
Cooking sandwiches at home. Holiday sandwiches with cod liver

If we compare the popularity of various dishes, then the most popular and favorite are sandwiches. And this is no coincidence, they are tasty, practical, they are quick to cook. Sandwiches are indispensable when traveling, they are great not only for breakfast or dinner, they can be served on the festive table. The undeniable advantage of sandwiches is their variety. What kind of sandwiches people have not come up with: meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, sweet, salty ... At the same time, the most ordinary sandwich can be turned into a culinary and design masterpiece, if you use a little imagination.

How to pickle caviar for sandwiches

To enjoy sandwiches with caviar, it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive delicacy in the store, you can pickle caviar from river fish at home, and very simply and quickly ...

Prepare a very tasty and tender beef or pork liver pate, it makes tasty and nutritious sandwiches, it is also suitable as a filling for pancakes...

Shawarma is a great alternative to a sandwich, so it has become the number 1 dish for outdoor enthusiasts, tourists and business travelers. She is getting ready...

These hot sandwiches with ham, pineapple and cheese will be appreciated by lovers of exotic food. Sandwiches are prepared quickly - a couple of minutes to prepare the ingredients and five to eight minutes in the oven ...

Delicious cod liver sandwiches will become a real decoration of the festive table. The ingredients are not cheap, but they are worth it, especially if it's New Year or Birthday...

These sandwiches are prepared in a matter of minutes, but they turn out so tasty, so appetizing that no matter how much you cook them, it will still not be enough. Ingredients: bread, cottage cheese, dill, garlic...

Prepare these delicious and beautiful sandwiches with mushrooms, onions and cheese. They are perfect for a picnic or a children's birthday party. A simple, quick and practical recipe...

Home-cooked hamburgers are great food for picnics, children's birthday parties, and they can also be taken to work as lunch. Sharing a delicious homemade burger recipe...

Prepare very tasty and healthy summer sandwiches with egg, lettuce and tomatoes. They are prepared in minutes from the simplest and most affordable ingredients. Great solution for a summer cottage or a picnic...

Capelin caviar is an inexpensive and affordable product. Mixed with whipped cream or butter, you can get a very tasty spread for sandwiches. They are great for breakfast or lunch...

These sandwiches with smoked salmon are prepared very quickly. In fifteen minutes you can make a whole mountain of gourmet sandwiches that will allow your guests to forget about hunger ...

Sandwiches with liver pate, especially if it is made from chicken liver, are distinguished by tenderness and exquisite taste. These sandwiches will keep you energized until lunch...

These delicious sandwiches with freshly roasted chicken are perfect for a trip to the countryside or as a lunch for schoolchildren. They won't spoil until the evening...

The pate is prepared easily and quickly, it turns out tender and healthy, with a bunch of vitamins and essential fatty acids. You can make sandwiches from cabbage pate, or you can serve it as a side dish ...

There is nothing tastier than a fragrant sausage baked in dough. Adults and children alike enjoy this treat. In addition to the taste, this dish has a big plus - the filling never falls, because it keeps well in the dough)))

This sandwich is served hot, so these sandwiches are best prepared for breakfast. They are ideal for people who watch their figure, as they contain almost no fat...

Mexican tortilla is a good alternative to a regular sandwich. It combines a bread product, meat and vegetables, just everything you need to maintain strength during the working day ...

  • If sandwiches are served as an aperitif, then it is important that the main ingredients of the sandwiches do not coincide with the main ingredients of the main course. As the saying goes, long live diversity!
  • Sandwiches should be cooked just before serving. To speed up the process of preparing sandwiches, we prepare the ingredients in advance. Remove the butter from the refrigerator so that it melts and spreads easily on bread. We make pastas, sauces, etc. in advance.
  • Sandwiches are made either from an ordinary white loaf, or on toasted bread in the oven, or on croutons. The toast should be soft on the inside and crispy on the outside.
  • We always store white bread separately from black bread. This is due to the fact that white bread quickly absorbs all odors.
  • Sandwiches will turn out sharper if you add a little table mustard to the butter.
  • To make soft cheeses easier to cut, dip the cheese knife in hot water from time to time.
  • For sandwiches, the skin is usually removed from the tomatoes. To make the skin peel off easily, dip the tomatoes for a few seconds, first in boiling water, and then dip in cold water. We begin to remove the skin from the center.
  • For sandwiches, fish is usually cooked in a large piece. So it turns out more juicy and fragrant.
  • Sandwiches are usually decorated with herbs, as well as mayonnaise. To give mayonnaise a new taste and color, various ingredients are added to it: herbs, garlic, mustard, horseradish, chopped mushrooms, etc.

