
Can watermelons be kept fresh until winter break? All ways to store whole watermelons: where, how and how much they can be stored. Watermelon: how many days to store and when it is dangerous to eat

Watermelon on the New Year's table will cause a real sensation. But is it possible to keep this summer treat in the refrigerator or in another way for such a long time? It turns out that this is not so difficult to do, even in a city apartment, not to mention a cellar in private homes. At the same time, no matter how much the fruit lies, it does not lose its taste, its pulp remains juicy and sweet.

There are several proven ways to preserve watermelons for the winter at home, the main thing is that the temperature is below room temperature. But at home, not any variety of berries can be stored for storage. Late-ripening with thick skin are suitable for this. Pay particular attention to the following options:

  • Volzhsky;
  • Astrakhan striped;
  • Dessert;
  • Bykovsky;
  • Pulse
  • Kholodov's gift.

When buying, pay attention to the fact that the watermelon does not have cracks, dents, damage to the peel and other, any significant defects.

Whatever variety you choose, you should not buy a watermelon in early August in order to extend its shelf life and keep it until the new year, it is right to make a purchase in mid-September - in October. Then the plant will lie at home for a very short time. To achieve a guaranteed result, you can even choose a suitable variety yourself.

When buying, pay attention to the fact that the watermelon does not have cracks, dents, damage to the peel and other, any significant defects. Moreover, it is better to choose an unripe one (the degree of maturity is easy to determine by lightly tapping on the rind of the fruit - in our case, the sound should be sonorous), no more than four kilograms of a plant, since it is sweeter and has every chance to lie down until the new year, and possibly all winter. In order to keep the "striped" delicacy in the apartment, he needs to create special conditions:

  1. Temperature regime - from 1 to 30C. At higher temperatures, the watermelon will begin to spoil quickly.
  2. Humidity - from 70 to 85%. With less moisture, the fruit dries out quickly.
  3. Light mode - light has a negative effect on storage, so choose a dark place
  4. Surface - do not store on a hard surface, soft bedding is required (straw, sawdust, ash, moss, sand, etc.).
  5. Additional actions - periodically turn the watermelon from side to side.

Taking into account all the necessary conditions, we can say with confidence that the best places for storage in an apartment are mezzanines, a bathroom, a pantry, a glazed loggia. How many berries does it cost to store for the winter? Exactly as much as fit in the allotted place with the condition that they will not come into contact with each other.

Video on how to save watermelon until the new year

There are a number of steps you can take to ensure that your watermelon is stored more securely over the long term. So, for example, you can cover its surface with clay or alabaster diluted to the consistency of sour cream. The coating layer must be at least 5 mm to ensure greater shelf life after "reopening". Before storing the berry in a cool place, it is necessary to allow the semi-liquid coating to dry. Clay can be dug up on your own or purchased at a hardware store, while alabaster is served in household goods. In the same way, you can cover the crust with wax or paraffin, but already with a layer of 1 cm. Such conservation measures protect the plant from interaction with air, which means that it is less likely to rot and deteriorate.

Today, almost every apartment, every house has a refrigerator. If the internal volume of refrigeration equipment allows, then why not use the free space to keep juicy berries for the winter? Moreover, we are not talking about freezing the culture of the melon family, but correctly preserving it in its natural form. If you are full of intentions to treat your loved ones and please yourself on New Year's holiday with a juicy dessert, then first of all you should take care of creating special conditions and preparing the plant for storage in the refrigerator correctly.

A prerequisite for storage until the new year is the periodic rotation of the fetus

To do this, the selected watermelon must be washed and allowed to dry, in addition, carefully wiping it with a paper towel. After that, it is necessary to wrap the berry with a thick layer of newspapers (in no case use glossy magazines). You can place the prepared watermelon in the bottom drawer - the fruit department, after lining its bottom with a thick layer of natural fabric. A prerequisite for storage until the new year is the periodic rotation of the fetus. How many times should you turn over? On average, it is considered that it is worth disturbing a berry at least twice a week, more correctly every other day.

However, it is worth recalling that only whole plants can be removed for storage for the winter. A cut watermelon can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days, no matter what conditions are created for it. Further, its pulp is filled with substances harmful and dangerous to the human body. There can be no talk of any storage in the cellar for a long time.

