantly reduced and vascular networks disappear. Due to the beneficial components, it is possible to normalize veins and blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and relieve swelling.

Figs are a real storehouse of folic acid, which doctors prescribe during pregnancy. Also, with the help of fruit you can overcome anemia, which is often observed in pregnant women.

During breastfeeding, figs help enhance lactation. With the help of ripe fruits, it is possible to improve well-being during menstruation and relieve pain.

Figs in the field of cosmetology

The product is widely used in cosmetology. It helps to fully nourish and moisturize the skin.

It becomes toned and elastic. With the help of figs, it is possible to restore the lack of calcium.

Using fig juice, you can ensure an even tan. With the help of microelements, it is possible to increase the production of melanin, preventing serious skin burns.

The juice helps against acne, ulcers, and warts. Helps soften calluses and rough skin.

Figs are used for teeth whitening purposes.

What are the benefits of fig leaves?

Fig tree leaves have photosensitizing properties.

Thanks to the main active ingredient psoralen, a complex of furocoumarins from fig tree leaves is used simultaneously with ultraviolet irradiation to restore depigmented areas of the skin.

Coumarin increases the sensitivity of the human body to solar radiation.

  • Fig leaves are widely used for diarrhea.
  • In addition, a drink from the leaves helps with flatulence, colitis, dysentery and intoxication.
  • The leaves are also used in cosmetology to cleanse the skin. The decoction helps from bronchitis and pulmonary pathologies.

Fig leaves are the basis of the drug Psoberan. The active ingredients of the drug are psoralen and bergapten - the main coumarins in the chemical composition of fig tree raw materials. Psoberan has photosensitizing activity: together with irradiation with ultraviolet rays it is used to restore pigmentation of the skin.

Figs - medicinal recipes for use

  • Fig fruits as an antiseptic

Poultices, compresses made from fig pulp, decoction of fruits or leaves help with skin problems: warts, ulcers, and heal inflammation in areas of the skin.

Fig pulp relieves toothache, as residents of the East have repeatedly been convinced of.

  • Fig leaves

Fresh leaves are applied to wounds and boils. Ointments based on fig leaves are effective in relieving skin itching, inflammation and hyperemia. The juice of mashed fresh leaves is applied to white depigmented spots on the face with vitiligo, and is used to remove warts and boils.

  • Fig syrup

Fig syrup helps with rheumatic pain, cystitis, liver and kidney dysfunction, and leukorrhea.

Syrup is also effective for children as a tonic to improve appetite, digestive tract function, and as a laxative for constipation.

  • Figswith milk

Figs boiled in milk are excellent for coughs. To do this, it will be enough for you to take dried fruits and boil them in one glass of milk.

You need to drink the drink warm four times during the day. It helps well with anemia and general exhaustion of the body.

  • Fig jam

Fig jam is not only very tasty, but also healthy.

Fig jam recipe

  1. It is necessary to sort through the berries, separating all the ugly and damaged ones.
  2. Carefully place everything in a separate container, pour boiling water over the fruits, completely covering all the berries.
  3. Separately cook sugar syrup.
  4. Pour hot syrup over the fruits and leave until completely cool.
  5. When the syrup is at room temperature, pour it again into a separate container and boil for five minutes. Pour over the fruits and leave overnight.
  6. In the morning you need to cook the fruits over low heat until a thickened mass is obtained.
  7. Pour the jam into glass jars, roll up and place in a dark place. The jam is ready to eat.
  • Figs with prunes

This mixture effectively relieves constipation. To prepare it, you need not only , but also figs and dried apricots in equal quantities

So, grind all the products in a meat grinder, making a homogeneous mixture. Add honey to it (300.0 per 1 kg of mixture) and mix everything well.

We eat a small spoon every day for dinner and wash it down with boiled water.

  • Figs in the pharmaceutical industry – medicines

Figs are included in pharmaceutical drugs that have a laxative effect:

  1. Kafiol (Cafiolum) is a combined preparation of plant origin, which contains cassia (senna) leaves, plum fruit pulp and fig seeds.
  2. Regulax is an analogue of kafiol in composition and effect on the body. The only difference is that it does not contain plum fruit pulp.

