
Bird's milk cake is tender and not cloying. Cake "bird's milk" on agar delicate

There are hearty dishes quite simple to prepare, which no gourmet will refuse. These include potatoes stewed with mushrooms. Using different types of mushrooms and cooking methods, this dish can be varied indefinitely.

Nothing is easier than stewing potatoes with champignons

The easiest way to stew potatoes with champignons.

To prepare a dish for 4 people, you will need:

  • 8 potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • 800 g of mushrooms, in this case champignons;
  • a glass of milk;
  • vegetable oil or butter for frying.

Let's prepare the ingredients. We cut the washed and peeled potatoes into medium-sized cubes, finely chop the onion, cut the mushrooms into 4 parts, large ones - smaller. Heat the pan, add oil and the rest of the ingredients to it. We add the mixed mixture, add a little water, simmer, cover with a lid. Potatoes should be almost ready. If the water boils away, you will need to add another drop so that the dish does not burn. A few minutes before the dish is fully cooked, pour milk into the stew, which can be replaced with low-fat cream. Let the dish boil so that the milk soaks up all the ingredients. Stewed potatoes according to this recipe will turn out very tender and tasty. The dish is dietary, so it can be eaten by anyone who is not prohibited from mushrooms.

The next recipe has more ingredients, the cooking technology is slightly different, so the potatoes are more fried than stewed, and the addition of garlic and pepper makes the dish more fragrant and spicy.

How to cook potatoes with mushrooms (video)


  • potatoes - 800 g;
  • mushrooms - 300 g;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 4-5 art. tablespoons of vegetable oil, and preferably the same amount of a mixture of vegetable and butter;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • greenery;
  • pepper, salt.

It is better to choose medium-sized potatoes for this dish. Cut prepared potatoes into slices. Pour oil into a large hot skillet and spread it out. Turn on a strong fire, fry until a golden crust appears. We add the onion cut into half rings, fry for 5-7 minutes, the fire should be slightly reduced. Cut the carrots into rings, add to the pan. After five minutes of frying, it was the turn of the mushrooms. We cut them into quarters, put them on vegetables.

We cover the pan with a lid so that the champignons release juice, the dish should be stewed in it until cooked. Sprinkle the finished potatoes with finely chopped herbs and crushed garlic, add, season with ground pepper. After a couple of minutes, turn off the fire. Let the stewed potatoes soak in the garlic spirit for another 10 minutes.

This recipe is for those who love sweet peppers. The taste of such a stew of potatoes will be peculiar. Adding flour will make the gravy in potatoes thick and appetizing.

Mushrooms stewed with potatoes and garlic


  • potatoes - kilogram;
  • champignons - 400 g;
  • one onion and the same number of carrots;
  • 1 tomato and the same amount of bell pepper;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. topless spoons.

This dish will greatly improve the addition of herbs, dried and fresh, bay leaves and peppercorns.

We cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes and set to boil. Water should be poured quite a bit so that it only covers the pieces of potatoes. While the potatoes are cooking, you need to prepare the frying. For her, we lightly steam the mushrooms in a dry frying pan. As soon as the juice evaporates, you need to add oil. We fry 10 minutes. We cut the carrots into cubes, and chop the onion, add vegetables to the mushrooms.

Simmer covered with a lid for about 5-7 minutes. During this time, cut the pepper into strips, and the tomato into cubes. put them in the oven. The mixture does not need to be fried for long - only 5 minutes. Sprinkle the roast with dry herbs, add salt and pepper. Sprinkle with flour and mix thoroughly. You can add a little butter, better than butter.

Do not fry the mixture with flour, but simply warm it up for a couple of minutes. By this time the potatoes are ready. Without draining the water, add the frying to it, season with herbs and spices. To thicken the sauce in the potatoes, boil it for another 3 minutes, turn it off and let it stand for a while.

Modern kitchen appliances make life much easier for the hostess. A multi-purpose device is a multicooker. almost everything can be cooked in it - from soups to desserts. Thanks to a special heating mode, dishes in it retain the taste of natural products. it seems that they are cooked in a Russian oven. It turns out very tasty stewed potatoes in it.

Potatoes stewed with mushrooms and vegetables

How to stew potatoes with mushrooms in a slow cooker

You don't need to fry anything for this dish. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl. Place chopped mushrooms, chopped onion and sliced ​​potatoes on top. Salt, add herbs and spices. For stewed potatoes, the "baking" mode is suitable. Cooking potatoes with mushrooms should take 45 minutes. Stir the potatoes at least 3 times.

