
Anniversary cake recipe. Cake with condensed milk without baking

Cookie cakes with condensed milk are quite popular among many housewives. This is due to the ease and simplicity of preparation, because many of them are prepared without baking. And for the preparation of this dessert, a minimum amount of ingredients is used.

It is enough to buy a kilogram of simple cookies and a jar of condensed milk. And the result is an excellent dessert that can even replace a biscuit cake with cream. So, how do you make it yourself? Our recipes will help you with this.

How to bake a simple cookie and condensed milk cake

How to prepare:

  1. The oil should be softened a little, for this it can be heated in the microwave for a couple of minutes or left for 15-20 minutes at room temperature;
  2. Next, spread the condensed milk to the soft butter and stir with a mixer or blender until the composition is even. You should get a cream with an average consistency;
  3. Grind the cookies into crumbs. It can be rolled with a rolling pin or crushed by hand. But do not grind too much, small pieces should remain;
  4. Then we shift the cookie crumbs to the cream and knead a homogeneous dough. For stirring, it is better to use a spoon or a mixer, but at low speed;
  5. It is best to put this mixture in the refrigerator for several hours, but you can bake it first. We coat the baking dish with butter or cover it with parchment paper;
  6. We spread the dough in a mold and evenly distribute the surface, it should be even;
  7. We put in the oven and bake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees;
  8. After that, we take it out, cool it and put it in the refrigerator for an hour;
  9. Next, put the finished cake on a plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar and decorate with a berry.

Cake without baking from cookies and condensed milk

What you need for the base:

  • 600 grams of cookies;
  • A glass of any nuts.

For cream base:

  • Bank of boiled condensed milk;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • A glass of heavy cream.

Cooking time - 45 minutes.

Nutritional value - 400.

Let's start cooking:

    1. First, crush the cookies with a knife. They can be crushed in a blender, but they will be crushed there too finely. And larger pieces will look more beautiful in the cake when cut;

    1. Next, put the nuts on a dry frying pan and fry until golden. Then remove them from the stove and remove all the skins;
    2. After that, put the pieces of cookies and roasted nuts into a deep cup, mix everything;
    3. Soften the butter in the microwave until medium soft, put it in a bowl, add boiled condensed milk there. Mix all the ingredients with a mixer or blender until smooth. The result should be a cream with a thick consistency;

    1. Next, pour the cream there and rub everything again. Cream will give the cream composition lightness and splendor;

    1. We combine the mixture of cookies and nuts with a creamy composition. Mix everything with a spoon or mixer at low speed;

    1. Then, in any deep bowl, we lay plastic cling film;
    2. We spread the mixture of cookies, nuts and cream in a bowl on a film. Distribute it evenly over the entire surface, level the top with a spoon;
    3. We cover the cake with cellophane and put it in the refrigerator for the whole night;

  1. After that, we take out the form with the cake, turn it over onto a flat wide plate and remove the cling film;
  2. The entire surface can be sprinkled with powdered sugar and decorated with berries, grated chocolate or marmalade.

Classic cake "Anthill"

For cooking you will need the following:

  • Half a kilo of shortbread cookies, baked milk can also be used;
  • Bank of boiled condensed milk;
  • Half a glass of poppy;
  • 2 large spoons of milk;
  • 50 grams of pine nuts;
  • A piece of butter per 50 grams;
  • Honey - 70 grams;
  • A handful of raisins;
  • One lemon.

Cooking time - 45-50 minutes.

Calorie content - 440.

How to cook:

  1. Cookies need to be broken into small pieces, but not into powder. For this case, you can use an ordinary rolling pin, mortar, or do everything with your hands;
  2. Pour poppy into a bowl, pour hot water and leave for 1 hour. Then we drain the water. Swollen poppy seeds should be passed through a meat grinder;
  3. Next, we combine the missed poppy with milk and honey. Put everything in a metal pan and put on the stove, boil for 7-10 minutes. Everything must be mixed until the mixture thickens;
  4. Raisins need to be poured with hot water and held until it swells. We spread it in the poppy seed mixture with milk and honey;
  5. We rub the lemon zest into small chips and fall asleep there too. We also put pine nuts there. Mix everything well and leave to cool;
  6. Now we move on to the preparation of the cream mixture. Put the condensed milk in a bowl, add softened butter to it and rub everything with a mixer or blender. You should get a uniform mixture without grains;
  7. After that, cut the lemon and squeeze some juice out of it and pour it into the cream. Beat the cream mixture again until fluffy;
  8. We combine the cream with pieces of cookies. We mix everything with a spoon;
  9. Next, we spread there a mass of poppy seeds, milk, honey, raisins, nuts and lemon zest. We mix everything well so that all the ingredients are evenly distributed;
  10. After that, spread the mixture in the form of a slide on a large flat plate and put it in a cold place for an hour and a half;
  11. When the cake is completely saturated, it must be pulled out of the refrigerator and decorated with powdered sugar, nuts, grated chocolate, candied fruit and marmalade.

