
What is the sound of a ripe watermelon. How to choose a delicious, ripe watermelon? How to choose a ripe watermelon

Summer is the time for cold ice cream and refreshing watermelon fresh juice. But how to choose the right watermelon if these largest berries are so similar to each other? We have prepared several effective ways to help you choose good watermelon. Not only so that you enjoy the taste of the berry, but also so that in the summer you do not have to run to hospitals.

watermelon look

An unripe watermelon can be easily identified by its peel. The stripes of an unripe berry will be dim, fuzzy, somewhat blurry. If the peel is easily pierced with a fingernail, then the fruit is not yet ripe. If it is impossible to pierce the skin of a watermelon with a fingernail, then the berry will be ripe. Also rub the skin of the berry. Fresh fruit always has the smell of freshly cut grass.

Sometimes you want to buy half a watermelon, because the whole one is not eaten in one race. At points of sale for such customers, they are cut in advance and covered with a film. But remember that the counters at the sellers are dirty and the knives used to cut the berries are not washed often. And under the film, a greenhouse effect occurs and the bacteria that are there begin to develop at a very intense speed. That is why we strongly recommend buying watermelons only as a whole.

A cut watermelon is always better to sniff. If you hear a sour smell, then we do not recommend eating it. In such a watermelon, the skin will not be elastic and smooth, but oily.

Ideal condition

If the watermelon seller only cares about the amount of revenue, then you should definitely be careful. The seller can sell watermelons directly from the ground, in unsanitary conditions. Always check if the sellers comply with the conditions proper storage striped berry.

Watermelon - like a sponge - absorbs everything. Buying watermelons that are sold along the road or from the ground is not safe. According to sanitary standards, it should be at a distance of 20 cm from the ground. To do this, pallets are placed on the ground at retail outlets, and only then watermelons are laid out on them.

If the watermelon still comes into contact with the ground or the outlet is located near the road, then very harmful dirt, heavy metals and bacteria also appear in the composition of the watermelon. If there is at least one small crack, then this will only speed up the process of getting harmful substances into the berry. And this may cause healthy person defeat internal organs, headaches, nausea, allergic reactions, etc. So we advise you to choose a watermelon without scratches and cracks on the skin.

Size doesn't matter

Many buyers are afraid to buy berries large sizes. In most cases they are right, but there are exceptions. We will tell you how to choose a watermelon, guided by its size.

There is such a variety of thick-skinned watermelon called Crimsen Glory. Without the use of nitrates, it reaches a weight of 10-17 kg. This variety is specially bred in the Crimea so that it can be transported over long distances. hallmark this variety will also have a thick skin, an oblong shape and bright light stripes.

But an ordinary Kherson watermelon should not reach such sizes. It looks darker than the previous variety. And by weight, it is not more than 10 kg, unless, of course, nitrates were used when growing Kherson watermelon. The optimal weight for this variety is 5-7 kg.

Also small sizes should be watermelons early maturing varieties"Photon" and "Skorik". Their weight reaches no more than 6-7 kg. They sing quickly and therefore do not grow to large sizes. These 2 varieties are not as juicy and sweet as the rest, but you can enjoy them already in mid-July.

tailed berry

Often buyers focus on dry ponytails. The tail dries out within three days. But a dry tail is not at all an indicator that the watermelon is ripe, tasty and healthy. It's just a sign that it was ripped off at the right time. So how to choose a ripe berry, focusing on the tail?

The watermelon should still have a tail. If there is no tail, then this only means that the seller cut off the green tail so that you do not guess about the immaturity of the fetus. The presence of a green tail is an indicator that the watermelon was plucked and put up for sale before it had time to become ripe. At ripe berries tail will be dry.

Yellow or white dot?

Many believe that the presence of a white spot on the side of a watermelon is a 100% guarantee that the fruit is ripe, and therefore very tasty. Moreover, the larger the spot and the whiter it is, the more likely it is that the watermelon will be riper. But this is a very common misconception. How to choose a watermelon for spots or their absence?

