
How to choose a ripe watermelon. How to choose a delicious watermelon - the rules for determining the ripeness of the fetus

Choosing a sweet watermelon is not at all difficult, for this you need to remember some rules.

How to understand that the watermelon is ripe?

Find out how to choose the right watermelon. Don't buy them ahead of time. Watermelon is ripe and sweet when it ripens on time. This time is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Early fruits are always the result of nitrogen fertilizers and growth stimulants. Since the demand for this fruit is huge, in order to quickly get a rich harvest, producers feed them with chemicals. If you value your health, think about it. The choice is always yours.

Let's figure out how to make the right choice. The collected fruits should be sold on the shelves of the store or in a place specially designated for this, where there is an awning and flooring. It is desirable that they are not on the ground. The fact is that this fruit is a favorable environment for the reproduction of various microorganisms. And since cracks can form on the crust, bacteria can penetrate the pulp and pose a great threat to health.

It is for this reason that you should never buy them on the roadway or in other questionable places. There is probably no point in talking about cut watermelons, since such a tidbit is simply teeming with microbes. No certificate will help here.

A good and healthy fruit should not have cracks, dents or other damage through which various bacteria can penetrate inside. A ripe watermelon has a uniform color, spherical shape. A firm rind that is difficult to pierce with a fingernail and a bright color are a sure sign of ripeness. The smell of the unripe fruit crust is vaguely reminiscent of the smell of hay.

The right choice is that the watermelon must be dry. Everything is very simple: when it matures and stops receiving moisture from the ground, the tail becomes dry. If you see a green tail on the fruit, then know that it has not yet ripened. Over time, such a tail turns yellow. If it is ripe, then its tail breaks, otherwise it will be sluggish. If his tail is cut off, it is better not to buy such a berry.

Large yellow spots are a sign that they were harvested ahead of time from the garden. But small light spots appear on a ripe fruit. They appear after the production of chlorophyll stops. The largest spot should be within 10 cm.

Let's figure out how to choose a sweet fruit according to its size. Large fruits are mainly the result of the use of fertilizers. They often contain a large amount of nitrates. And small ones can be unripe, although very sweet fruits are sometimes found among them. Therefore, we choose the average size.

How to choose a watermelon by sound?

To determine the ripeness of the fruit, you need to knock on it with your fist. You will hear a characteristic sound. Why knock on a watermelon? This is probably the most common way to determine maturity. If you hear a ringing sound - this is a good sign, then the fruit is fresh and ripe, and if the sound is deaf, then it is better not to buy it. You can squeeze it with your hands and listen, if the watermelon crackles, then feel free to take it.

There are watermelons boys and girls. Oddly enough, but watermelons also have a gender. The girl can be recognized by the flat bottom, and the boys are watermelons with a convex bottom. The girl is distinguished by a large brown circle at the bottom, while the male half has a small one.

Watermelon girl is usually always very sweet and delicious. If you are not a fan of a large number of seeds, then your choice is a watermelon girl.

You can ask the seller about the origin of the fetus, where it was brought from, and then draw conclusions.

How to expose nitrates? After you have chosen the right, in your opinion, watermelon, take a closer look at what it is like from the inside. Unnaturally bright flesh with a purple hue should cause doubts. Smooth and glossy flesh refers to watermelons grown in an unnatural way. And remember, nitrates accumulate closer to the rind, so for safety reasons, it's best for children to always give the center.

Is watermelon a fruit or a berry? Most likely, a large berry that loves warmth and a lot of sun. Watermelon, like melon, belongs to the heat-loving crops of the Pumpkin family, growing under the direct rays of the sun. A lot of controversy took place about what a watermelon is: a fruit, a vegetable or a berry. In terms of its taste, it is more like a fruit, but since fruits grow on a tree, and watermelon spreads on the ground, they decided to attribute it to berries.

