
Cheesecake with cottage cheese and cream cheese. The best cheese for cheesecake

Cheesecake is one of the most popular desserts in the world today. It is prepared both in America and Europe, and in Asia, as well as in the countries of the former CIS. The main advantage of this dessert, no doubt, is its tender and unusual taste. It is for his sake that the hostesses are ready to spend a couple of hours in the kitchen. We offer today to get to know this dessert better, as well as find out how to cook cheesecake at home.

History of dessert

Many mistakenly believe that this delicacy came to us from America. In fact, it was known as early as the 6th century BC in Ancient Greece, where cheesecake was especially appreciated by athletes participating in the Olympic Games, who used it to maintain strength. A little later, the Romans also mastered the recipe for this dessert. By the way, cheesecake was Caesar's favorite delicacy. Gradually, the recipe for this dish spread throughout the Roman colonies and was brought to England. And from there, emigrants transferred the ability to cook cheesecake to the United States.

Cheese desserts have been prepared in Rus' since ancient times. So, the domestic ancestor of the modern cheesecake can be called a cheese loaf.

Varieties of cheesecake

Today, recipes for this dish are divided into two broad categories: baked and raw. Therefore, a classic cheesecake can be different, and there is no one standard recipe. So, for example, in Foggy Albion, this dessert is not baked, but the filling for it is made from cheese, cream, milk and sugar, and then laid out on a pancake made from crushed biscuits mixed with butter. The most popular recipe for this dish is American. So, the classic New York cheesecake is baked with a filling based on Philadelphia cheese. Previously, it was replaced with cottage cheese with ricotto, havarti and other varieties.

Cheesecake main ingredient

Since the name of this dessert literally translates as " cheese pie”, its main component is cheese. However, it should be borne in mind that not every product is suitable for preparing this dish. The ideal option, of course, is Philadelphia. After all, it is from it that a classic American cheesecake is prepared. However, in our country this product can not be bought everywhere, so you need to find it worthy replacement. Please note that you should not use processed cheese for the cheesecake. Because in this case you will get the usual cottage cheese casserole. Try to find cheese with a consistency close to Philadelphia. Some housewives make their own. To do this, they mix cream cheese (for example, "President") with five percent cottage cheese (not grainy and reminiscent of pasta). Thus, it turns out suitable cheese for a cheesecake that's just as good as a Philadelphia.

So, we learned about where this delicious dessert came from. We also figured out its varieties and the main ingredient. Now we propose to move on to the most interesting, namely, to study the recipes for preparing this dish. Let's start with the classic American version.

How to make New York Cheesecake?

This recipe is a classic. This is how cheesecake is prepared in America. Many domestic bakeries offer their customers pastries according to this recipe, adding variety to it in the form of additional fillings from fruits, berries, chocolate, vanilla, etc. We propose to find out what ingredients we need in order to prepare a classic cheesecake.


So, if you are planning to please your household with this the most popular dessert then prepare the following ingredients: Philadelphia cheese - 700 grams, granulated sugar- 100 grams, cream 33% fat - 100 grams, chicken eggs- three pieces, fatty sour cream - three teaspoons, vanilla extract - one teaspoon. These products will go to the preparation of the filling. For the base of the cheesecake, we need a pound of cookies, 150 grams of butter, as well as one teaspoon of nutmeg and ground cinnamon.

Cooking method

First of all, we need to melt the butter and finely chop the cookies. Mix these ingredients and add to them nutmeg and cinnamon. Mix until the mass uniform consistency and place in the bottom of a baking dish. It is also necessary to distribute the mixture along the walls. We heat the oven to 150 degrees, after placing a large container of water in its lower part. When desired temperature is reached, put the form on the top rack of the oven for a quarter of an hour. Then we take out our base and let it cool. Preparing the cheesecake filling. Beat the eggs well and then add the remaining ingredients to them. Knead the mass and spread it on the base. We send our future classic cheesecake to the oven preheated to 150 degrees for 60 minutes. Then turn off the oven and leave our dessert inside for another 15 minutes. After that, open the door slightly, but do not take out the pastries for another 10 minutes. After that, the cheesecake should be cooled at room temperature and clean in the cold for 5-6 hours. Great dessert is ready!

chocolate vanilla cheesecake recipe

If you want to surprise your family or guests interesting dessert With unique taste then use this recipe. Cooking a cheesecake in this way will not take much time or effort, and the result will exceed all expectations. So, for this dessert, we need products such as chocolate - 150 grams, butter- 100 grams, the same amount of granulated sugar, flour - 75 grams and three eggs. We need these ingredients for the base. For the filling, you will need the following: cream cheese - 600 grams, fat sour cream - 150 grams, four eggs, sugar - six tablespoons, flour - three tablespoons and vanilla.