What are the benefits of figs - good video

Contraindications for use – harm to figs

There are certain contraindications that need to be taken into account if you decide to take figs:

  • diabetes mellitus and impaired carbohydrate tolerance;
  • Contraindicated in dried form for obese people;
  • not used for gout. Oxalic acid promotes the dissolution of kidney stones and metabolic disorders;
  • inflammation of the digestive tract can occur due to the consumption of fiber in large quantities;
  • pathology of the pancreas;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

In some diseases, the harm of figs will exceed its potential benefits, so it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking it.

Eat natural and healthy foods such as figs, exercise, think positively, and your health will be good, and you will look young, fresh and beautiful.

Remember that taking excessive care of yourself can cause harm, so find out about the indications and contraindications, discuss them with your doctor and enrich your diet with figs!

Figs, as a very valuable plant, have been used by humanity for a very long time (they are considered the most ancient cultivated plant). Otherwise called the fig tree, the common sweet fig is used as food (fresh, dried, dried, in the form of jam), and as medicine. The healing properties of figs for humans are simply invaluable.

What are figs

Figs area tree of the Ficus genus, which can only be found in the subtropics: the southern coast of the Crimea peninsula, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Abkhazia, Egypt. The plant has many other names - wineberry, fig, fig tree, fig tree, fig. Fresh fruit, depending on the variety, has a different color. It can be yellow, golden, green, blue, even almost black. The tree itself can reach 10-13 meters in height, but this is not the most important thing. The fruits themselves have the greatest health value. The leaves and root are a little less, but also useful.

What are the benefits of figs?

Useful properties of figscolossal, and the chemical composition is very rich. The most useful are berries. They contain a huge amount of fats, proteins, vitamins (A, B, PP, C, β-carotene). Among the beneficial substances were important microelements such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, iron, and acids and coumarins. Wine berries contain a lot of glucose and fructose.

The fig tree remains the second fruit after nuts in terms of potassium content. The medicinal properties of figs are widely used for medical purposes: to treat cough, bronchial asthma, anemia, vitiligo, as an antipyretic and a remedy for tachycardia. It helps well with liver enlargement and kidney stones. Has a strong diuretic and laxative effect. Wineberry leaves contain substances that promote wound healing.

What are the benefits of dried figs?

This fruit has a lot of healing properties. Most often it is consumed in dried form, because fig berries are poorly stored and transported poorly.Beneficial properties of dried figsdiverse. For example:

  • cleanses the intestines well of waste and toxins (due to the laxative effect, wine berries normalize digestive processes);
  • helps effectively overcome colds (cough, sore throat, fever);
  • is a remedy for bronchial asthma and tachycardia;
  • treats female inflammatory diseases;
  • helps get rid of kidney stones and bladder stones;
  • increases hemoglobin, helps in the treatment of anemia (due to high iron content);
  • treats enlarged liver.

Dried wine berries are good for the nervous system. With regular use, it improves mental activity, normalizes all nervous processes and is a mediator of good mood.

What are the benefits of fresh figs?

Fig berries have medicinal properties.Fresh figsIt is customary to use it for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and liver. Wineberry juice can be wiped on the face for skin diseases (rashes, acne, other inflammations). They can treat fungi and rheumatism. Due to the many beneficial substances contained in the fresh fig tree, it is used in the beauty industry. The medicinal extract is used in cosmetics, perfumes (body, face and bath products). At the same time, the unripe berry is inedible and, instead of healthy and tasty pulp, contains white milky juice.

Figs - beneficial properties for women

Benefits of figs for womenhas been recognized for a long time. Scientists have confirmed that this berry has a beneficial effect on a woman’s health and helps her look good. Because it contains a lot of calcium, consuming figs can help you forget about hair loss and poor nail condition. The substances contained in the fruit have a positive effect on health during menstruation. They help relieve pain and overcome emotional outbursts during PMS. Fig is successfully used for inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs; its usefulness is undeniable.

What are the benefits of figs for men?

The fig tree is considered not only a female panacea for diseases, but also a male one. It has a good effect on potency (it is believed that fig perfectly enhances the potency of even older men), prevents prostatitis and helps a man forget about this kind of ailment. To do this, several fruits are poured with boiling water, or soaked in milk, and the infused mixture is taken orally 1-2 times a day.Figs for menvery useful and can replace many chemical medications.

Figs with milk for cough

Figs for coughis a wonderful tool. The fruit helps get rid of coughs, sore throats, and fever; it was invented to be consumed with milk. The recipe is simple: you need to take 2-3 dry fruits and a glass of milk. Cooking process: chopped fruits should be mixed with boiling milk and cooked for about 2 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for about an hour. You can add a pinch of sugar to sweeten the mixture.