Is it possible to freeze the pulp of a watermelon in such a way that it does not lose its taste qualities, for which we are so loved by many people? Of course, you can freeze cut watermelon, but, unfortunately, when defrosted, it loses its natural texture, so you can use it for making cocktails, jelly and other dishes all winter, where the integrity of the pulp is not required. Of course, you can serve frozen pieces of this berry to the table, but they will have to be consumed quickly enough until they have thawed.

Of course, you can freeze a cut watermelon, but, unfortunately, when defrosted, it loses its natural texture.

There are several ways to freeze watermelons: with syrup, with granulated sugar or fructose, simple freezing of pieces or with juice. How long can a berry be stored in this state? The shelf life of the frozen fruit is from 6 to 12 months at a constant negative temperature. Moreover, the aroma and sweetness of the pulp remains the same, so a cocktail with the addition of frozen pieces will have no less pronounced taste than the watermelon itself.

Advantages of a private house or cottage

It is possible to preserve the melon culture for up to 3-4 months - before the new year, in a city apartment, but it is much easier to do this in a country house or living in a private house. It's all about the presence of a cellar and the ability to place a watermelon for storage in more suitable conditions for this. So, if you want to remove several watermelons for the winter, then each of the fruits individually can be tightly wrapped with a natural cloth, and put in a string bag (a bag woven from threads), and in this form, hang the fruits from the ceiling in the cellar with a sufficient level of coolness and humidity.

In addition, you can store sunny berries in sand or grain. As a rule, purchased or grown fruits are completely placed in containers with dry sand. The containers themselves, and sometimes the barrels, are also better placed in a cellar or in another room with a low air temperature. Periodically it is worth checking the fetus for safety. It is not necessary to change the sand for fresh.

Some who are not averse to enjoying a tasty and juicy treat in the cold winter practice storing watermelons in a barrel or other large container of water. The water should be cool enough all the time, but in no case should it freeze. It should completely cover the fruits, only if these conditions are met, it will be possible to increase the shelf life of the solar delicacy until the New Year and Christmas. Moreover, choosing this option - remember that the water, although rare, needs to be changed to a new one. How many times? Three times a month, no more.

Video about watermelons. Sweet canned watermelons for the winter

When choosing a place for storage in a cellar or in a refrigerator, remember that the culture perfectly absorbs all odors, which negatively affects its taste, so be careful what products are next to the watermelon during storage, and if possible, put the fruit separately to smell other fruits and vegetables were not affected. In general, this berry is properly stored apart from other products.

If, after buying a watermelon, you find that it has a crack, then in no case do not store this fruit, because even if it manages to survive, then, like a cut watermelon, stored for a long time, it will accumulate a lot of substances harmful to the human body.

Watermelons are loved by both adults and children. But, unfortunately, it is easy for them to get poisoned if they do not know about the rules for storing watermelon. The editors of My Child decided to figure out how long a cut watermelon can be stored and how to properly preserve a whole berry until winter.

Watermelons are considered to be a durable product in terms of storage. Some varieties can lie up to 3 months! Sliced ​​watermelon - on the contrary - is very whimsical. If you do not know the terms and rules for its storage, you can easily get poisoned by watermelon, especially children suffer from such poisoning.

Watermelon for the winter

As mentioned, a whole watermelon can stay fresh and delicious for up to three months. If you decide to treat yourself to this product for the New Year, you need to follow all the conditions for the proper storage of watermelon.


  1. If in the summer, we try to choose thin-skinned watermelons, then thick-skinned watermelons, which are late-ripening varieties, are suitable for long-term storage.
  2. When buying a watermelon, carefully consider the berry: the peel should be even - without dents (this is important, since the place of the dent quickly deteriorates), there should also be no scuffs or damage.
  3. If you have a cellar, then there is no better place to store watermelons for the winter. If not, you will have to think about how to create optimal conditions:
  • storage temperature should be + 1-3 degrees;
  • do not store watermelons just on the floor - lay bags or a blanket under them (the fabric should be natural), straw is also perfect;
  • distribute the watermelons so that they do not touch;
  • it is desirable that the room in which you are going to store watermelons is cool and dark;
  • turn fruits from time to time.