For this dish you will need:

  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 150 g of mushrooms, champignons are most suitable;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • bulb.

Herbs, spices are chosen to taste. The proportions of the main components can be changed. If the potatoes turn out to be dryish, you can add water, cream, sour cream in a small amount to the multicooker bowl. Vary the recipe as your fantasy tells you. Only the method and time of preparation remains unchanged.

For stewing, thick-walled dishes, such as a cauldron, are most suitable. It provides slow and uniform heating of the prepared dish. Therefore, it will be very tasty.

Potatoes with mushrooms in the sleeve (video)

How to stew potatoes with mushrooms in a cauldron

This will require:

  • mushrooms - 600 g;
  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • 3 large onions;
  • vegetable oil - 80 g;
  • soy milk or regular low-fat cream - 100 ml;
  • the same amount of broth, meat, mushroom or vegetable.

We choose dry or fresh herbs to taste, basil and marjoram are most suitable. It is very good to add ground paprika.

Fry separately finely chopped onions with mushroom slices and potatoes, cut into cubes. Divide the butter evenly and add to both frying pans.

We put the prepared products in a cauldron layer by layer, sprinkling each with chopped herbs. We add salt, pour cream or soy milk, broth into a cauldron. The liquid should lightly cover the potatoes. The dish is ready in 3/4 hours.

Dried mushrooms have a special taste and unique rich aroma. The same fragrant is obtained and stewed potatoes with them.

Potatoes with mushrooms in a cauldron

Recipe for potatoes stewed with dried mushrooms

Mushrooms for this dish will have to be soaked beforehand. You can pour well-washed mushrooms with water, but they turn out much tastier if you soak them in milk.


  • dried mushrooms - 150 g;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 cups sour cream;
  • a couple of bay leaves.

We strain the soaked mushrooms from the liquid, fill it again with water and set to boil for a quarter of an hour. while the mushrooms are cooking, clean the onions, finely chop, fry with the addition of vegetable oil until it starts to brown. We strain the finished mushrooms from the broth, finely chop and spread to the onion. Fry 5-7 min. Submerge diced potatoes halfway with water. Cook after boiling for 3 minutes, add mushroom frying, simmer everything together for a quarter of an hour, salt and season with sour cream. Simmer the same amount more, stirring often so as not to burn.

Oddly enough, but excellent stewed potatoes can be cooked with pickled mushrooms. Of course, her taste will be different, but not worse than that of a traditional dish.

Potatoes with dried mushrooms

How delicious to cook stewed potatoes with pickled champignons

Pickled mushrooms or mushrooms are also suitable for this dish, but the best result is obtained with champignons.

To soften the spicy taste of pickled mushrooms, add beef when stewing.


  • per kilogram of meat and potatoes;
  • 3 onions;
  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms;
  • vegetable oil - 150 g;
  • 3 art. spoons of flour;
  • 1 cup sour cream plus 1 tbsp. spoon.

We strain the mushrooms from the marinade and rinse them a little. Cut the meat, peeled from films, into plates that need to be beaten off. We cut them into small squares, roll each in flour and fry so that they are slightly browned. Finely chop the onion, cut the mushrooms, fry them in the fat from the meat. Cut potatoes into slices.

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms in a slow cooker (video)

For stewing, you will need a goose dish or a thick-walled form with a lid. Lay out the prepared products in layers, lightly adding salt and seasoning with pepper. Pour a glass of water in which 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream. An hour after the start of the quenching, add the rest of the sour cream, shake the goose so that it is evenly distributed. The dish will be ready in 10 minutes.

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms is a versatile dish. Prepared according to a simple recipe, it will be a hearty lunch or dinner. If you add the ingredients, it is quite possible to prepare an exquisite dish that is also suitable for treats on a holiday.

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Today I would like to tell you about such an interesting dish as stewed potatoes with mushrooms. Potatoes are a relatively new product that appeared on our menu only a few centuries ago. It is all the more surprising how many recipes exist using potatoes. It has long supplanted many traditional dishes of Russian cuisine, such as turnips in its various forms or various cereals. Potatoes in all their forms - boiled, fried, stewed or baked - have become an integral part of our table.

