
New Year's dishes of the countries of the world. Festive dishes on the New Year and Christmas table of various countries of the world

If you are planning to celebrate the New Year in home comfort, having gathered guests at a large festive table, this article will help you prepare for the celebration and prepare treats that will not leave guests indifferent. Given that the coming year is the year of the horse according to the eastern calendar, let's remember the magnificent tradition of cooking dishes that this symbol likes. The horse is not a picky animal, herbivore, but treat guests light salads and vegetables with fruits - a little. Let's keep in mind that the presence of such treats must be present on the table in order for the year to be successful. Let's see what is traditionally served on the New Year's table in different countries peace. in variety traditional dishes you are sure to find something to your liking.


None of the traditional new year holidays England cannot do without plumpuding, which consists of bacon, bread crumbs, flour, raisins, eggs and spices. Before serving, the pudding is sprinkled with rum and set on fire, which makes the holiday even brighter. Also traditionally served on the table stuffed turkey with vegetables in gooseberry sauce. Turkey with vegetables is considered a traditional dish and pleases guests at any holiday.


Traditional american dish an idea is also considered, however, unlike the English, the American turkey is prepared differently. Speaking at all plain language, the turkey is stuffed with all the products that are “littered” in the refrigerator. Usually it is cheese, garlic, prunes, apples, cabbage, beans, mushrooms, spices.

Austria, Hungary

In these countries apply to festive table a bird is a bad sign. Superstitious inhabitants of these countries believe that if you serve a bird to the festive table, then happiness can fly away. Traditional Austrian cuisine is rich in its delights. So, you can serve schnitzel, strudel to the festive table, you can also cook traditional fish salad in Austrian. In Hungary, it is customary to serve traditional bagels - poppy seeds and nut rolls who migrated from Jewish cuisine.

Denmark, Sweden

Cod is considered the main New Year's festive dish of the Danes. This dish symbolizes happiness and wealth. On the festive table of the Swedes, lutefix is ​​always served - a fish dish made from dried cod.


Herring is considered an integral and symbolic dish of the festive table in Germany. It is believed that herring will definitely bring happiness in the coming year. Traditional and nothing less important meals on the festive table is Sauerkraut - stew sauerkraut with sausages, Eisbein - pork boiled knuckle and of course many types of German sausage products. (each region has its own varieties).


It is important to note that in Israel the New Year is celebrated in September. The New Year's festive table of the inhabitants of Israel has a number of its own rules. The main rule - bitter, sour and salty dishes are removed away. The table is covered with sweet dishes. Also on the table are usually present honey, dates, pomegranates and apples. Hallu - holiday baking- dipped in honey This tradition is followed by many people. In this way, the Israelis “sweeten” the coming year. Boiled fish is also served on the festive table, baked apples, cabbage, beets.

Holland, France

On the festive table of the Dutch, you will definitely find deep-fried donuts and salted beans - one of the main national dishes- Just for the New Year. In France, the traditional New Year's table is not complete without roasted chestnuts, oysters, beautifully decorated sandwiches with goose pate, cheeses and of course French wine.


The traditional Polish New Year's table has 12 dishes. An old Polish tradition is to eat a piece of herring to the sound of the chimes. It is believed that the sharper the herring. The better the year will be. Mandatory dish fish is considered, especially carp - a symbol of family happiness.

Romania, Australia, Bulgaria

Among the many traditional dishes presented on the festive New Year's tables, you will definitely try a special pie. Its peculiarity is that one of the guests in a piece of cake will surely come across a coin, or a nut, or a peppercorn. The happy owner of the find will start a family next year.


On December 30, mochi are always present on the pre-holiday table - small cakes made from boiled rice that are made with fruit and sprinkled with sesame seeds. Long noodles must be present on the New Year's holiday table. The longer it is, the longer the life of the participants in the feast will be. Seaweed is often present on the tables, roasted chestnuts, peas, beans, boiled fish, these components are the key to happiness, success in business, health, peace of mind.


New Year's recipes of the peoples of the world

New Year's Eve dinner is truly a work of art culinary arts no matter what country you are in. Bright unusual dishes tell a lot of interesting things about the passions of the peoples of the world. Today we bring to your attention exotic New Year's dishes from all over the world.

Dance of the Frog Legs

Frog legs - specialty of the house french cuisine, which is very popular in the countries of Southeast Asia. More often gourmet delicacy deep-fried or baked in breadcrumbs. There are also festive option dishes - frog legs V tomato sauce. Cooking begins with him. For this in olive oil fry a clove of garlic and a stalk of celery. When the garlic has acquired a brownish tint, add 200 g. fresh tomatoes and simmer for 10-15 minutes. In the meantime, the frog legs are fried in another pan, having previously rolled them in flour. As soon as they are covered with an even light golden crust, they are transferred to a pan with sauce and simmer for another 5-7 minutes. Such a treat is served with dried toasts, and the paws themselves are decorated with greenery.