Cake with condensed milk with biscuits "Fish"

You will need the following:

  • Half a kilo of cookies "Fish";
  • 400 ml boiled condensed milk;
  • 150 grams of peasant butter;
  • 180 grams of walnuts;
  • 2 ripe bananas.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 350.

How to do:

  1. We soften the butter, then put it in a bowl, add the boiled condensed milk there and rub it well until a thick, uniform consistency. For this case, a mixer or blender is perfect;
  2. Then pour small pieces of walnuts there and stir so that the nuts are evenly distributed throughout the mixture;
  3. Peel bananas and cut the flesh into slices or slices. Pour the banana pieces into the cream and mix everything with a spoon;
  4. Next, pour the “Fish” cookies into the cream and mix everything with a spoon;
  5. We spread the finished mass on a flat dish in the form of a slide and put it in a cold place for a couple of hours;
  6. If desired, the cake can be decorated with powdered sugar and grated chocolate.
  • A piece of butter per 200 grams;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • Brewed strong coffee - 250 ml;
  • 70 grams of cocoa powder;
  • 1 small spoon of vanillin;
  • Chocolate bar 100 grams.
  • Cooking time - 1 hour.

    Calorie content - 430.

    Cooking process:

    1. Crack the eggs and place in a small bowl. We pour sugar and cocoa powder there, stir everything and put it in a steam bath;
    2. Cook on a steam bath until the whole mixture becomes a thick consistency;
    3. Then remove from the stove, cool, add softened butter, a jar of boiled condensed milk and mix everything with a mixer until a homogeneous mixture;
    4. We coat a special form on all sides with butter;
    5. We dip each cookie in strong coffee and spread it on the bottom of the mold in the form of a layer. Lubricate the layer with cream. The result should be 3 layers;
    6. When all the layers are folded and smeared, we remove the cake in a cold place for a couple of hours so that they are well saturated and become soft;
    7. After that, we take out the cake and turn it over on a wide dish;
    8. The top of the cake can be decorated with powdered sugar and grated chocolate.
    • Cookies can be soaked in milk beforehand, but do not overdo it. Otherwise, it may turn into porridge, and the cake will turn out to be ugly;
    • When the cake is placed in the refrigerator, it can be covered with oiled parchment paper. After cooling, it will be much easier to cut;
    • Be sure to use a variety of cake decorations, such as fresh berries, fruit pieces, marmalades, grated chocolate, nuts;
    • Also, do not forget about fillers - nuts, raisins, fruits, candied fruits. All these components will give a good taste.

    As it turns out, it’s easy to make a delicious treat from cookies and condensed milk. In this case, you may not even have much experience, all the same, in the end you will get a delicious cake, no worse than biscuit or honey! Be sure to make this dessert, it's so easy!

    How to cook without standing at the stove for many hours in order to treat yourself and loved ones with simple and delicious sweets?

    Cookies, condensed milk, cream, sour cream, nuts, bananas will come to your aid - all those products that can almost always be found in the house.

    Cakes without baking from cookies and condensed milk are prepared for a maximum of half an hour and fit perfectly into both the daily and holiday menus.

    The only negative is that you can’t call diet sweets, so it’s better not to go overboard with calories. In this article, we have collected 5+ of the best cake recipes for every taste.

    Simple cake without baking cookies and condensed milk

    To prepare a dessert with the taste of childhood, you only need three ingredients:

    1. 300-400 grams of shortbread cookies
    2. Half a stick of butter
    3. Bank of condensed milk
    4. Chocolate for icing

    The easiest tea cake recipe

    Any cookie will do - shortbread or biscuit.

    If you are going to make a classic square or rectangular cake, you should take the same pastries. If it's a "fantasy mountain", the shape doesn't matter.

