
How to make a delicious soft puree. How to make mashed potatoes

Best Recipes mashed potatoes. Mashed Potato Secrets.

Mashed Potato Secrets

What could be easier than cooking mashed potatoes? But for some reason, not every housewife has it delicious. How to make mashed potatoes the right way?

Everyone knows that mashed potatoes are mashed boiled potatoes with butter and milk. It is usually used as a side dish, sometimes as a main dish for a child.
This is surprising, but some housewives turn out such a simple dish to look like a gray paste or a lumpy mass that gets stuck in the throat.

How to make mashed potatoes

The recipe for mashed potatoes is surprisingly simple:

Peel and boil potatoes, salting at the end of cooking;
Drain the water and mash the potatoes with a potato masher;
Add butter and milk;
Blend the puree well again.

Why do you sometimes have to choke on tasteless mashed potatoes? What is wrong with housewives?

Secrets of Delicious Mashed Potatoes

1. Potatoes must be cooked completely. Check with a fork, it should freely pierce the tubers.

2. There should be a lot of butter, and not small piece in a big pot.
Take at least 80-100 grams per pound of potatoes.
It is butter that makes the puree tender and gives a pleasant creamy taste.
All kinds of butter substitutes, spreads and margarines are not the products that can be considered healthy.
And they won't make mashed potatoes delicious.

3. There should also be a lot of liquid in the puree. Usually this warm milk.

Often on culinary sites you can find the statement: do not add cold milk to hot mashed potatoes - the mashed potatoes will turn gray. This is not always true, but rather not true at all.
The color of the puree depends on the variety of potatoes, and not on the temperature of the milk being poured.
There are varieties whose boiled tubers turn blue when cooled and retain this color, even if the cooled potatoes are heated.
If the puree is of this kind and it has cooled down from adding cold milk, there’s nothing to be done about it. In all other cases, the temperature of the milk does not really matter if the mashed potatoes are served immediately.
From yellow tubers, the puree turns yellow, from white tubers - yellowish-cream.

4. Boiled potatoes are not enough to simply crush, they must be turned into a homogeneous mass without lumps. In fact, you need to whip the puree, then it will become like a cream.

Quite often it is advised to beat the puree with a mixer. However, an ordinary pulp with holes works great.
At first, the process is quite difficult: you need to crush all the potatoes, adding milk and butter, make sure that the hot liquid does not splash on your hands.

As the puree turns into a homogeneous mass, the process becomes easier - you need not stop there, but continue to beat vigorously further.
Mashed potatoes in front of the eyes becomes more magnificent, more creamy.
If at the beginning of the process it seemed liquidish, similar to porridge-slurry, then by the end it will become thicker.

What can be added to mashed potatoes?

To give a special taste, sour cream, cream, processed cheese.
Sometimes they drive in fresh a raw egg.

Someone likes mashed potatoes with a clove of garlic or grated Parmesan, and someone likes well-fried onions or cracklings in vegetable oil.

Mashed potatoes are diet dish for children and the sick, and a popular side dish for meat and fish. In addition to potatoes, butter and milk, you can add a variety of ingredients to it.

How to choose mashed potatoes

Classic mashed potatoes are boiled and mashed potatoes with hot milk and butter.

To make mashed potatoes delicious, you need to follow a few rules. Potatoes should be from those varieties that loosen and crumble during cooking - “starchy”. If the tuber remains externally unchanged, although it is cooked, then such a potato is suitable for frying, but it will not turn out to be a gentle mashed potatoes.

How to prepare mashed potatoes

First, the potatoes should be thoroughly peeled. This applies not only to the peel, but also to the “eyes”.
The pulp around them does not boil well, so you should not spoil your lunch or dinner, it is better to remove these places immediately.
Cooking whole potatoes for mashed potatoes is impractical.
It deserves to be cut.
In this case, the pieces should be approximately the same shape and size.
This will allow them to cook at the same time.
You also don’t need to cut it finely, otherwise you risk getting useless mashed potatoes.
All its nutrients and beneficial substances will remain in the broth.

Milk must be hot.

Puree likes to be whipped for a long time.
When it has a uniform creamy consistency, it means that it can be served on the table.
And if it is still far from homogeneity and creaminess, we work further with a pusher or blender. puree should only be served hot.
When heated, it loses its wonderful taste.

