
Strawberry jam "5 minutes": a recipe for the winter with a photo. Harvesting delicious thick strawberry jam for the winter - a detailed recipe with a photo step by step

Strawberry jam for the winter we prepare annually in large quantities. Usually I cook with gelatin or pectin, but it is possible without thickeners. Some jams are prepared without cooking at all. In this article I will tell you how we prepare jams in which vitamins will be preserved throughout the winter, and most importantly, the taste and smell of fresh berries.

Earlier on this blog, I posted different ones. And also several ways. I will be glad if you liked them. Now, continuing the strawberry theme, let's figure out how to make strawberry jam and what to do to make it tasty and thick.

Here are some of the most famous, traditional methods of making jams. Choose your favorite and cook with pleasure!

Today's article:

How to cook strawberry jam for the winter

The proportions of berries and sugar are one to one, that is, I take a kilo of berries and a kilo of sugar. If you use thickeners - gelatin, pectin or agar-agar, then you can take very little sugar.

I wash strawberries in running water before cooking. I put the berries in a colander to drain excess water. I pinch off the tails and remove the spoiled berries. You can grind strawberries with a blender or mixer, or you can scroll in a meat grinder. The best option for jam is rubbing the berries through a sieve. And although it is too time-consuming and long, the jam will turn out thick even without gelatin and other additives.

It is good to use glass or stainless steel dishes for boiling berries. Enameled pans are also good, but require constant stirring to avoid burning, and metal ones oxidize from berry acid. Although I know many housewives who do not recognize anything other than a copper basin for cooking preserves and jams.

I always sterilize jars for jam by steaming or in the oven. I put the washed jars upside down in the oven, put the lids in the same place. I turn it on at 150. After 20 minutes I turn it off, let it cool down and you can put jam in them. If you boil jars and lids in a saucepan, then they must be dried before laying the jam.

Strawberry jam for the winter five minutes - recipe with photo

According to this recipe, I cooked jams when I was still a completely inexperienced housewife. And although this method takes time, but as a result I get a tender and thick jam without using any thickeners. And although this method of cooking jams is called a five-minute, it will not work in five minutes. The effect of temperature, of course, is five minutes, but several times.

What you need:

How to cook:

  1. I sort and wash the berries, pinch off the tails. I’ll take an enameled saucepan, since the berries will be boiled in it for no more than five minutes and nothing will have time to burn.
    2. I put the pan with the berry on the fire and add half a glass of water. When it boils, cook for another five minutes, removing the foam with a wooden spoon. Take it off the stove and let it cool down a bit. I grind the berry mass through a sieve.
  2. Grinding boiled berries is very easy. As a result, I get a homogeneous strawberry puree. I put one kg into it. granulated sugar. Mix and put back on the stove. I cook for five to seven minutes after boiling. In the process of cooking, do not stop stirring and remove the foam. Then I take it off the heat and let it cool completely.
  3. Again I repeat boiling and cooling. And for the third time I boil for five minutes, remove it from the heat and pour even hot mashed potatoes into dry, sterilized jars. I roll it up and wrap it in a fur coat or a blanket until tomorrow. The next day, we lower the jars of jam into the basement for storage. Don't forget to try the yummy.

With such a five-minute exposure to temperature, we retain the maximum amount of nutrients in the berries.

Thick strawberry jam with gelatin for the winter - the fastest recipe

I can guarantee that the jam will definitely thicken perfectly using this method. Sugar in this recipe is required less than usual, because here the gelatin perfectly thickens the berry-sugar mass.

It is allowed to grind the berries with a blender, or scroll in a meat grinder, or simply knead with an ordinary crush.

What you need:

How to cook:

  1. I clean the washed berries from the sepals. Grind to a puree and pour into a bowl.
  2. I also add sugar and a bag of gelatin there. Mixed without much fanaticism, everything will dissolve during cooking.
  3. I put it on fire and wait for it to boil. I boil for no more than three minutes. The jam has already thickened enough, and when it cools, it will become even thicker.
  4. I pour the still hot jam into sterile, dry jars and roll up the lids. Let it cool under the covers during the day.

It is just as easy to prepare all jams with special thickeners - with pectin and with gelfix and with agar-agar.