    Remove the butter from the refrigerator and let it soften, then mix thoroughly with milk or beat with a mixer.

    Break the cookies into small pieces with your hands or use a rolling pin for this. Mix with cream and transfer to a mold.

    Pour melted on top. Then send it to the refrigerator for several hours - no additional thickener is needed, since the condensed milk keeps its shape perfectly.

    Tip: for a richer taste, you can add walnuts or any other nuts, dried fruits and candied fruits to the cream.

    Cake without baking from cookies and boiled condensed milk

    You will need:

    1. Half a kilo of cookies
    2. A glass of peanuts or walnuts
    3. Bank of boiled condensed milk
    4. Butter pack
    5. A glass of cream of any fat content

    Recipe with boiled condensed milk

    We crumble cookies. Roast the nuts in a dry frying pan and mix in the same bowl with the cookies.

    Using a blender, whip the cream from softened butter, boiled condensed milk and cream. The consistency should resemble thick sour cream.

    Pour the cream base of nuts and cookies and mix gently with a spoon.

    Before serving, we turn it over, take it out of the plate and decorate with berries, fruits, grated chocolate or candied fruits - which is enough imagination.

    Cake without baking from cookies and condensed milk - a classic anthill

    The taste of this is familiar to everyone, and it is prepared as simply as possible.

    You will need:

    1. Half a kilo of shortbread biscuits with baked milk flavor
    2. Bank of boiled condensed milk
    3. ½ cup poppy seeds
    4. ½ cup pine nuts
    5. A few tablespoons of regular milk
    6. 50 g butter
    7. 2 tablespoons honey
    8. ½ cup raisins
    9. Lemon

    Classic anthill

    Break the cookies with your hands or with a rolling pin.

    Soak poppy seeds for an hour with hot water, then drain the remaining liquid and pass through a meat grinder.

    Mix with regular milk. Boil until thickened over low heat for ten minutes.

    We wash the raisins with warm water and let them swell a little. Combine with poppy seed mixture.

    We also add the zest of one lemon and pine nuts.

    We proceed to the preparation of the cream. Mix condensed milk with butter and beat, add half the lemon juice and beat again.

    Mix the cream with cookies in a deep bowl. We send the poppy mixture there and mix again.

    We spread the cake in the form of a slide on a flat plate of the required size, put it in the refrigerator for at least six hours. Decorate with chocolate before serving.

    Cake without baking cookies, condensed milk and sour cream

    You will need:

    1. ½ l sour cream
    2. A glass of sugar mixed with a sachet of vanilla
    3. ½ kg biscuits

    Cake without baking cakes with sour cream

    Cover the form in which the future cake will solidify with parchment paper or cling film.

    Using a mixer, prepare a cream from a mixture of sugar and sour cream.

    Crumble cookies and mix with cream. Leave for half an hour to swell the mixture, then pour into a mold and put in the refrigerator.

    Serve to the table, cut into portions and garnished with grated chocolate and berries.

    Cake without baking cookies and condensed milk with banana

    Option 1

    You will need:

    1. ½ kg sour cream
    2. One and a half cups of sugar
    3. 800 g cookies
    4. Half a glass of raisins
    5. Three large bananas
    6. Grated chocolate or cocoa for decoration

    Banana Delight

    At the first stage of preparation, whip the cream from sugar and sour cream. At the end, add raisins and mix well.

    Put a layer of cookies on a dish, a layer of sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin rings, pour cream. Alternate layers until the ingredients run out.

    Top with the rest of the cream and decorate with grated chocolate or cocoa. We send to cool in the refrigerator for six hours.

    Tip: Desserts without baking are conveniently prepared in detachable round forms.

    Option number 2

    In it, we can do without the use of condensed milk.

    You will need:

    1. 400 g sweet cracker
    2. 800 g fat sour cream
    3. 10 g gelatin or agar agar
    4. 5 medium sized bananas
    5. One and a half cups of sugar

    With banana and gelatin/agar

    Pour gelatin with half a glass of warm water and leave to swell.

    Mix sour cream with sugar and use a mixer to turn into a cream. At the last stage, pour in the gelatin.

    We line a suitable form with cling film, lay out a layer of cookies, put a layer of sliced ​​​​bananas on top and evenly cover with cream.

    Alternate the layers so that the last ones are cookies and the rest of the cream. We send it to the refrigerator for six hours.