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms is not difficult to prepare and tastes good.

Basic rules for preparing this dish

Nutritionists are still arguing about the benefits and harms of potatoes. On the one hand, it is quite low in fat, according to this indicator, boiled and with sour cream, it is almost a dietary dish. But there is another problem. High-calorie starch, which is quite abundant in potatoes, is easily deposited in our body.

Therefore, in any form - fried, boiled, stewed - potatoes should not be abused. As with any other tasty product, you need to be careful with it.

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It is necessary to choose the right mushrooms for the dish.

In this work, we would like to talk in more detail about how to properly prepare stewed potatoes with mushrooms. It can be served with sour cream or other sauce. Despite the fact that this dish is popular and loved, how to cook it correctly is a mystery to many. There are a lot of different recipes on the Internet, which often contradict each other in details. We will give you a simple and effective one that will allow you to quickly prepare a dish for your entire family.

The first thing you need to decide before starting cooking is which mushrooms you will use. In most cases, any will do - fresh, frozen and canned. But we recommend the first option, as they are both healthier and their taste is more pleasant. In our recipe, we will use fresh mushrooms, but you can replace them with almost any mushrooms you like. Most importantly, make sure they are edible and that you wash them thoroughly before cooking. And you can cook this dish with due skill even with dried mushrooms. We chose champignons for cooking because they are easy enough to find in our stores and are relatively inexpensive. In addition, their taste goes well with potatoes, they are perfect for each other.

After mushrooms, choose potatoes. For our dish, young potatoes are not suitable for cooking, so we take the product from the old crop. Choose medium-sized, thin-skinned root vegetables, making sure there are no signs of rotting or sprouting.

When selecting ingredients, we will proceed from the calculation that the dish is prepared for a group of three or four people, that is, an ordinary average family. But you can, if necessary, reduce or increase the amount of mushrooms and potatoes, depending on how many people it is all being prepared for.

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Classic recipe for mushrooms with potatoes

For the dish you need peeled potatoes.

Most importantly, remember that if the volume of one part of the dish changes, then the rest must change in proportion, otherwise the whole fine structure of taste will be violated.
So, you will need:

  1. One or two kilograms of potatoes (any variety will do).
  2. Mushrooms - 300-400 grams. As mentioned above, we use champignons, but you can replace them with other mushrooms, as long as the mass is the same.
  3. One or two bulbs. Even if you are not a big fan of onions, it is better to add it to this dish - it adds aroma and sets off the taste of mushrooms.
  4. Carrots - one or two pieces.
  5. Garlic. Add it or not, decide for yourself, but keep in mind that it adds a pleasant spiciness to the dish.
  6. Vegetable oil. It will only be needed for frying, so determine the amount yourself, depending on the size of the pan.
  7. Spices and condiments. We recommend salt, peppercorns, bay leaf - in proportions to your taste. But be careful with hot spices - they easily clog the taste of other foods and can easily hurt you.

To be sure that you will achieve the best result, select only high-quality products. Only then can you achieve the real taste of stewed potatoes with mushrooms.

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Cooking Highlights

Wash mushrooms thoroughly before cooking.

Let's move on to cooking. First you need to peel and wash the potatoes. Then cut it into small pieces. After that, take a frying pan and put potatoes in it, and then fill it with water almost to the very top and put it on fire. Instead of a frying pan, you can use a saucepan, this is even more convenient if you are preparing a large batch of food. Just make sure that the water does not boil away and do not forget to reduce the heat.

While the potatoes are stewing on the fire, it's time to do the mushrooms. They need to be washed thoroughly so that no dirt remains.

Remember that mushrooms are very easy to get poisoned.

Therefore, the rush here is only superfluous. After you finish washing them, dry them and cut into small pieces. You can’t leave them whole, because then they will fry longer and not release as much of their juice, which gives the potatoes an extra taste.

Then it's time for the carrots. Clean it, wash it and grate it on a coarse grater. It's on the big one. If you do this on a fine grater, then later it will not give enough taste to the dish. After the carrots, take on the onions. Clean it, wash it and cut into small cubes.

Now you need to take another frying pan. Heat oil on it and add onion. Fry it until it becomes really soft, then put the carrots on it, stir and continue to fry over medium heat for a while. When you see that the carrots are fried and have given up most of their liquid, put the mushrooms in the pan. Continue frying everything together until you see that the liquid has evaporated. At the end, you can salt and pepper to your liking.

