
What is Earl Gray bergamot tea, benefits and harms, photos, reviews. Description of earl gray tea with bergamot Ingredients: essential oil and other components

The British drink tea several times a day. For breakfast, they like to brew Earl Gray black tea. There is a legend that it was named after Charles Earl Grey. He was in 1830 the famous Prime Minister of Great Britain. During this time, Earl Gray tea became popular and subsequently spread throughout the world. This was largely due to the aroma with citrus notes, since its main component is bergamot oil.

The composition of the drink

Earl Gray most often consists of three types of large-leaf tea: Indian, Ceylon and Chinese. Sometimes only Indian is used, which, however, does not prevent this drink from being unique.

The main ingredient is bergamot oil. Quality Earl Gray tea with bergamot should have a good aroma, be strong and useful due to its composition.

It is bergamot that gives the hot drink freshness and some softness of taste. The fruit itself has a sour-bitter taste, as it is a hybrid of citron and orange. Tea with bergamot oil has an exquisite aroma and a slightly citrus flavor, making it popular all over the world.

The right way to brew tea

In order for Earl Gray tea to reveal its unique taste, it must be brewed correctly. In addition to high-quality tea, it is necessary to use clean water - bottled or passed through a filtration and purification system.

To brew delicious tea, you will also need a special teapot. It is best if it is clay or porcelain, since if you use glass or plastic, the drink may become cloudy from sunlight.

Earl Gray is not brewed very strongly, otherwise the taste of bergamot will not be felt. Usually there are 2 teaspoons of tea per 300 ml of liquid. The correct brewing process can be broken down into steps. To make delicious tea, follow these steps:

  • prepare the kettle. It is necessary to rinse the dishes with boiling water right before brewing;
  • pour the required amount of Earl Gray tea into the teapot;
  • fill it with hot water, the temperature of which should be 95 degrees. The drink is usually never poured with boiling water;
  • after five seconds, drain the hot water so that the tea is cleansed and can later reveal all its taste and beneficial properties;
  • once again fill the tea leaves with hot water and let it brew for 5-7 minutes.

Now you can enjoy the rich taste and aroma of Earl Gray tea. It can be brewed up to six times and will taste the same as it did at the beginning.

Other ways to use "Earl Grey"

Tea can not only be brewed, but also added to pastries. Cupcakes and buns acquire an unusual aroma of bergamot and become a healthy dessert.

There is also a way to make truffles with bergamot. A small amount of Earl Gray tea is added to the cream and brought to a boil. After filter and cool them for four hours. Grated dark chocolate is combined with cream, whipped and formed into balls. Melt some more dark chocolate and dip the balls in it, then roll them in natural cocoa.

Popular brands of Earl Gray tea

Bergamot tea is sold in tea bags. There is also a large-leaf version for brewing in a teapot. Sometimes in stores you can find "Earl Gray" with bergamot and lemon.

Bergamot tea is produced by various companies around the world. Most of all this drink is made in England. In the first place put the company "Twinings". Next on the list is Ahmad Earl Gray tea. In third place among English brands is Bigelow.

In France, Count Jardin is considered the best tea with bergamot. Lipton tea is sold all over the world, which is practically not inferior to the products of Twinings and Ahmad Tea Ltd.

Beneficial features

The benefits of daily use of Earl Gray are quite large, because this tea with bergamot

  • acts as an antidepressant. A drink with bergamot calms the nervous system, relieves tension and fear;
  • contains antioxidants - substances that cope with the oxidative processes of free radicals. Thanks to this, your immunity will be stronger, which will prevent the occurrence of many diseases. To do this, it is enough to drink one cup of tea a day;
  • contributes to the accelerated process of weight loss. Earl Gray tea speeds up metabolic processes, but only if you drink it without additional products, such as sugar, honey, milk. It is allowed to add a slice of lemon;
  • restores energy. Earl Gray may well replace morning coffee, as it also contains caffeine, but at a much lower dosage. Therefore, in the morning you can brew stronger tea to wake up and recharge your batteries;
  • helps regulate blood sugar. Earl Gray tea reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • regulates the digestive tract. Tea with bergamot relieves abdominal cramps, nausea, intestinal discomfort;
  • useful for colds. It helps to lower the temperature, relieves the symptoms of sore throat, runny nose and pneumonia.

There are a huge number of tea companies on the world market offering drinks under different brands to the buyer, but almost every one of them has the classic Earl Gray in its assortment, which is especially loved and popular in the UK.

