
Pomelo - what kind of fruit is it, independent or hybrid? Exotic pomelo fruit: benefits, harms, contraindications.

The combination of the letters "pomelo" in the name of an exotic fruit, familiar to a Russian person for a long time, causes a smile, it is no coincidence that many still call the fruit a pomelo - like a witch's broom. The mysterious citrus appeared on Russian shelves quite a long time ago - more than 15 years ago - but did not have time to become truly its own, like, or the closest descendant of a pomelo -. But real fruit lovers managed to appreciate and fall in love with pomelo - the beneficial properties of this product are in no way inferior to the famous citrus counterparts.

Pomelo - what is famous and where did it come from?

Pomelo is the largest citrus in the world: fruits weighing 1-1.5 kg, which are sold in our country, are just babies in comparison with huge fruit balls up to 10 kg growing in the homeland of the product.

The homeland of the pomelo is the south and east of Asia, the islands of Fiji, Tonga, and also Malaysia. Since ancient times, the fruit has been sent to China - laudatory odes to citrus are found in Asian manuscripts even before our era. In the 14th century, inquisitive sailors tried to introduce pomelo to Europe, but the eastern guest did not take root in harsh conservative countries. The fruit patiently waited in the wings and its hero - it was the English captain Sheddock, who in the 17th century brought an oriental treasure to the West Indies from the Malay Islands. Now pomelo trees can be found in southern China, Japan, Thailand, India, and even in Israel and sunny California.

In China, they still have not forgotten their long-standing love for fruit - fragrant fruits are given to each other.

Pomelo has many names - Wikipedia suggests calling it pompelmus, sheddock (in honor of the brave captain) and pamela - in the English manner. The fruit has five main varieties, depending on them, the huge fruit can be round or slightly elongated, the “filling” is white, yellowish or pink, the peel is from green, all kinds of shades, to yellow and pinkish. But experts assure - usually only one appetizing barrel of pomelo turns red - the one that is turned towards the sun.

The perfect fruit for the Russian winter

The pamela season is January-February-March (according to our calendar), at which time the sheddock fruits are the sweetest and juiciest. Here everything turned out great for us - after all, it is in these cold windy months that the tired body asks for endorphins and vitamin C, and the pomelo easily makes up for this deficiency.

There is a lot of magic in huge fruits - about 50 mg per 100 g of pulp: it nourishes ours, helps to resist a vile cold. In March, you just feel like taking off your hat and unwinding your scarf towards the spring sun - and here you can’t do without the immune support of the eastern pompelmus.

Pomelo pulp is a pantry of potassium (about 230-250 mg per 100 g), this element is indispensable for the heart - it nourishes the muscle, ensuring the smooth operation of the main “motor”, and also saturates the brain with oxygen and activates thought processes. And citrus sheddock is iron, calcium, beta-carotene and ... A complete set of health!

Antidepressant and aphrodisiac in one

If you bought a pomelo, the beneficial properties of this product will help you in the fight against spring depression. Sheddock strengthens nerves frayed by constant stress and improves mood - a slice or two of fragrant citrus will make you look at life much more cheerfully.

The source of positive is not only the pulp, but also the peel of the pomelo, rich in essential oils. Psychotherapists advise not to throw away the thick peel of the fruit after cleaning, but to tear it into pieces and put it in a transparent vase. Such a natural aroma lamp near your bed will not only relax and set you in a benevolent mood, but also increase the degree in relations with your soulmate. Inexpensive and effective - why not try it?

Citrus diet - grapefruit or pomelo?

The role of grapefruit in the fight against excess weight is difficult to overestimate - there are legends about the fat-burning properties of sour citrus, what is only the famous breakfast "egg + half a grapefruit" worth? But in the eternal pursuit of a beautiful figure, one should not forget about the "grandfather" of the pomelo grapefruit - its benefits for losing weight are simply enormous.

The pulp is full of pomelo - this allows you to use the fruit for making original marmalades and jellies, as well as for regulating metabolism. A few days in the company with pamela - and digestion will improve and fat burning processes will be activated. And pectins are removed from the blood, and in addition - various harmful substances that inevitably accumulate in the body of a resident of a metropolis.

Sheddock is an ideal component of any citrus diet and a complete alternative to grapefruit and. Pomelo, the calorie content of which is extremely low - 25-40 kcal - can be eaten with a clear conscience for breakfast along with a boiled egg, and if sour citruses are already rather fed up - use it as a dessert.

broomstick danger

A centuries-old history is a big plus for a pomelo, its benefits and harms have been known for many centuries, and the danger is minimal. Pamela has practically no contraindications, the only prohibition is a banal allergy to citrus fruits. You should not get carried away with sheddock during the period of exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis - fruit acids are merciless to a sick stomach.