The beneficial properties of watermelon include its ability to alkalize the body. With it, you can safely arrange fasting days, which are tolerated by the body very easily, the reason for which is the high content of fiber in it. It quenches the feeling of hunger. The fruit has a pronounced diuretic property, which means that it cleanses the entire urinary system. It perfectly quenches the feeling of thirst. It contains:

  • ascorbic and folic acid;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • pectin.

If you are a watermelon lover, then you just have to learn how to choose it correctly. The above tips will definitely help you.

Watermelon attracts not only taste. It is rich in easily digestible sugars, mainly fructose, trace elements (magnesium, potassium, etc.), pectin substances. IN watermelon a lot of folic acid - 150 g of fruit is enough to meet the daily requirement for this vitamin. Distinctive property watermelon is its low calorie content: 100 g of the edible part of the fruit contains only 27 kilocalories. The pulp of a unique berry quenches thirst well. In the heat, we lose with sweat not only water, but also a number of trace elements, so it is valuable that watermelon, unlike many drinks, compensates for our losses in both liquid and trace elements, increases the body's resistance to hot weather. Availability in watermelon a large amount of fiber helps the proper functioning of the intestines, improves digestion. Fiber in watermelon delicate, so it works very delicately. And one more useful substance provides us watermelon. We are talking about lycopene - a natural antioxidant, a representative of a large group of substances that are mainly found in plant products and are known for their antitumor effect. Good watermelon- a valuable dietary product that can be recommended to people of any age. It is a diuretic and choleretic agent, has a healing effect in diseases of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and urinary tract. Delicate fiber and low acidity allows you to use watermelons those who suffer from gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa), gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum).

Where do bad watermelons come from?

Recently, relations with watermelon have changed somewhat. This concern, it must be said, is not unfounded. Do watermelon Incorrect storage conditions and violation of trade rules can also be hazardous to health. Experts say roadside traffic should be the first to be feared watermelon collapses, where substandard goods or goods rejected by trade and sanitary inspectors flow. According to the rules, roadside trade in gourds is generally prohibited, and goods from such points must be withdrawn. A few hours are enough to watermelons absorbed heavy metals contained in automobile exhausts. According to the rules, the place of trade should be fenced, under a canopy. Watermelons must be laid out on product trays, and not piled on the ground. In carelessly sketched watermelons dirt and pathogens can penetrate through microcracks. The seller must have permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station (SES) to trade and a medical book. Finally, a certificate of conformity of the goods being sold to the requirements of the standard is required. After reviewing the certificate, you can verify the origin watermelon. In addition, the certificate controls the content of mineral fertilizers, the amount of radiation, heavy metals, etc. If a photocopy is made from the certificate, then you should pay attention to the seal, which must be in color. If the seal is black, the certificate is fake.

No windows, no doors. Full of nitrates

Watermelon, like all melons, is a very grateful plant. Under certain conditions, in one season, you can manage to harvest more than one crop of these berries. But "intensive" farming, the desire to achieve a quick harvest, the largest possible fruits, as well as violations of the rules of transportation, storage and trade, turn the dietary product into a source of trouble. To watermelon matured faster and gained weight, craftsmen overfeed him with fertilizers, mainly nitrogen - nitrates (salts of nitric acid: sodium, potassium, ammonium, calcium nitrate). The introduction of nitrates into the soil is accompanied by their accumulation in the pulp of the plant. Both the lack of sun and the abundance of moisture contribute to the accumulation of nitrates. Nitrates themselves are not very toxic, but they are precursors of N-nitroso compounds that have the ability to cause cancer and nitrites. The conversion of nitrates to nitrites occurs in the gastrointestinal tract with the participation of microflora. Some more of them enters the body in finished form: some of the nitrates are already in watermelon converted to nitrite, aided by high humidity. With an increase in storage time, the content of nitrites in watermelon increases several times. Nitrites, unlike nitrates, are toxic compounds. They disrupt the transport function of the blood, affecting hemoglobin - the oxygen carrier to tissues. Hypoxia occurs - oxygen starvation of tissues, which is especially difficult for children, as well as those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, excretory systems.

