
Sweet rice balls. How to cook rice balls

Rice balls can be a side dish for the main course at lunch, or they can be a delicious afternoon dessert, if you choose a sweet sauce for them.

Rice patties can be an independent dish.


Salt 1 tsp Starch 1 tbsp Vegetable oil 1 stack Flour 1 tbsp Breadcrumbs 1 stack chicken eggs 2 pieces) Water 5 stack Rice round 2 stack

  • Servings: 6
  • Preparation time: 30 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes

Classic rice cake recipe

For cooking, take round or crushed rice. In this case, the porridge turns out to be viscous and the meatballs keep their shape well.

Prepare the meatballs like this:

  1. Boil rice. Let the porridge cool down a bit. Warm rice makes it easy to mold meatballs. Plus, they won't crack when fried.
  2. Add eggs, salt to the porridge and stir the rice. If rice mix is not viscous enough, add flour or corn starch. They will also be needed if the meatballs are cooked from completely cooled rice.
  3. Form bits. To do this, roll the balls with wet hands, and then press them down with a flat object. It is convenient to form meatballs on a cutting board, which must be sprinkled with flour.
  4. Roll them in breadcrumbs. You can also use for breading semolina or wheat flour.
  5. Fry in oil on both sides.

The meatballs are suitable for any hot dish.

The dish can be served in two ways:

  • A sweet dish for breakfast or an afternoon snack is eaten with sour cream, butter, jam, marmalade, lingonberry jelly, chocolate and berry sauce.
  • The second course or side dish is eaten with mayonnaise, sour cream, mushroom or onion sauce. When preparing unsweetened meatballs, grated and fried carrots and mushrooms are also added to the porridge.

Meatballs are eaten hot and cold.

Sweet rice balls for children

For children, you can immediately make sweet meatballs. To do this, prepare:

  • round rice - 170 g;
  • cow's milk - 160 ml;
  • water - 320 ml;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • vegetable oil - 15 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 35 g;
  • sugar - 35 g;
  • salt - a pinch.

For kissel:

  • water - 1 l;
  • starch 3 tbsp. l.;
  • frozen berries;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

To make the crust more ruddy, you can fry the meatballs in a mixture of vegetable and butter.

Bits are made as follows:

  1. Boil rice in a mixture of water and milk.
  2. IN ready porridge add sugar, butter and salt. Leave to cool.
  3. Add an egg to warm rice, form meatballs and bread them. Fry until golden brown on both sides.
  4. After that, place the meatballs in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Bake at 180 C.
  5. For jelly, dilute starch in 120 ml of cold water.
  6. Boil 880 ml of water, add any berries and sugar. Boil 6-7 minutes.
  7. Pour in the diluted starch.
  8. Cook until the jelly thickens and cool slightly.

Pour the finished meatballs with jelly.

simple recipe rice balls diversify your daily menu.

What to cook for a side dish

rice balls


1 hour 10 minutes

165 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

I think every housewife is familiar with the situation when there is very little left of some dish: there is not enough for lunch or dinner, and the hand does not rise to throw away. This happens to me most often with cereals, especially with rice. Sometimes I use it as a filling for pies, I make casseroles ... But such dishes take time, and there is enough fuss with them. Recently a neighbor shared cool recipe meatballs from rice porridge - the dish turns out to be very satisfying, tasty, and literally melts in your mouth.

I prepared a half portion for the test and immediately realized that I was mistaken: the family appreciated the new yummy. I suggest you try these delicious meatballs Moreover, they are prepared very quickly, and you don’t need any rare or expensive ingredients.

Kitchen appliances. All you need is a stove. You can use a food processor to speed up the cooking process.

Full list of ingredients

How to choose the right ingredients

  • Rice is better to take not long, but round. You should not choose steamed or unpeeled - it does not stick well, it will be difficult to form meatballs. If available, you can use rice for sushi.
  • Hard cheese can be any, for example, Dutch or Russian. It is better to take a product that is not too salty.
  • As spices, it is optimal to use curry, but you can take any other mixture to taste.