    Cake without baking from cookies, condensed milk and cottage cheese

    You will need:

    1. 700 g shortbread cookies
    2. A pack of cottage cheese
    3. Bank of condensed milk
    4. ½ cup sugar
    5. Butter pack
    6. Vanillin sachet
    7. ½ cup milk
    8. 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

    With cottage cheese and cookies

    Pass through a sieve or meat grinder, mix with cinnamon, half the butter, and vanilla.

    Beat the rest of the butter with condensed milk until smooth. Thus, we have two types of cream.

    We take a detachable baking dish. We spread a layer of cookies on the bottom and, using a pastry brush, grease with milk.

    Top with curd cream. Again we repeat the layer of cookies, but the next is cream with condensed milk.

    Alternate layers until the ingredients are complete. Top with cookie crumbs, shredded coconut and grated chocolate.

    We send it to the refrigerator overnight. Before serving, remove the rim from the form.

    Cake without baking from biscuits without condensed milk with gelatin

    You will need:

    1. ½ kg biscuit biscuits
    2. One and a half cups of coconut milk
    3. 200 g coconut flakes
    4. ½ kg cottage cheese
    5. 100 g semolina
    6. 150 g sugar
    7. ½ liter of milk
    8. Vanillin sachet
    9. A bag of gelatin (if you are a vegetarian, replace it with agar-agar)
    10. Sweet fruit syrup mixed with water to soak biscuits
    11. 200 ml whipping cream

    Simple and delicious dessert

    We cook ordinary porridge from milk and semolina. Add sugar, coconut and vanilla.

    In a separate bowl, mix coconut milk with. Pour the mixture into the porridge and stir.

    Add gelatin or agar-agar pre-soaked in water and beat with a mixer until smooth.

    We cover the deep form with cling film. We spread a layer of cookies, pour fruit syrup mixed with water, cover with cream. Alternate the cakes until all the ingredients run out.

    We send it to the refrigerator for several hours.

    Before serving, turn the cake on a plate, remove the film and cover with whipped cream.

    Cheesecake without eggs and baking

    You will need:

    1. 300 g cookies
    2. 200 ml heavy cream
    3. ½ kg mascarpone cheese
    4. ¾ cup sugar
    5. 150 g butter
    6. 15 g gelatin or agar agar


    Gelatin pour half a glass of warm water and leave to swell for an hour.

    Pass the cookies through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.

    Melt the butter, mix with cookies and spread on the bottom of the mold. Place in the fridge while you work on the other ingredients.

    We heat the gelatin on the stove, mix thoroughly and let cool.

    Whip cream with sugar using a blender. Add mascarpone and mix again.

    We spread the mass on top of the cookie crust, level it and put it in the refrigerator for four hours.

    Tip: gelatin is replaced with agar-agar in a 1:1 proportional ratio.

    Broken glass jelly cake with condensed milk

    You will need:

    1. 1 liter of water
    2. 500 g condensed milk
    3. A bag of jelly (or half of two types)
    4. 20 g gelatin or agar agar

    jelly cake

    Pour 2 types of jelly into different containers, pour each half a glass of warm water and mix thoroughly.

    Let it swell for half an hour and mix again. Then put in the refrigerator.

    Gelatin or agar-agar pour 50 ml of warm water and leave for an hour. Bring to complete dissolution in a water bath. Pour into condensed milk and mix thoroughly.

    We cut the frozen jelly from the refrigerator into cubes, put it in a mold and pour condensed milk on top, after which we send it back to the cold until completely solidified.

    Take out of the mold and cut into portions. An incredibly simple and delicious dessert is ready!

    Happy tea!

    5 rules for the perfect no-bake cake

    1. Such a cake should be infused in the refrigerator for at least six hours.
    2. So that it is not too dry, do not spare the ingredients for the cream, otherwise you will end up with the same cookie, only overly sweet
    3. The easiest way to decorate a dish in a slide is with a deep bowl covered with cling film - after hardening, gently shake out the dessert and decorate to taste
    4. For decoration, use grated chocolate, crushed nuts, whipped cream, coconut flakes, various fruits and berries
    5. The ingredients listed in the recipes are enough for eight servings, but do not forget that such a product is excessive in calories.