Citrus miracle for beauty

But if the body does not appreciate the benefits of citrus acids during an exacerbation of chronic sores, then women's skin is very good. Face masks with pomelo pulp will help refresh the complexion and moisturize, especially during the off-season, when the skin is especially difficult.

Classic recipe: grind 100 g of pamela pulp, add a teaspoon of liquid honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice. If the composition turned out to be watery, you can thicken it with a coffee spoon of oatmeal. Apply the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and smear the skin with your favorite night cream. It is at night - the best time for citrus beauty treatments is the evening.

How to choose and clean a pomelo

To fully enjoy the rich taste of a pomelo, you first need to choose it correctly. A high-quality fruit is heavy, shiny, with a skin of even color, without any spots and dents. Be sure to smell the fruit: you felt a delicate citrus aroma - buy it right away, pamela is in her prime!

The second question for those who are not yet familiar with pomelo is how to eat this unusual fruit? A feature of sheddok is a very thick skin and strong partitions between the slices, unlike other citrus fruits. First you need to remove the skin, and to do this is as easy as shelling pears: we make an incision with a sharp knife around the entire circumference, and then carefully remove it from the fruit like a hat. But that's not all - it is necessary to divide the fruit into slices, and then remove transparent films from each, which contain the main bitterness of the pomelo. The remaining pulp, tight and dense, is the tastiest and sweetest part of the Asian citrus.

Pomelo in cooking

The ideal way to eat pomelo is in its purest form, as an independent dessert. Fragrant slices will perfectly complement any fruit salad and milkshake, marmalade and jam are also made from pamela.

In Asian cuisine, which is famous for its original combinations of flavors, sweet sheddok is added to meat and poultry dishes. Pomelo also performs well in the company of seafood. And if you remember that seafood is excellent, and the aroma of a pomelo excites the senses, you can combine a light salad of citrus and an aroma lamp with pieces of fruit peel, having a magical romantic evening.

Here is the recipe: you will need 100 g of pomelo pulp and peeled shrimp, a handful of chopped Chinese cabbage, if desired, some lingonberries and cranberries and greens. For dressing: a teaspoon of liquid honey, three - lemon juice, 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and to taste.

Mix all liquid ingredients, salt, chili in a small bowl. In the most beautiful plate, we combine chopped shrimp, pomelo slices and cabbage, season. Before serving, we decorate a romantic salad with bright berries and herbs.

We will devote today's article to this and other issues related to the presented product.

Biological description

Before you figure out what kind of pomelo fruit, you should find out exactly how this product looks like and where it grows. As you know, such a citrus is the fruit of an evergreen tree, which has a similar name. The height of this plant reaches 15 meters, and the crown has a spherical shape with large leaves and white flowers with a diameter of 3 to 7 centimeters.

Pomelo is a fruit (a photo of the fruit is presented in this article), covered with a thick peel and divided into large slices, which are compacted with a harsh partition. Seeds can often be found inside this citrus. The size of such fruits is almost twice the size of a large grapefruit. The color of a mature pomelo can be pale green or yellow. As for the mass of the fetus, it often reaches 10 kilograms (with a diameter of 30 centimeters).

Where does pomelo (fruit) grow?

Initially, such a citrus appeared in Malaysia and Southeast Asia, and also grew in Tonga. In China, the presented fruit was known as early as 100 BC. However, in Europe, it appeared only in the XIV century thanks to navigators.

Currently pomelo is actively grown in Thailand, South China, Taiwan, Vietnam, southern Japan, India, Tahiti, Indonesia and Israel. In small quantities, this citrus grows in other warm countries (for example, in the USA, or rather, in California).

Main types of fruit

Answering the question of what kind of pomelo fruit, one cannot ignore the fact that this citrus has many varieties. We list the main ones that you can find on store shelves.

  • Khaohorn. The flesh of such a fruit is white and sweet, and the skin color is yellowish-green.
  • Khao namphung. This citrus is distinguished by its pear-shaped form, yellowish-green rind and sweet white flesh.
  • Khao paen. Such a pomelo is a flattened ball with a yellowish-green skin, white flesh and a sour taste.
  • Khao phuang. This fruit is also pear-shaped with a greenish-yellow skin, yellowish-white flesh, and a sweet and sour taste.
  • Thongdi. The presented variety is distinguished by a spherical shape, dark green skin, pink and sweetish flesh.