And a delicious breakfast, and a light snack, and decoration of the festive table - all these are they, the most common in cooking and such different sandwiches. Perhaps this is their peculiarity and uniqueness. Sandwiches for the festive table - hot and cold, with ham, sausage, meat, fish, vegetables and, of course, caviar, intricately sliced ​​and beautifully decorated - they give such scope for imagination and creativity that you only have time to bring to life.

If you think that today sandwiches on the festive table are unlikely to surprise anyone, then we assure you - you are very mistaken. We tried to find for you some simple, tasty, proven recipes for sandwiches on the festive table from quite affordable ingredients that will not only replenish your piggy bank of the best recipes, but will definitely become a table decoration at any family holiday.

Sandwiches with boiled pork and tomatoes

200 g black or white bread,
150 g boiled pork,
1 tomato
1 cucumber
30 g butter,
green onion.

Cut the bread into neat slices and, using a serrated knife, brush each slice with a thin layer of butter. Cut the boiled pork into slices of the same thickness as the bread slices and place on the bread. Cut the cucumbers into jagged circles, you can also cut out any figures from the tomato according to your mood and desire. Cut the onion feathers into pieces about 5 cm in size, carefully unfold them and curl them with the non-sharp side of the knife. Now decorate the boiled pork sandwiches with chopped vegetables and tender onion curls.
If instead of boiled pork you have boiled pork or veal on hand, feel free to cook from it. The resulting sandwiches will also be delicious.

Canapes can be prepared from the above products: cut everything into slices of the same thickness and chop on skewers (tomato or sweet pepper, cucumber, boiled pork, dried bread).

Sandwiches with ham, olives and sesame seeds

1 loaf
400 g meat ham,
1 can of Viola cheese
10 pitted black olives

Cut the loaf into neat, not very thick slices. Grease each slice with cheese, generously, without sparing, and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Thinly slice the ham. The size of each cut slice should be twice the area of ​​the sandwich. Fold each piece of ham in half and place over the cheese. Put a few parsley leaves on top of the ham, and pin an olive to the top of the sandwich with a skewer. Place the finished sandwiches on a dish lined with lettuce leaves and serve.

Sandwiches "Pyramids"

any salad that was planned to be served on the festive table or specially prepared in a small amount,

Thinly cut the bread into triangles, fry them in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. Cut the ham thinly too and roll the circles into bags, securing each with a toothpick or skewer. Fill each bag with salad, place on toasted bread and decorate the space around the bag with greens.

Sandwiches on the festive table "Snack Bars"

200 g of bread or loaf,
150 boiled meat or sausage (whatever you prefer),
5 eggs
2 tomatoes
100 g cheese
greens (dill, parsley, basil),
30 g butter,

salt, black ground pepper.

Fry slices of bread cut into triangles in vegetable oil. Whisk the eggs with a fork, you can add a little mayonnaise, pour into a pan and fry the omelette. Sprinkle hot eggs with grated cheese, cool slightly and cut into triangles, like pizza, according to the number of slices of bread. Cut the meat or sausage into small pieces, put on bread, brush with mayonnaise, put tomato slices on top and again a thin layer of mayonnaise. Then put an omelet with grated cheese on top of everything. Decorate the finished sandwich with fresh herbs.

Sandwiches with salmon can be cooked in different ways, but only the salmon itself remains the same ingredient.

Sandwiches "Marine Flotilla"

1 baguette
300 g cream cheese,
200 g lightly salted salmon,
1 tsp lemon juice
2 sprigs of dill,
1 pinch black ground pepper,
1 jar of red caviar.

Lightly toast the baguette slices until golden brown. Then beat with a blender 300 g of cream cheese. Add to it salmon pre-cut into small pieces and chop everything together. Add lemon juice, finely chopped dill and ground black pepper to the resulting mass. Spread this mass evenly on slices of fried baguette, put 0.5 tsp on top. red caviar (or more) and decorate the finished sandwiches with dill sprigs. To apply cream cheese on slices, you can use a culinary bag with various nozzles, it will turn out very elegant.

From inexpensive products, such delicious sandwiches are obtained that are not ashamed to serve even the most fastidious guests.

Sandwiches with herring

8 slices wheat bread
200 g lightly salted herring fillet,
100 g butter,
4 tomatoes,
2 pickles,
4 boiled eggs
1 bunch of green parsley.

Cut the herring fillet into long strips. Carefully inspect the fillet to remove the bones accidentally found in it. Cut eggs, cucumbers and tomatoes into slices. Spread each slice of bread with butter, place a piece of herring fillet, egg slices, tomatoes and cucumbers and garnish with parsley sprigs.