Best Mashed Potato Recipes

1. Boil potatoes for 10 minutes in water, then drain the water, pour boiling milk over it and bring to readiness. Mash into puree.

2. Mash potatoes. Mix sour cream with grated cheese and finely chopped garlic, season potatoes with this mixture. The mashed potatoes need to be held in the oven for a while so that the sour cream warms up.

3. Mash the potatoes, pour boiling chicken broth(by analogy with the recipe for mashed potatoes with milk), beat well.

4. Fill the puree with garlic crushed with herbs, dill seeds, diluted with melted butter.

5. Beat 1-2 egg yolks with a few tablespoons of sour cream, season the puree with this mixture. If you are not sure about the quality of the eggs, then do not use this version of the dish. Otherwise, you run the risk of catching unpleasant, and even dangerous diseases.

6. Cracklings (roastings) with a small amount add melted fat to mashed potatoes and beat.

7. Cheese durum varieties rub on fine grater. Slightly dilute the puree with boiling milk, add cheese and mix thoroughly. The volume of cheese should be about a quarter of the volume of puree.

8. Mash the potatoes, add a piece of butter, mix with finely chopped greens (dill, green onion, parsley) and garlic.

9. Pour a handful of crushed walnuts into mashed potatoes diluted with milk.

It would seem, what could be easier than making mashed potatoes? Anyone can boil and mash potatoes. But, unfortunately, it does not always turn out really tasty. Gray, viscous, too dry or, on the contrary, too liquid - such a puree can hardly be called ideal. I propose an extremely simple option: the classic (according to the canons developed back in Soviet years) mashed potatoes, recipe with milk and butter. All. No more fancy ingredients. We will also mash potatoes in the old fashioned way - with an ordinary wooden pusher or a metal potato masher. Here it is better to do without the use of modern kitchen appliances. You and without them will get the most delicious, tender and air puree of all the ones you've tried!


  • potatoes - 1 kg,
  • milk (better fatter, I have 3.2%) - 150 ml,
  • butter - 50 g,
  • salt - 3/4 tbsp. l. (or to taste).

How to make mashed potatoes with milk

My potatoes, cut off the skin. If necessary, cut large tubers into pieces so that all the potatoes turn out to be approximately the same size. The smaller the potatoes are cut, the faster they will cook.

Next, pour water into a saucepan where potatoes will be boiled and let it boil. To save time, you can boil water in an electric kettle. We lower the potatoes into the gurgling water, add salt to it. The water should completely cover the potatoes.

Close the saucepan with a lid and cook the potatoes until tender on a medium heat of the stove. Usually the potatoes reach readiness in about 15 minutes. We pierce the tubers with a knife (or fork) and, if it enters gently, the potatoes are ready.

WITH cooked potatoes drain completely all the liquid and immediately knead it with a pusher (I have a wooden one). Without liquid, it is much easier to turn potatoes into mashed potatoes without lumps.

Almost ready, it remains only to add butter and milk to the mashed potatoes. Important point: so that the puree does not turn out to be disgustingly viscous and viscous, and does not change color to an unappetizing gray, both ingredients must be hot. First add the butter to the puree, after melting it in the microwave.

We mix the butter into the puree with quick circular movements and gradually begin to pour in the milk, also preheated in the micro. Pour milk in two to four approaches. They poured a portion - mashed the milk with a crush until the milk was completely absorbed, poured it again - mashed it again and so on until you get the puree of the consistency you need.

I pour in all the milk and, for my taste, it turns out perfectly tender, airy mashed potatoes. It's best to serve it right away. An excellent side dish for any fish or meat dishes, very tasty with a salad or just with herbs.

From potatoes quickly and tasty? This question is often of interest to those who want to pamper their loved ones with delicious and hearty lunch. It is worth noting that today there are many options for how to cook such a side dish. Today we will look at just a few ways that you can use to serve a dish to a regular dinner or festive table. However, I still want to start with the classic way.

Delicious and airy crumpled potatoes (mashed potatoes): recipe

To make such hearty side dish you need to purchase the following items:

  • medium potato tubers - 6-9 pcs.;
  • fresh fat milk - 1.5 cups;
  • butter not rancid butter - 60 g;
  • large chicken egg - 1 or 2 pcs. (optional);
  • ground - a few pinches (add to taste).