A tasty, sweet and ripe watermelon should have a yellow spot. bright color and no more than 5-10 centimeters in diameter. If you do not find spots on the side of the berry, then this should make you wonder how this fruit was grown. After all, it is known that watermelons are grown on melons and at the same time they lie on the ground, so a speck should be a must. But if the stain white color- He's unripe.

Sound Tests

Every homegrown expert on “how to choose the right watermelon” will argue that the fruit needs to be tested for sound. Or in simple words- click on the berry. But is this method correct?

Really, ripe watermelon makes a dull sound. But an overripe watermelon can also make a dull sound when it clicks. And it is undesirable to buy and consume an overripe berry, because it is dangerous for your health and can lead to poisoning. An overripe fruit begins to sour inside, unfavorable microflora, bacteria develop in it, and toxins can even be released. It is better to throw away such watermelons and in no case eat them.

chemical attack

If you do not have a nitrate meter at home (a device that measures the amount of nitrates in foods), then, unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the presence of nitrates in watermelon “by eye”. But you can accurately determine the conditions under which it was grown, if it is cut. Very often, sellers have halves of watermelons on the counter. By carefully examining the cut watermelon, you can determine the presence of chemical treatment and the rest of the berries in this batch.

Permissible norm of nitrate content in watermelon is up to 60 mg/kg. If you see at least one of the signs of nitrate, then do not rush to buy this fruit. A large crack right in the middle of the pulp can indicate a high concentration of nitrates in a watermelon. This means that with the addition of nitrate fertilizers, the fruit has significantly increased in size, and has become larger than nature intended.

Also pay attention to the surface of the pulp: glossy and smooth - watermelon with nitrates, sugary - you can safely take the berry. The presence of nitrates is also indicated by the appearance of fibers in the fruit pulp. yellow color. In addition, if you notice that the seeds in one berry are of a different color, then this is another sign of chemical processing. Besides, different colour pulp in one watermelon is all the same presence of nitrate additives.

Documents ahead

When choosing a watermelon, it is important to remember that the berry is stored for 2-3 weeks. But the implementers go to different tricks to make the fruits look beautiful much longer. For example, they are treated with alibaster, lime or paraffin. These harmful substances through the skin they get into the pulp and, when using such a watermelon, into our body.

To save yourself from various diseases, even when buying, do not hesitate to ask the seller for documents on a watermelon. The documents must indicate the date of collection of a particular batch of watermelons. And if 3 weeks have already passed since the harvest, then the fruit, looking normal, is definitely treated with harmful substances.

Boys and girls

Among the watermelons, there are also boys and girls. They can be distinguished by outward signs. In boys, the lower part of the fetus is convex and smaller in size than in girls. The "ladies" have a flat lower part with a large brown circle - the so-called "watermelon".

Watermelon girls are always sweeter than boys. Also, girls have much less bones inside.

Keeping our helpful tips, now always choose only the sweetest, ripest and most delicious watermelons. At home, store watermelons in the refrigerator, but remember that if the fruit lies there for a long time, then a lot of bacteria will appear in it. And, before the direct use of the berry, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the peel. Leave the middle of the pulp for the kids to eat, as the bacteria first appear on the edges of the watermelon. Moreover, the middle is the most tasty part fetus. Bon appetit!

The end of summer is coming soon, which means it's time for delicious and sweet watermelons. By the way, did you know that the fruits of this annual herbaceous plant morphologically considered to be a berry?! In this small instructions I want to tell you how to choose the right ripe watermelon so that it is ripe and sweet. Since childhood, many believe that the ripeness of a watermelon can be determined by the sound, or rather by the knock. The mature sound is more deaf. And if you press it, it will crunch. And if the knock is sonorous, then it has not yet matured.
In fact, there are much more signs of watermelon ripeness. Let's look at them all.

On a ripe watermelon, a dry tail

The tail of a watermelon indicates its maturity: green indicates that the fruit was plucked too early and its taste will no longer be as juicy. Ripe will be the one that has already dried hard tail.