Currently, almost any store sells "fish oil", which is ordinary oil mixed with inexpensive fish caviar. It can be used as a spread for the main products for sandwiches with fish, and also, after releasing it from a pastry bag with a nozzle, make a decoration in the form of a rose or a leaf.

15 slices of bread
200 g cod liver,
4 boiled eggs
100 g cheese
2 cloves of garlic
100 g mayonnaise,
fresh greens.

Dry the bread in the oven a little in advance. Grate hard cheese on a fine grater. Cod liver, freeing from excess oil, mash with a fork and send to the cheese. Add chopped greens and grated eggs there. Pass the garlic through a press and add to the main mass. Add mayonnaise to taste and mix thoroughly. If desired, you can add a little salt and black pepper to the mass. Spread the resulting mixture on each slice of bread and decorate with fresh herbs or vegetables.

Fish sandwiches with mustard, lemon and gherkins

1 baguette
200 g lightly salted trout or salmon,
50 g butter,
100 g pitted olives
1 tsp mustard,
½ lemon
a few gherkins.

Cut the baguette into thin slices. Mix butter with mustard and brush the baguette slices with this mass. Cut the fish into thin slices. Wrap an olive in each of them and put it on bread in the form of a roll. Cut the lemon into thin slices and lay one on each sandwich. Garnish the finished sandwiches with parsley and gherkins, cut into thin and small circles.

Canape sandwiches with smoked mackerel and quail eggs

Ingredients (quantity is up to you):
black bread,
smoked mackerel,
red bulb,
quail eggs,
green onion.

Cut the bread into squares. Clean the fish from bones and skin and cut into large pieces. Peel the red onion and cut it into very thin slices. Boil quail eggs and peel them. Now we can collect our sandwiches. Put a piece of smoked mackerel on the bread, on top - a circle of onion and half an egg. Secure everything with a skewer, on which, for decoration, tie a green onion bow. That's it - beautiful, simple and tasteful!

Sandwiches "Sprat couple"

1 loaf
4-5 boiled eggs
1 jar of sprats,
100 g hard cheese,
2 cloves of garlic
1 tomato
vegetable oil.

Fry the loaf slices in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown, rub one side with a clove of garlic. Grate eggs, cheese and the remaining garlic on a fine grater, mix and season the resulting mass with mayonnaise. Then grease the loaf slices with this mass, put 2 sprats on top and decorate everything with herbs and tomato slices.

Sandwiches with smoked chicken

8 slices of loaf,
200 g smoked chicken meat,
2-3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
red ground pepper - to taste.

Cut the smoked chicken fillet into slices. Add red ground pepper, chopped parsley to the mayonnaise, mix until smooth and spread it on the loaf slices. Lay fillet slices on top and garnish with parsley sprigs. You can add a few rings of green onions or a circle of cucumber (fresh, salted or pickled - everything is delicious!).

For mushroom lovers, we offer a couple of recipes for excellent sandwiches.

Hot sandwiches with mushrooms and cheese "Amazing"

12 loaf slices,
300 g champignons,
200 g hard cheese,
2 small onions
1 garlic clove
½ chili pepper
3-4 green onion feathers,
4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
1 pinch of salt.

Chop the onion and hot chili pepper (remove the seeds from the pepper, otherwise it will turn out very spicy). Put them in a pan with heated vegetable oil and fry for 3-4 minutes. Then add finely chopped champignons to this mixture and fry everything until the mushrooms are ready for about 15 minutes. Throw the fried mixture into a colander so that excess oil drains and put in a separate bowl. Add a clove of garlic, salt and grind with a blender. Spread the resulting mushroom paste on each slice of loaf, sprinkle with grated cheese and put on a baking sheet, send the sandwiches to the oven preheated to 180ºС for 5-10 minutes to melt the cheese. Then put the finished sandwiches on a festive dish, covered with lettuce, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Cheese sandwiches with forest mushrooms

10 slices of white bread,
300 g fried forest mushrooms (you can use both purchased frozen and prepared for future use),
150 g hard cheese
2 cloves of garlic
sprigs of dill or parsley,
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Toast white bread in a toaster. Fry the mushrooms in a pan, add chopped garlic, a little finely chopped greens to them, add salt and pepper to taste. On each slice of bread, put a little hot fried mass so that it does not fall off the sandwich during eating. Top generously sprinkle the mushroom mass with grated cheese, wait until it melts, and serve. Garnish the sandwich dish with lettuce or slices of fresh vegetables.

Chicken breast, boiled, fried or smoked, is often used in the preparation of sandwiches. It goes well with both the usual vegetables and fruits.