Preparation of the main ingredients

Subject to all the requirements for the preparation of the presented side dish, you will definitely get a delicious and tender mashed potatoes. Puree with milk and butter is classic version creating such a dish. But before proceeding directly to the boiled vegetables, they should be handled well.

To do this, you need to clean all the purchased tubers and cut in half. You should also pour fresh water into a separate metal bowl. fat milk and pour in the butter. These ingredients must be brought to a boil so that the cooking oil is completely melted. It is recommended to carry out this procedure only after the potatoes are boiled. After all, it is desirable to add milk dressing to vegetables hot.

Heat treatment and mashing

How to make mashed potatoes? To do this, fill a deep saucepan with water (half), add to it table salt and bring to a boil over high heat. After that, carefully place the peeled vegetables in the hot liquid. Next, you need to wait for the water to boil again, and then mix the tubers with a spoon (so as not to stick to the bottom), close the lid, set the fire to the minimum value and cook in this state for about 25-30 minutes.

After the specified time has passed, the liquid must be completely drained, and the chicken egg should be broken into the remaining hot vegetables and thoroughly mashed into an air puree. During this procedure, be sure to pour boiled milk with melted butter and add a pinch of allspice ground pepper to the potatoes. As a result of such actions, you should get a gentle and airy puree without a single lump.

Proper serving of potato side dish to the table

Now you know how to make mashed potatoes classic recipe. Serve such a side dish to the table should be hot, along with fried chicken, sausages, cutlets, goulash, gravy and other ingredients.

How to cook mashed potatoes (mashed potatoes) in a slow cooker?

Making such a side dish in a modern kitchen device is no more difficult than on a stove. However, this dish is much tastier. Indeed, for its preparation, you should use a special mode, where vegetables are slowly stewed with the minimum amount water. Moreover, in such a dish it is recommended to put additional fragrant spices and garlic.

So, for cooking we need:

  • small potato tubers - 6-9 pcs.;
  • fresh fat milk - 1.5 cups;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • large chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • coarse table salt - ½ big spoon(add to taste);
  • ground allspice - a few pinches (add to taste)
  • refined olive oil - 2 large spoons;
  • fresh garlic cloves - 2 large pieces;
  • fresh parsley - a few branches;
  • coriander, saffron - a couple of pinches;
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 g.

Food preparation

Before mashing potatoes, you should take small tubers, peel them and leave them in cold water for a while. Next, you need to grate fresh garlic cloves, mix them together with olive refined oil, as well as ground allspice, saffron and coriander. After that, it is required to grind the Parmesan cheese separately and, having mixed milk with butter, bring them to a boil.

Heat treatment of the dish

Peeled potato tubers must be placed in the bowl of the device, and then pour a little water (1-1.5 cups) into them, season with salt and turn on the stew mode for 30 minutes. After this time, it is required to drain the excess liquid from the container, and then put the garlic-spicy mass, grated cheese, break the chicken egg and pour in boiled milk with butter. Next, all the ingredients must be strongly crushed into an air puree. As a result, you will get a fragrant and very delicious side dish, which can be served at the table with any meat product, gravy or sausages.

Other Ways to Make Mashed Potatoes

How delicious to cook potatoes? Puree from such a hearty and starchy vegetable can be made using different ingredients. Consider some original ways in details.

Helpful information

IN Lately has become very fashionable with the use of a blender. We do not recommend using this kitchen device to prepare such a side dish. Indeed, under the influence of high speeds, starch, thoroughly mixing with chicken egg, butter and milk, becomes more sticky, resulting in puree is converted into sticky dough, a little like a second dish.


  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 400 ml low-fat cream;
  • 1 processed cheese(100 g);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a little dill or parsley;

Recipe for delicious mashed potatoes with cheese and cream

1. Pour peeled potatoes cold water so that its level is 1 cm higher. After removing the peel, the pulp begins to react with oxygen and darken, so you need to immerse the fruits in water immediately. After all the potatoes have been peeled, we thoroughly wash them and change the water in the pan, cut the root crops into 2-4 parts, depending on the size of the tubers. We put it on the stove. Cooking time - 20-30 minutes over medium heat, it depends on the size of the tubers and on the variety of potatoes. You don't need to salt the water. For cooking, it is better to use an enameled or ceramic container. Cook the potatoes with the lid closed so they cook faster.

Important: if green areas are found when peeling the tubers, these fruits cannot be used for cooking. Green color- this is a sign of the accumulated poisonous substance solanine. To prevent potatoes from turning green, they are stored in a dark and dry place.

