
Check the authenticity of the excise stamp by number online. How to check the authenticity of the excise stamp on alcohol


Only through EGAIS

In April of this year, the EGAIS system was introduced in Russia. Which, according to the developers, was to completely eliminate the possibility of hitting the shelves of all stores of "singed" alcohol. As practice has shown, EGAIS really works. Each excise stamp is unique and it is in the database. The fact that it is impossible to sell alcohol with fake excise stamps if there is an Internet connection. If there is no connection, then it is better to buy alcohol in another store or wait until the information from the checkout goes to the Unified State Automated Information System.

“By reading the QR code with a phone, it will be possible to confirm the legality of alcohol. Check product parameters, time, address, store name. Although, the seller knows that the buyer has such a document in his hands and he will be able to check the legality of each bottle. Thus, the probability of fraud when selling through EGAIS with scanning an excise stamp and printing a receipt with a QR code is negligible. In addition, when selling alcohol through the Unified State Automated Information System, it is debited from the balance at the store. Obviously, if the store bought 100 bottles and sold 120, then something is wrong and there will be a check. This again protects the buyer from counterfeit goods,” the expert commented.

The conclusion suggests itself - alcohol should be bought only in well-known brands, where the goods go through the checkout. And no sales of whiskey, tequila, cognac on the Internet! These drinks, if they are real, a priori cannot be cheap.

Which smartphone application helps to identify a fake?

To check any bottle must be installed on the phone free application "AntiCounterfeit Alco". The program is available in the App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone. From the "genius" design and the excessive amount of data that is required to enter for registration, it immediately becomes clear that the application was developed by the state. But nevertheless it works.

Where is methyl and where is ethyl?

Ethyl alcohol, also known as drinking, food or medical, also known as ethanol, which is also a substance with the chemical formula C2H5OH, underlies all alcoholic beverages - but not surrogates. Surrogate booze is created on the basis of methyl alcohol or methanol. It is a pure poison for the body, so being able to distinguish it at home from relatively safe ethanol can be vital.

One way is as follows: the liquid in doubt should be poured into a metal container and put on fire. Next, we measure the temperature of alcohol at the moment of boiling - ethanol boils at 78°C, technical methanol already at 64°C.

Another option. A black-hot copper wire should be lowered into cold medical alcohol - if during the reaction of the interaction of copper oxide with aldehyde there is a smell of vinegar, then it is ethyl alcohol, if the liquid emits an unpleasant, pungent odor, it is methyl alcohol.

You can also check alcohol "for honesty" in this way. You need to add a little baking soda to a small amount of alcohol, mix it well and see if a precipitate forms in the liquid. An insoluble yellow precipitate forms during the reaction of iodine with ethanol, while methanol remains pure and transparent.


Purpose of certified marks

To protect citizens from counterfeit products, special stickers are made. They have several degrees of protection:

  • high quality paper;
  • decals;
  • barcode checked online;
  • reflective sticker that shimmers in the light.

The use of expensive equipment in the manufacture of high-quality stickers makes it possible to achieve the main goal - the inefficiency of forging excise taxes. It is unprofitable for underground manufacturers to produce original signs - they will have to fork out for this. Therefore, on the shelves of stores there are alcoholic products certified in accordance with established standards.

People attach little importance to the external signs of clandestine production, consuming poisonous mixtures. But for the safety of the health of loved ones and guests, you need to know how to check the excise stamp for alcohol. There are two ways to determine the quality of alcoholic products:

  • visual;
  • by number: scanner or on the Internet.

How to visually distinguish the original from the fake?

You can check the authenticity of alcohol by excise stamp by familiarizing yourself with the main features of the original sticker:

  • the edges of the label are even, the pattern is streak-free;
  • on the reverse side there is a luminescent inscription "Alcoholic products";
  • with a magnifying glass you can see the words “brand” and “FSM”, the colors of the inscriptions are shown inversely;
  • there is a holographic sticker on the excise tax;
  • there are two blue squares glowing under the fluorescent lamp.

The question of how to check the excise stamp for alcohol is treated without due attention. People believe that counterfeit is cleaner than the original drink in terms of composition. However, official statistics cite cases of severe poisoning when people die during holiday feasts. Unknown substances in the base cause liver damage, loss of visual acuity, hearing.

Additional verification methods

You can check the excise stamp for alcohol by number right in the store by typing the number into your smartphone browser. For such purposes, the official website - service.fsrar.ru is intended. There are applications for the Android system that offer to scan a barcode using a camera.

How to check the excise stamp for alcohol, the employee of the relevant department in the supermarket will tell you. It can scan the barcode of the label and display the information on the display of the device. But this method does not always become a reliable sign of the quality of alcohol. It is required to take into account all the degrees of protection listed in the article.


An excise stamp (also called an excise parcel) is a fiscal stamp, which is the main carrier of the necessary information to control the volume of turnover of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, which is helped by the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS).

In addition, the excise stamp is an important source of information for the end consumer, confirming the quality of the product and compliance with state standards.

The implementation of an alcohol check on an excise stamp is available on the EGAIS information service - Checking Stamps. Organizations licensed for the retail sale of alcoholic products, as well as authorized bodies, can check alcohol in this way.