And now the Gala Rada channel offers us a way to prepare jam for the laziest ^

Strawberry jam for the winter in a slow cooker - video recipe

And for those who love compotes -

Thanks to everyone who made jams with me. Bon appetit!

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Any berries and fruits can become the basis for “quick” jam, but “5-minute” strawberry jam is rightly considered the most delicious. The versatility of sweetness allows you to combine it with any products. Strawberry jam "Pyatiminutka" will be an excellent addition to cereals, it can be combined with yogurt, ice cream, pancakes. Cooking speed is far from the only advantage of the dish.

Strawberry jam "Pyatiminutka" is made from berries and sugar, taken in the same proportions. Some recipes also involve the use of lemon juice, which gives the taste of sweetness sophistication.

A minimum of ingredients is by no means the only reason that explains the popularity that Pyatiminutka strawberry jam with whole berries invariably retains.

  • Repeated boiling, prolonged infusion and boiling - you can forget about all this by deciding to make Five Minute strawberry jam for the winter. The maximum time spent does not go beyond 40 minutes.
  • The berry is prepared quickly, which allows it not to lose its beneficial properties. Vitamin C, with which it is saturated, will be invaluable during the winter colds and flu. The daily requirement is compensated by a couple of spoons.
  • The speed with which 5-minute strawberry jam is prepared also has a positive effect on the taste of the result. The color and aroma of the delicacy remain unchanged.
  • The cooking process does not violate the integrity of the berries, which makes the dish more delicious.

How to cook strawberry jam "Five minutes"? There are several recipes for a quick treat.

Strawberry jam "Five minutes" - a classic recipe

For those who plan to cook strawberry jam, the most famous 5-minute recipe will definitely come in handy. To prepare two cans, the volume of which is 500 g, you need a kilogram of berries and about 400 g of sugar.

The preparation of such a dish as strawberry jam 5-minute for the winter begins with washing the berries. The base must not only be thoroughly cleaned, but also freed from the "roots". The processed elements are placed in a deep bowl, mixed with sugar in the amount indicated above. It takes about 5 hours for the juice to come out, during which time the bowl remains in the refrigerator.

How to cook strawberry jam "Five Minute" further? The product with the resulting liquid is poured into a prepared bowl, the container is kept on low heat until boiling. After removing the foam, the cooking process continues for several more minutes. The hot delicacy is distributed over carefully processed and dried jars, after which they are rolled up. For the cooling time, the 5-minute strawberry jam is placed upside down.

You can also prepare “quick” strawberry jam in another way, the “5-minute” recipe No. 2 will take a little longer. To implement it, you will need 0.5 kg of berries, 1 kg of sugar and a medium lemon.

  • Strawberry jam recipe for the winter "Five Minute" No. 2 also begins with the preparation of berries. They are thoroughly washed, lose their stalks
  • Ingredients ready for cooking are placed in a suitable container, sugar is added. The exposure time is 4 hours, it is enough for the appearance of juice.
  • When the syrup appears, you can put the container on the fire. Further, as the recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries “Five Minutes” says, the sweetness is boiled to a boil. It is important not to forget about stirring.
  • Having fixed the boil, you need to wait a little more and remove the pan from the stove. After waiting for the dish to cool, it is necessary to bring it to a boil again, cook for a short time and remove.
  • After sufficient cooling, Pyatiminutka strawberry jam is mixed with lemon juice obtained from one fruit, remains on the stove after boiling for about three minutes.

There is another method according to which delicious strawberry jam is easily created, the Five Minute recipe No. 3 also departs from the classic version. The berries are boiled in three approaches, each time lasting for five minutes. There is another difference - the syrup is obtained with the help of water. To implement the recipe, you need to take strawberries and sugar in the same amount (about 1.5 kg), prepare a glass of water.

The syrup is boiled in a saucepan prepared for Five Minute Strawberry Jam, the recipe involves mixing water with sugar. Then berries are mixed with it, after boiling, the dish is aged on fire for about 5 minutes.

How to cook five-minute strawberry jam according to this recipe so that the berries remain intact? In this case, periodic shaking of the pan is necessary. To obtain "jelly" you need constant stirring, which is convenient to carry out with a wooden spatula.