Such a dish is prepared very quickly and does not require great culinary talents from the hostess. For convenience, I have divided the preparation into stages.

First stage

Prepare rice and water.

Second phase

You will need both types of cheese, spices and salt.

Third stage

Prepare breadcrumbs.

This dish is best served hot.

What are the meatballs served with?

This dish can be used as a side dish, for example, with chops, and on its own. It is very tasty to serve meatballs with sauces. It can be tartare, sour cream sauce with herbs and garlic. Cheese lovers can complement the dish cheese sauce. If you prefer ketchup, take a mild one, otherwise the delicate taste of the meatballs will not be felt.

These meatballs are very tasty served with light alcoholic drinks, for example, with beer. They are no less successfully combined with tomato juice.

Video recipe for rice balls

If you want to see how it's made rice dish watch the next video. It shows all the stages of preparation, as well as tips on how to make meatballs tastier.

kitchen rice balls




  • If you do not cook rice specifically for meatballs, but use leftover porridge, like I do, heat it up in the microwave.
  • You can make your own breadcrumbs: dry the loaf in the oven and pass through a meat grinder.
  • To make the meatballs stick together better, you can add one raw egg to them.
  • If there is very little time for frying meatballs, use two frying pans so you can get the job done much faster.
  • To give the meatballs a pleasant golden color, add a little turmeric to rice when cooking.
  • Forming meatballs is easier and faster if you wet your hands cold water . You can also put a little on the palm of your hand vegetable oil- and the rice mass will not stick to your hands.

Other cooking options

The nephew, having tried such rice balls, asked to make them the next time, as in kindergarten. Thought it was we are talking oh, but it turned out - still about rice. They just do not need to put the stuffing from Adyghe cheese, and stew the dish itself under a lid over low heat or bake in the oven for a quarter of an hour (temperature about 220 degrees).

It looks like rice balls with a sweet taste are also being prepared: instead of cheese, add one egg, and replace spices and salt with sugar. They need to be properly rolled in breadcrumbs, and you can serve with jam or any cream.

I recently replenished my piggy bank with recipes and which are also great for dinner, breakfast or lunch. By the way, you can combine them with rice porridge, and the next day you can make rice porridge from its remains. Another useful and nutritious meal- which are different delicate taste. They are also cooked with cheese inside.

Rice balls are one of the fastest and very simple options for breakfast or dinner, as well as a second for lunch. This dish is very satisfying, suitable for both children and parents. Hope you include it in your diet. Share your tricks and secrets for making rice balls in the comments.

Many people eat rice as a side dish. It often becomes a component of soups; such cereals go into cabbage rolls and meatballs. However, this range of rice applications is very limited and flawed. Rice can do more! Take note of at least rice patties, which will replace full breakfast or dinner, can be a great side dish, a wonderful treat, or a quality afternoon snack for kids.

The main thing to remember when starting to cook them: the crumbly long-grain rice we value is not suitable here. It is necessary to take sticky varieties: round, crushed, Japanese, intended for sushi. If there is nothing suitable and too lazy to go to the store - get a coffee grinder or a combine and turn crumbly groats into crushed.

Rice and meat patties

Consider for starters a non-dessert option. It is quite suitable as a second course for lunch, and as a pleasant breakfast, and it will not be superfluous for dinner either. Cooking rice. The recipe calls for half a cup to start. right rice and chop (but you can also grind) a third of a kilogram of meat, preferably two types. A small onion, a bunch of parsley and two cloves of garlic are crushed and mixed with minced meat. There are also added two raw yolks, salt and peppers - ground black and the same chili. Meat is combined with rice; breadcrumbs are poured in such an amount that the minced meat is not too sticky to the hands. After kneading, balls are molded from it and fried from all sides in vegetable oil. with ketchup or soy sauce- just a meal!