Figs during pregnancy

It is harmful for a woman to take medications during pregnancy, so fig would be the best option. Fig allows you to cure colds and coughs without the intervention of harmful medications. It has absolutely no effect on the health of the mother and child. Doctors recommend takingfigs during pregnancyto maintain the required level of vitamins. When pregnant women may experience digestive problems (constipation, disorders, etc.), they need to eat 2-3 fruits per day. This will help bring the digestion process back to normal.

Figs for weight loss

Much has been said above about the benefits of wine berries as medicine. But almost no one knows about its benefits for weight loss. It contains ballast substances that prevent the feeling of hunger. If you eat at least 1-2 fruits a day instead of your usual meal, you can lose weight in a short time and with health benefits. Whereinfigs for weight lossvery important. It helps cleanse the body of toxins, reduce cholesterol, and relieve constipation. The beneficial properties of this plant provide excellent results for weight loss.

Figs - contraindications

Figs have healing properties, but if you plan to eat figs, you need to take into account contraindications, otherwise you can cause yourself considerable harm. This fruit should not be consumed if you have gastritis, pancreatitis, gout, or diabetes (dried fruits contain a large amount of sugar). Dried fig trees are prohibited for consumption by people who are obese (in dried form they are very high in calories). You should be careful about using this product before important events, because it has a strong laxative effect.

Video: benefits of figs for the body

Figs are one of the exotic products that many people are distrustful of; when they see them, many people have a question: are figs a fruit or a berry? Meanwhile, figs are amazing fruit, it can not only fill the body with useful components, but also save a person from many diseases. What are the benefits and harms of figs for the body? What advantages does this product have?

The popularity of figs has come to modern times since Biblical times. It was from the Fig Tree (as the fig tree is called) that Adam and Eve made their first clothes. In real modern times, fig trees sprout both in Turkey and on the coast of southern Crimea. Figs are considered a long-lived tree; they can grow for more than 200 years, reaching a height of 12 meters. Fig fruits are of particular interest to humans, but since they cannot be stored for a long time, you can often see dried figs on sale.

Healthful composition of figs

The beneficial properties and contraindications of figs depend on the chemical composition of the fruit. Figs contain proteins, fats, fiber, and sugar. What vitamins are contained in figs? The fruit is rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, nicotinic acid, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B12), vitamin E. In addition, figs contain organic acids, pectins, and enzymes.

Figs also contain abundant mineral components - sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.

How many calories are in figs? Dried fruits contain about 260 calories, while fresh figs contain 75 calories.

Benefits of fresh figs

If you eat figs fresh, your body receives the largest amount of useful and nutritional components. Figs contain an abundance of vitamin C, which is an active opponent of colds and viral infections. Subgroup B vitamins gently and effectively take care of the normal condition of skin, hair and nails, and minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and iron) improve the performance of the cardiac system.

The benefits and harms of fresh figs depend on the individual characteristics of the person. Fresh fruit is useful because:

  • helps treat fungal diseases;
  • strengthens the skeletal system;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • fights anemia;
  • has a positive effect on hair and skin.

Benefits of dried figs

In the winter season, dried figs are more beneficial, because they contain about 70% fructose, which has a beneficial effect on brain activity and increases a person’s physical abilities.

To prepare dried fruits, figs must go through a long process of processing: the fruits are first washed, then dried in the bright sun, and treated against pest attacks. Since Greece and Turkey become the main suppliers of dried figs, before transportation, the product is packaged in plastic bags or carefully placed in wooden boxes. This is why the benefits and harms of dried figs directly depend on the quality of processing of the fruit.

What are the benefits of dried figs?

  • Regular consumption of figs helps restore impaired functioning of the digestive tract. The inflorescences contain substances that help rid the intestines of toxins, pesticides and harmful components. For medicinal purposes, it is useful to eat several inflorescences a couple of hours before meals.
  • A course of figs improves thinking. The product is useful for people who engage in complex mental work.
  • Figs have antipyretic properties and are taken for colds and fever. A greater effect can be achieved if you take a decoction based on figs.
  • The antibacterial properties of figs help the body cope with the activity of pathogenic viruses and microbes.
  • For sore throat and other diseases of the oral cavity, gargle with a decoction of figs; this recipe helps to quickly rid the mucous membrane of bacteria and viruses.
  • Figs are beneficial for hypotensive patients; the fruits actively reduce blood pressure and have a diuretic effect.
  • The high potassium content has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Fig jam

A variety of dishes are prepared from figs, but fig jam is in great demand, the benefits and harms of which are associated with its properties.