After the Pyatiminutka strawberry jam has cooled down sufficiently, bringing the dish to a boil is repeated, followed by a five-minute boil. Further, the sequence of actions (cooling, boiling, cooking) is reproduced again. Finally, the hot delicacy is distributed over the jars with the obligatory rolling. For the cooling period, the jars are wrapped.

The most original recipe for preparing Pyatiminutka strawberry jam for the winter is method number 4. Adhering to the technology, you can get a delicious and "quick" jam. In addition to 3 kg of berries, you need to stock up on citric acid (the optimal amount is 5 g) and a kilogram of sugar.

The product must be fully ripe, treated with water and free from stalks. The berry is mixed with sugar, then the container is placed on the stove. It is necessary to wait for a boil, hold for another 5 minutes, maintaining a moderate heat. Then citric acid is poured, the composition is thoroughly mixed. Ready-made strawberry jam "Pyatiminutka" (jam recipe) is poured into jars in a hot state. Careful sealing of sterilized containers is important. In the process of cooling, the jars should be placed with the lids down.

Not only the recipe is important, according to which Pyatiminutka strawberry jam is prepared. The taste of the delicacy largely depends on the condition of the berries that served as the basis for it. It is worth paying maximum attention to their selection, rejecting spoiled and unripe fruits. In this case, the finished dish will delight you with its exquisite taste and long shelf life.

Delicate and fragrant strawberry jam is a thicker and smoother "Western" version of our favorite winter jam. For its preparation, ripe berries, sweeteners, gelling agents, spices, additional ingredients and natural preservatives are used. A ready-made delicacy, rich in vitamins, minerals and natural antioxidants, served with cookies, buns, pancakes, biscuits, pancakes, toast and waffles all year round. During the cooking of delicious strawberry jam, 5-Minutes also uses other seasonal berries and fruits. Fragrant beauty from the home garden goes well with raspberries, red currants, cherries, rhubarb, plums, bananas, etc. There are many, many options for preparing vitamin treats. Further - more about each of them.

Thick strawberry jam for the winter without gelatin: the most delicious recipe with a photo

Many housewives bypass summer redcurrant preparations, fearing a long and monotonous separation of berries from stalks. After all, each currant must be carefully removed without crushing the delicate pulp. We offer a universal recipe with a photo of strawberry and redcurrant jam, which does not require extra time. In our version, washed and dried red currants can be rubbed through a kitchen strainer without removing them from the stalks. Only berry puree is indicated in the recipe, the rest can be thrown away.

Essential Ingredients for Strawberry Redcurrant Jam

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • red currant - 250 g
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  • sugar - 700 g
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp

Step-by-step preparation of strawberry-currant jam for the winter according to a recipe with a photo

Quick 5-Minute Strawberry Jam: Video Recipe

Jams "5-minutes" from strawberries, raspberries, apricots and other fruit and berry components according to video recipes managed to earn honor and respect from every progressive housewife. They are quickly prepared, stored for a long time and do not lose the bulk of nutrients. Since the period of heat treatment of such blanks is close to the minimum, vitamins do not have time to decay, which means that they reliably nourish our body during the cold winter season.

See how to cook quick 5-minute strawberry jam in the video recipe:

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker with plums

Strawberries can be dried to make fragrant teas, cherries can be withered for baking and desserts, cranberries can be candied, and blueberries are good frozen. Alas, almost all of these harvesting methods are not applicable to strawberries. Except for freezing and boiling. The usual strawberry jam no longer surprises anyone. But strawberry jam with plums in a slow cooker can certainly make a splash. See for yourself!

Necessary ingredients for making strawberry-plum jam in a slow cooker

  • fresh strawberries - 450 g
  • sugar - 800 g
  • purple plums - 900 g
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp

Step by step cooking strawberry jam with plums in a slow cooker

Thick and delicious strawberry jam: a recipe with gelatin

Jam is an English preparation of berries or fruits, created by boiling the main ingredients with sugar or gelling ingredients. The finished delicacy is sweet, slightly stretchy and incredibly fragrant. If gelatin is used during the preparation of thick and tasty jam, the dessert will look like confiture or concentrated berry jelly.

