
Creamy broccoli soup. Cooking the most tender cream of broccoli soup

Broccoli has spread in Ukraine relatively recently. About 3 years ago, when I was buying broccoli in the market, an elegantly dressed woman approached me and asked me with interest, what will you do with her? (By the way, when I buy something not quite usual for the Ukrainian table, I am often asked this question) Now this useful vegetable surprise no one. And broccoli comes from the Mediterranean, which was cooked back in the days of the Roman Empire, and is also popular with us. And with the trend healthy lifestyle life", it becomes even more desirable on the table. By the way, even Thomas Jefferson was fond of growing this vegetable. Yes, the same US president, one of the "founding fathers" of this powerful state, carved from stone on Mount Rushmore, along with other 3- "Especially for him, broccoli seeds were brought from Italy. Maybe that's why it is so popular there, and for me personally, broccoli is associated more with American cuisine than Mediterranean. After all, you don't even need to remember how popular broccoli is in the States. Prepare from it variety of salads(which I also have already accumulated on the site), soups and are served as a side dish, simply blanched or baked. Since childhood, trying to accustom children to her, because she somehow time - almost synonymous with healthy eating. So, this American-style creamy broccoli soup recipe is the one that is most often cooked right there, across the ocean. It is very easy to make and incredibly delicious.

In general, the cooking technique used to make this creamy broccoli soup is French. First, the so-called velouté sauce is prepared, which is primarily different from using broth instead of milk. And then vegetables and cream are already added. And soups made on the basis of veloute often have such a prefix in the name, which, by the way, is used unreasonably often in our country. One way or another, if you want to be kitsch or just impress those for whom you are cooking, you can say that you have prepared not a cream soup with broccoli (you will hardly surprise anyone with this now), but a broccoli velouté with croutons, based on a golden roux: - )). ("Ru", then this flour frying :-)). And that's how most cream soups in the US are prepared. They borrowed this technique from french cuisine. And I, as an active observer, have long had the impression that in the States in general there is a culinary inferiority complex in relation to French cuisine. There, everything related to French cuisine is considered outstanding and refined and immediately delicious :-). I do not at all belittle the role of French cuisine in world gastronomy as such, there is something to borrow there, but american cuisine, for interest also does not lag behind.

So, back to creamy broccoli soup, it's easy to make and easy to make. And as in the case of any simple soup, the taste needs to be extracted by technique. Namely: gently simmer the onion until it is completely soft, until it starts to turn golden, brown the flour that is added to the onion, because this will give a pleasant nutty flavor to this soup. And yet, choosing between broth and water, which is technically possible, to choose, of course, . Well, it is advisable to wipe it through a not too fine sieve. The pleasure of consumption will be much greater, and the soup will be homogeneous and like velvet. And this is especially necessary if you want to call this creamy broccoli soup a bombastic velouté :-).

6 servings:


  • 1 large onion, cut into cubes
  • 60 grams butter
  • 50 grams of flour
  • 1 l
  • 2 medium heads of broccoli, cut off the dried edges, coarsely chopped along with the stem (about 900 grams of already chopped broccoli)
  • 250 ml cream 20-30%
  • Salt and black ground pepper taste
  • pinch of sugar

1) Heat the butter in a 3 liter saucepan. Add onion, salt a little and add sugar. Simmer over medium heat, stirring frequently, until the onion is completely softened.

2) Add flour and fry until the flour becomes slightly golden.

Soup is a liquid first course that is consumed in all countries. They are cold, hot, fast food… But today we will talk about the healthiest cream broccoli soup with cream.
Recipe content:

Cream soup is a kind of puree soups that are prepared not only with meat or vegetable broth, but on cream, milk or bechamel sauce. The dish has a soft and delicate texture, similar to airy butter cream. The main quality of creamy broccoli soup is its consistency. This light vegetable mass in the form of mashed potatoes, which is supplemented with a fan of spices. Cooking this dish takes a little time, and some even cook like this for 20 minutes. At the same time, the output is lovely soup with amazing tasty properties.