Useful properties of pomelo fruit

The presented product is very useful for the body. This is because it includes a huge amount of minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium) and vitamins (A, C, beta-carotene, B1, B2 and B5). In addition, pomelo contains essential oils and limonoids. Thanks to this composition, this citrus has a pronounced anti-cancer activity, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, strengthens the immune system, and also tones and energizes. It should be noted that the pomelo contains quite a lot of ascorbic acid, which makes the use of this fruit especially useful during viral and infectious diseases.

By the way, this citrus is actively used for weight loss. After all, it contributes to the rapid breakdown of fats and proteins. That is why, if you are overweight, then you should definitely include pomelo in your daily diet.

Another useful property of this wonderful fruit lies in the fact that it quickly normalizes blood pressure. In this regard, doctors very often recommend their patients to use this product.

The right choice of fruit

What is a pomelo fruit? Not everyone knows the answer to the question asked, not to mention the fact that few people imagine how exactly it should be chosen. Indeed, today there is an incredible number of supermarkets where such citrus can be sold at completely different prices. So what does it have to do with it? And with the fact that pomelo can grow in different countries and be imported to us from China, Thailand, and even from America. Moreover, the cost of this product differs significantly depending on a particular variety.

So, (fruit)? To buy the right citrus for you, you should first of all pay attention to its aroma. It should be pronounced and felt at a short distance. In addition, it is recommended to examine the fruit from all sides and note the uniformity of its color. If you see any spots on the peel of the fruit, then it is better not to take it.

When purchasing a pomelo, it is very important to feel it. In this case, you should note the uniform thickness of the peel throughout the fruit, without any seals. If they are still available, then this indicates that the citrus was grown in the wrong conditions. Such a fruit should not be bought, as it will be insipid, dry, tasteless and with a large number of seeds.

What should be a sweet and ripe product?

If you want to enjoy citrus, then the fruit with stains on the peel, as well as with an uncharacteristic color (burgundy, red or brown), should be put aside. After all, such signs indicate that the fruitful plant was sick during the ripening of the pomelo. Of course, these diseases are not dangerous for humans, but there will be no benefit from such a fruit, and its taste is unlikely to please you.

To buy a sweet and ripe product, you need to check the top of the fruit, which should be dense, but not more than 1 centimeter in diameter. You should also pay attention to whether there are any damage or growths on the peel of the fruit.

By choosing the right citrus, you will provide yourself with a lot of useful substances and vitamins, as well as get rid of bad mood and many diseases.

How to clean fruit?

Peel a pomelo in the same way as an orange or grapefruit. But due to the fact that such a product has a thick skin, this process is much more complicated. Thus, in order to quickly release the citrus from its shell, several longitudinal cuts up to 1 cm deep should be made. Next, you need to pry the peel at the base with your finger and literally pull it along the slices. As a result of such actions, you should get a fruit completely covered with a film. It must be carefully separated from the pulp and start eating a tasty and healthy product.

Application methods

Fruit with dryish pulp and slight bitterness is most often consumed fresh. However, some housewives use this product during the preparation of second courses. To do this, it is completely peeled of thick peel and hard films, and then cut into small pieces and added to stew or fried meat a few minutes before turning off the stove. It should also be noted that pomelo is often used to prepare various salads. For example, a dish of citrus pulp, boiled shrimp and celery greens, seasoned with fat sour cream and flavored with spices, is quite popular. In addition, such a fruit can be included in a dessert made from kiwi, banana, apples and pears. It is recommended to fill this delicacy with either melted creamy ice cream (ice cream) or sweet and tasty yogurt.

As you can see, there are quite a few recipes where the pomelo fruit is used. Use them - and your guests will never forget the holiday table you set!

Today, in stores and supermarkets, among the variety of citrus fruits, you can often see an unusually large fruit among its fellows. Out of habit, people try to avoid buying such an overseas fruit as pomelo or pomelo (the correct spelling, according to the Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary, is pomelo, with an emphasis on the second vowel). Citrus looks and smells very appetizing. This is because not everyone knows how to choose this citrus, peel and use for culinary purposes. Nutritionists, on the contrary, consider pomelo to be very useful and advise enriching your daily menu with this product. With constant use, pomelo fruit will delight you with its taste, and its healing and healing characteristics.