Essential Ingredients for Delicious Strawberry Gelatin Jam

  • strawberries - 1 kg
  • sugar - 750 g
  • gelatin - 22 g
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp

Step-by-step preparation of thick delicious strawberry jam with gelatin

How to cook strawberry jam in a pan: video recipe

Strawberries, unlike apples or blackcurrants, cannot be harvested in one harvest. Every day the warm sun warms up more and more batches of ripe fragrant berries. Cooking a pot of jam from each basket is not practical and too time consuming. And since the keeping quality of strawberries is minimal, it is unlikely that it will be possible to collect a large amount. The only saving option is a quick harvest of strawberries for the winter in a pan. To do this, you need a standard set of ingredients for jam and ordinary kitchen utensils. Thanks to an unusual cooking technology, the delicacy turns out to be amazingly fragrant, with a light caramel taste.

See how to cook strawberry jam in a pan in the video recipe:

Strawberry season is in full swing, and you need to have time to get the most out of the natural pantry. Prepare delicious thick strawberry jam for the winter according to a variety of recipes with photos and videos - and enjoy 5-minute desserts every frosty and snowy evening.

Today I will talk about two options for cooking strawberry jam, which is called 5-minute. I’ll only talk about two, although every experienced housewife has her own recipe, with her own nuances and tricks.

But first, for those who are just starting to learn the basics of cooking and decided to try their hand at making strawberry jam at home. Why five minutes? For those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to cook it in 5 minutes, I answer right away - this is not possible. This figure does not indicate the total time during which the berry is cooked, this is the time of each stage of cooking, and there are several of them. That's why it's such a name.

Today I will tell you in detail and show step by step, with a photo, two recipes. The first is classic, my mother cooks on it (and she has the most delicious jam in the world), as a rule, I cook on it myself. But sometimes I am drawn to experiments and good recipes are also born in them, such as, for example, today's number 2.

Five-minute strawberry jam - recipe

This is the base, so to speak, the basis or principle of cooking. It definitely needs to be customized. Why? Because: 1) strawberries can be sourer or sweeter; 2) berries can be dry or saturated with water (especially if they were picked after rain); 3) someone likes liquid jam, such that whole berries float in syrup; 4) someone, on the contrary, loves thicker. That's why, take my recipe, if you cook it for the first time, check it on a small portion of strawberries and only then decide what needs to be changed: add or reduce sugar, increase or decrease the number of cooking repetitions, etc.


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

How to cook strawberry jam "Five minutes"

  1. We clean and sort the strawberries: open the stalks, throw out the suspicious berry.
  2. Cleaned thoroughly, but carefully, so as not to crush, rinse under running water. Any dirt or rot, if it gets into the jar, will lead to the formation of mold, which means we are not lazy and do this work efficiently. We recline the washed in a colander and let the water drain.
  3. Then transfer to a large bowl and sprinkle with sugar on top. You don't need to mix it, just leave it aside. Usually I do it in the evening and it stays until the morning. As for the utensils. Ideally and traditionally, copper utensils were used for cooking jam, but the prices for it are now such that ... many, many points. Therefore, we do it easier - an enameled basin is our everything! But it is better not to take metal, it can oxidize. Stainless steel - you can, but high quality.
  4. Usually overnight, the sugar from the juice secreted by the strawberries melts, but this does not always happen. Who knows why! Maybe the berry is dry or some kind of sugar is not correct. In any case, it's okay. We put it right on the stove.
  5. First on high heat. DO NOT mix, generally with a spoon, do not climb into a bowl with a ladle. Just shake it back and forth from time to time. Shortly after heating begins, strawberry juice will begin to peep through the edges.
  6. And gradually all the unmelted sugar will dissolve, turn into sugar syrup.
  7. A foam will appear and the syrup will boil. We reduce the fire, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, if this is not done, it will look ugly in the jar and it may turn out that you later do not understand this foam or mold. We detect 5 minutes from the moment of boiling. Gone - turn off, remove from the stove for 10-12 hours.

  8. Yes, the classic strawberry jam is cooked like this, a few minutes of boiling, then a few hours of standing. I usually need 3 to 4 reps.
  9. Before the last, we start preparing the jars. First, rinse well and wipe dry. Then we sterilize. There are many sterilization methods. I use an oven for this. I put the jars in a cold oven, turn it on at 150 ° C. And when it warms up, I detect 15 minutes.
  10. During this time, boil the lids and boil our jam for the last time.
  11. We pour it into hot sterile jars, cork with boiled lids. And let it cool down.