There are many variations in the preparation of creamy broccoli soups. They are liquid like whipped sour cream or thick like mashed potatoes, while general principles brews are the same. The inflorescences of adult cabbage have a porous structure, which is easily heat-treated and perfectly boiled in boiling water. Therefore, traditionally, the cooking time does not take more than 10 minutes. For such short term broccoli becomes soft and can be passed through a meat grinder or sieve.

If you use cabbage in a dish on your own, then the soup will have a rich taste. in green. Add coloring vegetable additives, for example, carrots or curry, to the recipe, and a magnificent creamy ensemble will acquire a golden or beige hue. To make the soup lean, milk is replaced with cabbage broth. Then the time of its storage will increase by 2 days at a low temperature.

Making a wonderful creamy broccoli soup is not at all difficult. But for this, some helpful tips, observing which the first dish you will get unique.
  • Buy broccoli with unopened buds. Bright light green closed inflorescences give a more saturated color.
  • Frozen vegetables, incl. and broccoli, defrost naturally. More time will be spent, but the useful gamma will be preserved.
  • Broccoli has a high concentration of sulphurous substances, so the soup comes out with a not very pleasant smell. This is the main reason why they don't like him. You can get rid of it by adding a small pinch of baking soda at the beginning of cooking.
  • Any broths are suitable for soup: meat, vegetable, fish, etc. At the end of cooking, sour cream or cream is added to the soup. For fast food use coconut milk or cream. Cheese is also appropriate, but it should not dominate, but complement the taste of the dish.
  • Tenderness food gives grated on fine grater processed cheese.
  • All products are pre-boiled or stewed, then ground with a blender to a puree consistency. Cheese is enough to grate.
  • Cream or hot milk is added to the mass, which are sometimes slightly thickened fried on butter wheat flour before acquisition beige colour.
  • Soups, which contain perishable dairy products (sour cream, cheese, milk, cream), have a pleasant delicate creamy texture, but they are stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.
  • So that the mashed vegetables do not settle to the bottom of the pan, you need to add a little flour fried in butter to the soup.
  • Ready food is served in deep bowls with fried croutons, garnished with whipped cream, herbs, grated cheese and pieces of vegetables.
  • Puree soup will look most appetizing if some products are not rubbed, but finely chopped and added to portions immediately before serving.

Emerald handsome - broccoli cream soup, will help open new taste french dishes. Beautiful bright color, delicate and airy texture and delicate taste, will make the dish one of the favorites on the dining table.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 91.4 kcal.
  • Servings - 3
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


  • Broccoli - 500 g
  • Water - 700 ml
  • Cream (or milk) 10% - 100 ml
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • seasoning dried vegetable mixes- 1/4 tsp
  • Soda - a pinch
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sunflower seeds - for serving

Step by step preparation:

  1. Wash the broccoli, separate into florets and remove the stems. Dip it in 500 ml of boiled water, salt, add soda and blanch for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Throw the cabbage on a sieve, rinse under running water running water and let the liquid drain.
  3. In the meantime, cut the stalks of broccoli into small cubes, pour 200 ml of water and put on fire.
  4. Add broccoli, boil and cook until tender. Season with salt. Top up with a little water if necessary.
  5. Boil cream (or milk) with a pinch of salt, a peeled onion and a mixture of dried vegetables.
  6. Punch the finished broccoli with a blender until smooth, pour in the cream (or milk), strain through a sieve and heat for 3 minutes.
  7. Pour the soup into soup bowls and add some whole toasted shelled sunflower seeds for accent and garnish.

If the phrase “broccoli soup puree” does not cause delight for you, then you have never eaten it. cook healthy dish according to this recipe, and it will be included in your regular diet.


  • Broccoli - 500 g
  • Chicken breast - 200 g
  • Cream 10% (or processed cheese) - 150 g
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • vegetable refined oil- 2 tablespoons
  • Dill - small bunch
  • Salt and ground black pepper - to taste

  • Step by step preparation:
    1. Wash the chicken breast and boil for 20 minutes, then disassemble it into fibers.
    2. Wash the broccoli, cut off the florets, cover with water, boil and boil for 15 minutes.
    3. Peel carrots and onions, chop and pass in a frying pan in vegetable oil.
    4. Grind boiled chicken and broccoli, fried carrots and onions with a blender to a paste.
    5. Pour the broth (chicken or cabbage) to the chopped products, mix, boil, add cream (or put grated processed cheese) and boil for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    6. Ready soup pour into cups, sprinkle with dill and treat.