Let's figure out what a pomelo is. This name is . Otherwise, it is called "sheddock" - the name of the captain from England, who brought it to European states. The tree bears fruit once or twice in 12 months. Citrus ripens in about six months. The plant, on which large fruits are weighed, looks very interesting and surprises travelers from northern countries. The birthplace of the pomelo is China, this citrus fruit was mentioned in ancient chronicles. In the world, citrus is valued for its benefits and exquisite taste in eastern countries, as well as in Europe.

What surprises the fruit is its size, which is much larger than that of other citrus fruits. How much do pomelo weigh? The mass of some fruits can reach 10 kilograms. The average fruit, which is usually delivered to store shelves, reaches a weight of one to three kilograms. When compared with the same, then our hero wins.

Interesting fact! Some argue that the pomelo is a hybrid. In fact, citrus is a separate species, not crossed with any other fruit. However, it is crossed with other citruses to produce a hybrid.

There are different varieties of this citrus fruit, differing in the shade of the pulp.

Types of pomelo:

  • Pink. The fruits contain a large number of seeds, for which not everyone loves this variety, despite its benefits. But it is the most juicy and sweet.
  • Red. The flesh of this fruit is sour and quite bitter. The weight of the fruit is not large, the skin is green.
  • White. In most cases, the fruits of this variety are the largest. The flesh is not very juicy, but sweet enough.

Chemical composition, caloric content, nutritional and energy value

Nutritionists, doctors advise including pomelo in the menu. Vitamins and minerals in it are contained in a sufficiently high concentration, the composition of citrus:

  • Ascorbic acid. One hundred grams of eaten pomelo pulp satisfies the daily human need for this element.
  • B vitamins.
  • Microelements.
  • Beta carotene.

The product also benefits in that it contains pectins, fiber, dietary fiber, limonoids and essential oils. The basis of the pomelo is water, 100 grams of citrus contains 89 grams of it.

Unlike other citrus fruits, pomelo contains a smaller amount of citric acid. For this reason, it is allowed to include fruit in the menu for people who suffer from gastritis and stomach ulcers.

You can use pomelo for gastritis only when the stomach disease is in remission.

Another advantage that citrus pomelo has is the calorie content, which this fruit has very low. Although it contains a fairly large amount of carbohydrates, it is considered dietary. How many calories are in pomelo with yellow or green skin? 100 grams of fruit pulp contains only about 30 kcal. The calorie content of the peel is approximately 3-5 kcal. From the type, as well as from how ripe the fruit is, the calorie content may slightly change up or down.

Pomelo BJU per 100 grams:

  • proteins 0.6 g;
  • fats 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates 6.7 g.

Given the benefits of pomelo fruit, no harm and low calorie content, we can say that this citrus will be an excellent component of the diet for weight loss. The fruit prevents the deposition of fat, so if you eat it regularly, you can get rid of unnecessary pounds and maintain weight at an optimal level.

Useful properties of pomelo

What is useful pomelo for the body? With a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals present in it, the fruit has many useful properties:

  • Helps get rid of inflammation. In the East, pomelo is used as a preventive measure against diseases of the urinary system.
  • Improves the functioning of the immune system, increases the body's resistance against viruses and bacteria.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the kidneys.
  • Strengthens tooth enamel and improves gum health. Pomelo differs from other citrus fruits in that it does not cause destruction of tooth enamel.
  • Helps prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia. The product contains a lot of iron, which, under the influence of vitamin C, is well absorbed by the body.
  • Normalizes high blood pressure.

Is pomelo good for children? This fruit is a good prevention against rickets in babies.

Improves the functioning of the digestive system, actively cleanses the intestines. Due to this, toxins and harmful substances are removed from the body.

Pomelo helps prevent the formation, development and spread of tumors. The use of fruit is recommended for those people in whom someone in the family suffered from cancer.

A tasty and healthy fruit is recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis. If you regularly use pomelo, then after a short period of time you can achieve that the level of cholesterol in the body decreases, and the condition of the walls of blood vessels improves.

Pomelo has a lot of useful properties for the elderly, as well as the prevention of osteoporosis.

Pomelo helps to improve memory, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increase attention and working capacity. The product contains antioxidants that actively fight against aging, improve appearance and increase life expectancy.

Effect on the body

Considering that the pomelo fruit has a huge number of useful properties, it can be argued that it has a positive effect on the body. If, there are no contraindications to the use of this fruit.

All citrus fruits, including pomelo, contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which is necessary to increase the body's defenses. Therefore, it should be eaten pomelo in the season of colds. Essential oils also help improve immunity. The product has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. It improves the condition of the vascular walls, making them more elastic, reducing the risk of thrombosis.