You can use spices to add a special flavor.

Now go back to the first pan or pot that had potatoes in it. When the potatoes boil, you will need to add your chosen spices to it. In our case, these are bay leaves, peppers and garlic, which must first be peeled, washed and pressed through a special press.
When the potatoes start to soften, add the mushrooms from the skillet to them. Add water, and then close the container with a lid and simmer over low heat until you see that the potatoes are ready.

That's the whole recipe. As you can see for yourself, it is quite simple. This dish can be served on its own or as a side dish with meat. Cooking takes very little time. This is almost the perfect appetizer for any feast - hearty and tasty. By preparing such an unusual stew, you can perfectly demonstrate your culinary skills to your guests.

You can also serve some sauce along with stewed potatoes. Sour cream is usually used, but if it does not suit you because of its taste or fat content, then ketchup or mustard would be a good option. We do not recommend choosing a very hot sauce, as it will overpower the taste of potatoes and mushrooms. Sometimes you can resort to cooking tomato sauce with fresh tomatoes.

In addition to using traditional kitchen utensils - pots and pans to prepare this dish, you can use such a novelty of kitchen appliances as a slow cooker. The cooking process is practically the same as above. You only need to load all the ingredients into the slow cooker and turn it on in the stew mode. And this dish can be cooked in a pot and served in this form to the table. And of course, there are recipes for cooking potatoes with mushrooms in the oven, but in this case, the taste of the dish will already be different.

I would like to list some of the advantages of this dish. It can be advised to those who follow their figure. Yes, it would seem that there is a fairly high calorie content in stewed potatoes with mushrooms. But at the same time, the dish is also satisfying, that is, by eating it a little, you can satisfy your hunger much more effectively than three times as many other foods.

As for what to serve this dish on the table with, there is no unequivocal opinion among culinary specialists. As we said above, potatoes with mushrooms go well with some kind of meat. But don't forget about vitamin-healthy foods like tomatoes and cucumbers. Vegetable salad will well shade the strong flavoring properties of potatoes and mushrooms.

Stewed potatoes with mushrooms definitely deserves a permanent place at your table. This is both a simple and very tasty dish.

Today I am fulfilling the first order - I am sharing with you the recipe for the classic Ptichie Moloko cake in accordance with GOST. By the way, I cooked it for the first time, although the desire to make the very right Birdie has accumulated and multiplied for many years. As it turned out, there is nothing complicated in preparing this delicious cake with a snow-white elastic soufflé, thin cupcake layers and chocolate icing. By sticking to the recipe, you too can easily repeat the process and sincerely rejoice at the desired result.

I will not delve into the history of this famous and popular (to this day, by the way) cake for a long time. I'd rather tell you a little about the essence of its preparation. Today you can find a variety of recipes for the Bird's Milk cake - it is prepared even on semolina, while some cooks use gelatin instead of agar-agar, add a huge amount of chicken eggs. Cakes, which in the original are cooked on whipped (cupcake) dough, are replaced with a biscuit.

Meanwhile, as part of a real Bird's Milk cake, there should be a snow-white soufflé, which is made on the basis of well-beaten egg whites brewed with hot syrup on agar-agar. Cream of butter and sweet condensed milk is also added there - it is he who makes the soufflé creamy and tender.

In order for the Bird's Milk cake according to GOST to be successful the first time, I deliberately made a very large (40 pieces) number of steps. Do not be afraid - it will be easier and easier when you can clearly see and read everything in detail. I almost forgot to say one more thing: this cake uses just a huge amount of sugar - 560 grams. You can try to shorten it if you wish, but frankly, I have not tried and will not even try. Yes, the finished cake (weighing approximately 1 kg 400 grams) is sweet, even very sweet. Although the children unanimously said that they definitely do not need less sugar. Not surprisingly, they are also sweet-toothed. Just eat the cake in small pieces with unsweetened tea or coffee - then there will be complete harmony.


