
How to bake delicious pancakes with filling. Pancakes baked with sauce

A favorite delicacy that is served not only on Maslenitsa is stuffed pancakes. This is a versatile treat that can be both sweet and snack. The dish is able to decorate the buffet table, and on the road it is convenient to take a couple of edible bundles with delicious filling with you.

What can you stuff pancakes with?

If you don’t know how to stuff pancakes, then everything is as simple as possible. Everyone can please with such a delicacy: a meat-eater and a vegetarian, and an inveterate sweet tooth. Almost any filling is combined with a sweetish pancake:

  1. Sweet fillers - cottage cheese, fruits.
  2. Hearty - meat, mushrooms, liver, salted fish or caviar.
  3. Pasty fillings - jam, marmalade, peanut butter, chocolate paste, various pastes.

How to wrap stuffed pancakes?

Learning how to bake pancakes is half the battle, it is important to serve them appetizingly and beautifully. So you get rid of the problem of decorating the buffet table. Before stuffing pancakes properly, make sure that the filling is tasty, that is, not oversalted or vice versa, and is completely ready. Proceed to wrapping, the “triangle” option will be an ideal solution for a dense filling:

The “envelope” option is suitable for any dense filling: meat, mushroom, fruit. This method is good for preparing a quick snack, the filling from the bundle will definitely not fall out.

It’s not difficult to figure out how to make stuffed pancakes with a pasty filling. This is the easiest way to create beautiful treats.

How to stuff pancakes with cottage cheese?

Pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese are very fond of kids. Products can be rolled up with an envelope so that the filling does not fall apart. Raisins, dried apricots are often added to the curd filling, and they are sweetened not only with sugar, but also with honey. Prepare small pancakes in advance, the diameter of the pan is no more than 25 cm.


  • cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • candied fruits - 1 handful;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • pancakes - 10 pcs.


  1. Punch cottage cheese with sour cream with a blender until a fine-grained mass.
  2. Add honey, stir.
  3. Throw candied fruits.
  4. Spread a spoonful of the filling on the pancake and fold it into an envelope.

Pancakes stuffed with meat - recipe

Pancakes stuffed with meat are always an appropriate treat during a feast. Minced meat can be used any: pork, beef, chicken or a mixture of several types. It is also customary to add vegetables to the filling, such as onions, carrots, and, if desired, bell peppers. Fold stuffed pancakes with an envelope or a triangle.


  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • thyme - a pinch;
  • salt pepper;
  • pancakes - 10 pcs.


  1. Spasser finely chopped onion in oil, throw in grated carrots, fry.
  2. Add minced meat to the browning, fry everything well until the meat is fully cooked.
  3. Salt, pepper, season with your favorite spices and thyme.
  4. When the filling becomes warm, start stuffing by decorating the appetizer with a triangle or an envelope.

Pancakes stuffed with liver

You can make anything using your favorite and proven recipe. The main thing is that the blanks come out thin, plastic, without holes, do not tear when wrapping. Filling with liver, rice and sour cream will definitely appeal to all lovers of unusual combinations in food.


  • chicken liver - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • round boiled rice - 150 g;
  • salt;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • pancakes - 10 pcs.


  1. Bake the liver, onions and carrots until fully cooked in foil.
  2. Scroll the finished liver with vegetables through a meat grinder, add rice, salt.
  3. Add sour cream to the cooled filling, mix.
  4. Stuffed and rice wrapped in an envelope.

Pancakes stuffed with mushrooms

Certainly no one will be left indifferent. For the filling, you can use available champignons or oyster mushrooms, but filling from wild mushrooms will come out much more aromatic (it is better to boil them for 15 minutes before frying). To prevent the filling from falling apart when bitten, add a little cheese during cooking.


  • fillet - 300 g;
  • mushrooms - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • pancakes - 10 pcs.


  1. Spasser finely chopped onion in oil, throw in chopped mushrooms and fry until the liquid evaporates.
  2. Add the fillet, cut into small cubes, fry everything together until the meat is fully cooked.
  3. Pour in sour cream, mix.
  4. Salt, pepper, throw grated cheese, mix, turn off the heat.
  5. Spread the barely warm filling with a spoon into the pancake and roll it in a convenient way.

Pancakes stuffed with ham and cheese

If you don’t know how to cook stuffed pancakes quickly and as simply as possible, this option will definitely appeal to you. It is convenient to take such edible bundles with you for a snack, as the dish does not have a strong smell that can irritate colleagues. Pancakes stuffed with ham can be folded into a triangle.


  • ham - 250-300 g;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • pancakes.


  1. Cut the ham into strips, grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  2. Put a handful of ham on the surface of the pancake, throw a handful of cheese on top, arrange a bundle.
  3. Warm up a little stuffed pancakes in a frying pan without oil.

Pancakes stuffed with apples

This recipe for stuffed pancakes cannot be called childish, because it contains a lot of spices and alcohol. But it's perfect for a party! It is better to take sour apples, and the dough should be a little sweet. You can serve such treats with ice cream or original fruit topping.


  • antonovka - 6 pcs.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • brandy - 20 ml;
  • cinnamon, cloves, star anise - a small pinch each;
  • sweet pancakes - 10-15 pcs.


  1. Cut the apples into cubes, send to the pan to languish.
  2. When the slices become transparent, season with spices and pour in the brandy, simmer until the liquid has evaporated a little.
  3. While the filling is cooling and thickening, pour liquid honey into it, mix.
  4. Beautifully wrap pancakes stuffed with apples.