The fruit helps lower blood pressure, so people suffering from hypertension should regularly include it in their diet. Pomelo contains potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. B vitamins are essential for the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Pomelo energizes for the whole day, increases working capacity, helps fight stress, improves mood and keeps the body in good shape.

Citrus has anti-inflammatory properties. Doctors advise pomelo to use when coughing. The fruit improves the digestive system, helps the body break down fats and better absorb food. The fiber contained in citrus is not digested by the body, but it is necessary for the intestines to be cleansed. Pectins have an enveloping effect, providing reliable protection for the sensitive mucous membranes of the digestive tract from the aggressive effects of ascorbic acid. Pomelo improves intestinal motility, contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes. The antioxidants in this citrus fruit help keep you young and beautiful.

For women

In particular, pomelo brings a lot of benefits to women, since this fruit normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and all digestive difficulties are reflected in the appearance of the skin. The benefit of pomelo is that if you use it regularly, the complexion improves, skin turgor increases, and skin rashes disappear.

For pregnant and lactating

It is recommended that expectant mothers be included in the menu. The fruit is well perceived by the body of a woman and a child, the body is saturated with folic acid, an element that is needed for the normal course of pregnancy.

But we should not forget that all citrus fruits are allergens. If the expectant mother will use them in an unlimited amount, then later the development of an allergic reaction can occur in the child. For the same reason, pomelo and other citrus fruits should not be abused while breastfeeding. It is recommended to consume fruit in moderation.

What is useful for men

What are the benefits and harms of pomelo for men's health? For men, this citrus is also useful. It is a natural aphrodisiac. If you use it regularly, sexual activity will increase. The results of studies conducted by scientists show that pomelo has a positive effect on the development of spermatozoa in men.

Vitamin C helps strengthen blood vessels, increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, which has a positive effect on sexual function. Pomelo is used as a means to improve potency.

Pomelo for kids

Pomelo will be useful for children. However, moderation must be observed. It has already been mentioned that citrus is a strong allergen. For this reason, if the baby has previously had a reaction, for example, to, then it is advisable not to use this fruit. It is not recommended to give pomelo to babies up to 12 months. For older children, it is desirable to limit the volume.

Pomelo what is the harm to health

When using any product, one should take into account not only its positive qualities, but also how it can harm. The harm of the pomelo lies in the fact that the fruit can have a laxative effect, so you can not include it in the menu if the stool is unstable. A severe digestive upset may occur.

  • predisposition to food allergies;
  • the use of drugs - elements in the pulp of the fruit lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of drugs;
  • severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • high levels of acid in the stomach;
  • exacerbated ulcer or colitis.

If these conditions exist, it is highly undesirable to include this fruit on the menu, otherwise the benefits and harms will work against the body, as a result of which a red, pink or white pomelo will only harm health.

If there are no contraindications, it is allowed to include pomelo in the diet. Of course, without abusing the fruit.

Pomelo is a product whose taste is appreciated by citrus lovers. If you use it regularly, you will feel better. In addition, this citrus fruit is an assistant in the fight against excess weight.

Sheddock. Pamela looks like a large grapefruit - a thick peel on top, and large slices inside. Pamela fruit can have a different shape and color depending on the growing environment. This fruit is considered one of the largest among citrus fruits.

Its advantage is that pamelo lasts longer than other fruits of this family. It can be stored at room temperature for more than a month, and in the refrigerator for longer. Its ripening season is February. This fruit has a high concentration of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, vitamins B1, B2, C, healthy proteins and fats.

Pamela's homeland is China. Currently, this fruit is grown in Taiwan, Japan, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Israel, USA. Various ornaments are made from the thick peel of this unusual plant in China, and the fruits are used in religious holidays.

Let's figure out what a pamela fruit is. Its benefits to the human body are truly great. Pamela fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C and essential oils. Thanks to this, he copes with SARS, acute respiratory infections and influenza. Antioxidants and vitamin A prevent the formation and division of cancer cells, thereby stopping the growth of tumors. The trace elements contained in this fruit slow down the aging process. It also has a beneficial effect on digestion. . After all, it contains enzymes that break down fats and proteins. Pamela is widely used in various diets. Oddly enough, but the most important part of it is a little bitter streaks, which are often thrown away. They perfectly cleanse the intestines, removing toxins from the body that are unnecessary.

In the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, pamela fruit is also indispensable. The beneficial properties of its juice help in the treatment of hypertension, contribute to the normal course of pregnancy and the development of a healthy fetus.