What are the benefits of fig jam?

  • The product contains a large amount of iron, so it is useful to use it for anemia and low hemoglobin.
  • Fig jam should be eaten by people who engage in physical activity and complex mental work.
  • The product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Figs help fight infections, and jamming their fruit helps improve the functioning of the immune system. The dish is useful to eat for inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, genitourinary diseases, and respiratory tract diseases.
  • Fig jam helps treat constipation; it normalizes the functioning of the entire digestive system.

When should you not eat fig jam?

  • For diabetes mellitus.
  • In case of allergic reactions to the product.
  • For obesity.


Before introducing a new product into your diet, you need to study the list of contraindications. Figs should not be consumed in the following cases:

  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for gout.

Despite diverse opinions, figs are strictly prohibited for pancreatitis. Eating the fruit can cause serious complications. Similarly, figs are prohibited for gastritis, as well as for diseases of the digestive tract in the acute stage.

Particular caution should be taken when consuming figs if a person has been diagnosed with a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

Do figs strengthen or weaken? The fruit has cleansing qualities, which is why it is debilitating. It is not recommended to eat figs if you have diarrhea or an upset stomach.

Many people wonder if they can be allergic to figs? Like any other product, figs can cause an allergic reaction. If fruit is introduced into a person’s diet for the first time, it is necessary to carefully monitor possible changes. This precaution especially applies to the consumption of figs by young children.

How to eat figs correctly?

When many people see fig fruits for the first time, they wonder what figs taste like? Figs taste like marmalade or pastille; they have sweet qualities and are very pleasant to eat. However, you can only enjoy fresh figs if you pick them from a tree branch and eat them immediately. Only residents of the southern regions, where the Fig tree sprouts, have such an advantage.

How to eat fresh figs correctly? Before eating the fruit, it must be thoroughly washed with boiled water. It is not recommended to eat the fruits of trees that sprout next to roads and roadways. Figs can be eaten together with other foods. For example, you can get an unusual taste of the dish by pouring sour cream on the figs. Figs sprinkled with nuts also have a pleasant taste.

How to eat figs - with or without peel? The peel of the fruit has a fairly dense structure, so it is not always comfortable to eat. Some varieties of figs are eaten with the peel. Depending on a person’s preferences, you can eat either the fig pulp or the whole fruit.

Unfortunately, fresh figs cannot be stored for long periods of time, so the problem of how to store fresh figs disappears by itself. Those fruits that are sold in supermarkets in plastic bags are picked from trees unripe, and the ripening process already occurs “on the road,” that is, during transportation.

Dried fruits have beneficial qualities. How to properly eat dried figs? This product is no different from ordinary dried fruits, so before use it is recommended to steam it in water or pour boiling water over it. Dried figs can be kept in a steam bath, after this procedure they will become soft and tender. Dried fruits can be added to any dishes; they are used to prepare compotes, desserts, and salads.

Is it possible to eat figs at night? Many nutritionists do not recommend eating fruit immediately before bed. The carbohydrate composition of figs has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, so a person may develop insomnia.

At what age can a child be given figs??

It is ideal if the child eats the fruit in a fresh and ripe state. But such a prerogative is real only to residents of the Krasnodar Territory, where figs grow. Residents of other regions prefer to eat figs in the form of dried fruits, since the fresh product cannot be stored for long periods of time and, accordingly, cannot be transported.

If babies are not allergic to the fruit, then figs are allowed to be introduced in the form of puree or drink from 9-12 months. As for dried fruits, they can be introduced into the diet from 1.5-2 years of age. How many figs can you eat per day? Children under 3 years of age are not recommended to eat more than 3 dried fruits. in a day. But from the age of 4 you can increase your consumption of figs to 5 pieces. per day. Adults are allowed to eat no more than 10 fruits per day. However, you cannot eat fruit every day; it is important to take breaks.

Benefits of figs for women

Women actively use figs in their diet. It is enough to eat 2-3 fruits a day, so that after a while the body becomes light and slim. Of course, the consumption of figs must be combined with a light diet that does not contain “harmful foods” and moderate physical activity.