Cooking instructions

Starting with cooking chocolate base. To do this, melt the chocolate in a water bath, add butter to it and mix until a homogeneous consistency. Beat eggs with sugar until white foam forms. Then add chocolate mass and flour. Mix until smooth and pour into a mold. We proceed to the preparation of the filling. Mix cream cheese with sour cream and flour. Beat the eggs with sugar until foamy and carefully add to the cheese-sour cream mass. Carefully transfer the filling to the base. We send our future cheesecake to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 45 minutes. Ready dessert leave to cool at room temperature for several hours.

Cheesecake in a slow cooker

If you are the proud owner of this kitchen assistant, then you probably know that it can be used to prepare a variety of first and second courses, as well as delicious desserts. The “cheese pie” we are discussing today is also no exception. Therefore, we propose to find out how to cook a cheesecake in a slow cooker. The base for the dessert will be made from following products: flour - 220 grams, one egg, 70 grams of sugar, a pinch of salt, butter - 120 grams, 4 grams of baking powder for dough. To prepare the filling, we need ingredients such as three eggs, 120 grams of granulated sugar, 80 grams of 33% fat cream, 450 grams of Philadelphia cheese, 8 grams of vanilla sugar. You can also top the cheesecake with jelly. To prepare it, we need a pack of jelly powder, two tablespoons of sugar and 250 ml of water for pouring. So, if you have everything at hand necessary products, you can proceed to the next step.

First of all, we prepare the base for our cheesecake. Beat the egg with butter at room temperature, add salt, sugar, flour and baking powder. We knead the dough and send it to the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour. At this time, we will deal with the filling, mixing all the ingredients for it into a homogeneous mass. Put the chilled cheesecake dough on the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Also do not forget to make sides about 4 centimeters high. From above, pour the mass for the filling, close the lid and turn on the “Baking” mode for two hours. We cool our future cheesecake to room temperature, and then put it away for several hours (ideally overnight) in the refrigerator. After this time, we take out the pastries from the multicooker bowl and transfer them to a dish. Cook jelly by mixing a bag of gelatin with two tablespoons of sugar and filling it all with water. We cover jelly cheesecake. If desired, you can decorate the dessert with berries or fruits.

cheesecake recipe with cottage cheese

So, we figured out how to make this dessert based on Philadelphia cheese or its analogues. Now we propose to figure out whether it is possible to make a cheesecake from more available product in the form of curd. For this dish we need the following ingredients: fatty cottage cheese- 600 grams, Jubilee-type cookies - 250 grams, butter - 100 grams, the same amount of sour cream, three eggs, sugar - 150 grams, vanillin to taste and zest from one lemon.

Let's move on to cooking

The recipe for cheesecake with cottage cheese is quite simple. First of all, you need to prepare the basis for our dessert. To do this, the cookies should be ground into small crumbs. For this purpose, you can use a blender. Then mix it with pre-softened butter. Lubricate the baking dish and put the dough for the base into it, and then send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. In the meantime, let's prepare the filling for the cheesecake. To do this, carefully wipe the cottage cheese, crushing all the lumps. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, and then add granulated sugar and vanilla to them. We combine the egg-sugar mass with cottage cheese and mix well. Then add sour cream and zest. Beat the mass for about a minute. We take out the form with the base from the refrigerator and put the filling in it. Gently level curd mass. Then we send the form to the oven preheated to 170 degrees. After an hour and a half, the cheesecake can be removed. We cool it down and serve it on the table. homemade cheesecake from cottage cheese, prepared in the described way, it turns out very tasty and healthy. And thanks to the lemon peel, it also acquires a bright sunny hue.