And if you are lucky and you are on melon, then in order to choose a guaranteed ripe watermelon there will be one that has a dry tendril on the stalk. Here he is:

On this basis, professional pickers on melons determine a ripe watermelon when they are loaded into transport.

How to determine maturity by soil stain

While the fruit is growing, it lies on the ground and this part of it has a yellowish color. It's called "Earth Spot". So the most ripe, and therefore very sweet, will be the watermelon, in which the earthen spot will be closer to dark yellow or even orange color. The greener the fruit, the lighter the spot, closer to white. Here is a prime example:

On the right is the “correct” watermelon. But the one on the left was plucked early and he was not ripe, so you should not take him.

We are looking for the right watermelon on the bee web

If you are looking at watermelons in a store when buying, then the so-called " bee cobweb". Here she is:

These are small brown spots, somewhat reminiscent of a web. They tell us that during pollination, the bees often touched the ovary of the fruit, that is, pollination was very intensive, which means the fruit will be sugar!

Boy or girl?

Did you know that watermelons are also distinguished by gender. "Men" are distinguished by a narrower and elongated shape. They have large seeds, and the taste is not very bright, but the flesh itself is very, very juicy. "Girls" are smaller and rounder. They seem to be squashed. They also have a very sweet rich taste and small seeds.

A big watermelon is a ripe watermelon!

Another way to choose ripe and sweet watermelon is to look for medium-sized specimens weighing from 6 to 10 kilograms. Wherein good fruit always quite heavy for its size.

The largest specimens are also not worth taking. The fact is that even "local" fruits (that is, grown in Russia) weighing more than 15 kilograms are pumped up to the eyeballs with nitrates. Unfortunately, the content of nitrates cannot be determined by eye.

Try to buy watermelons in trusted places. The point of sale must be equipped with a tray for these fruits and covered with an awning. Alternatively, a covered truck. Buying watermelons piled on the ground, and even next to the road, is clearly not worth it.
Most delicious watermelon it should also be outwardly beautiful - shiny, not sluggish, without cracks, dents and scratches. The stripes are clear and contrasting. Through damage to the crust, dirt and bacteria enter the fruit and this can not only spoil the taste, but also cause indigestion.
Many sellers offer to cut a piece of watermelon you like for a sample. Doing this is not worth it. As a rule, sellers don’t wash knives and bring unnecessary bacteria inside the fruit, because of which it can quickly disappear.

"How to choose a watermelon?" - a question arises in the minds of thousands of people as soon as the green-striped beauties begin to appear on the shelves of shops and markets. The task is not easy, but solvable.

It is enough just to remember a few proven ways to identify a ripe and sweet watermelon.

There are a number of characteristics that will help you choose a truly ripe and sweet specimen from a pile of alluring striped fruits. Here is the cherished list:

  • size;
  • a spot on the side;
  • safety;
  • tapping sound;
  • color and structure of the pulp;
  • season;
  • the appearance of the crust;
  • "half" of watermelon.

In addition, there are quite popular "signs" of watermelon ripeness among the people, which do not really work and will not help you in such a task as choosing a ripe watermelon. The most common of these is the myth that a ripe watermelon should have a dry tail.

Many try to choose a fruit that is not too large. Someone fears that it will be too heavy and difficult to carry, and some are afraid that the watermelon has become large only because of the abundance of nitrates in it.

But after all, varieties of watermelons are different, and in some varieties, the size of the fruit can reach 20 kilograms. Therefore, when choosing, it is better to give preference to a medium-sized watermelon. The rule of the golden mean works in this case too.

Ripe watermelon do not hide "cheeks"

For reference: the “cheek” is a small light spot on the side of a watermelon, which forms in the place where the watermelon lay when ripe. The spot is not a sign of illness or immaturity, just that the sun has not touched this area of ​​​​the crust.

So, in how to choose a good watermelon, a look at the light spot on the rind will help. Everything is simple here: the more yellow it has, the better.