    You will also find a simple and delicious no-bake cookie and condensed milk recipe in the video below:

    Type: Desserts
    Time: 30 minutes
    Difficulty: Easy
    Servings: 8

    This has happened to you too: you want a piece of cake, but you don’t feel like cooking dough and baking cakes. Forget baking. Take half the time to cook delicious no bake cake. Why exactly this option? You don't need special ingredients. And you will also be able to prepare a dessert that will wipe the nose of any pastry!

    This cake with condensed milk won our affection. We are sharing the recipe today because we want our readers to treat themselves to a cool and original dessert on hot days. So, let's begin.


    Cracker 200 g

    Egg 3 pcs.

    Condensed milk 250 g

    Milk 580 ml

    Vanilla sugar 0.5 tsp

    Butter 200 g

    Sugar 4 tbsp. l.

    Cocoa powder 4 tbsp. l.


    1. Take a deep container and beat the eggs in it with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is formed.
    2. Add 400 ml of milk, condensed milk and vanilla sugar to the eggs. Mix all ingredients well.
    3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and place over medium heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly, and simmer for another 2 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the fire. The cream should thicken slightly. Set him aside.
    4. Prepare chocolate frosting. Pour 4 tbsp. l. sugar in a metal container. Add cocoa to it and mix both ingredients. Add 180 ml of milk (12 tablespoons) to the mass. Mix everything so that there are no lumps left.
    5. Put the container with the semi-finished glaze on low heat. Stirring constantly, cook the mixture until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Remove the finished icing and set aside.
    6. Cut butter into cubes. Pour it into a container and wait until it melts slightly. Beat the butter with a mixer.
    7. Pour the already cooled cream into this oily mass. Mix everything with a mixer again.
    8. Take a baking dish and line it with parchment paper. Divide the cracker into 3-4 pieces. Lay out one piece of cookie as the first layer. Lubricate it with cream. Make a second layer of crackers and brush it with cream. Alternate layers until you run out of cookies.
    9. Fill the top of the cake with chocolate icing and refrigerate for a few hours.

    Such a cake with condensed milk can be prepared not only for the family, but also for guests. For a more festive look, garnish with fruit or nuts after it has completely set.

    Today we want to tell you about what can be made from cookies. If you are waiting for guests and want to surprise them with a delicious treat for tea, then the recipes collected in this article will come in handy.

    What can be done with cookies? Recipe with photo

    Even an inexperienced hostess can cook simply and quickly. And we invite you to make a homemade dessert known to many since childhood called "House". It will need the following products:

    • Soft cookies "Jubilee" - 400 grams.
    • Cottage cheese - 400 grams.
    • Sugar - three tablespoons.
    • Vanilla.
    • One banana.
    • Two tablespoons of sour cream.
    • 50 grams of chocolate.

    For a detailed recipe for a delicious dessert, read here:

    • Lay cling film on a cutting board. Lay cookies on it in three rows (choose the length of the future dessert yourself).
    • In a deep bowl, mix sour cream, cottage cheese, vanilla and sugar with a mixer.
    • Spread the resulting mass on the cookies in an even layer.
    • Peel bananas and cut into slices. Lay the pieces along the center row.
    • Now carefully lift the ends of the film and connect the edges of the cookies.
    • Transfer the workpiece to a dish and carefully remove the film. After that, coat the “roof” with the remaining curd mass.

    Let the finished dessert soak, then sprinkle it with chocolate chips and bring it to the table.

    Chocolate sausage

    What can be made from cookies and condensed milk? This time we will prepare an undeservedly forgotten dessert that was so popular when our parents were young.

    Required Ingredients:

    • Shortbread cookies - 600 grams.
    • Condensed milk - 400 grams.
    • Butter - 200 grams.
    • Cocoa - seven tablespoons.

    The recipe for this delicious recipe is very simple:

    • Break the cookies with your hands or use a blender. Remember that the resulting crumb should be large enough.
    • Mix the butter and cocoa so that the result is a homogeneous mass.
    • Combine prepared foods and
    • Form sausages from sweet dough, and then wrap them in cling film or foil.

    Send the blanks to the freezer for one hour. When the specified time has elapsed, unwrap the dessert, cut it into pieces and put it on a dish.

    What can be made from cookies and condensed milk? Recipe with photo

    This time we invite you to cook the famous Potato cake, which is so loved by adults and children.

    Dessert Ingredients:

    • Butter - 100 grams.
    • Cookies - 400 grams.
    • Condensed milk - 100 ml.
    • Cocoa for sprinkling - about two tablespoons.
    • Walnuts - to taste.