Famous American dessert cheesecake is very popular, almost as popular as the other alien from american cuisine Caesar salad.
In Russia, cheesecake appeared only in the 90s, so grandmother's recipes classic cheesecake you won't find.

What are cheesecakes

Cheesecakes come in two main types - a cheesecake that is prepared without baking, and one that needs to be baked. It is customary to consider cheesecake without baking to be English, and cheesecake with pastries to be American.
This article will talk about classic cheesecake with pastries, also known as the New York cheesecake.

Is a water bath necessary for baking cheesecake?

Cheesecake simple a dish that does not require any special skill is not too laborious.
Myths about its complexity are probably born from the fact that the dish has not yet taken root in our kitchen.
Also, many people are afraid that classic cheesecake cooked in a water bath.
However, a water bath is not necessary if you have a convection stove - that is, with forced air circulation. So if you have a modern stove or microwave, in which there is a convection mode, then feel free to bake a cheesecake without a water bath.
If the stove is old, then in this case water bath essential for a smooth, beautiful cheesecake.

Ingredients for baking cheesecake at home

1) Cream cheese, aka cream cheese.

In the classic New York cheesecake recipe, only cream cheese is used (creame cheese), in other versions, cream cheese is mixed with fat sour cream(sour cream). So sour cream cheesecake it turns out less dense and, not least, cheaper.

What kind of cream cheese is needed for cheesecake

The classic cream cheese for New York cheesecake is Philadelphia cheese. This cheese is almost impossible to buy from us.
Therefore, feel free to take any cream cheese that is close to Philadelphia in fat content. Philadelphia fat content 65%.
Most consistent with Philadelphia cheese
Bonfesto. Now on sale there are also Serbian cream cheeses, Belarusian ones. Look at the fat content, and that it says creamy or creamy curd cream.
Ricotta and Mascarpone don't make the classic New York cheesecake.
Ricotta is like cottage cheese, but Mascarpone is too fatty cheese, it is suitable for another famous dessert - tiramisu

2) Cookies - there are no problems with this product. We most often take "Jubilee"

3) Butter

4) vanilla extract or vanilla sugar what you get.

5) Fine granulated sugar.

6) Eggs

7) Lemon juice (optional - lemon zest)

That's all the main ingredients. Sometimes Americans add a few tablespoons of flour to a cheesecake.

How to make a classic cheesecake with pastries

Ingredients per 20 cm mold

1. Cookies - 125 gr.

2. Butter -75 gr.

3. Cream cheese 500-570 gr. (depending on which packs you buy, the more cheese the taller the cheesecake will be)

4. Eggs - 3 pieces

5. Sugar - 3 table. spoons

6. Vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon

7. Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon (optional)

How to make Classic New York Cheesecake

Take all food out of the fridge an hour or two before baking so it will be at room temperature by the time it is cooked.

Stage 1 - making the base

1. Set the oven to preheat to 180 degrees

2. Crush the cookies into small crumbs.

It is most convenient to grind in a combine, but if there is no combine, then you can grate it, or crush it with a rolling pin by placing the cookies in a bag.

3. Melt the butter in the microwave

4. Mix melted butter with cookie crumbs

You can combine all these points, take softened butter and chop together with cookies in a food processor.

This option takes a little longer as the buttered biscuits grind more slowly than regular biscuits. But less dishes get dirty this way.

There should be such a mass.

3. Take a detachable form.

The form can be lined with parchment. Parchment cheesecake is very easy to take out, easy to transfer to holiday plate. But there is a small minus - the edges of the cheesecake will not turn out perfectly even.

Spread the butter and cookie mixture along the bottom, making small rims. For density, you can tamp with a glass

4. Place in the oven to bake for 10 minutes and then cool. The base should be baked so that the cheese mass does not flow through.

Preparing the cheese mass

At this stage, cream cheese is mixed with the rest of the ingredients. You can do this with a spatula, a whisk. Can be a mixer at minimum speed. If you mix intensively, or even more so beat, the mixture will be saturated with air bubbles, which will tend to come out during baking and will spoil the surface of the cheesecake. Therefore, we mix slowly, but carefully, achieving a uniform mass.

1) Mix the eggs with sugar until smooth, add sugar, vanilla and lemon juice there.