To check alcohol by excise stamp online EGAIS, you will need to go to the official website of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market (Rosalkogolregulirovanie) - the executive body involved in the development and implementation of state policy in the field of production and circulation of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.

After that, select the “Verification by barcode” tab, enter the code from the presented image and scan the excise stamp, after placing the cursor in the column number 1. To scan, you will need a scanner connected to the computer on which the verification procedure is being carried out.

After that, the scanned barcode will be sent for verification online, and a new line will be added to the list of verifications, which will contain the details of the excise stamp, the date and time of submitting your application for verification.

After the verification, a protocol will appear, to view and print it, click on "Print". As a result, you will be able to get acquainted with the information of the EGAIS request protocol, which will indicate the type of excise stamp, product type code, details of the organization that received this stamp.


How to check the documented quality of alcohol

Every citizen should know that licensing is carried out not only in relation to producers of alcoholic beverages, but also to organizations that store and sell it. To date, the procedure for obtaining a license in the Russian Federation is very difficult, and serious liability, including criminal liability, is provided for violations of the law. Therefore, the presence of a license from an organization where alcohol is purchased almost completely guarantees the quality of products.

Not only regulatory authorities, but also an ordinary consumer can check the availability of a license. If you ask the representatives of the store where you are going to buy alcohol to show you a document, they do not have the right to refuse you. In many large retail outlets, a copy of the license is on the information stand. After reviewing the document, you can find out the terms of its validity and the TIN of the organization, by which you can later verify the authenticity in the database of the Register of Licenses.

The data is regularly updated, so you can not be afraid that information about a particular organization will be outdated. In the Register of Licenses for Alcoholic Products, you can check the license for alcohol by the TIN of the enterprise, find out the terms of its validity, and also determine whether the organization currently has the right to produce, store and sell alcoholic beverages. You can also check the alcohol license details on the PAP website.

What is EGAIS?

Today in Russia there is a special system that allows you to track the path of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products from the manufacturer to the end consumer. This system was developed in order to combat the illegal circulation of alcohol and prevent low-quality products from reaching the consumer. This system is called EGAIS - a unified state automated information system. In 2016, the system entered into force throughout the Russian Federation, and no organization has the right to produce and sell any alcohol-containing and alcoholic products if it is not registered with the Unified State Automated Information System.

Scheme of work of EGAIS

This system is imperfect, despite the fact that it has been developed since the early 2000s by various government research centers. It is criticized, there are problems with the sale of alcohol, for example, in public catering establishments. But, despite this, the end consumer today can be sure of the quality of the purchased products if he buys it in a licensed store.

How to check alcohol by excise stamp and barcode online

The excise stamp is a confirmation of the quality of alcohol. It is quite difficult to fake it, since it has several degrees of protection. Before buying, carefully study the excise stamp. It must contain a hologram, information about the manufacturer and date of production, a barcode and a number applied by inkjet printing. You can also check the excise right in the store, unless, of course, you buy alcohol in a serious trade organization. For this, there are special scanners that read the barcode from the brand.

You can check the quality of alcohol by excise stamp online through the EGAIS system, but this procedure is provided only for organizations. To check, you will need to register on the RAP website, and then enter your personal account.

You can check alcohol by excise stamp online on your own and for free. To do this, you need to go to the website of Rosalkogolregulirovanie (RAP). A special service has been developed where you can check the authenticity of the brand. By entering the necessary data from the excise, you will receive information that must match the information indicated on the stamp. Some manufacturers have developed their own verification programs available on their official websites. They can also be used. On the PAP website, you can check alcohol online not only by the excise stamp, but also by the barcode.


How to distinguish a fake yourself

1. Mindfulness

Remember the children's game "Spot the Differences". Picking up a bottle with an alcoholic drink in a supermarket is just the time to remember your powers of observation and see if all the degrees of protection are on the sticker that holds the container and the lid together.

Forgery of any means of protection is a costly business, which is why excise forms often pay attention to the simplest points, while complex levels are ignored. 4 things to pay attention to:

  • Brand number applied by inkjet printing;
  • Barcode;
  • Foil holographic image;
  • Data about the manufacturing plant, security level, release date.

2. Scan

If you buy alcohol not in a stall, but in a market that respects its reputation, there must be a special scanner here. He may be waiting for you at the reception desk. It is enough to scan the excise stamp for the electronics to check all levels of compliance. Although according to experts, even with such a check, you will not be given 100% guarantees.

3. Measure seven times

Each excise sticker has its own size. For alcoholic beverages, it is set in two versions: 90×26 and 62×21. If the dimensions do not correspond to those indicated, have uneven or wrinkled edges, you should be wary.

Another nuance is that on a large stamp, the upper part is separated from the larger lower golden thread. It is not erased, does not smear, if necessary, it can be pulled out of the paper.

4. Little tricks

Surrogate alcohol should have a low cost, so it is not in the interests of bootleggers to spend money on fake protection. In order to make it easier for the consumer to bring counterfeit goods to clean water, small fragments that are imperceptible at first glance were invented on protective parcels (stamps).