But buying a watermelon with a white circle on its side, you run the risk of running into a tasteless product.

The size of the spot also requires attention. Know that a large stain indicates that the watermelon for a long time matured in not too warm conditions. Because of this, the fetus loses palatability and becomes less juicy.

Buying a watermelon in the market or from the back of a car on the side of the road, Special attention look at this feature.

Watermelon should never have the following flaws:

  • cracks;
  • dents;
  • incisions;
  • rotted areas (even very small ones!).

The fact is that the juicy and nutritious pulp of a watermelon is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, which, together with air and roadside dust, can get inside in abundance.

Eating watermelon with such a surprise can lead to poisoning and gastrointestinal upset. The same applies to cut watermelons, so don't try to save money by buying whole watermelon but only half. Such frugality can cost you dearly.

The most commonly used method for testing watermelon for ripeness is tapping. Yes, here's the problem: everyone knocks, but few people remember what sound should be ripe fruit. So remember: a ripe and juicy watermelon makes a sonorous, booming sound, and an unripe one makes a deaf sound.

An overripe watermelon also sounds dull, in which there is already too much moisture and it has begun to sour. It is also better to refuse such a purchase. Thus, a voiced sound is good, a deaf sound is bad.

To be sure, you can also squeeze the copy you like with your hands. A slight crackle indicates readiness for use. The main thing is not to overdo it.

The color and structure of the pulp

And this is already a characteristic that will help you determine the ripeness of the fruit after cutting it. If the purchase is made in a supermarket, you can see watermelon halves on the counter.

They wrap themselves in cling film, which almost eliminates the ingress of bacteria into the pulp, and gives you the opportunity to study the product in detail. So, how to choose a delicious watermelon according to appearance pulp?

Two main positions can be distinguished: color and structure. The color of the pulp should be pinkish.

The scarlet color indicates the presence of nitrates or that the watermelon is overripe. Both are not in his favor. The structure should be porous, granular. Such watermelons are sometimes referred to as "sugar".

sale season

As a rule, watermelons start selling almost from the beginning of summer. However, if you want to get enough of a real southern fruit, and not a product of chemicals, you will have to wait until about mid-August.

Of course, there are also early varieties, but it still takes time to transport them. You may be lucky and the July watermelon will indeed turn out to be sweet, but it is not known how useful it will be.

Ripe watermelon is easy to distinguish among fellows, paying attention to the appearance of the peel.

Here A few key features of a delicious watermelon:

  • the stripes forming the pattern must be clear;
  • the peel is glossy;
  • the crust is hard, it is impossible to damage it without effort;
  • when the colored layer of the peel is damaged, it appears recognizable smell fresh grass.

Signs indicating immaturity or disease of the fetus:

  • the pattern is broken or uncharacteristic, the stripes are blurry;
  • dullness of the peel;
  • the crust can be easily damaged even with a fingernail.

Choose watermelon with more space between the stripes, as they are considered to be sweeter.

"Sex" of watermelon

It is believed that girl watermelons are sweeter than boy watermelons, although the division itself is arbitrary. How to choose a watermelon girl? It is enough to look at the speck left in the place where the flower once was.

If the spot is flat and rather large, then it is a girl. In male watermelons, the spot is convex and smaller in size.

This division has nothing to do with biology and exists only to simplify the selection process. Indeed, watermelons-girls in practice turn out to be more juicy and sweet. There is an assumption that this is due to the characteristics of pollination.

Is a dry tail a sign of ripeness?

It is believed that when a watermelon, ripening, can no longer take nutrients and moisture and under its own weight is separated from the bush. In general, the theory is correct, but it is broken by the fact that, in practice, watermelon can be separated from the food path before cutting.

And the tail dries out in 3 days, so it may well lie on the counter green watermelon with a dry tail.

If you still do not want to give up this method, pay attention to the tip of the tail. Even with a dried stalk, you can determine whether it was cut or broken off naturally.

All characteristics listed above are general.

It does not hurt to highlight several varieties of watermelons that fall on the tables more often than others, and emphasize their features.