The purity of watermelon is the key to health

Often the cause of unpleasant consequences from eating watermelons we are on our own. On the peel watermelon particles of soil, dust, various microorganisms are preserved, so a poorly washed fruit can cause an intestinal infection. Should not buy watermelons with a damaged crust or already cut. Bacteria multiply rapidly on the sweet surface of a damaged fruit in the presence of air (even a small wound is enough), and when such food is eaten watermelon possible occurrence of gastrointestinal disorders. In addition, often watermelon not eaten immediately and kept cut at room temperature. Under these conditions, microorganisms also begin to multiply on the surface of the fetus.

Trouble from watermelon

Unfortunately, today no one can guarantee good quality watermelon 100 percent, except when you personally raised it. Since the consequences of eating a poor-quality product are very serious, you should not offer it to children under 2 years of age. The younger the child, the less protected his body from adverse effects - microbes, nitrates, toxins, the more severe the consequences can be. Older children watermelon it is desirable to offer during its natural ripening - at the end of August, in the fall. By this date watermelons already ripen without fertilizers, and their taste during this period is much higher. For a baby 2-3 years old, 80-100 g is enough watermelon, for a child 3-6 years old - 100-150 g. watermelon may cause gastrointestinal disturbances. The time of their appearance ranges from 1-2 hours to 1-2 days after the use of the product. The younger the child, the earlier they can occur. External manifestations of disorders: weakness, lethargy, headache, fever, paroxysmal pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, stool disorder, which can lead to dehydration. Depending on the amount of a harmful agent that has entered the body, on age and individual resistance, the disease can occur in different forms. In a mild form, weakness, lethargy, nausea, 1-2 times vomiting and (or) 1-2 times liquefied stools are observed. Severe disorders in the functioning of organs and systems are accompanied by pronounced weakness, headache, high fever, repeated vomiting and liquefied stools, leading to dehydration. Before the doctor arrives, the child needs to be helped. The main goal is to give the baby as much water as possible and thereby reduce the manifestations of the disease. Frequent fractional drinking is necessary. When vomiting, the child is drunk with a teaspoon and even a pipette. It is better to add REHYDRON, GASTROLIT, ENTERODES to the drink - specialized compounds for restoring losses not only of liquid, but also of salts. Medicines are used that can attract harmful substances to themselves and remove them from the body (sorbents) - SMECTA, ENTEROSGEL, POLYFEPAM. For pain in the abdomen, it is necessary to give drugs that relieve intestinal spasm - NO-SHPU, PAPAVERIN, but in no case painkillers (analgesics), such as analgin. It should be remembered that under the mask of poisoning, surgical pathology can often lurk, for example appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix. Taking analgesics can mask the signs of appendicitis, while the pathological process will develop gradually. An untimely diagnosis threatens with severe complications and can be costly to the health of the child. The pediatrician after a qualified examination will prescribe the necessary therapy. In severe cases, the child may need systematic medical supervision and assistance in a hospital setting.

So how is it? You haven't stopped loving yet watermelons? Well, that's right. And to avoid the troubles caused by their use, heed the advice of a specialist.

  1. Before you cut watermelon do not forget to wash it thoroughly with warm water and soap.
  2. Cut watermelon store only in the refrigerator.
  3. In different parts of the plant, nitrates accumulate unevenly. Research shows that in watermelons the most poisonous flesh is at the peel about 3 cm thick, so it is better for the child to offer the part that is closer to the core.
  4. When enjoying your favorite product, know the measure. Balance the amount watermelon and the age of the child.

Watermelon is a valuable and tasty product that can bring real pleasure. But only if it is properly grown, properly stored, properly sold and properly eaten.