Knowing about them, it is not difficult to determine the original. These inconspicuous signs of originality include:

  • On the top of the text, the word "brand" is written in a negative stripe, and "FMS" in a positive one;
  • The diamonds of the hologram contain a pattern with the RF logo woven into it in the central part;
  • The stripe with the inscription "Federal Special Stamp" gradually changing colors, passes from a negative print to a positive one;
  • The excise paper itself is made in the form of self-adhesive and does not have luminescence;
  • Fibers are scattered over the entire surface, they may be non-luminescent red or luminescent yellow-red.

Video instruction

Video instruction on how to distinguish a fake excise stamp from a real one

Checking over the Internet

There are several ways to check liquor protection online.

Last chance

There is another 100% verification option, but relatives or police authorities will rather use it in case of death or alcohol poisoning. This is a forensic examination conducted by the "Center for Forensic Expertise".

Here, the liquid will be decomposed into its components and molecules and it will be found out whether it corresponds to the high name of the ethyl-containing potion or is a fake. Excise duty will also be studied here. They will probably even determine on what equipment it was printed. Only these measures will already be a reaction to the event that we are planning to prevent.


Knowing about the levels of protection for alcoholic beverages and how to check their originality, of course, gives you additional guarantees when buying, but it does not at all insure against costly artful counterfeiting. After all, the stereotype that a surrogate is made only in the form of burnt vodka has long outlived its usefulness, and in our realities, elite, expensive alcohol is of greater interest.

Now you are armed with the necessary knowledge and you have less chance of running into a fake. But still, I highly recommend reading the article on methyl alcohol poisoning. This is a very terrible poison, the adoption of which in most cases leads to blindness and even to of death. With methyl poisoning, the clock counts, and in order to take the necessary measures, it is extremely important to have the necessary information.

This is where I end. I would like to advise you to buy alcohol only in specialized stores and still pay attention to the excise tax, because it is printed for us! Subscribe to my blog updates, share interesting facts on social networks, and get fresh and reliable first-hand information!

See you soon, Pavel Dorofeev.


When purchasing an alcoholic beverage in a store, the buyer assumes that the composition and taste characteristics correspond to those indicated on the label. If there are doubts about the quality, the goods are checked for authenticity. Two years ago, a real opportunity arose for this. To combat the illegal circulation of alcoholic beverages, the state has developed a unified control system - the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) and special codes on alcohol brands that are stuck on bottles.

All types of alcohol, with the exception of beer and beer drinks, contain federal special stamps (for goods manufactured in the Russian Federation) or excise stamps (for imported products) on bottles. Such a brand is a document of strict accountability, which means that the manufacturer or seller has paid a special state fee, which is provided for certain types of goods, and that these products are legal.

The stamp contains the following information:

  • Name,
  • product type,
  • fortress,
  • volume,
  • name and address of the Russian manufacturer or importer,
  • Manufacturer country.

The color depends on the type of product. Each stamp is issued in a single copy, has a unique number and digital signature of the person who applied the barcode.

Thus, AM or FSM certifies the legality and quality of alcohol, but on condition that it itself is genuine. The EGAIS, a state information system created as a tool for controlling the Russian alcohol turnover, allows you to check the brand. Participants in the alcohol market, including producers and trading companies, enter information about their organization, licenses for the production or sale of alcohol, data on the drinks produced or sold into the EGAIS.

Each bottle is fixed in the system, its path is tracked from the manufacturer or importer to the final consumer. If the brand is not fake, the data is displayed in the Unified State Automated Information System. Anyone can check alcohol for legality using an excise stamp.

Excise verification methods

They check the alcohol brand by downloading the free Anti-Counterfeit Alco program, which was developed by the Rosalkogolregulirovanie bodies, on a mobile phone. After launching the application, the barcode of the brand is scanned. Information about the product, manufacturer, movements, seller will appear on the screen, respectively, the legality of the product is confirmed.

The program may display that data on the excise stamp was not found. In this case, the authenticity of the goods is in doubt, it is better not to drink such alcohol. With the help of the application, the relevant authorities are notified about the violation.

How to avoid buying counterfeit

Sale through EGAIS with excise scanning and issuance of a receipt with a QR code excludes the sale of surrogate products. To protect against the purchase of counterfeit goods, alcoholic beverages are purchased at legal outlets. They, in turn, fulfill the following conditions:

  • the store has received a license to sell alcohol, which can be checked on the FSRAR website or the regional licensing department;
  • alcohol is sold through a cash desk connected to EGAIS;
  • the seller scans the barcode on the bottle, sends a request to the system and receives a printed receipt with a QR code (product information encrypted into an image).

If the store does not print a check, this may also mean a malfunction of the system, but it is better to refrain from such a purchase. You should not buy drinks in pavilions, tents, online stores where there is no necessary sales and cash equipment. It is important to adhere to clear principles in order to protect yourself and your loved ones, and not to promote, moreover, the sale of surrogates.

Currently, the number of cases of detection of counterfeit alcohol has become more frequent. To strengthen control and eliminate this unpleasant fact, an excise stamp has long been invented.

They have already learned how to fake such quality guarantees, since a real brand was created not completely protected, but only partially due to its high cost. The rest of the place is filled with the protection of simple applications, so they are easy to fake. This article will focus on this brand, will give advice on how not to fall for counterfeit products. The main emphasis will be placed on the legislation of the Russian Federation.

What is an excise?