  1. Watermelons Kherson. Kherson sugar watermelons never grow too large, their weight does not exceed 10 kg. If you are shown a twenty-kilogram giant and they say that he is from Kherson, do not believe it. It is either of a different variety, or grew on some nitrates. The appearance of watermelons of this variety is classic: bright light stripes, an oblong shape, soft pinkish flesh and a rather thin peel.
  2. Crimean Crimson Gloria. Watermelons of this variety can be really big. The weight of one copy on average can vary from 10 to 17 kg. In addition, watermelons of this variety are able to withstand long-term transportation. They are also grown in the south of Russia. In appearance, they resemble Kherson ones, but they are distinguished by a thick skin and a large weight.
  3. hybrid chill. The peculiarity of watermelons of this variety is that they can be stored for a very long time, until the New Year. It is only necessary to provide the fetus with comfortable storage conditions. To do this, place it in a dry, dark place. However, representatives of this variety appear on the market only in early September, as they ripen late.
  4. Skorik. Watermelons of this variety are early and appear on the shelves among the first. You can distinguish them by the dark green uniform color of the skin and low weight - no more than 7 kg.
  5. Photon. The same applies to early varieties and differs from Skorik only in that it has a light skin with pronounced stripes.

Market or shop?

Wherever you buy this juicy berry, this place must meet certain requirements. Both for the market and for the supermarket they have their own.

Watermelon on the market

To begin with, it should be noted that the market does not mean a spontaneous accumulation of tents near your entrance, but a territory specially designated for this purpose. And the tents by the road are not even considered, since buying a watermelon in them, you can get severe poisoning instead of enjoying the taste.

So, The following requirements must be met by the owner of a trading place engaged in the sale of watermelons:

  • the presence of a canopy that protects watermelons from direct sunlight;
  • distance from the roadway;
  • the storage tray is located at a height of at least 20 cm from the ground;
  • availability of a certificate of the Epidemiological Surveillance Service for each batch of goods.

Watermelon in the store

When buying a watermelon in a store check the following points:

  • watermelons are not stored on outdoors, under the sun or near the roadway;

Summer is remembered for us not only by the abundance of sun, travel and fresh greenery, but also delicious dessert this season - watermelons. Ripe watermelon with velvety and juicy pulp it will come in handy on a hot day, and the main thing is to choose the right delicious watermelon. For some time, watermelon was considered a useless fruit, but later it was found that this large berry is a real storehouse of fiolic acids, which have a beneficial effect on blood formation and chemical processes in organism. Despite the fact that watermelon is 90% of its mass water, it also contains useful material– vitamin C, fiber and iron, etc.

Surely, there are many lovers of this delicious berry. However, does each of us know how to choose the right watermelon? Unfortunately, finding absolutely organic fruits, like watermelons, is now very problematic. However, choosing the most “clean” berry, without an excess of nitrates and other things harmful to the body, is not so difficult. There are several secrets on how to choose the right delicious watermelon.

Carefully choose the place and time of buying watermelon. If you want to fully enjoy a delicious watermelon without sacrificing your own health, then keep an eye on where you are going to buy watermelon. It is highly not recommended to buy watermelons near dusty roads, on which cars drive every now and then, releasing harmful gases into the air. Although, on the other hand, this is the most common option, buying a watermelon during a trip near the highway is simple and quick. Watermelons in stores do not differ in taste either - as a rule, supermarkets buy them still immature. The ideal place to buy is a tent next to the field where these watermelons grow. early watermelons it is better not to buy, it is better to enjoy melons not earlier than August.

Pay attention to the color of the watermelon. The "face" of the berry will always tell you how to choose a sweet watermelon. Pay attention to the color of the watermelon: it should be contrasting, but not matte. However, it is difficult to choose a watermelon on this basis: before selling, watermelons are carefully rubbed with a rag, giving it marketable condition, and therefore to determine the ripeness of a berry only by color is a risky occupation. The yellow spot is also an indispensable attribute of a delicious watermelon. It does not say anything about ripeness, however, the size of the spot can tell about the taste of the berry: if the size of the spot varies from 5 to 10 cm, then you have come across a quite sweet and juicy fruit.