    Step-by-step recipes for creamy broccoli soup with cream and mushrooms, chicken fillet and various vegetables

    2018-03-14 Marina Vykhodtseva





    In 100 grams of the finished dish

    2 gr.

    5 gr.


    4 gr.

    66 kcal.

    Option 1: Classic Creamy Broccoli Soup

    IN classic version cream soup with cream and broccoli is prepared with the addition of water. You can use some not very fatty broth, the amount of liquid in this case does not change. The main ingredient is nutmeg. Although it is added to a small amount, the taste changes significantly for the better.


    • 400 g broccoli;
    • 180 ml cream 15%;
    • 270 ml of water;
    • 1 g nutmeg;
    • 25 g butter;
    • 75 g onions.

    Step by Step Recipe for Classic Creamy Broccoli Soup

    We take butter for cooking vegetables, put it in a saucepan, heat it up. Peel a small onion. You can replace it with a leek, but we use only the white part of the stem. We crumble with any pieces, in oil we prepare a weak sauté.

    While the onions are fried, wash the broccoli florets and chop finely. Add to saucepan. Immediately measure the boiling water. If not used plain water, and the broth, then heat it up. Pour over the broccoli and be sure to cover the saucepan. Cook until the inflorescences are soft.

    Grind boiled vegetables, salt and add nutmeg. Pour in warmed cream, stir. Return the cream soup to the stove, bring to a boil.

    Apart from onion, you can prepare cream soup broccoli with carrots bell pepper, but you need to take into account the cooking time.

    Option 2: Quick Creamy Broccoli Potato Soup Recipe

    Option not only quick cream soup with broccoli, but also enough hearty meal. You can make it in 15 minutes. The advantage is that there is no reheating. If the soup remains, then in this case it is advisable to boil it.


    • 3 potatoes;
    • 350 g broccoli;
    • water;
    • 100 g of onion;
    • carrot;
    • 30 g of oil;
    • greens, garlic.

    How to quickly make cream soup

    We clean and chop finely potatoes, onions and carrots. You can just chop with a combine, too, everything will turn out fine. We shift into a saucepan, pour 700 ml of boiling water and boil for five minutes.

    Add broccoli. When using frozen florets, nothing needs to be heated or thawed separately, but the soup will take a little longer to cook. Salt vegetables, bring to softness.

    Melt butter, add chopped garlic. Any quantity, you can limit yourself to one clove or add 4-5 things, it all depends on personal taste. Fry for a minute, send to vegetables.

    Once all the ingredients are soft, you can grind the soup to a creamy state. After grinding, lay out in portions, sprinkle with herbs.

    Cream can also be added to such a soup, but it is better when served. In this version, they can not even be heated. You can also use non-sour sour cream for dressing.

    Option 3: Creamy broccoli soup with cream and cauliflower

    One of the most gentle options cream soup of broccoli with cream. Additionally, you need cauliflower. When using frozen vegetables, it is advisable to slightly reduce the amount of water or pour off the broth before chopping, then adjust the consistency.


    • 200 g broccoli;
    • 200 g of cauliflower;
    • 80 g of onion;
    • 2 potatoes;
    • 0.5 bunch of dill;
    • 500 ml of water (broth);
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 40 g of oil;
    • 160 g cream.

    How to cook

    You can take olive or butter for soup. Melt, add onion to it, fry for a couple of minutes. Peel a couple of cloves of garlic, cut arbitrarily, no need to grind, pour to the onion, warm together for another two minutes.

    Peel potatoes, cut into small cubes, pour over vegetables. Immediately lay the washed inflorescences. If the cabbage is frozen, then this can be omitted, we throw it right away. Fill with prescription water, cover and cook for a quarter of an hour. Exact time depends on the potato, or rather its variety and size of the pieces.

    Grind the vegetables to a creamy consistency, add hot cream and salt. Stir and on small fire We warm the dish for about five more minutes, you do not need to boil for a long time.

    Finely chop the dill, pour into the soup, stir. When submitting, you can additionally enter fresh garlic or sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.