How long to store cut watermelon

The main rule that everyone should remember is that it is better to buy a watermelon that is as large as you can eat at a time. Unfortunately, cut watermelon cannot be stored for a long time. Namely, the shelf life of ripe berries is up to 2 days in the refrigerator. If you cut a watermelon and left it warm - on the table, for example, then after an hour it is not suitable for consumption. It is better not to eat such a watermelon - it is fraught with poisoning.

What to do if you didn’t eat the whole watermelon, and it’s a pity to throw away the remaining half?

  1. Do not leave a cut watermelon warm: the pulp of a watermelon quickly oxidizes, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply in it, and nitrates turn into dangerous nitrites.
  2. Store the cut fruit exclusively in the cold: in the refrigerator.
  3. Even in the cold, store watermelon for no more than two days. But after a day, it is better for children and pregnant women to refrain from drinking watermelon.
  4. If you leave the watermelon in the refrigerator for more than 2 hours, be sure to place it cut side down on a plate and wrap it with cling film on top.
  5. Keep watermelon away from other foods. especially strongly smelling. Watermelon easily absorbs foreign odors, as a result, the taste will be spoiled.

They want to enjoy the taste of fruits not only in summer, but also in winter.

In this article, we will tell you what you need to do to enjoy it in the winter and how you can preserve its taste.

Berry selection

In order for the fruit to last as long as possible and at the same time they retain their taste, it is very important to know which one to choose for harvesting for the winter.


When choosing fruits, be sure to pay attention to their appearance. They must not be damaged. Sunburn, cracks, scratches and dents make the fruit unsuitable for long-term storage.

Important! Do not store berries on a hard surface - this will lead to the formation of dents and rapid deterioration.

The ideal weight of a berry should be 4-5 kg. Watermelon must be handled carefully, not thrown, while maintaining its integrity. Otherwise, it will quickly disappear and cannot be stored.


You can save until the New Year only if you choose the right variety. Only late-ripening varieties with a thick peel are excellent for storage. It is recommended to purchase fruits for harvesting at the end of September. Usually they contain practically no nitrates, since by this time their maturation occurs without auxiliary substances. It is recommended to give preference to varieties with strong pulp, such as Dessert, Kholodov's Gift, Volzhsky.

The best conditions for long-term storage

In order to taste a piece of sweet berries in winter, reminiscent of summer days, you should know how to store watermelons until the New Year.
It is very important that certain storage conditions for fruits are observed:

  • the room should always be dark;
  • it is necessary to provide constant ventilation;
  • air temperature should be within +6..+8 °C. An increase in temperature contributes to a change in the consistency of the berry, which leads to fermentation processes. When the temperature drops below 0 ° C, the berries may freeze;
  • relative humidity should be 60-80%. A decrease in humidity leads to a loss of juiciness of the watermelon, and with its increased rates, the fruits begin to rot.

Did you know? The weight of the largest watermelon is 120 kg. It was grown in the USA and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

The basement is ideal for storage. By following simple rules, you can store fruits for a long time.

Storing watermelon at home

"Solar berry" can be stored not only in the house. Of course, living in an apartment, this will be more difficult to do, but still it is quite possible. Suitable locations include:

  • pantry;
  • glazed balcony;
  • bathroom.

Living in a private house, you can store watermelons:
  • in the cellar or basement;
  • in the garage;
  • in the attic;
  • in a summer kitchen or a cold room, however, the air temperature should not exceed +8 °C.
There are many ways to store fruits. Let's take a look at the most common ones.


If you decide to choose this method, you first need to go to the forest to collect. It must be dry. It is necessary to cover the bottom of a wooden box or box with moss, put berries on it and also cover them with moss on all sides. A box with watermelon should be stored in a cellar or basement, the recommended air temperature is + 2-3 ° С.


Using this method, the fruits can be stored in a private house and apartment. First you need to wrap the berry in a dense natural fabric, then place it in a string bag and hang it on a hook. The watermelon should not touch any surfaces, that is, it should be completely suspended.


This method is often used by people who heat the stove with wood. Or you can buy it in specialized stores. Ash prevents the development of fungi and putrefactive bacteria, absorbs excess moisture. Sifted ash is poured at the bottom of a wooden box, then a berry is laid on it and completely sprinkled with ashes on top. The box or box should be covered with a lid and left in the cellar.


