
Young potatoes with mushrooms in the oven recipe. French-style potatoes with mushrooms in the oven - there is no limit to delight! Recipes for cooking potatoes in French with mushrooms in the oven

Potatoes and mushrooms are a tasty and healthy duet that almost everyone likes. There are a lot of cooking options in the oven: with meat, vegetables, in pots. This is an ideal side dish or a separate dish that is prepared simply, quickly and without any special financial costs. For a festive table or a family dinner on a day off, you can make stuffed potatoes with mushrooms. And no matter what recipe and with what additives the dish is prepared, the result will always be excellent.


To paraphrase a well-known expression, it will turn out: "What Russian does not like potatoes." And a few hundred years ago, it was not even heard of in Russia. There is an opinion that the root crop must be excluded from the diet due to its high calorie content if you are trying to lose weight. Partly true, but it all depends on the method of preparation. For example, the calorie content of 100 grams of potatoes is relatively small - only about 80 kcal.

For those who want to lose weight, there is a diet of the same name. Due to fresh or dried mushrooms and dressings (butter, cream, sour cream), the energy value rises to 125 kcal. The maximum calorie content of the dish, if fried in a pan with smoked meats and lard, is 175 kcal.

ON A NOTE! Mushroom is a full-fledged aphrodisiac. When meeting tete-a-tete, prepare a meat steak with the addition of nutmeg and pepper, and a side dish of mushrooms and potatoes.

Baked potatoes with mushrooms - a classic recipe

Potatoes are prepared quickly, little mushrooms are required, and the dish is inexpensive. The aroma is such that you won’t have to call your family twice to the table!


  • 500 - 600 grams of tubers (small) potatoes;
  • 200 - 250 grams (any) mushrooms;
  • 2 small onions;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Ground pepper - to taste;
  • A bunch of dill;
  • A pinch of cloves;
  • 3 - 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.


  1. Wash and clean the tubers, cut them into quarters.
  2. Wash the forest mushrooms, and for champignons, you can only wipe the hats. Allow frozen mushrooms to thaw beforehand, dry ones - soak overnight.
  3. Cut small mushrooms into halves or quarters, and cut large caps into slices, finely chop the legs.
  4. Cut the onions in half, chop into half rings.
  5. Pour oil into a baking sheet with high sides, distributing it evenly over the entire area. Fill with potato slices and mushrooms, add onions. Gently mix the ingredients, add spices, salt and pepper, mix again.
  6. Close the baking sheet tightly with foil, place in the oven, bake for about half an hour at 220 ° C. 5-7 minutes before the end of baking, remove the foil so that the potatoes acquire an appetizing ruddy color. Arrange the hot dish on plates, sprinkle with chopped dill.

Video recipe

French fries with mushrooms and pork in the oven

From only three products included in the composition, with the addition of cheese and sour cream, you get an excellent dish, an appetizing French delicacy.


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 onions (large);
  • 500 - 600 grams of mushrooms;
  • 400 grams of sour cream;
  • 300 grams of hard cheese;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Black pepper - to taste;
  • 2 - 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.


  1. Prepare the mushrooms, clean, rinse, dry, cut into thin plates.
  2. Peel the onions, cut into half rings or rings.
  3. Peel medium-sized tubers, cut into thin slices.
  4. Heat the oil in a frying pan and lightly fry the onion in it.
  5. Put the potatoes on a greased baking sheet, salt it, cover with a mushroom layer, pepper and salt again. Next add the onion.
  6. Mix non-acidic sour cream with salt and pepper, pour evenly on top. Cover the dish with a sheet of foil.
  7. Place the baking sheet into an oven preheated to about 180°C. Be careful not to burn the top of the dish.
  8. After half an hour, check the readiness of the potatoes with a match or fork, and if it is soft, then sprinkle the top with cheese chips. Bake for 5-7 minutes until the cheese is browned. After the time has elapsed, take out a baking sheet, cool, serve with fresh seasonal vegetables as a side dish or an independent dish.

Videos cooking

Potatoes in pots with meat and mushrooms

Wonderful for ease of preparation, a versatile dish. You can cook with any meat and different types of mushrooms. It turns out fragrant and tasty, for young housewives this recipe is a real find. Various vegetables and spices will help to diversify the taste.


  • 400 g of meat (any);
  • 3 potato tubers;
  • 1 - 2 pcs. fresh tomatoes;
  • 300 g mushrooms;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot root;
  • 12 pcs. prunes;
  • 30 ml vegetable oil;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Spices - to taste.