History of creation

Tea has been drunk for several millennia, but in just over 200 years it has become a widespread global commodity. Before that, the so-called Chinese grass was known, which was expensive, had an incomprehensible taste and caused distrust, like everything new. The beginning of the conquest of the world by tea is considered to be the period of development by Europeans of the coffee business in Ceylon, which, having failed, gave place to tea plantations. Earl Gray tea stands out among the favorite varieties of the drink today, which is already considered a classic and the best among flavored products of its kind.

Despite the short history of existence, this drink has acquired a huge number of myths and legends, most of which are just fiction. Some talk about the miraculous rescue of one of the courtiers of the Chinese government by close associates of Sir Charles Grey, the earl and then British Foreign Secretary. As a token of gratitude, the Chinese subject presented the count with a box of incredibly fragrant black tea with a description of how it is produced.

That Charles Gray

At that time, and it was in the first half of the 19th century, the count was the owner of tea plantations in Ceylon, so he correctly perceived and implemented the information about the new product.

According to another version, tea from the plantations of the count was transported to the continent on a ship, in which, along with tea bags, there was expensive bergamot oil at that time. During a strong storm, oil was poured on tea, from which it acquired amazing aromatic and taste properties. It is difficult to find out exactly how black tea with bergamot began to be produced, but its name comes from the name of a famous politician and titled person of the United Kingdom.

History is silent about the exact facts of the appearance of Earl Grey. It is assumed that the Chinese learned to flavor black tea with orange peels, but the tradition of adding oil to tea originated in Ceylon. Be that as it may, but today this product is in demand on the market and is loved all over the world.


Earl Gray tea with bergamot is a leaf, granular or bagged product consisting of black tea flavored with bergamot oil. On the market you can find Earl Gray with the zest of this fragrant fruit. The composition of the product can only include tea itself and oil or pieces of bergamot zest. In China, there is a tradition to flavor tea with a close relative of bergamot - orange.

Bergamot is a hybrid obtained by crossing two representatives of citrus fruits - orange and citron. The fruit itself has a pronounced bitterness in taste, but the oil from its peel has a unique aroma and beneficial properties. To obtain bergamot tea, its leaves are impregnated with oil and allowed to dry. The description of the aroma of the finished drink can be expressed in a nutshell - light citrus with freshness and bitterness.

Earl Gray black tea is produced on the basis of Chinese, Indian, Ceylon leaves, including long leaf varieties. Not so long ago, green and even elite white tea with bergamot appeared on the market.

Bergamot oil is today produced in one region of Italy, the fruit is grown insignificantly in Africa

Tropical fruit oil, which is grown in the largest volumes in Italy, is considered to be beneficial for health just like hundreds of years ago. It is used in cosmetology, food and perfume industry. When flavoring a tea leaf, it is covered with an easily weathered film of their bergamot esters, which give it a characteristic aroma and flavor.

Such a product must be stored in airtight containers:

  • ideally, first put the tea in a linen bag, and then place it in a glass or tin jar;
  • do not store it near strong-smelling products, especially coffee and spices;
  • such tea is stored less than regular tea, as it tends to lose its aroma.

Many tea brands are engaged in the production of a drink with bergamot. On the Russian market, it is represented by such brands as:

  • Dilmah;
  • Greenfield;
  • Ahmad;
  • Lipton;
  • twinning;
  • Newby;
  • Wriston;
  • Hayles and others.

Leaders among packaged drinks are Lipton, offering Earl Gray in pyramids, and among loose drinks, Greenfield, offering Ceylon leaf tea with Fantasy bergamot.

Earl Gray is not only a delicious and fragrant drink. It combines two amazing properties. On the one hand, it tones, stimulates the brain and nervous system as a whole. On the other hand, it relaxes and helps to fully relax after a working day.

When this drink first appeared on the shelves of domestic stores, buyers were amazed by the fact that there are not only classic types of this product. For our citizens, this view was a curiosity.

Earl Gray tea immediately became in demand among consumers. It is popular in the world, has a solid history. Like all known species, it has many legends about its birth.

Let's talk about the most plausible versions of creation.

Story #1. Many years ago, on the tea island of Ceylon, a certain Charles Gray was the owner of several plantations. He sent products to Europe and America. One day, the ship that was carrying the Count's goods fell into a storm. Next to the tea bales was bottled bergamot oil.

They broke and the liquid spilled. When the ship safely came to the shore, the sailors wanted to throw away the soaked products, then changed their minds. After drying the tea and tasting it, they were delighted with the resulting drink. The sailors told the planter about this, who created such tea.