Cake dough:


Chocolate glaze:

Cooking step by step:

The recipe for the classic Bird's Milk cake includes quite affordable ingredients (well, if only with agar there can be problems in acquiring). For cakes, we take premium wheat flour, two large chicken eggs (I have a weight of 60 grams), granulated sugar, butter and a pinch of vanillin (you can replace it with a teaspoon of vanilla sugar). For a soufflé, we need a lot of granulated sugar, 2 egg whites (I have a total weight of 70 grams, so if your eggs are small, take 3 proteins, you can’t go wrong), drinking water, butter, sweetened condensed milk, lemon juice (in the original uses 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid) and agar-agar. Finally, we will prepare the chocolate icing from dark chocolate and butter. 75 grams of chocolate is enough to cover, but I used 90 grams to additionally draw patterns.

So, we will divide the whole process of making this delicious homemade cake into several stages. First, bake the cakes, then make a soufflé and, finally, fill the finished cake with chocolate icing. First of all, you need to soak 4 grams of agar-agar in 160 milliliters of cold water (these are 2 teaspoons without a slide, that is, under the knife). The original needs 140 milliliters of water, but I added another 20 milliliters to make the cake a little lighter. Leave the soaked agar on the table for about an hour.

In the meantime, prepare two sheets of parchment paper, on which you need to draw a circle with a pencil along the diameter of the baking dish. I have 20 centimeters, but you can take more - then the cake will be wider, but at the same time lower. We will bake cakes on these sheets, just do not forget to turn them over so that the pattern is on the other side.

Now let's start preparing the dough for our Bird, while in the process you can immediately turn on the oven to heat up to 200 degrees (the dough is done very quickly). To do this, put 100 grams of softened butter in a suitable dish (take it out of the refrigerator in just an hour and a half).

Beat everything with a mixer or a whisk for several minutes so that the butter and sugar turn into almost cream. Then, one at a time, stir in the eggs into the oil base, continuing to beat.

When you get a homogeneous mixture, pour 140 grams of sifted premium wheat flour. It remains only to mix it in to get a homogeneous dough.

The consistency of such a dough resembles dough for cupcakes (which, in fact, it is). It keeps its shape perfectly, does not spread - like thick sour cream.

We smear the dough along the diameter of the drawn circle (you can not reach the edge a little, as the dough will spread a little during the baking process). If you don't have a spatula, spread with a spoon. Try to keep the height of the workpiece the same - then the cakes will look prettier in the finished cake.

Alternately bake the cakes at 200 degrees for about 8-9 minutes each. In general, different sources write different temperatures (up to 230 degrees), but personally it seems to me that 200 degrees is ideal.

We cut the still warm cakes with a knife along the lines that we previously drew with a pencil. There is a small nuance here: if you want the cakes to peek out of the soufflé (from the side) in the finished Bird's Milk cake, cut exactly along the lines. If you prefer that they are not visible (only a snow-white soufflé on the side), cut 1 centimeter less lines. I think it’s not necessary to advise where to put the trimmings - there are a lot of people who want to eat them instantly. Let the cakes cool completely (this will happen very quickly, since the cakes are thin).

Next, we move on to preparing the soufflé for the cake. To do this, first we will make an oil cream on condensed milk, which we will then add to the protein-sugar base. To do this, put 200 grams of soft butter in a small bowl (we also take it out of the refrigerator in advance) and pour 100 grams of condensed milk there.

Beat everything with a mixer at high speed until you get a completely homogeneous, smooth, lush and shiny cream. 4-5 minutes is enough to whip - let him wait for his turn on the table for now.

We remember that we soaked agar-agar. Place the saucepan over medium heat and, stirring occasionally, bring the liquid to a boil.

Now we immediately fall asleep all 460 grams of sugar - only when the agar-agar is completely dissolved, otherwise the soufflé may not freeze. It may seem that there is too little liquid in relation to sugar, but this is not so - everything will dissolve perfectly.

We are waiting for the sugar to completely disperse, let the mixture boil, stirring constantly. Now it is important not to miscalculate and cook the right sugar syrup. To do this, you can use a cooking thermometer and cook the syrup until its temperature reaches 110 degrees. I don’t have such a device, so I learned to determine readiness by eye. On a fire just below average, I cook the syrup for 8-9 minutes after it boils (already with sugar).

A test for readiness can be a thin thread that stretches for a spoon when you lift it from the syrup. Or a soft ball: stir a drop of hot syrup into a bowl of ice water. If the syrup can be rolled into a soft ball that holds its shape well, the syrup is ready. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the syrup cool for 3-4 minutes (it is necessary that its temperature drops to 80 degrees, but not lower (the syrup will begin to thicken very quickly).

