
Ganoderma: negative reviews. Preparations from the fungus ganoderma

Ganoderma, the history of the fungus, its composition and use.
The development of world medicine is impossible to imagine without ancient Chinese medicine, the history of which goes back several millennia.

More than 2000 years ago, the collection "The Treasure of the Emperors" was published. In it, the Chinese emperor Shen-nong in the chapter "Shen-nong-Ben-cao" described 365 herbs.

He divided all herbs into 3 categories:

  1. "Excellent" -120;
  2. "Worthy" -120;
  3. "Fair" -126.

In the "Excellent" group, he introduced those herbs that raise vital energy person, contribute to the vigor of the body and spirit of a person. The group "Worthy" includes tonic herbs. The composition of the "Fair" - herbs that treat certain diseases. The honorable first place in the list of "Excellent" herbs took.

Second place - ginseng. Ganoderma is a red fungus or varnished tinder fungus. In nature, it grows in remote mountain forests, where high humidity and little light prevail. It is very rare to find this mushroom growing in accessible places.

Ibn Sin wrote: “Out of 10,000 wild plums, only 10 took root.” And such a tree, on which the ganoderma mushroom grew, was called "magic." In ancient China, the owners of mycelium were considered wealthy people. Mushroom pickers were inherited or were part of a dowry.

It wasn't until 1972 that a Japanese farmer was able to cultivate the mushroom. Since then, it has been actively grown for the production of medicines and dietary supplements.

Just listen to the names that the ganoderma mushroom is so generously endowed with! "King of Herbs", "Miracle King of Herbs", "Emperor's Treasure", "Divine Grass". Even the ancient Taoists considered Ganoderma the king of herbal medicine.

Translated from Chinese: "lingzhi"-lin zhi - "gift of strength."
In Japanese: "reishi"- Divine Grass.
In Latin: "ganoderm" - "ganos - light, derma - skin"; lucidum - shiny

The composition of Ganoderma is truly unique. It includes: more than 150 amino acids, more than 200 phytonutrients, multivitamins, macro- and microelements

Therefore, in China, from ancient times to the present, the ganoderma mushroom is the “holy of holies”. This mushroom combines 5 flavors: bitter and sweet, spicy, salty and sour. He renders positive influence on the work of the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, spleen. Back in the 1st century AD. philosopher Wang Chang wrote: "Lingzhi is a plant that enhances spiritual abilities and cures bodily ailments."

Ganoderma tones our body, strengthens human strength. It prolongs youth and contributes to our longevity. Ganoderma extract reduces the permeability of body cells, thereby protecting against viruses and bacteria. It is a strong immune system booster. coffee andtea with ganoderma is our health, our strength and energy.

The use of "super herb" proved: when it is used, people improve sleep, memory, hearing, vision, strengthen the nervous system. This mushroom has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, so it is good to use, for example, for ulcers, cuts, wounds. Actively used for allergies, diabetes, for obesity, for regulation blood pressure to lower cholesterol levels.

Ganoderma has anticancer properties. In Japan, this mushroom is included in the list of anticancer drugs, as its use leads to the regression of benign and malignant tumors. It is used for herpes, AIDS, hepatitis B.

Why Ganoderma is a Mushroom eternal youth"? The fact is that its use slows down the aging process of the body; it fights free radicals, activates blood circulation and cell reproduction, and also fights pigmentation. Hence the name - ganoderma - ganos - light, derma - skin.

green coffee- This is one of the most common means that help to remove extra centimeters at the waist. But not every green coffee is able to quickly and effectively achieve results, which is why manufacturers have finalized this product, and consumers have received a new version of coffee - with ganoderma, which promotes the breakdown of fats. Thus, "Ganoderma-coffee for weight loss" appeared on the market.

Ganoderma is exotic plant widely used by Chinese doctors. The population of China considers this plant the most useful that can be found on the planet. Ganoderma surpasses even ginseng root in its beneficial and healing properties. Ganoderma coffee is New Product in today's market, but he has already managed to get good feedback and is becoming increasingly popular among people who want to lose weight.

If a person drinks a couple of cups of green coffee a day, then weight loss is due to the chlorogenic acid found in the grains. But in green coffee there is one minus - such weight loss can be delayed for several months. It was in order to improve the existing drink and speed up the process of weight loss that nutritionists added an active ingredient to coffee - ganoderma.

Thanks to this herbal supplement, the weight loss process was accelerated by 50%. At first glance, such rapid weight loss may seem unsafe for those who want to lose weight, since with a sharp weight loss, the body loses everything. useful components located in it. When using similar drugs that contribute to rapid weight loss, along with weight loss, you can get a lot of diseases that lead to a weakened immune system and poor performance of the whole organism. But in the case of coffee with Ganoderma, everything is not so bad, because this ingredient consists of all the necessary substances that help to lose weight without significant health problems.