Sandwiches "Table"

120-150 g boiled chicken breast,
1 boiled egg
1 st. l. canned corn,
1 fresh cucumber
90-100 g of processed cheese,
3 art. l. mayonnaise,
parsley, salt - to taste.

Put the melted cheese in the freezer for a few minutes and then grate it on a fine grater. Grate the egg. Cut chicken and cucumbers as small as possible. Combine all products, salt, add finely chopped parsley and season with mayonnaise, mix. Cut the loaf into slices and spread each with the resulting appetizing mass. You can even smear with a slide. Decorate sandwiches with corn kernels, you can add a few parsley leaves, it will not spoil either the appearance or the taste.

Sandwiches on the festive table with fried chicken breast and grapes

1 loaf
400 g chicken breast,
1 pack of cream cheese
2 cucumbers
large grapes (green or red).

Cut the loaf into slices, brush each with cheese. Cut the cucumbers with a curly knife into thin circles and lay on the cheese. Cut the chicken breast into thin slices, season with spices, quickly fry in a dry frying pan until cooked and cool. Lay the chicken on top of the cucumbers, then place the grape on top of the chicken and secure with a skewer.

And on our site you will always find even more delicious recipes. Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Sandwiches are an appetizer that brings variety to the festive and everyday menu. Sandwiches are served as an independent dish, as a snack before dinner or lunch, with tea, coffee, as an excellent snack for a cold table, and they are always taken with them on hikes and picnics. You can also cook delicious sandwiches and when guests suddenly appeared.
Sandwich recipes are very different and there are a fairly large number of them. So, depending on the situation and the ingredients available, you can make large, high-calorie cold or hot sandwiches, small snack sandwiches, or even canapes.
In order to prepare sandwiches for a birthday or any other holiday, you can use absolutely any product. Very often, for their preparation, they use those products that are simply not enough to prepare a separate full-fledged dish.
To make sandwiches on the festive table delicious and beautiful, you just need to delve into some of the secrets of cooking, think carefully about how excellent combinations can be achieved from the products available at home. However, you do not have to do this, because everything has already been thought out for you. You just have to take a little time to look for recipes on how to make sandwiches for the festive table in this category, which contains a large number of them.
There are simple recipes, gourmet recipes and recipes for hot sandwiches. As for sandwiches for a feast, keep in mind that holiday sandwiches need to be prepared depending on the preferences of your guests. If all the guests do not mind treating themselves to a high-calorie sandwich, then there will be no problems, but what if among the guests there will be those who eat only healthy food or watch their weight? In this case, prepare the so-called low-calorie sandwiches, for the preparation of which only fresh vegetables, herbs, lean meat and low-fat cottage cheese are used.
Absolutely everyone likes well-prepared sandwiches with cheese, sausage, vegetables. But for children, it is very important that the food is beautifully presented, so sandwiches for them should be attractive and bright. Ideas on how to decorate and serve this appetizer in an original, attractive way will help you sandwich recipes with photos, which are quite simple and understandable. Believe me, recipes on how to make sandwiches with photos will not seem difficult even for a novice cook or a child.


Hot sandwiches in a pan with sausage, cheese and egg

Ingredients: loaf, egg, salt, pepper, sausage, cheese, vegetable oil

Hot sandwiches are prepared simply and quickly. They are very tasty and satisfying with sausage, cheese and an egg. They are prepared both in the microwave and in the oven, but the easiest way to do this is in a pan.
- loaf - 3-4 slices;
- eggs - 1 pc;
- salt - 1 pinch;
- black pepper - 1 pinch;
- boiled sausage - 50 gr;
- smoked sausage - 50 gr;
- hard cheese - 30 gr;
- vegetable oil.


Sandwiches with herring

Ingredients: herring, black bread, onion, eggs, butter, lettuce

I really like sandwiches with brown bread and herring. Very often I cook them even for the holiday table.


- herring - 200 grams,
- black bread - 200 grams,
- bow - 2 pcs.,
- eggs - 2-3 pcs.,
- butter - 70-80 grams,
- lettuce leaves.


Sandwiches with salmon and avocado

Ingredients: avocado, lemon, salmon, bread, salt, pepper, herbs

Sandwiches are always prepared for the festive table. Today I have prepared for you a great recipe for my favorite sandwiches with avocado and salmon.


- 1 avocado,
- half a lemon
- 100 grams of salmon,
- 3-4 slices of bread,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- greenery.


Hot sandwiches with potatoes in a pan

Ingredients: long loaf, potatoes, garlic, eggs, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

If there is no cheese or sausage left at home, but you want a quick and satisfying snack, then you can make delicious hot sandwiches with egg and potatoes. You don't need an oven or a microwave to bake them - they are made in a regular frying pan.