Straw is great for long term storage. The bottom of the box or box should be covered with a fairly dense layer of straw. Then berries are laid out on it in such a way that there is a distance between them, and the stalks look up. Straw is also laid out between the watermelons, and placed on top. It should completely cover the berries.

Wax or paraffin

It is necessary to melt or paraffin and cover the watermelon with it. The layer should be thick, about 1 cm. In this form, the berries are stored in a cool place, for example, in a basement or cellar.


Very cold water is poured into a barrel or a wooden vat and a watermelon is lowered into it. It must be completely covered with water. Berries in a barrel are left in the basement.


A box or other container located in the basement or other cool place must be ½ filled with sand. Fruits are placed on it with the stalk down. They must not touch each other. Then the berries are completely covered with sand.


It is necessary to dilute the clay in water to the consistency of a thick paste. Then it is applied to the berry. After the clay dries, the watermelon should be covered with several more layers. Each layer should dry well. As a result, the clay layer should be about 0.5 cm. After it has completely dried, the fruits are left in a dark, cool room in limbo or laid out on sawdust.

Important! You should not choose unripe gourds for storage in the hope that they will ripen. Such berries, in addition to an unpleasant taste, have a very short shelf life and quickly deteriorate.

Knowing how long a watermelon is stored, you can start harvesting at a certain time to keep it until the New Year. On average, subject to the rules and conditions of storage, melons can be stored for 3-4 months.

Is it possible to freeze watermelon for the winter

In winter, you really want to remember summer and feel the sweet taste of the “sunny berry”. Many lovers of these fruits are interested in the question: is it possible to freeze watermelon?

Watermelons are sweet and juicy berries that are traditionally sold during the summer season. Many of us have a question, how much watermelon can be stored so that it retains all its taste qualities, and does not turn out to be sour and cottony. It is about how to keep a watermelon longer and how much it can be stored that we will tell you in this article.

Useful properties of watermelon

Watermelon is 90% water and has a pleasant calorie content - 38 kcal / 100g. Its pulp contains negligible protein and virtually no fat.

Watermelon pulp contains fiber, pectins, hemicellulose, vitamin B1, B2, C, PP, folic acid, provitamin A, carotene, manganese, nickel, iron, magnesium and potassium, from 5-11% of easily digestible sugars, as well as a little ascorbic acid. acids, carotene, quite a bit of thiamine, riboflavin and nicotinic acid.

Watermelon pulp is also rich in organic acids, which stimulate digestive and metabolic processes well.

In addition to the concentrated components of the pulp, watermelon seeds also contain carotenoids, tocopherols, B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, folic acid), a wide range of macro- and microelements, incl. zinc and selenium, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The oil found in the seeds is rich in vitamin D.

Due to its juicy pulp, watermelon has a diuretic property, it is recommended to eat it for edema caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidney disease, incl. the presence of stones.

Nutritionists believe that you can consume 2-2.5 kg of watermelon per day. For example, in nephrolithiasis (urate and calcium oxalate stones in the kidneys and in the bladder), these salts precipitate during the acidic reaction of urine, while watermelon promotes their transition to a more soluble state, and its diuretic action accelerates the excretion of salts from the body. In this case, nutritionists advise eating watermelon evenly, in portions, even at night. There is no better food for patients with sclerosis, gout, hypertension, arthritis, diabetes than watermelon.

Watermelon fiber has a tonic effect, stimulates intestinal motility, and helps to remove excess cholesterol from the body.

Dangerous properties of watermelon

Without a doubt, ripe and sweet watermelon will be useful for almost everyone, but in large quantities it is contraindicated for those who have diabetes, those who are at any stage of kidney stone disease, as well as severe pathologies of the pancreas or prostate gland. You should not use watermelon along with pickles, because. Due to salt, fluid is retained in the body, and this, in turn, leads to swelling.

Like all melons, watermelon tends to accumulate various nitrates, such as phosphorus, potassium and others, which are used as fertilizers. Try to make sure before buying that they were not used during cultivation. Nitrate watermelons can cause severe poisoning, they are especially dangerous for children. If you cannot check the purity of the purchased product, then remember that all the benefits of watermelon are concentrated closer to the middle, and harmful substances are concentrated near the peel.