We begin to beat them at a low speed, and when the proteins become cloudy and a light foam forms (after about 30 seconds), pour a teaspoon of lemon juice (or put 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid). Without stopping whipping, gradually increase the speed of the mixer to maximum and achieve the splendor of the proteins. The mass should keep its shape well and not move (as for meringue).

Gradually, you will see how the mass is strongly compacted and increases well in volume. By consistency, it resembles the basis for homemade marshmallows - the same thick and stable.

Without stopping the mixer (I stop only to have time to take a photo), we introduce oil cream into the protein base in parts. Only you need to intervene it quickly and at the lowest speed.

As soon as you see that all the cream has interfered, immediately stop whipping. The fact is that the soufflé will thicken further and it will be difficult to spread it into a mold. In this case, the mass lazily flows from the whisk with a wide ribbon.

It turns out a very decent amount of delicious creamy protein base for the Bird's Milk cake. We work quickly, as it will begin to cool rapidly (agar stabilizes already at 40 degrees).

Fill the cake with half of the soufflé mass. If you kill it, you will not pour it, but spread it out with a spoon because of the density.

Fill the cake with the second half of the soufflé mass. In the end, it will already begin to thicken and may not lie quite evenly.

To do this, quickly rotate the form with both hands, without lifting it from the table. The soufflé flattens out under its own weight. We put the form with the cake in the refrigerator so that the top of the soufflé grabs and is not sticky. I spent a cake in the cold for about half an hour - the soufflé managed to grab so that it could be covered with chocolate icing. If you are not in a hurry, let the workpiece cool thoroughly (a couple of hours is enough).

I wanted to bake a real Ptichye Moloko cake for a long time, but everything seemed to be complicated, and even disorientated by the abundance of various recipes - with semolina, with gelatin, with many eggs ... Which one to choose? While I was thinking, a site reader, Alexandra, asked me to make Bird's Milk Cake on agar-agar. ABOUT! And I just have agar - left over from when I made homemade marmalade in the summer. That will be where to adapt it, agar-agar in the sense.

Agar-agar is a natural gelling agent, but not of animal origin, like gelatin, but of vegetable origin - it is extracted from seaweed. The name comes from the Malay "agar-agar", which means "jelly". The main difference and advantage of agar-agar is that it solidifies already at 40C, and gelatin, on the contrary, melts at this temperature, I remember the fuss with jelly, which even reluctantly solidified in the refrigerator, for two hours, or even all night! Then, agar-agar can be boiled, and gelatin after 100C ceases to solidify at all. Therefore, all kinds of jelly desserts - marmalade, marshmallows, jelly and cakes - are much more convenient to do with agar-agar! It was a scientific and lyrical digression, and now to the point, that is, to the cake! 🙂

The cake was a success the first time. And it’s not complicated at all, it seems :) Of course, a little more complicated than cupcakes, but nothing supernatural is required to be done ... The main thing is inspiration and a mindset for success! Don't be confused by the fact that there is a lot of text - in fact, it's faster to do than to describe. I just tried to describe the step-by-step process of making the Bird's Milk cake in as much detail as possible, with all the nuances, so that even a novice cook can easily repeat it. It's real - just like making such chic masterpieces of cake art as "Prague" and "Napoleon" at home!

Warning: the original cake Bird's milk according to GOST is very sweet! At least that's how it seemed to me. Still, not surprising, considering how much sugar there is. The cakes are thin, but there is a lot of soufflé, it is sweet, and besides, both the cakes and the filling contain quite a lot of butter. I ate a piece of tea and couldn't take it anymore. But the son really praised the cake! So the sweet tooth will love the cake. and if you also like not very sweet, then you will like another version of this cake, with a reduced amount of sugar and butter. Follow the news on the site!

To execute the recipe, you will need a mixer, a detachable form 22 or 24 cm, parchment, a spacious bowl, non-stick dishes.

The cake turned out to weigh approximately 1300 g. Approximately - because we first ate two pieces, and then guessed to weigh them, and together with the dish. Then I weighed the dish separately and subtracted its weight from the resulting number ...


For cakes:

  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 110 g flour;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of baking powder.

For the soufflé:

  • 2 egg whites;
  • 2 teaspoons of agar-agar (without top, flush with edges = 4 g);
  • 140 ml of water;
  • 460 g of sugar;
  • A pinch of vanillin;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 100 g of condensed milk;
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice.