- loaf - 0.5 pcs;
- raw potatoes - 3-4 pcs;
- garlic - 1-2 cloves;
- eggs - 1-2 pieces;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- vegetable oil for frying.


Forshmak in Hebrew

Ingredients: herring fillet, eggs, apple, butter, onion, rye bread

We are preparing a simple and very tasty appetizer of herring fillet - Jewish forshmak. We add onion, bread, an apple to the composition of the ingredients and we get an amazing-tasting snack that will not go unnoticed either in the daily menu or on the festive table.

- 150 g herring fillet,
- half a sour apple
- 2 chicken eggs,
- 70 g of onions,
- 1 slice of rye bread,
- 70 g butter.


Festive kiwi sandwiches

Ingredients: kiwi, cheese, bread, crab sticks, garlic, mayonnaise

Sandwiches with kiwi and crab sticks look very appetizing, and the taste of such an appetizer is very interesting. Therefore, feel free to prepare them for the holiday - you will not regret it! And we will provide you with the recipe.

- kiwi - 200 gr;
- cheese - 100 gr;
- white sandwich bread;
- crab sticks - 50 gr;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- mayonnaise - 60-70 gr.


Sandwich-salad "Ladybug"

Ingredients: loaf, eggs, processed cheese, garlic, parsley, tomatoes, olives, mayonnaise, salt

Decorating children's dishes is an integral part of preparing for a children's holiday. Egg mushrooms, carrot salad or hedgehogs with rice look original and interesting. However, you can come up with an original serving even for the simplest dishes. For example, it is beautiful to arrange a sandwich - a salad for a birthday or even just for breakfast, making them in the form of ladybugs.


- processed cheese - 1 pc.;
- celery or parsley with large leaves - 1 bunch;
- olives - 2 pcs.;
- salt - to taste;
- square loaf - 4 pieces;
- eggs - 2 pcs.;
- garlic - optional;
- tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
- mayonnaise - to taste.


Unusual sandwiches with kiwi

Ingredients: loaf, cheese, kiwi, egg, mayonnaise, salt, garlic, pepper

You can easily prepare these unusual sandwiches. I have detailed the recipe. Inexpensive sandwiches look chic.


- 5-6 slices of gray loaf or bread;
- 1 melted cheese;
- 40 grams of Dutch cheese;
- 1 kiwi;
- 1 egg;
- 1 tbsp mayonnaise;
- 1 clove of garlic;
- salt;
- ground black pepper;
- chili.


Delicious sandwiches with sprats

Ingredients: black bread, garlic, egg, mayonnaise, sprat, tomato, lemon, parsley

Today I want to invite you to cook delicious sandwiches about sprats, eggs and tomatoes. The recipe is very simple. As an appetizer, a great option for any holiday table.


- 6-8 slices of black bread;
- 1 clove of garlic;
- 2 eggs;
- 2 tablespoons mayonnaise;
- 100 grams of sprats in oil;
- 1 tomato;
- 1 slice of lemon;
- parsley.


Sandwiches Dogs for the New Year 2018

Ingredients: salami, cheese, bread, butter, greens, pepper, tomato

The simplest sandwiches can be very colorful and themed. For this New Year 2018, you can make funny dog ​​face sandwiches. They contain cheese and sausage, so it will also be very tasty!

- bread - 2 slices;
- salami sausage - 2 slices;
- hard cheese - 2 slices;
- butter - 20 gr;
- greens - 6-7 stems;
- peppercorns for decoration;
- tomato for decoration.


Hot sandwiches

Ingredients: saury, long loaf, egg, onion, cheese, mayonnaise, butter, greens, cherry tomatoes

If you like hot sandwiches cooked in the oven, then we advise you to definitely try them with saury - this option is very interesting and spectacular, and also very inexpensive.

- 1 can of canned saury in oil;
- 300 gr of a loaf;
- 2 eggs;
- 50 gr of onions;
- 60 gr of hard cheese;
- 50 gr of mayonnaise;
- vegetable oil;
- greenery;
- cherry.


Salmon and avocado sandwich

Ingredients: bread, smoked salmon, avocado, cream cheese, onion, lettuce, salt

If you love fish dishes and sandwiches, then I suggest you combine these passions and make a delicious sandwich with salmon, avocado and cream cheese. A recipe with a photo will help you make it quickly and easily.

- bun - 2 pcs,
- avocado - 1/2 piece,
- cold smoked salmon fillet - 30 gr,
- onion - 1/2 piece,
- Philadelphia cream cheese 4 tsp,
- lettuce leaves - 2 pieces,
- salt to taste.