Many people know that an excise is a tax on goods that are in great demand. An excise stamp on alcohol shows that this product has passed state checks and taxes have been paid during its manufacture. All employees of commercial enterprises have manuals, according to which the compliance with the quality guarantee mark is verified. Such allowances are also issued to inspectors who carry out verification of authenticity. Therefore, at present, we can safely say that there is a serious fight against counterfeit products.

Penalties for counterfeiting excise stamps

For the manufacture of false signs of quality assurance of alcoholic products, criminal liability is assigned in accordance with Article 176 of the Criminal Code for cases of the manufacture and sale of counterfeit banknotes and securities.

Criminals are fined from 300 to 500 times the minimum wage. For enterprises selling alcoholic products, on which an excise stamp is not pasted or is pasted, but fake, deprivation of the right to trade or a fine is provided. The legislation also provides for administrative and criminal liability for employees guilty of illegal alcohol trafficking.

How to distinguish a fake excise stamp?

A real stamp contains many degrees of protection, therefore, in order to create a copy of it, it takes a lot of money and time to develop it. In general, people involved in illegal alcohol production only make those levels of protection that can be counterfeited. In the absence of one of the security marks or non-compliance with standards, the products are one hundred percent underground.

What you should always pay attention to when buying alcohol

  • Place of sale. Do not buy alcohol in dubious outlets. Buy alcohol only in trusted stores that monitor their reputation.
  • Price. Good alcohol cannot be cheap, but you can buy a surrogate for a high price. Therefore, after seeing the price, you need to check the following indicators.
  • The appearance of the container. High-quality alcohol is poured into unusual bottles, they can be with embossed inscriptions or drawings. The wrapper must be evenly glued and contain all information about the product.
  • Excise stamp. The stamp is printed on specially designed paper with fibers that have color. Uneven gluing of the brand is not allowed.

This quality mark is checked by an organization with a license to sell alcohol. For buyers, there is a single social portal of the alcohol market.

Self authentication sign

If you are concerned about your health and the quality of the products you consume, then checking the excise stamp on alcohol will not be difficult for you. To do this, you need to either compare the guarantee mark on the bottle you bought with a genuine sample or refer to the special Anti-Counterfeit Alco application, which has been launched in our country since 2016. This application is available to smartphone users. It can also be used to find out about verified places where alcohol is sold.

When self-checking, you need to pay attention to the excise stamp number. It repeats the numbers from 1 to 33, they are common to all alcoholic products. When reading the signs on the stamp, you can find out the following information:

  • Name.
  • The strength of the drink.
  • Volume.
  • Product type.
  • Manufacturer.
  • Importer.

In large retail outlets, special devices are provided for reading stamps and checking them for authenticity. They are called scanners, if necessary, you can ask the administrator, he must provide them to you.

Extension of the validity period of excise stamps of the old sample

By decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, it was decided that the old excise stamp will be valid for the sale of imported alcohol until September 1, 2017.

The Ministry of Finance of Russia addressed the government with such a proposal, and it was accepted positively, as many requests were received from organizations involved in the retail sale and circulation of alcoholic beverages.

The prices of excise stamps have increased significantly since 2016. New requirements for their samples were also presented. Strengthened levels of protection to complicate the production of counterfeit excise stamps for underground workers. Recently, the sale of counterfeit products via the Internet has become more frequent. In order to avoid such cases, and there is an excise stamp for alcohol, it is necessary to check it, and this will help to avoid trouble.

Danger of alcohol poisoning

Counterfeit alcoholic beverages may contain methanol, a substance dangerous to humans, which, when consumed by a person, causes death.

It is possible to understand whether methyl alcohol is present in alcohol. To do this, there are ordinary methods, such as setting fire to alcohol. Methanol reflects a green flame when burned.

The first signs of methanol poisoning are general malaise, nausea, dizziness. Then there is blurred vision, loss of consciousness and high blood pressure. With such symptoms, you need to call an ambulance.

Trust but check

With all the weapons and knowledge of what levels of protection are used on alcohol, there is no guarantee that you will not come across an expensive fake with a quality mark artfully applied to it. It is good that an excise stamp for alcohol was invented, which anyone can check, especially in our time of high information opportunities. Be vigilant and watch your health, because counterfeit poisoning can incur the most serious consequences.

Most often fake expensive elite alcohol. It makes no sense to spend money on counterfeiting budget wine: you won’t make money on it like on branded whiskey or cognac. But the first in terms of the number of fakes is vodka. What to look for in order not to run into a fake?

First, let's understand what the factory label looks like. They are cut and glued on automatic lines. With the help of an automatic machine, the glue is applied in transverse strips, which are located at the back. The width of the strips is 1.5 mm and they are applied at intervals of 2.5 mm. There is equipment with other parameters for applying glue: the width of the tapes is 4 mm, the frequency is 5 mm. But with home-made gluing, the labels have their own characteristics: the glue on the back is applied not in transverse stripes, but in a continuous layer or otherwise.

  • Protrudes beyond the label.
  • There is no release date on the back of the label.
  • There are label shift marks on the surface of the bottle.

When pasting on an automatic line, this is not possible: the pressure roller can scroll the label only once. Adhesive residue on the glass may have air formations and folds. The paper is of poor quality. Labels are dull, with blurry inscriptions.