    Creamy soups go perfectly with croutons of any kind. But it is best to cook croutons yourself from bread or a loaf cut into small cubes.

    Option 4: Creamy Broccoli Soup with Cheese

    A very quick and easy-to-prepare version of a creamy dish with processed cheese. You can do it on plain water either use chicken bouillon. It is advisable to use cheese without flavor additives, as they drown out the aroma of vegetables. This recipe is without cream.


    • 400 g broccoli;
    • 120 g of processed cheese;
    • 100 g carrots;
    • large onion;
    • herbs, spices;
    • 4 tbsp. l. oils;
    • 200 g potatoes.

    Step by step recipe

    We start with onions and carrots. They can be chopped or cut in any way. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add these vegetables, fry a little. We put a kettle on the stove next to it. When using broth, it is also desirable to warm it up.

    We cut potatoes. Pour into a saucepan, pour boiling water, add about 700 ml, start cooking. After five minutes of boiling, add salt and broccoli. We bring to readiness, grind.

    Check the consistency of the soup. You can add a little more broth or water if you want more. liquid soup. We return to the stove.

    After boiling, add the cheese, stir and cook until completely dissolved. As soon as the lumps disperse, you can turn off the stove and serve.

    You can cook this soup without potatoes or add zucchini or ordinary zucchini, a little cauliflower or white cabbage.

    Option 5: Creamy Broccoli Soup with Cream and Mushrooms

    Recipe creamy soup with broccoli and mushrooms. The dish is incredibly fragrant, tasty, perfectly satisfies hunger and saturates, but it is not very high in calories and will not harm the figure.


    • 4 champignons;
    • 350 g broccoli;
    • 2 potatoes;
    • 100 ml cream 10%;
    • 3 art. l. oils;
    • 1 onion;
    • broth or water.

    How to cook

    We send chopped potatoes to the pan, pour 800 ml of water, start cooking.

    Fry chopped onion in olive oil along with chopped mushrooms. As soon as they are browned, we shift 2/3 into a saucepan with potatoes, immediately add broccoli, salt and cook everything together for about a quarter of an hour.

    Fry the remaining mushrooms in the pan a little more until beautiful color, they will be used for filing.

    We remove the soup from the stove, pour a little broth, chop the products, bring to desired consistency. Add cream, heat for a couple of minutes.

    Pour the cream soup in portions, in each we put slices of champignons fried with onions.

    Such a soup with chanterelles turns out to be very beautiful and bright, but you can use any other mushrooms.

    Option 6: Creamy Broccoli Chicken Soup

    You can cook such a soup from a full-fledged chicken carcass using legs, wings and other parts. But here there will be a simplified version with breast, you will need one fillet. Additionally, you will need a little hard or semi-hard cheese.


    • 1 fillet;
    • 300 g broccoli;
    • 200 g zucchini (you can use potatoes);
    • 1 onion;
    • 30 ml of oil;
    • 30 g of cheese;
    • 700 ml of water;
    • herbs, garlic optional.

    How to cook

    We cut the fillet, throw it into the water, start cooking. white foam, which will soon appear on the surface, carefully catch and remove.

    We give the fillet to boil for literally three minutes, after which we throw in the chopped zucchini, introduce the broccoli cabbage broken into inflorescences, and salt. We continue to cook.

    Cut the onion. Warm up the oil. Lightly fry the vegetable in oil. We shift it into a saucepan with other ingredients at any stage and boil everything together.

    We are filming prepared ingredients from the stove, grind. We spread the creamy soup with chicken in portions, sprinkle with grated cheese on top. To taste, season the dish with garlic, fresh herbs.

    Not every blender can twist boiled chicken meat. If the model has a low power, then it is better to remove the bird from the broth, cut it and add it to the plates when serving. More more appetizing dish it will turn out if the fillet is lightly fried in butter or ghee.

    Broccoli Cream Soup - the perfect dish For unloading day. It is very light, delicate, pleasant to the taste. It can be served and how independent dish and as a side dish for meat.