The benefits of figs for women include the fact that the fruit prevents varicose veins. Daily consumption of the fruit helps the legs become beautiful and “removes” the likelihood of swelling of the veins.

Figs are also used in the treatment of gynecological problems. For example, juice or decoction of figs can effectively cure leucorrhoea (discharge due to fungal diseases).

Unique fig during pregnancy. Thanks to its beneficial composition, the fruit supplies the expectant mother’s body with all vital components. If a pregnant woman experiences a sudden increase in body weight, then fig fruits will help correct weight gain. Figs help expectant mothers cope with constipation, which often develops in an “interesting situation,” and the high iron content in the fruit prevents anemia.

Figs are an essential fruit during breastfeeding. The high calcium content helps strengthen the baby's skeletal system. Figs are among the foods that increase lactation. It is important to remember that fruit should be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother carefully; it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the child’s body; if the newborn develops diarrhea or intestinal colic, then the nursing mother should stop eating figs.

Benefits of figs for men

The main benefit of figs for men lies in the normalization of the reproductive system, in particular, the fruit prevents impotence and fights sexual impotence.

With the help of figs, you can effectively treat such a dangerous disease for men as prostatitis. But before self-medicating with natural products, you should consult a doctor.

Figs as a remedy for treating diseases

Figs for colds

During the off-season, figs will help cope with the first signs of a cold and relieve a person from coughing. The medicinal properties of the fruit are due to the fortified composition of the product. The main component in the fight against colds and viruses is vitamin C, which is found in abundance in the healthy fruit. In addition, the healing effect of figs is due to the content of microelements that support the body in a normal physiological state.

Figs are actively used for immunity; regular consumption of the fruit helps increase defenses and helps the body cope with the attack of harmful bacteria, viruses and microbes. Figs for colds are used as a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent. The fruit has cleansing and disinfecting qualities that help remove harmful toxins and pesticides formed as a result of the activity of pathogenic microbes from the body.

Figs are unique for coughs. But based on the fruit, drinks and mixtures are prepared that help relieve coughs, improve mucus discharge and eliminate sore throats. Before preparing a folk remedy for colds, it is important to make sure that the patient does not have an allergic reaction to the main product. It is important to note that figs cannot be consumed if you have diabetes, so if the patient suffers from this disease, then he should find another means of treating a cold.

Treatment of colds with figs is also suitable for children, since the product is natural, it does not bring any side effects to the child’s body.

  • Treatment of cough with milk and figs. 1 l. Heat the fat milk to a moderately hot temperature, put 5 figs in it, boil for half an hour, then remove from the heat and let it brew for 3 hours. Boiled figs are also used in the treatment of coughs; they are eaten as a means to relieve coughs and relieve sore throats. And the milk in which the fruit was boiled is taken 1 glass at night - the drink has a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • A remedy to strengthen the immune system. Prepare 10 dry figs, grind them in a meat grinder, add 10 tbsp to the resulting mass. spoons of liquid honey. Take the product 1 teaspoon per day. During periods of active epidemics and colds, the drug is taken twice a day.

Figs for diseases of the spine

Alternative medicine recognizes the treatment of spinal diseases with figs. The healthy fruit contains a huge amount of vitamin and mineral components that take care of the normal functioning of the whole body. The advantage of figs is that they are able to normalize cholesterol levels in the blood. As you know, high cholesterol negatively affects all systems of the body, “killing” the spine. If you normalize cholesterol levels, you can effectively get rid of spinal dysfunction. In addition, figs are an excellent preventive product against the development of atherosclerosis and rheumatism.

It is recommended to take figs for the spine in the form of a drink prepared in milk. To prepare a medicinal product in 0.5 l. 5-7 figs are boiled in milk for 30 minutes. The resulting drink is taken throughout the day in small portions - 100-150 ml.

Figs have similar properties for joints.

Use of figs for cosmetic purposes

Interested to know what benefits figs have for the skin and hair? The fruit has long been used for cosmetic purposes; it contains useful components such as vitamins C, A, E, as well as minerals - copper and phosphorus. These substances have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, renewing cells and restoring damaged structures.

What are the benefits of figs for the face?