2) Stir eggs with sugar and vanilla into the cheese mass.

3) We spread the homogeneous mass in the form

4) Set the oven to 160 degrees and bake for 40 minutes. 5) After 40 minutes, look at and gently touch the cheesecake with your hand. If the surface is springy, and the middle trembles a little - everything is fine, you can turn off the oven. But don't take the cheesecake out of the oven. Open the door and leave for an hour to cool.
6) Then cover cling film and refrigerate for at least 2-3 hours.

As you can see, the cheesecake turned out smooth, there are no cracks. The sides are wavy due to the use of parchment.

Cut the cheesecake with a knife dipped in water.

So let's recap the important points - do not beat the cheese mass, but mix gently, do not remove the cheesecake from the oven immediately after cooking. Follow these simple rules and the cheesecake will succeed.
For those who have an old stove - the third rule is a water bath. To do this, before the second stage of baking, the mold is wrapped in foil in two or three layers so that water does not penetrate into the cheesecake. After that, they take a form larger than the one in which they bake. Put the cheesecake in big shape poured into it hot water a third to half the height of a detachable form.

Based on the basic classic recipe, you can make great amount different cheesecakes, chocolate, lime, pistachio. At the same time, the basic principles of cooking will remain the same as those listed in this article.

Sweet Recipes Perhaps you will be interested

I want something tasty and sweet for tea, but sugary cakes And hearty pies tired? Try very fashionable Lately, tender and airy dish - cheesecake. The first mention of such a dessert is found among the culinary manuscripts of Dr. Greece. But he reached the peak of popularity in America. That's where the recipe got its name. cheese cake". Subsequently, he scattered around the world, winning the hearts of the sweet tooth. There are countless variations on the theme of cheese-curd pie. Introducing the most delicious easy recipe cheesecake at home. With a photo, we will tell you step by step about all the secrets of preparing this wonderful delicacy.

Classic cheesecake options are open pie on sand base stuffed with soft curd or cream cheese(mascarpone, philadelphia, brie, etc.) with fruits or berries.

Most often, the base is not baked, but is made from compressed cookie crumbs mixed with butter. There are recipes in which the cake must first be baked and cooled. And there are options when the cake is baked as a whole, along with the filling.

As for the filling itself, instead of purchased cream cheese, you can easily use homemade one made from cream, milk and sour cream. Or replace it with soft grated cottage cheese with a low fat content.

Whatever the chosen recipe, there are a few key points, considering which, you will always get an excellent result.

Secrets of a successful cheesecake

The hardest part about making cheesecakes is getting the cake out of the mold without damaging it. This process is greatly facilitated by the use of a detachable form. But if one is not at hand, use parchment or foil. You just need to lay them with a large margin, so that later you can easily remove the cake by pulling the edges.

The foundation will require shortbread. Of course, you can also use store-bought (for example, anniversary), but it turns out much tastier if you bake homemade in advance.

Another key to a successful cheesecake is that the crust should be very dense. That is, the cookies should be thoroughly crushed, as small as possible, so that it is better saturated with oil. And then the resulting mass must be very strongly tamped with a glass or a small rolling pin.

To avoid cracks during baking (about 50 min.), it is necessary to maintain a stable low temperature in the oven, and then let the cake cool slowly, without taking it out of the oven, but only by opening the door. Then place the cheesecake in the refrigerator for at least 3-4 hours, and only then decorate with fruit or chocolate.

During cooking, all ingredients should be at room temperature, especially eggs and sour cream. This will make the filling more airy and tender.

Traditional cheesecake with soft cheese

This orange cheesecake recipe is super easy to make and perfect for making at home. By using detailed photos And step by step description, he can't even handle it very well experienced chef. Such a dessert would be appropriate for afternoon tea, and on festive table. Even for little sweet tooth perfect option goodies. Orange, if necessary, can be replaced with a lemon, or any berries (if you are allergic to citrus, for example).


  • shortbread cookies - 350 gr.;
  • butter - 180 gr;
  • soft cream cheese - 400 gr.;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream 20% - 150 gr.;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. with a slide;
  • vanillin - 1/2 tsp;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • bitter chocolate (for decoration).