How to store watermelon

Watermelons can be kept fresh for a long time. With proper storage, it can decorate the table not only for the New Year, but even on March 8th. To do this, you should buy in the fall watermelon weighing no more than 4 kg with a dry tail. It is desirable that the yellow spot on the side be as small as possible. Wash, dry, place watermelon into a net and hang it in a dark, cool place, preferably in a cellar, at a temperature not higher than +5 C so that it does not touch anything. You can, of course, get by with a dark closet in the apartment, but in this case watermelon can only last until the end of the year.

How to choose watermelon. Learning to choose watermelons!

  1. To watermelon brought joy and pleasure, we must remember: the best time to buy watermelon in Russia it is the end of summer and autumn.
  2. Watermelon should be purchased in places specially designed for trade, in stores, and not in spontaneous markets.
  3. From watermelons one variety and one batch is better to choose watermelon large, but not gigantic. The bigger and lighter watermelon, the riper it is. When choosing watermelons too small and too large should be avoided.
  4. A dry tail is a sign of ripeness. ripened, watermelon First of all, he “disconnects” from melons - his tail dries up. Then, the pigment chlorophyll, which is no longer necessary for him, ceases to be produced, trapping sunlight and providing respiration and development of plants, and light spots appear under the action of light. This is a sure sign that watermelon ripe.
  5. A light spot on the side that has lain down watermelon should be as yellow as possible, even orange.
  6. The striped crust should be as contrasting as possible.
  7. Ripe watermelon necessarily covered with a hard shiny crust, which is difficult to pierce with a fingernail, and all because, having "torn" with melons, watermelon is no longer able to absorb moisture and its crust hardens. But if the nail pierces easily watermelon skin - means the fruit is raw, immature. You can also rub the crust and smell it: the smell of freshly cut grass also speaks of substandardness.
  8. Ripe watermelon always springy under impact and sometimes resonates when slapped. If you knock on it, you hear not a deaf, but a clear, sonorous sound.
  9. Can be applied watermelon to your ear and squeeze it with your hands with all your might. In a ripe berry, the peel will bend a little and crackle.
  10. . To check watermelon for ripeness, they throw it into the water, it will float up - it means ripe.
  11. Watermelon is a bisexual berry. In the "male" individual, the bottom of the berry is convex, and the circle on it is small. For "girls" the bottom is flatter, and the circle is wide. "Girls" are considered tastier: they have fewer bones, and more sugar.

SOS signals. Nitrate watermelon.

If watermelon"overfed" with nitrates, he himself signals this to us, demonstrating the following signs:

  • intense red color of the pulp with a slight purple tint;
  • the fibers that go from the core to the crust are not white, as expected, but with all shades of yellow;
  • at the "wrong" watermelon and the cut surface is smooth, glossy, and in the "correct" watermelon she sparkles with grains;
  • Rub a piece of watermelon pulp into a glass of water. If watermelon good, the water just gets cloudy. If watermelon"harmful", the water will turn red or pink.

In early products, nitrates usually contain more than in late summer or autumn. Although it depends not only on the season, but also on watering and growing conditions. Permissible norm of nitrates in watermelons- 60 mg per 1 kg.

Watermelon is the largest and juiciest summer berry. Sticking into the sweet juicy pulp with your teeth, and feeling the taste of sweet juice on your lips, involuntarily you begin to feel like a happy little child. How to choose a watermelon so that it is ripe and tasty, and brings great pleasure to you and your loved ones? Let's look at the basic rules.

watermelon color

The first thing we pay attention to when choosing any product is its appearance. In our case, to choose the ripest watermelon, look at the color of the watermelon. The peel of a ripe watermelon should have a bright contrasting color. In the process of growth, watermelon accumulates useful substances necessary for growth and maturation.