Pancakes stuffed with red fish

The ideal solution for filling the buffet menu will be. You can add the composition of the filling with herbs and cream cheese. If the latter could not be purchased, make a salty curd mass by breaking through the curd with herbs and spices in a blender. Such an appetizer will definitely not be left without attention and will be the first to disappear from the plates.


I will write another article about pancakes. There is another interesting topic - stuffing for pancakes. I think it will come in handy on the eve of Shrovetide, and it will simply be interesting to those who want to diversify, so to speak, a pancake table.

In past articles, I have described quite different cooking recipes, lush, thin, from rye or wheat flour, etc. There will also be about which of them are best suited for stuffing them with various fillings. Such pancakes should be thinner, but durable. So, read about it in previous publications.

Here I decided to collect for you some of the most, in my opinion, simple, original and delicious fillings for pancakes. Among the proposed variations, you will find fillings, both sweet - with cottage cheese, apple, banana, as well as meat, fish, mushroom and others.

Let's start with the most original and cool.

For cooking you need:

  • Crab sticks or crab meat - 1 pack (200 gr.).
  • Boiled eggs - two or three at your discretion.
  • Green canned peas - a bank of 200 gr.
  • Milk of any fat content (you can use cream) - 200 ml.
  • Drain. oil - 30 gr.
  • Wheat flour - 2 table. lies.
  • Green onion - a couple of feathers.
  • Salt, if needed, a pinch.

Such a composition is prepared with sauce, and therefore, first of all, we will make it. For this you should:

- melt the butter in an enamel bowl;

- add flour to the butter and stir to cook for a couple of minutes on a medium flame;

- pour milk into the resulting mass (cold or warm does not matter, the main thing is not hot), mix everything well to get a homogeneous composition;

- remove from heat, salt the sauce a little, if necessary, and let it cool.

The next step is to collect the filling itself. To do this, we combine chopped eggs, crab sticks and onions in one bowl, add green peas to them, which should be thrown into a colander before adding.

We fill our mixture with the prepared, cooled sauce, mix everything and start our pancakes with this composition.

To prepare you will need to take:

  • Any mushrooms (you can use both forest and champignons or oyster mushrooms) - 350 gr.
  • Onion sweet onion - 3 heads.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - two is enough.
  • Vegetable and plum. oil.
  • Any spices and salt to taste.

How to cook mushroom stuffing in pancakes

1. If the mushrooms are frozen, they must be thawed and fried with the addition of butter and vegetable oil. If you take fresh forest mushrooms, be sure to clean them before frying, rinse several times and boil until half cooked.

2. Eggs should be hard-boiled, cooled, peeled, chopped with a knife or rubbed with a regular fork.

3. We clean the onions and carrots, cut the “tearful” vegetable, grate the carrots, fry the vegetables together in vegetable oil until soft.

4. We mix all the cooked ingredients in one bowl, if necessary, add some spices, salt, stuff our pancakes with the composition.

You should take:

  • Fresh or freshly frozen salmon fillet - 250-350 gr.
  • Mushrooms - 0.25 kg.
  • Dill - a small bunch.
  • Sweet-salty butter - a piece.
  • Ground black pepper and salt.
  • Hollandaise sauce (you can cook it yourself, you can buy) - 180 ml.

Cooking process:

- Wash the mushrooms, cut not too finely, fry in a pan until they become soft. Set aside, put on a plate, let cool.

- Defrost salmon beforehand if the fish has been frozen. In this case, it is best to defrost this product in its natural environment, that is, in the refrigerator. You do not need to defrost the fish in warm water or in the microwave, as it will lose its taste and may even deteriorate.

- Boil the fillet in salted water for 5-6 minutes. We take the fish out of the water, let it drain and put it to cool.

- Grind the dill, mix it with the sauce.

- Cut the cooled salmon fillet into small pieces, put a spoonful in the center of the pancake, a little mushrooms and a mixture of dill and sauce on top.

- We wrap the napkins. So we repeat with each.

- In a frying pan, heat the butter, lay out the products, pour them on top with the rest of the sauce, fry a little on both sides.

On a note! Instead of frying in a pan, pancakes with salmon filling can be baked in the oven, laying them on a baking sheet, greased with oil. This will take 10 minutes at a baking temperature of 200 degrees.

Here, see for yourself on the cheese, this recipe is op by a professional chef, so it's a little fancy.

We take:
  • Spinach - 0.5 kg.
  • Parmesan cheese - 120 grams.
  • Mozzarella - 120 gr.
  • Ricotta - 150 grams.
  • Gorgonzola (can be excluded) - as much as ricotta.
  • Green onions - a bunch.
  • Fat from 20% cream - 70 ml.
  • Flour - 2-2.5 spoons.
  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Butter - a piece of 60-70 grams.
  • Salt, nutmeg, pepper to taste.

Step by step recipe.

1. Mix the melted butter, flour, milk and spices in a saucepan, bring to a boil and stir the sauce until you see that it thickens. Next, salt, put the nut composition, cream, mix, boil for a couple more minutes and remove to cool.

2. Spinach should be washed, cut, fried for 2-3 minutes, add pieces of ricotta, gorgonzola and half of the prepared parmesan to it. Mix everything, pour over two tablespoons of the prepared sauce, sweat over a fire. At the end of frying, pour chopped green onions into a saucepan / frying pan.

3. Place the filling in pancakes, twist, place the food on a baking sheet. Grate the remaining mozzarella and parmesan, sprinkle your products with them, send to the oven at 180-200 degrees, bake for 15 minutes.

The finished treat should be served hot, pouring over the prepared sauce.

And now more famous recipes for pancake fillings will go

What you need:

  • Meat tenderloin (pork, turkey, veal, beef, etc.) - 0.5 kilograms
  • Boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
  • One bulb.
  • Spices for meat and salt.