For chocolate glaze:

  • 75 g dark chocolate;
  • 50 g butter.

Explanation of ingredients.

The eggs are medium in size, closer to large. Don't worry about raw proteins: when 80-degree syrup is poured into them, they still undergo heat treatment. The main thing is to wash the shell well with soap, it is on it that salmonella occurs, and of course, take fresh eggs.

You need to take high-quality butter, real butter, not a spread or margarine, otherwise it is difficult to predict the result and you are unlikely to like it :) , not less than 73%, and preferably 85%.

Sugar in the soufflé. When you see this number, the first thing you think is - wow, isn't it too much, almost a pound of sugar! I did not deviate from the Gost recipe, because I cooked the cake for the first time and was worried - would it work if I changed the recipe? It turns out it will work. Since the GOST cake seemed too sweet to me, the second time I made "Bird" with half the amount of sugar, and the cake was also a success. I will also publish a lightweight recipe in the near future so that you can choose the option to your taste.

For icing, it is better to take dark chocolate without additives with a high cocoa content (72-74%) - it combines favorably with a sweet filling.

So, let's get inspired and start in a good mood! 🙂

Cake recipe Bird's milk on agar-agar at home:

We start preparing the cake in advance, 3-4 hours in advance or even the day before. Namely - pour agar-agar into a cup, pour 140 ml of cold water and leave, you can until the morning.

Let's prepare parchment for baking cakes by outlining two circles on paper with a simple pencil according to the size of the form in which you will collect the cake.

We take out the butter and eggs from the refrigerator in advance to warm up to room temperature. Carefully separate the yolks from the whites.

It is convenient to first measure all the ingredients so that you do not have to run around the kitchen, looking at the recipe every now and then to see how much butter or sugar is needed for the dough and filling. After measuring the products, group them - this is for the cakes, this is for the soufflé, this is for the glaze.

Let's bake the cakes first. We combine the softened butter with sugar and beat with a mixer at low speed until the mass becomes like a fluffy cream. I whipped for 4.5 minutes.

Then add the yolks and beat for another 3-4 minutes - until a gentle homogeneous mass.

It is desirable that the sugar crystals dissolve - how to check, we already know from the Kievsky cake recipe: you need to rub the mass between your fingers. Almost no sugar? So it's enough to beat.

Now sift the flour with baking powder into the whipped mass and gently fold in.

There was no baking powder in the original recipe. But I could not resist and added, because baking powder was present in the recipes for butter biscuit technology that I met earlier.

Turn on the oven to heat up to 200-210C. We take one sheet of parchment with a circle, lightly grease with sunflower oil. We spread half of the dough on paper and spread it over the parchment, without going beyond the edges. Spreading the dough within the circle in an even layer was not so easy, but in the end I managed using a silicone spatula. You can try spreading with a spoon or knife.

We move the parchment with the dough to a baking sheet and put it in the oven, on the middle tier. Attention! The baking time can vary considerably depending on your oven. The original recipe said about 10 minutes at 230C. My cakes were baked for 7-8 minutes at 200-210C. And then the first one I almost missed and he managed to blush well. But in general, the cake should be baked, but at the same time remain light golden, with slightly browned edges. And one more thing - do not open the oven door to see how the cake is there. Open carefully and not completely. Because I opened it wide open to take a look - and right before my eyes the cake visibly sank. These cakes are generally something unusual; they look like a biscuit, and shortcrust pastry, and a cupcake - lush and tender, as if biscuit; quite fatty, and after cooling they become thin, crumbly and crispy.

With the second cake, I no longer yawned, it turned out lighter.

We take out the finished cake from the oven, move it from the baking sheet to the table and immediately, while the cake is hot and soft, cut it to the size of the mold - as the dough spreads a little during baking. An important nuance - we cut not according to the outer diameter of the form, but along the inner one. Otherwise, then the cake will not want to fit on its bottom, and it will have to be cut again - and when it has cooled, it is more difficult to cut, as the cake crumbles.

Let the cakes cool down, and we will start preparing the soufflé.

We take soft butter (200 g), add 100 g of condensed milk, a pinch of vanillin or a bag of vanilla sugar, and beat with a mixer at low speed for 4-5 minutes, until a fluffy butter cream is obtained.