Sandwiches with egg and garlic

Ingredients: egg, loaf, garlic, mayonnaise, oil

To prepare a delicious snack, it is not necessary to stand in the kitchen for half a day. You can use a very simple recipe for croutons with egg and garlic so that you have a wonderful dish on your table - hearty and mouth-watering.

- 3-4 eggs;
- 0.5 loaf;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- 2=3 tablespoons mayonnaise;
- vegetable oil - for frying a loaf.


Sandwiches with cheese and tomato

Ingredients: bread, butter, mayonnaise, garlic, tomato, parsley, herb

We offer you one of the simple, but very tasty options for making a sandwich. As you know, tomatoes go very well with cheeses. This is what we decided to focus on. Read more in our photo recipe.

Products for the recipe:
- 4 slices of white bread,
- 1 tbsp. butter spoon,
- 40 g mayonnaise,
- a clove of garlic
- small tomato
- 70 g of hard cheese,
- fresh parsley,
- dry Italian herbs - to taste.


cheese loaves

Ingredients: bun, butter, cheese

Usually we are always late in the morning, so I am sure that you will find this easy and quick recipe for cheese hot sandwiches useful. These delicious breads can be cooked in the oven or in the microwave.


- 2 buns,
- 50 grams of butter,
- 100 grams of hard cheese.


Homemade chicken burgers

Ingredients: bun, red onion, tomato, egg, cheese, dill, oil, vinegar, mayonnaise, flour, sauce, yogurt, salt

With this simple recipe, you can make delicious homemade chicken burgers that are just as good as store-bought ones.


- 2 hamburger buns,
- 160 grams of minced chicken,
- half a bulb of red onion,
- 60 grams of tomato,
- 2 chicken eggs,
- half of processed cheese,
- a handful of dill / parsley / lettuce,
- 60 ml. sunflower oil,
- 30 ml. wine vinegar,
- 30 ml. mayonnaise,
- 60 grams of flour,
- 30 ml. bbq sauce,
- 30 ml. yogurt,
- third tsp sea ​​salt,
- third tsp ground black pepper.

What is fast food? If you are used to the fact that this word means french fries and hamburgers, then you are mistaken. This word is used to call any food cooked in haste. Fast food can be very useful - if it is prepared from healthy products and with the addition of vegetables. If you decide to make simple sandwiches in a hurry, you will need bread, spread (cheese, butter, spread or chocolate paste), sausage, cheese, vegetables and fruits.

Simple sandwiches in a hurry - preparing food and utensils

If you have a few minutes to prepare sandwiches, then you can do just fine and get a great nutritious meal! Such simple quick sandwiches can be served to unexpected guests, built for a loved one to work for a snack, or made to yourself for watching a series.

You will definitely need bread - you can take ordinary white, rye, bran, buns. It will also be nice if you have sausage and cheese. But if it doesn't, no problem! Take a boiled egg and vegetables, and the dish will turn out not only tasty, but also healthy. Let's get started!

Recipes for simple sandwiches in a hurry:

Recipe 1: Easy Quick Sandwiches

If you have boiled or smoked sausage, then this is a great excuse to make a light and simple snack. Use butter as a spread. And, of course, do not forget about the useful addition in the form of a lettuce leaf.

Required Ingredients:

  • White bread
  • Sausage 300 grams
  • Butter 100 grams
  • fresh lettuce leaf

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the bread into slices, but not very thinly.
  2. Brush each slice of bread with butter. The butter should be slightly melted, so it will be much easier to smear.
  3. Cut the sausage into slices. Put the sausage on the oil, two pieces each.
  4. Wash lettuce, remove drops of water with dry towels.
  5. Spread the lettuce over the sausage.

Recipe 2: Simple Quick Cheese Sandwiches

Sausage may not always be in the hostess's refrigerator, but there is definitely a piece of hard cheese. Any sort of cheese will do, from Dutch to smoked sausage. Simple sandwiches in a hurry with cheese can be complemented with a fresh crispy cucumber.

Required Ingredients:

  • Bun (or French baguette)
  • Butter 100 grams
  • Cheese of any kind 200 grams
  • Cucumber

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the bun into thin slices.
  2. Brush each slice with a thin layer of butter.
  3. Cut the cheese into thin slices and put on top of the butter.
  4. Wash the cucumber, remove the skin from it, cut into slices and put on the cheese. Close the sandwich with a piece of bread.

Recipe 3: Easy Quick Sandwiches Sweet

There is nothing better for breakfast than a meal rich in carbohydrates. Such food is not only tasty, but will also give you energy for the first half of the day, until lunch. An ideal breakfast is cereal porridge, but simple quick sandwiches are also great. You will need sweet chocolate paste, nuts, a banana and a bun. Delicious and bon appetit.