  • Hydration. The main component for effectively moisturizing facial skin is Omega-3, thanks to which the skin becomes moisturized and fresh. Cosmetologists recommend using fresh fig juice as a lip balm, which moisturizes and restores delicate skin.
  • Treatment of injuries and infections. Fig juice can be used to treat small cracks in the skin, the consequences of injuries, inflammatory acne, boils, abscesses, etc. Figs are also used as a cosmetic product to remove excess fat from the skin of the face.
  • Skin restoration. The high water content in figs helps cleanse the body of toxins; accordingly, the fruit helps cleanse the skin of acne and excess oily secretions. Fruit-based masks help facial skin become radiant, healthy, shiny, and soft.
  • Pore ​​cleansing. A mixture based on fig pulp, orange juice and powdered sugar is a cleansing scrub; it is gentle on the skin and has an amazing effect.
  • Bleaching. With the help of figs, you can quickly even out your complexion, get rid of age spots and restore damaged cells. It is useful to make a mask based on fig pulp, oatmeal and a couple of drops of bergamot essential oil. The useful composition will make your facial skin radiant and bright after just a few uses.
  • Cosmetic cleansing. If you mix fig pulp in a small amount of boiled water, you get a natural lotion that helps wash away dirt from the surface of the skin. This remedy is useful to use every evening before bed.

What are the benefits of figs for hair?

Manufacturers of hair cosmetics actively use fig extract to prepare shampoos, gels, masks, and conditioners. The fruit helps restore damaged hair structure, effectively combats fragility of strands, and is also an excellent moisturizer.

To treat and restore dry, sensitive and brittle hair, it is recommended to use fig oil. It is enough to use a mask based on fig oil once a week to make your curls silky, shiny and manageable.

Women who want to speed up hair growth need to include healthy fruit in their diet, since the vitamin composition stimulates blood circulation, thereby increasing the activity of hair follicles. Collagen, which is part of figs, helps curls become voluminous. Moreover, this component relieves hair from brittleness and increased hair loss.

A unique property of figs is that it prevents the appearance of early gray hair. The fruit contains substances that help preserve the natural color of strands for a long time.

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Many people are distrustful of exotic fruits and are in no hurry to introduce them into their diet. The same figs, which grow in the subtropics, do not look very attractive when dried, so uninitiated people may have doubts about their taste.

But if you find out the benefits and harms of dried figs for the body, you can learn to manage your health and forget about many ailments for a long time.

What are figs

Figs are pear-shaped dark blue or purple berries with juicy and sweet bright red flesh, the fruits of a subtropical plant known as the fig tree or common fig tree. In Rus', where the exotic tree arrived only at the end of the 18th century, the fig was called fig and wineberry.

The plant's homeland is regions with a subtropical climate: the Mediterranean and Africa. On the territory of the Commonwealth countries, fig tree fruits are harvested in Georgia and Abkhazia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, Krasnodar Territory and South Ossetia.

Figs are one of those types of fruits whose healing qualities people have been using for a long time and successfully. The fruits of the fig tree are often mentioned in the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, and many ancient manuscripts.

It is known that the cultivation of the fig tree played a significant role in the development of agriculture in ancient Greece, Phenicia, Syria and Egypt. And by the end of the 16th century, Americans were able to appreciate the beneficial properties of figs.

Beneficial properties of dried figs for the body

Freshly picked figs cannot be stored for more than three days. To preserve the beneficial properties of figs for as long as possible, the fruits are dried. And it's worth it. Because it is difficult to find another type of fruit that has the same level of medicinal health benefits.

The chemical composition and amount of valuable components in the fruits is amazing:

  • fatty polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • potassium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus and iron, magnesium and calcium;
  • vitamins of group B, PP and pectins;
  • antioxidants and fiber;
  • rutin and beta-carotene;
  • tanning elements;
  • glucose and fructose;
  • fucin enzyme.

We can talk about the usefulness of figs for a long time. Just one fact: 100 grams of dried figs provide 4% of the daily value of B vitamins and 3% of the daily value of iron.

Indications for use

Thanks to the valuable microelements contained in figs, its fruits are recommended for use as an additional therapeutic agent in the drug therapy of common diseases. The doctor’s task is to convey to patients information about the benefits of figs as a means of complex effects on human health:

  • with increased blood pressure;
  • to strengthen bones when the body needs calcium;
  • for prevention against cancer, diabetes;
  • for pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • patients diagnosed with anemia;
  • as a laxative;
  • for colds;
  • for genital ailments in women.