How to prepare meat filling for pancakes.

- Rinse the meat tenderloin, send it to salted water, cook until tender. At the same time, remember that it will take much more time to cook beef than to cook pork, and even more so rabbit or poultry meat.

- We drain the water from the meat, let it cool, and then cut it into pieces and twist it in a meat grinder, thus making a kind of minced meat.

- Add minced onion and grated on a coarse grater, previously sauteed in oil, mix the ingredients, if necessary, salt them, pepper, sprinkle with your favorite spices.

- Three testicles on a grater, mix with the rest of the mass. Everything is ready, it remains to put the resulting mixture into the pancakes and twist the treat with envelopes.

Attention! If desired, such a filling can be supplemented with stewed cauliflower, sauerkraut or some other ingredients to your taste, the meat can be used both in the form of minced meat and chopped into pieces.

Eating these pancakes is pleasantly hot immediately after cooking, or you can freeze them for storage and take them out as needed.

Normal hepatic

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Beef or pork liver - half a kilogram, maybe a little more.
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Bulbs - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1-2 to your taste (you can not use carrots in the recipe at all).
  • Oil, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the carrots and onions, chop finely, fry until soft and golden in color.

2. Boil the liver (salt the water for cooking a little), cool, scroll in a meat grinder.

3. Boil the eggs, let them cool, chop finely.

4. Mix all the ingredients in one bowl, while it is better to put the fried vegetables on paper towels beforehand in order to remove excess fat from them. Add pepper and salt to your taste, mix everything, fill your pancakes with the finished composition. You can serve food to the table!

If desired, before serving, the dish can be additionally fried on both sides, so it will warm up and acquire a beautiful tasty crust.

The following set of ingredients is required:

  • Any minced meat, it is best to take a mixture of beef and pork or pork and chicken - 0.5-0.6 kg.
  • Onion - 1 medium sized head.
  • Spices for minced meat, salt.

Cooking process.

Spread the minced meat over the entire pan, add chopped onion to it, fry for several minutes until tender.

Salt the hot mass, if you need to add a little spices for minced meat, mix. Stuff your pancakes with the resulting mixture.

This filling for pancakes, if desired, involves adding chopped hard-boiled eggs or any greens.

For pancakes with egg and rice, you need to prepare:

  • Rice (boil until cooked, add a little salt) - 1.5 cups.
  • Chicken eggs (hard boiled) - 3 pcs.
  • Fresh green onions - a bunch.

How are we going to cook this dish?

- Peel the eggs, chop with a knife, fry in butter along with the chopped onion.

- Mix the cooled ingredients from the rice pan.

- Stuff the cooked pancakes with the composition, fry the flour products on both sides in a pan.

This dish is best served with cold sour cream.

Needed for cooking:

  • Chicken breast - 500-600 gr.
  • Any semi-hard cheese - about 100 grams.
  • One bulb.
  • Sour cream - a couple of tablespoons.
  • Garlic clove, fresh dill, ground pepper, salt.

Cooking method

Wash the chicken breast, boil until cooked, disassemble into fibers, fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

At the end of cooking the breast, send finely chopped onion, garlic, spices, salt, dill to it, mix and fry without a lid for about 5 minutes.

Add the grated cheese and sour cream to the hot mixture removed from the fire, mix the ingredients well and you're done, you can spread them on pancakes, roll up and serve for dinner.

It is necessary to prepare for the recipe for pancakes with cottage cheese and cream filling

  • Cottage cheese (preferably homemade or fatty) - 300 gr.
  • Fatty cream - half a glass.
  • Milk - 3-4 tablespoons.
  • Sugar - 2-3 dessert spoons (can be replaced with any jam to your taste).

How to make a sweet delicious pancake filling

- Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, mix it with milk.

- Sweeten and pour in the whipped cream, gently mix the mass, spread on pancakes, roll up envelopes, you can eat.


  • Boneless dates - 100 gr.
  • Small bananas - 6 pcs.
  • Lemon or ready-made lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
  • Ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife.
  • Sugar - 1-2 tablespoons without a slide.
  • Ground ginger - the third part of a teaspoon.

How to cook

Rinse the dates, cut into small pieces.

Remove the peel from bananas, mash the food with a fork, sprinkle with cinnamon, sugar, ginger, mix. If desired, bananas can not be crushed, but simply cut into 2 parts and used, so to speak, as a whole.

We send dates to the resulting composition, sprinkle everything with lemon juice, mix, put in pancakes and wrap.

Serve such a treat with tea, pouring your culinary masterpiece with chocolate or any jam.

On a note! To prepare this dish, choose the smallest bananas, they are sweeter and then you can not use sugar at all in the recipe.

Filling for pancakes - apple

Required products:

  • Apples - 0.5 kg.
  • Peeled almonds - 50-70 gr.
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon and nutmeg.
  • Sugar - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Natural honey in the amount you like.
  • You can also use raisins in this recipe if you like.

Cooking process:

- Peel the apples from the insides and skin, cut into cubes, send to the pan.

- Sweeten the fruit, cover it all with a lid and cook on the weakest fire for about ten minutes. Constantly products need to be checked and interfered with. Fruit pieces should caramelize.

- Crush the almonds, mix with honey and spices, add ready-made apples to the nut, mix the products and you can create your own treat.

Experts advise using yellow varieties of apples in this recipe, but if you take fruits with sourness, it is best to add a little more sugar during the cooking process.

All the fillings for pancakes described above are most suitable for filling thin lacy pancakes, popularly referred to as pancakes. Yeast or thick pancakes can also be served with the indicated compositions, but it is better to use them as a regular addition to the dish and consume them with a spoon along with the flour product, washing it all down with tea.