If the watermelon received enough sun and light, it is saturated with chlorophyll (a substance that turns the fruit green). When the maturation process is completed, chlorophyll gradually begins to turn yellow. Therefore, a ripe watermelon has contrasting dark green and yellowish stripes.

watermelon tail

Now, to determine if the watermelon is ripe in front of you, look at the tail of the watermelon. When our large berry grows, it is attached to the stem that feeds it like an umbilical cord. In a ripened watermelon, the need for recharge disappears and gradually the tail with which it was attached dries out. But not only the tail itself dries up, but also the speck from which it grows. If the watermelon is plucked green, the tail will in any case begin to dry out over time, but there is no speck. And even if the tail has a juicy green look, then the watermelon is completely green.

watermelon rind

Next, pay attention to the rind of the watermelon. While the watermelon is growing, it is filled with juice and gradually increases. Naturally, the crust at the same time remains tender and elastic. After the growth process is completed, in order to retain such valuable moisture in a hot climate, the watermelon is covered with a dense elastic crust.

Checking this is very simple: try to push through the bark with your fingernail. If the fruit of your choice is ripe, you will not succeed. And if the skin is easy, like a cucumber, the watermelon was plucked green, and did not have time to acquire a protective layer.

Spot on the side

There is another way to choose a watermelon. As you know, they do not hang on trees, but ripen lying on the ground. From this, a bright spot appears on the side of the watermelon, the so-called "cheek". The sun does not hit this spot. So it can have a bright color, only from an excess of the same chlorophyll.

Watermelon, as it ripens, accumulates it as much as possible and colors, as we have already said, brightly and contrastingly its peel. And only if there was enough heat and sun, and the watermelon is ripe, does it “share” its chlorophyll even with places on the peel where the sun did not fall. Therefore, the “cheek” of a ripe watermelon should not be white, but yellow or even bright orange (which is even better).

watermelon size

All life on earth, if it receives enough light, sun, heat and nutrients, tries to grow as large as possible. Watermelon is no exception in this regard. The likelihood that a large watermelon will be riper than a small one is very high. After all, something did not allow him to grow.

This does not mean that you need to buy only twenty-kilogram watermelons. Too large, suggests that such growth could be stimulated by a large amount of fertilizer.

Therefore, to buy a healthy and ripe watermelon, choose the average size of a watermelon, at least 5-7 kilograms. The exception is small varieties. But even in this case, it is worth choosing not the smallest ones.

watermelon weight

How to choose a watermelon by weight? The fact is that when ripe, its specific gravity becomes less. Therefore, from two watermelons of the same size, a ripe one will be easier. Feel free to pick up a watermelon, the green one will be heavier. So buy more watermelons, but easier.

Sound and resonance

The method of determining the ripeness of a watermelon by sound or crunch can only be done by strong enough men. To do this, the watermelon is squeezed between the palms with force. It should make a characteristic crack. Only if the watermelons were transported for a long time, their flesh inside could loosen a little and the characteristic crack might not work.

If you pat the watermelon, it will make a fairly booming sound. The flesh of a ripe watermelon is juicy and firm. When patted, it vibrates and resonates in response, as if giving you your clap. If the impact sound is too loud, the watermelon may be greenish. If, when patted, the watermelon does not make any sounds at all or sounds muffled like a sofa cushion, most likely it is sour inside, or is about to do so. This berry is not worth buying.

When to buy watermelons?

Of course, having missed the juicy, sweet pulp, I want to buy a watermelon as soon as it appears on sale. But you should not rush into this matter, especially if you are going to feed them to children. When is the best time to buy watermelon? Too early watermelons suggest the large amount of pesticides they contain.

Visually, you can’t determine in any way whether they contain a large amount of chemical fertilizers harmful to human health or not. It is better to wait for the natural ripening time of this berry. The most suitable time to start buying watermelons is the middle of August.

Where to buy watermelon?

Now let's figure out where to buy healthy and ripe watermelon? Ideally, of course, right in the tent on the melon. Naturally, this option is unacceptable for most of us, especially those living in cities. It is highly undesirable to buy watermelons from dusty roads, richly flavored with exhaust fumes. It is better to go to the nearest store or supermarket. They comply with the rules of storage and such fruits have the necessary documents.