    Read the recipe for your favorite cake here:

    • Place the cookies in the bowl of a food processor and grind them into fine crumbs.
    • Mix melted (and cooled) butter with condensed milk.
    • Add crumbs and finely chopped nuts to this mixture.
    • Knead with your hands a fairly dense dough and divide it into small parts (each should weigh about 70 grams).
    • Combine three tablespoons of the remaining crumbs with cocoa. Give the cake the shape of potatoes and roll them in sweet breading.

    Put the blanks on a flat dish and send to the refrigerator. An hour later, you can put the kettle on and invite friends to the table.


    What can be made from cookies "Jubilee"? Here is a variation on the theme of the famous Italian dessert, which is prepared from simple and affordable products.


    • Three packs of Jubilee cookies (400 grams).
    • 250 grams of mascarpone cheese.
    • 200 ml heavy cream.
    • Two spoons of natural ground coffee.
    • Three tablespoons of cocoa.
    • 100 grams of powdered sugar.
    • Tablespoon of cognac.

    Read here:

    • Brew coffee without sugar (we only need one glass), cool it and mix it with cognac.
    • Whip the cream together with the powdered sugar until the products turn into a fluffy stable mass.
    • Combine whipped cream with mascarpone and mix again with a mixer.
    • Place the cookies in the bottom of a small rimmed tin. Cover the base with an even layer of cream.
    • Dip the rest of the cookies in a coffee drink. Lay out a few more layers, alternating foundation and cream.

    Decorate the surface of the dessert with cocoa powder or grated chocolate. After that, put the cake in the refrigerator and leave it there for a couple of hours. Cut the finished dessert into equal pieces and serve.

    Cake without baking

    Required products:

    • Cookies - 450 grams.
    • Cottage cheese - 350 grams.
    • Milk - 300 ml.
    • Sour cream and sugar - three tablespoons each.
    • Cocoa - one tablespoon.

    If you carefully read our instructions, you will find out what can be made from cookies. You will find a recipe with a photo of a simple and delicious dessert below:

    • First, prepare the main products. To do this, moisten the cookies in milk, and mash the cottage cheese with a fork.
    • After that, put in a form in turn a layer of cookies and a layer of curd mass. Repeat this procedure until you run out of products.
    • In a small saucepan, combine sugar, cocoa and sour cream. Put the dishes on the fire and cook its contents over low heat for several minutes.
    • Brush the sides and surface of the homemade cake with cooled icing.

    Don't forget to put the dessert in the fridge for at least one hour. During this time, the cookies will become soft and soaked with cream.

    Cake "Anthill"

    You can cook this delicious treat for a children's party to please the birthday boy and his guests.

    This time we will need the following products:

    • 500 grams of soft cookies.
    • One can
    • A glass of walnuts (you can take peanuts or almonds instead).
    • Three spoons of poppy.

    The recipe for the original cakes is quite simple:

    • Break the cookies with your hands, turning them into large crumbs.
    • Grind the nuts in a coffee grinder.
    • In a deep bowl, combine the prepared foods, add condensed milk to them and mix everything well. If it seems to you that the “dough” is too hard, then add a little soft butter to it.

    Divide the workpiece into several parts and give each the shape of an anthill. Refrigerate the cakes and then serve them to the table.

    Biscuit roll

    This homemade dessert can be served immediately or stored in the refrigerator until the desired hour.

    Grocery list:

    • Cookies - 150 grams.
    • Mineral water - 75 ml.
    • Cottage cheese - 60 grams.
    • Butter - 50 grams.
    • Cocoa - three tablespoons.
    • Powdered sugar - 60 grams.

    Read the recipe for a delicious roll here:

    • Place the cookies in a bowl and mash them with a potato press.
    • Dissolve cocoa in warm water, and then pour the drink into the crumbs. After that, mix the products well.
    • Using a blender, beat the cottage cheese, butter and sugar.
    • Spread cling film on the table. Put the chocolate dough on it and roll it into a layer about one centimeter wide.
    • Spread the filling over the base and smooth it out.
    • Roll up the workpiece and transfer it to the refrigerator.

    After an hour or two, dessert can be taken out, cut and served to guests with hot tea or coffee.


    Now you know what can be made from cookies for a family tea party or a festive table. All the recipes that we have collected in this article are very simple. Even a novice cook can repeat them at home, so choose any and start experimenting.