This is what this recipe looks like. It is simple, but stretched over time.

Strawberry jam - five minutes with whole berries and lemon

It differs from the first option not only in the presence of lemon, which gives a subtle, subtle taste and aroma, but also in the cooking time. Despite the fact that each approach lasts for 5 minutes, and despite the fact that there are also several of them, the breaks between them are only 1 hour, and the sugar does not need to be dissolved in advance. So we can assume that this is a quick recipe.

What we need:

  • strawberries - 500g;
  • sugar - 400g;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.

How to make strawberry lemonade

And then, in winter, or not in winter, and when you want, we open a jar, pour it into a vase, brew a good strong tea and drink tea together with thick, delicious strawberry jam, in which berry to berry, and which smells of summer and the sun.

Strawberries are one of the most popular berries around the world. Its delicate, sweet-sour taste and soft, juicy texture are a gastronomic delight for many people. But this is not the only reason why the royal berry is attractive, because in addition to the taste and aromatic delights, it contains a whole storehouse of useful substances. Vitamins, trace elements, acids have a beneficial effect on the human body both inside (when eating berries for food) and outside (when using the fruit as a cosmetic product). However, this amazing and healthy berry does not grow all year round (greenhouse cultivation is not taken into account) and in order to enjoy strawberries in the cold, many different options for preserving it have been invented. One of the most popular ways is strawberry jam, which not only retains the beneficial properties of an amazing berry, but also has an excellent texture, smell and, of course, taste.

A recipe for strawberry jam for the winter, which can be prepared in several ways, try making it right now.

Strawberry jam - a classic recipe for the winter

This is the easiest and most commonly used method.

It only takes three ingredients to make delicious strawberry jam:

  • strawberries 1 kg;
  • sugar 1 kg;
  • lemon juice of one fruit.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Pure, selected berries are sprinkled with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and left for two hours, so that the strawberries give juice.
  2. The resulting syrup is poured into a large saucepan and put on fire.
  3. Berries with sugar are placed in the boiled juice and boiled for 10 minutes. Lemon juice is added, which will add piquancy to a wonderful dessert and remove excessive sweetness.
  4. The strawberries boiled in syrup are ground with a blender and the resulting mass is put on fire for cooking for 20-30 minutes.
  5. The prepared jam is poured into sterilized and dry jars.

The jam is ready.

On a note. For the last boil, you can use a large saucepan in order to increase the area of ​​​​evaporation of moisture and make the jam thicker.

Strawberry Jam 5 Minutes Quick and Easy Recipe

This is one of the most common types of jam preparation. Because of the speed, simplicity and usefulness, this method is used by many housewives.

It is as follows:

  • strawberries 2 kg;
  • sugar 0.8 kg.

Wash the harvested crop, remove the stalks, remove rotten and crumpled fruits. Using a blender, meat grinder or crush, turn strawberries into puree and cover with sugar.

Put the resulting mixture on fire, boil, remove the foam and cook for five minutes. Then cool and repeat the procedure twice, to evaporate more moisture and get a thick jam, after 8 hours.

Dessert in a slow cooker

Modern appliances make working in the kitchen much easier. To create a wonderful jam that will not work under normal cooking conditions, you can use a slow cooker. She will not only give the hostess more free time, but will change the texture of the usual delicacy, making it more tender, dense and rich.

Strawberry Jam Recipe:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp (previously dilute in 100 ml of boiling water).

The principle of preparation remains the same as if a saucepan were used, with the only difference: strawberry puree with sugar is prepared in a separate container and only then transferred to the multicooker bowl. Then the "Extinguishing" program is selected for 1 hour. When the time comes, the jam will be ready. If desired, gelatin can be added to give greater density or additional components. Ready jam needs to be poured into pre-prepared jars that will keep a wonderful delicacy for a long time.

Strawberry jam is not only able to decorate any dish, but it can also become a wonderful dessert that will fill the cold season with the aromas of summer and warmth.

On a note. The addition of lemon juice preserves the color of the jam and gives it a special touch.

Delicious and thick strawberry jam

There are a number of different recipes that can include not only standard ingredients such as strawberries, sugar and lemon juice, but also additional elements that will make the dish taste richer and richer. These components include mint, orange, apples, white chocolate. It is better not to add all these products together so that they do not interrupt the taste of each other.