The label always contains information about the plant that produced alcohol and its contact details. If you come across a bottle without this information, return the drink back. Also look for data such as: bottling date, license number, certification. They must be on every bottle. They are clearly printed for easy reading. Labels on alcoholic beverages must be marked with a stamp, the seal of this enterprise. The closure date on the label and the date printed on the side of the cap must match.


Bottles must be tightly closed. Do not leak when flipping. The cap of the bottle is well pressed to its mouth. It should not warp on the sides, move out of the thread.

excise tax

Excise duty stamps are made from special paper. Each stamp has information about where the alcohol was imported from: whether it is imported or domestic. How to check the excise? The six-digit numbering is done in black paint, and on the reverse side it is red. On the stamp there is a microtext from the word "Ukraine", repeated many times. On legal products, the excise stamp is placed only on the side of the neck. It is glued so that the excise tax is torn if you open the container.

The color of the excise stamp always correlates with the type of alcohol. If the product of domestic production is green. Alcohol brought "from behind the hillock - purple." The coat of arms is located in the central part of the excise stamp. It provides relief, which is noticeable if you run your hand over the excise tax.


When an excise stamp is forged, they try to imitate it with a simple foil tape, simply sticking it on top. Twist in the light: you will not see any hologram effect - just a candy wrapper.

QR code

You can check the validity of the tax stamp using your mobile phone. Download the scanner of excise stamps, point to the code and find out if it is a fake or not.

laser marking

To protect their products from fakes, some factories install a modern laser complex. They burn indelible black dots inside the cap. They form information about the spill on the bottle caps.


How to check alcohol for authenticity? Try to gently uncork the bottle by turning the cork counterclockwise. If the perforation is not broken, the cork turns around the rim in a circle and, as a result, is completely removed - this is a fake.


Elite alcohol cannot be cheap. It's usually imported. Plus the cost of exporting and cheating the seller.

How to test vodka

Turn the bottle over and look at it in the light. If this is a factory production, the liquid will be clear. There should be no sediment or white coating on the bottom. See the residue? You have a surrogate in front of you. Turn the vodka bottle upside down and shake lightly. The air will rise up. If the bubbles are large and disappear almost immediately, this is a fake. For real alcohol, such a snake will consist of many small bubbles.

How to test wine

Don't get too cheap. The composition of alcohol may include harmful additives that add fruit and berry flavor. Looking for elite wine? Twist the cork in your hands. It should be made of wood, not plastic. On the bottle itself you will definitely find information about the vineyards, region, harvest time.

How to test cognac

Its quality is in its density. It should flow down the bottle. So turn the bottle upside down and see how this drink flows down. The lid will also tell a lot about the cognac. For counterfeit, they don’t stand on ceremony, they use a “vodka” cover, and the shell is made from wine. Look at the volume. For example, the same Hennessy is not produced in a popular 0.5 liter container. If you see such a bottle, you will immediately know that this is a Hennessy of the Odessa bottling.

How to check whiskey for authenticity

Do not expect aged whiskey to be bought for a penny. A really good drink is considered to be at least 12 years old. Before buying an elite drink, look on the Internet and read the features that a bottle should have. Manufacturers usually provide such information to users. When shaking the bottle, large bubbles should form.

Do not purchase alcohol in an online store until you read customer reviews. Examine the goods presented: if you are often offered elite products at fabulous prices, the store is clearly selling fake alcohol.

Hello dear readers! Today I propose to talk about what counterfeit is, how to deal with it, and how alcohol is checked by an excise stamp.

Did you think that surrogate drinks are protected so reliably that it would be impossible to calculate them with some knowledge? That excise tax can be bought at any Soyuzpechat stall and not be held responsible? We will try to figure out how excise can serve as a guarantee of quality, and how the process of obtaining certification is monitored.

It is believed that the excise stamp was invented by the state solely for the purpose of obtaining a tax on the sale of alcohol, so that the tax can regulate the alcohol market and influence the cost. This is partly true, but a simple distinctive sign can also protect the health of the consumer and warn him against buying low-quality products. To know everything about the excise tax, I will try to describe the main verification methods and the nuances that will show that you have a fake.

How to distinguish a fake yourself

1. Mindfulness

Remember the children's game "Spot the Differences". Picking up a bottle with an alcoholic drink in a supermarket is just the time to remember your powers of observation and see if all the degrees of protection are on the sticker that holds the container and the lid together.

Forgery of any means of protection is a costly business, which is why excise forms often pay attention to the simplest points, while complex levels are ignored. 4 things to pay attention to:

  • Brand number applied by inkjet printing;
  • Barcode;
  • Foil holographic image;
  • Data about the manufacturing plant, security level, release date.

2. Scan

If you buy alcohol not in a stall, but in a market that respects its reputation, there must be a special scanner here. He may be waiting for you at the reception desk. It is enough to scan the excise stamp for the electronics to check all levels of compliance. Although according to experts, even with such a check, you will not be given 100% guarantees.

3. Measure seven times

Each excise sticker has its own size. For alcoholic beverages, it is set in two versions: 90×26 and 62×21. If the dimensions do not correspond to those indicated, have uneven or wrinkled edges, you should be wary.

Another nuance is that on a large stamp, the upper part is separated from the larger lower golden thread. It is not erased, does not smear, if necessary, it can be pulled out of the paper.