Ways to beautifully wrap the filling in pancakes (video)

I hope everything was clear and all the recipes will be prepared and tested.

Good luck and all the best!


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How to cook how to stuff pancakes recipes - a complete description of the preparation, so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Maslenitsa is just an expanse for pancake lovers! I offer you several recipes for stuffed pancakes that you can pamper your loved ones on Shrovetide week, and not only.

Stuffed pancakes (or stuffed pancakes) can be served at any time - this is a delicious breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Even on the festive table, stuffed pancakes will always find a worthy place. For breakfast, pancakes are usually prepared with sweet fillings - with cottage cheese, bananas. Pancakes stuffed with meat or mushrooms are often baked in the oven - with cheese or béchamel sauce. Filled pancakes can be rolled up with an envelope, or simply with a tube (if after stuffing the pancakes do not need to be fried again in a pan and turned over). It is more convenient to stuff pancakes in milk, without soda or baking powder, they are obtained without holes.
Crispy pancakes with sauerkraut and mushrooms

These pancakes can be baked and stuffed in advance, and fried right before serving. Pancakes are crispy because they are rolled in egg and breadcrumbs before frying.
Servings: 10

· Dough:
200 ml carbonated mineral water
250 ml milk
· 2 eggs
· 2 cups of flour
· a pinch of salt
· Stuffing
500 g sauerkraut
500 g champignons
1 medium onion
salt and pepper to taste
5 tablespoons vegetable oil
· Breading
1 egg
100 g breadcrumbs
2 tablespoons vegetable oil for frying
Cooking method:

1. Mix all the ingredients for the dough, it is very convenient to do this in a blender.
2. Fry the pancakes in a frying pan, greased with a small amount of hot oil, put in a pile on a plate to cool.
3. Prepare the filling: stew or boil the sauerkraut until softened. When cool, squeeze out excess water and chop finely.
4. Wash mushrooms, peel and grate on a coarse grater.
5. Peel the onion and finely chop. Fry in a pan with oil. Then add the mushrooms and cook until the liquid has evaporated. Then add cabbage. Simmer for 10 minutes, salt and pepper to taste.
6. Spread a tablespoon of filling on each pancake and wrap tightly with an envelope. After that, the pancakes can be folded and stored in the refrigerator, and fried right before serving.
7. Dip each pancake in beaten egg and roll in breadcrumbs, then fry in hot vegetable oil until golden brown.

Pancakes with liver

Recipe for thin pancakes with liver. The filling from the liver turns out to be very tasty. Be sure to try.
Servings: 6 2 eggs
2 glasses of milk
2 glasses of water
· salt
2 tablespoons Sahara
3 cups flour
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
· For filling:
600 g beef liver
3 bulbs
2 carrots
2 boiled eggs
· salt pepper
butter for frying
Cooking method
1. Prepare pancakes: lightly beat the eggs, add milk and water, salt, sugar, gradually add the sifted flour, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps. Add vegetable oil.
2. In the meantime, prepare the filling: coarsely chop the onion, liver and grate the carrot. Fry the liver in oil for about 10 minutes. Separately, fry the onion with carrots. Pass the liver with onions and carrots through a meat grinder. Salt and season with pepper. Chop the eggs and add to the filling.
3. Fry pancakes from the dough, then put the filling from the liver on each pancake. Roll up and fry the pancakes until golden brown in butter.

Pancakes stuffed with cheese

Delicious pancakes stuffed with cheese.
Servings: 4
- 1 cup flour
2 glasses of milk
· 2 eggs
2 tablespoons Sahara
· a pinch of salt
frying oil
200 g cheese
Cooking method:

1. Prepare the dough for pancakes - beat milk with sugar and egg. Add a little salt and gradually add flour, kneading a homogeneous dough.
2. Heat up the pan and bake pancakes.
3. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
4. Put a little cheese on each pancake, roll the pancake into a tube and place on a baking sheet.
5. Bake in the oven for about 5 minutes to melt the cheese.

Pancakes with cabbage

Delicious pancakes stuffed with cabbage and egg.
Ingredients :
Servings: 4

1/2 head of cabbage (for stuffing)
4 eggs (for stuffing)
4 tablespoons butter
1 cup flour (for dough)
2 eggs (for dough)
2 cups milk (for dough)
1 tbsp sugar (for dough)
a pinch of salt (for the dough)
frying oil
Cooking method:

1. Prepare the filling - finely chop the cabbage. Fry in butter until tender. Cool down.
2. Boil eggs. Chop them finely and mix with the finished cabbage. Salt, mix.
3. Prepare the dough for pancakes - mix milk with eggs. salt and sugar. Gradually lead the flour.
4. In a hot frying pan, adding a small amount of oil, bake pancakes.
5. Put the stuffing (about 1 tbsp) on the pancake and roll up. Fry in butter.