    Broccoli cream soup classic

    We will need:

    • boiled water - 1 l;
    • four carrots;
    • low-fat milk - 400 ml;
    • a bunch of fresh parsley;
    • broccoli - 0.5 kg;
    • a clove of garlic;
    • cold water - 50 ml;
    • white flour - 70 gr;
    • salt to taste;
    • one bulb;
    • pepper, ground to taste;
    • a piece of butter - 30 gr.

    How to cook the dish:

    1. Remove the skin from the onion and chop finely.
    2. Do the same with carrots.
    3. Remove the husk from the garlic clove and push it through a press.
    4. Rinse the broccoli, cut off the stems and separate into florets.
    5. Soften a piece of butter in a frying pan. Top with carrots, garlic and onions.
    6. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring with a spatula.
    7. In a saucepan, bring water to a boil, put broccoli in a bubbling liquid and vegetable stew. Cook 20 minutes. The cabbage should become soft.
    8. We load the resulting mass into a blender, grind, add milk.
    9. Pour very much into a separate cup. cold water and dilute flour in it.
    10. We again put the soup with milk on gas, wait until it boils. Then add the flour mixture.
    11. Cook until the soup turns into a puree. Pour salt, pepper into it, mix.
    12. The dish is ready. Bon appetit!

    The recipe for the most delicate dish with cream

    Grocery list:

    • sea ​​salt to taste;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • cream 20% - 0.1 l;
    • five cloves of garlic;
    • broccoli - 1 kg;
    • pinch ground pepper;
    • broth - 1 l;
    • olive oil - 20 ml.

    How to prepare creamy broccoli soup with cream:

    1. Choose a saucepan with a thick bottom.
    2. We pour into it required amount oil, where we pass the chopped onion to golden color.
    3. Roughly chop the washed broccoli and add to the onion.
    4. Add dry ingredients, reduce heat to low.
    5. Stew vegetables for 10 minutes under the lid.
    6. Prepare the broth in advance chicken meat or from special cubes. Pour it into a bowl with broccoli.
    7. As soon as the mixture boils, pour it into the blender bowl and grind at full power of the kitchen appliance.
    8. Put the resulting puree to boil on gas.
    9. At this time, heat the cream in a pan and, when it becomes hot, pour it into the soup.
    10. Serve with breadcrumbs or cheese.

    Read more on the site: Pea soup with beef - 7 recipes how to cook tasty soup in a slow cooker and in a saucepan

    Broccoli and cauliflower cream soup

    Recipe Ingredients:

    • potatoes - 1 pc.;
    • salt to taste;
    • cream - 200 ml;
    • broth - 1500 ml;
    • carrot - 2 pcs.;
    • black pepper - 1 pinch;
    • broccoli - 0.5 kg;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • cauliflower - 0.5 kg;
    • fresh parsley.

    Cooking step by step:

    1. First you need to boil the broth with chicken meat. Later, we remove the meat, and only the broth remains.
    2. Pour the carrot slices, finely chopped onion, cabbage and broccoli inflorescences into the pan, sprinkle with pepper and salt. We cook 20 minutes.
    3. Combine the resulting soup and cream in a blender bowl. Grind the mixture.
    4. Warm the resulting puree on the stove. When it becomes thick, pour it into plates, and crumble chopped parsley on top. Bon appetit!

    Multicooker option

    The soup cooks quickly and turns out bright and tasty.

    You will need:

    • lavrushka - 1 sheet;
    • broccoli - 400 gr;
    • salt to taste;
    • two green onions;
    • vegetable oil - 35 gr;
    • spinach - 1 bunch;
    • water - 0.7 l;
    • bulb;
    • one potato tuber;
    • black pepper to taste.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Remove the skin from the onion and cut into rings.
    2. Pass them in a multicooker bowl with the addition of oil. The included program is "Baking". Time - 10 minutes.
    3. Cut the peeled potato tuber into cubes and fry with onions for 2 minutes.
    4. Sort through the broccoli and choose the best inflorescences.
    5. Do not throw away the cabbage stalk. Finely chop it and transfer it to the vegetables in a slow cooker.
    6. Pour in the broth and cook for 30 minutes in the "Soup" mode.
    7. When the potato pieces are soft, lay out the broccoli florets.
    8. Cook for another 5 minutes, add bulk products, chop the spinach.
    9. a handful of croutons;
    10. two carrots;
    11. grated cheese.