Holiday flavored soup

Who said that soup is not a New Year's dish? Residents of Asian countries eat it with pleasure both on weekdays and on holidays. For example, a soup of mussels and seaweed will quite successfully complement the recipes of the original New Year's dishes and surprise your guests. The first step is to prepare the mussels (300 g): rinse, peel, boil in water and lightly fry with onions. For density and rich taste you can add to the dish pearl barley. Boil 5 tbsp. l. barley in a saucepan regular recipe and at the very end add the fried mussels with onions and marinated sea ​​kale(200). Cook the soup for a few more minutes and at the very end put a couple of cloves of mashed garlic in it. Add to any soup cream sauce or sour cream to taste and decorate with parsley petals.

Dinner with an ostrich

The dish from our eyes is undoubtedly an exotic New Year's recipe. But for the inhabitants of Africa and Australia, this is quite a familiar treat. It can be slightly adapted to our taste preferences, adding more traditional ingredients. First, sauté in a pan onion with the addition of 5 tsp. sugar and bay leaf. Ostrich liver (300 g) is thoroughly washed, allowed to dry and cut in small pieces. Each of them is rubbed with salt and pepper, rolled in flour and sent to a pan with onions. Meanwhile, take 150 g of pork, cut into the same pieces and spread on the bottom of the baking dish. On top lies a layer of lightly fried ostrich liver, along with golden onion. The meat is baked in the oven at 180°C for an hour. Before serving ready meal garnished with fresh herbs.

Green, toothy and delicious

The crocodile is not only a dangerous predator and raw material for chic accessories, but an exquisite delicacy. Crocodile meat tastes like chicken, only it is much softer and more tender. No wonder that New Year's recipes peoples of the world, mostly Asians, often include crocodile dishes. Usually they are grilled whole, but for a festive dinner, you can cook something more sophisticated. First, onions are fried in a large frying pan, to which pieces of crocodile fillet (3 kg) are gradually added. Then it is transferred to a deep saucepan, put a little melted butter and pour a glass of water. The fillet is stewed for 10-15 minutes, after which more water is added so that it completely covers the meat and simmer for 30-45 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the dressing: mix 400 g. grated cheese with a dozen eggs and beat them well. Next, the crocodile meat is transferred to a baking dish, flavored with salt and black pepper and poured cheese sauce. The dish is sent to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for half an hour.

high flight hen

In recipes for unusual New Year's dishes, you can include exotic salads. You won't have to go far for the ingredients, because even the most ordinary one can be prepared with a twist, for example, according to the recipes of the inhabitants of the Caribbean Islands. To do this, we need chicken fillet and liver with a total weight of 600 g. The whole fillet is boiled or grilled, and then cut into small pieces. In a similar way, the liver is cut and fried in butter. Couple small pears peel and cut into cubes, sprinkle lemon juice and mix with chicken fillet. fried liver also pour lemon juice, season with pepper, salt, sour cream and mustard to taste. It remains to connect the two parts chicken meat, mix thoroughly and supplement the dish with any herbs. This colorful salad is best served warm.

Denmark and Sweden

The country of the happiest people prefers to see a bird on their table. Duck with apples duck with apples, prunes, raisins, flavored with brandy or rum is a frequent guest on the Danish table. But cod is considered the main New Year's festive dish of the Danes.

This dish symbolizes happiness and wealth. On the festive table of the Swedes, lutefix is ​​always served - a fish dish made from dried cod.


Not a single New Year's holiday in England is complete without Christmas pudding or "plum-pudding". And it is prepared from almost everything that is in the refrigerator ⸺ bread crumbs, flour, raisins, eggs, fruits and even lard. The pudding also contains inedible elements- a ring promising marriage in the coming year, a button - a bachelor life, chicken bones- great luck and travel, a coin - to improve the financial situation.

The first puddings were not at all airy dessert, A oatmeal, welded on meat broth. That's what it was christmas dish during the time of Elizabeth 1.

Gives a special touch to the dish spectacular presentation on the table ⸺ it is poured with rum and set on fire. Blazing fragrant dessert looks like a miracle, and makes the New Year's celebration even brighter and more unforgettable.

Also, in addition to pudding, on the English New Year's table, a turkey stuffed with vegetables and gooseberry sauce is accepted.


In America, a baked turkey is also considered a traditional holiday dish.

However, unlike the "English" one, each housewife prepares it according to own recipe. Therefore, in such a turkey you can often find a wide variety of products ⸺ cheese, apples, cabbage, prunes, etc..

Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic

But in these two countries it is believed that if you serve a bird to the festive table, then happiness can simply fly away. Of the differences in the festive dishes of Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic, one can single out traditional strudel and schnitzels, as well as carp or suckling pig.

IN Austria considered mandatory in new year's eve eat a pig snout, since it is the pig in this country that is a symbol of prosperity and happiness. The Austrians call it - "to take part in pig happiness."

Among the "happy dishes" on the table there should also be green peas - so that money is not transferred, and horseradish - so that there is health. Another symbol of happiness is the four-leaf clover, which is made from mint ice cream.

IN Hungary bagels are served on the tables - poppy seeds and nut rolls.


In Germany, non-meat dishes are the main masterpiece of the festive table. The Germans believe that happiness in the coming year brings fish dishes. Carp dishes are a must New Year's treat, since carp is considered a symbol of material well-being. The Germans even put a couple of carp scales in their wallets to “attract” money into it.

The presence of herring on the New Year's table is also a good omen.


The Polish tradition is that there should be exactly 12 different dishes on the New Year's table. However, you will be surprised that in none of them you will find meat. Soups, porridge, potatoes, dumplings. And at the head of the table - fish in its most diverse variations.


For the Japanese on the festive table, it is not the food itself that is important, but rather its color. For example, if someone wishes financial well-being and happiness in the New Year, one should eat something red: a piece of red fish or shrimp.

Myself festive dinner It starts with the main dish - soba. This food is buckwheat noodles with broth. Immerse in the broth rice balls grilled. Moreover, they should all be round in shape so that luck always returns to the Japanese house, passing in a circle.


New Year in India is celebrated with okrosh raita and plov biryani. The latter is prepared from lamb with rice, carrots, sultanas, green peas, cashew nuts, pineapples and big amount spices. Thanks to the spices, the rice becomes colorful and looks festive.

Raita is made from kefir, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers. For dessert, lassi is served - curdled milk whipped with sugar and ginger, reminiscent of yogurt in taste.

An interesting fact is that in India New Year is celebrated 3 times. And all because in different regions the arrival of the New Year are considered completely different dates.

Christmas is a special holiday for many people around the world. And, perhaps, one of the most important traditions is the Christmas dinner. What dishes are served on Christmas Eve at the festive table in various parts of our planet? Traditional German treats are mulled wine and a candied fruit pie called stollen. Stollen is often baked with humpbacks, in memory of the camels on which the Magi reached the cradle of Jesus. Many Bulgarians go hungry on the eve of Christmas, and on the holiday they treat themselves stuffed vegetables, soup and pies.
The festive table of the inhabitants of Fiji consists of fish wrapped in banana leaves, stuffed chicken and roasted pork. It is cooked in an earthen oven “lovo” lined with heavy stones.
In the United Kingdom, fig pudding serves as a table decoration. It should be doused with brandy and set on fire.
The Italians call Christmas dinner the "Feast of the Seven Fishes". A variety of seafood dishes are served at the table - squid, cod, anchovies, as well as pasta with shellfish.
The French also prefer seafood. Lobsters, oysters and foie gras usually flaunt on the table.
Swedish traditional Christmas dish rice pudding. An almond is hidden in one of the servings, promising good luck to the one who finds it until the end of the year.
Costa Ricans enjoy tamales, a pork and corn dish that has been passed down from generation to generation.
In Ethiopia, doro wat is a roasted chicken served on thin cakes. And forget about knives and forks, this dish should be taken with your hands.
In South Africa, Christmas comes in the summer and locals flock to the braai, an African grill, to roast lamb, turkey or pork.
It's also summer in Australia in December, and Australians have a Christmas barbecue. They roast turkey, lamb and large shrimp.
Ghanaians eat at Christmas corn porridge, stewed okra and mashed various root vegetables called "fufu".
Most of those who find Christmas in Antarctica celebrate the holiday on board the ship. So they have to make do with meat, canned food and frozen vegetables.
The Christians of Egypt observe strict post during three days before Christmas. The main dish at this time is "kushari", it is made from pasta, rice and lentils seasoned with tomato-vinegar sauce.
In India, biryani or curry is served for the holiday - a dish of rice and spices with the addition of meat, fish, eggs or vegetables. Dessert is a sweet milk pudding.
Filipinos Prefer Whole Baked suckling pig, in the mouth of which they put a ball of yellow cheese.
In Iceland, Christmas dinner starts at 6 p.m. and consists of a wide variety of meat dishes, including venison.
In Argentina, they serve "vitel ton" - veal in tuna sauce, as well as turkey, pork, and bread. Often, a gala dinner is served in the backyard barbecue style.
Finnish people organize Christmas Buffet, which contains ham, bread, fish, various casseroles and vegetables, as well as warmed spiced wine
In the US, many people prefer "egg nogg", or heady eggnog - a drink made from beaten eggs with sugar and wine.
Believe it or not, on Christmas night, a lot of Japanese people gather at KFC to eat crispy chicken with a side dish.