  1. Peel and coarsely grate the carrots, finely chop the onion, sauté in oil.
  2. Prepare the meat, clean, rinse, dry, cut into cubes about 2 cm in size. Arrange in equal portions in 4 pots, add 3 pieces to each. prunes.
  3. Wash the mushrooms, peel, cut into slices, add to the meat.
  4. Cover the mushroom layer with tomato slices (remove the skin).
  5. Cut the peeled potatoes into large cubes, lay on the tomatoes.
  6. Put the last layer of sautéing, spices and salt, close the pots with lids.
  7. Place the dishes in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for a third of an hour, reduce the heat and simmer until cooked for about 40 minutes. 15 minutes before the end, put a tablespoon of fat sour cream in each pot, sprinkle with chopped dill. A good addition would be fresh or pickled vegetables. Serve directly in the pots, placing them on plates.

There are many ways to cook potatoes with mushrooms in the oven: in a sleeve, a pot, a form, on a baking sheet. For flavor and benefit, add onions. To quickly peel an onion, cut it in half before removing the skin.

For the dish, take a potato variety that does not crumble when cooked. It tastes best with porcini mushrooms, even a small amount of them improves the taste. Cook according to the recipe for the first time, and then, using your imagination, experiment with adding various spices and spices, vegetables and fruits.

Any housewife should have several recipes for cooking in her piggy bank: for meat-eaters, vegetarians or fasting people. This will help out in many situations, for example, when guests have dropped in or you want to pamper your family with something tasty, but you don’t have the strength to cook after a busy day.

Baked potatoes with mushrooms in the oven in sour cream sauce is a very simple and hearty dish that will decorate not only the everyday table, but also the festive feast. Cooking potatoes does not require special skills and abilities from the hostess.

The uniqueness of this dish lies in the fact that it does not require a lot of products to prepare it. In total, from potatoes, onions and mushrooms, you can create a culinary masterpiece in your kitchen that will certainly conquer not only your household, but also guests.

Thanks to the sour cream-based sauce, potatoes with mushrooms in the oven are incredibly tender. Baked potatoes can be served as a side dish or an independent dish. It is impossible to note the fact that such a dish is very satisfying, but at the same time not heavy on the digestive system. Therefore, such potatoes can be safely prepared even for children.

The best option for a hearty and balanced dinner, featuring a unique bouquet of flavors and spicy notes. Baked potatoes, characterized by a stewed aroma, are intertwined with a delicate accent of mushrooms, forming a laconic and gastronomic ensemble. This dish will decorate the festive table or complement the everyday menu.

Taste Info Second potato dishes / Baked potatoes in the oven / Stewed potatoes


  • fresh potatoes - 1 kg;
  • large champignons - 600 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • rosemary (dry) - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • fresh parsley leaves
  • For sauce:
  • sour cream 20% - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • drinking water - 600 ml;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • turmeric - 1 teaspoon;
  • coarse sea salt - 1 tsp;
  • thyme (dry) - 1/4 tsp

How to cook baked potatoes and mushrooms in the oven

Cooking mushrooms.

We clean the onions, cut them into half rings, lower them into a pan with hot vegetable oil. We pass the onion for about 7-8 minutes. During this time, it will become slightly golden. The main thing is not to overcook the onion, otherwise it will acquire a bitter aftertaste, and this will drastically spoil the taste of the dish.

We wash the mushrooms, dry them and cut each mushroom into 6-8 parts, depending on the size of the mushroom. Do not cut them very finely, as they decrease in size during heat treatment. Add mushrooms to onion and stir. While they are fried with onions, let's prepare the sauce.

Advice. To prepare this dish, it is not at all necessary to choose champignons. Potatoes will go well with porcini mushrooms or chanterelles. But it is worth remembering that forest mushrooms must be soaked in cold water for at least 1 hour before heat treatment.

For the sauce, combine the flour with 100 ml of water and stir until a mushy state in a separate bowl. Put sour cream, salt, turmeric, thyme in a saucepan and fill with the remaining water. Mix all the ingredients well, then pour the diluted flour into the pan with the sauce. We mix everything with a whisk and make sure that there are no lumps.

Advice. Sour cream can be completely replaced with cream with a fat content of 10%. But you should not choose too heavy cream (40%). They can make the sauce too thick and cloying.