    Good afternoon, and again about broccoli. If we talk about healthy, tasty, light dishes from this vegetable, it is impossible not to think about puree soup. His gentle refined taste not only adults, but also children will like it. These soups are served good restaurants, skillfully decorating them and not infrequently using molecular cuisine.

    The preparation of such a dish has some peculiarities. The fact is that in this cabbage there is a rather high concentration of sulfurous substances that do not have too much nice smell. To get rid of this property, add a pinch at the beginning of cooking. drinking soda- but only really a pinch, no more, otherwise you will feel a soda flavor.

    Broccoli soup is prepared on any broth, from meat to vegetable, but you can also just on the water. On final stage cream, milk or sour cream are added, which go very well with this cabbage and give it a special tenderness. Cheese is also appropriate, but it is desirable that it does not dominate, but complements the taste of the dish.

    To give a beautiful green color, a combination with spinach is best, which will not affect the taste at all. Vegetables can be used fresh or frozen.

    To give the dish the necessary thick consistency and velvety, the addition of potatoes is well suited.

    And one more characteristic detail. For more mild taste in addition to vegetable oil, butter is added.

    When serving the finished dish, crispy croutons and greens are often placed on top. Or pre-cooked slices of the main ingredients.

    The principles of making broccoli soup puree according to the advice of the famous culinary specialist Lazerson:

    • Each soup should contain the following ingredients: onions, cream (more than 20% fat) and butter.
    • All products are laid in the pan almost simultaneously. The method of cutting vegetables does not matter, because after boiling they are interrupted by a blender. But than smaller pieces, topics faster process cooking.
    • When frying vegetables, be sure to take into account the 1: 1 ratio of vegetable oil with butter.
    • Add the broth to the ingredients very carefully. Be careful not to make the soup too runny.
    • Cream is always poured at the end of cooking, when the main products are cooked and soft. Since dairy products greatly slow down the process of cooking vegetables.

    Today I want to offer you 10 delicious, quick and simple recipes broccoli soup. Each of them has its own characteristics of the combination of products. I hope that in such a variety you will definitely choose an option for yourself.

    Diet broccoli soup

    Healthy and tasty soup with potatoes in vegetable broth (no cream) Italian recipe. Leek fried in butter will give a special taste. In the cold season, such a soup will warm and fill with vitamins!

    • Broccoli - 450 gr.
    • Leek - 1 pc.
    • Potatoes - 400 gr.
    • Butter - 30 gr.
    • Vegetable broth - 700 ml.
    • Salt - to taste
    • Black ground pepper - to taste
    • Bread - 2 slices
    • Olive oil - 15 gr.

    A little secret: if we use fresh broccoli, then it must be soaked in water with a spoon balsamic vinegar for 5 minutes to disinfect, then rinse under running water.

    1. First, chop the leek.

    2. Peel the potatoes, chop into cubes.

    3. Fry the onion in a saucepan with a thick bottom or in a pan in butter for 5-10 minutes.

    4. Add potatoes to the pan. We continue to simmer for another 5 minutes under a closed lid.

    5. Put broccoli to vegetables. Salt, pepper, mix. Pour the broth into the pan (you can meat, you can vegetable, or you can just water).

    5. Cook the soup for 30-35 minutes over medium heat.

    6. Beat vegetables until uniform consistency using a blender.

    7. Croutons can be cooked in the oven or in a pan. When serving, brush them with olive oil and garlic.

    8. Pour the finished cream soup into a plate, sprinkle with ground black pepper and grated parmesan on top. Spray with olive oil.

    chicken broccoli soup recipe

    Creamy broccoli soup with chicken broth. In the finished dish, add chicken pieces, grated cheese and decorate with basil. you follow healthy eating? Then this is especially for you!

    For cooking we need:

    • Broccoli - 400 gr.
    • Chicken fillet - 200 gr.
    • Carrot - 1 pc.
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Cream 10% - 200 ml.
    • Hard cheese - 20 gr.
    • Basil - for decoration

    1. First of all, cook chicken broth. Pour 500 ml into a saucepan. water, lay the fillet. After boiling, drain the first broth. Pour 500 ml again. water and cook the fillet until tender, removing the foam.