Story #2. The Indian Rajah had a naughty son who often ran away from home. When he went to seek adventure in the jungle, where he was attacked by a Bengal tiger. Nearby was a hunter - an Englishman named Charles Gray, who saved the young man. As a token of gratitude, the Raja gave him tea leaves along with a bergamot additive.

The last legend is repeated in different variations. Sometimes, instead of an Indian raja, a Chinese mandarin appears, instead of a tomboy, a diligent young man, but this will not make the story any truer.

This is the real version. In the middle of the 19th century, in the 30s, the politician Earl Gray lived in England, distinguished by independent political views and love affairs. He loved to travel. In China, he was given a box of bergamot tea, which Sir Charles liked. Upon arrival at home, he treated them to friends. English secular society appreciated the drink. Since then, Earl Gray black tea has been imported to the UK and other countries, and it was named after the politician.


It has two main participants: tea and bergamot. Moreover, tea leaves are used Indian, Ceylon or green varieties. Various options are available depending on the manufacturer. Sometimes it is a combination of all three teas plus the plant's oil.

Bergamot is the fruit of crossing orange and citron (a relative of lemon). The combination of a fragrant and healthy plant with tea classics, which also have a positive effect on the human body, gives a wonderful effect.

Proportioning is tricky. Bergamot oil is so fragrant that it's hard to pinpoint the ingredients of this species to get a balanced scent.

Beneficial features

Bergamot is rich in minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins of various groups. It has the following positive effects on human health:

  • improves metabolism;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • normalizes the work of the stomach;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • lowers the temperature
  • useful for angina;
  • removes toxins, toxic substances;
  • stabilizes pressure;
  • helps fight stress, depression, tones.

Tea with bergamot "Earl Gray" is useful for the strong half of humanity: it increases potency, enhances libido.

Anyone who is struggling with extra pounds should take into account that the calorie content of bergamot is higher than that of ordinary teas: 100 g of the product contains 15.1 kcal.


Possessing a strong effect on the body, the drink also causes harm to humans. This drink should not be consumed:

  • pregnant, lactating mothers;
  • children under 12;
  • women during the menstrual period;
  • allergy sufferers.

Given the tonic qualities, tea should be drunk a few hours before bedtime.

Who produces tea with bergamot?

Given the popularity of the drink, well-known manufacturers of tea products in their model lines necessarily have a similar look. "Twinings", "Ahmad", "Bigelow", "Lipton", "Grand Jardin" are the names of tea brands popular in the world that offer customers such a combination. Twinings decided to get ahead of the competition and produces a similar drink for women - "Lady Grey", which is added with citrus zest.

Among domestic manufacturers, Greenfield, Tess and others have this type. Products are produced in classic sheet and packaged versions.

We brew correctly

For brewing, you need to take a porcelain or ceramic container. Warm the dishes with hot water or boiling water so that the tea components give off their healing properties better. The proportion is standard: for 1 tsp. - 200 ml hot (85°C) water. Insist for 4-5 minutes.

After the process, you need to remove the used leaves from the kettle. Otherwise, a person's ally will turn into his enemy. According to the founders of tea drinking, the Chinese, the old tea leaves are equated to a snake bite.

Saturated Ceylon black tea and notes bergamot create a tandem that bears a fabulous name Earl Gray. From this magical name breathes old and good Britain.

Earl Gray tea really capable of taking to the pinnacle of bliss. Bergamot gives it gentle scent while leaving strong black ceylon tea. At the same time, black tea is the base component, and bergamot oil brings a touch of tenderness.

Earl Gray tea found a lot of fans all over the world. especially honor He the British. And they know a lot about tea.

Interestingly, researchers still do not know exactly the history of this tea. There are many options, but they do not find unambiguous confirmation. The most famous of them says that this tea was brought as a gift to British Minister Gray from China. And it arose, like many amazing things of our reality, by accident. The ship that carried tea, caught in a violent storm. Bergamot oil spilled on tea leaves. And so it turned out Earl Gray.

Over time, many began to call this tea "gray-haired earl." Obviously drawing an analogy with the word gray, which translates as grey. Apparently, people decided that Mr. Gray was a gray-haired man.

Whatever this tea is called, it has amazing properties. This - natural antidepressant. Indeed, its deep and indescribable aroma will drive away all negative emotions and revive the joy of life. Troubles and troubles will simply dissolve in the air. Bergamot will wrap your home tranquility and tranquility.