Pour the resulting sauce into a pan with mushrooms, let it warm up for no longer than five minutes, remove from the stove. It is worth making sure that the sauce does not boil in the pan, otherwise the sour cream may take lumps.

Lubricate the heat-resistant form with oil. Peeled potatoes cut into cubes similar in size to the size of mushrooms. Pour into a bowl and sprinkle with rosemary.

Pour the mushrooms in the sauce over the potatoes and mix them gently. Remember that the sauce is hot.

We close the form with a lid. If there is no lid, cover the form with foil and fix it on the sides. We put the potatoes with mushrooms in a cold oven. We set the mode to 160 ° for 100 minutes. As the oven heats up, the sauce won't have time to thicken quickly enough to allow the potatoes to cook, which is why you shouldn't put them in a preheated oven.

A minute before the end of cooking potatoes with mushrooms, we prepare a form for the dish and light candles. This will keep the dish hot throughout lunch or dinner.

We take out the potatoes with mushrooms from the oven and decorate with fresh parsley leaves. Our dish is ready.

Cooking Tips:

  • Baked potatoes with mushrooms in the oven can be served in portions. If the arrival of guests is foreseen, then this dish can be prepared in portioned clay pots or small ceramic forms. For a more effective serving, you can replace the lids of the pots with yeast dough cakes. Bread cakes will be cooked together with potatoes in the oven, and in this way you will serve not only a hearty dish, but also freshly baked bread. To make bread cakes harmonize with the overall taste of potatoes, rosemary leaves can be added to the yeast dough. This will spice up the baked goods.
  • Cheese can be used to form a tastier crust. They need to mash the potatoes already cooked in the oven. The cheese is rubbed on a coarse grater, the dish is sent to the oven for 10 minutes. If the oven has a “grill” function, then the cheese crust will turn out crispy and golden. But even if your oven does not have such a function, do not be upset, melted cheese also looks very appetizing and attractive.
  • If potatoes with mushrooms are served as an independent dish, then fresh vegetables and herbs can be served as a side dish, which will create a balance between the fat content of the sauce and the satiety of the potatoes.
  • You can cook such potatoes with meat. It is advisable to choose meat that does not have a specific smell: pork, beef or chicken.

In many families, potatoes replace bread and even cereals. The same thing happens with our family. we eat only with first courses, and we generally forgot about cereals.

Potatoes replace everything for us, and there is not a single day on the menu of which we did not have potatoes. But there is one thing, even your favorite dish tends to become boring. And so that this does not happen, we housewives have to think and puzzle over how to please our household. But if you experiment, you can come up with many ways and options for preparing this product. One of my recipes and I want to introduce you. This is one of our family's favorite dishes, which is very quick to prepare and turns out very tasty. I suggest cooking potatoes with mushrooms in the oven.

Cooking steps:


1 kilogram of potatoes, 1 kilogram of raw mushrooms, 2-3 onions, 250-300 grams of hard cheese, 3 tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise, 100-150 grams of water, salt, ground black pepper, ground coriander, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

One of the central products in cooking is potatoes. Many different dishes are prepared from this vegetable. It can be simple food, or it can be real masterpieces. This vegetable contains many vitamins and minerals. Due to the good combination with a variety of products, this vegetable is called universal. Potatoes are in perfect harmony with various mushrooms, so one of the popular dishes is potatoes with mushrooms in the oven.

A simple recipe will help any hostess prepare a nutritious and tasty dinner. This dish is prepared in a variety of ways. Such food can be called everyday and traditional. with mushrooms, you can diversify with various sauces that will give the dish a new taste with a spicy touch. We take simple and affordable products as the basis of this dish.

Oven baked potatoes with mushrooms


  • potatoes - 1 kilogram.
  • onions - 2 heads.
  • champignons - 500 gr.
  • sour cream - 400 gr.
  • cheese - 300 gr.
  • oil under. - 2 - 3 tbsp. l.
  • spices.


Peel potatoes, wash and cut into thin slices. cut into plates.

To cook mushrooms with potatoes in the oven, you can use any available mushrooms. A delicious meal is potatoes with porcini mushrooms in the oven.

Take two onions and cut into rings. Saute the onion in a skillet until half cooked.

Lay out on a baking sheet in layers: potatoes, well flavored with spices, distribute chopped mushrooms evenly on the first layer, a layer of onions.