Pancakes with meat

Recipe for thin pancakes with meat. You can cook with minced meat, but it turns out very tasty with boiled beef, scrolled with fried onions.
Servings: 6
· 2 eggs
2 glasses of milk
2 glasses of water
· salt
2 tablespoons Sahara
3 cups flour
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
· For filling
2 tablespoons butter oil for frying
2 bulbs
700 g boiled beef
· salt pepper
Cooking method:

1. Prepare pancakes: lightly beat the eggs, add milk and water, salt, sugar, gradually add the sifted flour, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps. Add vegetable oil, let the dough stand for 15 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, prepare the filling: finely chop the onion, fry in butter until translucent. Skip the beef through a meat grinder with fried onions. Salt and season with pepper.
3. Fry pancakes from the dough, then put the meat filling on each pancake. Roll up into an envelope.
4. Fry pancakes in butter until golden brown.

pancake roll

A new way to serve pancakes. Rice in the filling can be replaced with millet.
Servings: 4

100 g flour (3/4 cup)
1 pinch of salt
1 egg
1 egg yolk
300 ml milk
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Toppings for each pancake:
1 tbsp boiled rice
1/2 boiled chopped egg
2 tablespoons cottage cheese
1 egg for greasing
Cooking method:

1. Place flour and salt in a large bowl and make a well in the center. Break the egg, yolk and some milk into this recess.
2. Whisk together egg and milk. Then gradually grab the flour from the edges to the center. Add milk until the dough is the consistency of semi-whipped cream. Beat the dough until smooth, then add vegetable oil. Stir in more milk, the dough should become like liquid cream. Close the dish and let the dough rest for 30 minutes. - this will give the dough airiness.
3. Bake in a well-heated large frying pan, pre-greased with oil.
4. Lubricate the finished pancake with oil and put the filling on it in layers: a layer of rice, then an egg and cottage cheese on top. Roll the pancake into a roll, put in a mold. Roll a few of these rolls, and when the form is full, grease them with a beaten egg and bake in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180C.

Pancakes with red caviar.

Thin pancakes stuffed with cream cheese and red caviar. A very traditional dish that will decorate the table for any holiday.
Servings: 40

2 glasses of milk
· 3 eggs
4 tablespoons Sahara
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup flour
3 tablespoons olive oil
100 g Philadelphia cream cheese or butter
bunch of dill
150 g caviar
Cooking method:

1. Whisk milk with eggs, sugar and salt.
2. Gradually add flour, beat with a mixer so that there are no lumps.
3. Add olive oil to dough.
4. Fry pancakes in a well-heated pan.
5. Whisk cream cheese (or butter) with finely chopped dill. Cheese should be at room temperature.
6. After the pancakes have cooled slightly, spread cheese on each pancake, lay out the caviar, roll into a tube.
7. Cut each pancake into several pieces (3-4). Lay cut side down.

Pancakes with cottage cheese (light and fast)

This pancake recipe is very simple, quick, tasty and healthy.
Servings: 10

1.5 st. flour
0.5 st. Sahara
0.5 tsp soda
· 3 eggs
2 glasses of milk
1 glass of water
2 cups cottage cheese (optional - in the filling)
· raisin
sugar to taste

Cooking method:
1. Sift flour, mix with sugar and soda.
2. Add 2 eggs one at a time and mix.
3. Pour in water and milk.
4. Beat with a mixer or whisk.
5. Fry pancakes in a hot pan with a little oil.
6. Mix cottage cheese with one egg and sugar. Stuff pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins.

Pancakes with bananas

Pancakes in French recipe, with bananas, filled with sweet sauce and topped with whipped cream.
Servings: 6

1 cup flour
1/4 cup powdered sugar
· 2 eggs
1 glass of milk
3 tablespoons butter, melt
1 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla sugar
1/4 tsp salt
· Sauce:
50 g butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 cup 10% cream
bananas, cut in half lengthwise
1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream (min. 33%)
1 pinch ground cinnamon
Cooking method:

1. Sift flour and powdered sugar into a bowl. Add egg, milk, butter, vanilla and salt; whisk until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
2. Heat a frying pan with a diameter of 20 cm, lightly oiled. Add about 3 tbsp. test. Tilt the pan so that the batter spills over the bottom of the pan. Fry until browned; turn over and fry the other side. Repeat the process with the remaining batter, brushing the skillet with oil as needed.
3. Melt 50 g butter in a large frying pan. Add brown sugar, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon and nutmeg. Add cream and cook until sauce thickens slightly. Add the bananas in batches of half to the skillet; simmer for 2-3 minutes, pouring sauce over them with a spoon. Remove from fire.
Roll a pancake around each banana half and place on a serving platter. Use a spoon to pour the sauce over the pancakes. Top with whipped cream and a pinch of cinnamon.
Bon appetit!

They prepared it. Look what happened

How to stuff pancakes - delicious ideas

Pancakes are a universal dish of Russian cuisine; you can wrap different fillings in them and, thereby, get a huge variety of tastes.

Consider interesting gourmet and budget options for stuffing pancakes; the recipes include both sweet and meat, vegetable, and fish fillings. Such an appetizer can be served at the festive table, for breakfast, taken with you on the road or just have a bite to eat, because it is not necessary to warm them before eating.

Recipe for stuffing pancakes

How to cook stuffed pancakes

There are a huge number of recipes for pancake dough: on milk, kefir, water, whey, yogurt, there are even options for fruit and vegetable juices.

But for stuffing it is best to use the classic version - in milk. In such a dough, do not add a lot of soda so that there are few holes. If the pancakes turn out to be too “perforated”, then the filling from them may begin to flow out.

So, consider a pancake recipe that is ideal for wrapping fillings in it.

  1. Dissolve salt, sugar, soda in warm milk, beat everything with a whisk or mixer.
  2. Crack the eggs into the liquid and stir as well.
  3. Slowly add the flour while stirring the dough.
  4. When there are no lumps left, and the mass is homogeneous, add vegetable oil and mix everything well again - the dough is ready for baking.

And now let's move on to the main thing - a variety of fillings that can be prepared for stuffing golden "cakes".

How to stuff pancakes: sweet recipes

Cottage cheese and dried fruits

For 250 g of cottage cheese, take a handful of raisins and 4-5 pcs. dried apricots. Rinse dried fruits, dry, cut dried apricots into small pieces and mix with cottage cheese, adding 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara. If the cottage cheese is dry, you can add a little sour cream or cream to it. Stuff the pancakes with the stuffing.