Rice with fish

Another rice ball that can become your favorite breakfast. In addition, they can be eaten in fasting, when fish is allowed. Suitable for any sea, including frozen, for example, pollock or hake. The carcass is cut into slices and passed through a blender with half a raw onion. The second half is finely chopped, sautéed and combined with boiled rice. Both masses are mixed; if you do not fast, an egg is driven into the minced meat. If you fast, you rub one or two raw boiled potatoes. Minced meat is salted and peppered, koloboks are rolled from it, crumbled in breading and fried: first until crispy, then you can stew under the lid.

Vegetable patties with rice

Especially delicious as a side dish. However, they are also wonderful on their own, if you abstain from meat. And it is better to take groats of a brown variety. It will need half a glass, cooked according to the instructions.

Large fleshy red pepper cut into small squares. Onion and cilantro are finely chopped; greens mixed with pepper, rice and canned corn, two eggs are driven in, the mass is seasoned and kneaded. For greater stickiness, a couple of tablespoons of flour are poured into it, the minced meat is mixed again.

Cutlets do not need to be sculpted: the mass is laid out with a spoon on hot pan with butter, like pancakes, only a slide. After frying, rice balls with vegetables are briefly laid out on a paper napkin so that excess oil is glassed. As a gravy, sour cream is especially relevant.

Rice and mushroom patties

You can not ignore such a component as champignons. they turn out amazing, and special trouble in preparation are not delivered.

For two glasses of boiled rice, two hundred grams of chopped smaller mushrooms with chopped onion. Zazharka is combined with porridge, two hard boiled eggs. Salt, spices, pepper - at your discretion. Rice patties with champignons are rolled from the minced meat, rolled in flour and fried. It turns out tender and tasty.

for meatballs

Let's move on to dessert recipes. In principle, if rice porridge meatballs are not supplemented with meat and vegetables, but simply poured with jam, you will already get a good delicacy. But in order to attract the attention of children, it is better to try a little.

Half a glass of rice in a glass of water is boiled for a third of an hour, after which it is left on the quietest fire - for thickening and aging. When the porridge has cooled, a spoonful of sugar is poured into it, an egg is driven in, balls are molded, breaded in flour or breadcrumbs and quickly fried in vegetable oil.

The key to this dish is the sauce. For him, half a glass of sugar is carefully rubbed with two yolks and a spoonful of flour. Having achieved a paste-like state, pour in one and a half glasses of milk and, with constant stirring, boil until it boils. After straining, half a bag of vanillin dissolves in the sauce, and aromatic dressing poured on rice balls. Make more sauce so that no one complains that it wasn’t enough for some meatballs.

Cottage cheese and rice delicacy

Rice meatballs come out even more airy if they are supplemented with cottage cheese. Half a glass of porridge will require the same amount of the second product.

To achieve a delicate texture, it is better to rub the cottage cheese through a colander or crank it in a meat grinder a couple of times. After that, an egg is driven into it, a spoonful of sugar (you can use powder) is poured in, and the mass is kneaded. When it becomes smooth, porridge is introduced, previously flavored with butter and cooled. Curd-rice meatballs are formed, rolled in flour and fried. Please note that the mass is very airy. So that when eating there is no conflict between the delicate “insides” and the rough crust, it is necessary to fry on a quiet fire.

Rice balls with coconut

Buying a natural walnut is now not a problem at all. True, you will have to suffer a little with its cutting, but the gratitude of your children will know no bounds. A glass of cereal is washed, a quarter of the coconut is rubbed, both ingredients are mixed and poured into three glasses of water. The resulting mixture is placed on slow fire and quietly boiled until the water boils away and the rice becomes soft.

Before removing from the stove, a little salt and sugar are poured in - as much as your family loves. While the porridge is cooling, berries with a sour taste are washed - blueberries, cherries or cranberries. Frozen is fine. Balls are molded from the “minced meat”, a berry is put into each of them, rice balls are breaded in flour and fried. You can water with any sweetness - syrup, jam, jelly. Is that condensed milk will not be very harmonious.

Indulge your children - cook them sweet rice balls. The recipe (with photo) will help you make them not only tasty, but also very appetizing in appearance.