How to make cheesecake at home

  1. First, grind the cookies into small crumbs. To do this, you can use a rolling pin or mortar. And you can grind in a blender.
  2. We combine it with melted, but not hot, butter and knead well.

  3. Now from the resulting mass we form the basis of our pie. To do this, cover the form with parchment or foil and evenly distribute the “dough” along the bottom and sides. You need to tamp it very tightly so that the cake does not fall apart when you take it out.
  4. For the filling, you need to grate the zest of a small orange and squeeze out all the juice from it, which should be filtered. We need about half a cup.
  5. Then we separate the yolks from the proteins.
  6. Beat egg whites and a pinch of salt with a mixer until a dense white foam is formed.
  7. IN egg yolks pour a glass of sugar and start beating at a very slow speed. Without stopping the mixer, gradually add sour cream, cream cheese, Orange juice, zest, starch, vanillin and baking powder.
  8. In the resulting mixture, very carefully so that the foam does not settle, we introduce the beaten yolks and mix until smooth.
  9. Next, pour the filling onto the base, leaving about 1-2 cm to the top edge, because. during the baking process, the egg-cheese mass will rise well. From the given amount of ingredients, a cake with a diameter of about 24 cm is obtained.
  10. We put the cheesecake in an oven preheated to 160-180 ° C and bake for 45-55 minutes. The density of the filling should resemble a runny omelet or soufflé.
  11. Now the most IMPORTANT! Turn off the oven, open the door, but do not take out the form for 15-20 minutes (until the oven cools down). After that, carefully take out our cake and leave it at room temperature until it cools completely. We make sure that there are no drafts and sudden temperature changes. We move the cooled cheesecake to the refrigerator for 4-6 hours, and preferably overnight. During this time, he will infuse, accept desired consistency, the cake will soak and become more elastic. Then it will be easier to get it.
  12. After the required time has passed, very carefully so that cracks do not go, we take the cake out of the mold. Then decorate it with grated coarse grater bitter chocolate. It is also good to use slices of fresh orange or lemon, mint leaves, coconut flakes or fresh berries.

Everything, our gentle and fragrant orange cheesecake ready! Cutting the cake portioned pieces and you can call everyone to the table! You can serve dessert not only with hot drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa), but also with cold milk or fruit cocktails. To add a touch of variety, and to make the taste of the cake more vivid, the use of various toppings will help.

Cheesecake with sour cream

Classic soft cottage cheese for cheesecake, there is not always what is at hand, but also in the store. But this is not a reason to deny yourself the opportunity to cook dessert yourself at home. Therefore, let's consider the option with sour cream.


  • shortbread cookies without filling - 250g;
  • butter - 150g;
  • sour cream 20% - 1l;
  • eggs - 4pcs;
  • sugar - 1 cup (capacity 250 ml);
  • starch - 1 tbsp;
  • zest of 1 lemon;
  • salt - a pinch.

How to make cheesecake with sour cream

  1. The process of preparing the base is similar to what I showed in the photo in the recipe above: grind it into crumbs, mix with melted butter, tamp it in the form.
  2. We will use starch as a thickener for sour cream. If sour cream is liquid, then its amount should be increased. Add starch to sour cream, put sugar, lemon peel and salt. Mix well with a spoon. Beating is not necessary, the mass should be homogeneous, but without air bubbles.
  3. Pour the filling into the form with the base. If your detachable form is not too airtight, then it is better to additionally wrap it on the outside with a couple of layers of foil. We put it in a pan with water. The water level should reach the middle of the height of the form.
  4. We put in the oven heated to a temperature of 170 ° C for 1 hour.
  5. After an hour, the filling around the edges should “grab”, and in the center remain “trembling”. Turn off the heat of the oven, but do not take out the cake until it cools completely.
  6. We put the cooled down in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours. Before serving, the surface of the cheesecake can be sprinkled with cinnamon or cocoa.

In fact, cheesecake is one of those dishes that encourage improvisation. Only shortbread cookies, butter and eggs remain unchanged in the composition. In the filling except for the traditional soft cottage cheese(cheese) and sour cream, you can add condensed milk, nuts, dried fruits, pumpkin puree, chocolate, etc.

chocolate cheesecake


  • cookies - 250g;
  • butter - 150g;
  • eggs - 4pcs;
  • cottage cheese - 500g;
  • cream 33% - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • cocoa - 1 tbsp;
  • dark chocolate - 100g;
  • butter - another 1 tbsp.