A detailed recipe for such pancakes with all kinds of fillings can be found on our website.

Pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins

Banana cream filling

A couple of bananas, 50-70 ml of cream and 2 tbsp. grind sugar with a blender. All is ready! This is an easy and quick way to stuff pancakes for tea or breakfast.

Read more detailed recipes for such pancakes on the site.

Yogurt and berry filling

You can use fresh berries or frozen ones. Take any to your taste: raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, currants, blueberries, cranberries.

For 100 g of berries you need 3 tbsp. fresh yogurt and 2 tbsp. Sahara. Mix everything and wrap in "flat cakes".

For those who love berries, another recipe for berry pancakes will be a pleasant novelty.

To prepare this sweet "minced meat", you will need: apples, honey, walnuts. Calculate the proportions based on the number of your pancakes. For 1 medium apple you need 1 tsp. honey and a small handful of nuts.

  • Peel apples and cut into small cubes.
  • Pour some vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it up.
  • When the kitchen utensils are hot, put apples, honey and nuts in it. Fry all ingredients for 5-7 minutes.
  • Stuff the pancakes with the stuffing.

You can find more options for sweet fillings in our separate article.

Sweet toppings for thin pancakes

How to stuff pancakes: ideas of "economy class"

We all have times when we need to think about saving. But this does not mean at all that you should deny yourself delicious food and eat only insipid banal dishes. Especially for you, we have made a selection of cheap fillings, the products for the preparation of which are available to absolutely everyone.

We will now describe in detail several inexpensive recipes for fillings for homemade pancakes.

Minced chicken liver

Soak a pound of chicken liver in water or milk for 40 minutes. Peel and cut a couple of onions. Heat a little oil in a frying pan, lightly fry the onion, then add the liver. Salt, pepper, you can add spices to your taste.

Fry the liver for 15 minutes. Cool the mass and grind with a blender into minced meat or pass through a meat grinder. Stuff the pancakes with the stuffing.

You can use whole pieces of liver, in which case fry it without onions.

You can take the cheapest mushrooms - oyster mushrooms. They are also very tasty when cooked well. Rinse half a kilo of oyster mushrooms, cut into thin strips and fry in a pan with onions.

Use the amount of onion at your discretion, but usually 2 heads are enough. You can also add seasonings of your choice.

Fry the mushrooms for 15-20 minutes over low heat, after pouring a little oil into the pan. Cool the finished filling and wrap it in the dough.

For lovers of mushroom fillings, we offer a couple more recipes for your favorite pancakes (in milk) with mushrooms.

A simple and affordable option for stuffing pancakes is the option with mashed potatoes.

Boil a few potatoes, crush them, adding a little butter and milk to them (the latter is not necessary). Wrap puree in pancakes - and a hearty snack is ready.

Zucchini is a tasty and inexpensive vegetable. Take 3-4 pcs. clean them, cut into small cubes. Chop a couple of onions and peel 1 clove of garlic. Pour a little oil into the pan, fry the onion lightly, then add the zucchini. Salt, pepper the mass.

Roast vegetables for 15 minutes over medium heat. Then, when the fire is out, squeeze a clove of garlic into the zucchini through a press or just finely chop it. Mix everything. Optionally, you can add chopped greens - the filling is ready.

And a few more variations of pancakes.

Cheese-sausage filling

Use any boiled sausage and cheese. Cut both into small cubes. Stuff the pancakes with the ingredients obtained and put them in the microwave for a few minutes (or in a preheated oven for 10 minutes). This will allow the cheese to melt, making the filling tastier.

To your attention is another original recipe for pancakes with ham and cheese.

Fish fillings for milk pancakes

Stuffing with pieces of red fish

For this delicacy stuffing, you will need a fillet of salted red fish, melted cheese (any) and herbs (dill, parsley).

  • Clean the fish from bones, cut into small slices.
  • Chop greens finely.
  • Lubricate each pancake in the middle with a small amount of melted cheese, put a piece of fish on top, sprinkle everything with herbs and wrap.

This is a great option for stuffing pancakes for the festive table. Alas, red fish is expensive and it is not always possible to pamper yourself with it on weekdays, but if there is such an opportunity, do not deny yourself the pleasure.

For a festive feast, we offer you a few more recipes for a pancake treat with red fish.

You can take any medium sized fish. Boil it until cooked, cool, peel the bones. Add a little chopped greens to the resulting fillet (to your taste).

If you want minced meat juicier, then fry finely chopped onion until golden brown and also add it to the fish. Rub everything with a blender and you can stuff the pancakes with the minced meat.

Toppings for pancakes: ideas for an amateur

Hard boil 5-6 eggs. Boil 100 g of rice until cooked. Chop the green onion and dill. Finely chop or grate the eggs. Mix together all the products, salt, pepper - the filling is ready.

Fry half a kilo of ground beef in a pan with onions until tender. Don't forget to add salt and spices. You can add finely chopped greens to the finished meat. Cool the stuffing and stuff pancakes with it.

Exactly the same filling can be prepared from chicken meat. If you want to increase the volume of minced meat, then add a little boiled rice to it.

For this stuffing, you will need cottage cheese (it is better if it is cottage cheese paste), cucumber, herbs, garlic. Grate the cucumber and mix with cottage cheese, add chopped head of garlic there. Salt the filling, mix well and you can wrap the pancakes.

Of course, these are far from all possible options for stuffing pancakes. We have selected for you the most delicious and affordable recipes. You can come up with your own ideas for the filling.

There are no restrictions in this matter - in pancakes, by and large, you can wrap anything you like. Do not be afraid to experiment, because this is how new culinary masterpieces are created.