Required Ingredients:

  • Bun
  • Chocolate spread (like Nutella or Korovka)
  • Banana 1 piece
  • Walnut ½ cup

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the bun - not thinly, as the bun itself is very tasty, and with the filling it will be even better and tastier.
  2. Spread the bun with chocolate paste. In principle, you can also take chocolate butter.
  3. Peel and chop the nuts with a rolling pin or blender. Be careful that the peel does not slip along with the nut kernel.
  4. Peel the banana and cut into thin slices. Put banana on sandwiches.

Simple sandwiches in a hurry - secrets and tips from famous chefs

  1. You can make your own sandwich spread. For example, such a mixture will turn out incredibly tasty - Feta cheese and boiled chicken fillet with pieces of pickled cucumber. Grind the products in a blender, after which you can spread on a bun.
  2. The basis of any sandwich is bread. To make a sandwich more healthy, use grain bread or with bran. White bread, of course, is the most delicious, but at the same time, the least useful. The flour for such bread has gone through so many treatments that it has lost everything useful, but it has acquired a white taste and gives the products a pleasant taste.
  3. What vegetables to use? Your favorites are tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, olives, lettuce. Do not be afraid to experiment, for example, you can add a thinly sliced ​​apple to a sandwich with sausage, and if you are making a sandwich with boiled chicken fillet, take a thin slice of pineapple.
  4. Try making simple quick fish sandwiches such as sprats or canned sardines. Spread bread (preferably Borodino) with a thin layer of butter and put a few fish on top. Decorate sandwiches with herbs, or sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven for 3-4 minutes. It only takes a few minutes to prepare these sandwiches, but they are guaranteed to be delicious!
  5. You can make a sandwich without the usual spread. For example, if you don't have butter, replace it with mayonnaise or ketchup. Lubricate bread with this ingredient, and put sausage, cheese or vegetables on top.
  6. Try making simple sandwiches in a hurry, using biscuit or thin shortbread cookies instead of bread. Brush it with oil, and put the main ingredient on top.

A sandwich is an easy-to-prepare snack that can not only quickly satisfy hunger, but also decorate a festive table. It is created on the basis of any spread flavored with a thin layer, on top of which pieces of sausage, meat, fish, cheese or vegetables are placed. Today's article presents an interesting selection of simple recipes for such products.

The basis for creating any sandwich is bread. Of course, products made from wheat flour can be used for these purposes. But to reduce calorie content, it is more advisable to prepare such snacks from rye, whole grain or bran bread.

Melted butter is usually used as a "spread". But if desired, it can be mixed with mustard or completely replaced with cottage cheese or soft cheese. As for the remaining components, their choice depends on the contents of your refrigerator. It can be red fish, canned food, vegetables, eggs or meat.

Option with sausage

Even a teenager can easily cope with the preparation of such delicious sandwiches, because for this you do not need to have any special culinary skills. All you need is:

  • Several slices of white bread.
  • 300 grams of any sausage.
  • ½ pack of butter.
  • Lettuce salad.

Slightly melted butter is spread on not too thinly sliced ​​bread. Spread two slices of sausage and washed lettuce leaves on top. The finished snack is placed on a flat plate and served on the table.

Variant with cucumber and cheese

Since not every refrigerator always has stocks of sausage, you can make light sandwiches without it. To create them you will need:

  • ½ pack of butter.
  • 200 grams of any cheese, including processed or sausage.
  • Fresh cucumber.

The baguette is cut into thin slices and smeared with slightly melted butter. Spread slices of cheese and cucumber slices on top. All this is covered with a second slice of baguette, placed on a beautiful flat plate and served.

With eggs and saury

We draw your attention to another easy recipe for sandwiches. An appetizer prepared according to it can be a great idea for a family picnic or a small buffet. This time you will need:

  • Baton.
  • 6 large spoons of mayonnaise.
  • 5 pickled cucumbers.
  • 6 eggs.
  • 2 cans of canned saury.
  • Greens and ground pepper.

Washed eggs are poured with cold water, boiled hard, cooled, peeled and chopped. Then they are combined with mashed fish and grated cucumbers. All this is sprinkled with ground pepper, seasoned with mayonnaise and spread on pieces of fried loaf. The finished appetizer is decorated with fresh herbs and laid out on a flat dish.

Sandwiches with eggplant and cheese

This appetizer is served hot. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare light sandwiches shortly before eating. To create such a snack you will need:

  • Baton.
  • Eggplant.
  • 240 grams of mozzarella.
  • 2 eggs.
  • Salt, pepper, vegetable oil, breading and tomato sauce.