If you still decide to buy a watermelon in a spontaneous market, carefully inspect it and try to choose not with an intact peel and not lying in the dust. Although it has a thick crust, this does not mean that when struck or squeezed, it will not be damaged.

And if, after tasting a watermelon, you were not satisfied with the result: you felt unwell or had an extraneous taste, do not buy more from this seller, and even more so, do not eat up if you ate only half. Most likely, the entire batch of goods is similar.

Now you know the main ways to choose a ripe watermelon watermelon, when and where it is better to buy it. As you can see, the method of determining a delicious, ripe sweet watermelon is a whole science. Of course, even experienced connoisseurs sometimes get into a mess. Do not use only one method, take into service all. I really hope that my advice will help you. On the site you will also read and, and also learn how to choose the right products, for example,. And bon appetit!

Summer is the time for fresh fruits and vegetables. However, in a temperate climate, not all the gifts of nature have time to ripen and grow, so you have to feast on imported products. In this case, there is a possibility of running into low-quality goods, because unscrupulous sellers go to any tricks to sell fruits and vegetables as quickly as possible. This also applies to watermelons, the sales season of which is limited to a few months a year.

What do the varieties of watermelons sold in the markets of the CIS countries look like?

Residents of warm regions, where watermelons are a familiar gourd crop, are well aware of what a ripe juicy berry looks like (a watermelon is actually not a fruit or a vegetable, but a berry). But residents of central Russia from the northwestern regions of the CIS may make a mistake when choosing a sweet treat. And it's not so much about the taste of the product, but about its health benefits. After all, overripe or unripe watermelons are toxic, and it costs almost nothing to get poisoned by them. What varieties are most often sold in the markets of Russia and neighboring countries?

  1. Astrakhan watermelon. This is the most popular and best-selling variety grown in the south of Russia. It appears on the shelves at the end of August, it is easy to distinguish it by dark green stripes on a light green background. The Astrakhan variety is the most transportable, it is stored for a long time and does not rot from the inside. Therefore, such watermelons can be seen incredibly large sizes. Their shape is rounded, slightly elongated downwards. The pulp has a bright scarlet color, there are not very many seeds. Watermelon is juicy and flavorful. Ripeness is determined by the color contrast of the stripes closer to the tail: the more mature the watermelon, the greater the contrast.
  2. Melitopol watermelon. Ripeness is determined in the same way as in the Astrakhan variety. It is grown in the south of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. It can be stored for a long time, up to 4 months. It has a peel about 1.5 cm thick. The flesh is dense and juicy.
  3. Raspberry sugar (Crimson Sweet). Outwardly, the watermelon is similar to Astrakhan, but the skin does not have a matte, but a glossy sheen. This is due to the fact that the variety belongs to the category of early ripening, and it appears on the shelves in the middle of summer. In terms of weight and size, it is inferior to the Astrakhan counterpart, but in terms of taste, it is no worse. If the market claims that in early July you have Astrakhan watermelon, it will most likely be the Crimson Sweet variety. It will not withstand long transportation and long storage. But on the tables appears one of the first.
  4. Madeira. This is a watermelon of the American-Dutch selection. Differs in a rounded shape and low weight. It is quite possible to buy a whole watermelon weighing 2-3 kg. The variety is early ripe, so its skin is not thick, the pattern is characterized by dark green stripes on a yellowish-light green background.
  5. Skorik. It belongs to the early varieties. It is distinguished by its round shape, like a volleyball, and a deep green color, on which dark broken stripes can be seen. The taste of watermelon is unusually tender, not cloying, there are few seeds and they are small. The variety is grown in the south of Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.
  6. Charleston Grey. This foreign breeder has an unusual elongated shape, and looks like a zucchini. It has no stripes on the skin, the color is uniform, light green. Cultivated by Charleston Gray in Ukraine, it appears on the shelves of Russia at the end of August. The pulp is bright, red, the taste is sweet, thin, not cloying. Watermelon is good because it is stored cut in the refrigerator longer than other varieties, without losing consumer qualities.
  7. Chill. This amazing variety can be seen in supermarkets even on New Year's Eve. It is stored up to 5 months after cutting. It is easy to distinguish by its coloring features. The skin of a watermelon is thick, painted with a "cheetah" pattern. The stripes are not the same as those of the Astrakhan watermelon. Rather, these are light green spots on a dark background. The flesh is not red, but pink. The variety is grown in Ukraine and Moldova.
  8. Light. The variety is distinguished by a uniform dark green color without stripes and spots. The skin of the watermelon is thin, the flesh is tender and juicy. The size of the watermelon is small, on average, the fruits reach a size of 1.5-2 kg.