Cooking chocolate cheesecake

  1. We prepare the base for the cheesecake from cookies, which we crumble and mix with melted butter, transfer to a mold and compact.
  2. Curd for the recipe homemade cheesecake it is better to take soft, without pronounced grains, which will be easily rubbed with a spoon. We rub it together with sugar and eggs.
  3. Whip the cream and fold into the curd.
  4. Add cocoa and mix well again.
  5. We shift the filling into the form. You can lightly hit her on the table a couple of times so that there are no voids inside.
  6. We put on a baking sheet with water and in an oven heated to 200 ° C. After 7 minutes, without opening the oven door (this is very important!), reduce the temperature to 160 ° C and bake the cheesecake for another hour.
  7. After an hour, turn off the oven, but leave the dessert to cool right in it.
  8. Then put in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours.
  9. Frozen cake topping chocolate icing, which we prepare as follows: we break the chocolate bar into pieces, put it in a bowl or small saucepan, add 1 tbsp. butter, set over large saucepan, in which water boils, i.e. melt the chocolate in a water bath.
  10. Cover the cheesecake with melted chocolate and decorate with fruit and chocolate chips as desired.

When you learn the principle of making cheesecake at home, you can experiment yourself. Prepare desserts:

Following the recipe with a photo step by step, making a cheesecake at home is not at all difficult. And although the process takes a lot of time, believe me, the result is worth it. Your friends and family will surely appreciate your efforts.

Step-by-step recipes for making cream cheese cheesecake: classic, quick no-bake, with curd cheese and chocolate Kit-kat, cream cheese, with mascarpone

2018-05-18 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams ready meal

5 gr.

22 gr.


23 gr.

315 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Cheesecake Recipe

Cheesecake with cheese has rightfully won its prize among desserts. It is offered in pastry shops, cafes and restaurants, and we will cook it at home. Cheesecake with cheese can be made from different kind cheese, with added additional ingredients, with or without baking in the oven. We will review the most interesting recipes this delicate dessert Let's start with the classics.


  • 320 gr shortbread cookies;
  • 200 gr oil drain;
  • 900 gr Philadelphia cheese or any plum cheese;
  • 220 gr of granulated sugar;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 160 gr fat sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract;
  • 1 tsp lemon zest;
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice.

Cheesecake recipe step by step

Cooking cheesecake with cheese begins with the preparation of the base. We need a blender. Put the cookies in a bowl and turn them into crumbs. If you don't have a blender, put it in a ziplock bag or plain plastic bag and use a rolling pin.

Melt two hundred grams of butter in the microwave in a special dish and pour into crumble. Stir until smooth.

Then we take out a detachable form, cover it with baking paper and snap it with a ring. Cut off excess parchment with kitchen scissors.

We spread the wet crumble on the bottom and distribute it evenly, forming walls for the base. Pack with a glass or with your hands.

We put the form in the freezer for fifteen minutes.

It's time for the stuffing. All ingredients must be at room temperature. We will need a mixer with a large bowl. Nozzle choose a spatula.

We add plain cream cheese without additives or Philadelphia cheese. Pour the indicated amount of granulated sugar and pierce with a nozzle.

We break the chicken eggs one by one, after each carefully bring the mass to homogeneity. The end result is a beautiful glossy cream.

Sour cream will need fat without whey. We introduce it and break it with a mixer.

Then we introduce vanilla extract, lemon zest and lemon juice. Bring the cream back to a smooth consistency.

Immediately set the oven to warm up to 160 C. We take out a removable form with a base of freezer. Outside, wrap in foil in several layers to make the surface waterproof.

Fill the cookie base with buttercream. We put the form on a baking sheet with high sides and a large baking dish.

Pour hot water up to the middle of the container.

We bake from one to one and a half hours, depending on the power of your oven. How to determine readiness: the sand sides should be browned, the center with the cream remains a little liquid, something like jelly.