2. In the meantime, cut the processed cheese into several pieces. Mashed potatoes with cheese is special in taste. How to choose quality product: should not be in the list of ingredients vegetable fats, only dairy. The longer the composition, the more likely the poor quality of the product. It is better to take curds from the refrigerator, as they are stored at a temperature not higher than +3 degrees. At good cheese uniform color and smooth surface, the smell is pleasant, sour-milk, moderately spicy. And one more thing: the label should say exactly “processed cheese”, and not “processed cheese product”.

3. We chop the greens with a knife. Finely chop the garlic or use a garlic press.

4. The potatoes are ready when they break easily in all parts when pierced with a fork. Only fully cooked potatoes will make a smooth puree. Lumps do not warm up if the fruit is undercooked. Pour it into a bowl while hot. We leave the broth, it may be needed at the end to regulate the consistency.

Puree can be made from any potato. But the most delicious puree obtained from large potatoes, which have yellow granular flesh. For lush mass young small tubers are not very suitable: they have little starch, which is responsible for viscosity. Ripe potatoes are rich in vitamin C, dishes from it are healthier and more aromatic. And if the fruit is stored for more than 2 months, its benefits are reduced. If the tubers are old, you can also make delicious mashed potatoes from them. It is enough to add a little while cooking lemon juice and a little bit of sugar.

5. Immediately sprinkle it with herbs and garlic, mix. So the aroma of the additive will be revealed more strongly.

6. Next, cheese is sent to the bowl. While the potatoes are hot, the cheese will melt quickly. The finer the cheese is cut, the faster it will blend.

7. Grind the mass with a pusher until smooth.

8. We heat the cream and pour it hot. If you add cold ones, then the puree will cool down and will not be so tasty.

9. We continue to grind everything into a puree. You can connect a blender or continue to mash potatoes with a pusher. The longer the mass is stirred, the more magnificent it becomes.

10. It turned out a soft and watery consistency. If the puree is dry, then add a little broth that remained after the potatoes, and whisk again.

11. Salt and pepper, mix and taste.

Soft puree is ready. Garnish with fresh herbs and serve as a side dish with meat. Bon appetit!

Mashed potatoes are one of the most popular dishes Slavic national cuisine. Lush, tender, fragrant, it literally melts in your mouth - of course, if you know how to cook it correctly! Cutlets and sausages, chops and gravy, sausage, ham, tongue and others meat delicacies turn out to be much tastier if a puree is served with them as a side dish. In this article, we will discuss different recipes this dish.

Steamed potatoes - pros and cons

Nutritionists believe that the most The right way how to boil potatoes in general and how to mash potatoes in particular is steaming. Why, you ask. But the fact is that if you pour vegetables with water and keep them in boiling water, most of the vitamins and other useful substances goes into liquid. If it's soup or borsch, it's okay, we'll eat it anyway. But when the decoction is not used, it’s a pity, because a lot of valuable and necessary for our body disappears.

Steaming, on the other hand, is the best option for how to cook mashed potatoes: the root crops will soften, and everything valuable will remain in them. What you need: If you have a steamer, great. No - it does not matter either, it is very easy to build. Especially in the presence of a plug-in grid. With success, it can be replaced by a stainless steel sieve or a colander. The only downside to steaming mashed potatoes is the time spent on the process. It will take a little more than with conventional cooking.

Cooking technology

Wash the potatoes, peel, rinse again in running water. Cut into 4 pieces. If it's small, you can use it entirely. Powder fine salt, shake a few times to evenly distribute it throughout the potatoes. In enough large saucepan pour water - so that it does not reach the container with the vegetable. Install a colander or other device where you put the cooked product, and cover tightly with a lid. Let the water boil for big fire, then reduce it and cook with a slight boil. This will take 40 minutes.

When the potatoes become soft, take them out, transfer them to a dry pan and carefully crush with a pestle or chop with a mixer or blender. Salt if necessary. Fill with butter and enjoy! Now you know how to steam mash potatoes.

Puree ordinary

If time is running out or there is simply no desire to stay in the kitchen for a long time, do it easier. Peel about a kilogram of potatoes, cut into medium-sized pieces and pour hot water(so that it only covers the vegetables). Also peel and cut into half rings 1 small onion, put it in the pan too. Pour a teaspoon of salt and put everything on gas, on a strong fire. When it boils, make it smaller and cook for 20-25 minutes over medium heat.