The farther the region is located from the watermelon habitat, the more likely it is that nitrate watermelons will be sold in the markets. To prolong the safety of the product and its appearance, suppliers harvest unripe berries, removing them at the stage of milky maturity. As a result, the watermelon has a beautiful appearance with all the signs of ripeness. But this is not achieved by the most noble methods. By injection into the pulp of watermelon, nitrates are injected, which help to accelerate the ripening process. How to determine which watermelon is in front of you, ripened naturally or stuffed with chemicals?

  1. Tap your knuckles on the watermelon. If you hear a dull sound, like tapping on a deflated ball, you have a nitrate fruit in front of you.
  2. When cutting a watermelon, a naturally ripened specimen will crackle, and stuffed with chemicals, it will cut silently.
  3. The clearer and more contrasting the stripes on the watermelon, the more likely it is that it has ripened on its own.
  4. In natural watermelon, the flesh is dense and light red, bright. A light pink and translucent shade indicates that the product contains chemicals.
  5. A good watermelon has a yellow earthy spot on which it lay, maturing under the sun. A nitrate fruit does not have such a spot.
  6. Clearly expressed whitish veins testify to the artificial ripening of the watermelon.
  7. Drop a slice of watermelon into a glass of water. If the water doesn't turn pink, that's good. A change in the color of the water indicates the presence of nitrates in the watermelon.

  1. The areola of an earthen spot in a ripe watermelon should not be large. If the spot occupies a large area and has a bright white-yellow hue, this indicates a prematurely cut fruit.
  2. Most of the nitrates are located near the rind, so the presence of pale pink flesh under the rind indicates the presence of nitrates.
  3. With the same size of watermelon, a ripe fruit weighs more than an unripe one.
  4. It is forbidden to buy cut watermelons. If you see a piece of watermelon wrapped in cling film, resist the temptation to buy it. It is better to agree with the neighbors that you will buy a watermelon and divide it in half at home.
  5. In case of food poisoning after tasting the watermelon, report it to the seller.
  6. For children under 3 years old, watermelon should be given in small quantities and only after you are convinced of its quality. If the watermelon contains nitrates, an adult may not notice, and for a child, everything can be very deplorable.

Conclusions: when choosing a watermelon, pay attention to the following:

  • stripe contrast
  • glossy shine of the peel
  • no stains or blemishes
  • ringing when tapped with knuckles
  • soil patch dimensions

Video: how to choose a watermelon

Summer is loved for vacations and vacations, warm sea and family picnics, and of course, for watermelons. Juicy, sugary, sweet giant perfectly quenches thirst and hunger, and simply cheers up. Ripe watermelon is rich in vitamins C and PP, fiber and healthy carbohydrates. But everyone has heard about unpleasant cases of poisoning with these berries, so you need to be more attentive and careful than ever when choosing this delicacy. How to choose the right watermelon? What you need to pay attention to, how not to fall for the tricks of sellers, what should be a useful minke whale? You will find answers to these and more questions in this article.

Of course, the fruits grown in our greenhouses and other countries flaunt on store shelves at any time of the year. But first of all, you need to understand that you will not find a ripe watermelon in May or June. And this is perhaps the main rule: do not rush to buy summer berries, because the time for their ripening falls at least at the end of July.