Selection of watermelon for long-term storage

When buying berries, you should pay attention to the variety, appearance and size of the berries.

Sort. You can store watermelons of the following varieties at home in winter: "Popovka"; "Astrakhan striped"; "Volzhsky"; "Dessert"; "Astrakhan marble"; "Bykovsky"; "Melitopol"; "Icarus"; "Gift of Kholodov". Watermelons that ripen later than others have a thick rind that protects the flesh inside from damage. You need to buy them at the very end of the season: from mid-September to early October. If you plan to store berries from your own backyard in the storage, you need to collect them a few days before they fully ripen.

Self-grown watermelon is the best option for storage. If a purchased fruit is used for this purpose, it is worth following a number of recommendations when choosing:

It is advisable to buy one fruit for testing. This will allow for a more thorough check:

  • If the pulp has yellow tints, it means that chemicals were used during cultivation;
  • The flesh should become cloudy upon contact with water. If it turns bright red, then there are nitrates;
  • Do not store very crumbly pulp until the holidays;
  • If there are cracks, white or brown spots on the peel, then you should not buy a watermelon. The peel must be intact, otherwise it will not be possible to save the fruit;
  • It is worth choosing a berry with a dry tail or stalk and a shiny peel;
  • You do not need to choose large watermelons, as they will rot faster. Weight must be no more than 5 kg;
  • It is important to buy ripe fruits. If the berry is unripe, it will remain green. An overripe watermelon will soon deteriorate;
  • Berry picking should take place in dry weather, as high humidity increases the chance of rotting;
  • Late varieties are used for laying, so it is advisable to start collecting in early autumn.

Important: Choosing a batch of fruits for storage for the winter is a laborious and responsible process. Therefore, at first it is worth buying 5-6 fruits, it makes no sense to purchase a large batch at once.

Shelf life of watermelon

Subject to all the above conditions, the fruits will remain fresh and juicy for 3-4 months, at room temperature - 1-2 months. To increase this period, use proven storage methods.

How long can you keep watermelon in the fridge

But at home you can store watermelon according to all the rules. As you might guess, the best storage place is the refrigerator, where the fruit can remain in its original form for a long time.

If the watermelon is cut and put in the refrigerator, then the shelf life will be a maximum of 2 days. All due to the fact that bacteria multiply rapidly in a very sweet environment. Therefore, the started watermelon must be eaten as early as possible so that it does not deteriorate.

How to store a whole watermelon

You can store watermelons at home for quite a long time, it is important to choose the right fruits and follow certain conditions. Let's take a closer look at how to make the right choice:

  • for long-term storage, only thick-skinned watermelons of late varieties are suitable. The fruits of seedless varieties will be stored the longest;
  • Before buying, carefully inspect the watermelons. The fruits must have a whole peel, without dents, scratches, cracks and other defects;
  • give preference to strong watermelons, rounded and medium in size (5-7 kg);
  • the presence of nitrates is indicated by the matte surface of the fruit and blurry, fuzzy stripes (in striped varieties);
  • make sure that watermelons do not touch each other during storage;
  • store watermelons only on a soft surface. Use straw, sawdust or a natural soft cloth; to store watermelons for a long time, it is necessary to provide optimal conditions - no light, good ventilation, temperature from +2 to +8 ℃ and relative humidity of 75-85%;
  • during storage, regularly inspect and turn watermelons to the other side. It is best to carry out this procedure every 2 days. So you will notice spoiled fruits in time and save the rest of the crop;
  • Watermelons are good at absorbing odors. If possible, store them separately from other vegetables and fruits, especially potatoes.

Ways to store watermelons

There are many ways to store fruits. Let's take a look at the most common ones.

If you decide to choose this method, you will first need to go to the forest to collect moss. It must be dry. It is necessary to cover the bottom of a wooden box or box with moss, put berries on it and also cover them with moss on all sides. A box with watermelon should be stored in a cellar or basement, the recommended air temperature is + 2-3 ° С.

  • Hanging

Using this method, the fruits can be stored in a private house and apartment. First you need to wrap the berry in a dense natural fabric, then place it in a string bag and hang it on a hook. The watermelon should not touch any surfaces, that is, it should be completely suspended.