Decorate the New Year's menu 2012 with dishes from France, Poland, England, Germany and the Czech Republic.

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Prepare a colorful meat, fish dish or dessert for the New Year's table. New Year's menu different countries of the world. Choose a New Year's recipe

New Year's recipes from around the world


Turkey - main dish New Year's table in France. The French joke: "If there is no turkey, then the New Year may not come."

New Year's Recipes 2017 with photo © Shutterstock

French turkey


0.5 kg turkey fillet, 5 small onions, 2 tomatoes, 300 g cheese, mayonnaise, spices, salt to taste.


Cut the turkey fillet into thin layers and place in a bowl, sprinkling with spices and salt. Cover with a lid, put a load on top and leave for 20-30 minutes to marinate in its own juice.

Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices, cut the onion into rings. Sodium cheese on coarse grater. Lay a sheet of foil on a baking sheet, tuck the edges. Spread the turkey layers evenly in one layer, lightly spread mayonnaise on top. Then put a layer of onions and a layer of tomatoes. Top everything with cheese.

Bake in the oven for about an hour. First on high heat, then on low heat. Serve the dish hot, garnished with greens.

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On the New Year's table in Poland, there is always a fish, which is considered a symbol of well-being and family happiness.

Fish in Polish


300 g pike perch fillet with skin, 1 carrot, 4 g parsley root, 2-3 boiled eggs, 20 g butter, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, parsley, salt - to taste.


Cut the fish fillet portioned pieces, boil in salted water with the addition of carrots and parsley root.

For the sauce, combine the melted butter with chopped eggs, lemon juice, chopped herbs and 2 tbsp. l. fish broth.

When serving, put the fish on a dish, pour the prepared sauce. Alternatively, garnish with mashed potatoes and carrots.

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3. Czech Republic and Slovakia

In these countries, the New Year's table is not complete without fragrant national dessert- apple strudel.

Apple strudel


250 g flour, 1 egg, 150 g butter, 1 tsp. vinegar, 1 kg of apples, 80 g of sugar, 30 g of raisins, 100 g of bread crumbs, ground cinnamon, lemon zest - to taste.


Sift flour, then pour in beaten with 6 tbsp. l. warm water egg, 1 tbsp. l. melted butter, vinegar, salt and knead into a soft, shiny dough. Roll into a ball and leave for 30 minutes, covered with a damp cloth.

Cut the dough in half, roll each half on a linen towel dusted with flour. Stretch the dough from the center in all directions, trying not to tear, sprinkle with melted butter, lay a layer of peeled and chopped apples on it, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon, washed raisins, chopped zest and bread crumbs fried in 30 g of butter.

Lifting the edge of the towel, roll the dough into a roll. Transfer to a baking sheet and bake in a moderately heated oven for 30 minutes, brushing with oil from time to time. Ready strudel cool and cut into slices. Serve to the table, decorate to taste. For example, nuts, sprigs of mint, cinnamon or powdered sugar.

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In this country, pies and other dishes with raisins, apples and nuts are always served on the New Year's table. And each ingredient has its own meaning. For example, nuts are the ability to learn secrets and overcome the difficulties of life, and raisins are a symbol of abundance.

Cakes with nuts - a recipe from Germany


2 eggs, 2 egg yolks, 200 g sugar, 6 tbsp. l. crackers, a pinch of salt, 2 tsp. dry yeast, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 0.5 tbsp. chopped raisins, 1 tbsp. nuts, 200 g butter, 0.5 tbsp. milk.


Beat eggs and sugar, add salt, crackers, yeast mixed with flour, raisins and 0.5 tbsp. nuts. Knead the dough, roll it into a layer 0.7 cm thick, put it on a baking sheet covered with oiled paper and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at medium heat.

For cream, beat the yolks with sugar, pour in, stirring, hot milk. Heat, whisking continuously, in a water bath until thickened. Cool the resulting mass, combine with whipped butter and beat everything together until fluffy. Add 0.5 tbsp. chopped nuts and mix.

Immediately cut the baked cake into rectangular cakes, let them cool, then cover with cream and decorate to taste.

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A traditional dessert on the New Year's table in this country is pudding. Before serving holiday pudding doused with rum and set on fire. Very spectacular decoration New Year's table, especially in the Year of the Dragon 2012!