Determine the ripeness of a watermelon by the sound. Many mistakenly believe that you can choose a good watermelon by a dull sound. In fact, when tapping right watermelon should make a ringing sound, which indicates the porosity of the pulp, and, consequently, the ripeness of the berry. It is difficult to convey in words the sound made by a ripe watermelon, but after a little practice, you can easily determine the correct sound. Also, with a slight squeeze, the watermelon should crackle slightly, which will also notify you of its maturity and juiciness.

The absence of a stalk is a bad sign! Another way to choose a ripe watermelon is to carefully examine the stalk or the so-called “tail” of the fruit. It should be moderately dry and yellow: a too dry stalk indicates that the watermelon has undergone long-term transportation and storage, which is unlikely to benefit its taste. It is better not to buy a watermelon without a “tail”: most likely, it was deliberately torn off to hide poor quality fetus.

Ripe and juicy watermelon never sinks in water. In addition, when cut, the berry will diverge, slightly crackling under the knife blade. Ripe watermelon seeds are dark brown or even black in color. White seeds are a sign unripe fetus or high content nitrates in berries.

Knowing the secrets of how to choose a good watermelon, you can be sure of the ripeness of the purchased fruit, cutting which you will feel the sweet aroma and immediately realize that you have made the right choice.

Text: Anastasia Buylova

Your health depends on how well the watermelon is chosen. And since the season solar berry very soon it will be in full swing, in today's article we will consider this issue in detail.

After all, we all want to enjoy a ripe, sweet and amazingly delicious watermelon without fear for our health. And each of us wants to eat only organic fruit, without nitrates and pesticides. Well, this is quite real, if you take a responsible approach to the choice of southern berries.

All members of my family love to eat juicy watermelon. At the same time, we always try to get the maximum benefit from it and preferably without harm to health. This is especially important for those who have small children growing up in the same way as ours. Indeed, in order to give a baby (especially under the age of three years) a sunny berry, you need to be sure of its quality and safety.

A juicy and ripe southern berry has a number of characteristic features:

How to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon without nitrates?

Nitrates are dangerous, primarily because they tend to accumulate not only in fruit crops but also in the human body. Worse than that, with their large accumulation, oxygen starvation, poisoning and even death can occur. Therefore, it is very important to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon without nitrates, which unscrupulous producers like to use, especially when growing early fruits.

The easiest method to test sunberry for nitrates is to purchase special device, the compact size of which will allow you to carry it with you always. If you don’t have a nitrate meter, then as soon as you get home, dip the watermelon into a bowl of water: ripe and sweet fruit won't drown. If the berry has sunk, immediately return it to the seller!

At the watermelon grown bona fide manufacturers, the cut fruit will have a granular surface of a moderate reddish color. Most of the seeds will be dark, not white.

If the pulp of the berry is bright pink or even purple, and the bones are mostly white, be careful: in front of you is a watermelon stuffed with big amount nitrates. Remember the main thing: if the fruit raises doubts about its quality, it is better to refuse the purchase and choose another one!

Choosing sweet, ripe and good watermelon for sound and appearance

First, pay close attention to its peel. It should be firm to the touch, while it should be free of chips, cracks and damage. The peel of a good berry is not matte, it glistens in the sun, but it does not have a wax coating.

A sweet and ripe fruit has a yellowish spot on the peel, which is formed from lying on the ground. At the same time, the striped pattern itself is clear, bright and not blurry. Please note: the more saturated green color has a crust, the more likely the excellent quality of the watermelon!

In addition, be sure to look for black dots or injection sites on the peel. The fact is that to give the watermelon a presentation, some sellers use saltpeter injections.

To determine by the sound whether the berry is ripe, you need to put it on one hand and gently knock with the other. If the fruit makes a dull sound, which at the same time gives into the hand on which the watermelon is located, then feel free to buy it!