In order to quickly sell their fruits, unscrupulous agronomists enhance the growth of berries with the help of chemicals, using them a week before ripening. But the fact is that the last treatments can be carried out 20-25 days before harvesting, otherwise all the chemicals will get into your body or your children.

Ripeness in appearance

Breeders have bred a wide variety of varieties that differ in the color of the pulp: red, pink, yellow and white. But there is not yet a single variety that would change the color or structure of the peel depending on ripeness. But still there are little secrets when choosing a good watermelon. Thanks to these secrets, you can determine the ripeness in appearance:

  • the pattern on the bark should be clear and uniform (blurry patterns may be a symptom of a viral mosaic);
  • ripe berries have a glossy, hard skin that is difficult to pierce with a fingernail;
  • juice should not stand out from the peel;
  • the berry should not have dents.

Popular experiments have shown that a good fruit has large distances between dark stripes on the skin.

Selection of watermelon by size

You can choose a ripe and sweet watermelon by paying attention to the size and shape. But first you need to decide how to choose a watermelon without nitrates. First you need to understand what nitrates are. These are salts and esters of nitric acid, which adversely affect the human body. They accumulate in plants due to frequent treatments. It is especially dangerous if vegetable growers process fruits just before they are harvested.

How to choose a sweet watermelon and not a nitrate one? Identifying a nitrate berry is very easy. The main signals are the ideal shape of the fetus, too saturated color, huge size.

It is clear that it is not necessary to take an unnaturally large fruit. Most likely, such a plant succumbed to chemical treatment. It is best to choose a medium-sized fruit, about 6 kg. Do not discard the small fruit immediately. In most cases it will be a really unripe fruit, but it is possible that this is the variety.

Does the condition of the stalk affect the taste

The condition of the stalk is another factor that does not hurt to pay attention to when choosing a striped fruit. A ripe watermelon has a dry stalk.

But don't rely on this method alone. After all:

  • sellers know about this technique and deliberately pluck green berries, the stalk of which will dry out after some time;
  • the stem may simply be damaged;
  • in this way you can buy an overripe watermelon.

Choosing a watermelon by weight

In Asian countries, there is a strange method for determining the maturity of this gourd. Ripe fruits are actually lighter than water, and therefore those that float can be considered of high quality. Based on this, you might think that watermelon should be light. But if it was a rainy beginning of summer, then perhaps the selected fruit will be empty inside due to various diseases. The question is often asked: why is watermelon soft? Most likely, this fruit is overripe. Soft watermelon is usually heavy and seems to be delicious, but it will actually go to the trash can.

At the beginning of the watermelon season, choose berries weighing 4-6 kg, and already in the midst - 7-9 kg.

Choice of watermelon by sound

Even in old Soviet films, this method of checking watermelon was often shown. The sound can really say a lot about the innards of a sweet berry. But few people know what sound a striped fruit should make after banging or squeezing. If, after knocking on the peel, a booming sound is made, then the fruit is ripe, if it is deaf, it has no place on the table. When squeezed with palms, a good round minke whale will make a characteristic crackle, this will not happen with green.

Secrets of a successful choice

Choosing a watermelon is a delicate matter, for some it can even be a kind of ritual. And for people associated with vegetable growing, choosing a good watermelon is generally a matter of honor.

How to choose a good watermelon and not lose face? The main thing to remember about the following factors:

  • ripe watermelon occurs during the period of its natural ripening - the end of July;
  • the counter must be clean;
  • there should be no cracks, dents, punctures on the peel;
  • the skin should not be matte, but glossy;
  • when ripe, watermelon has a yellow earthy spot, not white;
  • when tapped, a ringing sound should come out;
  • when compressed, a crack should be heard;
  • unripe watermelon of medium size, weighing from 4 to 9 kg;
  • a dry stem does not always signal ripening.

Video "How to choose a ripe and tasty watermelon"

In this video you will hear useful tips for choosing a ripe watermelon.