Then you do it like this: most pour the broth into a clean container - you will still need it. And leave a little liquid in the pan so that it is more convenient to mash the potatoes in mashed potatoes. Potato, with onions (do not throw it away, chop with the main vegetable), seasoned with butter, the puree turns out to be hearty, tasty, especially fragrant. Tip: to make the consistency of the dish more tender, while grinding, add the strained broth. Of course, do not overdo it, so that the puree does not turn out to be liquid. And thanks to the moderately added broth, your dish will turn out exactly the way gourmets like it.

Potatoes for dumplings

How to cook mashed potatoes so that it can be used and as a filling for dumplings? The recipe is this: peel the root crops, cut into quarters, pour salted boiling water over it and cook until tender. Shortly before turning off, put a few bay leaves in the pan. While the potatoes are cooking, make the fry. To do this, heat 4 tablespoons in a frying pan. vegetable oil, cut into cubes one and a half onions and fry until golden color. Finely chop the dill sprigs.

When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water, and put the pan back on gas, on small fire so that the moisture is completely evaporated. Then carefully wipe the potatoes through a sieve or mash with a wooden masher. Pour onion fry, add dill, black ground pepper and coriander to taste. Add salt, if needed, and mix well. Such a mashed potato, the recipe of which we have given here, smells delicious, very tasty, you can eat it on its own, and make excellent dumplings out of it!

Milk puree

A diet dish that is perfect for small children can be prepared by boiling potatoes with milk. To do this, pour the prepared vegetables with boiling water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the water, and add boiling milk to the pan - one and a half glasses. Salt and cook until tender. Next, mash the potatoes in mashed potatoes, trying to avoid lumps, season with butter. You can sprinkle with chopped herbs. And serve to the table! Offer a couple of slices of boiled sausage to the dish - and the feast will be a success! Along the way, we add that potatoes can be completely boiled in water and only diluted with milk, but always hot: cold it will turn your mashed potatoes into an unappetizing grayish mass.

Puree with sour cream

With sour cream or cream, you get an excellent mashed potato. You already know the primary cooking technology: wash, peel, cut, put on fire. Salt the water quite a bit! If you are concerned about the question of how much to cook mashed potatoes, then we will answer this way: for too long, almost to porridge, you do not need to process it. Just try to prick a piece on a fork. It is possible to do it easily - everything, remove from the fire.

But let's keep on praying! You need to boil the root crops, crush, beat, season with a small amount of oil. While the potatoes are cooking, take small piece hard cheese or cheese (100 grams is enough), grate on a fine grater. Pass a couple of garlic cloves through the press (about 3-4 pieces per 1 kg of potatoes), mix with cheese. Put the mixture in sour cream (one and a half cups or 250-300 g), pepper, mix. Pour in ready-made puree, beat well and send the pan for 15 minutes to hot oven. Serve sprinkled with herbs. And don't forget the salad fresh vegetables- it's a great combination!

Another recipe for mashed potatoes from the oven

This version of the dish is somewhat similar to the previous one, but differs from it in the composition of the ingredients and, of course, flavor nuances. When the potatoes boiled in water become soft, mash and beat them until fluffy. Melt 4 tablespoons of butter (tablespoons), grate a piece Swiss cheese to make about a 200-gram glass. Heat a glass of milk and beat 4 egg whites. Put butter, cheese, salt and pepper to taste in milk, mix and pour in a thin stream, also stirring, into mashed potatoes. Put the egg whites into the cream, beat with a whisk or a blender. Transfer the dish to the mold and place in a warm oven for half an hour. Serve hot with grilled meat.

Potatoes with cracklings and other types of dishes

200 g lard or bacon cut into medium-sized cubes. Do not make too small, otherwise they will fry and will not be tasty. Fry them in a pan until golden brown. Then add the chopped onion and continue frying until tender. After mashing the potatoes, pour in the baked cracklings, mix and help yourself by serving pickled vegetables or adjika to the dish!

How can you puree more by developing culinary fantasy? Fill mashed potatoes meat broth, For example. Or melt the butter, crush a handful of dill seeds, a little fresh herbs and garlic, mix and season the puree with this mixture. A handful of crushed nuts can be poured into the milk-potato mass.