    How nice it is to sit down to relax at lunchtime or on a quiet evening, when everything has already been done, with a cup of steaming tea or coffee. Relax, disconnect from the hustle and bustle and dream a little while sipping your favorite hot drink. Slowly, with pleasure ... And serve a piece of delicious cake on a snow-white saucer for tea or coffee. Delicate, sweet, homely... The mood will rise instantly!

    That's just for baking a cake often there is neither the strength nor the time. And it is not surprising, because this is such a long process - to thoroughly knead the dough, bake the cakes, and then also wait until they cool down so that they can finally be layered with cream.

    Dont be upset. There is a very simple recipe for a cake, for the preparation of which you do not have to turn on the oven. You don't even need to knead the dough! After all, it is prepared without baking. Now let's take a closer look at the buffet shelves. Is there a forgotten bag of cookies in there? Eat? Great! Cookies will serve as the basis for the cake, replacing the time-consuming cakes for us. Moreover, on the basis of simple cookies, you can even make more than one cake, but several different ones. Don't believe? See:

    Cake without baking from cookies with cottage cheese

    For it we need:

    • Approximately half a kilo of the simplest cookies (square or rectangular).
    • About 150 g butter, natural, not margarine, otherwise the cake will not have a “homemade” taste
    • 300g pack of regular fat cottage cheese
    • 200 g low-fat liquid sour cream
    • Sugar to taste, but not less than half a glass
    • About a glass of good dark raisins, also called "blue"
    • Vanillin
    • A couple of heaping tablespoons of coconut flakes
    • A little milk (to dip the cookies)

    You can take chocolate chip cookies and get a completely different taste.

    Let's prepare the layer first

    Thoroughly grind the cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla. Continuing to grind, add soft butter and sour cream. It is more convenient to mix everything with a blender.

    If the cottage cheese is in grains, it must be rubbed through a fine sieve or it can be passed through a meat grinder with a fine grate. If this is not done, then the cream will be lumpy and not homogeneous. Try to immediately buy soft cottage cheese. If you have a blender, then you can not wipe the cottage cheese.

    Pour the raisins pre-steamed in boiling water. Mix now with a spoon.

    Now let's take care of the cakes

    Pour some milk into a deep saucer. Now we will dip each cookie in turn in milk.

    Be careful, the cookies must be completely immersed in the liquid, but not kept in it, otherwise it will become very sour and spread. Our task is only to slightly soak the cookies with milk so that it ceases to be dry and becomes similar in texture to a sand cake.

    We spread the cookies moistened with milk on a dish in rows of several pieces in the shape of a square or rectangle.

    Now we coat the resulting “cake” with a sweet curd mass.

    Again, dip one cookie into milk and lay out a new layer on top of the first - we get the second "cake".

    Again we coat with curd mass.

    We continue in the same sequence. We should get 4-5 layers. The last "cake" of cookies is again covered with curd mass. We also coat the sides of the resulting cake with it.

    At the end, carefully sprinkle the top and sides with coconut flakes or grated chocolate.

    It turns out a white tender yummy. We put it in the refrigerator for several hours. After that, you can serve.

    If you follow your figure and consider such a dessert too high-calorie, then you can cook this cake using dietary bran instead of regular cookies, regular low-fat cottage cheese for baby food instead of cottage cheese with butter, and replace sugar with honey. Only soak diet cookies in milk a little longer and you will need more baby curd - about 500 g, since you will not use butter.

    This is a basic recipe and you can vary it by adding various fruits and berries - cherries, peaches, blueberries, bananas and any others to your taste.

    You can also pour over the cookie cake with melted chocolate and cream icing. To do this, simply break the chocolate - white or milk into pieces, add a couple of tablespoons of cream and heat over low heat until melted. It is necessary to water the already chilled cake.

    Cake "Anthill" from cookies with condensed milk

    You decided to make a cake, checked your supplies and suddenly found that there were not enough whole cookies in the bag, and only halves or fragments remained. What a shame!

    Do not worry. From the leftovers and debris, you can also make a dessert, but such that home and guests will swallow their tongues and never guess that you had a broken cookie on your hands.

    This cake has another cute popular name - "Anthill".