Efficiency and endurance increase if you use pamela fruit. The benefits of this fruit are undeniable with regular use and for the heart. He also treats asthma. For overweight people, pamela is also indispensable, as it actively helps to break down proteins and carbohydrates, contributing to rapid weight loss. This fruit also helps with low acidity of gastric juice, accelerating the production of digestive enzymes.

Culinaries around the world widely use pamela fruit. The benefits of the dishes in which it is contained are for those who are on a diet. Europeans prepare salads, fillings for pies, various desserts and marmalade from pamela, serve with meat and fish, make all kinds of sauces. It goes well with wines and cheeses. In Asian cooking, pamela is used in combination with seafood and poultry.

It is important to be able to choose the right fruit in the store. Since carriers do not want their goods to deteriorate during transplantation, Pamela is brought to us unripe. Therefore, it is almost impossible to determine the ripeness of the fruit for the average buyer. But still there are some rules by which you can determine it: the peel of a ripe fruit should be a little smooth and shiny. The stronger and more pleasant the smell of the fruit, the better.

Pamela fruit - Benefits and harms: what will outweigh? Along with great benefits, this fruit also has some side effects if used improperly. This is far from a harmless fruit. If you eat too much of it, an intestinal upset may begin, since pamela also has a laxative effect. Like other citrus fruits, pamela is a strong allergen. Overeating it can even provoke itching and hives.

As you can see, the harm of this fruit is rather conditional, you just need to know the measure in everything, especially in citrus fruits, such as pamela. The benefits of this miracle fruit are still much greater, so eat healthy.

Many of us have seen an unusual exotic pomelo fruit on sale and even tried it. But few people know whether the pomelo is a hybrid of other citrus fruits or an independent species, and what it consists of. Let's find out these points.

So, the pomelo tree belongs to the evergreen, it has a spherical crown and a height of up to 15 m. And its fruits are notable for being the largest among citrus fruits. They can reach a weight of 10 kg and be up to 30 cm in diameter.

Origin of pomelo fruit

In China, pomelo was known even before our era. Later it spread throughout Southeast Asia - Malaysia, the islands of Fiji and Tonga. In Europe, the pomelo appeared only in the 14th century, where it was brought by sailors traveling around the globe. By the way, the pomelo has another name - "shaddok". It received this name thanks to the English captain, who transported this healthy and tasty fruit from the Malay Archipelago to the West Indies. The very word "pomelo" comes from the English word "pomelo" ("pumelo", "pummelo"), and it, in turn, from the Dutch "pompelmoes".

Many are interested in the question, what kind of fruit is a pomelo a mixture or hybrid, what is it crossed with. In fact, everything is simple: the pomelo is not a hybrid, it is a completely independent type of citrus fruit, the same as a lemon or an orange, only less popular on our shelves. Therefore, the widespread opinion that pomelo is the “descendant” of grapefruit is fundamentally erroneous. These two fruits are united only by the presence of a white layer between the fibers of the pulp. It should be cleaned to get rid of the bitter taste. In addition, there is another interesting fruit, which is very rare in the world - it is sweetie ("sweetie"), which just consists of pomelo and white grapefruit.

Nowadays, pomelo is grown in and in Taiwan, in southern China and Vietnam, in India, Indonesia and southern Japan. These citruses are also imported from Tahiti and Israel.

Useful properties of pomelo fruit

The pomelo contains vitamins (C, B1, B2, B5, beta-carotene), trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium), essential oils and antioxidants.

There are several main varieties of pomelo. They have a different shape - from spherical to pear-shaped. The color of the peel is also different: the pomelo can be yellowish-pink, greenish-yellow or dark green. As for the taste of the pulp, it can be sweet or sour. Peeling the fruit is simple: just remove the peel, separate the slices with your hands and get rid of the white layer.

Pomelo is consumed both raw and as part of various dishes. Many Chinese and Thai national dishes suggest the use of this fruit. It also has a ritual significance - for example, the Chinese present it to each other on New Year's Eve as a symbol of well-being and prosperity, and the Vietnamese even put it on the festive New Year's altar.

In addition, pomelo in the form of tinctures and ground peel powder is used in Chinese medicine to treat coughs, abdominal pain, swelling, swelling, pressure problems and digestion. Pomelo is considered a dietary product, since the lipids that make up its juice tend to break down fats. Pomelo is also suitable for use by all people, even diabetics. The only exceptions are those who are allergic to citrus fruits. He has no other contraindications.