  • Ash

This method is often used by people who heat the stove with wood. Or you can buy it in specialized stores. Ash prevents the development of fungi and putrefactive bacteria, absorbs excess moisture. Sifted ash is poured at the bottom of a wooden box, then a berry is laid on it and completely sprinkled with ashes on top. The box or box should be covered with a lid and left in the cellar.

  • Straw

Straw is great for long term storage. The bottom of the box or box should be covered with a fairly dense layer of straw. Then berries are laid out on it in such a way that there is a distance between them, and the stalks look up. Straw is also laid out between the watermelons, and placed on top. It should completely cover the berries.

  • Wax or paraffin

It is necessary to melt the wax or paraffin and cover the watermelon with it. The layer should be thick, about 1 cm. In this form, the berries are stored in a cool place, for example, in a basement or cellar.

Country conditions for storing watermelon

It is much easier for owners of summer cottages and houses to choose their own storage option, since the range of possibilities has been significantly expanded.

  • earth storage

Experienced melon growers believe that it is possible to safely store right on the site for the whole winter, placing the fruits in a deep hole covered with a ten-centimeter layer of straw or shavings. The peel is covered with a solution of lime (25%), layered with shavings and covered with a thirty-centimeter layer of earth. The only negative is that it will not work to track how such storage proceeds.

  • water placement

Another interesting option that allows you to make stocks of striped berries for the winter is to store it in water. To do this, barrels, tubs, tanks or other containers are filled with cool water and watermelons are laid out so that they are completely covered with liquid. The water must not be allowed to freeze, and besides, it must be changed about 2-3 times a month. In this way, the fruits are well stored for about three months.

Other ways to store watermelon

In addition to all of the above methods, there are two more - pickling and salting watermelons. These methods will keep the fruit well, but the taste of the pulp will change. Pickled and pickled watermelons can be stored for a whole year or longer, provided that the recipe and culinary processes are followed correctly.

Shelf life of a watermelon if it is damaged

If the watermelon is damaged, then it can be cut and consumed. Sliced, it will lie in the refrigerator for up to three days. You can extend this time by wrapping it in cellophane. But from the refrigerator on the third day it will become sluggish and tasteless. If it is not put in the refrigerator, then at room temperature it will lie for 1-2 days.


With the right storage conditions, a whole watermelon can lie for 4-6 months, retaining its taste and integrity of the pulp. We can recommend that you put the ripened fruits in the refrigerator in a fruit box, which will extend the shelf life, and you can enjoy delicious and fresh watermelon even in the new year. At the same time, you should take into account that when buying fruits in the markets, it is difficult to predict how long they will lie, so grow watermelons on your own and you will be able to eat the harvest you have harvested for as long as possible.

Early-ripening varieties are the least suitable for long-term storage, but late-ripening fruits are the best. These varieties include Astrakhan marble, Peasant, Lezhky, Astrakhan striped, Kholodok and others, the ripening period of which falls on September. The peculiarity of late varieties is that the process of chemical synthesis of sugars in them is slower, and therefore the disintegration of chemical bonds takes more time. Therefore, late varieties can retain taste and elasticity for up to 5 months.

If you are interested in how long early varieties of berries can be stored, then their maturation period is very short and is calculated in days. At home, such a fruit is best eaten or processed immediately.

Which watermelon is suitable for long-term storage

As already mentioned, varieties that ripen in early or late September are best suited for storing watermelons for the winter. The likelihood that such a crop is grown on nitrates is extremely small, which makes the fruits not only tasty, but also healthy.

Next, pay attention to the appearance of the fruit. If, when buying, you notice cracks, dents or scratches on the watermelon, then it is better to use such a fruit immediately. Any damage becomes a potential source of bacterial infection.

The purchased watermelon must be ripe, the only way it will be stored at home for a long time. However, this maturity should be natural, not accelerated. Therefore, do not buy berries in supermarkets or along the highway. Firstly, the fruits there often do not have the best taste, and secondly, they are sold unripe.