Despite the numerous dishes made from rice, most households use this cereal as a side dish or as an addition to their meals. various fillings. They are used independently as separate dishes more often than cereals or casseroles. Bits - also independent dish, undeservedly forgotten by many and coming only in memories of kindergarten. Really, rice balls can be used in baby food, but adults should not refuse this wonderful dish.

Rice patties can be served for breakfast and dinner. As a supplement, you can use both sweet sauces (berry, fruit, chocolate), kissels as a sauce, and unsweetened sauces (onion, mushroom).

Rice balls - recipe.

We wash 2 cups of rice, pour 4.5 cups of water, salt and cook viscous porridge. The required viscosity can be obtained by cooking porridge in a water bath.

We cool the porridge, but not to the end, but to the state when it is not hot to touch the hands. Meatballs are usually not made from cold porridge, as they crack and can fall apart. However, if the porridge is left at the time of the meal, and not cooked on purpose, it can also be used by adding 1 tablespoon of starch. Starch is also added if the porridge is not viscous enough. In all other cases, just add 2 eggs and mix.

After wetting our hands in water, we sculpt the balls, and then give them the shape of meatballs, rolling them in flour or breadcrumbs.

It is better to stick meatballs immediately on a whole pan, laying them on a board sprinkled with flour.

Fry the meatballs in hot oil first on one side.

Turn over and fry on the other until golden brown.

In Russian cuisine, rice balls with jelly are traditionally served, but you can specially prepare chocolate or fruit sauce. For lovers of savory meatballs, you can pour them with mushroom sauce.

  • For cooking, you can take ready-made viscous rice porridge. If milk porridge with sugar, then serve rice balls only with sweet sauces or jam.
  • If the porridge is not thick enough, you can take a blender and turn it into a puree.
  • Very delicious sauce to bitochki is obtained from processed cheese. Take 1 processed cheese type Orbita weighing 80 grams, add some spices and 100 ml of cream to it. Use a blender to turn it all into a sauce and bring to a boil. Pour over cooked rice balls and let soak.

Rice balls recipe with photo

The simplest recipe for rice balls that can be served with any sauce. This amount of ingredients makes 4 servings. A glass in the recipe with a volume of 250 ml.


How to cook:

Rinse rice under running water warm water to make the water clear. If you see blackened grains, be sure to remove them. Boil 600 ml of water, salt. If you want to serve rice balls with a sweet sauce, you can add sugar. About a teaspoon with a small slide. Wait for the water with rice to boil and reduce the gas to a minimum. Cook covered with a lid until all the water has boiled away. You can cook rice porridge in a slow cooker.

Now the rice needs to be cooled down. Add a little salt to the cooled rice, sift the flour and add the starch. Beat in the egg and mix thoroughly.

Divide the dough for the rice balls into small pieces. Roll each into a ball and flatten it between your palms to make something like a pancake.

Pour a small amount of refined vegetable oil in a frying pan and heat over medium heat. Lay out the rice balls and fry on both sides until golden brown. The fire is slightly below average.

Serve hot, soaked in sweet or unsweetened sauce. The author of the recipe is Marya the Artisan.

Rice balls like in kindergarten

It will take 75 minutes to cook rice chops, you get 4 full servings for an adult.


  • 160 grams round rice
  • 150 ml milk (preferably whole)
  • 32 grams butter
  • Tablespoon of vegetable refined oil
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • A little breadcrumbs
  • 300 ml water
  • Jam or condensed milk for serving.

How to cook rice patties like in kindergarten:

Pour milk and water into a saucepan and put on fire. Rinse the rice until the water is clear and put it in a saucepan when the water with milk boils. Pour sugar, salt and add 10 grams of butter. Cook rice porridge over low heat under a lid and cool.

Break the egg and mix well.

Divide the rice porridge into equal-sized balls and flatten them as in previous recipe. Roll in breadcrumbs. Instead of breadcrumbs, you can use semolina.

Heat vegetable oil and butter in a frying pan and fry the rice balls on both sides until golden brown.

Serve with any sweet sauce.