Tips for choosing a good and ripe watermelon when buying from the market

The bazaars and markets are full of unscrupulous sellers who strive to sell you low-quality fruit at a high price. Examine and “listen” to the berry as described in this article, and you will already save yourself from buying a low-quality product.

Trying a watermelon when buying on the market, as our mothers and grandmothers did, is absolutely not worth it. The fact is that a knife unwashed during the day, which is used to cut the fruit “to try”, and the heat are good sources creating a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

If you do not have a nitrate meter, I advise you to take a bottle of water and a few glasses with you to the market. These simple and handy tools will allow you to determine the presence or absence of nitrate in the selected watermelon.

So, ask the seller to cut you a piece of pulp from the "test" watermelon. Pour half a glass of water and dip the fruit in it. If the water becomes only slightly cloudy after 2-3 minutes, then you can take such a watermelon. If the water turns colored, go to another seller, because this one has a berry full of nitrates!

Of course, with this approach, you can spend a lot of time choosing one watermelon, but it's worth it, because you don't need poisoning and other health problems from eating low-quality berries, right?

Video on how to choose a ripe, sweet and delicious watermelon in the store

When choosing a southern berry in a store, first ask where it came from. Ask to see the quality certificate for the watermelon you are selling, since legal outlets must have it. If it is not there, I do not advise you to risk your health by making a purchase in such a store.

In supermarkets, sunny berries must be chosen as carefully as in the markets. At the same time, do not forget to keep the receipt from the purchase so that you can return the poor-quality fruit or make a claim to the seller in case of watermelon poisoning.

In order to make the process of choosing a juicy berry more clear to you, I have found for you great video. Be sure to watch it - there the expert tells in detail and shows all the nuances of checking watermelon for quality and ripeness.

Life hacks of experts on choosing a good watermelon

Watermelon experts have their own tricks for picking a good berry. First of all, they advise paying attention to the stain on the peel. If it has a diameter of 5-7 cm and is yellow or light orange, then the fruit is ripe and tasty. If the mark is white, the berry is not quite ripe.

A ripe watermelon should have a hard rind that is almost impossible to pierce with a fingernail. If, with the slightest pressure, you managed to pierce the berry, then they want to sell you an unripe fruit.

When you turn it in your hands, it should be firm to the touch on all sides. When choosing a watermelon, choose "girl" as it is sweeter. The fact is that the southern berry has two sexes. How to find a female among its fruits? Pay attention to the bottom (where there is no tail) of the watermelon - it should be flatter than the "boys".

When buying a solar berry, pay close attention to the place of sale. It is very important that the outlet is equipped with a canopy and special pallets with a height of at least 0.2 meters for storing fruits.

We choose a ripe watermelon in the garden (melon)

The surest indicator of the maturity of a berry in the garden is a completely dried tendril in front of it, that is, the closest to it. In this case, the tail remains green, not yellow!

The place where the fruit is in contact with the ground should have a yellowish or orange tint. In addition, the skin of the watermelon must be firm. This indicates that the berry is ripe.

Be sure to watch the following video if you want to learn how to accurately determine maturity southern fruit on melons and choose the most delicious of them.

How to choose the right delicious watermelon in October?

In October, the watermelon season comes to an end, so, as a rule, they are no longer unripe. However, there are several nuances of choosing a southern berry in the fall.

So, in October, you should buy the most immature, in your opinion, fruit, which is characterized by the almost complete absence of a yellowish spot on the rind and a green tail. The fact is that by the end of the season it is not recommended to choose a fully ripened fruit, since in this case it will certainly be overripe and tasteless.

At the same time, what is good in autumn watermelons, they no longer contain nitrates and pesticides, which give them a marketable appearance at the beginning of the season. But the benefits and taste remain without fail!

Do you know how to choose the right watermelon so as not to get poisoned by it? If you have your own secrets that were not covered in this article, be sure to share them in the comments. useful experience. See you soon!