50 Stuffed Spring Roll Recipes - Quick and Easy

Perhaps the most popular variation of stuffed pancakes is many favorite pancakes with cottage cheese. As for me, pancakes with cottage cheese are just a great breakfast, tasty and healthy at the same time.

The best breakfast is pancakes. Even better - if they are stuffed. One of my favorite recipes is peach pancakes. If you take juicy peaches and make pancakes correctly, it will turn out great!

Pancakes with mushrooms are delicious pancakes with such a fragrant filling that not only your home, but also your neighbors' home will gather for its smell. I tell you how to cook pancakes with mushrooms! ;)

Pancakes with cherries are delicious dessert pancakes stuffed with berries and butter cream. Incredibly delicious dessert that everyone can cook. A simple recipe for pancakes with cherries - for you!

Pancakes with meat and mushrooms (we call them pancakes) are a very tasty dish made from familiar ingredients. I have never tried tastier pancakes - and you, for sure, too :)

Hearty spring rolls are a fairly simple dish. By following this recipe, pancakes are always thin, tasty, smooth, beautiful and well suited for filling them with various fillings.

And pancakes again. Probably, we will never get tired of this marvelous old Russian dish. Pancakes with sour cream, jam and honey. Pancakes stuffed with various fillings.

Another delicious pancake. An excellent appetizer for lovers of Russian cuisine and pancakes in particular.

Recipe for stuffed pancakes. It is very nice to please your family with such pancakes.

Recipe for pancakes with mushrooms or spring rolls - cooking pancakes with mushroom filling in sour cream.

Pancakes with red fish are a luxurious dish that is not ashamed to be served on the festive table. And if you also cut them beautifully, you get real Russian rolls :)

Pancakes with meat recipe - cooking pancakes with meat filling. Incredibly tasty snack popular in Russia and Europe.

Pancakes with cabbage are now served in many cafes - this is a very dish for vegetarians and for those who are trying in every possible way to introduce more vegetables into their diet. Read how to cook!

Pancakes with cottage cheese are an excellent breakfast. Delicious, healthy and nutritious, and also very easy to prepare. I tell you how to cook pancakes with cottage cheese.

Pancakes with salmon are a great appetizer for a festive New Year's table. In addition to salmon, you can add other fillings to pancakes, such as cheese or caviar.

Recipe for thin pancakes with ham, boiled eggs, onions and olives. Beautifully decorated pancakes with ham can be a great appetizer on the festive table.

Recipe for pancakes with caviar.

Sometimes for an afternoon snack or Saturday-Sunday breakfast you want something sweet, made from dough and so that you can eat normally. Pancakes are such a dish for me. Especially - pancakes with caramel apples.

Pancakes with chicken liver and pear are very original pancakes with a very unusual taste. Disperse from the table, as a rule, with great success. Try it!

There is nothing better than the classics of culinary art :) Therefore, everyone should know and be able to cook pancakes with minced meat. After all, all housewives have the secret of delicious pancakes. Here I am sharing mine :)

Pancakes stuffed with yogurt and berries are our children's favorite pancakes. However, my wife and I respect these pancakes, so every Sunday they are on our table :)

I really love Belarusian potato pancakes. Do you love them too? Then try potato pancakes with mushrooms. You will like them very much.

Recipe for Korean pancakes with onions and carrots.

Potato pancakes with meat are so yummy! An excellent winter dish, hearty, high-calorie, warming in any frost. Making potato pancakes with meat is easy - here's my recipe!

Pancakes with cucumbers can be served chilled as a cold appetizer. The filling for such pancakes consists not only of cucumbers, but also lettuce, cottage cheese, spices. Pancakes will cook flour. Go!

Pancakes with minced meat are suitable for a hearty lunch and dinner. Any minced meat in pancakes is suitable - chicken, beef, pork. These pancakes are delicious to eat with mushroom and onion sauce. Try cooking at home!

Pancakes are a versatile dish. They can be fried for future use, cooked with sweet, salty, sour fillings, made into tubes or envelopes. I offer a recipe for pancakes with minced chicken. Try it!

Liver for pancakes with liver can be prepared in advance and frozen until the case. We will prepare the liver filling for pancakes from the lung and the liver. Let's make flour dough for pancakes. You will also need vegetables.

Delicious pancakes stuffed with minced beef and shrimp.

Pancakes and pancakes are baked, probably, by everyone. They are eaten with sour cream, cooked with various fillings. Pancakes with meat - a very satisfying, tasty dish. They can be served as an independent dish for a family dinner.

Good afternoon. This year, Maslenitsa begins on Monday, March 4th. It will last as usual for a whole week, until March 10. And at this time, it is customary for the Russian people to bake thin pancakes. Who came up with this delicacy is still unknown, and where it came from is also in question. But many consider treats to be a primordially Russian invention.

2. Be sure to knead the cottage cheese with a fork before starting.

3. Then beat in the egg, add sour cream and sugar, vanillin if desired. Mix everything thoroughly.

4. Put the filling on the pancake and wrap it with an envelope. Eat for health.

How to cook pancakes with mushrooms on the festive table

And if you are lovers of something more than ordinary, then I suggest you wrap the mushroom filling in our blanks. Mushrooms choose to your taste, though fried champignons are more often taken.

I suggest you watch a video plot in which culinary tricks are explained step by step. We will wrap the dish with tubes, it turns out everything is very tasty and satisfying.

Pancakes stuffed with chicken

You can use any chicken - boiled, baked, smoked, fried. In any case, the filling is simple and unpretentious, but very satisfying.