Earl Gray tea taste

The brewed tea is colored warm golden color shimmering with sun and amber. A taste represents indescribable bouquet, consisting of bergamot, black tea and bright citrus splashes that fill cheerfulness from within.

Earl Gray pairs well with milk and lemon. This will not adversely affect its taste in any way. Pour tea into beautiful cups, put cakes and cookies on the table! A freshly brewed tea flavor spread throughout the rooms. Your friends and relatives will not remain indifferent.

Earl Gray classic, tea with bergamot

The price is for 5 0 gr

TeaEarl Gray- tea king! The refined and refined taste of Earl Gray tea allows you to get real pleasure.

The most delicate taste of classic Earl Gray tea pleases with subtle notes of citrus. The sweetish aroma allows not only to enjoy this drink, but to feel joy and relief from worries. It is not for nothing that Earl Gray tea is called the king among all varieties of tea.

Earl Gray tea is a clear leader in many tea collections. It is a blend of three varieties of black large-leaf tea - Indian, Chinese, Ceylon, with the addition of natural bergamot oil.

“But, excuse me,” someone will exclaim, “because bergamot is a pear!” Yes, such a variety of pears really exists, but it has nothing to do with tea. Earl Grey, the description of which can be read in the books of famous tea growers, contains in its composition the oil of another bergamot - the citrus family. It is a hybrid of orange and lemon. Its sour-bitter shade will not be to the taste of many, but the oil from it is amazing. To buy Earl Gray tea means to taste a unique drink with a delicate aroma.

A good Earl Gray tea should be fragrant, strong and healthy. And the British will add: “And always with the taste of bergamot!” Bergamot gives tea softness and freshness of taste. Earl Gray tea with bergamot for many is the best and favorite. The refined aroma and sweetish-citrus taste of Earl Gray tea will give you real pleasure. The tea has a rich golden color. Earl Gray black tea with bergamot perfectly invigorates, improves well-being and increases vitality.

Today, Earl Gray with bergamot is one of the most famous and sought after varieties of tea with fragrant additives. A fragrant, spicy tea that contains a real range of iridescent flavors, this is tea with bergamot. You can buy Earl Gray tea from China with delivery throughout Russia on our website. For several years now, the price of Earl Gray tea has remained unchanged.

How did Earl Gray tea, if you believe the legends...

The history of Earl Gray tea goes back to the early 19th century. Just at this time, Sir Charles Gray served as British Home Secretary. He was the first Englishman to receive tea as a gift from a Chinese mandrill for a successful political scam. Charles Gray liked the drink so much that he unwittingly became its popularizer. The British liked Earl Gray tea, they fell in love with it for its softness and freshness of taste.

Another legend says that this drink was presented to the count by a Chinese governor. It was a reward for saving his son after a shipwreck. Count Gray tea was distinguished by the most delicate taste, jasmine and rose petals were added to it. The name of this tea is translated into Russian as “gray-haired count”.

There is another version that explains how Earl Gray black appeared. They say that a certain Lord George Staunton decided to flavor the usual one in the same way as they did in China. While traveling to this country, he happened to taste tea flavored with bitter orange, and he was fascinated by this drink. Returning home, he tried to reproduce this taste and aroma, but the required ingredient was not available. So he used bergamot.

Does it really matter who invented Count Gray tea? The main thing is its unique taste and aroma, which we enjoy to this day.

You can buy graph gray tea in our online store. And do not forget to mentally thank those who came up with such a wonderful Count Gray tea!

The taste of Earl Gray tea is unlike anything else, and it cannot be confused with any other. Elusive tropical notes shimmer with lime, kiwi and barely perceptible vanilla. Bergamot is not a pear at all, as many people think. Bergamot is a hybrid of the citrus family, obtained by crossing an orange and a citron. By cold pressing, an essential oil is obtained from it, which is subsequently used as an aromatic additive. Count Gray tea is delicate, airy and velvety. It has different shades and overflows of taste.

Benefits of Earl Gray Tea with Bergamot

Earl Gray tea has not only delicious taste, but also a lot of useful properties. Regular consumption of tea has a beneficial effect on the human body. Tea has a tonic and cleansing effect. It improves the metabolism in the body. Drink a cup of Earl Gray tea with bergamot every day, and the result will not be long in coming. You will see how your skin color evens out, it becomes smoother and silkier. Age spots and freckles will begin to disappear, and the pores on the face will become less noticeable.