Scientists conducted an experiment in which 500 people participated. They were asked to drink coffee for weight loss, but if one group drank regular green coffee, the second was suggested to use green coffee with ganoderma. After the end of the experiment, the results were published in major scientific journals. The results of the studies a month later were as follows: the group that used regular green coffee lost 2 kg in weight in 4 weeks. The second half of the people used coffee with ganoderma and got rid of 6.5 kg. The arithmetic in this case is very simple - both groups lost weight over the same period of coffee use, but the difference was 4.5 kg. And all this thanks to a small addition in the form of ganoderma.

replacement regular coffee on ganoderma coffee for weight loss, which is prepared according to a specific recipe that saves all its useful substances, you can achieve certain positive results. The positive qualities of coffee include the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, the natural components of the drink do not harm health. All toxins, slags and fatty deposits are removed from the body, the feeling of hunger is dulled, and the performance of the immune system improves. Ganoderma has a rejuvenating effect on the cells of the body, thanks to the antioxidants it contains, hair and nails grow better, and skin condition improves.

Information about Ganoderma coffee, reviews about it are available to any Internet user. Using coffee is very simple: you only need to drink 2-3 times a day and weight loss will occur by itself. Manufacturers claim that in 7 days you can get rid of 1-2 kg. Nutritionists recommend that coffee be combined with physical activity and diet, then the result can increase by 0.5-1 kg, and in 4 weeks this figure can grow to 8 kg.

Quantity per package: 30 bags of 3.5 gr.

Black coffee, with the addition of a healing plant, will allow you to enjoy a refined taste. natural coffee and will also help rejuvenate the body and strengthen your health.

Intense aroma of this magnificent drink in an instant will invigorate and give strength for the whole day. The intense aroma and rich taste of coffee in combination with Ganoderma will enable lovers of this drink not only to improve their well-being, enriching the body with the necessary nutrients but also to enjoy.

sachet instant coffee"Organo Gold" consists of:

– Arabica coffee – 95%

Ganoderma extract Lucidum - 5%


Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over three thousand years. The name Ganoderma lucidum means: "ganos" is light, "derma" is skin, "lucidum" is brilliant. IN various countries In the world, this mushroom has various names: in Japan it is known as Reishi and Reishi mushroom, in China - Lingzhi, Lin Chi, Ling Zi, it is also called the mushroom of immortality, the mushroom of spiritual power, the sacred mushroom. In ancient Japan, the goddess of life, health and eternal youth was called "Reishi Senshi". IN Chinese version the name "Lingzhi" means: "Ling" - gift, "chi" - strength, that is, "gift of strength."

mushroom of eternal youth

Aging processes change many biological reactions. Being a geroprotector, Reishi protects against aging. Geroprotectors are compounds that inhibit the processes of aging, degeneration of any cells, organs and tissues.
Geroprotectors include: micro and macro elements, multivitamins, amino acids, antidepressants, antioxidants, antihypoxic substances. It is these biologically active components that the Reishi mushroom contains, so it is recommended to use it to protect the body from aging.
It has been scientifically proven that Reishi mushroom activates blood circulation, helps eliminate free radicals, regulates fluid levels and accelerates cell reproduction, helps to eliminate pigmentation.

Reishi is a treasure trove of antioxidants!

IN modern world there is an increase in the reaction of oxidative destruction in cells. These processes can lead to the development of such pathological processes as the acceleration of aging, the expansion of the zone of tissue necrosis (strokes, heart attacks, thromboembolism, etc.), the acceleration of the development of gangrene, the formation of chronic forms of diseases, the occurrence of immunodeficiency, depression, etc.
Axidants are called mimic substances that block enhanced oxidation reactions.
Biologically active substances, which are part of Reishi - are strong antioxidants. As a result of taking Reishi, there is an increase in the activity of the body's own antioxidant system.
The antioxidant properties of Reishi/Lingzhi largely determine its pronounced positive influence on the body of both healthy and sick people and positive cosmetic effects.

Reishi is the regulator of the nervous system.

Reishi is traditionally used in oriental medicine as a remedy for insomnia.
Clinical studies have confirmed that the use of Reishi facilitates the entry into the "slow" phase of sleep.
Reishi in oriental medicine is recommended for a number of diseases of the nerves and psyche. Most often it is used to relax muscles, eliminate manifestations of depression, and relieve pain. Applying Reishi increases stress resistance.
Even with prolonged exposure to stress factors, they cease to be dangerous: the situation may not change, but the person in it, nevertheless, begins to feel confident.
Thus, any stressful situation is a direct indication for the introduction of this fungus into the diet. In cases where stress can be predicted in advance (for example, an exam, reports at work, etc.), it is recommended to start taking Reishi a few days before the expected events.