    2. Rub the carrots on coarse grater, finely chop the onion, fry the vegetables in vegetable oil until golden brown.

    3. We take out the finished meat and cut it in small pieces.

    4. Pour the roast and broccoli into the broth. Salt, pepper. Cook vegetables for 15-20 minutes.

    5. Pour a third of the broth into a separate glass. We will need it to adjust the consistency of the soup.

    6. Add cream.

    5. We interrupt all the ingredients with a blender. If you need to make the soup more liquid - add the broth from a spare glass.

    Pour into a plate, add chicken pieces, sprinkle with grated cheese and basil. Our dish is ready!

    Below you can see another detailed video chicken soup recipe.

    Bon appetit!

    How to make Broccoli Celery Soup

    Broccoli soup with celery and cream, which is prepared in just a few minutes. Decoration and addition are lightly toasted croutons. Ideal for a light vitamin breakfast.

    For cooking we need:

    • Cream (more than 20%) - 70 ml.
    • Any bread - 2 slices
    • Broth - 100 gr.
    • Butter - 15 gr.
    • Celery (stalk) - 30 gr.
    • Crimean red onion - 1 pc.
    • Broccoli - 180 gr.
    • Olive oil - for frying

    1. Put the saucepan on the stove, pour olive oil. Slice half an onion.

    2. Next, chop the celery stalk.

    3. We poison the onion and celery fry in a saucepan in olive oil.

    4. We wash the broccoli, separate the inflorescences from the stem. After the onion is fried, add cabbage inflorescences to it. Stir the vegetables occasionally so they don't burn.

    5. Pour the broth into the stewpan to the vegetables, add cream, salt, pepper. Let simmer for 5 minutes.

    6. Cut the pulp of bread into cubes and fry in a pan in olive oil and butter for about 2 minutes.

    After the bread has cooked, put it on paper towel to remove excess oil.

    The broth is best prepared in advance. It can be vegetable or meat. Any meat is suitable for cooking meat. Consider this proportion: for 1 kg of meat you need to take 2 liters. water. Place the meat in cold water. It is necessary to cook over low heat, be sure to remove the foam, otherwise the broth will turn out to be cloudy and with a specific taste. And one more nuance, during this process, do not cover the pan with a lid so that excess moisture does not get into the broth, which is collected during the cooking process on the lid.

    7. We interrupt the soup with a blender into a homogeneous mass. Pour into nice plate, put croutons on top.

    Vegetable cream soup with broccoli and cauliflower

    Broccoli and cauliflower go great together and complement each other. If desired, you can add nutmeg, thyme or allspice. Decorate the soup of a beautiful green color with croutons from white bread and a sprig of greenery. This recipe is dairy free. So for those who do not consume lactose in their diet, this option will be very useful.

    For cooking we need:

    • Cauliflower - 200 gr.
    • Spinach frozen - 100 gr.
    • Broccoli - 200 gr.
    • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Carrot - 1 pc.
    • Salt - a pinch
    • Pepper - to taste
    • Vegetable oil - 15 ml.
    • White bread toast - 2 slices

    1. Peel the potatoes, cut into arbitrary cubes. Let it boil in water over medium heat.

    2. Finely chop the onion and carrot and fry in a pan in vegetable oil.

    3. We combine potatoes and other vegetables in a saucepan: cauliflower, broccoli, spinach. Cook them until they are soft and fluffy.

    4. Pour the roast into the soup and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

    5. After that, salt and pepper the soup. Grind it with a blender until smooth.

    For fragrant taste you can add nutmeg, thyme or allspice to the soup.

    6. We serve the dish to the table along with croutons and a sprig of greens.

    Cream soup with broccoli and mushrooms

    Delicious broccoli soup with potatoes, champignons, cream and herbs. Special attention it is worth giving frying: carrots with sweet peppers in butter with paprika, curry, turmeric and ginger. Ready meal decorate with fried slices of mushrooms and serve with croutons. Cook it and see how delicious it is!