With sour cream and spices we make a sauce for our dish, that is, mix everything well. Pour the contents of the pan.

We put the prepared dish in a preheated oven at t 180 ° C. If desired, you can cover the baking sheet with foil. Sprinkle the dish with grated cheese 10 minutes before cooking. The result is an excellent cheese crust.

Everything, our potatoes are ready to serve. You can serve this dish with fresh vegetables.

If you use dried mushrooms, then pre-soak them in boiling water for half an hour.

And cheese will please the whole family and will become an indispensable dish for dinner.

Potatoes with mushrooms and vegetables

Another amazing, tasty and satisfying one will not make you pass it by.


  • Mushrooms (any) - 400 gr.
  • potatoes - 4 pieces
  • tomato - 2 pcs.
  • one large onion
  • mayonnaise and sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • cheese - 150 gr.
  • sunflower oil
  • spices


Let's start with roasting. We clean the onion and cut into half rings, and they, in turn, are also half.
My mushrooms, cut into arbitrary pieces. Fry everything in hot oil, close the lid for stewing. Add salt and cook for a few more minutes.

My, cut into slices of small thickness.

We make sauce for our dish. We combine sour cream with mayonnaise in equal proportions and mix. The sauce is ready.

Put a layer of potatoes in a heat-resistant container, then fried mushrooms with onions, tomato circles and pour everything with the finished sauce. Layers are repeated from the remaining products in a similar way.

If you prefer spicy dishes, then each layer of the casserole can be sprinkled with black pepper. The food will be spicy and flavorful.

We place the heat-resistant form in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for about an hour. 15 minutes before readiness, we fall asleep with grated cheese and put it back so that the cheese is reddened.

To ensure that the food is evenly baked, place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 ° C, then after about half an hour, reduce the temperature.

Potatoes with mushrooms and cheese in the oven can be sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs, this will add solemnity and freshness to the dish.

Potatoes with mushrooms, despite the traditional nature of the recipe, can be cooked in a variety of ways, sometimes radically changing the taste of the dish. It is difficult to call the dish dietary, since potatoes are a fairly high-calorie product, and mushrooms in any form are not digested too easily. But sometimes it’s worth pampering yourself and your family by canceling a boring diet.

List of recipes in the article:

Fried potatoes with mushrooms

There is nothing easier than just frying potatoes with mushrooms, which will require:

  • 0.5 kg potatoes
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 head of onion
  • 200 g mushrooms
  • salt to taste

Before preparing fried potatoes with mushrooms, rinse the latter thoroughly. This is especially important for forest mushrooms, in which particles of earth and other debris are preserved. For the rest, it doesn’t matter whether store-bought champignons or forest chanterelles are used. And with those, and with others, the dish will turn out hearty and tasty.

Cut the onion into half rings, mushrooms into strips, fry them in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add the diced potatoes to the pan and fry the dish until tender, stirring occasionally.

It is necessary to salt the potatoes when frying at the end of cooking, otherwise they will not have a crisp

Potatoes with mushrooms in the oven

This recipe may well become festive, and it will require:

  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 2 heads of onion
  • 0.5 kg mushrooms
  • 300 g sour cream
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • 100 g grated hard cheese
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil for greasing the mold and frying the mushrooms
  • salt to taste

Rinse the mushrooms, cut them and fry until golden brown along with chopped onions. Grease a deep baking dish with vegetable oil, cut the potatoes into strips and place half of them on the bottom of the dish. Put mushrooms with onions on top of this layer, and cover them with a second layer of potatoes on top.

Mix sour cream with salt and a small amount of liquid, then pour potatoes with the resulting sauce. Preheat the oven and place the baking dish with potatoes in it for 40 minutes. At a temperature of 180 ° C, all that remains is to sprinkle the dish with grated cheese immediately before turning off the oven.

Potato ragout with mushrooms and meat

For this recipe you will need:

  • 0.5 kg potatoes
  • 300 g meat or chicken fillet
  • 200 g mushrooms
  • 2 onions
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 200 g white cabbage
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 200 ml beef broth or water
  • salt and spices to taste

Chop onions, mushrooms and carrots into strips and fry in oil along with chopped meat. It is more convenient to do this in a deep saucepan, then the meat with mushrooms will not need to be transferred after cooking to the pan for further stewing. Add potatoes, then chopped cabbage and bell pepper, then pour the vegetables with broth and simmer them over low heat until tender for half an hour.