The washed eggplant is cut into thin rings, dipped in beaten salted eggs, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and spread on a baking sheet greased with vegetable fat. Bake the blue ones in a warm oven until a golden hue appears. In another pre-oiled form, loaf slices are placed and a layer of tomato sauce is applied to them. Top with browned eggplant slices and grated cheese. Prepare a snack in the oven, calcined to 180 degrees, no longer than seven minutes.

Variant with pineapple and ham

This recipe for light sandwiches, the photos of which can be found below, will surely be appreciated by lovers. To reproduce it, you will need:

  • 140 grams of ham.
  • 140 g cheese.
  • 140 grams of canned pineapples.
  • Ground paprika, loaf and butter.

White bread is cut into thin slices. Each piece is smeared with melted butter. Top with ham and pineapple. All this is sprinkled with ground paprika and grated cheese, and then briefly cleaned in a warm oven.

With sprats

These light sandwiches, photos of which can be seen below, are distinguished by a spicy taste and pleasant aroma. Therefore, they are often used not only as an addition to a family dinner, but also as a decoration for a festive table. To prepare them you will need:

  • Bank of sprats.
  • 2 pickled cucumbers.
  • 2 boiled eggs.
  • A teaspoon of mustard.
  • Butter.
  • White bread.
  • Fresh dill.

Slices of bread are slightly dried in the oven, and then greased with butter, previously pounded with mustard. Spread slices of cucumber, circles of eggs and sprats on top. The finished appetizer is decorated with dill sprigs and served on the table.

Variant with tomato

These delicious and light sandwiches are prepared very quickly and simply. Therefore, many people often take them with them to work. To make this appetizer, you will need:

  • 3 slices of grain bread.
  • 25 grams of butter.
  • Boiled egg.
  • A couple of medium tomatoes.
  • 2 small fresh cucumbers
  • Salt and ground pepper.

The bread is spread with melted butter. Lay cucumber slices, tomato slices and egg slices on top. All this is salted, peppered and placed on a flat plate.

Variant with red fish

This recipe will surely appeal to those who love salted salmon. To play it you will need:

  • Half of rye bread.
  • 150 grams of salted salmon and caviar in mayonnaise sauce.
  • Fresh parsley.

Sliced ​​bread is smeared with caviar and slices of salmon, twisted in the form of a rose, are laid on it. Do not want to mess around - put the usual stripes. All this is decorated with parsley sprigs and served on the table.

Recipe with parmesan and olives

These moderately spicy, light sandwiches have a piquant taste and garlic aroma. They are prepared so simply that any beginner can easily cope with this task. For this you will need:

  • Baguette.
  • 40 grams of parmesan.
  • 6 olives.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • mayonnaise and fresh parsley.

In one bowl, chopped garlic, chopped olives and grated parmesan are combined. All this is mixed with mayonnaise and spread inside a pre-cut baguette. All this is sent to a preheated oven and baked at 220 degrees for about seven minutes. The finished sandwich is decorated with greenery and served on the table. Finally, it is worth noting that this appetizer is equally good both hot and cold.

Curd cream option

Sandwiches made using the technology described below have a very delicate taste. And it takes very little time to prepare them. To do this, you should have at hand:

  • 6 slices of black bread (you can also take a white baguette).
  • 150 grams of curd cream.
  • A couple of ripe tomatoes.
  • Green onion.

Bread is smeared with curd cream. Place tomato slices and green onions on top. The finished snack is placed on a beautiful plate and served on the table.

Language option

These light sandwiches will be a great decoration for any holiday. They have a delicate pleasant taste and a delicate curd aroma. To prepare them you will need:

  • Bread.
  • Half a kilo of boiled tongue.
  • Standard pack of butter.
  • 400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Yolks from five boiled eggs.
  • Sugar, salt and red ground pepper (to taste).
  • Fresh parsley (for decoration)

The oil is rubbed with cottage cheese, and then mixed with salt and red pepper. The resulting mass is applied to slices of bread. Top with slices of boiled tongue and balls made from seasoned egg yolks. The finished appetizer is decorated with parsley sprigs and served on the table.

with radish

These spring light sandwiches have a pleasant taste and fresh aroma. In addition, they are distinguished by a relatively low calorie content, which means that they can be offered even to those who follow their figure. To make this appetizer, you will need:

  • Bread.
  • 250 grams of radish.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 200 milliliters of low-fat sour cream.
  • Salt and fresh herbs.

Washed eggs are poured with cold water, boiled hard, cooled, cleaned and grated. Then they are mixed with chopped radishes, sour cream, salt and chopped herbs. The resulting mass is applied to the surface of the bread slices and the finished sandwiches are laid out on a flat plate.