Turn off the oven, open the door to the middle and leave the dessert inside for another two hours. During this time, he will arrive.

We take out the removable mold from the oven. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for another 6 hours to completely set the dessert.

When you decide to treat your family, take it out of the refrigerator and let the dessert come to room temperature.

Option 2: Quick No-Bake Cheesecake Recipe

We will save time by not baking the dessert in the oven. Prepare the base and cream, combine everything and leave in the refrigerator until completely solidified. For the base, you can use several types of cookies: shortbread, crackers, savoiardi. Also for sale is a ready-made crumb for preparing the base.


  • 300 gr cookies;
  • 100 gr butter;
  • 250 gr cream cheese;
  • 250 ml of drinking yogurt;
  • 12 grams of gelatin;
  • 100 grams of sugar.

How to make a quick no-bake cheesecake with cheese

Now the stores sell ready-made crumbs for making the base. But you can also do it yourself. To do this, the cookies are crushed in a blender.

Butter must be melted, for example, in microwave oven and pour into crumbs. Mix well.

For the preparation of cheesecakes, housewives use detachable molds. Suitable for 22cm diameter.

We cover with parchment, close the ring. If there is excess paper left around the edges, cut it off.

We fill the form with wet crumbs and distribute it with our hands over the entire bottom and sides. Don't forget to compact.

Leave in the refrigerator to freeze. And we'll take care of the filling.

Pour half a glass of water into a small iron bowl. Dilute gelatin in it and heat until dissolved, but do not boil, just heat strongly, stirring.

In another container, bring the cream cheese, granulated sugar and yogurt to a homogeneous mass.

Let the gelatin cool slightly and pour into the cream. Stir until smooth - a smooth mass is obtained.

We fill the base for dessert with cream and level with a spatula. We put it in the refrigerator and check after a couple of hours.

When the cream completely hardens, it will not sway like jelly - the dessert is ready, you can try it.

Option 3: Cheesecake with Cottage Cheese and Chocolate Kit Kat

Now we will prepare a delicious dessert, sprinkle it with chocolate crumbs. If you want to make a basic cheesecake without chocolate, just skip the steps related to it.


  • 450 gr cookies "Jubilee";
  • 600 gr cheese cottage cheese;
  • 150 gr powdered sugar;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 1 chocolate kit-kat;
  • 180 gr plum oil;
  • 4 eggs of selected chickens.

Step by step recipe

Grind into crumbs in a blender anniversary cookies. Then, in the same container, add soft butter, slightly melted at room temperature and bring with a blender until smooth.

Cooking will be in a form with removable walls. Usually it is covered with parchment, then the ring is fixed. After that, the biscuits grated with butter are already distributed. Do not forget to make small bumpers so that the cream does not leak out.

Preheat the oven to 180 C and put our base in it, let it bake for about ten minutes. Then take out and let cool.

We take three of the four eggs. We separate the yolks, one remains whole. We get an egg mass of four yolks and one protein.

Separately mix cream cheese with sugar. The best way to do this is with a mixer. Then we introduce the egg mass and cream, again we break through the mass. It is necessary to knead for about one minute at low speeds.

So, our base has cooled down, we fill it with what we have received.

We reduce the temperature in the oven to 160 C, put a baking sheet on the lower level, and a container of water on it. On the middle shelf our dessert and bake for an hour.

After the specified time, check, the center will sway a little, like jelly. Turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake inside for another twenty minutes.

Take out of the oven and cool directly in a removable form. Then we move it to the refrigerator for the whole night, it takes about 8-10 hours.

Sprinkle with grated Kit-kat chocolate before serving.

Option 4: Cream Cheese Cheesecake

Delicate and delicious dessert you and your family will love. It is not difficult to prepare, but it turns out surprisingly tasty. This time we need cream cheese. We immediately take out all the ingredients from their refrigerator in advance, they should not be cold.


  • 450 cream cheese;
  • 200 gr cookies;
  • 2 chicken eggs selected;
  • 150 gr of powdered sugar;
  • 150 gr plum oil;
  • 150 ml of fat cream;
  • 2 tsp vanilla sugar

How to cook

Grind the cookies of your choice into small crumbs. We put soft butter to it and pierce it with a blender until smooth. Some housewives pre-melt it, but this is not necessary.