If you decide to keep the berries from your own garden, then you can start picking them up to five days before the final ripening, doing this very carefully, without damaging the leg. Then the fruits are carefully transported to the storage place. In this case, transportation should not be carried out "encumbered". The culture is recommended to be placed in a vehicle in one layer on a soft bedding - in an amount sufficient so that the fruits do not hit each other during transportation.

Required temperature and humidity

How long the melon crop will be stored is directly affected by the humidity and temperature of the storage room. Where else to store watermelons, if not in the basement or cellar, where you can provide ideal conditions for berries! The best temperature for storing watermelons is + 2-6 degrees, and the humidity should be 75-85%.

Due to the high humidity, the fruit will lose less of its own moisture, so it will stay juicy and fragrant longer. And a stable temperature, close to a minimum, will allow even in winter to feast on crispy, but not frozen pulp.

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At home, a pantry or refrigerator can be a good storage place if their capacity allows you to store the whole berry. In addition, at home you can store watermelon on the mezzanine, balcony, in the pantry.

How to keep fresh

In order for the fruit to remain fresh and tasty as long as possible, it is recommended to store it in a suspended state separately from other crops. Many home gardeners keep their crops underground, where the stored fruits are neatly stacked on a bed of straw or other plant material. In addition, in a private home, you can afford to store watermelons in special boxes with sand, where the fruits are dropped and sprinkled with sand or ash as a layer. In addition, you can make a layer between the berries with the help of moss.

Before putting the fruit in place, it must be washed, dried and covered with some kind of protective substance. Among these substances, wax, alabaster, clay and two percent lime are considered the best. The fruit is covered so that the dried substance forms a crust of 0.5–0.8 mm.

Freezing for the winter

If you do not have the opportunity to place gourds in a separate room, then you are probably interested in whether it is possible to store watermelons in the refrigerator and how long a watermelon is stored in a frozen state.

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It is best to store the watermelon in the freezer, where it fits, pre-cut into pieces. To do this, it is recommended to remove the crust, cut the pulp into uniform medium-sized pieces and put it on a flat surface in one layer (for example, on a tray or baking sheet). The tray is then placed in the freezer where the pieces freeze evenly. After part of the fruit can be quickly transferred to containers or tight bags.

Such a berry can be stored for a very long time - until the next harvest. However, remember that defrosted pulp quickly loses moisture and volume, so be sure to consume fresh watermelon quickly. Also, do not forget to close the container tightly, otherwise the fruits will be saturated with the smells of the freezer.

Other storage methods

In addition to all of the above methods, there are two more - pickling and salting watermelons. These methods will keep the fruit well, but the taste of the pulp will change. Pickled and pickled watermelons can be stored for a whole year or longer, provided that the recipe and culinary processes are followed correctly.

Video "How long to store watermelon"

From this video you will learn how to properly store watermelon.

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Shelf life of watermelon

Summer for most people is associated with watermelon. Juicy, appetizing, sweet, desirable - it surely decorates the table of every family. And to make the watermelon tasty, it is carefully chosen. An important role is played by the shelf life of watermelon.

By itself, watermelon can be stored for a long time. At the same time, its condition and taste even after 3 months will remain the best. However, this requires proper storage of watermelon. To keep it always fresh, you need to purchase late varieties. It is advisable to store the fruit in a dark and dry place. It is important that the watermelon was initially monolithic and solid, without any cracks and scratches and dents. It is best to place the watermelon in a container with straw or a soft bottom. The fetus should not come into contact with anything, and the most effective way is hanging. With such proper storage, watermelon can be eaten even during the New Year holidays.

The humidity of the room should be within 80-85%. As for the air temperature, the optimal indicator ranges from +1 to +3 degrees. If the air temperature is too high, then the watermelon will instantly begin to sour and become cottony. It is also necessary to regularly turn the fruit so that the shelf life of the watermelon increases.

Shelf life of watermelon in the refrigerator

Watermelons can also be stored in the refrigerator. This is a convenient way to keep the fetus long enough. Watermelon must be wrapped in newspaper and placed on the lowest shelf. In this case, the shelf life of watermelon will be 2-3 months.

If the watermelon is cut and put in the refrigerator, then the shelf life will be a maximum of 2 days. All due to the fact that bacteria multiply rapidly in a very sweet environment. Therefore, the started watermelon must be eaten as early as possible so that it does not deteriorate.

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