4. Little tricks

Surrogate alcohol should have a low cost, so it is not in the interests of bootleggers to spend money on fake protection. In order to make it easier for the consumer to bring counterfeit goods to clean water, small fragments that are imperceptible at first glance were invented on protective parcels (stamps).

Knowing about them, it is not difficult to determine the original. These inconspicuous signs of originality include:

  • On the top of the text, the word "brand" is written in a negative stripe, and "FMS" in a positive one;
  • The diamonds of the hologram contain a pattern with the RF logo woven into it in the central part;
  • The stripe with the inscription "Federal Special Stamp" gradually changing colors, passes from a negative print to a positive one;
  • The excise paper itself is made in the form of self-adhesive and does not have luminescence;
  • Fibers are scattered over the entire surface, they may be non-luminescent red or luminescent yellow-red.

Video instruction

Video instruction on how to distinguish a fake excise stamp from a real one

Checking over the Internet

There are several ways to check liquor protection online.

Last chance

There is another 100% verification option, but relatives or police authorities will rather use it in case of death or alcohol poisoning. This is a forensic examination conducted by the "Center for Forensic Expertise".

Here, the liquid will be decomposed into its components and molecules and it will be found out whether it corresponds to the high name of the ethyl-containing potion or is a fake. Excise duty will also be studied here. They will probably even determine on what equipment it was printed. Only these measures will already be a reaction to the event that we are planning to prevent.


Knowing about the levels of protection for alcoholic beverages and how to check their originality, of course, gives you additional guarantees when buying, but it does not at all insure against costly artful counterfeiting. After all, the stereotype that a surrogate is made only in the form of burnt vodka has long outlived its usefulness, and in our realities, elite, expensive alcohol is of greater interest.

Now you are armed with the necessary knowledge and you have less chance of running into a fake. But still, I highly recommend reading the article on methyl alcohol poisoning. This is a very terrible poison, the adoption of which in most cases leads to blindness and even to of death. With methyl poisoning, the clock counts, and in order to take the necessary measures, it is extremely important to have the necessary information.

This is where I end. I would like to advise you to buy alcohol only in specialized stores and still pay attention to the excise tax, because it is printed for us! Subscribe to my blog updates, share interesting facts on social networks, and get fresh and reliable first-hand information!

See you soon, Pavel Dorofeev.


Barcode on the label

The barcode carries a lot of information, in particular:

  • About the country of origin;
  • About the name of the product, its category;
  • About the expiration date;
  • On the authenticity of the digital code;

It seems that there is nothing difficult in forging a label, but a combination of numbers at the end of a 13-digit barcode allows you to fix an error. The verification system is so simple, so fake barcodes are stamped without taking into account the settlement system, for which they are caught during verification. Yes, and attempts to take into account the features of verification of the results do not give tangible results.

Barcodes can be of 2 types: 13- and 12-digit, depending on the country using this system. For example, in the European system, the code consists of 13 digits, while in Canada and the USA it is 12 characters.

The International Product Accounting System has developed an individual code for each country for ease of reading information.

You can check the barcode by downloading the application for the phone's operating system. You can use the service and check alcoholic and non-alcoholic products online.

Code review

How to check the authenticity of the code:

  • Manually
  • Automatically

For manual verification, you need to add the numbers in even positions and multiply the resulting number by 3, add this indicator to the sum of odd numbers, except for the last one, which is the control. For the resulting number, it is necessary to use the indicator of units, subtracting this figure from 10. The resulting value must match the last digit of the barcode.

For automatic verification, you only need to enter the barcode correctly, click in the "Check" field and evaluate the result. If the code is genuine, then it is highlighted with a green background, if it is fake, then the corresponding inscription appears.

There are several reasons why the numbers corresponding to the country of origin do not show the name they should, this may be due to several reasons:

  • The main plant has representatives, subsidiaries in other countries, although the brand will be retained.
  • With a license, goods can be manufactured in another country on behalf of a foreign manufacturer;
  • The company was registered in another country. In this case, all products will be labeled at the registration address.
  • If the firm consists of several foreign founders, then the country code can be any of all founding countries.

Knowing these subtleties, you can avoid the purchase of fake and low-quality products.


Indicators of excellent alcohol

Any alcoholic drink has its own indicators and quality characteristics.. Alcohol products differ in the following nuances:

  • aroma;
  • fortress;
  • color spectrum;
  • flavors;
  • power of influence on the body.

The quality and authenticity of alcoholic products are checked in specialized laboratories. You can order this check yourself by paying for the service. But you can determine the level of alcohol and yourself. There are many effective ways to do this.

We determine the authenticity of vodka

To determine the quality of one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages in Russia, one should know the external signs of a genuine drink. Check vodka for the following signs:

  1. Taste.
  2. Color.
  3. Smell.

Therefore, you should not buy vodka bottled in a dark opaque container. The fortress of high-quality vodka should be 40-56%. You can determine the degree using a home alcohol meter.

According to statistics, in Russia, about 35-40 people are poisoned and killed by surrogate vodka with an existing excise stamp every day.