    Here's what we'll need:

    • cookies (can be broken) 500-600 g
    • Get a jar of condensed milk, preferably boiled.
    • Take out a pack of butter from the refrigerator.
    • We will also prepare a couple of tablespoons of poppy seeds or grated chocolate for sprinkling.
    • And if we have a handful of any kind of nuts, it will be very good.

    First, let's make the base for the cake.

    We need to crush cookies. But not quite in crumbs, but in small particles. To do this, place the biscuit fragments in a plastic bag, tie the bag well and roll it with a rolling pin.

    Now let's prepare the cream

    Let's start whipping soft butter with condensed milk. We add condensed milk to the oil gradually, spoon by spoon - so the consistency of the cream will not delaminate.

    Now mix the cream with the resulting small pieces of cookies and a handful of chopped nuts.

    Put the mass on a plate and form it in the form of an anthill - it will be such a neat truncated pyramid. In conclusion, sprinkle our anthill with poppy seeds or grated chocolate.

    We will put this beauty in the refrigerator for the whole night, and in the morning it will be possible to please the guests.

    Cake without baking cookies with sour cream

    A very easy cake to prepare, it requires a minimum of effort and products, while it is so tender and tasty!

    For him we will take:

    • 500-600 g of dry cookies. It is dry, since sour cream contributes to a strong softening of shortcrust pastry.
    • half a liter of the thickest sour cream, ideally rustic
    • about a glass of sugar
    • vanillin
    • one glass of crushed nuts, any except peanuts, but almonds are best

    Let's grind and whisk well sour cream with sugar and vanilla.

    Now we will definitely add nuts to the cream, crushed in a coffee grinder almost into powder. They are needed not only to make it tastier.

    The main purpose of crushed nuts is to thicken sour cream, since it becomes too liquid and begins to spread from contact with sugar, and we need to maintain the consistency of the cream.

    Set aside about half a glass of nuts - we will need them later.

    The rest is added to the sour cream.

    Now we will begin to lay out a layer of cookies on the prepared dish, giving the “cake” any desired shape - square or rectangular.

    You don't need to dip the cookies in milk in this recipe.

    Lubricate the top with a thick layer of cream.

    Put the “cake” of cookies on top of the cream again and apply cream on it.

    This sequence is repeated several times. In this recipe, it makes sense to make at least 5-6 layers.

    Each time laying a new layer of cookies on top, you need to act carefully and do not press it against the bottom cake, otherwise the sour cream will flow out a lot

    We again carefully smear the top layer of the cake with cream, do not forget about the sides - they also need to be smeared. Now it's the turn of the second part of the nuts. We will sprinkle the cake with them on top, and with the help of a spoon we will decorate the sides with nut crumbs.

    If desired, you can also sprinkle the cake with chocolate chips.

    We cover our dessert with a film on top and send it to the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. The cake will not be ready until its layers are very well saturated with cream. Well, if you manage to keep it in the cold for a day, our dessert will become even more tender and tastier.

    There is another version of a similar sour cream cake - lighter and fruitier and literally melts in your mouth.

    Cake without baking from cookies and sour cream with bananas

    As in the previous recipe, for the preparation of the cake we will take:

    • about half a liter of high-quality sour cream
    • at least one glass of sugar, one and a half can be
    • more shortbread cookies - from 600 to 800 g
    • we will also need raisins - about half a glass
    • cocoa for decoration
    • well, the “highlight” of this cake is a couple of large bananas

    We do everything as in the previous recipes.

    First of all, prepare the cream by whipping sour cream with sugar. You can add raisins to the cream.

    Bananas cut into thin circles.

    Put a layer of cookies on a dish in the form of a cake.

    Lubricate the "cake" with sweet sour cream.

    Place the banana slices on top of the cream. They must be placed tightly to each other, as if forming a separate banana layer.

    Let's repeat the sequence cookies - cream - bananas. Thus, we will make several layers.

    Coat the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream. After that, sprinkle with cocoa (optional). We will cool the dessert covered with cling film for at least 6 hours before serving.

    Biscuit cake with cottage cheese and gelatin without baking

    If you have a little more time to prepare the cake, you can cook this wonderful dessert:

    Well, how do you like cakes without baking, so easy and quick to prepare? Really seductive? The most important thing is that they can always be built in a minimum time for evening tea literally from what is in the refrigerator. It is enough to always keep a bag of ordinary cookies in reserve at home, and you will never be taken by surprise by any guests. Fantasize with pleasure!