Reishi against chronic fatigue syndrome.

This syndrome was first described by A. Lloyd in 1984. characteristic feature chronic fatigue syndrome is chronic fatigue that a person experiences. It does not disappear even after a long rest and over time leads to a significant decrease in both mental and physical performance.
Reishi successfully helps fight chronic fatigue syndrome: it increases body tone, endurance in case of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia), nourishes the body with essential amino acids, regulates the activity of the endocrine and nervous systems, stabilizes the psycho-emotional sphere and improves mood.

Reishi for allergies.

In the modern world, a person is surrounded by millions of new chemical substances, not previously found in nature - this is the main reason for the huge increase in the number of people suffering from allergies. Many of these substances turned out to be allergens for humans. Reishi helps fight allergies various kinds. Reishi is especially useful in diet with bronchial asthma, urticaria, food allergies.

Reishi for the heart and blood vessels.

In China, Lingzhi/Reishi has been used for hundreds of years to treat patients with heart disease and to relieve chest tightness and retrosternal pain.
Unique properties Reishi can be successfully used in the complex therapy of cardiovascular diseases. This mushroom allows:
- regulate the level of lipids in the blood, reduce the level of lipids deposited on the walls of blood vessels;
-reduce cholesterol, prevents the accumulation of platelets, reducing blood viscosity;
- serve as a preventive measure for the formation of blood plaques;
- to stabilize the level of blood pressure to normal, while controlling both high and low blood pressure;
- Significantly increase blood flow.

Reishi and the respiratory system.

Helps relieve spasms in the bronchi;
- enhances the regeneration of epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tube (trachea);
- inhibits the reproduction in the bronchopulmonary system of many types of bacteria;
- relieves the symptoms of diseases respiratory system;
- has an obvious anti-asthma, antitussive effect.
All these effects allow the complex use of Reishi for the prevention and complex therapy of any pulmonary diseases.

Reishi helps to normalize the functioning of the liver.

Affects the activation of the restorative, reproductive function of damaged liver cells;
- activates the synthesis of protein and nucleic acid by the liver;
-increases the detoxification function of the liver;
- helps to accelerate the process of dissolution and excretion from the body medicines and toxic substances from the body.

Reishi and blood sugar.

With a stable maintenance of normal blood sugar levels, the risk of acquiring various diseases, especially such as diabetes, tumors, cardiovascular diseases.
By regulating blood sugar levels, reishi:
-promotes the release of insulin;
- activates the utilization of insulin by peripheral tissues;
-increases glucose metabolism;
-reduces the risk of side effects of anti-diabetic drugs.

Reishi boosts immunity.

Physicians all over the world state an increase in the number of people who suffer from secondary immunodeficiencies, i.e. acquired throughout life, and not data from birth). This increases the susceptibility to infection. Clinical studies have shown that a monthly intake of Reishi/Lingzhi gave an increase and normalization of immunity indicators, and these indicators remained at a high level compared to the initial ones during the year.

Reishi in the prevention and complex treatment of oncology.

Contains in its composition active antitumor polysaccharides;
- contributes to the activation of natural phagocytosis, which blocks tumor cells. This is due to the organic germanium contained in the reishi mushroom;
- helps to increase the reproduction of lymphatic cells;
-helps eliminate cellular toxins that destroy cells;
- contributes to the activation of the immune factor and inhibits reproduction at the same time cancer cells;
- activates the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow;
- reduces the degree of damage to the bone marrow during irradiation of cancer patients during chemotherapy.

IN Lately The attention of scientists is increasingly attracted to alternative medicine methods, in particular, fungotherapy- treatment with mushrooms. This is a whole direction in medicine, in which one of the leading places is occupied by preparations from ganoderma.

Information about the Ganoderma mushroom

From the depths of centuries, we have information about literally, magical properties this fungus that restores youth and health to people. More than 2,500 years ago, Dr. Shi-Zhan Li, the most famous Chinese physician of the Ming Dynasty, wrote in his famous book The Great Pharmacopoeia that "long-term use Ganoderma(Reishi) will build a strong healthy body and ensure a long life.

Oriental medicine has long known and used healing properties ganoderma. But it was very difficult to find this capricious mushroom in nature, so Scientific research its properties began only in the XX century after in 1972 it was possible to withdraw its cultural appearance.