Good vodka will not contain any additional suspensions, impurities. It is soft in taste, with a brightly perceived vodka smell. During the test, the vodka liquid should not irritate and burn the mucous membrane of the larynx. Try to rub a drop of vodka in the palm of your hand. A quality drink will not emit any additional flavors (acetone, vinegar and other chemicals).

Exploring fragrant foam

For beer, the main thing is the foam. Moreover, when spilling intoxicating foam, there should not be too much or too little. The optimal foam level is medium in size, quite thick and rich. So, how to determine the quality of aroma hops by the foam layer.

No foam:

  • beer is heavily diluted with water;
  • there is hypothermia;
  • lacking in carbon dioxide.

Too much foam

  • the drink is too warm;
  • an excess of intoxicating carbonic acid;
  • incorrect pouring of foam into glasses.

A very significant factor is the stability of the foam. It shows the maturity level of the froth. A good, quality hop head will be thick, with a layer thickness of 4-5 mm. And it will not leave the surface for about 1-1.5 minutes. Connoisseurs advise drinking beer at its temperature of + 8-10⁰С.

Determining the quality of wine

This skill is very important. Recently, too much fake wine made from powder has appeared in our country. Although this type of alcohol has all the necessary papers and permits, it cannot be considered real wine.

First of all, the quality of the wine is indicated by its aroma. Too sharp, repulsive smell indicates a bad level of alcohol. But true wine will please the user with a whole bunch of pleasant aromas replacing each other. To better appreciate the smell of wine, pour alcohol into a wide container and shake it a little:

  1. High-quality wine will slowly flow down the walls of the glass.
  2. When adding 2-3 drops of glycerin to it, low-quality alcohol will turn into an unusual color.

How not to make a mistake in the choice when buying

Of course, the store will not let you try alcohol, open a bottle, smell it. Tasting in the trading floor is not provided. Therefore, alcohol is bought almost blindly. How not to make a mistake? To do this, you need to carefully study the container into which the drink is poured and the label of the bottle.

Pay attention to the label of alcohol. According to it, or rather, according to the barcode applied to it, you can find out the manufacturer. Experts do not advise buying products from countries that do not inspire confidence. The label must also contain the following information:

  • compound;
  • the date of bottling;
  • best before date;
  • Manufacturer country;
  • type of liquor sold.

An unevenly glued, crooked label should alert the consumer. This is a direct indication that such alcohol is produced by an artisanal, underground method and can be poisonous and dangerous. And remember that a complete check of the quality of alcoholic beverages can be carried out in a specialized laboratory.

It is better to seek the help of specialists if alcohol is purchased in large quantities for a large celebration. And never buy alcohol from your hands or in unverified, questionable places.

We check alcohol according to the excise stamp

The original purpose of creating excise stamps was to obtain a stable tax on the sale of alcohol. The state, thus, influenced the cost of alcoholic products and monitored the entire alcohol market. The history of this distinctive sign has its own characteristics. Look at the photos of old excise stamps for alcohol and compare them with modern ones:

This simple sign (if you know some rules) helps to distinguish fake surrogate alcoholic products from good quality alcohol. To accurately identify a fake, get acquainted with the basic rules of verification.

be careful

When you find yourself in the next supermarket in search of good quality alcohol, connect all your powers of observation. It will be needed when studying the excise stamp. First of all, check the quality of the gluing of the paper that holds the bottle and the cap together.

Know that forgery is a long and rather costly business. Therefore, for the most part, artisanal surrogate manufacturers always pay more attention to simple and uncomplicated moments. But the complex steps of protection are ignored by them. Experts highlight four points that you need to pay attention to:

  • correct barcode;
  • the excise stamp number is always applied by inkjet printing;
  • the image on the excise foil and holographic;
  • data on the release date, security level and manufacturer must be present.

Pay attention to the size of the excise stamp itself. For alcoholic products, it is officially established and can be presented in two variations:

  1. 90x26 mm.
  2. 62x21 mm.

If the dimensions do not match the established ones, you need to beware. There is one more nuance in the excise stamp (it concerns stamps of a larger size). Their upper part is separated from the lower thread of golden color. This thread is quite strongly dyed, does not smudge and is not erased. It can be very easily pulled out of paper.

Alcohol scan

Every supermarket that respects itself and the consumer has special scanners. With their help, alcohol is checked by a barcode. Some of these scanners are present in the trading floors themselves. They are also available at the reception desk.

You can scan the excise stamp itself on them. Electronics will automatically check all available levels of product compliance for quality. But many experts do not give a 100% guarantee of the authenticity of such a check.

Useful Tricks

Focus on the cost of the alcohol you like. Do not purchase suspiciously cheap products, no matter how attractive they are at an attractive price. Surrogate alcohol will always cost less, bootleggers are especially famous for being cheap.

The definition of "bootlegger" originates from the days of Prohibition in the United States. This word denoted underground dealers in alcohol-containing products. Unfortunately, the activity of bootleggers is also flourishing in modern Russia.

Also, to determine the surrogate alcohol, you should pay attention to some very small nuances. They are invisible at first glance, but very important in assessing the quality of alcohol. So, on the excise stamp:

  • the paper itself, from which the excise stamp is made, has the appearance of self-adhesive and does not have luminescence;
  • on the negative strip it will be possible to distinguish the word “brand”, but on the positive one the abbreviation “FMS” will be traced;
  • rhombuses of the holographic image have a pattern where the "RF" logo is "woven", and this pattern is located in the center of the hologram;
  • the stripe, where the “Federal Special Mark” is written, when changing colors, gradually turns into a positive reflection from a negative one.