For test:

  • Milk - 1 l;
  • Flour - 4 tbsp.;
  • Egg - 4 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt - a pinch.

For filling:

  • Chicken breast - 400 gr.;
  • Bow - 2 pcs.;
  • Spices for chicken - to taste;
  • Vegetable little - for frying.

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs, add salt and vegetable oil. Pour in some milk and gradually pour in the sifted flour. Knead a stiff dough, then pour in the remaining milk and mix until smooth.

2. Bake products in a hot pan, greased with a small piece of lard.

3. Boil the chicken in salted water. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil with spices. Cut the meat into cubes and combine with onions.

4. Stuff the blanks with the filling.

5. Before serving, it is advisable to fry the dish in butter and pour over with your favorite sauce, such as sour cream.

Recipe for pancakes with meat and potatoes

And now the cooking method is from Belarusian cuisine, we will prepare the filling from minced potatoes and minced meat. We will use the dough on a kefir basis. Everything will turn out magnificent and insanely delicious.


For test:

  • Flour - 3/4 tbsp.;
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp.;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l..

For filling:

  • Minced meat - 250 gr.;
  • Potatoes - 8 pcs.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Butter - 100 gr.;
  • Pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Kefir, eggs, vegetable oil and sugar mix together. Add flour, mix again and let stand for about 20 minutes. Fry the cakes on both sides in a hot pan.

2. Peel potatoes and boil in salted water. Mash into puree.

3. Fry minced meat with finely chopped onion, salt and pepper.

4. Then mix the minced meat and mashed potatoes.

5. We spread the filling on one side of the workpiece, fold it in any way. And fry in butter for 2 minutes. Serve this dish with fresh sour cream.

Pancakes bags with cheese and ham

And now I propose to cook a very delicious appetizer. On the festive table, this option is just right, and it is convenient to eat, and everything looks perfect.

Well, the filling just melts in your mouth, and the dough is very tender and thin with holes.


  • Milk -1 l;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Sugar - 5 gr.;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • Ham - 50 gr.;
  • Cheese - 50 gr.;
  • Green onion - 1 bunch;
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

1. Whisk eggs with milk using a whisk.

2. Then add the flour and mix well so that not a single lump remains.

4. Fry the cakes on both sides.

5. Cut the ham into strips.

6. Do the same with cheese.

7. Stir in ham and cheese.

8. Put the filling in the center of the workpiece.

9. Collect the pancake in a bag and fix with toothpicks.

10. In this way, collect all the treats and send them to the microwave for a few minutes to melt the cheese.

Video on how to make pancakes with sweet filling

Of course, many adults and most children love and choose sweet pancakes. Such a treat is especially relevant for children's birthdays or various parties. For the filling, you can take any jam, jam, honey, condensed milk, as well as fruits and vegetables.

I suggest you try making a treat with banana filling and chocolate icing.

Easy and delicious recipe for pancakes with chicken liver

And the next option is very budget. And if you are a lover of the insides, then you will definitely like it. By the way, instead of the liver, you can use hearts.


  • Ready-made pancakes - 10-15 pcs.;
  • Chicken liver - 600 gr.;
  • Bow - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying;
  • Salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and cut the onion into small cubes. Place it in a large skillet with vegetable oil.

2. Rinse the liver and cut into small sticks.

3. Peel and cut the carrots into cubes, add to the pan.

4. Fry food until cooked, salt and pepper at the end.

If desired, the filling can be passed through a meat grinder.

5. Stuff the finished pancakes with chicken liver and roll up.

6. This dish is delicious to eat with tomato juice.

Pancakes stuffed with cheese and herbs

The next option does not quite apply to stuffed treats. Although the filling will be, but it must be added directly to the dough. You will get very juicy and crispy cakes. Try it, I think you'll like it.


  • Flour - 200 gr.;
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Water - 300 gr.;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Greens - 1 bunch.

Cooking method:

1. Grate the cheese on a fine grater, rinse the greens and chop finely. Remove the husk from the garlic.

2. Beat sugar, salt and eggs with a mixer. Next, add water, flour with baking powder and mix everything again.

3. Add vegetable oil, herbs and cheese, finely chopped garlic to the dough.

4. Mix the mass well.

To add flavor to the dish, you can use aromatic oil.

5. In a preheated pan, fry the cakes and serve.

Cooking pancakes with egg and onion

The following recipe is similar to a lightweight version of cooking)) I recommend everyone to try such a hearty and healthy dish, because we will knead the dough with whey.

The option is suitable for a festive event, and for a full breakfast.


For test:

  • Milk whey - 300 ml;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Flour - 1 cup;
  • Refined vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

For filling:

  • Raw egg - 1 pc.;
  • Boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Green onion - 1 bunch;
  • Garlic greens - 0.5 bunch;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • Butter - 40 gr.;
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Bake pancakes first. I have already explained how to make whey dough, see this article.

2. Rinse and chop the onion and garlic greens. Fry in vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes.

4. Add boiled chopped eggs to this mass, salt and pepper, then put 10 gr. butter, wait until it melts, mix and let the filling cool.

5. Put 1-2 tablespoons of the cooled mass on the pancake. We wrap it in an envelope.

6. In a heated frying pan with butter, fry our workpieces on both sides.

7. Serve hot or warm.

Design options for stuffed pancakes on the festive table

In conclusion, I want to offer you a photo selection on how you can beautifully and effectively roll spring rolls. I hope you choose the right one for you.

I hope I managed to surprise and conquer everyone with simple and delicious recipes for our delicacy. Filled pancakes are a great option for a festive table for Maslenitsa, and you can also cook them, then you will definitely please everyone !! I wish you a great mood!! Bye bye!!