We will bake traditionally in a detachable form. We lay parchment in it, fix everything and lay out the base of the cookies. Distribute and tamp, forming the sides.

We bake the base in the oven for ten minutes at 160 C. Some housewives simply put it in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes until it hardens, and then everything is baked with cream.

Place cream cheese in a large bowl powdered sugar and at low speed, beat with a mixer until smooth.

We introduce cream, vanilla sugar and eggs, one at a time. Bring it back to homogeneity.

Now we fill the base baked in the oven with cream, level the surface. We wrap the sides tightly in foil. We put the form on a baking sheet, pour water and set to bake for about an hour and a half. Check readiness after 1 hour 20 minutes. If the sides are reddened, and the cream is seized around the edges, turn off the oven.

Do not remove the cheesecake from the oven, let it stand for another hour. Then remove the foil and put in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours or overnight.

The finished dessert will infuse, revealing its taste.

Option 5: Mascarpone Cheesecake

Mascarpone is surprisingly tender, soft and delicious cheese. Of course, it costs more than regular cream cheeses, but its flavor greatly enriches the cheesecake.


  • 100 gr plum oil;
  • 200 gr cookies;
  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 3 eggs of selected chickens;
  • 140 gr of powdered sugar or sugar;
  • 500 gr mascarpone.

Step by step recipe

We mix soft butter with crumbs from cookies, which we obtained with a blender. In the same bowl, bring the mass to a homogeneous blank for dessert.

Pour the mixture into a cheesecake baking dish. Make walls, flatten and put in the fridge for now.

Now mix the mascarpone and powdered sugar with a blender. Add cream while continuing to stir.

Break the eggs and add one at a time, stirring after each cream until smooth.

Add crushed vanilla and mix again.

We take out the base in the form from the refrigerator. Fill with filling and level with a spatula.

Bake for about 1 hour 20 minutes at 160 C. Then turn off the oven and leave the dessert inside for another hour.

After we put it in the refrigerator for six hours, so that the cheesecake finally reaches and becomes even tastier.

Cheesecake - favorite treat men and women. It is adored by almost all children, who usually cannot be forced to eat cottage cheese. Secret in right choice cheese for cheesecake.

Ideally, it should be soft ricotta curd cheese, delicate creamy mascarpone, or, as in classic version american dessert- Philadelphia cheese". We will look at the recipe for cheese cheesecake, and which cheese to use in it is up to you.

  • Recipe posted: Alexander Lozier
  • After cooking you will receive: 4 servings
  • Preparation: 15 minutes
  • Cooking: 1 minutes
  • Preparation: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Calories: 255 kcal per 100 g

Cheesecake Ingredients

For this incredibly gentle, useful and delicious dessert we need the following products:

  • Philadelphia cheese, ricotta or mascarpone - 500 grams
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp gelatin.
  • 4 tbsp sour cream or cream.
  • 200 grams of flour.
  • 100 gr. melted butter.
  • 180 gr. Sahara.
  • vanilla, cinnamon, zest.

Cream Cheese Cheesecake recipe step by step

Despite compound name and great taste, this dish can be called easy to prepare, because the active preparation time for the filling is only 10-15 minutes, the oven and refrigerator will do the rest for you.

So, we are preparing a cheesecake with cream cheese, a step-by-step recipe:

1. The filling is made by whipping the curd or cheese mass with eggs, zest, spices and sugar.

2. The basis is the usual shortbread dough, prepare it by mixing the ingredients and kneading the plastic mass.

3. Lay the filling on the base and send it to the oven. Set the temperature to 120-130 degrees, but do not open the oven for the first half hour. The dessert takes about 60 minutes to prepare.

4. Cook sour cream filling with jelly. Mix the gelatin brewed in boiling water with sour cream until evenly thick.

5. The resulting filling must cover the cake after it has cooled. Send the cake to the refrigerator, and the next morning you can already enjoy delicious piece this delicacy.

Keep in mind that Appliances in the kitchen will save a lot of time. Cook the famous in a slow cooker and you will see that this complicated dessert can be prepared between chores while you cook dinner, or even while you sleep or take a walk.

In order not to forget, save the recipe to your wall.