Online alcohol checker

You can also check the excise stamp for alcohol by number online using the Internet. There are several methods for performing these checks.

With a public service

The Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcoholic Products Market has developed an Internet service especially for consumers. To understand how to check alcohol on an excise stamp online, you need to go to the official website of the service in the section "Checking Stamps".

In a special window, you should enter the necessary data from the excise stamp and get complete information. The information obtained should be compared with the rest of the parameters. They must be identical.

Products webpage

An online check of the excise stamp for alcohol can also be carried out on the website of the manufacturer of this alcoholic product. Of course, there are excise data only for those products that are produced by the manufacturer. If the product is fake, surrogate, you will not find data about it there. To do this, you should also enter the necessary information from the excise tax and get all the necessary information online.


Knowing all the nuances and degrees / levels of protection of high-quality alcoholic products, the consumer will be able to avoid the acquisition of obviously dangerous surrogates, low-quality alcohol. Of course, all of the above nuances cannot insure against the purchase of a high-quality fake of elite alcohol.

Recently, there has been an increase in the production of surrogate alcohol under the guise of expensive alcohol.

Therefore, it is still worth buying alcoholic beverages only in specialized stores and never take alcohol from your hands, even if you are seduced by a low price. Remember that the percentage of deaths from the ingestion of methyl alcohol (it is present in surrogates) is extremely high.


How does EGAIS work?

All producers and importers of alcohol label each item (keg, bottle, etc.). The manufacturer glues federal special stamps, and the importer glues excise stamps. The 2D barcode on each bottle contains:

the name of the alcoholic product,

manufacturer information,


date of bottling of the drink and its other unique characteristics.

The storekeeper of a retail store, in the process of accepting alcohol at the warehouse, is obliged to process invoices from suppliers through EGAIS.

To meet the technical requirements, each outlet must have a computer with a universal transport module (UTM) and an Internet connection. You also need a JaCarta crypto key with a qualified signature. The merchandiser must carry out acceptance in a modified store accounting system that can work with EGAIS, or in a third-party software product.

When selling alcohol, the cashier reads the barcode from the bottle with a scanner. The store's cash program, modified to meet the requirements of the Unified State Automated Information System, sends information from the bar via the Internet to the FS PAP server for verification. After a successful check, the system generates a unique QR code for the check and the alcohol is released to the buyer.

The buyer receives a check with a QR code (even if he bought several bottles of alcohol, one QR code is printed on the check).


Only through EGAIS

In April of this year, the EGAIS system was introduced in Russia. Which, according to the developers, was to completely eliminate the possibility of hitting the shelves of all stores of "singed" alcohol. As practice has shown, EGAIS really works. Each excise stamp is unique and it is in the database. The fact that it is impossible to sell alcohol with fake excise stamps if there is an Internet connection. If there is no connection, then it is better to buy alcohol in another store or wait until the information from the checkout goes to the Unified State Automated Information System.

“By reading the QR code with a phone, it will be possible to confirm the legality of alcohol. Check product parameters, time, address, store name. Although, the seller knows that the buyer has such a document in his hands and he will be able to check the legality of each bottle. Thus, the probability of fraud when selling through EGAIS with scanning an excise stamp and printing a receipt with a QR code is negligible. In addition, when selling alcohol through the Unified State Automated Information System, it is debited from the balance at the store. Obviously, if the store bought 100 bottles and sold 120, then something is wrong and there will be a check. This again protects the buyer from counterfeit goods,” the expert commented.

The conclusion suggests itself - alcohol should be bought only in well-known brands, where the goods go through the checkout. And no sales of whiskey, tequila, cognac on the Internet! These drinks, if they are real, a priori cannot be cheap.

Which smartphone application helps to identify a fake?

To check any bottle must be installed on the phone free application "AntiCounterfeit Alco". The program is available in the App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone. From the "genius" design and the excessive amount of data that is required to enter for registration, it immediately becomes clear that the application was developed by the state. But nevertheless it works.

Where is methyl and where is ethyl?

Ethyl alcohol, also known as drinking, food or medical, also known as ethanol, which is also a substance with the chemical formula C2H5OH, underlies all alcoholic beverages - but not surrogates. Surrogate booze is created on the basis of methyl alcohol or methanol. It is a pure poison for the body, so being able to distinguish it at home from relatively safe ethanol can be vital.

One way is as follows: the liquid in doubt should be poured into a metal container and put on fire. Next, we measure the temperature of alcohol at the moment of boiling - ethanol boils at 78°C, technical methanol already at 64°C.

Another option. A black-hot copper wire should be lowered into cold medical alcohol - if during the reaction of the interaction of copper oxide with aldehyde there is a smell of vinegar, then it is ethyl alcohol, if the liquid emits an unpleasant, pungent odor, it is methyl alcohol.

You can also check alcohol "for honesty" in this way. You need to add a little baking soda to a small amount of alcohol, mix it well and see if a precipitate forms in the liquid. An insoluble yellow precipitate forms during the reaction of iodine with ethanol, while methanol remains pure and transparent.

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