    For cooking we need:

    • Broccoli - 450 gr.
    • Potatoes - 700 gr.
    • Water - 1.2 liters.
    • Cream with a fat content of 10% - 100 ml.
    • Salt to taste
    • Butter - 60 g.
    • Olive oil for frying mushrooms - 50 ml.
    • Carrot - 1 pc. (150 g)
    • Sweet pepper - 1 pc. (200)
    • ½ tsp ground spices(ginger, paprika, curry, turmeric)
    • Champignons - 30 g.
    • Greens (dill or parsley)
    • Bread for croutons

    This amount of ingredients makes 7 servings.

    Below you can watch a detailed video recipe for making broccoli and champignon soup puree.

    Bon appetit!

    Creamy broccoli soup

    Even if you didn't like broccoli before, you need to try this! Green inflorescences with onions and carrots fried in butter, with the addition of milk, smashed with a blender, turn into the most delicate mousse. Decorate the cream soup with croutons, paprika and herbs. A very cute combination!

    For cooking we need:

    • Broccoli - 3-4 large florets
    • Bulb - half
    • Carrot - half
    • Flour - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
    • Chicken broth - 500 ml. (possibly vegetable)
    • Cream - 100-150 ml.
    • Butter - 35 gr.
    • Black pepper

    1. Finely chop the onion and carrot.

    2. In a saucepan, fry the chopped vegetables in butter. Add one and a half tablespoons of flour to them. We mix.

    3. Pour the broth into the saucepan and spread the broccoli. Salt and leave to cook for 15 minutes until the cabbage becomes soft.

    4. If you find that too much broth has turned out - do not be discouraged, just pour it into a separate cup so that you can then adjust the consistency of the soup.

    5. We interrupt the vegetables with a blender until the consistency of mashed potatoes, add cream.

    Serve on the table in a deep plate, top with paprika, grated cheese, decorate with crackers and herbs.

    Cream soup with broccoli and cream cheese

    Another delicious and quick to prepare creamy broccoli soup with melted cheese. There's something special about these soft cheese sticks.) Try to do beautiful presentation, dropping a few drops of cream on the thick surface of the soup, adding croutons of white bread and a sprig of greens. Experiment with pleasure!

    For cooking we need:

    • Broccoli - 500 gr.
    • Carrot - 1 pc.
    • Bulb - 1 pc.
    • Processed cheese - 100 gr.
    • Crackers
    • Cream (for decoration)
    • Salt, spices to taste

    Bon appetit!

    A simple and delicious cream soup recipe with Dor Blue cheese

    Broccoli cream soup with leek in chicken broth with cream. Special piquant note of this dish was Dor Blue cheese. original dish for gourmets, for dear guests and for your loved ones.

    For cooking we need:

    • Broccoli - 100 gr.
    • Leek - 50 gr.
    • Chicken broth - 200 ml.
    • Cream 30% - 50 ml.
    • Olive oil - 15 ml.
    • Cheese Dor Blue - 20 gr.
    • Salt - to taste
    • Pepper - to taste

    1. Cut the leek and broccoli into small pieces.

    2. Pour olive oil into a saucepan, fry the leek on it.

    3. After the onion has become soft, add broccoli to it.

    4. Fry the vegetables a little and pour chicken broth into them, cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. You can use vegetable broth.

    5. Add cream, Dor Blue cheese, salt, black pepper to vegetables. We mix everything, leave to languish for one minute.

    6. We interrupt the mass for 3 minutes with a blender.

    7. The consistency should not be too thick.

    Decorate with crackers, sesame seeds, herbs.

    Easy Broccoli and Egg Soup

    Another recipe in our selection worthy of your attention is creamy broccoli soup with egg. Create a special taste for him egg yolks with garlic. It is served with chopped herbs. Be sure to try this unusual dish.

    Watch the detailed video recipe below:

    Cream soup with broccoli, cream and cheese

    This recipe for mashed broccoli soup uses potatoes, fried potatoes and cream. Cheese slices and a pinch of nutmeg will complement the taste and make it unique. Perhaps this pleasant airy soup will become your favorite!

    For cooking we need:

    • Broccoli (can be frozen) - 800 gr.
    • Potato - 2 pcs.
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Carrot - 1 pc.
    • Cream 30% - 200 ml.
    • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
    • Salt - to taste
    • Pepper - to taste

    Bon appetit!