If the cream exfoliates - most likely, the oil let us down. And this is how it should turn out. For now, set the bowl of cream aside, let it stand on the table.

We stir the agar-agar, infused in water, and pour it into a non-stick dish, the volume - taking into account the addition of sugar. I cooked syrup in a cauldron. We put on fire a little less than medium and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

The solution will bubble, let it boil for a minute and add sugar.

Immediately it seems that the syrup is too thick. But don't worry - keep heating it over medium heat while stirring. Gradually, the sugar will dissolve and bubbles will begin to appear. The mass becomes full of small bubbles, and the syrup flows from the spoon in viscous drops.

When the sugar is completely dissolved, and the mass boils and begins to foam like milk, turn off, remove from the stove and leave to cool for 5-7 minutes.

It is impossible to leave the syrup for a long time: agar, unlike gelatin, seizes already at 40C. So now we will quickly make a soufflé!

We take a bowl deeper and beat the egg whites in it with a mixer for a minute, until a fluffy airy foam.

Pour lemon juice into whipped proteins and continue to beat for 4-5 minutes, gradually adding speed, moving from low to medium to high. The foam becomes thicker and gains the ability to hold its shape - see the traces of the mixer beaters?

Just 5-6 minutes passed after removing the syrup from the heat. We switch the mixer back to low speed and, without stopping whipping the whites, take a container with syrup and begin to pour it into the whipped mass in a thin stream.

As you beat, you will see how the mass becomes more and more voluminous and dense.

When all the syrup is mixed in, enough is enough. Now we need to stir in the butter cream in the soufflé. At first I thought - after all, the oil in the cream, once in the hot protein mass, will begin to melt? But, having shifted the proteins into a larger bowl, I found out that the mass was no longer hot, but only slightly warm. So add a spoonful of cream to it and at low speed mix with a mixer into the proteins.

When all the cream is mixed in and a homogeneous mass is obtained, the soufflé is ready.

It is already only a little warm, so we act clearly. We put one of the cakes on the bottom of a detachable form, covered with parchment.

Pour half of the soufflé onto the crust.

It itself spreads in shape, laying down in an even layer, and did not even make an attempt to escape from below.
- I wish some jelly cakes could learn such cultural behavior!

On the souffle, carefully lay out the second cake.

And pour the second half of the soufflé on it.

Now you can put the cake in the refrigerator (not in the freezer, but just in the camera) for 2-3 hours and relax! My cake was frozen in an hour.

It remains to cover the cake with icing. After a couple of hours, we check: is the soufflé frozen? Its surface is smooth, covered, as it were, with the smallest “craters” from bubbles, ”and is it not a bit liquid anymore? If so, it's time to prepare the frosting.

We break the chocolate into pieces (and it is even more convenient to use drops or coins), pour it into a metal container and put it in a water bath (that is, in a larger vessel with water that is on fire). Stirring, heat; Be careful not to splash water on the chocolate.

When it starts to melt, add soft butter. Continue to heat, stirring until the chocolate and butter have melted and a smooth pouring glaze is obtained.

Remove the ladle from the water bath, let stand for 2-3 minutes, so as not to pour the hot glaze on the soufflé.
Then we take the cake out of the refrigerator and pour the icing on the soufflé. To evenly distribute it, we slightly shake the form, tilting it in different directions - the liquid glaze will spread over the cake, covering it with an even layer. Small bumps on the glaze are pieces of orange peel; I had a small piece of pure black chocolate so I added some orange bar.

After covering the cake with icing, put it in the refrigerator again to solidify the chocolate. When the icing sets, you can melt an additional portion of chocolate, only a smaller amount of butter so that the icing is thicker and holds its shape better - put it in a cornet and decorate the cake with chocolate patterns.

To get the cake out of the mold, gently run a knife along its walls and only then open the sides. Move the cake to a plate.

And here we have a homemade bird's milk cake!

Now a little nuance: to carefully cut the cake into pieces, you need a very sharp knife, because the icing cracks and breaks when pressed. You can try heating the knife in very warm water - then the glaze will melt slightly and it will be easier to cut off the portioned segment. After each piece, it is advisable to wipe the knife, because the melted icing smears the white layer in the chocolate. Although it does not affect the taste!

Here is a close-up of the cake.

Serve it with lemon tea or unsweetened coffee to balance out the taste.