Correct name for mushroom

  • Botanical name: Ganoderma lucidum or Polypore lacquered.
  • Synonyms: In China - Ling Zhi (mushroom of immortality).
  • In Japan - Mannentake (ten thousand years old).
  • Reishi (spiritual power).
  • In Korea "Youngzhi".

Biological description

Ganoderma lucidum is a mushroom of the genus Ganoderma of the Ganoderma family.

Several types of mushrooms are called Ganoderma. Ganoderma lucidum differs from other types of tinder fungi in a long leg up to 25 cm, the diameter of which is about 3 cm, with which it is attached to a tree trunk or stump. Ganoderma's cap is smooth, shiny, like lacquered, uneven.

Growth rings are clearly visible on it. Hat color varies black to purple-brown with a light stripe along the edge. pulp young mushroom spongy, becomes woody with age, tasteless and odorless. Below the cap is a hymenophore of the fungus, light, tubular. Hymenophore spores resemble brown powder, very small.

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Ganoderma grows wild in China and Japan and only on wild plum. Rarely found in nature.

In recent decades, due to the increased demand for Ganoderma products, the cultivation of this fungus has been practiced in many countries.

Modern technologies allow this to be done in any country.

Biochemical composition

The main elements of Ganoderma lucidum are:

  • steroid compounds 1.15%.
  • saponins 0.3%
  • polysaccharides 2.5%
  • water-soluble proteins - 17.11%
  • lipids 5%
  • fiber 62.63%
  • flavonoids
  • amino acids
  • alkaloids
  • triterpenes
  • coumarins
  • organic acids
  • phytoncides

Unique medicinal properties Ganoderma is mainly due to the presence of triterpenes, polysaccharides, ganoderic acids and germanium.

Polysaccharides (beta-glucans, lanostan, ganoderan, lanofil lentinan and others) cause:

  • antitumor effect by stimulating the formation of the perforin protein, which blocks the proliferation of malignant cells.
  • immunomodulatory (regulating) action, stimulating leukopoiesis, phagocytosis, interferon production, maturation of lymphoid cells.
  • increase in remission in autoimmune diseases (Lanostan)
  • antibacterial and antiviral effect
  • help lower high blood pressure by acting as an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
  • support of normal blood sugar levels (ganoderan A, B, C and their protein compounds)
  • increasing the endurance of the organism in conditions of hypoxia
  • binding and excretion of free radicals
  • improvement of microcirculation
  • activation of metabolic processes
  • oncoprotective action.

Organic germanium, which is rich in ganoderma, has an effect:

  • antifungal
  • antiviral
  • painkiller
  • radioprotective
  • oncoprotective
  • antihypoxic
  • immunomodulatory
  • activates the metabolism

Reishi triterpenoids, having similarities in molecular structure with steroid hormones, act like them:

  • have an antiallergic effect.
  • are effective antioxidants
  • hepatoprotectors
  • oncoprotectors
  • have a mild analgesic effect
  • prevent thrombosis, reducing blood viscosity
  • contribute to lowering blood pressure in arterial hypertension
  • reduce blood levels of total cholesterol and its "bad" fraction associated with low density lipoproteins.
  • have a cardiotonic effect
  • improve myocardial oxygen supply
  • suppress the production of histamine, suppressing allergic reactions
  • increase resistance to stress

Effects of complexes of triterpenoids, flavonoids, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B3, germanium, immunomodulatory proteins:

  • antihistamine
  • antispasmodic
  • painkiller
  • relieve spasms in the intestines, stop intestinal colic
  • have a complex hepatoprotective effect
  • are effectively used in the complex treatment of alcoholic and viral hepatitis
  • eliminate dysbacteriosis

Application area

Treatment and prevention of diseases:

  • Allergic (atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma)
  • Autoimmune (rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, autoimmune thyroiditis).
  • oncological
  • Cardiovascular
  • Atherosclerotic processes
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • hypertension
  • Any broncho-pulmonary diseases (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia).
  • Viral and bacterial infections
  • Organ diseases gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, peptic ulcer, bowel diseases, diseases of the gallbladder and liver, including viral hepatitis
  • Harmonization of the activity of the central nervous system (vegetodistonia, nervous exhaustion)
  • Decreased immunity due to the use of antibiotics

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Preparations from ganoderma

Preparations prepared from ganoderma are presented as:

  1. liquid extracts (water, alcohol, oil) and in powder form:
    from the fruiting body of a fungus
    from the whole plant
    from fungus spores
  2. chopped dried mushroom
  3. Ganoderma extracts with various additives other biologically active plants, for example, with an extract from ginseng roots.
  4. mushroom spore oil
  5. tinctures of ganoderm
  6. syrups from the body and spores of the fungus
  7. teas with ganoderma extract or crushed mushroom:
    Ganoderma spore tea without additives.
  8. coffee with ganoderma extract

Ganoderma preparations are available in the form of:

  • capsules
  • tablets
  • briquettes
  • sachets
  • bottles
  • ordinary powder
  • granulated powder

Need to know:

  • Product quality and effectiveness produced from Ganoderma depends on the conditions in which this fungus was grown.
  • Each supplier has its own methods mushroom processing and release form.
  • Plain mushroom, minced or cut into pieces, does not completely give up its biologically active substances, since it is not completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Extracts are the most effective, which contain up to 40-50% polysaccharides.
  • Need to know about the company who manufactures the product and the supplier who brings the product to market. This will protect the buyer from fakes.

How to prepare dried mushroom preparations?

  • Alcohol tincture 40%.
    Ganoderma and alcohol 40% should be taken in a ratio of 1:10. Insist, shaking occasionally, from one to several months.
    Take 10 ml 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • Alcohol tincture 70% prepared in the same way. It takes up to two weeks to insist. Take the same.
  • Decoction in a water bath. Cut off a strip of mushroom with dimensions of 15x1 cm, pour 600 ml of water, place in water bath and stand for at least 2 hours so that half of the initial volume of liquid remains. Take 100 ml 3 times a day. In case of mushroom poisoning, prepare a decoction of 120-200 g of Ganoderma, drink 3-5 cups a day.

For weight loss, reishi mushroom can be consumed in the form of alcohol and water extracts or as a tea.

Slimming Tea Recipes

  1. From crushed mushroom
    Pour 2-3 tablespoons of the mushroom with 350 ml of water, bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Then insist tea for 8-10 hours or place it in a thermos overnight. Take 2 tablespoons 40 minutes before meals 5 times a day for a long time, until the desired result is achieved.
  2. Water tincture to add to regular or Herb tea: boiling water pour 1 tablespoon of chopped mushroom and close the lid tightly. Insist 15 minutes. Then add to taste.
  3. Ganoderma spore tea
    Ganoderma spores are taken 2-3 times a day, 2-3 grams, dissolved in warm water. A solution is obtained that resembles hot chocolate with bitterness and pleasant smell.

This tea can be added to any other tea or coffee in the concentration that will be needed.

Features of the impact on the body

Biologically active components of the fungus, acting synergistically, regulate metabolic processes, helping the body itself to restore impaired functions. Therefore, there are such Interesting Facts when taking ganoderma preparations calms the excited nervous system without causing drowsiness, and tones the weakened.

Typical influence on immune system. Ganoderma relieves immune aggression in autoimmune diseases and increases the activity of immunity in immunodeficiency states without affecting the normal reaction.

Ganoderma preparations are combined with taking any drugs without disturbing their action, and when combined with analgesics, they enhance their effect. But you need to take them, observing an interval of at least 20 minutes before or after taking the medication.

The most important property of Ganoderma is a strong antitumor effect.

Therefore, Ganoderma extract is widely used in the complex therapy of cancer patients:

  1. In preparation for surgery: 2.0 g of the drug is prescribed orally 2 times a day (morning and afternoon) for 7-12 days before surgery (a single dose of the drug is dissolved in 100 ml of warm boiled water and taken 20-30 minutes before meals).
  2. After operation: 2.0 g is prescribed orally 1 time per day in the morning on an empty stomach for 14-16 days.
  3. During chemoradiation therapy: Ganoderma extract is prescribed daily at 2.0 g. 1-2 times a day in the morning on an empty stomach for 14-16 days.
  4. Maintenance therapy after radical treatment: prescribe the drug in courses of 2.0 g. in the morning before meals for 1 month. Conduct such courses with an interval of 14 days for 5 years.
  5. In patients with stage III-IV process Ganoderma is used at 3.0 g. 3 times a day for a long time.

In the presence of benign neoplasms (mastopathy, nodular goiter), with overwork, stress, it is recommended to take ganoderma extract 2 g 1-2 times a day for up to 1 month.

Tea and coffee with Ganoderma

Currently, many companies supply teas and coffees with Ganoderma. Depending on the manufacturer the content of ganoderma in teas ranges from 5% to 10%, in coffee - up to 30%. Therefore, these products are not always spoken positively, expecting a pronounced and quick effect.

In this case, it can be advised to use a pure extract from the spores or from the fruiting body of Ganoderma, which can be added to any tea or coffee in the right concentration.