Earl Gray tea with bergamot is great for helping to cope with depression and relieve internal tension. Citrus aroma can improve mood and improve well-being. The benefits of bergamot tea will be invaluable for a weakened or tired body. Earl Gray tea increases the body's resistance, making it resistant to various infections. The high concentration of essential oils contained in this tea boosts immunity. Tea with bergamot should be bought first of all by those who often suffer from colds.

For people of mental labor, a cup of tea with bergamot will be very useful. Classic Erg Gray tea is able to influence brain activity and improve the concentration of the mind. The drink opens up a second wind, gives strength and energy. Black tea with bergamot improves memory and brain function, it increases creativity. The benefits of tea with bergamot lies in the fact that it is able to tone and relax at the same time. Black tea with bergamot allows you to forget about a hard day. This drink relieves fatigue, makes it possible to forget about troubles and stress. It is said that just one cup containing Earl Gray black works wonders. To find out if this is so, you need to buy Earl Gray and experience its wonderful properties.

The benefits of bergamot tea are also invaluable for people suffering from hypertension. It normalizes blood pressure. Also, tea will be useful for diabetics, as bergamot helps reduce blood sugar. Excellent Earl Gray tea copes with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion and stabilizes the intestines.

Earl gray tea will not be superfluous for people who have problems with cholesterol in the blood - tea helps to normalize it. You can also buy tea with bergamot for those who are on a diet. It perfectly burns fat cells in the body. Of course, drinking tea alone does not promise magical transformations, but the pleasant taste of this drink will allow you to enjoy the process of drinking tea without sugar and sweets, which will undoubtedly give the desired effect.

Some are wondering if bergamot tea can be used in cosmetology? Yes, Earl Gray black tea can help clear up freckles and give your skin a fresh, healthy look.

When is bergamot tea harmful?

It seems that it is enough just to buy tea with bergamot, and you can endlessly “sing praises” to this drink. But there are some features of its use. In order for tea with bergamot (the benefits and harms of which are specifically discussed) to bring only benefits, you should not drink it in large quantities. If you drink more than 3-4 cups a day, then bergamot tea will harm.

Tea with bergamot - benefits and harms always go hand in hand. Tea with bergamot in large quantities will be harmful to those people who have trouble sleeping. However, in reasonable quantities, it will not cause harm. If you are allergic to citrus fruits, Earl Gray tea with bergamot should be used with caution.

A high content of essential oils, on the one hand, is useful, on the other hand, it can cause allergic reactions and even swelling of the nasopharynx. Here is tea with bergamot for you - both good and bad. The same effect of oils, if consumed too often, can cause problems with blood pressure and weakness. In general, it cannot be said that tea with bergamot will definitely cause harm. But when using it, a sense of proportion is necessary.

Read our advice carefully, and there will be no harm from tea with bergamot.

Do you use Earl Gray black when baking? Try it, you will like it

You also need to buy Earl Gray in order to use its wonderful properties in the manufacture of some confectionery. One famous chef says that Earl Gray tea with bergamot can be used in baking cupcakes. Baking is light and airy, and also acquires a delicate aroma of bergamot. This cake stays fresh longer. So don't forget to get Earl Grey, the price of which corresponds to its high quality.

To get the maximum taste and benefit from Earl Gray tea, you need to master the intricacies of the tea ceremony.

Let's learn how to properly brew Earl Gray tea. The description of the tea ceremony will allow you to get the maximum taste and pleasure from tea. In order for bergamot tea to be delicious, to reveal the benefits of bergamot tea, use purified water. Bottled water or filtered water will do. It is best to use a clay or porcelain teapot. Elite varieties of tea, such as black tea with bergamot, do not require strong brewing. Therefore, you should not use more than 2 teaspoons per 300 ml. water.

Before brewing Earl Gray tea, rinse the teapot with hot water. Drain the first brew after 5 seconds to purify the tea and reveal its properties. Then pour Earl Gray tea with water not hotter than 95 degrees (cool boiling water is the enemy of tea). Let the tea infuse for 5 minutes and you can enjoy its excellent taste. Large-leaf teas can be brewed up to 6-7 times. Each new brew will surprise you with its wonderful taste and aroma.

Can you drink bergamot tea with milk? According to your taste, you can add milk or lemon, honey or ginger to tea, and then the tea will reveal its entire bouquet of taste. Can bergamot tea be drunk cold? Tea can be cooled or, if necessary, add some ice to it. On hot summer days, this tea perfectly quenches thirst. We hope that the taste of Earl Gray tea will delight you and your loved ones. Happy tea!

To avoid buying fake tea Earl Gray, use our online store!
